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  • joomla full page wrapper
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2,000 joomla full page wrapper знайдені роботи

Project Overview We are launching a truck and car service center in Dessau-Roßlau (Germany), with a focus on tire services (mounting, balancing, sales) and oil changes for both heavy-duty trucks and regular cars. In the future, we aim to expand into more advanced diagnostic and repair services, particularly for trucks (including full test lines, brake tests, suspension diagnostics, etc.). We need a modern, fully responsive website that reflects our professionalism, supports online booking, and is optimized for local SEO (primarily in Dessau-Roßlau and surrounding regions). The site should also attract transit (long-haul) drivers who pass through our region on major highways. We want to provide a multilingual platform (German, English, and additional languages such as Po...

$15 / hr Average bid
$15 / hr Сер. заявка
20 заявки
Redesign home page 3 options
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Редизайн хоме пейдж 3 варіанти та 3 варіанти логотипу

$150 Average bid
$150 Сер. заявка
1 заявки

I need to make a page like the example (attached video), where there will be a button with a suggestion to switch to another browser. When clicked, call a dialog box (system window) and redirect the user to the selected browser. If possible, make it so that only chrome was from the options. Target audience - Android, iPhone is not considered now We want to place a link to the page in tiktok, but need to redirect the user to a third-party browser and do it with a dialog box, other methods as far as I know do not work I found a ready-made solution builder that has such a built-in function. We need to make a similar one only for our site. Tiktok account for testing links is available. If you need I can give a link to this ready-made solution (you can see it on the video).

$219 Average bid
$219 Сер. заявка
9 заявки

Доброго дня! Шукаю в команду професійного Full Stack Node.js розробника з досвідом розгортання та роботи AWS Сервісів. Так, цікавить безпосередньо розробник, а не IT-агентство. Для нас важливим є як професійні навички по розробці NodeJS сайтів, досвід з розгортанням AWS сервісів (вказані нижче в Стеку технологій) а також комунікація із вами. Тобто в своїй команді ми бачимо відповідальну, достатньо комунікабельну та професійну людину, яка захоплюється тим що робить. Любить складні та цікаві проєкти, та може запропонувати оптимальні рішення для реалізації складних задач. Наша команда: У нас зараз невелика команда, з досить широким досвідом розробки та аналітики даних. Саме над цим проєктом у нас є Дизайнери, Розробник картографії на MapBox, Архітектор БД, Javascript-програмісти. Що...

$18 / hr Average bid
$18 / hr Сер. заявка
3 заявки
Wordpress Landing page Work
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1. Landing page 2. Чіткість фото 3. seo landing page 4. Check seo основне 5 Підписка основний сайт

$395 Average bid
$395 Сер. заявка
1 заявки

Мій перший лендінг: Ціна 1 Landing Page-2000 грн / 5000 руб. Проходила тренінги від Restart Academy 50% - передоплата

$15 - $25 / hr
$15 - $25 / hr
0 заявки
Full staсk developer
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У зв’язку з розширенням проекту шукаємо у свою команду Full staсk developer (React,node.js) На довгостроковий проект full time або part time ( віддалена робота) Проект схожий на hotline, парсимо 10 сайтів 24/7 в нашу базу даних та показуємо найдешевші ціни клієнту. Skills: Практичний досвід роботи з: React Redux Node.js Express MongoDB Надійна особа, яка дотримується узгоджених термінів і серйозно ставиться до якості коду Досвід з парсерами вітається.

$963 Average bid
$963 Сер. заявка
3 заявки

1) Перенесення сайту на Joomla до актуальної версії. 2) Підбір адаптивного шаблону 4) Оптимізація структури сайту. 5) Оптимізація статей сайту для SEO. 7) Максимально зберегти структури URL-адрес для всіх типів сторінок. 8) Оплата на ФОП чи ТОВ

$400 Average bid
$400 Сер. заявка
1 заявки
PHP Full-stack developer
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Для нашого онлайн магазину шукаємо PHP розробника фрілансера Маємо два цікаві проекти. Завдання: Шукамо фрілансера для розвитку наших веб-магазинів електронної комерції за допомогою найсучасніших веб-технологій для різних пристроїв (мобільних, планшетів) Профіль: • Хороші знання з програмного забезпечення (об'єктно-орієнтований дизайн, шаблони проектування, тестування) • самостійна робота та вирішення проблем • високий рівень мотивації • Досвід роботи з PHP, Symfony, Laravel або Zend, є перевагою • Вільне володіння німецькою чи англійською мовами • Дуже хороші знання PHP, MySQL та JavaScript • Добре знання HTML (5) та CSS (3)

$200 Average bid
$200 Сер. заявка
1 заявки

Компанія займається реалізацією масок від коронавірусу. Необхідно створити лендінг

$155 Average bid
$155 Сер. заявка
12 заявки

Необхідно зробити декілька landing page на різну тематику. Чекаю пропозицій

$102 Average bid
$102 Сер. заявка
4 заявки

Сайт повинен складатися з landing page свореного за допомогою fullpage.js. Приклад сайту: http://bossar.agency. Потрібна тільки оболонка без заповнення, дизайн вже готовий

$168 Average bid
$168 Сер. заявка
16 заявки
Розробити Landing page
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Ми - компанія, яка займається продажем та безпосереднім встановленням камінів. Потрібно створити landing page з декількома call to action, головною метою яких буде взяти контактні дані користувача з метою подальшої обробки у вигляді живої розмови. Сайт повинен містити: - Чітко сформовану структуру; - Текст який буде позитивно впливати на заповнення форми; - Оригінальний дизайн - Адаптивність до всіх пристроїв - Можливість завантажити прайс лист в обмін на заповнення форми - Присутність google аналітики - UTM - мітки Приклади робіт, які допоможуть зрозуміти, що повинно вийти у результаті:

$305 Average bid
$305 Сер. заявка
15 заявки
Chrome Extension: Full Screen & Audio Capture -- 2
6 дні(-в) left

I'm looking for a seasoned developer who can finish a Chrome extension for me. This extension should be able to capture both the entire screen and audio simultaneously. Key Requirements: - The captured screen images should be saved in PNG format. - The captured audio must be saved in MP3 format. - The extension should detect screen change and capture screen when changed - Ask for necessary audio permissions, list out microphones, show microphone status etc. - User will enter a project or select existing project to store screens and audio - Each start/stop creates a session in the project. - Session can be paused and resumed - The files will be stored on the local file system and metadata in the local mongodb - I have code for the server already written in Pytnon/Flask Ideal skills...

$140 Average bid
$140 Сер. заявка
59 заявки
Next.js Frontend Developer Needed for Full Stack Project
6 дні(-в) left

I need an expert in to complete a full stack project, primarily focused on the front end. The project is expected to last around 3-4 months and will require full-time commitment. You'll be working directly with me via Anydesk or Teamviewer. The Figma designs for the project are ready, and while the complexity of the design elements can be described as moderately complex, the majority of the work will involve implementing specific functionality and features on the front end. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in - Experience with Redux or a state management library - Familiarity with SASS - Ability to understand and implement moderately complex design elements Key Responsibilities: - Working on the front end of a full stack project - Implementing fea...

$11 / hr Average bid
$11 / hr Сер. заявка
24 заявки
Web development -- 2
6 дні(-в) left

Web development - Blog I am looking for a web developer to create a blog website within a tight timeline of 1-2 week...developer to create a blog website within a tight timeline of 1-2 weeks. Specific functionalities and features are already outlined in a detailed list, which will be provided to the chosen developer. Ideal skills and experience for this project include: - Proficiency in web development languages such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript - Experience with content management systems (CMS) such as WordPress or Joomla - Knowledge of responsive design and mobile optimization - Ability to incorporate SEO best practices for improved search engine visibility The developer should be able to create a visually appealing and user-friendly blog website that meets all the specified req...

$28 Average bid
$28 Сер. заявка
26 заявки
digital page design
9 дні(-в) left

The template should highlight deep questions, relationship insights, and self-reflection prompts. Minimalist, clean, and structured design with subtle animations or effects. Psychological Depth & Transformational Journey the logo you design with white font or ivory font . Keep the design high-end and minimalist – No clutter, sleek typography focus on deep self-awareness, connection, and exclusive dating experiences. I want a fully editable template in Canva or Photoshop, custom animations,

$20 Average bid
$20 Сер. заявка
1 заявки
Directory Web Designer with Punjabi Understanding
6 дні(-в) left

...and responsive Include features such as search functionality, profiles for therapists, and contact forms Complete the project within the budget of £300 Quick turnaround time is essential Skills and Experience: Proven experience in website design, especially in creating directories Strong knowledge of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript Familiarity with content management systems (CMS) such as WordPress or Joomla Excellent communication skills and attention to detail Please send your portfolio, a brief description of your relevant experience, and your estimated timeline for completing the project to [Your Email Address]. Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis until the position is filled....

$537 Average bid
$537 Сер. заявка
126 заявки

Dear Belinda, I send the quote for opening a page for maintaining the website. Please accept. Thanks

$100 Average bid
$100 Сер. заявка
1 заявки

I need a minimalist-style landing page for product sales directly from Facebook. Key Requirements: - Direct sales optimization: The landing page must be mobile friendly to facilitate smooth, hassle-free purchases. - Payment Gateway Integration: Experience with integrating PayPal and Stripe - Minimalist Design: A sleek, uncluttered, minimalist design is imperative. It should be modern yet simple, without any bold or overly colorful elements. Please use this as template

$90 Average bid
$90 Сер. заявка
84 заявки

...knack for crafting visually appealing and high-converting landing pages. The primary objective of this project is to create a mobile-friendly landing page that is optimized for generating leads. Key Requirements: - Develop a fully responsive and mobile-optimized landing page on WordPress. - Ensure the design is modern, clean, and consistent with my branding. - Implement essential conversion tools, including a contact form and compelling call-to-action buttons. - Prioritize fast loading times and seamless user experience. - Conduct SEO optimization for enhanced visibility. Preferred Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in Elementor or similar page builders. - Strong portfolio of previous WordPress landing pages, particularly those focused on lead generation. - Abil...

$112 Average bid
$112 Сер. заявка
207 заявки

...least three public projects or portfolios that demonstrate your experience in similar work. We are seeking a skilled freelancer to transform our Figma-designed landing page, which includes two interactive popups, into a fully responsive HTML webpage. The conversion should accurately reflect the design aesthetics and functionality, incorporating animations to enhance user experience and performance.​ Key Responsibilities: Figma to HTML Conversion: Translate the provided Figma design into clean, semantic HTML5 code, ensuring fidelity to the original design.​ Responsive Design: Utilize CSS3 media queries to ensure the landing page is fully responsive across various devices, including desktops, tablets, and smartphones.​ Animations: Implement animations as specified in the...

$45 Average bid
$45 Сер. заявка
95 заявки
React Page API Integration
6 дні(-в) left

I'm looking for an experienced React developer to integrate a comprehensive API into my React page. The API is designed for both fetching and sending data. Primarily, it's used to get location, retrieve time slots, and send user information as orders. Key Requirements: - Proficient with React and JavaScript - Previous experience with API integration - Understanding of handling user data - Able to display fetched data effectively The ideal candidate will not only implement the integration but also ensure that the data is displayed intuitively on the page. Bids from those with a portfolio showcasing similar projects will be prioritized.

$480 Average bid
$480 Сер. заявка
277 заявки
EA Executive Assistant Needed - Full Time
6 дні(-в) left

...marketing company in need of a highly organized and proactive Executive Assistant (EA). This is a full-time, long-term role (minimum 1 year). Key Responsibilities: - Email management - Calendar scheduling - Travel bookings - Project coordination - Reporting and research - Handling any incoming tasks Ideal Candidate: - Proficiency in administrative work - Experience with ClickUp - Excellent communication skills - Able to work full-time with some schedule overlap with the team Please start your application text with "I am the best fit for this role, because.. ". In your application, include: 1. A brief description of yourself 2. Why do you feel you qualify 3. What is your expected monthly salary for a full time job Please do not add your CV or any other...

$290 Average bid
$290 Сер. заявка
30 заявки

I'm seeking a designer to refine the layout, color scheme, and typography of my B2B website's landing page. You will need to strictly adhere to my established style guide, so attention to detail is paramount. Ideal candidates will have experience with B2B web design and a strong understanding of my brand's aesthetic.

$76 Average bid
$76 Сер. заявка
69 заявки
Minimalistic One Page Company Webpage
6 дні(-в) left

I'm looking for a professional web developer to create a modern, minimalistic one-page website for my company. The site will simply showcase our work with around ten pieces of text and images. I will provide all the wording in French and a rough idea of how the page should be organized. Your job will be just to make it look professional, easy to ready on a computer or a phone. Key Requirements: - Design style: Modern and minimalistic - Color scheme: Cool (blue, green) - Layout: Single column layout The ideal candidate will have experience in creating clean, minimalist designs and should have a strong portfolio demonstrating their ability to deliver professional, high-quality work.

$152 Average bid
$152 Сер. заявка
181 заявки
HTML Version of New Home Page Design for ecommerce Website
6 дні(-в) left

I have existing ecommerce website that we wanted to redesign. I wanted to start with Home page design first. I don't need Figma or XD. Need HTML/CSS version of optimized Home page. Once the Home page will done and approved then we will share our additional page requirement. Home page design Budget: 500 INR

$13 Average bid
$13 Сер. заявка
67 заявки
Lead-Gen Landing Page Creation
6 дні(-в) left

I'm in need of a professional to create a landing page specifically tailored for lead generation. The landing page should feature a simple contact form that collects the following information from potential leads: - Name - Email - Phone number The designer should have a strong understanding of user experience principles, as well as lead generation strategies, to ensure the landing page is optimally designed for capturing leads. Prior experience with creating similar landing pages will be viewed favourably.

$28 Average bid
$28 Сер. заявка
32 заявки

...creating a promotional landing page for the group, which will be used to attract and onboard subscribers to a forex brokerage. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in Telegram group setup and management - Experienced in creating engaging and interactive online communities - Skilled in landing page creation with a focus on promotion - Knowledgeable about forex brokerage to tailor content appropriately Key Project Aspects: - The Telegram group will primarily serve to engage the community - The landing page will be promotional in nature - The sign-up page will need to collect information from potential subscribers, specifically their interest in forex brokerage. The aim is to create a dynamic, engaging Telegram group supported by a well-designed landing ...

$114 Average bid
$114 Сер. заявка
28 заявки

My Shopify eCommerce site is almost complete. I just need a product details page designed and as structured properly. No functionality work is required—just the layout and responsiveness. - we will provide you the page Structure. Requirements: Create a clean and structured product details page. Ensure the page is responsive on all devices. Match the existing design, colors, and fonts of the site. Coding knowledge is needed to Build and Design the page correctly. Site link : The site is already set up—I just need this page finalized. Looking for someone who can complete it within 3-5 days. Bid only if you have strong skill of coding and Shopify store.

$86 Average bid
$86 Сер. заявка
49 заявки

I'm looking for a skilled web designer to revamp two existing pages and create a new landing page. The primary objective of this project is to enhance the visual appeal of these pages, so they align with a modern and sleek aesthetic. Key Responsibilities: - Redesign two existing pages to improve their aesthetics - Design a new, modern and sleek landing page Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in web design with a modern and sleek style - Strong portfolio demonstrating aesthetic improvements on past projects - Ability to work with a neutral color scheme - Experience in landing page design Please note that the color scheme for this project will be neutral tones. If you have a keen eye for modern design and can create visually appealing web pages, I&...

$114 Average bid
$114 Сер. заявка
44 заявки

...** We will not create or release milestones in advance. I will make payments on a weekly or monthly basis. ** Maybe Before Award, we will take a small unpaid test. ** Maybe you have to attend 7 days training before joining. Candidate will be get paid Rs.1000 for this training. ** bid ONLY if our rate and terms suit you. ** DON'T BID IF YOU'RE WILLING TO WORK 1 WEEK FOR A GOOD REVIEW. This is a full-time position offering ₹10,000/month....

$82 Average bid
$82 Сер. заявка
25 заявки

I need assistance in sharing a Google spreadsheet with full editing access to specific collaborators, while ensuring the sheet is secure from unauthorized copying or downloading. Key Requirements: - Share the spreadsheet with full editing access to selected collaborators. - Implement security measures to disable the copy and download options. - Manage sharing settings manually for each user. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in Google Sheets. - Experience with Google Sheets' sharing and security features. - Strong attention to detail and commitment to data security.

$59 Average bid
$59 Сер. заявка
13 заявки

We are building a custom web platform for an international package redirection service. We seek an experienced full-stack developer to design and develop a scalable solution. A professional, responsive layout with corporate colors (e.g., blue, gray), shadows, and elegant typography, inspired by the user-friendly interface and functionality of leading logistics platforms like ().

$292 Average bid
$292 Сер. заявка
73 заявки

I'm in need of an experienced Laravel developer who can urgently add some pages to my website. The pages aren't specified yet, so flexibility and creativity will be appreciated. Key Responsibilities: - Develop new we...some pages to my website. The pages aren't specified yet, so flexibility and creativity will be appreciated. Key Responsibilities: - Develop new website pages based on project requirements. - Implement forms or input fields on these pages. - Establish a new database connection for the forms or input fields. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Laravel framework. - Experience in web development and page creation. - Good understanding of database connections and form integrations. Please note that the project is time-sensitive, so swift and high-quality wo...

$24 Average bid
$24 Сер. заявка
20 заявки

I have a 13-page Word document with a table that needs to be typed out urgently. This document has been imported from a program and requires precise transcription. - The final document must be in Word Document (.docx) format. - It's essential to maintain the original formatting of the document. - The entire content, including the table, footnotes, headers, and page numbers, needs to be included. Ideal skills for this job include: - Excellent typing skills - Strong attention to detail - Proficient in Microsoft Word - Ability to adhere to strict deadlines. Time is of the essence for this project. Prompt and accurate completion is highly appreciated.

$225 Average bid
$225 Сер. заявка
36 заявки

A WordPress landing page which will be used to sell kid products and Configurations of WPfunnels.

$35 / hr Average bid
$35 / hr Сер. заявка
1 заявки

We have XD design of this project and I need to React, Django Developer who can build this web app. It is 2~5 pages and timeline is one week. If you can meet our timeline and budget please apply. If you have portfolio of Japanese web development, please include it in your proposal. Looking forward to hearing from you.

$13 / hr Average bid
$13 / hr Сер. заявка
130 заявки

I'm seeking a skilled WooCommerce developer with keen design sense to enhance the cart and category pages of my online store. The goal is to create a modern and clean layout that is user-friendly and visually appealing. Figma: Ideal candidates should have: - Previous experience with WooCommerce - Strong web design and UX skills - Ability to deliver a minimalist yet modern and clean design

$1345 Average bid
$1345 Сер. заявка
154 заявки

My new website is in need of off-page SEO to increase its visibility and make it easier for potential clients to find me. The primary focus will be on backlink building from industry-specific sites. Skills and Experience Required: - Proven experience in off-page SEO, particularly in backlink building - Familiarity with industry-specific sites relevant to my business - Strong understanding of SEO best practices - Excellent research skills - Ability to deliver measurable results

$120 Average bid
$120 Сер. заявка
42 заявки
Custom 5-Page SaaS Responsive Website Design
6 дні(-в) left

I'm looking for a professional web designer to create a custom 5-page website for my SaaS product and service. Key Requirements: - Someone with photoshop, tailwindcss and boilerplate experience - The website should effectively showcase our SaaS product, aimed primarily at all businesses. - The design needs to be user-friendly and intuitive, with a focus on driving user acquisition. - The website should seamlessly integrate elements for potential customer support. - Experience in designing SaaS websites is preferred. - A portfolio demonstrating previous work with all sizes of business-targeted websites will be highly valued. Portfolio should service, products, solution, pricing, free trial/request demo Deliverables: Figma link, Photoshop files & PNG files

$163 Average bid
$163 Сер. заявка
207 заявки

I've recently established a Facebook page for my business model profile marketing plan and need assistance on how to effectively use the page. Key Tasks: - Guidance on sending out email links to multiple recipients from my personal email account - Tips on keeping the page organized - Advice on moving photos Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in Facebook page management - Experienced in personal email marketing - Excellent organizational skills - Good understanding of social media marketing

$18 / hr Average bid
$18 / hr Сер. заявка
41 заявки

I need to create a payment page. There's 4 options of payment for our magnetic insoles and 3 sizes to select. I also need to add a background image on home page and payment page . also add footer and links for terms and privacy page, phone number.et.... links to buy buttons on home page .All the images are in the library..There's very few work to be done. I will supply the access to the word press Thanks.

$100 Average bid
$100 Сер. заявка
175 заявки
Forex & Trading Services Landing Page
6 дні(-в) left

I'm urgently in need of a proficient web designer to create a bilingual (Thai and Swedish) landing page for promoting forex and trading services. The right candidate will have a strong portfolio of similar work, specifically in these two languages. Key Features of the Landing Page: - A section for testimonials to build trust and credibility. - A contact form for user inquiries and leads generation. Ideal Skills: - Fluent understanding of Thai and Swedish to ensure accurate and appealing language use. - Proven experience in designing engaging and effective landing pages. - Ability to understand and convey the intricacies of forex and trading services in a compelling way. Please provide samples of your previous landing pages in Thai and Swedish. Your immediate response ...

$407 Average bid
$407 Сер. заявка
55 заявки
Ladies Clothing Shop Single Page Leaflet
6 дні(-в) left

I need a single-page leaflet for the grand opening of my ladies clothing shop. The design should be modern and minimalistic, appealing to contemporary tastes. The leaflet's primary purpose is to inform potential customers about our store, its offerings, and the opening event. The ideal freelancer for this project should have a background in graphic design with a particular focus on print materials. Experience in designing retail promotional materials is a plus. A good understanding of modern design principles and minimalistic aesthetics will be crucial to the project's success. Please provide a portfolio showcasing similar past projects.

$31 Average bid
$31 Сер. заявка
87 заявки

I need a multi-page WordPress site for my agency, which operates across various IT sectors such as Web Design/Development, Digital Marketing, and Cyber Security services. The primary objective of this site is to generate leads. Key requirements include: - A professional and appealing design to showcase our diverse IT services - Multiple dedicated service pages - Well-structured 'About Us' and 'Contact Us' pages - SEO-friendly content and structure to enhance visibility and lead generation Ideal skills and experience for the job: - Proven experience in designing and developing WordPress sites - Strong understanding of lead generation strategies - Proficiency in creating multi-page WordPress sites - Excellent skills in web design and UX - Knowledge of SEO ...

$92 Average bid
$92 Сер. заявка
31 заявки

Job Description: Full-Stack Developer (AWS & AI-Powered Web App) Role: Full-Stack Developer (AWS, AI, Web App) Location: Remote Contract Type: Contract (3 months) with potential for extension About the Role We are developing an AI-driven career and workplace support platform to enhance job success and engagement. The platform will include a mobile-friendly web app, AI-powered chatbots, and a data-driven analytics dashboard. We are seeking a Full-Stack Developer with expertise in AWS services, AI integration, Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) and modern web development to build our prototype. Key Responsibilities Set up AWS IAM roles, permissions, and database schemas. Develop a mobile-friendly web app using AWS Amplify. Implement AWS Cognito authentication ...

$2994 Average bid
$2994 Сер. заявка
129 заявки

I'm seeking a competent freelancer to design a succinct and engaging two-page white paper for my real estate investment firm. The primary purpose of this document is to elaborate on our unique services, specifically our financing solutions tailored for tenants, in a style that aligns with the rest of our marketing materials. We will provide: - A word doc with all the information we want to include - Hex codes for our color scheme - Existing marketing materials for reference - An example of what we are looking for - Any pictures you think to include (at your request) Ideal candidates should possess: - Prior experience creating real estate/finance materials - Ability to create engaging content aimed at a specific audience

$324 Average bid
$324 Сер. заявка
106 заявки