Php convert local link urlроботи (mounting, balancing, sales) and oil changes for both heavy-duty trucks and regular cars. In the future, we aim to expand into more advanced diagnostic and repair services, particularly for trucks (including full test lines, brake tests, suspension diagnostics, etc.). We need a modern, fully responsive website that reflects our professionalism, supports online booking, and is optimized for local SEO (primarily in Dessau-Roßlau and surrounding regions). The site should also attract transit (long-haul) drivers who pass through our region on major highways. We want to provide a multilingual platform (German, English, and additional languages such as Polish, Russian, etc.) so that international truck drivers can easily find and book our services in case of unexpected ...
Завдання: Система представляє собою "хаб" API інтеграцій між іншими системами. Необхідно вміння роботи з різноманітним API. Розуміння та вміння налаштовувати CRON задачі. Робота з БД mysqli. Ключові навички: php, mysqli, фреймворк, cron, API, keitaro/tiktok/facebook. (removed by admin)
Hi, we simply need to integrate AppsFlyer now and connect appsflyer actions to webview url, Also we need to deploy this app into our apple-dev-account as an update. Our budget for this particular task is between $50 and $100 . In the future if you are interested we may ask you to create whole app from scratch with $200 budget for each application. People who make such applications usually make 1-3 apps per day.
...Icons and type of kitchen below (Indian, Chinese, Mexican, Italian, Ukrainian, Japanese, Korean,) • Below option to choose (Top Chef ON/OFF), Chose diet type ((Vegetarian, Vegan, Gluten Free, Paleo, Keto, Halal, Kosher, Whole 30, low FODMAP, Dairy Free), Filter to choose type of dish Soup, Fish, Meat, Chicken, Salads, Mains, Deserts, Pastry, Sides, etc.). • Below First row Header (Popular Local Chefs) Scrolling to the right each profile clear picture of the dish with face of the Chef (if applicable (Must Have header), below full name of the dish in bold with type of kitchen below. Under picture of Chef full first name and first letter of surname of saying as (Chef Pablo E.), under image name off the dish, below three indicators of Rating, Diet type, Spice lev...
Мені потрібно створити 3D персонажа з обличчям персонажа з GTA 5 і прив'язати його до Live Link Face в Unreal Engine 5 Фото персонажа з різних сторін надам і всі необхідні файли для цього також Приклад:
Треба переписати сайт з html на php, створити вкладку "login" де можно увійти у режим адміну де можна керувати сайтом, та підв'язати до цього всього датабазу
У мене сайт на WordPress по продаже картин по номерам Есть две версии сайта rus и ukr. На ukr версии, пример не работает пагинации, то есть, url меняется, а по факту, все время первая страница. Предлагайте свою цену
...в CMS (це повинні зробити програмісти на вашій стороні). Плюс програмістам з вашого боку потрібно буде налаштувати та поставити в крон парсер, який звертатиметься за xml-файлом розвантаження. Для отримання доступу до вивантаження файлу - підтвердьте IP-адреси вашої мережі, з якої надходять запити. У вкладенні – інструкція щодо формування запитів. У ній є опис наших тегів і три приклади коду на PHP, C# і AJAX (залежно від мови, яка використовується у вашій системі або зручна для програміста). Звертаю увагу, що у запиті вказується e-mail та пароль, які використовуються для входу на наш портал. Адреса сервісу вказана в інструкції, дублюю її тут: Також доступна можливість збільшення представленості та впізнаваності вашого інтернет-магазину
...детальне ТЗ, з яким ми обов’язково поділимось із вами як почнемо працювати! Стек технологій: (перелік у зображенні) Розробка Бекенд та Фронтенд буде реалізована на одному із фреймворків (Angular / React / Vue) і розгортатись в контейнерах помодульно для масштабування та швидкодії. Сам фреймворк ще не обрали, але є бажання пройти основні моменти розробки легше (такі як керування користувачами, ролями, url, сторінки…), використовуючи не просто голий фреймворк, а вибравши надійну, добре відтестовану CRM-систему наприклад, на базі якої реалізовувати необхідний нам функціонал. Тож, якщо у вас є час та ви впевнені в своїх силах для реалізації даного проєкту – запрошую! ?
1) Перенесення сайту на Joomla до актуальної версії. 2) Підбір адаптивного шаблону 4) Оптимізація структури сайту. 5) Оптимізація статей сайту для SEO. 7) Максимально зберегти структури URL-адрес для всіх типів сторінок. 8) Оплата на ФОП чи ТОВ
Для нашого онлайн магазину шукаємо PHP розробника фрілансера Маємо два цікаві проекти. Завдання: Шукамо фрілансера для розвитку наших веб-магазинів електронної комерції за допомогою найсучасніших веб-технологій для різних пристроїв (мобільних, планшетів) Профіль: • Хороші знання з програмного забезпечення (об'єктно-орієнтований дизайн, шаблони проектування, тестування) • самостійна робота та вирішення проблем • високий рівень мотивації • Досвід роботи з PHP, Symfony, Laravel або Zend, є перевагою • Вільне володіння німецькою чи англійською мовами • Дуже хороші знання PHP, MySQL та JavaScript • Добре знання HTML (5) та CSS (3)
Hi, I need php script for Convert large svg (drawing) file to pdf-file For printing on A4 pages and a Tile sheet of paper with repeated pages. php script must split my svg (drawing) to A4 pages and give me printable pdf file You can use my svg file here and will see the result I need the same. You have a remember about the scale, if you have a ruler you can look at squares, each square must be 10x10mm, in the example, you can find nine pages. For testing, I attached svg file and result in PDF file.
Потрібно поступово (по частинах) переписати застарівший самописний PHP інтернет-магазин з асортиментом декілька тисяч товарів на фреймворк Django, розширюючи його теперішній функціонал. Обов'язково: - попередній досвід веб-розробки на Django; - досвід створення RESTful API; - розуміння PHP. Бажано: - досвід на подібних проектах в ролі Senior; - досвід роботи з Flask; - досвід роботи з Vue.js; - досвід роботи з PostgreSQL.
1) Є портали відкритих даних. наприкладна набір даних - Сервіс парсить структуру - на підставі парсинга конфігуруємо таблицю БД, куди будемо завантажувати дані - вказуємо періодичність завантаження даних - зберігаємо конфігурацію. 3) Сервіс повинен виконувати завантаження за розкладом. 4) Сервіс веде лог завантаження 5) Перегляд інформації повинен мати: графік та лог завантаження, таблицю з даними, конфігурацію процесу(тобто url, тип файлу)
needs to be finalized - add btc, payeer, perfect money, yandex money, visa / mastercard, pay pal payment methods. And also to add the calculator of interest calculation concerning the purchased investment packages by the client (so that the client can see the purchased package and accruing on it depending on the elapsed time and for the current period after payment in his own office). Change the site's payment currency to dollars, euros, rubles, pounds. The project budget is 50 Euros, but we can discuss.
Рекламна агенція Афіша Прикарпаття шукає PHP-програміста для виправлення технічних помилок на сайті Сайт написано за допомогою фреймворку Laravel, попередній програміст пояснить всі технічні деталі. Приблизна вартість всіх виправлень на сайті - 10000 грн. Можливо будуть добавлятись нові пункти, за додаткову оплату. Якщо працювати 5 днів в тиждень то все можна закінчити приблизно за пару тижнів, залежить від ваших навичок. Нам потрібна тільки людина з Івано-Франківська(та області) для того, щоб ми могли зустрічатись в офісі Афіша Прикарпаття, також при необхідності можливе виділення робочого місця.
Необхідно розробити jquery плагін, що буде дозволяти дінамічну зміну компонентів продукту та їх опис з подальшою передачею результату в базу даних (до ко...) або розробка нового. Обговорюється. У разі швидкого успішного виконання можлива постіна співпраця на довготривалому проекті. We need and jquery plugin, that will allow a dynamic changing of pruduct options (look) and its description with sending the result to db (add to cart, separate button). You can update the existing script ([login to view URL]) or write the new one. It's a matter of discuss. It's possible to get a long term deal if this project will be finished well and fast.
Доброго дня. Я партнер міжнародної IT-компанії, яка займається розробкою додатків та сайтів (від звичайних лендінгів до повноцінних адмін-сторінок) для американського ринку. Ми шукаємо працьовитих і готових до навантаження PHP девелоперів. У команді мало людей, тож усі мають достатньо роботи і справді дружні між собою. Майже усі наші працівники з України, тож проблем з комунікацією немає. Більшість контактів будуть здійснюватись через менеджерів компанії та мене, тож безпосередній контакт з клієнтами англійською буде відсутній. Однак володіння англійською хоча б на простому розмовному рівні потрібне, оскільки мій парнер по бізнесу - американець, і комунікація з ним у вас буде. Розпочати роботу ви зможете після кількох етапів відбору (тест на навики та коротка скайп-розмова) та р...
Ми плануємо оновити нашу веб сторінку, кардинально змінивши дизайн та дещо доповнивши зміст. Ми вибрали наступний шаблон: Завдання: 1) на базі шаблону зробити сайт у відповідності з нашими вимогами; 2) розробити чи купити адмін панель та прив'язати її до сторінки; 3) завантажити сайт хостеру. Завдання скоріш за все буде вимагати декілька зустрічей в нашому офісі в Києві для обговорення доопрацювання деталей. Після завершення проекту, можливо буде потрібна невеличка технічна підтримка протягом декількох місяців. Вартість та об'єм такої додаткової послуги обговоримо окремо (не входить у цей проект). Очікуємо від Вас пропозиції щодо вартості та строків.
Я маю довгострокову роботу, яка пов'язана з нашим попереднім проектом 'Change Framework CMS from Shopify to Prestashop - PHP, HTML, CMS, SQL'
Build a Creative Multilangual Website Menu Stucture: English / Azerbaijan / Russian 1. Home 2. Services -Web Design -Web Site Create -Hosting -HDD Hosting ...or Demo -Books -....Category..... -Themes -....Category..... -Icons -....Category..... -PSD -....Category..... 7. News 8. About US -Our Certificates -Skills -Our Team -History -We in Social Networks 9. Contacts url site: Создайте Креативные Многоязычный сайт Структура Меню на верху написано
...Handling: - Data Input: The system should read patient data from previous prescriptions, including diabetes level, blood pressure, SPO2 level, etc. - Data Update: The system must update these parameters in the current prescription. - Voice-to-Text Conversion and Data Extraction: - Voice Input: The system needs to accept voice input to capture new parameter values. - Speech Recognition: Convert the voice input into text using speech recognition technology. - Data Extraction: Extract parameter values from the converted text using Natural Language Processing (NLP). - Intelligent Placement: Ensure extracted values are correctly placed in the new medical prescription regardless of spoken order. - Machine Learning Implementation: - Employ machine learning algorithms for d...
I'm looking for a seasoned professional with expertise in sheet metal fabrication plant layouts. Your primary responsibilities will include: - Optimizing workflow for maximum efficiency - Strategically placing equipment to e...specifically be working with: - Cutting machines - Forming machines - Assembly stations - Powder Coating & painting facilities Your knowledge and experience with industry standards and regulations is crucial. The layout must adhere to ISO standards and local fire safety codes. Ideal candidates should possess: - Extensive experience in sheet metal fabrication - A proven track record in plant layout design - Deep understanding of safety compliance - Expertise in equipment placement and workflow optimization - Familiarity with ISO standards and l...
...process. - Reviewing and revising plans: I require assistance in assessing and modifying multiple aspects of the plans, including structural design, electrical layout and plumbing layout. - Communicating with city officials: Your expertise in liaising with city officials will be crucial in ensuring a seamless permit application process. The ideal candidate will have: - A deep understanding of local building codes and zoning laws: This knowledge will be critical in successfully navigating the permit application process. - A proven track record in similar projects: Demonstrable experience in obtaining building permits for ADUs or similar structures will be highly advantageous. If you have the necessary skills and experience, I would love to hear from you. Your expertise w...
Create the following: 1. Macro for Transferring and Transforming Quantities Purpose: Automate the transfer of SKU product quantities from one Excel spreadsheet to another spreadsheet and format the data into predefined ranges. Data Source: Retrieve quantities for each SKU from a specific excel spreadsheet Data Destination: Transfer the retrieved quantities into another designated spreadsheet. Convert the raw quantity numbers into predefined ranges: 0 → Display "X." 1-5 → Display "1 tick." 6-10 → Display "2 ticks." 11-15 → Display "3 ticks." 16-20 → Display "4 ticks." 21+ → Display "5 ticks." Create this as a macro so it repeats the process automatically. 2. Macro for Creating Invoices Purpose:...
...delivering scroll-stopping content and enjoy working in a supportive, growth-oriented environment, we’d love to hear from you! What We’re Looking For: • Experience: Proven ability to create videos for platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok (both organic and ad content). • Creative Skills: Strong understanding of copywriting, hooks, and customer avatars to craft videos that attract and convert. • Technical Knowledge: Proficiency in editing software such as Adobe Premiere, Final Cut, AI tools, or voice-over platforms. • Strategic Thinking: Ability to develop creative angles and adapt to different customer personas to maximize engagement. • Attention to Detail: A meticulous approach to producing high-quality videos that meet specific cr...
... startups, and entrepreneurs. We are looking to hire a skilled cold calling freelancer who can help us generate leads and acquire new clients by reaching out to businesses in need of our services. The freelancer will be responsible for making outbound calls to potential clients, introducing our services, and scheduling consultations or setting up demos. The primary goal of this project is to convert cold leads into qualified prospects and help us grow our client base. Key Responsibilities: Outbound Cold Calling: Make cold calls to potential clients (small business owners, startups, entrepreneurs, etc.) who may require bookkeeping and accounting services. Follow a provided call script, but adjust based on the conversation to build rapport and address prospects’ needs. Lead...
...Arabic, Spanish, Russian, Chinese) with compatibility for both iOS and Android. Key Features: - AI-Powered Trip Planning: The AI should be able to customize itineraries based on user preferences including cuisine, budget, preferred activities, and hotels. It should also recommend places to visit, accommodations, and nearby dining options. - Cultural & Local Insights: The AI will provide users with information about Egyptian cultural etiquette, local laws, traditional food, and the history of the pharaohs. It should also offer tips on how to interact with locals and explore the rich Egyptian culture. - Integration with Other Services: The app should direct users to bookings via Google Maps and It should display AI-generated routes on an interactive map and...
I need a marketing specialist to help increase enrollment numbers for my AI course aimed specifically at professionals. The campaign should focus on social media and email marketing. Key Responsibilities: - Create compelling content to engage and convert professionals. - Strategize and execute an effective social media and email marketing campaign. - Monitor and report on campaign performance. The ideal freelancer would be one with substantial experience in digital marketing, particularly targeting professionals, and has a proven track record of increasing course enrollment through social media and email marketing. Skills in content creation, campaign strategy, and performance analysis are crucial.
I'm in need of a professional translator and voice artist who can convert English fiction books into Somali audio. Key Requirements: - You should be able to translate text from English to Somali accurately and effectively. - Your voice should be clear, engaging and suitable for reading fiction. - You should be able to convey the tone and emotion of the story. - Experience in audio production is a plus, as you may need to edit the audio for clarity and flow. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Native or fluent Somali speaker with a high level of English comprehension. - Proven experience in translating books from English to Somali. - Prior work in voice acting or audio production will be highly regarded. - A passion for fiction and storytelling.
I'm seeking a creative designer to develop a logo and branding for my social trivia game app, which will be available on both IOS and ANDROID. This game features multi-choice questions across a variety of categories, and will be launched in two phases: - Phase 1: A local experience where players mirror the game on TV screens and play with family and friends. - Phase 2: An online multiplayer mode, allowing 1v1 or team-based matches. The logo should be playful, reflecting the fun and competitive nature of the game. It should also emphasize the enjoyment aspect of the game, as it is designed to be a social experience. In addition to the logo, I need a full set of branding elements including a color palette, typography, and a style guide. The desired color palette is bright and...
I am looking for someone who...100,000 mixed signatures (both verified and unverified) for my e-sign petitions. The primary aim of these petitions is to campaign for the return of a beloved radio host to our local station. Key requirements: - Experience in acquiring online signatures from various demographics - Ability to source both verified and unverified signatures - Strong understanding of the political landscape and public sentiment towards media personalities - Excellent communication skills to liaise with potential signatories Your role will be crucial in helping to amplify our cause and generate the necessary support to influence our local radio station. Any location is acceptable for the signatures, so a broad outreach strategy will be beneficial. Looking forward t...
I need a web developer to fix my PHP and CSS website to ensure it is fully responsive from an iPhone 13 mini to larger models. Requirements: - Fix the website's responsiveness across various devices, particularly iPhones. - The important thing to see on mobile devices is the "container" that is attached.. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in PHP and CSS. - Experience with responsive design. - Familiarity with implementing specific design guidelines. The page is composed of , , (connection), and a couple of images (background, logo, icon). You can see it online at:
I need a web page that contains an iframe, which loads a specific URL. The page should have two input fields and a submit button. Upon clicking the submit button, the data entered in the input fields should fill the corresponding login form fields in the iframe. Key Requirements: - Create a web page with an iframe and two input fields. - On submit, input data should populate the iframe's login fields. - Ensure compatibility with Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Edge. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in HTML, JavaScript, and web development. - Experienced in working with iframes and cross-domain requests. - Knowledgeable in browser compatibility testing.
...system should be able to read patient data from previous prescriptions. This data will include parameters like diabetes level, blood pressure, SPO2 level, etc5. Data Update: The system must update these parameters in the current prescription5. Voice-to-Text Conversion and Data Extraction: Voice Input: The system needs to accept voice input to capture new parameter values5. Speech Recognition: Convert the voice input into text using speech recognition technology. Data Extraction: Extract the parameter values from the converted text using Natural Language Processing (NLP). Intelligent Placement: Ensure that the extracted values are placed in their correct positions within the new medical prescription, regardless of the order in which they were spoken. Machine Learning Implementati...
I'm seeking someone to help me visit local retail shops and hostels to promote and potentially sell Toor Dal. - Target Audience: The primary targets for this project are both retail shops and hostels. - Locations: I have a specific list of locations that I want to cover. - Product Presentation: The product will be presented to potential buyers using product samples. Ideal candidates for this project should have excellent communication skills, experience in sales or marketing, and ideally, a background in retail or food products. A friendly and approachable demeanor is crucial, as is the ability to engage shop owners and hostel managers.
...skilled Freelance Software Engineer to develop a fully functional and dynamic travel company website using a pre-purchased Bootstrap 5 theme. The ideal candidate should have expertise in frontend and backend development and experience integrating travel industry APIs like Amadeus API, HotelBeds API, and other travel-related APIs. ________________________________________ Key Responsibilities ✅ Convert the purchased Bootstrap 5 theme into a fully functional and dynamic travel booking website. ✅ Implement frontend & backend functionality for flight search, hotel booking, activities, transfers, visa, and insurance. ✅ Integrate APIs like Amadeus API, HotelBeds API, and other third-party travel APIs for real-time data fetching and bookings. ✅ Ensure a responsive, fast, and secure w...
...combining it together. I'd like to have something similar, but a bit more professional looking. There are 3 steps presented on the GIF: 1. user customizes their subdomain in (there's also available, but you can skip it in your project, if you think that's better for the overall clarity) 2. then they copy SSH command to run it on their local computer 3. their service is available under given url and the user sends the url to someone on chat Ideal skills for this project: - Proficiency in short animation / GIF creation - Strong understanding of cartoonish animation style - Ability to convey complex concepts simply Freelancers with experience in creating website GIFs specifically for explanatory purposes would be highly preferred. Please include any ...
I'm looking for an experienced Python and PHP developer to assist with repairs ad updates on my existing website. The applicant needs to be able to start immediately and be able to quickly fault diagnose an app issue and resolve the problem, Ideal candidates should have a strong background in web development, (ideally music or media publishing related) , particularly with Python and PHP. Experience in feature addition, bug fixing, and performance optimization is highly desirable. Your contribution will help improve the user experience and functionality of the site.
I need a function for a project built with Ionic 8, Capacitor 7, and Angular 17. The function should: 1. Convert a link into a QR Code. 2. Print the generated QR Code using a Bluetooth thermal printer. Requirements: The solution must be compatible with the specified framework and library versions. The code should be well-documented for easy integration into the project. If you have experience with Ionic, Capacitor, Angular, and Bluetooth printer integration, I look forward to your proposal!
I need an expert in data collection who can assist me in creating a comprehensive list of contact emails for 1047 bookmakers from the provided link. The list should be formatted in Google Sheets and include the company name and website URL in addition to the contact emails. Please note, I do not require any validation or verification of the contact emails; I simply need them collected. Ideal Skills: - Data Collection - Google Sheets Proficiency Please take a look at the list and let me know if you can assist.
...delivering scroll-stopping content and enjoy working in a supportive, growth-oriented environment, we’d love to hear from you! What We’re Looking For: • Experience: Proven ability to create videos for platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok (both organic and ad content). • Creative Skills: Strong understanding of copywriting, hooks, and customer avatars to craft videos that attract and convert. • Technical Knowledge: Proficiency in editing software such as Adobe Premiere, Final Cut, AI tools, or voice-over platforms. • Strategic Thinking: Ability to develop creative angles and adapt to different customer personas to maximize engagement. • Attention to Detail: A meticulous approach to producing high-quality videos that meet specific cr...
? ...provided - Easy process to follow Great for freelancers looking for stable work! ? What You'll Do: ✔️ Download and duplicate a Shopify store's pages un ✔️ Organize the site structure (folders & files) ✔️ Upload pages to Wordpress ✔️ Fix URL paths to ensure links point to the new domain ✔️ Create Woocommerce products ? Who Are We Looking For: ✅ Experience with Wordpress ✅ Basic HTML & file management skills ✅ Attention to detail ✅ Fast learner and reliable ? How to Apply: ?????? Answer this question in your application: "How would you change a broken URL inside an HTML file?" ?????? Use "WooCommerce Pro" in your application to confirm you've read the task details ?????? Priority given to those who can start immediately! Long ...
I'm looking for a savvy digital marketer with extensive experience in managing Google Ads campaigns. My primary goal is to generate leads that convert into product purchases. Key Responsibilities: - Develop, implement and manage a comprehensive Google Ads strategy across all platforms: Google Search, Google Display Network, and YouTube. - Optimize ad performance to maximize conversion rate. - Conduct A/B testing to identify the most effective ads. Ideal Skills: - Proven track record in driving product sales through Google Ads. - Proficiency in using all Google Ads tools. - Strong analytical skills to interpret ad performance data and adjust strategies accordingly. - Excellent understanding of A/B testing methodologies.
I have a list of tasks and changes on a php laravel platform and need some developers which have strong knowledges in this to finish and fix it.
...developer to create a simple yet engaging Android app that reminds users to take their medication. The app should allow users to input their medications and set times for taking them. It will then automatically send push notifications to ensure the user doesn't forget to take their medicine. Key Features: - Notifications: Implement React Native Push Notification for local, timely reminders. - Data Storage: Use AsyncStorage for local data storage, tracking medication history. - UI Design: The app should have a colorful and engaging interface, not overly complicated but visually appealing. Your expertise in: - React Native is a must. - Experience in designing engaging user interfaces will be highly advantageous. - Familiarity with AsyncStorage and React Native Push Not...
Overview: I'm seeking a Lightroom Classic professional for real-time architectural photo retouching. This project requires collaborative editing, where I will be actively directing the process. The goal is to refine images of a single domestic building for ...together. Ideal Skills and Experience: Expert proficiency in Lightroom Classic (not Photoshop). Strong photo editing and retouching skills, especially for architectural images. Experience with architectural photography post-processing. Ability to follow real-time direction while also offering professional input. Comfortable with live collaboration via Zoom or Google Meet (or in person if local). Willingness to teach and guide me during the editing process. will be in attendance collaborating and directing the app...
We are looking for a FULLSTACK developer programmer who can update the code of one of our extensions (plugins) from Joomla 3 to Joomla 5. ATTENTION: this job concerns the search for a programmer and NOT A WEB DESIGNER. You don't have to update the website, but our extension which must be compatible on any site in Joomla 5. Key Project Points: 1. Joomla 5 code dependencies have changed such as JFactory calls and you need to update classes, api, functions, and core dependencies. For example same call like Jfactory are deprecated for Joomla 5, so we need to update code, api call, db call. 2. Our Extensions Package includes a Component, Modules, and Plugins. 3. There is no need to add new features, but to make sure that everything works correctly for Joomla 5 in backend and frontend....
I need a modern logo for a ride-sharing app that's exclusive to Calgary. The logo should represent Calgary, possibly incorporating some elements of the letters in 'Calgary'. Key Requirements: - A design that is modern and minimalist. - Use of blue as the primary color. - Creative incorporation of Calgary elements, possibly that is modern and minimalist. - Use of blue as the primary color. - Creative incorporation of Calgary elements, possibly within the letters. - A design that is simple yet striking. Ideal Skillset: - Strong graphic design skills, particularly in modern and minimalist design. - Experience in creating logos, preferably for tech or transport sectors. - Familiarity with Calgary's skyline and local landmarks for inspiration. - Profici...