Mobile app development companies in usaроботи
Потрібно розробити софт для мобільної гри pubg mobile , з таким функціоналом : 1. Зміна версії гри, тобто , щоб я міг поставити вищу версію гри і ніхто не міг зайти на мій акаунт 2.Потрібно реалізувати функцію яка буде відвʼязувати акаунт від різних привязок , по типу : фейсбук , номер телефона і тд
Проект займається трансферами з аеропорту по світу, основні гео: USA, Uk, Australia. Для виконання анкор плану потрібно 15 - 20 штук директорій, щомісячно. За кожу оплата 5 доларів - вона фіксована. Щоб більш детально обговорити, є тех завдання по критеріях (прикріплено). В цілому найзручніший формат роботи, коли Ви просто відправите сайти котри мають посилання з прикладом, котре буде індексуватись і буде просто підходити по трафіку країни (це важливо) з Ahrefs (в ТЗ більш детально), а далі я в автоматизованому режимі перевірю які директорії точно підходять щоб екокомити і ваш с свій час.
To launch a new product, there is a need to develop a hot water boiler with a capacity of 100, 200, 300 kW. The boiler should run on solid fuel (firewood, coal) and be able to install a burner. Для запуску в виробництво, нового продукту, є потреба розробки водогрійного котла, з потужністю 100, 200, 300 кВт.. Робота котла на твердому паливі (дрова, вугілля) та можливість встановлення пальника.
Необхідно розробити веб-застосунок та описати його роботу. Опис має бути в форматі одного розділу бакалаврської дипломної роботи. Більш детальний опис наведений в закріплених файлах.
вітаю для проекту по USA є необхідність проставити посилання з .edu та .gov сайтів (не новореги) пишіть пропозиції з ціною та можливою кількістю доменів
Добрый день, Нужен специалист по настройке, запуску и оптимизации PPC кампаний. Целевое ГЕО: USA Важно: опыт работы с серыми нишами, умение проходить модерацию и обходить возможные баны от Google. Ниша: essay. Если есть опыт/наработки в данной нише :fire: Таргетинг: десктоп(>80%), только US, аудиторию определяете вы Канал: текстовые поисковые объявления в Google С нашей стороны: можем предоставить небольшой ресерч по конкурентам (ключи, тексты объявлений). Запускаем тестовую кампанию на 5 дней. Готовы масштабироваться, если стоимость привлечения пользователя будет в рамках целевых показателей. С вашей стороны: опыт работы с серыми нишами, умение проходить модерацию и обходить возможные баны от Google. + экспертность, вовлечение в нишу и ее нюансы, отчеты и рекомендации по лен...
Є повноцінний робочий Laravel сайт адаптований під мобільні пристрої. Необхідно розробити простий додаток (Android, iOS), який на старті відкриває фіксовану web-адресу. В додатку має бути реалізований доступ до камери, та файлової системи, зовнішньої карти пам’яті за необхідністю. На сайті реалізовано: 1. завантаження фото з камери чи папки. 2. надсилання email через софт смартфона 3. здійснення викликів на номер телефону з можливістю вибору встановленого месенджера чи телефону 4. посилання на інші сайти відкриваються в браузері телефону 5. визначені посилання на сайт відкриваються у додатку 6. використання Cookies В додатку реалізувати перезавантаження сторінки при scrolling down Додаток має працювати на Android вище 5.0. Вкажіть Вашу вартість виконання на Android та iOS. П...
Настроить тему bigcommerce под наши нужды. Добавить свои методы оплаты и доставки. Інтеграція с 1С, АМО, Бітрікс24 Set up the bigcommerce theme to fit our needs. Аdd customize payment and shipping methods. Integration with 1C, AMO, Bitrix24 Ми вже маємо аккаунт на bigcommerce і придбали тему. Нам потрібна швидка допомога з налаштуванням цієї теми та внесення деяких змін, якщо це можливо. У нас вже є бачення того, як це має виглядати. Крім того, ми шукаємо когось з досвідом підключення методів оплати і доставки, які не доступні на bigcommerce. Для цього потрібні навички кодування та знання платформи bigcommerce. Інтеграції, які нас цікавлять: 1. Методи оплати: - Privat24 - Payoneer - Transferwise - Western Union - payment by card (Mastercard, Visa) 2. Доставка: - Novaposhta - Ukrpo...
Потрібні розробники IBM BPM на тривалий термін. Робота віддалено. Завдання різні, як правило не дуже великі. Виконання по специфікаціям. Оплата по завершенні кожного завдання. Робота в команді з іншими розробниками під централізованим управлінням
Додаток для iPhone/iPad iPhone та iPad Мені потрібно, щоб розробили дизайн і створили сайт
Я шукаю безкомпромісно-афігєнних графічних дизайнерів (талановитих/шарящих/працьовитих) хто може присвятити себе створенню найкрутіших ТРЕВЕЛ-КАРТ в світі для бренду Travelization. Критерії: - бути, бляха, класною людиною - мати за спиною вражаючі ґрафік-дизайн роботи (бажано в InDesign) - божевільна увага до деталей і готовність відточувати роботу до ідеалу (я перфекціоніст) - вміння працювати дуже швидко та ефективно Якщо робота піде дуже добре, будуть нові схожі проекти. Будь ласка, пишіть в приват або поділіться з дизайнерами які проходить по критеріях. :) Я скину всі деталі. Вдячний до безмежності! ❤ #MadeInUkraine
I need some changes to an existing website. Коротко про сайт - друпал8, сервіс для генерації дитячої книги в залежності від статі і імені дитини. Є потреба у внесенні невеликих змін до функціоналу та верстку.
Мені потрібно внести зміни в існуючий веб-сайт Потрібно налаштувати два інтернет магазини на базі Opencart.
Мені потрібен новий веб-сайт. Розробити дизайн та створити сайт Інтернет-магазин Біжутерія своіми руками
Мені потрібно внести зміни в існуючий веб-сайт Добавити шаблон на сайт
Мені потрібен новий веб-сайт. Розробити дизайн та створити сайт Персональний веб-сайт We are good it-specialists. We know english and html, js, css and a little php.
Мені потрібен новий веб-сайт. Просто створити його Цільова сторінка Мне надо создать cs go trade сайти по типу Надо прив'язать стим бота котрый бы пренимпл и отправлял обмены)
Мені потрібен новий веб-сайт. Розробити дизайн та створити сайт Веб-сайт для невеликої компанії Потрібний сайт для підприємства яке займається виробництвом та продажем шлако,відсіво,керамзито - блоків.
Мені потрібен новий веб-сайт. Розробити дизайн та створити його Головна сторінка Сайт продажи автозапчастин
Додаток для iPhone/iPad Тільки iPhone Мені потрібно, щоб розробили дизайн і створили його Мені потрібно розробити простий додаток який би працював щось на зразок будильника .
Додаток для iPhone/iPad Тільки iPhone Мені потрібно, щоб розробили дизайн і створили його Мені потрібно розробити простий додаток який би працював щось на зразок будильника .
I'm seeking a seasoned PHP developer with 1-2 years of experience. Your primary responsibilities will include: - New Feature Development: You'll be tasked with creating new modules and features for our website. - Bug Fixing: Identifying and resolving issues in a timely manner will be crucial. - API Integration: A significant part of your role will involve integrating various APIs. The type of APIs you'll be working with will vary based on requirements, including but not limited to payment gateways and social media. Ideal Candidate: - Proficient in PHP with a good understanding of its ecosystems. - Has experience in API integration and can handle diverse requests. - Strong problem-solving skills, with a knack for bug fixing. - Comfortable working...
I am seeking a professional background check service based in Chicago, USA, to assist with pre-employment vetting. The primary focus of this project will be to verify the candidate's employment history. Key Requirements: - Conduct thorough employment verification on the candidate's background - Check basic employment information such as job title and responsibilities, employment dates, and salary history. Ideal Skills: - Experience in conducting background checks and reference checks - Knowledge of and ability to conduct thorough employment verification - Strong attention to detail and commitment to accuracy - Excellent understanding of confidentiality and ethical considerations in vetting process. Please note, drug testing is not required for this...
I am looking for a skilled game developer to create a simple game 2d game for desktop with touch feature . The specifics regarding the platform, genre, and features have not been determined yet, so I am open to suggestions. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in game development - Strong understanding of different game genres - Experience with implementing various game features - Ability to suggest suitable platforms for the game
We're seeking a skilled developer to create a new vendor registration page for our emergency delivery app, inspired by Swiggy and Zomato's designs. Key Requirements: - Incorporating the design layout, form fields, and user experience features from the provided examples. - Implementing two-factor authentication, real-time verification, and social media login options. - Integrating with payment gateways, database systems, and notification services. We're aiming for this project to be completed within 2-4 days. Please confirm if this timeline is feasible for you and provide a quote.
I need someone to port highcharts example given in the url using highcharts angular be able to tailor the RSVP forms based on the specific event. - Ability to be integrated in our existing website and also be available for users to integrate into their own website if they have one. The existing website offers customers the ability to post their events, so they will now have the option setup RSVP for their event. - Another discussion would need to be if the RSVP solution could potentially replace the current website's event postings vs needing to integrate. (To be assessed) Response Recording: - The software should send out email notifications for each RSVP response. - Also, text reminders (this is a low priority) Ideal skills for this job include software development, understanding of RSVP software features, and experience with creat...
...seeking an expert in gamification for a mobile app project. The main task will revolve around creating over 100 points that will serve as rewards within the app. - Purpose of Points: The points will primarily be used for gamification or rewards, enhancing the user experience and keeping them engaged. - Data Utilization: The data collected from the interaction with these points will be used for product development. This will help in refining the app and making necessary improvements based on user interaction and feedback. - Platform: The points will be implemented on a mobile app, so prior experience in mobile app development and gamification is highly desirable. Ideal Skills & Experience: - ...
We are seeking a reliable partner to help us secure high-quality backlinks that we can use for our business and customers to enhance search engine visibility. Backlink Creation: Focus on acquiring backlinks from IT or computer-related websites and forums. Domains with DA 50+, primarily based in Canada/USA. 75 links per week, totaling 300 links over 4 weeks. 10 keywords focus per week, with accurate anchor texts, descriptions, and hyperlinks targeted to main and inner pages. Quality Assurance: Links must originate from aged, stable domains with no spam history. A minimum of 300 approved and live links is required for milestone release. All links must be permanent, verified as active, and adhere to SEO best practices. Submission Process: Use the provided descriptions and key...
I'm a chess coach looking for a professional web developer to create an attractive and sleek website for me. The primary purpose of this website is to draw in new students. Homepage Essentials: - Clear presentation of my coaching services and programs - Compelling testimonials from my current and past students - Showcase of my qualifications and achievements in chess -Contact form -Blog The desired visual style for the website is a 'professional and sleek' one. Therefore, I would appreciate a developer with a strong portfolio in creating such websites. Experience in the education or coaching field will be a plus. A knack for understanding chess will be highly beneficial too. Looking forward to your bids.
We continue on the remaining task for the LMS mobile app.
Seeking a highly experienced and dedicated software developer with extensive expertise in ReactJS, NodeJS/ NextJS, Django and MySql. The candidate will be responsible for creating a comprehensive e-commerce website within one month. The ideal candidate should have substantial experience in developing multiple combo offer pages like Buy1-Get1,Buy2-Get2 & Buy3-Get3 pages, gift card pages, gift pages, coupon pages, OTP verification, Abandoned cart notification, order notification and payment gateway integration, Note 99.9% website has to be managed through Dashboard, like editing pricing, bulk import,export,bulk move with-in pages, bulk edit, bulk delete, Hide category, in page pages or multiple pages, Edit in one page or multiple pages, though coded t...
Trashcancleaning USA Fixing some issues with this website.
I'm seeking a skilled writer to craft a 1000-word essay in MLA format articulating my passion for electrical engineering. The inspiration is the following questions : What, specifically, is your plan after you graduate that you would like to research for this project? How does it connect with your chosen focus area? I plan on going to college to get a bachelor's of electrical engineering, and then work in that field. Aside from the degree or money you will earn, why is this topic important in creating the life you want to live? There are job opportunities in nearly every country in the world. I also want to be challenged and with ever growing tech industry there will always be more for me to learn about the field. It also has a lot of pro...
I'm seeking a skilled professional to create a Wikipedia article for my company. The main aim of this project is to enhance our brand awareness through a well-structured and informative article. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Extensive understanding and experience with Wikipedia's article creation process. - Strong writing and editing...awareness through a well-structured and informative article. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Extensive understanding and experience with Wikipedia's article creation process. - Strong writing and editing skills to ensure the article is engaging and adheres to Wikipedia's standards. - Ability to understand and convey our company's vision, mission and values in a compelling way. - Previous experience creating Wikipedia pages...
I'm looking for a PACS (Picture Archiving and Communication System) expert to improve image storage specifically for CT scans. The primary goal of this project is to develop a system that can ensure quick retrieval of images. The ideal candidate for this project should have: - Extensive experience in PACS development. - Strong understanding of DICOM (Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine) standards. - Proven record in developing high efficiency image storage systems. Please provide your portfolio if you have experience with similar projects.
...Details: - The vehicle should start and stop based on voice commands. - In the event of an emergency, the vehicle should halt upon receiving a voice command. -vehicle speed should be controlled by voice command or web application -vehicle should maintain average speed when speed is not set through voice command or web application -vehicle speed must reduce when an obstacle is triggered or based on road conditions - The vehicle must follow a predetermined path under normal conditions. -it has to notify user when gps connection is lost,and has to be able connect through bluetooth and be able to work with voice commands Ideal candidates should have extensive experience with Arduino, GPS systems, and web application development. Knowledge of obstacle avoidance algorithms ...
I'm looking for a professional to create a comprehensive business plan and an engaging sales pitch for my startup e-commerce dropship pet supplies company. The objective is to secure ...Executive Summary, Market Analysis, and Financial Projections. - The market analysis should cover all aspects, with a strong focus on competitor analysis. - As I currently do not have detailed data on competitors, I require assistance in conducting this analysis. Ideal Candidate: - Previous experience in creating business plans for e-commerce and/or pet supplies companies is highly desirable. - Strong skills in market research and competitor analysis. - Excellent financial forecasting abilities. - Proven track record of crafting engaging sales pitches. - Experience in...
...Highlight key features and unique selling propositions that set us apart. 3. Companies: ○ Section to showcase logos and brief profiles of companies associated with us. 4. We vs Others: ○ A comparison chart or infographic highlighting why users should choose us over competitors. 5. Statistical Information: ○ Graphs, charts, or data to highlight metrics such as success rates, user satisfaction, etc. 6. Packages: ○ Pricing details with clear descriptions of various hiring packages. 7. Testimonials: ○ Reviews and testimonials from happy clients and candidates. 8. FAQs: ○ Addressing common questions for both employers and candidates. Requirements: • Modern, intuitive, and user-friendly design. • Mobile-first, responsive layout. &bull...
I am in need of an experienced WordPress developer who can assist with custom theme and plugin development, as well as rigorous testing. -=========== TASK : =--=========== Please create a vhost in your local development environment with hostname set as: Download latest Wordpress and install in your local site. (i.e. site url and home url should be ) Please keep username coalitiontest and password wordpresstest Once the installation is completed, please download this zip file. (I will provide the file later) This zip file contains the base theme for WP (underscores) and PSD design file. Please activate that theme and incorporate the PSD design into the WP template. Create a new template with name Create a new page with title “Homepage”
I am looking to refresh my old mobile app design, please check old app screenshots attached. I need you to design following pages: - splash screen - main screen - Menu: ordering page including checkout and success page. - Side Navigation menu. - Order History Page - Login Page - My Account - Reviews Page - Contact Us Page - Book a Table/Reservation Page
I'm looking to build a new iOS mobile app from scratch. This is a greenfield project where creativity and technical skills will be crucial. Please provide your portfolio showcasing your previous mobile app development projects, particularly those focused on iOS. Experience in UX/UI design, backend integration, and knowledge of Swift is highly appreciated. The ideal freelancer should be able to: - Understand and translate my vision into a functional app - Create an engaging, intuitive user interface - Ensure smooth performance across all iOS devices - Implement strong security measures - Provide regular updates and be open to feedback
We're developing a mobile e-commerce app and need an experienced App Development Consultant. Your role will be to guide us through the development process, ensuring we adhere to best practices and leverage the latest tech trends. Key Responsibilities: - Provide strategic advice and review project plans. - Ensure our app meets industry standards. - Supervise the incorporation of key functionalities like payment processing and geolocation based search. Ideal Skills: - Deep understanding of app development methodologies. - Strong communication and problem-solving skills. - Proven track record in app development consulting. If you have relevant app development experience, especially in e-...
I'm seeking a skilled software developer to create a Windows-compatible application that adjusts and warps the output of two projectors for alignment with a 180-degree curved screen. Key Featur...Windows-compatible application that adjusts and warps the output of two projectors for alignment with a 180-degree curved screen. Key Features: - Utilize NVIDIA’s Warp and Blend API for image warping and blending. - GUI with essential functionalities: * Real-time preview of adjustments * Manual input for precise control * Preset options for quick calibration Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Windows software development - Experience with NVIDIA’s Warp and Blend API - Strong ability to create user-friendly GUIs Please ensure your proposal includes relevant...
I need an experienced web developer to create a Shopify-based dropshipping website for me. The site should be designed to sell a wide range of profitable products, with the following features: - Customer Reviews: A section for customer-generated content will be essential. This will help to build trust and enc...purchases. - Live Chat Support: Integrating a reliable live chat support system is a must. This will facilitate real-time customer service and enhance user experience. - Wishlist Functionality: A wishlist feature should be included, allowing customers to save items for later. The ideal candidate will have extensive experience in Shopify and dropshipping website development, as well as a good understanding of eCommerce. Please provide examples of your previous work ...
I require assistance in scraping specific financial reports from various websites. This task will involve gathering Sec 10q and 10k reports for 80 companies for 12 years Ideal skills for this project: - Proficiency in web scraping tools and software - Experience in gathering financial data - Ability to compile data into a clear and usable format - Attention to detail and strong analytical skills Pull the reports and save them as is in three formats HTML Excel Pdf For example Apache company: I will give the list of companies and the freelancer can get the reports back and mark them on a spread sheet. Please specify the budget you are looking at. I will go with the best skills and best price The work can be
I'm looking for a modern web and cloud-based Crew Management System. This software should simplify the processes of creating, managing, and assignin... Key Components: - Integration with workforce management systems - Critical operations that involve creating, updating, and deactivating resources and crews Essential Tasks: - Design and implement a system to create new resources and crews - Develop an interface for updating existing resources and crews - Enable functionalities for deactivating resources and crews Ideal Candidate: - Proficient in modern JavaScript frameworks - Experience with developing web and cloud-based applications - Knowledgeable about crew and workforce management systems - Able to create robust back end, database, and APIs for seamless external applicati...