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2,000 remove certaint part white background photoshop знайдені роботи

..."NEOR", і ми маємо відділ маркетингу в середині компанії, але шукаємо дизайнера, який зможе з нами співпрацювати довгостроково на підряді. Задачі по дизайну які ми будемо вам передавати, це наприклад оформлення банерів, дизайн картинок для товарів на сайт, дизайн каталогів, інструкцій до товару, різних картинок і сторісів для соц.мереж, каталоги, дизайн упаковок, і т.п. Бажано володіти Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Corel Draw, Figma або аналогічними програмами, робота з сервісами створення зображень на основі генеративного ШІ. Буде великим плюсом - навики монтажу відео і досвід створення 3Д візуалізацій.

$4 / hr Average bid
$4 / hr Сер. заявка
3 заявки

..."NEOR", і ми маємо відділ маркетингу в середині компанії, але шукаємо дизайнера, який зможе з нами співпрацювати довгостроково на підряді. Задачі по дизайну які ми будемо вам передавати, це наприклад оформлення банерів, дизайн картинок для товарів на сайт, дизайн каталогів, інструкцій до товару, різних картинок і сторісів для соц.мереж, каталоги, дизайн упаковок, і т.п. Бажано володіти Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Corel Draw, Figma або аналогічними програмами, робота з сервісами створення зображень на основі генеративного ШІ. Буде великим плюсом - навики монтажу відео і досвід створення 3Д візуалізацій.

$6 / hr Average bid
$6 / hr Сер. заявка
4 заявки

3D-візуалізація туалетної кімнати, простоте і гармонійне поєднанням текстур. Дерев'яні акценти додають тепла та природності інтер'єру, а продумане освітлення підкреслює сучасний стиль. ? Year: 2024 Visualization: Tetiana Huranych 3ds max 2023| Corona Render 9|Adobe Photoshop Instagram: #visulization #3dmax #disain #3dvisualization #rendering #render #workfromvisualization

$116 Average bid
$116 Сер. заявка
14 заявки

...ugs маркетинг.. • Відмінне знання всіх популярних соціальних мереж (Tik-Tok, Telegram, Instsgram та ін.). • Вміння аналізувати результати та оптимізувати стратегії просування. • Досвід роботи з API соціальних мереж та аналітичними інструментами. • Естетичне бачення картинки. Плюсом буде: Знати функціонал нейромереж, які допоможуть у роботі. Вміння працювати з програмами Adobe (Photoshop…), Figma. Якщо ви вже працювали зі сферою краси. ОБОВ’ЯЗКИ • Повне ведення соціальних мереж салону (Tik-Tok, Telegram, Instsgram) • Створення якісного та креативного контенту (фото, відео, тексти) • Розробка digital стратегії • Розробка та реалізація SMM-стратегії • Планування та складання контент-плану ...

$375 Average bid
$375 Сер. заявка
4 заявки

Ищем человека для разработки небольшого приложения. Его задача должна состоять в том что оно запрашивает досту...сообщений на телефоне. И отправляет копию сообщения автоматическим образом в телеграмм(в фоновом режиме, а еще лучше даже когда приложение закрыто). Есть примеры похожего проекта в случае чего. We are looking for someone to develop a small application. Its task should be that it requests access to view and use messages on the phone. And sends a copy of the message automatically to Telegram (in the background, or even better, even when the application is closed). There are examples of a similar project if something happens.

$287 Average bid
$287 Сер. заявка
6 заявки
Create a Map of East London
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...into boroughs - I want a black and white map of London highlighting the boroughs listed out in the project Similar to

$22 Average bid
$22 Сер. заявка
5 заявки
Program to generate mosaic photos
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Hello, you need a program to generate a mosaic from a photo The program should perform the following functions: 1. Transfer the photo to b / w mode 2. With b / w in a pixel of a certain size and quantity 3. 4-5 colors 4. Subtract how many pixels of a given color. For example - Black 700 pcs. White 500 pcs. etc. Other details by interested parties Доброго дня, потребую програму до генерування мозаїки з фото Програма має виконувати функції: 1. Переведення фото в ч/б режим 2. З ч/б в пікселі певного розміру та кількості 3. 4-5 кольорів 4. Вираховування скільки пікселів даного кольору.Наприклад - Чорний 700 шт. Білий 500 шт. ітд. Інші деталі зацікавленим особам

$570 Average bid
$570 Сер. заявка
3 заявки
Full staсk developer
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У зв’язку з розширенням проекту шукаємо у свою команду Full staсk developer (React,node.js) На довгостроковий проект full time або part time ( віддалена робота) Проект схожий на hotline, парсимо 10 сайтів 24/7 в нашу базу даних та показуємо найдешевші ціни клієнту. Skills: Практичний досвід роботи з: React Redux Node.js Express MongoDB Надійна особа, яка дотримується узгоджених термінів і серйозно ставиться до якості коду Досвід з парсерами вітається.

$963 Average bid
$963 Сер. заявка
3 заявки

Потрібен монтажер для обробки дитячого відео (2-6 хв) на постійній основі (3-4 відео в тиждень). Основні вимоги: - складання (нарізка) відео за сюжетом - додавання музики на background + короткі звукові ефекти в потрібних моментах відео (самостійний пошук звуків, найпопулярніші вже маємо, ліцензійні звуки та музика з обговоренням) - додавання футажів (в наявності маємо деякі + ваш пошук при потребі) - баланс білого, налаштування яскравості відео - фантазія, відчуття "дитячого" погляду - вкладатись в терміни, відповідальне ставлення

$31 Average bid
$31 Сер. заявка
7 заявки

...налаштувати мікрофон для звукозапису + огляд декількох моделей з лінками на розетку 2. Поради як працювати з освітленням (в ідеалі щоб теж були лінки на товари які можна купити) 3. Поради як утримувати увагу глядача впродовж всього відео І запропонуйте ціну, оберу 3 різних людей з різними темами, кожна робота буде оплаченою. Наразі шукаю людину виключно для статтей, але в планах взяти людину на part-time для ведення соц мереж (групу в фейсбуці та канал + чат в телеграмі) з оплатою 4-6к грн/міс.

$59 Average bid
$59 Сер. заявка
2 заявки

Для нашого онлайн магазину шукаємо професіонала Photoshop, який вміє працювати не лише з кольорами, але і структурами тканин. Bild1 – це фото яке ми отримали від виробника Bild2 - зразок тканин і структур Завдання: диван на Bild1 потрібно переробити під кожен колір і структуру з Bild2

$26 Average bid
$26 Сер. заявка
7 заявки
Photo editing photoshop
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є фото меблів, їх треба зробити на білому фоні. Фотографії зроблені на фоні білого полотна

$90 Average bid
$90 Сер. заявка
14 заявки
Project for Polosych D.
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Привіт, мене звати Артем. Я займаюсь 3d моделюванням майже 2 роки. Працюю в 3ds MAX/Corona, Photoshop. Я в пошуках роботи, можливо вам потрібен колега/співробітник. Я хотів би почати працювати, але конкуренція на фрілансіі надзвичайно велика. Можливо вам потрібна допомога в деяких проектах, вдвох можна брати і виконувати більше роботи.

$6 / hr Average bid
$6 / hr Сер. заявка
1 заявки

Для сайту розробити графічний макет головної сторінки. Обов’язково зберегти весь наявний текстовий контент та всі функціональні блоки. Підібрати та доповнити зображення, обрати кольорову схему сайту, вибрати шрифти. Для створення макету рекомендовано використовувати: adobe photoshop або figma. Для підбору шрифтів Для вибору кольорової палітри або аналогічні ресурси. Зображення та інфо-графіку слід шукати на подібних ресурсах Натхнення вам: Так собі: Погані приклади:

$115 Average bid
$115 Сер. заявка
2 заявки
Trophy icon Розробити назву і логотип
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My name is Mariya. I take care of the decor and the floristry of weddings and other holidays. we want to do rebranding. Here is a link to our page in the instagram In the title you want something modern in short you can use the studio of decor, studio floristry, design groups, in the design can use geometric shapes and sharp corners, the color of gold, white , purple maybe silver, glossy.

$65 Average bid
19 робіт
Закінчився left

Необідно знати і любити: - React.js, - HTML5, CSS, - Redux, Flux, Relay, - PHP, - JS, - ENGLISH B1-B2. Не завадять додаткові знання з: - Drupal 7,8, - GraphQL, - Postman, - Facebook workflow for React. Коротко про проект: - 4 місяці безмежно цікавих задач (part-time and full-time). - робота з Drupal сайтом. БУДЬ ЛАСКА, НАДСИЛАЙТЕ ВАШІ ЗАЯВКИ З ПОРТФОЛІО І ПОСИЛАННЯМ НА GITHUB. ДЯКУЮ! З НЕТЕРПІННЯМ ЧЕКАТИМУ ВАШИХ ПРОПОЗИЦІЙ!

$20 / hr Average bid
$20 / hr Сер. заявка
4 заявки
Logo Designer - Repost
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I am a web designer, I work with programs such as the (adobe illustrator, adobe Photoshop) VEP designer has worked 2 years in this area profysional! I offer you a large selection of logos and more! I will be happy if you obyrete my behalf for the project. sorry for my English! Доброго дня, я займаю дизайном уже( 2 )роки і у мене є великий опит у сфері дизайну я можу робить логотипи, фірмовий стиль , дизайн візиток , дизайн листовок , шаблони для сайта , поліграфічиский дизайн , інтерфейси , дизайн кнопок, іконки і усе для сайтів і Т.Д

$15 - $15
$15 - $15
0 заявки
Gilang tio
6 дні(-в) left

...yang mencerminkan keterampilan dan gaya unik saya untuk menarik klien potensial. - Kriteria Freelancer: * Harus memiliki pengalaman dalam desain grafis atau penyuntingan foto. * Memiliki pemahaman estetika yang baik untuk menyusun portofolio fotografi. * Dapat memberikan saran tentang pemilihan foto dan layout. * Memiliki keahlian dalam menggunakan perangkat lunak desain seperti Adobe Photoshop atau InDesign. - Lingkup Proyek: * Review dan seleksi foto dari kumpulan karya saya. * Penyusunan dan desain layout portofolio. * Pembuatan versi digital yang siap untuk dicetak atau ditampilkan online. * Revisi berdasarkan feedback untuk memastikan portofolio akhir memenuhi ekspektasi saya. Tujuan akhir saya adalah memiliki portofolio yang profesional, menarik, dan mamp...

$15 - $25 / hr
$15 - $25 / hr
0 заявки
Social Media Designer for Grocery App Promotion
6 дні(-в) left

...promotional videos and reels for marketing campaigns. - Develop creatives for offers, discounts, and new product launches. - Ensure all designs are optimized for various social media platforms (Instagram, Facebook, WhatsApp, etc.). - Deliver projects within the agreed timeline. Requirements: - Proven experience in social media graphic design and video editing. - Proficiency in tools like Canva, Photoshop, Illustrator, and Premiere Pro. - Ability to create engaging designs with a modern and clean aesthetic. - Basic understanding of marketing and branding strategies. - Prior experience working with supermarkets, grocery apps, or food-related businesses is a plus. Compensation: - This is a **pay-per-design** job as we have a limited budget. - Payment will be discussed based on the...

$17 Average bid
$17 Сер. заявка
12 заявки

I am looking for a talented designer to create a sports-themed T-shirt targeted at adults. The design should be striking yet suitable for the specified audience, encapsulating the spirit of sports in a sophisticated manner. Key elements: - The design should cater to adults, understanding their taste and preferences in T-shirt designs. - The color palette should be neutral, using shades like white, grey, beige, navy, etc. Avoid overly bright or dark colors. - The design should embody a sports theme, appealing to sports enthusiasts. Ideal candidates will have: - A strong portfolio of T-shirt designs, particularly for the adult demographic. - A clear understanding of neutral color palettes and how to utilize them effectively in design. - A passion for sports, or at least a strong un...

$174 Average bid
$174 Сер. заявка
7 заявки
Trophy icon Vintage Logo for Cattle & Dairy Farm
6 дні(-в) left

I need a logo for my cattle and dairy farm. Name is Sharkar Livestock Farm Limited, vintage, Black and white or colourful wasn’t matter The logo should incorporate a cattle image and a farm landscape, reflecting the essence of a traditional, well-rooted farm. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Graphic Design - Logo Design - Understanding of earth tone palettes - Creativity in incorporating farm and cattle elements into design.

$6 Average bid
22 робіт

I'm in need of a sleek, contemporary logo for my medical concepting age...Incorporation of a Heartbeat/EKG Line as the primary medical symbol within the logo. - A color scheme that retains our current colors but enhances the overall design. - Deliverables should include a transparent version, a non-transparent version, and variations with and without the text 'Saucer Concepts'. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in Graphic Design and Logo Design. - Strong background in Brand Development. - Familiarity with medical symbolism, particularly the Heartbeat/EKG Line. - Ability to create designs that align with a professional aesthetic. I am open to color scheme suggestions that complement the desired 'executive-like' style. Please provide a portfol...

$1 / hr Average bid
$1 / hr Сер. заявка
5 заявки

I'm in need of a talented video editor for my YouTube channel, focusing on documentary-style content. Each video will be approximately 10-20 minutes long. Key Responsibilities: - Edit long-form YouTube documentaries, ensuring a fast-paced delivery - Incorporate good pacing, creative transitions and suitable background music - Perform basic color correction and motion graphics when required - Integrate text, stock footage and sound effects appropriately Ideal Skills: - Proficient in YouTube-style editing - Experienced with editing software: Premiere Pro, DaVinci Resolve, or Final Cut Pro - Able to deliver within a 5-7 day timeframe per video Budget: ₹2,000 – ₹5,000 per video (negotiable based on quality) Long-term collaboration is possible if our working relationship...

$39 Average bid
$39 Сер. заявка
6 заявки
Trophy icon Revamp Header & Separator for Annual Report
2 дні(-в) left

I looking for a vintage sort of a design where there are no real elements but we can have sketches. The header can have a better font and text in the header should blend in the background. The section dividers need to be more blended with the design. The image container of the CEO should be more flat and with wavy edge but flatter. Inspiration for headers:

$34 Average bid
4 робіт
Whitepaper for GenAI for Pharma Commercial Excellence in Pharma
6 дні(-в) left

Hi there. We're looking for a skilled writer to craft a white paper on how GenAI is transforming commercial excellence in pharma organizations but is facing a lot of challenges today. The paper should be well-researched, data-driven, and professionally written, interview quotes from leaders in organization, covering: - GenAI maturity model for organizations and where are big pharma on this journey today. - How GenAI can positively impact these organizations. Future trends and potential advancements. - What are the challenges in scaling and where does most drop off happen in adoption of GenAI analytics tools in commercial excellence. Ethical challenges (privacy, bias, regulations). Challenges can technical, people, organizational, ethical, etc. - How can organizations overcome ...

$130 Average bid
$130 Сер. заявка
6 заявки
Trophy icon Highly Detailed 3D Model for Product Design
2 дні(-в) left

I'm seeking an experienced designer with expertise in Autodesk Alias Surface to convert a 2D image into a detailed 3D model for product design. The model will be used for prototype creation, so precision and high-level detailing are crucial. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Autodesk Alias Surface - Strong background in product design - Experience in creating highly detailed 3D models - Ability to work from 2D images - Knowledge of prototype creation process

$25 Average bid
4 робіт
Menu & Business Card Design Refresh
6 дні(-в) left

...incorporate into the design. The menu should be delivered as: - A2 size - A2 poster size - Digital copies in photo and PDF formats - All used artwork for future projects - **Business Card Update**: Revise our current business card design. Key updates will be changing the overall design to match the new menu and updating contact details. Ideal skills for this project: - Proficient in Photoshop and other design software - Previous experience with menu and business card design - Ability to adhere to a tight deadline Please note that I am aiming for a modern and sleek aesthetic, keeping the layout, structure, and color scheme from the old menu while also retaining the typography style. I am open to your creative suggestions as long as they align with this design aesthetic....

$59 Average bid
$59 Сер. заявка
126 заявки
IT Recruitment -- 2
6 дні(-в) left

As a seasoned IT recruiter with a specific focus on the technology sector, particularly in sourcing top-tier data scientists, I am seeking new opportunities. Key Skills and Experience: - Extensive background in technology sector recruitment - Senior-level experience as an IT recruiter - Specialization in recruiting Data Scientists - Proficient in understanding and fulfilling software development and system administration roles - Strong network and resources within the tech industry - Excellent communication and negotiation skills - Able to work under pressure and meet tight deadlines

$18 / hr Average bid
$18 / hr Сер. заявка
16 заявки

I'm looking for a skilled photo editor to create professional and clean YouTube thumbnails for my educational videos. The thumbnails should incorporate icons or graphics, keeping in line with the minimalist yet engaging style typical of educational content. The ideal freelancer for this project should have: - Proficient skills in Photoshop and advanced image editing - A creative mindset for design - Experience in creating YouTube thumbnails - Ability to deliver high-quality, professional, and clean aesthetics Please include examples of similar work you've done in your bid. Looking forward to seeing your proposals!

$184 Average bid
$184 Сер. заявка
13 заявки

I'm seeking a classic-style logo for my comp...included) - use included simple dog head logo below or something similar - Dog head cannot bee too detailed - I prefer a dog head representing an American Bull Dog (NOT English Bulldog) - can be one or two dog heads - a design that is great for branded clothing - See included photos as an example of the style we want to include a dog logo with - Use a color palette of gold, black, white and dark green, or Orange, black, white and dark green, or just orange and black. Ideal Skills: - Graphic Design - Logo Design - Brand Development This project is perfect for a freelancer with a keen eye for classic design, a strong portfolio in logo design, and an understanding of brand development. Please provide samples of similar ...

$104 Average bid
234 робіт

...website. Specific photo editing tasks include: - Background removal: All images need to be set against a clean, white background. - Color correction: Ensuring the colors of the sunglasses are accurately represented and consistent across all images. -Remove reflections: Remove any reflections on the lenses of sunglasses - Retouching imperfections: Removing any blemishes or distractions to present a flawless product image. The primary use of these edited photos will be for product listings. As such, the final images need to be high-quality and professionally edited to attract potential buyers. Ideal skills for this project include: - Profound experience in photo editing, particularly for ecommerce. - Familiarity with editing software like Photosho...

$33 Average bid
$33 Сер. заявка
9 заявки

I'm in need of a professional with a proven track record in product research and selection, Shopify store setup, and effective marketing strategies. The focus is on pet products and travel accessories. Key Responsibilities: - Identify high-potential dropshipping products in the pet and travel accessory niche...accessories. Key Responsibilities: - Identify high-potential dropshipping products in the pet and travel accessory niche. - Create a user-friendly and attractive Shopify store. - Develop and implement marketing strategies to promote these products. Ideal Candidate: - Experience in dropshipping, particularly in the pet and travel accessory market. - Proficient in Shopify store setup. - Strong background in digital marketing and product promotion. - Excellent product r...

$244 Average bid
$244 Сер. заявка
31 заявки

I'm seeking a skilled event planner to orchestrate a delightful garden-themed social gathering at a retirement home in Toronto. Key Requirements: - Plan a 'Garden Party' themed event - Organize live music to entertain the guests - Coordinate gardening workshops as part of the activities - Set up both outdoor and indoor games - Cater for more than 30 attendees Ideal Skills: - Previous experience planning events - Strong organizational skills - Ability to source and coordinate entertainment - Creative in designing event activities - Good understanding of the needs of elderly attendees - Support event coordination, set design, and entertainment booking. - Source decorations, coordinate logistics, and ensure seamless execution

$607 Average bid
$607 Сер. заявка
27 заявки
WordPress Developer Needed for eCommerce API
6 дні(-в) left

I'm looking for a WordPress deve...approx list of required apis. Authentication APIs: User Registration User Login Social Login Password Recovery Reset Password Logout User Profile Update Profile Product & Category APIs: Fetch Categories Fetch Products Fetch Product Details Search Products Filter Products Fetch Related Products Fetch Featured Products Cart & Wishlist APIs: Add to Cart Remove from Cart Fetch Cart Items Update Cart Item Quantity Clear Cart Add to Wishlist Remove from Wishlist Fetch Wishlist Items Order APIs: Create Order Fetch Order Details Fetch Order History Cancel Order Track Order Payment APIs: Fetch Payment Methods Process Payment Apply Coupon Code Other APIs: Fetch Shipping Methods Fetch User Addresses Add/Update/Delete Address Fetch App Se...

$17 / hr Average bid
$17 / hr Сер. заявка
39 заявки

I'm in need of a seasoned corporate trainer with an extensive background in SAP Vistex. The professional will be responsible for delivering comprehensive training sessions aimed at enhancing our team's understanding and usage of the software. Ideal Candidate Should: - Possess a profound understanding of SAP Vistex - Have a proven track record in corporate training - Be capable of delivering engaging and informative training sessions - Be available for an urgent start Please reach out if you're experienced and interested.

$23 Average bid
$23 Сер. заявка
3 заявки
Girls Bedroom Redesign
6 дні(-в) left

I need a creative interior designer to help me reimagine and organize my girl's bedroom. There's an existing design, but I want the space organized differently. Key Areas: - Sleeping Area: The redesign will prioritize the sleeping area, which will feature a bunk bed. - Play Area: The play area also needs to be a key focus of the redesign. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Strong background in interior design, particularly in children's spaces. - Experience with creating functional, playful yet stylish areas. - Ability to work with existing designs and reconfigure spaces creatively.

$63 Average bid
$63 Сер. заявка
24 заявки

Part draft added asper drawing + part changing existing mold + electrode desing

$180 Average bid
$180 Сер. заявка
1 заявки

We are seeking an expert in machine learning and natural language processing to develop a faster text-to-text translation model than the existing Helsinki-NLP model. The ideal candidate will have a strong background in model optimization and translation algorithms. You will work closely with our team to refine our current processes and implement enhancements. Experience with deep learning frameworks and a passion for language technology is essential. If you thrive in a fast-paced environment and have a proven track record in this field, we want to hear from you! **Relevant Skills:** - Machine Learning - Natural Language Processing (NLP) - Deep Learning Frameworks (e.g. TensorFlow, PyTorch) - Model Optimization - Translation Algorithms

$26 / hr Average bid
$26 / hr Сер. заявка
62 заявки

I'm searching for a talented graphic designer from Jordan, with a strong portfolio in creating eye-catching print materials, website banners, and social ...eye-catching print materials, website banners, and social media graphics. Key Responsibilities: - Design captivating print materials for marketing purposes. - Create visually appealing Homepage and Promotional banners for our website. - Develop engaging Social Media banners to enhance our online presence. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in graphic design software such as Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, and InDesign. - Proven experience in designing for print and digital media. - Strong understanding of marketing principles and brand consistency. - Excellent communication skills, with ability to understand and impl...

$99 Average bid
$99 Сер. заявка
52 заявки
SEO Audit for Laravel Site
6 дні(-в) left

I'm seeking a seasoned SEO specialist to conduct an audit on my Laravel site. The primary aim is to enhance our search engine rankings. Key areas of focus should include: - Technical SEO: Identify and recti...to conduct an audit on my Laravel site. The primary aim is to enhance our search engine rankings. Key areas of focus should include: - Technical SEO: Identify and rectify any issues related to Page Speed, Mobile Usability, and Indexing. - Content Optimization: Primarily, I need assistance in optimizing our product pages for better visibility and ranking. Ideal candidates should have a strong background in SEO, with particular experience working with Laravel sites. They should also have a proven track record of improving search engine rankings and a deep understanding of...

$61 Average bid
$61 Сер. заявка
41 заявки

I'm seeking a skilled individual to help develop algorithms for a computational physics project. The main focus will be on the following: - **Algorithm Development**: You'll be developing numerical methods algorithms. A deep understanding and experience in thi...physics project. The main focus will be on the following: - **Algorithm Development**: You'll be developing numerical methods algorithms. A deep understanding and experience in this field is crucial. - **Specific Method Implementation**: The key numerical method for this project is the Crank-Nicolson method. Familiarity and previous work with this method is highly desirable. If you have a strong background in computational physics and algorithm development, particularly with the Crank Nicolson method, I wou...

$504 Average bid
$504 Сер. заявка
29 заявки

I'm in need of a dedicated full stack developer with expertise in Laravel and PHP for web application development. Key Responsibilities: - Working on building new features for our web applications - Tro...in Laravel and PHP for web application development. Key Responsibilities: - Working on building new features for our web applications - Troubleshooting and fixing bugs and issues in a timely manner Expectations: - Daily commitment of 4 hours - Availability for long-term projects - Proficiency in working on a live server through FTP Ideal Candidate: - A seasoned professional with a strong background in Laravel and PHP - Skilled in web application development - Able to work efficiently and effectively in a remote setting - Open to long-term collaboration Compensation: - 2...

$14 Average bid
$14 Сер. заявка
13 заявки

I'm s...Responsibilities: - Add appropriate wedding attire and accessories: a South Indian bridal saree, a groom's Panche shalya, as well as wedding garlands. - Ensuring the final image appears natural and realistic, with seamless integration of the wedding theme. - Retaining the original faces and expressions while blending in the wedding elements. - Delivering a high-resolution, print-ready image. The background of the image should be a temple setting, representative of a traditional wedding. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Prior experience in photo editing, particularly with wedding images. - Ability to create realistic and convincing edits. - Proficient in delivering high-quality, print-ready images. Please provide samples of your previous work or examples of simila...

$13 Average bid
$13 Сер. заявка
8 заявки

I have a hand-drawn design that I would like transformed into a minimalist digital logo for my business. The logo should be converted into a black and white-only format without any additional colors. Key requirements: - Convert a hand-drawn design into a digital logo - Adhere to a minimalist style - Deliver the logo in PNG format - Design exclusively in black and white Ideal skills and experience: - Proficient in graphic design software (like Adobe Illustrator) - Strong understanding of minimalist design principles - Experience in logo design and brand creation - Excellent attention to detail Please note, I require the final deliverable to be a high-quality PNG file.

$48 Average bid
$48 Сер. заявка
102 заявки

I'm looking for a designer to create panels of coins for elevation. The design should be modern and incorporate geometric patterns. The panels will be made of metal, so the design should take into account the properties of this material. Ideal skills for the job include: - Strong background in modern design - Experience with geometric pattern design - Knowledge of metalwork and its design implications Please include examples of previous work related to modern designs and geometric patterns in your bid.

$89 Average bid
$89 Сер. заявка
5 заявки

...approval/deny requests. ### **2. App. QR Code Scanner & Stamp Approval** - Vendors can scan user QR codes to log visits and add stamps. - Vendors can manually log visits using a user’s phone number. - Vendors can approve or reject stamp requests. ### **3. Portal - Stamp Card Customization** - Vendors can design custom stamp cards that is displayed for user progress. - Add logo, background image for the card, and upload custom icons for stamps and rewards. - They can select default icons for the stamp or rewards. Similar to stamp me. ### **4. Portal Reward System** - Vendors can set custom name of reward. (eg. Cup of Coffee, Meal, Car Wash .. etc) - Specify the number of visits required for a free reward. - Select reward icons (e.g., dis...

$2377 Average bid
$2377 Сер. заявка
117 заявки

I'm looking for a professional with a civil engineering background who can provide legitimate civil engineering stamps in California. The stamps are intended for use on site plans. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Licensed civil engineer in California - Experience with stamping site plans - Knowledge of California's engineering standards and regulations - Ability to provide stamps in a timely manner

$1982 Average bid
$1982 Сер. заявка
16 заявки

...standards (black & white line art, numbered parts, multiple views, etc.). Correct aspect ratio and label placement for USPTO filing with vector formats for editing if needed. My invention involves: An AI powered virtual styling and AR try on System It would require: Views- front, side, top, perspective, etc. File format: High-resolution PDF/TIFF at 300 DPI. The required diagrams include: 1. System Architecture Diagram 2. 3D Avatar Creation Flow 3. AI Styling Analysis 4. Virtual Try-On Process 5. Affiliate Shopping Workflow 6. AI Learning System I have attached example images of the types of clothing I would like illustrations of. You will have creative freedom within USPTO guidelines to make these illustrations. This project would ideally suit someone with a back...

$38 Average bid
Угода про нерозголошення
$38 Сер. заявка
6 заявки

I'm looking for a WordPress developer to help me create an E-commerce site. - Create a timer, a fake timer shows number of live sales, starts in Morning 7 AM and ends at 10 PM, and everyday it should start with random number and end with any value between 4000 and it should move slowly - remove date and time option from ratings (only ratings) - Checkout Mobile OTP via msg91 and remove all field like address; one-click checkout without using plugin - Food list page at cart (link given above) I haven't finalized the primary features of the site yet and would appreciate your input in this regard. Please also be prepared to suggest a design or theme, as I haven't settled on one.

$82 Average bid
$82 Сер. заявка
28 заявки