Opencart custom payment methodроботи
привіт? Шукаю контент менеджера для створення та редагування товарів на Цмс: opencart Досвід роботи з opencart та створення товарів - обов'язковий Будь ласка, відразу пишіть вартість за товар або за годинну роботи Інформацію для публікації надаємо, по факту просто переносити інформацію про товар Для початку інформацію брати з цих сайтів, а далі будуть додаткові виробники та товари На товари потрібно "перенести" : 1. Перенести Фото (фото повинні бути без водяного знака) 2. Додати до товара, 3/5 шт якщо немає 2/3 3. Додати до вже створеного товара, товари які пропонуються разом для купівлі 4. На товар потрібно максимально прописувати Фільтра 5. На товар потрібно прописати всі характеристики
Потрібно налаштувати адаптацію фільтру FilterVier зі Slasoft Seo Pro на OpenCart для магазину господарських товарів Наразі фільтри індексуються в Google тільки українською мовою (основною). Для російської мови сторінки фільтрів видають прихований редирект На самому сайті редиректу не видно, сторінки відкриваються двома мовами. Проте сторонні сервіси бачать цей редирект. У зв'язку з цим виникає проблема - Гугл не індексує фільтри російською мовою. Звертались до спеціалістів з цим питанням - проблема в плагіні фільтрів, потрібно налаштувати адаптацію зі Slasoft Seo Pro. Тому стоїть задача - прибрати редирект з фільтрів російською мовою на українську. Запропонуйте, будь ласка, ціну роботи та терміни
...left photo of the Chef, name of the dish. At the right price (ex. 8.80 € ) and quantity with + and -. • Below (Any allergies, comments?) button • Below (delivery details) as piece of map with option to click and chose your location on map, or type in address manually) • Below (sending to someone else ?) button, by pressing let’s customer leave name and phone number of recipient. • Below Payment method, by pressing icon customer can chose to pay with (Apple Pay, Android, Pay, Google Pay(depending on platform), Add new card, Cocina Balance, (Paypal if necessary) • At the bottom (Summary), with sum up of full price - showing price of Products, Delivery, Service Fee and TOTAL. • By pressing (Confirm) specific animation and s...
В модуле Укрпочты нет возможности фильтровать отделение по "городу, улице"
Шукаю розробника, який у прийнятні терміни та за адекватні кошти може написати сайт-вітрину на базі CMS Opencart. Детальне ТЗ прикріплюю.
Цікавить компанія яка буде займатися обслуговуванням сайту інтернет магазину оптики та контактних лінз. Робота з CMS opencart індивідуальний дизайн швидка взаємодія з SEO структурою та робота по оптимізації сайту розробка індивідуальних рішень UX/UI дизайн
Проект старт-ап у сфері SmartHome. Маємо поточну версію сайту на OpenCart, яку хочемо адаптувати для виходу на ринок. 10+ сторінок. Тому для вибору виконавця пропонується для реалізації одна сторінка (figma-дизайн )
Доброго дня! Є сайт() на Wordpress (Woocomerce+Wcfm marketplace) і я хотів би реалізувати liqpay checkout метод оплати на данній платформі. Ось мануали як можна кастомізувати WCFM плагін у частині оплати:
Hужно установить и настроить в почти готовом сайте следующие функциональные возможности - структуру каталога (в первую очередь нужно под корректное отображение верхнего меню) - верхнее выпадающее меню (часть из которого привязать к категориям товаров; сейчас оно выглядит так а надо чтобы было так ) - передачу товаров в корзину (сейчас товары в корзину передаются но в попапе отображаются некорректно - вот так а надо вот так ) - фильтры (они уже на 90% - нужно добавить несколько недостающих и поменять порядок расположения согласно макету и пофиксить баги с отображением некоторых значений - вот например так выглядит фильтр сейчас и вот так он должен выглядеть согласно ТЗ) - покупку в один клик (подключить готовый модуль) p.s. задачи не подразумевают работы по верстке - для этого есть чело...
Щомісячна оплата перекладачів з англійської мови в Україну Ми шукаємо українських перекладачів для довгострокових відносин. Виплачуватимуться щомісяця. Дякую.
Коли перший раз заходиш на головну сторінку сайту не спрацьовує скрипт в модулях "Нові надходження" "Хіти продажу". Якщо перейти на будь-яку іншу сторінку товару. а потім знову на головну сторінку, то все вже все показує як треба Дана проблема завжди проявляється на мобільному телефоні і комп'ютері Opencart Os Store Version (trs. 1. Показуємо в яких файлах що змінюємо 2. Змінені файли зберігаємо, розгортатиметься бекап
Необхідно встановити і налаштувати модуль обміну і синхронізації даних між 1C і Інтернет-магазином на OpenCart Модуль: Є декілька додаткових побажань, при співробітництві обговоримо.
Потрібен сайт для наукової конференції, простий макет, можливо підключення перевірки на антиплагіат( з допомогою Google custom search API).
Необхідно розробити сторінку для сайту з продажу металопластикових вікон та впровадити ("вклеїти") її в наш сайт, який працює на платформі OpenCart. Ціль сторінки рекламація продукції та збирання даних потенційних покупців через форми зворотного зв'язку, або іншими способами. В подальшому планується розширення: - аналогічна сторінка з продажу гаражних воріт; - різні будівельні матеріали та роботи. Що хочемо отримати: максимально наближену сторінку як на сайті: Ціна робіт договірна.
Мені потрібно внести зміни в існуючий веб-сайт Потрібно налаштувати два інтернет магазини на базі Opencart.
Потрібно корегувати кольори та шрифти в дизайні інтернет магазину на Opencart. Всі настройки є в адмінці.
Потрібен програміст на опенкарті для верстки та налаштування плагінів (Removed by admin for breaching Terms and Conditions) with a dynamic page that lists artists. I need a custom search functionality that allows users to filter and find artists based on location. When a user enters a location, the search should display only the artists from that specific location. Requirements: Experience with Wix Velo (Corvid) for custom development Ability to create a functional search system for a dynamic page Ensure search results update dynamically based on user input Optimize for speed and performance Provide clear documentation for future modifications Preferred Skills: JavaScript & Wix Velo expertise Experience with databases and dynamic content filtering Strong problem-solving skills If you have experience building custom search features on Wix, p...
For business What information should successful freelancers include in their application? Past work How soon do you need your project completed? three days
I'm looking for a skilled developer to implement a mobile login feature on my WordPress website. The login method should be via Phone Number with OTP, using Firebase for OTP verification and SMS for delivering the OTP. Ideal Skills: - WordPress Development - Firebase Integration - SMS Gateway Integration - PHP/JavaScript proficiency Key Requirements: - Implement mobile login via Phone Number with OTP. - Utilize Firebase for OTP verification. - Deliver OTP through SMS only. - Ensure seamless integration with the existing WordPress site. Please provide examples of similar projects you've completed in your bid.
I'm in need of a seasoned PHP developer who can modify and set up the "Points and Rewards for WooCommerce" WordPress plugin. Key Responsibilities: - Adjust the point values within the plugin - Customizing the user interface of the plugin to a specific layout, color scheme and brand elements. - Incorporate custom elements into the user interface Issues to Address: - Troubleshoot and resolve an error message related to product points allocation. and deployment processes. We seek best practices to ensure smooth deliveries and scalability as the number of customers grows and we develop new versions over time. We prefer an hourly engagement but we'd like an overall estimate of the work. We would also like to have recorded zoom meetings for all work except documentation. Current development environment: Our Salesforce app comprises custom objects, metadata and Lightning Flows. We distribute with second-gen managed packages built using VScode with Salesforce extensions. We have set up a basic GitHub source control instance linked to VScode. We have passed security review. Our app has three editions which share a single code base and will use the Salesforce Feature Control System to determine which edition the... The freelancer must have a solid experience in store setup, customization, and implementing effective online marketing strategies to drive traffic and increase sales. Key Expectations: - Custom Shopify Store Setup & Design: Create a unique, bold and vibrant Shopify store aimed at increasing sales of physical products. - Responsive & User-Friendly Layout: Ensure the store is easy to navigate across all devices. - Product Upload & Optimization: Efficiently upload and optimize product listings for maximum visibility and appeal. - Payment & Shipping Integration: Seamlessly integrate reliable payment systems and shipping options. - SEO Optimization: Implement effective SEO strategies for better search engine rankings. - Digital Marketing: Utilize...
I'm seeking a seasoned developer to create a custom application for me on Revolut to facilitate live streaming from my main camera. This project is intended for long-term collaboration. Key Responsibilities: - Develop a custom application on Revolut that supports live streaming - Ensure the application is tailored for personal use - Provide ongoing support and updates as necessary Ideal Skills and Experience: - Extensive experience in custom application development - Familiarity with Revolut and its functionalities - Strong understanding of live streaming technologies and requirements - Excellent problem-solving skills and attention to detail - Ability to provide long-term support and collaboration
I'm in need of a custom-built CRM primarily focused on sales tracking. This system should be able to assist in managing leads and tracking sales performance. Key Features: - Lead Management: The CRM should have a robust system for managing leads through various stages of the sales funnel. - Automated Follow-Ups: The lead management capabilities should include automated follow-ups to ensure no prospect is left unattended. Ideal candidates for this project should have a strong background in CRM development, particularly with a focus on sales tracking. Experience with implementing lead management systems and automated follow-ups in previous projects would be highly beneficial.
...for both iOS and Android platforms. Key features of the app include: - Flashcards: The flashcards should support multimedia elements, specifically text, images, and audio. This will enhance the learning experience and make it more engaging. Flashcards will be from a bank we update and people will subscribe to use the app with a free trial. it will include front and back, cloze deletion method and other flashcard techniques like anki - Checklists: The app should include a checklist feature to help users track their progress. attached is an example to use for the OSCE checklist study - Gamification: The app should incorporate points and badges, as well as quizzes and challenges. These elements will motivate users and make the learning process more enjoyable. Ideal cand...
I'm looking for a professional to assist with migrating my corporate website from one domain to another on Hostinger. This is a non-CMS site, so experience with custom-built or static sites is essential. Key Requirements: - Comprehensive understanding of Hostinger's platform for seamless migration - Expertise in handling multiple databases - Proficient in managing corporate-level website complexities Ideal Skills: - Strong technical skills in website migration - Experience with corporate websites - Database management skills - Proficiency in troubleshooting potential issues during migration process. Please ensure your bid reflects your experience with similar projects. Thank you.
...focused on offering sports fan apparel and related products from various major sports organizations like NFL, NBA, MLB, NHL, MLS, WWE, and UFC. Key Requirements: - Expertise in WordPress and affiliate marketing website design specifically Amazon - Proficient in using Elementor or Divi - Capable of integrating custom product listings related to professional sports Specifics: - The website will be using a theme from Element Themes, specifically designed for Elementor or Divi - Custom product listings will need to be implemented emanating from the links, banners and images offered by the affiliate programs, Amazon Affiliates, Ebay, Fanatics, Rakuten and Sovrn among others Skills and Experience: - Proven track record in creating successful affiliate marketing websites...
I'm experiencing an issue with my Selenium scripts on an Ubuntu 20.04 server using TightVNC. The sendkeys method is malfunctioning - for instance, sendkeys for '5' is interpreted as BACKSPACE, and sendkeys for '6' as TAB. This only occurs when using TightVNC, as RDP works correctly. My client prohibits RDP use on Ubuntu servers, so I need a solution to this problem. Project Requirements: - Expertise in Ubuntu 20.04 - Proficiency with TightVNC and its configuration - Strong background in using Selenium 4 - Experience with troubleshooting VNC issues I need to be able to run my Selenium scripts on Chrome or Edge without these sendkeys malfunctions. Please bid if you have the necessary skills and experience.
I am looking to implement some p...set location or if the employee needs to travel. A call/text button should also be available for both parties to facilitate quick communication. A store locator should help customers find the nearest available location. If no locations are nearby, they should have the option to enter a preferred pickup address, provided services are available in that area. Customers should be able to input a custom meeting location if no preset options are nearby and the tenant/employee offers mobile services. An API integration should allow tenants to embed the booking system directly into their website, enabling customers to log in and book services without being redirected elsewhere. We will continue working together in the future, fostering a long-term coll...
Hello! I have a website of a hotel establishment, which uses the vikbooking plugin for the search and booking engine of the rooms. I need to develop a payment add-on as indicated in the following documentation In this way, I will be able to receive the payments with the virtual POS of my bank.
I'm looking to furnish my 4-bedroom house with a modern style, neutral-toned furniture. This project involves both designing and sourcing the furniture, with a particular focus on custom pieces for the living room, bedroom, and dining room. Key aspects of the project include: - Designing and sourcing modern-style furniture in neutral tones for a 4-bedroom house - Custom furniture design for the living room, bedroom, and dining room Ideal skills and experience for the job: - Proficiency in modern interior design - Experience in sourcing high-quality furniture - Skills in custom furniture design - Ability to work within a neutral color palette
WORKS TO DO: 1- we added a field when you edit a wocommerce Order, and it is saved correctly on the DB (working Ok); 2- on the Orders list, we must be able to list the orders based on that field. You can put a link or drop down on top of the list, to pick the "Order Type" and list them; Just that! PD: the code was added on a Snippet using the plugin "WPCode Rich Snippets", so you have to add your code on a new Snippet; Thats it! Total budget for this job is $ 25,00.- Dollars (commissions included - in 2 milestones, 50% in advance), since it is just adding some minimum details. Please do not bid more than that amount. A plus can be paid if done fast and as indicated. Please only bid if you have at least more than 15 positive feedbacks, and will be available online ...
...Reimbursement • Staff members can log daily expenses for each file by selecting: o Chassis/File Number o Expense Type (Custom Duty, Port Charges, Transport, etc.) o Amount Spent o Date & Time (Automatically while posting) o Description • Staff can only view their own expenses, not the total expenses for each file. • Admin can review and approve expenses. • Each staff member should have a ledger displaying: o Total amount spent. o Amount reimbursed. o Pending reimbursements. • Once admin makes a payment to any staff, the system will automatically mark it as paid against each file. • If the balance amount is insufficient, it remains in pending reimbursement until the next payment is made, and any new expenses added by staff will autom...
Hiding Video URLs via Proxy Added video URLs should not be directly visible through Inspect Element. URLs should be hidden using a proxy. Users should not be able to access the raw video source, but videos should still play smoothly. Additional Information I am using WordPress with a JWS theme. A PHP-based proxy solution or another suitable method can be proposed.
My site primarily focuses on adult entertainment. I'm seeking an expert to help me get approved on CrakRevenue's CPA affiliate network. Key Objectives: - The main goal of this application is to increase sales through affiliate marketing. - I'm primarily planning to utilize paid advertising as my promotional method. Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience with CrakRevenue and CPA affiliate networks. - Proven track record in boosting sales via affiliate marketing. - Expertise in strategizing and executing paid advertising campaigns.
...user-friendly solutions tailored to your business needs. What I Offer: Full-Stack Development Backend with Laravel & Frontend with React Custom Web Applications Tailored to your unique requirements API Development & Integration Secure and well-documented APIs Authentication & Role-Based Access Secure login and user management Database Design & Optimization MySQL/PostgreSQL with efficient queries Admin Panels & Dashboards Manage your data with ease Bug Fixes & Performance Optimization Improve speed and reliability Third-Party Integrations Payment gateways, APIs, and more Why Choose Me? Expert in Laravel & React with real-world project experience Custom, scalable, and optimized solutions tailored to your needs On-time deliver...
I'm looking to build a web application centered around a sophisticated problem analyzer. This platform should be interactive, providing users with a stimulating and engaging interface. Key requirements: - Expertise in React.js, Node.js, Express, MongoDB, MySQL, and Spring Boot is crucial. I need someone who can develop custom features, such as the interactive problem analyzer, and ensure the application is scalable and high-performing. - You should have a deep understanding of algorithm optimization and Big-O analysis to ensure the code is optimized and efficient. The project needs to run smoothly with minimal latency, as it will be handling multiple users simultaneously. - Experience in creating interactive user interfaces is key. The problem analyzer needs to be designed in...
The carousel on my WordPress site is experiencing issues; it jitters and shakes. Additionally, I need the magnification feature on my product images removed. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Expertise in WordPress and troubleshooting WordPress issues - Experience with official WordPress plugins - Understanding of product carousel functionality - Ability to modify carousel settings - ...WordPress site is experiencing issues; it jitters and shakes. Additionally, I need the magnification feature on my product images removed. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Expertise in WordPress and troubleshooting WordPress issues - Experience with official WordPress plugins - Understanding of product carousel functionality - Ability to modify carousel settings - Familiarity with CSS for potential custom...
I need an urgent adjustment to the custom liquid code in my Shopify store. The goal is to have the new store mirror the header and footer of my old one. Header Adjustments: - Style and nav menu should be identical to the original site, including color schemes. - On desktop, the logo needs to be on the left and the menu centralised. Footer Adjustments: - Ensure images are optimally displayed on mobile. Also, fix the desktop spacing for the brand logo and RBLI images. - Insert the registered charity information. - Centralise privacy policy and website info on desktop. - Add a LinkedIn social link, matching the styling of the main website. - Include phone number and email icon above the main footer info. The container should be a full pill to maintain consistency with the main websit...
I am looking for an exper...a web app, chrome extension, and a mobile app, which should all sync. We have our logo files ready, but we do not have UI designers, so you'll need to have a creative UI designer on your team. - Must be an expert with building scalable and secure web, mobile apps, and chrome extensions. - Must be an expert with React, Node, Python, PlayWright, Puppeteer, etc. - Must be an expert with building custom APIs so users can access our data. - Must be an expert with integrating voice calling features into an app. - Must be available for support/questions during EST hours. NOTE: The best bid, timeline, and technical proposal/approach will win this project. *Confidentiality is required - I will provide the detailed requirements with top-rated and trusted Fr...
I need a skilled web developer to replicate a PNG image into pure Bootstrap HTML and CSS. All elements of the image need to be meticulously copied including the layout, modal, typography, colors, and navigation menu. Light hover effects should also be incorporated to enhance interactivity. The content of the page will be static, so no dynamic elemen...code - Knowledge of implementing CSS hover effects - Ability to work with PNG files I will provide the design image via chat. Please message me if any clarification is needed. Based on working on this page, we have above 20-25 image files of the same design but related to different pages which needs to be developed in the second phase. I want the developer to use bootstrap only using minimal custom CSS and if possible no additional ...
The ideal candidate for this project should have extensive experience with Shopify Plus, strong skills in theme customization, app integration, backend data handling, Liquid custom coding, and good english speaking/communication skills. A proactive approach and keen attention to detail are also important for the successful execution of this project.
I need a custom-built wholesalers directory website for Pakistan. The platform should allow wholesalers to create profiles, list products with pricing, and let users contact them directly (no in-house payments). Features include: User-friendly, modern UI/UX Product search & filters Direct contact options (WhatsApp, Email, Phone) Admin panel to manage listings
...[Specify: Event, Sale, Branding, Awareness, Decoration, Marketing, etc.] 2. Poster Size & Format Size: [A4, A3, 24x36 inches, Custom] Format: [Digital, Print, Both] 3. Target Audience [Describe the audience: Age group, demographics, interests, business type] 4. Design Style & Theme Style: [Minimalist, Bold, Vintage, Modern, Corporate, Fun, Artistic, etc.] Color Preferences: [Specific colors or brand colors] 5. Text & Content Headline: [Main message or slogan] Details: [Event date, time, location, offers, call-to-action] Should we help with wording? [Yes/No] 6. Images & Graphics Logos: [Attach if available] Photos or Illustrations: [Attach or specify stock/custom] Additional Elements: [Icons, patterns, QR codes, social media handles] 7. File Type Requir...
...a new product on 26th August and need a custom Notion workspace to manage tasks across multiple teams (both tech & non-tech). The system should be simple, mobile-friendly, and easy to use, as many team members are not tech-savvy. Key Features Required: ? Task & Project Tracking ✅ Single Page View – Track all pending activities in one place (e.g., website development, vendor hiring) ✅ Task & Subtask Management – Each task can have multiple subtasks for better tracking ✅ Track by Department & Assignee – View status updates for the Marketing Team, Engineering Team, etc. ✅ Progress Tracking – Percentage-based completion tracking ? Advanced Filtering & Custom Views ✅ Pre-set filters to track by Department, Assignee, Status, Due Date...
I'm looking for a modern, compelling logo for my home remodeling service. The logo should incorporate a house icon and tools like a hammer or wrench, reflecting the nature of the business. Key Details: - The dominant ...color like the letters. - The overall style of the logo should be modern, minimal yet impactful. The ideal designer for this project should have: - A strong portfolio in modern, minimalist design - Experience in designing logos, particularly for home and construction services - An ability to creatively incorporate specific elements into cohesive, visually appealing designs. Name of business: Custom Installations and Remodeling Attached is a screen shot of something I liked from an AI image. But give me some more better ideas then this. I like the colors ...
GTA V RP with custom cars. just a server for 2-4 people without jobs only the gta v map Key Aspects of the Project: -Custom sound of cars - Custom Cars: The server will feature a variety of custom cars. This will not only include sports and classic cars, but also a range of utility vehicles. - Full Customization: The cars in this server will be completely customizable. This means players can tweak both the visual appearance and the performance of their vehicles. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Extensive knowledge of GTA V and its modding community. - Experience in creating and managing GTA V RP servers. - Proficiency in vehicle customization within the game. - Understanding of balancing a server for fair play. - Ability to implement and troubleshoot mods for th...