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    2,000 outsource react js знайдені роботи
    Project for Alexander S.
    Закінчився left

    Вітаю, alexandrsanin, помітила ваш профіль, хочу запропонувати вам проекст. У нас є розроблений сайт для бізнесу вікна та двері, зараз ви вносимо оновлену інформацію і на даній стадії хочемо розвинути глибші налаштування. Сайт зроблений на React. Цікавить різнопланове просування

    $250 Average bid
    $250 Сер. заявка
    1 заявки

    ...Користувачі зможуть поповнювати баланс через різні платіжні системи. • Адміністратори отримуватимуть доступ до керування балансами. • Інтерфейс має бути простим і зручним для поповнення та перегляду залишку на балансі. • Сайт має бути адаптованим під мобільні пристрої і мати сучасний дизайн. Технологічні вимоги: • Front-end: HTML, CSS, JavaScript (з можливістю використання фреймворків, таких як React або Vue.js). • Back-end: PHP або Node.js для серверної частини. • База даних: MySQL або PostgreSQL для зберігання інформації про користувачів і їхні баланси. • Платіжні системи: інтеграція популярних платіжних рішень для поповнення балансу (наприклад, PayPal, Stripe тощо). • Важливо забезпечити високий рівень безпеки даних користувачі...

    $180 Average bid
    $180 Сер. заявка
    9 заявки
    Bitcoin controller in React js -- 3
    Закінчився left

    Необхідно написати JavaScript код для React.js. Потрібні 2 методи: Генерація Native SegWit адреси (bc1*****) з мнемонічної фрази. Формування та відправка біткоїн-транзакції в будь-яку з великих публічних нод. Код має бути максимально автономним і мати мінімальну кількість залежностей. Чим більше коментарів - тим краще.

    $30 - $250
    $30 - $250
    0 заявки

    ...Агрегація даних з державних реєстрів та власні алгоритми збору та аналізу додаткової інформації формує певні аналітичні бані для цільової аудиторії та відображає обрані ділянки землі на карті. * В нас є детальне ТЗ, з яким ми обов’язково поділимось із вами як почнемо працювати! Стек технологій: (перелік у зображенні) Розробка Бекенд та Фронтенд буде реалізована на одному із фреймворків (Angular / React / Vue) і розгортатись в контейнерах помодульно для масштабування та швидкодії. Сам фреймворк ще не обрали, але є бажання пройти основні моменти розробки легше (такі як керування користувачами, ролями, url, сторінки…), використовуючи не просто голий фреймворк, а вибравши надійну, добре відтестовану CRM-систему наприклад, на базі якої реалізовувати необхідний нам функці...

    $18 / hr Average bid
    $18 / hr Сер. заявка
    3 заявки

    Треба виправити верстку на сайті деяких елементів, детальніше в прикріпленому файлі. Десктопна і мобільна версія Рівень складности - низький/середній Необхідні знання html, css, js

    $12 / hr Average bid
    $12 / hr Сер. заявка
    15 заявки

    Нужно сделать звіт и щоденик практики , так же написать сайт интернет магазин ( можно взять любой готовый из инета) на любом языке . Фронт на vue, react . Дизайн на ваш выбор . Могу кинуть пример звіта и щоденика

    $30 Average bid
    $30 Сер. заявка
    1 заявки

    ...Здесь общая информация, обо мне, о проекте, о нашей совместной работе. Короткое описание задания: Сделать функциональной страничку в веб проекте. Стандартные CRUD операции, валидация, несколько модальных окон, отображение элементов при использовании готовых компонентов. Необходимо знание JS, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, jQuery Как происходит совместная работа? Оплата происходит по выполнению ТЗ. Процесс таков. Делю проект на "таски". В основном Одно ТЗ - одна полноценная страница. - Я описываю подробно задание. Чтоб ты понимал о чём речь и что ты делаешь. - Делаю приблизительный mockup (насколько это возможно). - Делаю скриншоты с темы, компоненты которые я хочу видеть на страничке. - Описываю

    $113 Average bid
    $113 Сер. заявка
    5 заявки

    Привіт потрібен будьякий проект на react/vue або angular + бажано flask або джанго. Задеплоїти на сому компі

    $10 - $30
    $10 - $30
    0 заявки

    Міжнародна компанія KICKOOS GAMES головний овіс якої росташовано в США штат Каліфорнія, Шукає Unity розробника для створення багатокористувацької браузерної 3D гри, Unity за допомогою WebGL. Обов'язкові навички: Вміння працювати в Unity і знання мови C#. Плюсом буде додаткові знання: JS, HTML 5. І back end розробника для написання серверної частини на ASP.NET Core. Обов'язкові навички: ASP.NET Core Entity framework core SQL С кидайте свої резьуме на: business@ або проджект менеджеру проекту: viktorstor@ KICKOOS GAMES - це молода outsourc GameDev компанія, що з недавна почала розробляти і внутрішні проекти. Друзі компанія зараз розширюється і влітку планує відкрити офіс в Україні, тому долучайтеся

    $3000 - $5000
    $3000 - $5000
    0 заявки
    Full staсk developer
    Закінчився left

    У зв’язку з розширенням проекту шукаємо у свою команду Full staсk developer (React,node.js) На довгостроковий проект full time або part time ( віддалена робота) Проект схожий на hotline, парсимо 10 сайтів 24/7 в нашу базу даних та показуємо найдешевші ціни клієнту. Skills: Практичний досвід роботи з: React Redux Node.js Express MongoDB Надійна особа, яка дотримується узгоджених термінів і серйозно ставиться до якості коду Досвід з парсерами вітається.

    $963 Average bid
    $963 Сер. заявка
    3 заявки

    Всім доброго дня. Я починаючий фронтенд розробник , маю досвід з react js пів року. Останній мій пет-проект це інтернет магазин на react js, react-router , react-redux , firebase authentication ,firebase storage, firebase realtime database, axios . Пропоную взаємовигідну співпрацю : я буду робити Ваші проекти за домовлену оплату.

    $3 / hr Average bid
    $3 / hr Сер. заявка
    1 заявки
    Project for Eduard L.
    Закінчився left

    Доброго дня, мене звати Іван, я є керівником проекту по розробці Shopify теми, можу запропонувати Вам постійне навантаження хоч і 40 годин на тиждень, залежить від вашої доступності та кваліфікації. Проект веду на Апворк вже більше 2-х років, можемо працювати по трекеру і тут на Фрілансері. Необхідною умовою є стек HTML/CSS/JS/Shopify Liquid/Git Робота в команді, тепер там лід індус, але заміню з радістю, якщо покажете себе. З повагою, Іван ~0176737ba1218657c8

    $14 - $14 / hr
    $14 - $14 / hr
    0 заявки
    Web development
    Закінчився left

    Мені потрібен новий веб-сайт. Розробити дизайн та створити сайт Персональний веб-сайт We are good it-specialists. We know english and html, js, css and a little php.

    $479 Average bid
    $479 Сер. заявка
    71 заявки
    Закінчився left

    Необідно знати і любити: - React.js, - HTML5, CSS, - Redux, Flux, Relay, - PHP, - JS, - ENGLISH B1-B2. Не завадять додаткові знання з: - Drupal 7,8, - GraphQL, - Postman, - Facebook workflow for React. Коротко про проект: - 4 місяці безмежно цікавих задач (part-time and full-time). - робота з Drupal сайтом. БУДЬ ЛАСКА, НАДСИЛАЙТЕ ВАШІ ЗАЯВКИ З ПОРТФОЛІО І ПОСИЛАННЯМ НА GITHUB. ДЯКУЮ! З НЕТЕРПІННЯМ ЧЕКАТИМУ ВАШИХ ПРОПОЗИЦІЙ!

    $20 / hr Average bid
    $20 / hr Сер. заявка
    4 заявки
    Project for chnazar
    Закінчився left

    Привіт chnazar, бачив твоє резюме на рахунок пошуку роботи якщо тебі цікавий довготривалий проект (PHP,JS,HTML,CSS,MySQL) можемо обговорити деталі

    $10 Average bid
    $10 Сер. заявка
    1 заявки

    I'm seeking a skilled full stack developer with expertise in React to develop a secure, subscription-based application for me. Key features: - Inbuilt authentication using OAuth (e.g., Google, Facebook) - Also authentication using email and password, both this and above using firebase. - User roles: Admin and User - Payment integration through PayPal - Secure routes for paid users only Ideal candidates should have: - Extensive experience in full stack application development particularly with React - Proficiency in implementing OAuth authentication using Firebase - Experience with PayPal integration - Strong skills in creating secure, user-role based access routes

    $97 Average bid
    $97 Сер. заявка
    24 заявки

    I'm seeking a seasoned web engineer with extensive experience in Web3.js to build an NFT marketplace on the Ethereum blockchain. The primary function of this platform will be facilitating the buying and selling of NFTs. Key Requirements: - Proficiency in Web3.js and relevant technologies - Proven experience in developing NFT marketplaces - In-depth knowledge of Ethereum blockchain - Strong skills in web engineering Please provide examples of your previous work in this domain when bidding.

    $1179 Average bid
    $1179 Сер. заявка
    67 заявки

    I'm seeking a skilled React Native developer to enhance and finalize our Bluetooth-connected device app. Key Requirements: - Extensive experience with React Native and native app development - Proven track record in implementing Bluetooth functionality - Expertise in creating user-friendly interface designs - Ability to incorporate in-app notifications Specific Tasks: - Enhance Bluetooth functionality for improved connectivity and data transfer capabilities - Design a simplified, modern, and accessible user interface - Implement in-app notifications seamlessly Your understanding of user-centric design principles and Bluetooth technology will be key to this project's success. Looking forward to your proposals.

    $20 / hr Average bid
    $20 / hr Сер. заявка
    74 заявки
    JSON Data Processing with Databricks Instance
    6 дні(-в) left

    I'm in need of a skilled data engineer who can process semi-structured JSON data using Databricks. I want solution using Databricks. Only react if you going to use databricks for my solutions. Requirements: - Data Cleansing: Identifying and correcting errors in the data. - Data Transformation: Modifying the data into a suitable format for analysis. - Data Enrichment: Enhancing the data by adding relevant information from other sources. Ideal candidates should have: - Extensive experience with Databricks. - Proficient in handling semi-structured data, particularly JSON files. - Strong skills in data cleansing, transformation, and enrichment.

    $24 Average bid
    $24 Сер. заявка
    67 заявки

    ...et gestion des paiements (Stripe, PayPal, etc.). • Système de gestion des stocks. • Avis clients et évaluations des produits. Pour un site interactif : • Chat en direct ou chatbot. 3. Choisir la bonne technologie • WordPress : Idéal pour la plupart des sites (vitrines, blogs, e-commerce via WooCommerce). • Shopify : • Développement personnalisé : • utiliser des frameworks comme Laravel, React, ou Vue.js. 4. Design et expérience utilisateur (UX) • Identité visuelle cohérente : Logo, couleurs, typographie. • CTA (Call-to-Action) : Boutons clairs pour guider l’utilisateur (Exemple : “Acheter maintenant”). • Accessibilité : Compatible avec les...

    $469 Average bid
    $469 Сер. заявка
    127 заявки

    ...et gestion des paiements (Stripe, PayPal, etc.). • Système de gestion des stocks. • Avis clients et évaluations des produits. Pour un site interactif : • Chat en direct ou chatbot. 3. Choisir la bonne technologie • WordPress : Idéal pour la plupart des sites (vitrines, blogs, e-commerce via WooCommerce). • Shopify : • Développement personnalisé : • utiliser des frameworks comme Laravel, React, ou Vue.js. 4. Design et expérience utilisateur (UX) • Identité visuelle cohérente : Logo, couleurs, typographie. • CTA (Call-to-Action) : Boutons clairs pour guider l’utilisateur (Exemple : “Acheter maintenant”). • Accessibilité : Compatible avec les...

    $456 Average bid
    $456 Сер. заявка
    129 заявки
    Web App UI/UX Enhancement -- 2
    6 дні(-в) left

    I need a talented UI/UX Js Developer will be responsible for implementing user interfaces and ensuring the overall user experience is smooth, intuitive, and accessible. You will collaborate closely with UI/UX designers, back-end developers, and product managers to translate design concepts into fully functioning, responsive web applications. You’ll also optimize applications for maximum performance and ensure the highest quality of code and design practices. Key Requirements: - Proficiency in HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript (ES6+). - Experience with React, Vue.js, or Angular. - Strong understanding of UI/UX principles, wireframing, prototyping, and testing. - Familiarity with design tools like Figma and Adobe XD. - Experience in creating responsive designs and cross-browse...

    $11 / hr Average bid
    $11 / hr Сер. заявка
    70 заявки

    I'm looking for a skilled React Native developer to create a UI for my app based on provided Figma designs. The app should be using Expo to utilize both iOS and Android platforms. Key Details: - The app only currently has UI pages, so will need navigation between them, and static data only. - It should be built neatly so that components can be re-used, and the styling can be used across the system. No spaghetti code. - to be written in react native, typescript, expo - pixel perfect required

    $31 Average bid
    $31 Сер. заявка
    1 заявки
    Android/PoS Consultancy
    6 дні(-в) left

    I am looking for someone with experience in Android App Development, preferably for a PoS. I want to connect my app with PoS machine's in-built printer. We are looking for consultancy or development assistance for only this functionality. We are building our app in react native. If the work is good, and you are available, we can hire on contract for 2 months for a similar project.

    $21 Average bid
    $21 Сер. заявка
    13 заявки
    DevOps Implementation via GitHub
    6 дні(-в) left

    I'm seeking an expert in DevOps with a strong GitHub background to design and implement a strategy for enhancing our practices. Key Objectives: - Improve our security measures focusing on change management and efficient tracking to avoid impacting our production server - Strengthen our compliance protocols The ideal candidate should have:...Strengthen our compliance protocols The ideal candidate should have: - Extensive experience in DevOps and GitHub - Strong understanding of security and compliance requirements - Expertise in change management, specifically in version control and tracking Your role will be crucial in ensuring our systems are secure and compliant, while also improving our change management processes. We are using react, react native (3 Apps), expre...

    $14 Average bid
    $14 Сер. заявка
    33 заявки

    I’m looking for a developer to assist with the following tasks: 1. Apache Configuration • Configure Apache to block connections made directly through the server’s IP address (including when IP:port is entered in the browser). • Ensure that all traffic and connections pass exclusively through the domain name and cannot be accessed via the IP address. 2. SMTP Setup • Update the SMTP settings to use a different IP address for email functionality. 3. Fix IP Exposure • Identify and resolve the issue where the server’s IP is exposed, making it vulnerable. • Investigate the code (written in Node.js/Express.js) to locate and address any IP leakage. Looking for a skilled JavaScript developer with experience in Node.js, , and server configuration. ...

    $139 Average bid
    $139 Сер. заявка
    148 заявки

    We have an existing web-based ...existing web-based user interface that is functional but requires expansion and optimization. Our goal is to enhance the platform while addressing existing debugger issues. We are looking for skilled Backend and Frontend Developers to collaborate with us as freelancers and bring our project to the next level. Requirements - Proven experience in backend and/or frontend development. - Expertise in React for Frontend; Node.js, Python, or PHP for Backend. - Strong debugging and troubleshooting skills. - Ability to work independently and meet deadlines. - Excellent communication skills to collaborate effectively. - Prior experience with web-based user interfaces is a plus. For more details and inquiries, please feel free to comment under this project. ...

    $1144 Average bid
    $1144 Сер. заявка
    268 заявки
    code for WhatsApp Bot Development with Node.js
    6 дні(-в) left

    we are seeking a proficient developer to create a Nodes js code for a Whatsapp bot. that will be combined in our whats-app BOT project. The code will receive user/chat id (XXXXXXXXXXX @) and a JSON defining the questionnaire (see attached sample ), the code will simulate a questionnaire, interacting with clients using various message types: text, images, lists of options, buttons and links. Key Requirements: - Utilization of the Venom API for WhatsApp. (or use wappconnect, whatsapp biz api or similar) - code can handle different types of questions: text-based, image-based, and using list options or buttons or links. - answers will be saved in JSON format (see attached ) - if you use whatsapp biz api, we will supply Token. Ideal Skills and Experience: -

    $149 Average bid
    $149 Сер. заявка
    116 заявки

    1 - Adding the login by phone feature on the customer website and in the React Native customer app. 2 - fixing the Cloudinary 3 - enhancing the hanging in the admin website

    $49 Average bid
    $49 Сер. заявка
    1 заявки

    ... for Streamer App: A. Manage availability (online, busy, offline), call notifications, and performance metrics. Backend: A. Unified backend for app management, call transfers, and real-time status updates. B. Scalable architecture with third-party integrations (e.g., Agora, Twilio). Maintenance: 1. Proactive monitoring and issue resolution to minimize downtime. Technology Stack: : React Native or Flutter. : Node.js, Python, or Java with PostgreSQL/MongoDB. 3.Third-Party: Agora/Twilio for calls, Firebase for notifications. : AWS/Google Cloud, Docker, CI/CD pipelines. Deliverables: functional Customer and Streamer Apps with a unified backend. and training. support for 3 months post-launch....

    $427 Average bid
    $427 Сер. заявка
    53 заявки

    I need a developer proficient in HTML, CSS, and JS to create a colorful and vibrant portfolio web page for me.

    $25 Average bid
    $25 Сер. заявка
    36 заявки
    Car Hailing App Setup and Customization
    6 дні(-в) left

    I've got the source code for a car hailing app and need a professional to set it up and build it for both iOS and Android using React Native. Post initial build, I would like to determine necessary modifications. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in React Native - Experienced in iOS and Android development - Familiar with car hailing app functionality Please note, I skipped specifying certain functionalities for the initial setup, so I would appreciate your expertise in determining what should be tested and ensured to be working.

    $28 Average bid
    $28 Сер. заявка
    50 заявки
    React Native Expo Expert for Bug Fixing
    6 дні(-в) left

    I'm in need of an experienced React Native Expo developer to help fix bugs in my productivity app. Key Responsibilities: - Identify and fix bugs within the app - Ensure overall app functionality and performance - Provide expert advice on improving app stability and user experience Ideal Skills and Experience: - Extensive experience with React Native and Expo - Proven track record in bug fixing and app development - Strong understanding of productivity app functionalities - Excellent problem-solving skills

    $7 / hr Average bid
    $7 / hr Сер. заявка
    59 заявки

    I'm looking for a talented developer to create a security dashboard frontend using React and an API to fetch data from a MongoDB. The backend has already been set up to store security alerts, which need to be visualized on the frontend. Key Requirements: - Visualize various types of security alerts: Intrusion attempts, Malware detections, and User access logs. - Create a range of visual elements for the dashboard: Charts and graphs, Tables and lists, and Interactive maps. - Integrate a payment gateway from Razorpay with multi-user functionality. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in React - Experience with MongoDB - Knowledge of creating interactive dashboards - Familiarity with Razorpay integration - Able to implement multi-user functionality Please provide examples of sim...

    $96 Average bid
    $96 Сер. заявка
    27 заявки

    I need an expert in Framer and React.js to help me resolve some issues on my payment backend. I am currently trying to implement a bank transfer payment option using , with a fallback to a Stripe purchase link. Key Issues: - API Connectivity Problems: I'm encountering issues connecting to Mercury's API. - Checkout Page Invoice: A Mercury invoice needs to be cr...Connectivity Problems: I'm encountering issues connecting to Mercury's API. - Checkout Page Invoice: A Mercury invoice needs to be created on the checkout page with the correct transfer details, an itemized list of products/services, and the billing and shipping address. - Framer's Canvas: I'm having errors in Framer's canvas. Please only apply if you have extensive experience with Framer and...

    $133 Average bid
    $133 Сер. заявка
    118 заявки
    Minor Animation Fix in React Project
    6 дні(-в) left

    I have a prebuilt React project that has minor animation issues impacting the main content section. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in React - Experienced with GSAP animations - Problem-solving skills to identify and fix animation issues. Please note, the specifics of the animation issue will need to be diagnosed during the project. Here is React Source code. And I want to get this done like main video I've attached. Only expert! Pls put "GsAp" at the starting. Otherwise will be ignored.

    $128 Average bid
    $128 Сер. заявка
    212 заявки
    Necesito freelancer Quasar/Vue 3 (solo idioma español)
    6 дні(-в) left

    ...comportamiento de cierre de todos los menús cuando el mouse queda fuera de ellos. Debo tener una variable que, si es true, todos los menús que están abiertos se cierran cuando el mouse queda fuera por 1 segundo. Y si es false, todos los menús que están abiertos se quedan abiertos. 5. Debe haber una navegación fluída e intuitiva. Entregables: - El entregable será un archivo .vue con el componente (y .js con la tienda Pinia si es necesario). Info adicional: - De ser necesario puedes usar una tienda Pinia const storeApp = useApp() para compartir estados. - Para probar y verificar que todo esté correcto, puedes enviarme un link de prueba (ngrok o similares) para testearlo. Una vez verificado, esperaré el env&iacu...

    $27 Average bid
    $27 Сер. заявка
    11 заявки
    Cursor.com, cursor ai and composer developer
    6 дні(-в) left

    ...Required: Cursor Experience Must have hands-on experience with Cursor AI (), specifically using the Cursor Composer feature. No exceptions - will verify. Project Status - Webapp already in development: - Built initially using platform - Need to continue development using Cursor AI Tech Stack - Vite - TypeScript - React - shadcn-ui - Tailwind CSS - Supabase Don't apply if you're new to Cursor or planning to learn it for this project. We will verify your Cursor experience before proceeding. Project Laundry service application with: - User auth - Service scheduling - Address validation - Order management Simple, straightforward development. Documentation provided. If you match these requirements, let's talk.

    $12 / hr Average bid
    $12 / hr Сер. заявка
    107 заявки
    Drivrr Car Auction Platform Development
    6 дні(-в) left

    ...and activity. More features: Email and SMS notifications for updates and bids. API integration with third-party services (e.g., vehicle history reports, inspection tools). Design and Branding: The platform should align with the Drivrr brand identity, incorporating the provided logo and color scheme. The design must be clean, modern, and intuitive. Technical Requirements: Preferred frameworks: React, Angular, or Vue.js for frontend; Node.js, Django, or Laravel for backend. Database: MySQL, PostgreSQL, or MongoDB. Hosting: Scalable cloud hosting (e.g., AWS, Google Cloud, or Azure). Deployment: Git-based version control with CI/CD pipelines. Deliverables: Fully functional website with all listed features. User manual or documentation for platform maintenance and future updates. Sou...

    $3000 - $5000
    $3000 - $5000
    138 заявки
    Cursor AI, V0, Lovable.dev, bolt.new - Developer
    6 дні(-в) left

    ...app/sign-up About the Role Looking for a forward-thinking full stack developer to help build and refine an innovative MVP using a combination of traditional development and AI-assisted tools. This is an opportunity to work at the intersection of conventional coding and AI-augmented development. Tech Stack - Vite - TypeScript - React - shadcn/ui - Tailwind CSS - Supabase - Additional tools: Cursor AI, V0, , Required Skills & Experience - Strong proficiency in React, TypeScript, and modern front-end development - Experience with UI component libraries (particularly shadcn/ui) and Tailwind CSS - Familiarity with Supabase or similar backend-as-a-service platforms - Solid understanding of authentication flows and user management - Strong problem-solving skills and atten...

    $23 / hr Average bid
    $23 / hr Сер. заявка
    110 заявки

    I am seeking a proficient web developer to construct a web page aimed at showcasing portfolio. The structure of the web page is meticulously designed mockups created in Adobe Illustrator, which I will export to PNG for your guidance. Aprox total pages: 15 + modals. Expectations: - Implementation of text and images, portraying an elegant and engaging visual appeal. - Integration of responsive contact forms and feedback mechanisms to facilitate effective user relations. - Construct dynamic header, modals, dropdowns, navbar, menu, thinking in terms of Angular components interface and UX navigability. The ideal candidate for this task should have: - Proficiency in HTML, CSS, Bootstrap is a MUST - Familiarity with creating responsive and cross-browser compatible designs. Angular experienc...

    $162 Average bid
    $162 Сер. заявка
    138 заявки
    Website / Customization/ Design and features 1
    6 дні(-в) left

    Project Overview – Key Features: • Live Video Streaming: Utilizing NGINX-RTMP server. • Streamers: Can broadcast live with camera and microphone using OBS or similar RTMP ingestion software. • AWS EC2 Server. • Project Reference: Twitch. • Note: Proficiency with AWS servers is essential. • Languages: PHP and React. Below is a detailed presentation of the project in video so that you can see the current stage of the project. Website Control Panel Source code documentation documents

    $1096 Average bid
    $1096 Сер. заявка
    132 заявки
    Need a Quasar/Vue 3 freelancer for nested and recursive menus
    6 дні(-в) left

    ...Submenu opening should be triggered by both click and mouseover. 4. I need control over the behavior of closing all menus when the mouse leaves them. There must be a variable that, if set to true, closes all open menus after 1 second of mouse inactivity. If set to false, all open menus remain open. 5. Navigation must be smooth and intuitive. Deliverables: A .vue file with the component (and a .js file for a Pinia store if needed). Additional Information: If necessary, you may use a Pinia store: const storeApp = useApp() to share states. To test and verify everything is working correctly, you can provide a testing link, such as ngrok. Once verified, I will expect the deliverables to be sent, and payment will be released. Add the word 'copito' at the st...

    $20 Average bid
    $20 Сер. заявка
    74 заявки

    I suspect I made errors while installing Google Analytics on my website using the Global Site Tag (). - Platform: This issue is with a standard HTML/CSS/JS website, not WordPress or Shopify. - Tag type: The tags in use are the Global Site Tags (). I need a professional with proven experience in Google Analytics installation. Your task will be to identify and correct any mistakes made in the installation process to ensure accurate data tracking. Please provide examples of your previous work with Google Analytics and your approach to troubleshooting this type of issue.

    $118 Average bid
    $118 Сер. заявка
    123 заявки
    Cross-Platform CRM App Re-Design
    6 дні(-в) left

    ...diagnose issues. 4. Stable server to be able to handle this application. 5. Decide which technology we will use in 2025 for long term support and a proven development framework ideal for enterprise applications. 6. Discuss budget and time frame for the application. Stages of the development: A) Discuss all the above concerns and challenges and find the optimal solution. (Asp.net core?, Angular, React? or anything else) B) Start implementing the project by setting up the development environment. C) Implement the login/logout/register/forgot password functionality. D) Implement Dashboard of the application. The first page that the user will see when they login. E) Start implementing one by one the modules and functionality of the existing project. Customers, jobs, inventory,...

    $2332 Average bid
    $2332 Сер. заявка
    212 заявки

    I'm looking for a developer to create a drag-and-drop overlay for my React-based trading system, integrated with TradingView. Key Features: - The overlay should enable users to adjust stop loss and take profit limits by simply clicking and dragging lines. - It should also allow for the placing of new orders and modifying of existing ones through the same intuitive interface. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in React.js - Experience working with TradingView API - Knowledge of trading systems and order modification processes This project is aimed at enhancing user interactivity and overall trading experience. Please include relevant past experience in your bid.

    $133 Average bid
    $133 Сер. заявка
    138 заявки
    CRM Project with MERN
    5 дні(-в) left

    ...Analytics: Provide actionable insights with visually appealing reports and dashboards. Proposed Stack Frontend React: For a dynamic, responsive user interface. Material-UI or Ant Design: To create a polished, professional look with reusable components. Redux or Context API: For effective application state management. Backend Node.js & : To handle APIs, authentication, and secure backend operations. MongoDB: For efficient storage of customer data, sales pipeline details, and task logs. Email Integration Google Gmail API: To send, receive, and manage emails seamlessly. Microsoft 365 Outlook API: To ensure smooth email communication for Outlook users. Additional Tools or D3.js: For interactive and visually appealing analytics. AWS S3: For secure document and file man...

    $1464 Average bid
    $1464 Сер. заявка
    348 заявки

    ...app/sign-up About the Role Looking for a forward-thinking full stack developer to help build and refine an innovative MVP using a combination of traditional development and AI-assisted tools. This is an opportunity to work at the intersection of conventional coding and AI-augmented development. Tech Stack - Vite - TypeScript - React - shadcn/ui - Tailwind CSS - Supabase - Additional tools: Cursor AI, V0, , Required Skills & Experience - Strong proficiency in React, TypeScript, and modern front-end development - Experience with UI component libraries (particularly shadcn/ui) and Tailwind CSS - Familiarity with Supabase or similar backend-as-a-service platforms - Solid understanding of authentication flows and user management - Strong problem-solving skills and atten...

    $13 / hr Average bid
    $13 / hr Сер. заявка
    143 заявки

    I'm in need of a website developer proficient in JavaScript, React, HTML, and CSS. Specific Features: - User Login System: This is a crucial part of the site, as it will allow for a personalized user experience. - Contact Form: A standard but essential feature for any website, facilitating communication with users. Please note, the main purpose of the website and specific design guidelines are yet to be determined. Therefore, I am looking for a professional who can also contribute to the creative process. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Extensive knowledge and experience in JavaScript, React, HTML, and CSS - Previous experience developing user login systems - Strong understanding of UX/UI principles - Excellent communication skills - Ability to work with minimal guid...

    $72 Average bid
    $72 Сер. заявка
    66 заявки