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Я шукаю розробника з досвідом роботи з AirTable для налаштування та автоматизації ключових бізнес-процесів моєї компанії. Наш ідеальний кандидат - добре розуміє функції AirTable і вміє працювати з базами данних. А також готовий створювати індивідуальні рішення для потреб компанії. Задачі та виклики: - Аудит та аналіз продуктивності налаштованої Airtable бази з метою виявлення можливих поліпшень та оптимізацій. - Побудова та реалізація нового воркфлоу для існуючої бази в AirTable. - Автоматизація повторюваних завдань і робочих процесів. - Інтеграція AirTable з іншими інструментами та платформами, яку ми підберемо разом вже під наші потреби. - Надання підтримки користувачам та вирішення проблем. - Розробка та підтримка документації щодо роботи з базою включаючи інструкції для користувачі...
Доброго дня, Ми медіабаїнг-команда, що працює з гемблінг/беттинг тематикою, у пошуках проєктного IOS-розробника для написання простого застосунку (або гри) під IOS із сірою частиною webview. У разі успішно реалізованого проєкту готові співпрацювати на постійній основі. Що потрібно Написати з 0 білу частину додатка (це може бути проста гра, квіз, слоти або спортивні додатки) Інтегрувати приховану сіру частину з webview (тут потрібні ваші напрацювання, які благополучно проходять в AppStore) Додати SDK (Onesignal, Firebase) Дизайн додатка можемо розробити, акаунти і скріни для публікації на нашій частині Прохання писати тільки тих розробників, хто має напрацювання в цій сфері та свіжі кейси в AppStore
У зв’язку з розширенням проекту шукаємо у свою команду Full staсk developer (React,node.js) На довгостроковий проект full time або part time ( віддалена робота) Проект схожий на hotline, парсимо 10 сайтів 24/7 в нашу базу даних та показуємо найдешевші ціни клієнту. Skills: Практичний досвід роботи з: React Redux Node.js Express MongoDB Надійна особа, яка дотримується узгоджених термінів і серйозно ставиться до якості коду Досвід з парсерами вітається.
Вимоги: - лише Україна - англійська для спілкування з клієнтом - більше 3-х років досвіду - старт АСАП - рейт до 27$/h - фулл-тайм інволмент ( 8год /день) - тривалість проекту 3 міс з можливістю продовження
Вимоги: - лише Україна - англійська для спілкування з клієнтом - досвід саме з responsive design - старт АСАП - рейт до 23$/h - фулл-тайм інволмент ( 8год /день) - тривалість проекту 2-3 тижні
Для нашого онлайн магазину шукаємо PHP розробника фрілансера Маємо два цікаві проекти. Завдання: Шукамо фрілансера для розвитку наших веб-магазинів електронної комерції за допомогою найсучасніших веб-технологій для різних пристроїв (мобільних, планшетів) Профіль: • Хороші знання з програмного забезпечення (об'єктно-орієнтований дизайн, шаблони проектування, тестування) • самостійна робота та вирішення проблем • високий рівень мотивації • Досвід роботи з PHP, Symfony, Laravel або Zend, є перевагою • Вільне володіння німецькою чи англійською мовами • Дуже хороші знання PHP, MySQL та JavaScript • Добре знання HTML (5) та CSS (3)
Проэкту Потрібен розробник javascript. Співбесідна у офісі КИЇВ -робота віддалена по тікетам з JIRA. (можливі наради в офісі)
Вітання. Розшукується виконавець з України. Є структура доволі простого сайту-візитівки. Є бажання переробити його на ...Розшукується виконавець з України. Є структура доволі простого сайту-візитівки. Є бажання переробити його на Wordpress для можливості додавання нових розділів (блог) та статей. Сайт передбачається із підтримкою кількох мов. Планується взяти за основу яку-небудь безплатну тему. Прошу надати ваші пропозиції по термінах та вартості. P.S. For guys from outside Ukraine: please do not waste your time and bids.
Необідно знати і любити: - React.js, - HTML5, CSS, - Redux, Flux, Relay, - PHP, - JS, - ENGLISH B1-B2. Не завадять додаткові знання з: - Drupal 7,8, - GraphQL, - Postman, - Facebook workflow for React. Коротко про проект: - 4 місяці безмежно цікавих задач (part-time and full-time). - робота з Drupal сайтом. БУДЬ ЛАСКА, НАДСИЛАЙТЕ ВАШІ ЗАЯВКИ З ПОРТФОЛІО І ПОСИЛАННЯМ НА GITHUB. ДЯКУЮ! З НЕТЕРПІННЯМ ЧЕКАТИМУ ВАШИХ ПРОПОЗИЦІЙ!
ШУКАЄМО JUNIOR/MIDDLE JAVASCRIPT DEVELOPER! НЕОБХІДНІ НАВИЧКИ: - NodeJS; - AngularJS; - English level В1-В2. БУДЕ БЛЮСОМ ЗНАННЯ У: - знання Grunt; - знання Bower; - знання сервера Heroku (for deploy). УМОВИ: погодинна оплата; фултайм проект; приблизна тривалість проекту: 2-3 місяці. ЦЕ ВАШ ШАНС РОЗВИНУТИ СВОЇ ВМІННЯ І НАВИЧКИ ТА ОТРИМАТИ ХОРОШИЙ ДОСВІД!
Віддалена робота на повний робочий день з 9:00 до 18:00 год.(1 год обід) Вимогою обов'язкове володіння чистим Javascript. Досвід роботи від 2 років верстки з psd макетами.
This is your Opportunity to wo...incredible, This is in total a 2 years Project. Please Check carefully Document Attached here and let me know if all is clear thanks, Good luck I'm looking for a skilled C# Developer to help me add new features to my existing project. Please note that while the specifics of the new features have yet to be determined, the ideal candidate should be comfortable working with a variety of potential enhancements. The project will require: - Proficiency in C# and .NET framework - Experience with software development and feature implementation - Ability to understand and work with existing code - Good problem-solving skills While the specifics of the new features are not yet defined, the developer should be flexible an...
Develop a specialized WordPress website for a B2B computer retailer. The site will feature a dynamic configurator that guides customers to the ideal PC setup based on specific software requirements or use cases. It will include detailed product pages, trade-in options, multi-language support, and integrations with systems like Moneybird, eBay, and Google Merchant. The project emphasizes seamless user experience and strong SEO foundations
We are looking for a skilled developer to help build our community-driven crowdfunding platform. We have a prototype that serves as a guiding framework for replication. The ideal candidate will have experience in developing similar platforms and a strong understanding of community features. Your expertise will help us enhance user engagement and streamline the crowdfunding process. If you are passionate about building innovative solutions and have a keen eye for detail, we want to hear from you!
Hong Kong China App Developer to make / replicate Sleep Tracker App like Better Sleep (Must have already developed and show Playstore Link for review) Still looking for someone who created a Sleep Tracker App and can show admin panel and APK for quick launch on Android and iOS Tons of sleep apps online Yet can't find anyone who actually made one.... Still looking for someone who created a Sleep Tracker App and can show admin panel and APK for quick launch on Android and iOS Only finding incompetent unqualified wannabe developers with no skills. Automated responses by the same people who are clueless Bucket List - Must Launch Sleep Tracker App ASAP. On a limited time frame, wife has cancer. (Provide Sleep App you developed) I'm looking for a sleep tracker app akin t...
About the job NOTE: 100% REMOTE, Monday-Friday 8:30AM – 4:30PM work in EST timezone. TYPE: Full-time SKILLS: 5-10+ years Senior Blockchain Developer, Solidity,Web3, Smart Contract, Node.js, JavaScript, MongoDB, Hardhat, Truffle, Agile/Scrum, Jira, CI/CD pipelines, AWS, Azure, Ethereum INDUSTRY: Industrial Management Description: Seeking a Blockchain Developer to work on mission-critical applications, utilizing blockchain technology to enhance AI-driven solutions. As a Blockchain Developer, you will play a key role in developing decentralized applications (dApps) and integrating blockchain with cutting-edge AI innovations to create secure, scalable, and efficient systems. You will collaborate within an Agile framework to build and maintain complex software sy...
I'm in need of a Fullstack Developer who can assist in creating a modern and sleek fantasy gaming website centered around cricket. This project encompasses both frontend and backend development. Key Features: - User Registration and Login: The site must facilitate easy sign-up and login processes to enhance user experience. - Fantasy Team Creation and Management: Users should be able to form and manage their own fantasy teams. - Live Scoring and Updates: The site should provide real-time scoring and updates to keep users engaged and informed. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in both frontend and backend development. - Experienced in creating interactive and user-friendly gaming websites. - Familiar with live data integration and updates. - Able to deliver a m...
I'm looking for a talented Flutter developer to create an offline task management and reminder app named Taske. The app will feature a beautiful and professional UI, integrated pedometer functionality, and banner pushing through the Django admin panel. Key Features: - The main screen should be a dashboard with a task summary. - Users can organize their tasks and set recurring reminders (one-time and location-based reminders are not part of this project). - The app will allow users to track their physical activity through a pedometer and receive activity-based notifications. - Subscribed users will have access to additional features such as data backup. - Admins will manage banners through Django. - Users will enjoy an optimized experience based on their subscription sta...
I'm seeking a talented Unity 2D developer to help create a cartoonish style puzzle game. The primary mechanics of the game will revolve around matching items, providing a fun and engaging challenge for players. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in Unity 2D - Extensive experience in developing puzzle games - Strong understanding of item matching mechanics - Ability to create and implement cartoonish visual elements Experience: - Previous work in developing 2D platformer games will be considered - Portfolio showcasing cartoonish style games will be prioritized - References from past puzzle game projects will be beneficial.
I am seeking a freelance developer with extensive experience in Python and the Django framework. The primary focus of this project is to fix bugs that are impacting the display and layout of our frontend interface. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Python and Django - Strong debugging skills, particularly in frontend interfaces - Experience with fixing display and layout issues - Prior work with Python Django framework Please note, the goal of this short-term project is purely to resolve these bugs. If you have a knack for identifying issues and proposing improvements, that could be a plus. Your ability to deliver quality work within a couple of hours is crucial.
I am seeking a seasoned blockchain developer specializing in blockchain integration, particularly with the Ethereum platform. Your primary task will be integrating Ethereum for a crypto trading platform. Key Responsibilities: - Seamless integration of Ethereum for crypto trading - Ensuring robust, secure, and efficient blockchain connectivity - Collaborating with the team to meet project deadlines Ideal Candidate: - Extensive experience in blockchain integration - Proficiency with the Ethereum platform - Prior work with crypto trading platforms highly desirable - Strong problem-solving skills and attention to detail I have demo version for UI with Qt for PC. Sorry but Don't bid any indian
I am seeking a seasoned blockchain developer specializing in blockchain integration, particularly with the Ethereum platform. Your primary task will be integrating Ethereum for a crypto trading platform. Key Responsibilities: - Seamless integration of Ethereum for crypto trading - Ensuring robust, secure, and efficient blockchain connectivity - Collaborating with the team to meet project deadlines Ideal Candidate: - Extensive experience in blockchain integration - Proficiency with the Ethereum platform - Prior work with crypto trading platforms highly desirable - Strong problem-solving skills and attention to detail I have demo version for UI with Qt for PC. Sorry but Don't bid any indian
Job Title: WordPress/Laravel/React Developer Location: Remote Job Type: Full-time/Freelance Salary: TBD About Us: We are a web development startup working with variety of niches including designing and SEO. We are a group of few members dedicated to drive growth and success taking along the team. Job Overview: We are looking for a highly skilled WordPress, Laravel, and React Developer to join our team. The ideal candidate should have experience building and maintaining WordPress websites (Elementor expertise preferred), developing custom web applications in Laravel, and creating interactive front-end components with React. You will work on a variety of client projects, ensuring high-quality, modern, and efficient web solutions. Key Responsibilities: Develop, customize, and...
I need react native app developer For doing changes in my app
I'm looking for an independent, highly experienced .Net developer with Angular expertise for a Learning Management System (LMS) project. I will provide a Angular template and .Net developer have to work with my in-house Angular developer and will be responsible for creating all the require API's and database. Technical Requirements: .Net SQL server MySQL Angular API's creation & Integration. Ideal Skills: Previous work on LMS or similar educational platforms will be a significant advantage. Note - Timeline 60 Days and tight budget 50k INR non negotiable. If you bid more then decided budget, Please don not bid. Project will be discuss with winner.
We’re looking for an experienced UI/UX designer skilled in Figma to design our entire music distribution website. You'll be responsible for creating a complete design from scratch—including page layouts, animations, and custom graphics/illustrations (or sourcing high-quality, copyright-free alternatives from platforms like Envato). Competitor sites will be provided as references. Please share your portfolio and rates. note: preferred freelancer from Ukraine, Vietnam or Europe
We are seeking an experienced ERPNext/Frappe developer to assist in integrating the Frappe Framework with a custom user interface. The ideal candidate should have a strong understanding of both the Frappe framework and the ERPNext, with a proven track record of successfully implementing such projects. You will work closely with our team to create an new efficient and user-friendly software that meets our specific needs. Our custom user interface is build on a custom Vue.js-App. You need to implement specific business logic, adjust existing business logic in the ERPNext Back-End, and build custom endpoints to ensure communication between the Front-End and you have the skills and a passion for building seamless integrations, we want to hear from you!
I'm looking for an experienced developer that can build a new web application for me. The application should be built on the Oracle database. Key Requirements: - Extensive experience with web application development - Proficiency in Oracle database - Skills in .Net, C#, ASP.NET, etc. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in using MS Visual Studio - Experience with server management - Knowledge of software like GitHub, Jenkins, etc.
I'm seeking a skilled, native Android developer with expertise in Jetpack Compose and MVVM architecture to assist me with a women's safety app project. The app has several bugs and issues that need to be addressed, and it must be completed by tomorrow night. Key Issues: - Functionality: The app's user interface is working well, but there are significant problems with its functionality that need to be resolved. - SOS Alert System: This feature is experiencing location detection issues, delayed response times, and crashes. - User Authentication: There are also problems with the app's user authentication system. Ideal Candidate: - Proficient in native Android development. - Deep understanding of Jetpack Compose and MVVM architecture. - Experience troublesh...
I'm looking for a skilled React developer to help build my company's portfolio website. Key Features: - Project Showcase: The site will need a dedicated section to showcase our work. - About Section: A space to share our company's story and values. - Contact Form: A user-friendly form for potential clients or collaborators to get in touch. Requirements: - Proficiency in React: This is a must, as the site will be built using this framework. - Adherence to Provided Designs: I have specific designs and branding guidelines that need to be followed. - Experience with Portfolio Sites: Prior experience in building portfolio sites will be a plus. Your expertise will help bring my vision to life and make our portfolio shine. Looking forward to your bids!
I am seeking an experienced React Developer to assist in the maintenance of a project that includes a website and mobile application. The successful candidate will be responsible for implementing real-time updates and troubleshooting bugs as they arise. Key Responsibilities: - Incorporate real-time updates into the existing codebase - Diagnose and fix bugs in a timely manner Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in React.js, Node.js, MongoDB, React Native - Prior experience with web and mobile app development and publishing on app store - Strong problem-solving skills - Ability to work with existing code - Experience in maintenance of similar projects Need to work 10 hours per week or less. Monthly fixed payment.
I'm looking for a new or junior level Android developer from Pakistan. The project details are not yet fully fleshed out.
Job Title: Python Developer with Data Analytics Expertise Experience Level: 5 to 8 Employment Type: Contract (Hours and Work must be approved by department head) Job Overview: As a Python Developer with data analytics expertise, you will play a key role in developing and maintaining our data-driven applications and systems. You will work closely with cross-functional teams to design, implement, and optimize data solutions that support our business objectives. Your ability to analyze, interpret, and derive insights from complex data sets will be crucial to our success. Key Responsibilities: Develop, test, and maintain Python-based applications and systems Collaborate with data scientists, analysts, and other developers to design and implement data solutions Perform...
La actividad consiste en pedir una cotización de manera presencial en seis empresas asignadas por tu coordinador. Para realizar satisfactoriamente la actividad se requiere de lo siguiente: 1. Estudiar guía proporcionada por nosotros, comprender lo que se requiere menc...Freelancers no están al pendiente de sus mensajes o no reciben las notificaciones causando una comunicación tardía, por este motivo te pedimos instalar la app y estar al tanto de la misma para beneficio de todos). Si te interesa participar en esta actividad realiza tu bid por la cantidad fija $80 USD y escribiendo en el mensaje el municipio o alcaldía en el que vives para confirmar que no eres un bot. Bids por cantidades mayores a $80 USD no serán considerados. Se ...
I need a professional full stack developer to create a travel service website and application on a partnership basis. The primary functionality required is the ability to manage and display travel itineraries. Key requirements include: - Proven experience in website development, particularly for travel services. - Expertise in creating, managing, and displaying travel itineraries on a website. - Ability to deliver a user-friendly and engaging interface. Looking forward to your bids.
I'm seeking an experienced app developer to assist with uploading my game to the Google Play Console. This is an adult-oriented game without any in-app purchases. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in Google Play Console - App/Game development experience - Understanding of adult game market Please provide examples of your previous work, particularly if you've worked with uploading games for adults. sus mensajes o no reciben las notificaciones causando una comunicación tardía, por este motivo te pedimos instalar la app y estar al tanto de la misma para beneficio de todos). Si te interesa participar en esta actividad y no has hecho la misma anteriormente realiza tu bid por la cantidad fija $70 USD y escribiendo en el mensaje el municipio en el que vives para confirmar que no eres un bot. Bids por cantidades mayores a $70 USD no serán considerados. Gracias.... sus mensajes o no reciben las notificaciones causando una comunicación tardía, por este motivo te pedimos instalar la app y estar al tanto de la misma para beneficio de todos). Si te interesa participar en esta actividad y no has hecho la misma anteriormente realiza tu bid por la cantidad fija $70 USD y escribiendo en el mensaje el municipio en el que vives para confirmar que no eres un bot. Bids por cantidades mayores a $70 USD no serán considerados. Gracias....
...freelancer is responsible for thoroughly reviewing parts or the entirety of the project before declaring it as complete. Any instances where the freelancer inaccurately confirms project completion, causing the employer to waste their time in re-evaluating the work, will be deemed a violation of this contract. In such a situation, the employer may terminate the contract. Upon termination for such breaches, the employer is entitled to a complete refund of all payments made to the freelancer in terms of milestones. 4.3 Work Quality: Revisions/modifications will continue until the employer achieves complete satisfaction with the project. Satisfaction is defined as the employer being fully prepared to accept the project with complete happiness. 4.4 Transfer and Fi...
I'm looking for a Dev developer who can help me explore a new stack. The details of the programming languages, application type, and primary goals are yet to be defined. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in a variety of programming languages - Experience with both web and mobile applications - Ability to explore new technologies and stacks - Strong problem-solving skills - Excellent communication skills
I'm looking for an experienced React developer to integrate a comprehensive API into my React page. The API is designed for both fetching and sending data. Primarily, it's used to get location, retrieve time slots, and send user information as orders. Key Requirements: - Proficient with React and JavaScript - Previous experience with API integration - Understanding of handling user data - Able to display fetched data effectively The ideal candidate will not only implement the integration but also ensure that the data is displayed intuitively on the page. Bids from those with a portfolio showcasing similar projects will be prioritized.
I'm seeking a skilled WordPress developer to assist with some functionality updates on my existing website. Specifically, I need a non-working button on my enquiry form fixed and another button added. Key Responsibilities: - Fix the non-working button on the enquiry form - Add an additional button to the enquiry form Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in WordPress development - Experience with backend modifications - Ability to troubleshoot and resolve functionality issues - Previous work with WordPress enquiry forms or similar preferred
Laravel TALL Stack developer needed Position Overview We are seeking a skilled Laravel TALL Stack Developer to build and maintain modern web applications. You should have expertise in the TALL stack (Tailwind CSS, , Laravel, and Livewire) and be comfortable working across both the front-end and back-end. Key Responsibilities ✅ Develop and maintain Laravel-based web applications ✅ Build dynamic user interfaces using Tailwind CSS and ✅ Implement Livewire for real-time, reactive front-end experiences ✅ Design and optimize MySQL databases for performance and scalability ✅ Ensure clean, maintainable, and well-documented code ✅ Debug and resolve issues across the full stack ✅ Integrate third-party APIs and services ✅ Implement security best practices and data protection ✅ Colla...
Immediate (Right Now) PHP Laravel Developer (Individual Direct Freelancer) Required - Fix Payment Rs. 7000 (Max 50 Hrs Per Month) 7000 Rs fix payment even if the work from my side is lesser than 50 hrs Need fast developer
I'm seeking a highly skilled backend developer to assist with an account reconciliation project, with a primary focus on improving the user interface (UI). Key Responsibilities: - Collaborating on the backend to enhance server-side logic - Assisting with API development and database management - Working closely on UI improvements with a focus on user experience design, visual design, and navigation flow UI Upgrade Goals: - Implementing features like transition matching and increasing calculation speed. - Enhancing transition effects, ensuring rapid calculations, and boosting user interactivity. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in backend development - Strong understanding of UI/UX design principles - Experience with API development and database management - Capable of impl...
I'm facing a logical error in my React application that pertains to API integration. The API in question is a REST API. - Problem: The logical issue is hindering the proper functioning of the API interaction within my application. - Required Skills: Expertise in React is essential, with a strong understanding of REST API integration. Experience in debugging logical errors is a must. Please reach out if you have the necessary skills and experience to assist.
We are a stealth-mode startup running an in-house app company that also provides services to clients. Our focus is on building innovative mobile applications, and we are looking for a passionate React Native Developer Intern to join our team. Roles & Responsibilities: • Assist in developing, testing, and maintaining cross-platform mobile applications using React Native. • Work on UI/UX enhancements and optimize app performance. • Integrate third-party APIs and services. • Debug and resolve application issues and crashes. • Collaborate with backend developers, designers, and product managers. • Stay updated with the latest React Native trends and best practices. • Write clean, maintainable, and efficient code. Requirements: • Basi...
I'm looking for a competent programmer to convert approximately 24 pages of my Bootstrap, Java, and website to AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages). The main goal is to enhance SEO, speed up page l...Bootstrap, Java, and website to AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages). The main goal is to enhance SEO, speed up page loading, and boost mobile traffic. Please refrain from bidding if you lack the necessary skills. Automated bids will be disregarded. Key Requirements: - Conversion of 24 pages to AMP - Maintaining current design and layout - Preserving all functionality of interactive forms Before bidding, please visit my site at to understand the project scope. Your expertise in optimizing for AMP will greatly influence the success of this project. Our budget i...
I'm looking for an experienced React Native developer to help me build a mobile freelance platform. Key Responsibilities: - Developing a cross-platform mobile application using React Native - Implementing features for posting work and services - Ensuring the app is user-friendly for local workers Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in React Native - Prior experience in developing e-commerce or freelance platforms - Understanding of UI/UX principles for local accessibility
I'm looking for a skilled developer to create a Chrome extension for me. This extension should primarily help me save down notes and automate tasks. Key Features: - The extension needs to be able to save down snippets of information I choose to capture while browsing. - It should automate the process of saving these snippets to text files. - I should be able to name it - it should have room for iterations later The ideal candidate for this project would have prior experience in developing Chrome extensions, with a strong understanding of Javascript, HTML, React, API Chrome and CSS. Experience in creating automation tools will be an added advantage. I value clear communication and a proven track record of delivering projects on time.