Java object oriented database management systemроботи
...platform (German, English, and additional languages such as Polish, Russian, etc.) so that international truck drivers can easily find and book our services in case of unexpected repairs or maintenance needs. Key elements: Online Booking System – Clients (both truck and car owners) must be able to choose services (e.g., tire mounting, oil change, diagnostics) and select preferred date/time. Multi-User Access (Admin Panels) – The director (myself) and the service administrator should have real-time access to all online requests, including a dashboard/queue system to manage bookings. Service/Tire/Maintenance Catalog – Customers should have the option to select tires (various manufacturers and sizes) or preferred oil brands during booking. Multilingual ...
Hello, I'm looking for an expert to create between 4-6 short viral videos for my B2B business and manage them on social media platforms. The tasks include: - Creating engaging visual content (images, infographics, short videos). - Editing and uploading videos. - Managing paid campaigns on social media. - (Optional) Writing scripts and producing videos. Please provide your prices, examples of previous work, and any recommendations. Include prices both with and without scriptwriting. I'm looking for someone to work with on a long-term basis. Priority will be given to freelancers from Latin America, Ukraine, and India. Thank you! Hola, Estoy buscando un experto para crear entre 4 y 6 videos cortos virales para mi negocio B2B y gestionarlos en las redes sociales. Las tareas incl...
I have a VPS server with Tomcat 9 where I host some files. I need to secure the connection for these items when accessed via a link. I ...only require assistance in connecting it to the server. У мене є сервер VPS із Tomcat 9, де я розміщую деякі файли. Мені потрібно захистити з’єднання для цих елементів під час доступу через посилання. У мене вже є сертифікат SSL для IP-адреси, тому мені потрібна лише допомога в підключенні його до сервера. Key Points: - Utilizing Tomcat 9 - Setting up SSL for file access on the server - Manual management of SSL certificates - No need for generating a new SSL certificate
налаштування блоку Warehouse Management System, що є стандартним в Business Central. В налаштування має входити також підключення сканерів (дротові, чи ТЗД Zebra та Datalogic) Потрібен спеціаліст, який зможе з цим допомогти.
Я шукаю розробника з досвідом роботи з AirTable для налаштування та автоматизації ключових бізнес-процесів моєї компанії. Наш ідеальний кандидат - добре розуміє функції AirTable і вміє працювати з базами данних. А також готовий створювати індивідуальні рішення для потреб компанії. Задачі та виклики: - Аудит та аналіз продуктивності налаштованої Airtable бази з метою виявлення можливих поліпшень та оптимізацій. - Побудова та реалізація нового воркфлоу для існуючої бази в AirTable. - Автоматизація повторюваних завдань і робочих процесів. - Інтеграція AirTable з іншими інструментами та платформами, яку ми підберемо разом вже під наші потреби. - Надання підтримки користувачам та вирішення проблем. - Розробка та підтримка документації щодо роботи з базою включаючи інструкції для користувачі...
До цих 6 завдань я надам код прикладу, як це повинно виглядати, опис завдань, як їх треба зробити. Все це треба завантажити на Github у мій репозиторій .Та також важливий аспект щоб воно працювало. Від вас очікується швидка робота, на що я щедро заплачу.
Курсова робота з об'єктно орієнтованого програмування мовою Java, подробиці у файлі.
Доброго ранку, Володимире. Мені потрібна допомога з виконанням лабораторної роботи за темою "Наслідування". Завдання прикріплюю в документі. Термін виконання до 15:30 сьогодні. Підкажіть, будь ласка, чи ви вільні.
Доброго ранку, Олено. Мені потрібна допомога з виконанням лабораторної роботи за темою "Наслідування". Завдання прикріплюю в документі. Термін виконання до 15:30 сьогодні. Підкажіть, будь ласка, чи ви вільні.
Доброї ночі, Віталію. Мені потрібна допомога з виконанням лабораторної роботи за темою "Наслідування". Завдання прикріплюю в документі. Термін виконання до 15:30 сьогодні. Підкажіть, будь ласка, чи ви вільні.
Доброї ночі, Іване. Мені потрібна допомога з виконанням лабораторної роботи за темою "Наслідування". Завдання прикріплюю в документі. Термін виконання до 15:30 сьогодні. Підкажіть, будь ласка, чи ви вільні.
Є сайт на HTML + CSS. Для нього необхідно зробити корзину, щоб клієнт міг додати кілька товарів в корзину і купити їх. Краще, щоб корзина була створена за допомогою JAVA. $50
Написати веб-сайт через OpenServer .Повний опис завдання у прикріпленому документі.Тема сайту"Мова програмування Java".
I need to create a database of Ukrainian: - real estate agencies offering foreign property, - investment / financial firms offering foreign investment property. Database must be devided in two parts: 1. Company from Kyjev 2. Company form other parts of Ukaraine. Database scope: Name of company, Town, Email address, Web site ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Мені потрібно створити базу даних української мови: - агентства нерухомості, що пропонують іноземну власність, - інвестиційні / фінансові фірми, що пропонують іноземну інвестиційну нерухомість. База даних повинна бути розділена на дві частини: 1. Компанія з Києва 2. Фірма утворює інші частини Укарайна. Обсяг бази даних: Назва компанії, місто, адреса електронної...
Використати сингулярний розклад прямокутної матриці до розв'язування систем лінійних алгебраїчних рівнянь, методом Гревіля або склетним розкладом матриці в мові на вибір с++, c#, java, python. Програма повинна бути описана. При реалізації методу Гревілля треба звернути увагу, що дійсне число дорівнює нулю, якщо його абсолютна величина менша деякого малого числа (наприклад, 10 у мінус шостому степені, бо операції над дійсними сислами виконуютьсія наближено). Створити зручний інтерфейс. Теорія в книзі Гантмахер Ф.Р. - Теория матриц.pdf ст.32-40
...відео та аудіо. 5)Організація турів гурту(домовитись про участь у фестивалях),концертах по Україні та Закордоном А)літні фестивалі Б)благодійні коцерти(з осені) В)Закордонні концерти(через діаспору та неурядові/волонтерські організаціі) Г)участь в річницях/урочистостях,концертах пам'яті і тд 6.Комунікація із ЗМІ(запрошення на ТВ програми,ротація на муз.ТВ і радіо,робота з пресою management: участь у благодійних вечорах,заходах,активностях 8.Co-promotion: участь гурту в аудіо треках до українських фільмів,серіалів,соц.та комерц.реклами,співпраця із режисерами,акторами,художниками) (Internet) PR А) управлвинні оф.сторінками гурту.Залучення фоловерів і "підтримка пульсу"сторінки через публікаціі:анонси концертів,новини гурту,фотозвіти,прем'єри кліпів ... configured properly include the payment gateway (PayPal), inventory management system, and the Australia Post plugin. Key Requirements: - You will need to connect the PayPal payment gateway, ensuring that all transactions are secure and seamless. - The inventory management plugin needs to be set up to accurately track stock levels and update automatically. - The Australia Post plugin will need to be configured for shipping logistics, providing accurate delivery times and costs to our customers. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Prior experience with e-commerce website plugin integration is a must. - A strong understanding of PayPal's integration process will be very beneficial. - Experience with inventory management systems and logistics plugins will ...
I'm seeking a seasoned event manager to handle both corporate and wedding events. Corporate Event Requirements: - Venue sourcing: Finding the perfect venue that fits the event's scale and theme. - Entertainment planning: Curating engaging entertainment that enhances the event experience. Ideal candidates should have: - Proven experience in managing corporate and wedding events. - Excellent negotiation skills for venue sourcing. - A creative mindset for entertainment planning.
I'm seeking a professional to create a case study focused on community service. The primary aim is to explore the impact of community service on student performance and the effectiveness of various teaching methods employed during these activities. Key Focus Areas: - Evaluation of student performance improvement through community service - Analysis of teaching should be tailored for community members, making it accessible and engaging for this audience. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Previous experience in writing educational case studies - Strong understanding of community service and its educational implications - Excellent writing skills, with the ability to present complex ideas in an accessible manner - Experience in engaging with community-oriented projects ...
I'm in need of a schematic depicting a petroleum production system for a scientific paper. The 2D diagram should include: - A platform - Various subsea equipments (specifically a Subsea tree, Riser, and Flowlines) - Pipelines - A representation of a well with intermediate detail downhole sensors The design should be simple yet clear enough to convey the necessary information without being overly complex. Ideal candidates should have a background in petroleum engineering or related fields and proficient in creating 2D diagrams for scientific purposes. Attached I show two examples, one very simple showing the itens I need, for the underwater parts, while the other is an example of how the platform could be shown together with those. I just need to show 1 well to exemplify the ...
I'm looking to develop a comprehensive taxi management application, compatible with both web and mobile platforms. The application should have three user interfaces: an Admin interface, a Driver interface, and a Customer interface. Key Features: - Taxi management: Oversee vehicle availability, maintenance schedules, and assignments. - Driver management: Handle driver profiles, schedules, and performance metrics. - Client management: Maintain customer databases and preferences. - Call management: Manage incoming service requests and dispatching. - Zone management: Define operational areas and optimize coverage. - Ride management: Track trip details, statuses, and histories. - Payment processing: Facilitate fare calculations and transac...
We are looking for experienced sales professionals to promote Kubidi, an AI-driven assistant designed for diverse industries. This platform spans ecommerce, retail, real estate, hospitality, and recruitment. Key Responsibilities: - Showcas...diverse industries. This platform spans ecommerce, retail, real estate, hospitality, and recruitment. Key Responsibilities: - Showcase the value and benefits of Kubidi to potential clients - Work on your own schedule, from the convenience of your home Ideal Candidate: - Proven sales experience in ecommerce, real estate, and hospitality - Exceptional at lead generation and customer relationship management - Experience working with individual clients Your income will grow with your success. Join us and shape the future with your skills and c...
I'm looking for a developer to create a Live Chat system for my WordPress site. The functionality should be similar to the LiveChat plugin, covering: - Chat and Monitoring - Asynchronous Communication - Statistics and Reports - Engagement - Customization - Management The chat system should also be accessible via a mobile app, allowing support agents to respond to client inquiries on-the-go. Access to the chat functionalities will be required for: - Customer Support Agents - Admins - Students Experience with WordPress plugin development and mobile app integration is essential. Understanding of customer service software and chat systems will be a significant advantage. I want to develop the chat to make it free to use as the chat plugins generally have a mont...
...core PHP (MySQL) and Spring Boot Angular (PostgreSQL) projects. The setup will be on a central Ubuntu server, from which deployments will be managed across both QA and Production environments. Key Responsibilities: - Use Ansible to manage both QA and Production servers. - Automate code deployment, database setup and migration, as well as service restart and monitoring. - Ensure seamless integration with my Git-based code repositories. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Ansible and Ubuntu server management. - Solid experience with core PHP, MySQL, Spring Boot and Angular. - Expertise in PostgreSQL and service monitoring tools. - Strong understanding of Git and version control systems. I'm looking for a freelancer with a proven track record in this area who can ensure a ...
I'm looking for an experienced Java modder to create a GUI for an in-game store on my Minecraft Forge server (version 1.20.1). This store should be accessible and functional within the game itself. Key Requirements: - The store should allow item purchasing. - The store needs to have different categories for various types of items. - The categories should include, but not be limited to: Consumables, Cosmetics, Game Enhancements, Cases, and Privileges (like a 'donate status'). - A website bundle to accompany the store is also necessary. the ability to purchase privilege sets separately Ideal Skills and Experience: - Extensive knowledge and experience with Java and Minecraft modding. - Previous experience creating in-game stores or similar functionalities. - ...
I'm seeking an experienced software developer to create a specialized billing software for my restaurant. This software will primarily run on Android. Key Features: - Invoice Generation: The ability to create detailed invoices for each customer. - Customer Database Management: A comprehensive system for managing customer information and purchase history. Ideal Candidate: - Proficient in Android software development. - Previous experience in creating billing software is a plus. - Skills in database management and understanding of invoice generation processes will be highly beneficial. Please note that the software does not need to integrate with any existing systems at this moment, although potential for future integration may be considered.
I'm looking for a Java developer who can create a tool that reads data from a JSON file containing both text and images. The program should display the data in a test format, and allow for real-time editing via a drag-and-drop interface. An image replacement button should be included, with support for JPEG, PNG, and GIF formats. Once edits are made, the tool should save these changes in real time and generate a new JSON file. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in Java programming - Experience with JSON manipulation - Knowledgeable in creating user-friendly drag-and-drop interfaces - Familiar with various image formats Please note, the main goal of this project is to provide a seamless, interactive editing experience, so attention to detail and a focus on user experience are ...
I'm in need of a WordPress-based platform for managing service reviews. Please only apply if you have an existing script. A showcase of your script will be required for our discussion.
I'm looking for a developer to create a simple, integrated, web-based record management system that is Docker compatible and is reactive to screen size. The system should be capable of taking inputs and generating model releases, 2257 forms, and a filming tracker. Key Features: - The ability to create additional filming records by only filling out the differences in details (scene title and date). - Existing models should be selectable and have their data (such as address, DOB, ID copies, etc.) auto-filled once a model record is created. - All data should be placed into all forms after being provided a single time. - after all form data is provided a PDF should be generated and placed into a completed directory organized by document type. - ideally signatures can...
I need help with some network configuration tasks on Virtual Box. The operating systems involved are Deb...some network configuration tasks on Virtual Box. The operating systems involved are Debian, Ubuntu, and Windows Server. Key Responsibilities: - Complete network configuration tasks assigned on the educa Madrid account. - Follow specific instructions for some tasks. - Ensure all tasks are well completed and submitted before the deadline. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in network management. - Experience with Virtual Box and the specified operating systems. - Attention to detail to ensure tasks are completed accurately. I'm offering 30 euros for this task. It should not take more than an afternoon to complete all tasks, and I will provide assistance with any...
We are a U.S.-registered healthcare company with operations in India, specializing in Revenue Cycle Management (RCM), medical billing, and medical coding services. We are looking for a freelancer or business development expert who can help us acquire projects from U.S. healthcare providers, clinics, and practice groups. Requirements: ✅ Experience in healthcare sales, business development, or client acquisition in the U.S. market. ✅ Ability to connect with practice groups, hospitals, and healthcare organizations to generate leads. ✅ Strong understanding of RCM, medical billing, and coding services. ✅ Proven track record of securing contracts and partnerships in the healthcare domain. What We Offer: ? Long-term collaboration with performance-based incentives. ? Competitive commiss...
I'm seeking an expert in Cin7 to assist with setting up inventory management for my consumer electronics business. Key areas of focus: - Comprehensive setup of inventory management within Cin7 - Optimizing processes for tracking and managing physical goods - Creating templates to look exactly what we currently use. - fix integration of cin7 and shopify / orders not flowing through/showing correctly. Ideal Freelancer: - Extensive experience with Cin7, particularly in inventory management - Previous work with consumer electronics inventory preferred - Ability to deliver a seamless, efficient setup Please provide your relevant experience with Cin7 and managing inventory for consumer electronics in your proposal.
...types are highly recommended: Essential Testing Types 1. Software Testing • Ensures the overall system behaves as expected, covering both frontend and backend functionalities. 2. API Testing • Crucial for verifying API endpoints that connect the backend with mobile apps, payment systems, and third-party services. • Tools like Postman or Insomnia can help here. 3. Website Testing • Ensures the frontend PHP website functions properly after the backend fixes. • Focus on login, registration, payments, and Maps autocomplete. 4. Regression Testing • Ensures that previously working features (e.g., login, registration, payments) still function correctly after the PHP upgrade. 5. Database Testing • Critical since MySQL adjustments may...
...traffic (SEO-sensitive URLs must remain unchanged) ? Scope of Work 1️⃣ Audit Current AWS Setup & Plan Migration ? Assess AWS EC2 (Strapi) and AWS S3 (Gatsby site) configurations. ? Identify dependencies, security policies, and DNS settings. ? Backup all data, media, and database for a safe migration. 2️⃣ Migrate Strapi v3 (AWS EC2 → DigitalOcean) ? Provision a DigitalOcean Droplet optimized for high traffic: Recommended: 4 vCPUs, 8GB RAM OS: Ubuntu 22.04 ? Install Node.js, Strapi v3, and required dependencies. ? Restore database, media files, and configurations. ? Optimize Strapi API performance for high concurrency. ? Set up automatic backups, SSL, and security configurations. 3️⃣ Migrate Gatsby Site (AWS S3 → Cloudflare Pages) ? Generate Gatsby static bu...
...I’m looking for an experienced QA Tester to help identify issues in a PHP 8.3 backend system with MySQL, powering mobile apps and a website. The system was fully functional before recent upgrades, so most issues are likely tied to the PHP 8.3 update. Your role will be crucial in identifying bugs and ensuring the developer has clear insights for efficient fixes. Key Tasks: • Review PHP error logs, Apache/Nginx logs, and MySQL logs for issues such as deprecated functions, syntax errors, or database query failures. • Test key API endpoints using Postman or similar tools to identify broken processes in: • Login/Registration • Payments • Maps API (autocomplete) • Order management • Perform basic database tes...
I'm seeki...multi-user web login system. The system currently supports various user roles, but needs enhancements to accommodate a new 'User' role. Key requirements: - Extend existing authentication system to support role 'User' - Identify and fix any bugs within the current system. - Ensure the system is secure, efficient, and user-friendly. Ideal skills and experience: - Proven experience in web development. - Strong knowledge in creating and extending authentication systems. - Excellent problem-solving skills for bug identification and fixing. - Ability to ensure system security and efficiency. Brief : Task 1 : Add "User" Role - How Many days they can access - How Many Account they can Input Admin has ...
Будь ласка, зареєструйтесь або увійдіть в систему для перегляду деталей.
I'm a small business owner seeking a video editing professional who can help me with editing videos for various projects. The majority of the editing work will be for highlight reels, but I also need someone skilled in creating more documentary-style editing for small business videos, music clips, and occasional wedding footage. Ideal skills and experience incl...documentary-style editing for small business videos, music clips, and occasional wedding footage. Ideal skills and experience include: - Proven track record in video editing - Ability to create engaging highlight reels - Experience with documentary-style editing - Comfort with a variety of video content, including small business promotions, music videos, and wedding footage - Creative, detail-oriented, and able to ...
I'm in need of a skilled bookkeeper to manage my bookkeeping using Xero. The primary tasks include: - Bank reconciliation: Ensuring all transactions are recorded accurately and reconciling bank statements. - Expense tracking: Keeping an eye on all expenditures,...Bank reconciliation: Ensuring all transactions are recorded accurately and reconciling bank statements. - Expense tracking: Keeping an eye on all expenditures, categorizing them, and ensuring they align with budgets. In addition, I occasionally need financial reports generated. Therefore, experience with Xero's reporting features would be beneficial. Please note, there is no need for payroll management. Ideal candidates will have prior experience with Xero and bookkeeping, with a keen eye for detail and stro...
Job Overview: We are seeking an experienced no-code developer to create a web-based prototype of an ERP system tailored for government contractors. The prototype will focus on financial tracking and AI-powered B2B lead generation, enabling contractors to manage finances and identify contract opportunities efficiently. This prototype is for market validation before full-scale development. Applicants must have knowledge of Finance/Accounting ERP systems (SAP, Oracle, ect.) ? Key Responsibilities ? 1. Financial Tracking Features • EAC Module – Implement Estimate at Completion (EAC) calculations. • Trapped Cash Analysis – Identify unbilled and unrecovered costs. • P&L Financial Statements – Track revenue, expenses, and profitabi... backup of the website's files and database before any changes are made. • Website Cleanup: ◦ Remove all malware, malicious code, spam content, unauthorized user accounts (if any). • WordPress Update: ◦ Update WordPress core, themes, and plugins to the latest stable versions. ◦ Update the PHP version to a secure and current version. ◦ Resolve any compatibility issues that arise from updates. • Security Hardening: ◦ Suggest and Implement security measures, ◦ Provide a dot point report detailing the actions taken and security recommendations. Required Skills: • Expertise in WordPress security and malware removal. • Proficiency in PHP, MySQL, and server ...
I have a project that requires converting a Java algorithm for mining top k high utility itemsets into Python. The main goal is to use the Multiprocessing framework to enhance the performance of the code on a local machine. The focus of the optimization is to reduce computation time. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in Java and Python - Experienced in Parallel Computing using Multiprocessing - Knowledgeable in algorithm optimization - Familiar with high utility itemsets mining algorithms - Capable of coding for performance on a local machine Your role will be to ensure the converted Python code is not only a direct translation from Java, but is also optimized for speed and efficiency.
...responsiveness. Excellent Communication Able to translate technical ideas into clear action steps. Willingness to participate in regular check-ins and adapt to feedback. Preferred Qualifications: Familiarity with UI/UX principles to create a visually appealing and user-friendly site. Background or interest in emerging AI technologies. Experience with version control (Git) and collaborative project management (like Jira or Trello)....
I'm in search of a dynamic partner for my agency. This role encompasses Sales and Marketing, Technical Development, and Client Management. Interestingly, I have no specific requirements regarding your prior experience. In fact, it could be a great advantage if we start this journey together. I believe in the power of shared growth and learning. So I am just starting and I would like to work with a partner, I was thinking of me being the responsible for the cold calls and closing the deals, and my partner to get the clients, and about the service we can agree on what we can do depending on my partner. And about the money, we can agree on 40/60 split in your favor, and we xan discuss more on that. Please note, the journey may be challenging, but with perseverance, it can be...
...developer with extensive experience in creating a Learning Management System (LMS) using Next JS. The primary goal of this LMS is course delivery. It should be capable of delivering various course formats, including offline content. Key Features: - User Engagement Analytics: The system should include robust analytics to track user engagement metrics throughout the course. This will help in evaluating the effectiveness of the course delivery and identifying areas for improvement. - Offline Course Delivery: The LMS will primarily deliver offline content, so experience in creating systems for offline course delivery is a plus. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in Next JS - Previous experience in developing a Learning Management System - Knowle...
Project Overview We need a database specialist to help us implement an efficient archiving solution for our AWS RDS MySQL database. The goal is to archive older data from several related tables to archive tables while maintaining data integrity and minimizing downtime. Current Situation We have several interconnected MySQL tables that need archiving (packages, package_histories, cod_histories, rider_tasks, rider_packages) Data volume: ~500K rows in packages table and ~1.5M rows in history tables Current process: We manually select rows, insert them into archive tables (x_{table_name}), then delete from source tables Foreign key constraints are causing long deletion times We have a specific deletion sequence: package_histories → cod_histories → rider_packages &...
My professional Facebook page is experiencing user engagement issu...content, but I seem to be unable to gain any traction. I get responses that I have new followers, but the number has stayed stuck! I'm looking for a freelancer who can: - Diagnose the issue with my page - Suggest and implement strategies to boost follower growth and overall engagement - Enhance the visibility of my posts The ideal candidate would have: - Proven experience with social media management, specifically Facebook - Strong understanding of user engagement strategies - Ability to create appealing content and manage ad campaigns if necessary - Skills to troubleshoot any technical issues with the page. Please get in touch if you can help. This is an immediate hire. Please provide references of your pa...
I'm looking for a skilled web developer and digital marketer to create a marketing website for my digital products. The primary goal of the site is to drive sales. Key Requirements: - Create a site that effectively promotes and sells generate leads. - Optimize the website for conversion to sales. Additionally, I need assistance managing my Google My Business profile to help increase visibility and drive more traffic to the site. Ideal skills and experience for the job: - Proven experience in creating marketing websites, particularly for digital products. - Strong skills in web development, digital marketing, and GMB management. - Ability to incorporate lead-generating elements into the site. - Experience in utilizing testimonials effectively for building trust a...
...insights & recommendations. ? Who You Are ✔ Experienced in Social Ads: 2+ years running Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, & LinkedIn ads. ✔ Proven Track Record: You’ve scaled brands successfully through paid media. ✔ Conversion-Focused: You understand funnels, audience psychology & direct response marketing. ✔ Data-Driven: You track, analyze, and adjust campaigns to optimize performance. ✔ Detail-Oriented & Organized: You can manage multiple campaigns at once. ✔ Independent & Reliable: You can take provided content and run with it. ✔ Familiar with Digital Products & Coaching: Bonus if you’ve worked with courses, books, or coaching programs. ? Tools You Should Know ? Facebook & Instagram Ads Manager ? YouTube & Google Ads ? LinkedIn Ads ...
I am in need of a seasoned professional who can assist and the United States. Your tasks would include helping me prepare and review the required LLC documents, guiding me through the account-opening process, and ensuring we remain compliant with all banking and legal requirements. We will handle the account opening on our end. What I expect: - Successful establishment of our LLC bank account. - A checklist or brief guide for ongoing account management. Ideal candidates should have: - Extensive experience in business banking, particularly with Chase, brex, airwallex, novo, relay, mercury. - Strong understanding of compliance and legal requirements for LLCs in the U.S. - Excellent document review and preparation skills. - Ability to provide clear, step-by-step...