Google map demoроботи
...sizes) or preferred oil brands during booking. Multilingual Support – At a minimum, the site must be available in German and English, with an option to add other languages (Polish, Russian, Romanian, etc.) based on typical driver nationalities passing through the region. Local SEO – Must be optimized for Dessau-Roßlau, Saxony-Anhalt, and relevant German highways. We want top visibility on Google Maps (Google Business Profile), relevant local queries (e.g., “Reifenservice Dessau,” “LKW Werkstatt in der Nähe,” “Truck Repair Germany,” etc.). Packages & Promotions – We plan to create service packages (e.g., tire change + oil change + quick inspection) with special deals or freebies (e.g., free fluid checks...
...Распознавание всех известных торговых паттернов (например, "голова и плечи", "двойное дно" и др.). Использование паттернов для принятия решений в стратегиях. Индикаторы: Поддержка широкого набора технических индикаторов, включая RSI, MACD, EMA, SMA, Bollinger Bands и другие. Команды Telegram бота: Запуск и остановка: /start — Запуск бота и начало анализа рынка. /stop — Полная остановка бота. Режимы работы: /demo — Переключение на демо-счет. /real — Переключение на реальный счет. Отчеты и мониторинг: /status — Проверка состояния бота. /history — История сделок. /close_all — Закрытие всех активных позиций. Дополнительные задачи: Динамическая торговля: Автоматическое управление риском на сделку. Динамическое управление те...
Потрібно зробити щось буде в дуже зручній позиції розрахунки та інформація яка підключається до сайтів Які вказані в назві Веб-программирование - подойдет для создания интерфейса и взаимодействия с API, такими как Binance API и MetaMask. 2000грн - 50$ оплата Тут немає чітких термінів якщо ви студенти хочете для свого портфоліо чи просто навчитися маєте ввічливість і адекватність+ 2. Прикладное программирование - специалисты в этой области смогут разработать основную логику бота и обеспечить выполнение необходимых вычислений.
...Chef is cooking. • Below same line scrolling to the right showing Most Popular Dishes, and then according to each type of dish. (Meat, Vegan, Main, Deserts etc.) Map • Map as in app Too Good To Go. • At top shows your location (taken automatically), by pressing you can type in different location or change distance (radius) of search area in (km). • Under location Radius in km as (ex. within 3km) • Under two switches List and Map. • List (List of most popular dishes in selected radius). • Map (Regular map showing only options in searched radius). Each Chef should be indicated by circle or icon, easy to see on the map, availability to zoom in and out while remaining set radius) • Upon pricing t...
Постер, унікальний, цікавий, схожий як на зразку, але в той же час Інший. Типу зіркової карти можна в різних поєднаннях кольорів
Табличка буде використовуватись для аналізу конкурентів ринку. Вона має бути зручною для ведення, зі зрозумілим звітом у вигляді графіків на основному дашборді. Показників в різних категоріях які вона має рахувати більше 30, терміни, фінанси, порівняння, відсотки, категорії, середні значення. Чекаю Ваших пропозицій стосовно вартості
Рекламная компания google performance max долго не работала и сейчас после запуска выдает странные результаты, нужно проверить все ли настроено, возможно подкоректировать и дать рекомендации
...create a digital map of East London for my wordpress site with the below boroughs highlighted. The map allow me to add pin drops of specific addresses. PLEASE READ BELOW FOR FULL DETAILS Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in map creation and digital design - Knowledge of East London - Ability to create a visually appealing and user-friendly digital map - HTML Full page width rectangular Google map of London section directly below the intro text, zoomed into the east half of London Have the map greyed out with the below location patches in colour (to highlight the locations Maya works) Hackney Islington Tower Hamlets Newham Waltham Forest Lewisham Southwark Greenwich Please look at this map of how london is broken down into b...
Ми маємо сайт з торгівлі на форекс біржі, нам треба запустити Адвордс на неї. Потрібна наявність досвіду в цьому
...мають бути максимально наближені до наданого приклада (усі приклади, умови та правильні відповіді будуть надані) В подальшому тести будуть викортстовуватися на сайті, тому мають інтегруватися і запускатися в тіло сайту, без додаткових зусиль користувача який буде їх проходити. -------------------- Need to develop several tests. Tests must have three levels of difficulty and a demo version (introduction). The demo version don’t have time to complete the task and shows the correct answer when passing the test stage. At the end of the test, the final result is displayed with the answers and the width percentage of correct answers. I add examples with tests in the video. The developed tests should be as close as possible to the given example (all examples, conditio...
Write a blog in English with 3500 characters without spaces.
Потрібно налаштувати рекламні компанії у Google Ads! По продажу ноутбуків та сервісному центрі! Наш сайт Пропонуйте свої пропозиції!
Потрібно налаштувати рекламні компанії у Google Ads! По продажу ноутбуків та сервісному центрі! Наш сайт Пропонуйте свої пропозиції!
творити графік який буде поєднувати в собі heat map та tree map з ієрархією, але не більше 3 рівнів: графік представляє собою набір прямокутників площа яких віповідає значенню показнику value_x, а колір значенню показнику value_y. Кожен такий прямокутник може містити в собі дочірні елементи які являють собою такі самі прямокутники. Дані для графіку будуть змінюватися кожні 15 секунд - графік має швидко рендериться. Графік має генерувати наступні події з передачею інформації про прямокинк взаємодія з яким відбувається: # click; # mouse enter; # mouse leave; # touch. Наведення мишки на дочірній прямокутник має змінювати оформлення батьківського елементу (hover effect). Реалізувати за допомогою оброблення mouse enter/mouse leave - це дасть змогу одночасно кастамізувати ефект. Гр...
Потрібна допомога в налаштуванні контекстної реклами. Ми - сервісний центр по ремонту та обслуговуванню комп'ютерів, ноутбуків, телефонів, планшетів у м. Львів. Є недавно створений сайт.
Я шукаю безкомпромісно-афігєнних графічних дизайнерів (талановитих/шарящих/працьовитих) хто може присвятити себе створенню найкрутіших ТРЕВЕЛ-КАРТ в світі для бренду Travelization. Критерії: - бути, бляха, класною людиною - мати за спиною вражаючі ґрафік-дизайн роботи (бажано в InDesign) - божевільна увага до деталей і готовність відточувати роботу до ідеалу (я перфекціоніст) - вміння працювати дуже швидко та ефективно Якщо робота піде дуже добре, будуть нові схожі проекти. Будь ласка, пишіть в приват або поділіться з дизайнерами які проходить по критеріях. :) Я скину всі деталі. Вдячний до безмежності! ❤ #MadeInUkraine
Потрібно налаштувати та запустити рекламну кампанію двох груп товарів в інтернет магазині
Фірма займається легалізацією побуту іноземців на території Євросоузу, організовує мовні курси, допомагає студентам вступити до вузів ЄС. Необхідно створити гарний сайт і позиціонувати його в топ-5 чи 10 в Google для отримання великої кількості клієнтів. Розгляну і інші пропозиції щодо пошуку клієнтів.
Потрібно розробити макети сторінок сайту. Орієнтовну структуру першої сторінки додаю. Що подобається в плані дизайну ? Зразки: Легкий повітрянний дизайн, мінімум кольорів. Всі кольори в кольорах логотипу Лого додаю. Після виготовлення певинного малюнка - розмова про вартість роботи, терміни, аванс, тощо. Сайт фірми -
Ми плануємо оновити нашу веб сторінку, кардинально змінивши дизайн та дещо доповнивши зміст. Ми вибрали наступний шаблон: Завдання: 1) на базі шаблону зробити сайт у відповідності з нашими вимогами; 2) розробити чи купити адмін панель та прив'язати її до сторінки; 3) завантажити сайт хостеру. Завдання скоріш за все буде вимагати декілька зустрічей в нашому офісі в Києві для обговорення доопрацювання деталей. Після завершення проекту, можливо буде потрібна невеличка технічна підтримка протягом декількох місяців. Вартість та об'єм такої додаткової послуги обговоримо окремо (не входить у цей проект). Очікуємо від Вас пропозиції щодо вартості та строків.
...Portfolio 4. Partners -Our Partners -Affiliate program 5. Top Site -News -Portals -Hosting -Online Shopping -Ads -Payment Gateway -Web Studio -Music -Video -Services -Hotels -.....i am add next... 6. Downloads -Antivirus Demo -CMS Free or Demo -Books -....Category..... -Themes -....Category..... -Icons -....Category..... -PSD -....Category..... 7. News 8. About US -Our Certificates -Skills -Our Team -History -We i...
Hello Sir, I am provide you with a complete solution for the SEO service With On-page & Off-page needs for your website. We always abide by Google Guidelines and employ white-hat techniques to help websites rank well in Google searches. ⟹ Phase: 1 (On Page SEO) ➢ Keyword Research ➢ Website Analysis ➢ Meta Tags Creation & Update ➢ Fix/Update Headings Tags ➢ Image Alt Tags ➢ Set up G-4 Tag ( Google Analytics setup) ➢ Google Search Console setup ➢ Robots Txt file Creation ➢ Site map xml setup ➢ Indexing Links ➢ Remove Broken Links ➢ Initial Links ➢ Boost Site speed ➢ Fix Redirection of site ⟹ Phase: 2 (Off Page SEO) ➢ High DA Links ➢ Web 2.0 submission & Setup ➢ High Profile Creation ➢ High Social Bookmarking ➢ Local Citation Submission... Lo que necesito: ✅ Servidor: No tengo servidor actualmente, necesito asesoría para comprar el adecuado e instalar el script en él. ✅ Cuentas de Desarrollador: No tengo cuenta en Google Play ni App Store, hay que crearlas desde cero y configurarlas. ✅ Instalación del Script: Configurar el backend, frontend y aplicaciones móviles para que funcionen correctamente en Costa Rica. ✅ Publicación de Apps: Subir las aplicaciones a Google Play y App Store sin errores, asegurándose de que sean aprobadas. ✅ Pruebas y Soporte Inicial: Confirmar que todo funcione correctamente antes de finalizar el trabajo. Datos que ya tengo: ✔️ Ya tengo comprad...
I am looking for an expert who can track the performance of my short-tail keywords on Google across the nation. Competitor and keywords will be provided to work on. - Scope: This is an ongoing project focusing exclusively on short-tail keywords. - Platform: The tracking will solely be on Google; thus, familiarity with this search engine is crucial. - Geography: The keywords are targeting a national level, so an understanding of broad, national interest topics is advantageous. Ideal candidates would be SEO experts with a strong background in keyword analysis and tracking. Experience with short-tail keywords is highly desirable, as well as a proven track record of successful SEO strategies on a national level. Please provide your relevant experience and any successful case s...
I'm looking for a professional web developer to create a simple, intuitive one-page website for my chiropractic practice, primarily focusing on appointment booking. Key Features: - Appointment Bookings: The website will need to integrate seamlessly with my existing third-party software, Review Wave, for scheduling appointments. - Map Integration: An embedded map showing the location of the practice for easy navigation. - Contact Form: A simple, easy-to-use contact form to allow potential clients to get in touch quickly. - Testimonials Section: A space to showcase patient testimonials and reviews to build trust and credibility. - Mobile Optimization: Ensure the website is fully optimized and responsive for mobile devices. - Social Media Links: Buttons linking to the prac...
• Description You will build an ASP.Net Core web portal, allowing developers to submit their code (including the task scheduler settings when/how it should run) for the admin to review, approve, or reject. Upon approval, the C# code will be ...You will be working online remotely. • Experience Please show us your detailed related work experience and portfolio. Without similar experience, you are unlikely to be awarded, as you may not finish the project anyway. • IP The intellectual property, including the source code, belongs to Sors Markets Ltd. • Interview We may interview you to see if you can work on the project. • Demo We will need to do a demo on Freelancer. If you have any questions, please send us a message. • Further work More work ...
I'm in need of a seasoned .NET Core & Entity Framework developer who can build 1-2 APIs for sending Google FCM Push Notifications. The APIs will be used purely in the backend to dispatch basic text messages to both mobile devices and web browsers. Here's a breakdown of the project: - API Development: Only 1-2 APIs are required, with no need for UI or Blazer pages development. - Notification Type: The APIs will trigger single messages. - Payload: The notifications will carry basic text messages. Ideal candidates should have a strong background in .NET Core and Entity Framework, with proven experience in integrating and utilizing Google FCM for Push Notifications. Please, only apply if you meet these requirements.
Будь ласка, зареєструйтесь або увійдіть в систему для перегляду деталей.
I'm looking for an Excel expert who can create a Google Sheet for tracking my cryptocurrency portfolio. The sheet should monitor Bitcoin (BTC) and Solana in real-time, displaying market prices, portfolio movements, and gain/loss metrics. It should also feature Line charts, Bar charts, and Pie charts to visualize the data. Key Requirements: - Proficiency in Excel and Google Sheets - Experience in creating real-time data tracking tools - Ability to create and integrate various types of charts Ideal Skills: - Strong understanding of cryptocurrency and market tracking - Excellent data visualization skills - Attention to detail to ensure accurate tracking of gains and losses
The City of Shifting Sands The desert wind, a sculptor of patience and cruelty, whispered secrets through the towering dunes, secrets of lost cities and forgotten gods. It was this wind that led Zara, a cartographer of the impossible, to the edge of the Shifting Sands, a region marked on no map, a place where reality itself was fluid. Zara wasn't interested in charting known territories. Her passion lay in mapping the ephemeral, the liminal spaces between what was real and what was imagined. She sought the cities whispered about in legends, the places that existed only in the collective unconscious, the dreams made manifest. The Shifting Sands was her ultimate challenge. It was said that within its heart lay the City of Shifting Sands, a metropolis built not of stone and morta...
...Safety Chain Hook Kit in both Black ⚫ and Orange ?. Display the products diagonally or side-by-side to highlight both color options. Add a badge or label: "Now Available in Black & Orange" for emphasis. Supporting Visual (Bottom or Side): Australian Caravans: Include a high-resolution image of an Australian caravan being towed on an open road. Add a subtle “Delivery Australia-Wide” icon with a map outline of Australia to reinforce nationwide shipping. Key Selling Points (Bulleted Icons or Side Panel): Use ✅ icons for clarity: 100% Legal, 100% Quality – Meets Australian road safety standards Easy to Use – Perfect for those with mobility challenges CTA Approved – Certified for peace of mind Testimonial Bubble (Optional): Small speech b...
I'm looking for a professional who can set up a Google Maps listing for a towing company. We operate on-call only and do not have a physical location where customers can visit. Key Requirements: - The listing should display our contact number and hours of operation. - It must accurately represent the service areas we cover. - There are 6-8 photos to add. Ideal Skills: - Experience with Google Maps business listings. - Understanding of SEO and online visibility. - Good communication skills for understanding and implementing my requirements. -How to make the best listing -You will be provided with answers from the client's questionnaire. There will be more of these google maps projects.
...comparing a PDF (second attachment) with the map of the subdivision (third attachment). If you find any missing information or duplicates from the PDF, please add them to the spreadsheet at the bottom, leaving a few spaces from the other data currently on the sheet. The Excel spreadsheet contains the homeowners' information, so if you find any missing homeowners or street addresses, search for the information in the homeowner Excel spreadsheet. Any duplicates should also be indicated at the bottom of the provided Excel spreadsheet. (Copy and paste) Note: In the Excel spreadsheet, highlights indicate duplicate homeowners, such as husband and wife. The second document is a PDF is the information we have in the system. First, verify each homeowner on the map to ensure ...
I'm in need of a Google Ads expert who can help generate B2C leads for my business. The main tasks include creating and managing Google Ads, as well as designing and running ads on popular Australian classified websites, specifically Gumtree, Locanto, and Adpost. Ideal Skills: - Proven experience with Google Ads - Familiarity with Australian classified websites - Strong understanding of B2C marketing - Excellent lead generation skills Please reach out to me as soon as possible for fast deals.
...visual artist to create realistic, medieval historical battle maps akin to those seen in Kings & Generals. Each map should be designed for a battle scenario and be able to accommodate a 15-20 minute gameplay segment. Ideal Skills & Experience: - Expertise in map design and geography - Proficient in visual design with a realistic style - Experience with medieval historical locations - Understanding of gameplay dynamics and pacing - Prior work with similar visual styles and formats These maps will need to depict intricate details and accurate historical features, making a deep understanding of the medieval period and its battlefields essential. The ability to create engaging, dynamic map layouts that can sustain a 15-20 minute battle is crucial. Troop movem...
I have a Google Cloud Function that works as expected. However, when I trigger it from Cloud Scheduler, I receive a permission error. I need someone who can join via AnyDesk and fix it immediately. Thank you. engines. - Fast Load Speed & Security: Optimizing performance and ensuring secure transactions. Pages to Include: - Home Page: The landing page should provide a clear and engaging overview of the training services. - About Us Page: Insight into our mission, vision, and the team behind the training camp. - Contact Us Page: Essential contact information, an inquiry form, and possibly a location map. - Camp Registration Page: A dedicated page for signing up for training camps, potentially with pricing details and FAQs. - Testimonials/Success Stories Page: Showcase reviews from athletes and parents to build trust. Ideal Candidate Should Have: - Experience with WordPress development - A strong portfolio of modern and clean web designs. - Experience designing for a parent...
Будь ласка, зареєструйтесь або увійдіть в систему для перегляду деталей.
Setup + Configuration Food Delivery App with Laravel & Flutter TODO: IOS and Android App -Setting up Flutter -Changing the Package Name -Change the launcher icon -Change the App Name -Change the Google Maps API key -Set up a Firebase with an Application -Generate SHA-1 and SHA-256 keys Web App -Firestore Collection Import Export -Order Tracking & Delivery Dispatching -Deploy Firebase Cloud Functions -Demo User Authentication Import -Firestore Database Indexing -Admin Panel -Website Panel -Restaurant Panel Please read first before bidding:
I'm looking for a creative freelancer who can design an engaging Instagram story to promote my digital product. The story should include: - A compelling product demo video The ideal candidate should have a strong background in social media marketing, video editing, and graphic design. Understanding of the Instagram platform and its audience is crucial. Your task will be to create a story that effectively showcases my product and drives viewer interest.
I'm in need of a professional videographer who can record cooking demos for a healthy cuisine series. The sessions will be streamed live via Zoom and each will last for 2 hours. Key Requirements: - Experience in filming cooking demonstrations - Proven track record with live-streaming events - Proficient in capturing a variety of shots including overheads, close-ups, and wide angles - Ability to adapt to shooting healthy cuisine - Knowledge of optimal positioning for each shot and experience working with Professional-grade equipment (equipment can be provided) Your work will help viewers learn, engage and enjoy the cooking experience from their homes. Please provide samples of your previous work, particularly any related to cooking, health or lifestyle content.
I am in need of a seasoned Google Ads professional with a proven track record of managing campaigns with a budget exceeding 100k. Before considering any candidates, I will review their portfolio. The primary objective of this campaign is to generate leads and sales for my subscription-based service, primarily targeting the Search Network. Ideal skills and experience for the job include: - Extensive experience in managing high-budget Google Ads campaigns. - Proven track record in generating leads and sales through Google Ads. - In-depth understanding of the Search Network. - Ability to provide a comprehensive portfolio of past successful campaigns. - Expertise in conducting extensive keyword research. Please note, prior to our discussion, I will thoroughly check your...
...Familiarity with E-commerce, Health and Fitness, or Technology sectors (preferred but not mandatory) - Ability to implement innovative and effective SEO strategies - Excellent understanding of white hat SEO techniques I have some SEO implemented on my website, but I need an expert to take it to the next level. Please only bid if you accept my terms and conditions. The aim is to achieve the specified Google ranking within 3 months. The specific keywords or phrases targeted are already identified and will be provided. The current SEO status of the website is basic, and a more advanced strategy is needed. The aim is to rank up to 5 keywords on Google's first page. The website currently runs on wordpress and Shopify. Please provide weekly and monthly reports on the progress a...
? Job Overview: We are looking for a highly skilled Google Sheets, Data Automation, and Social Media Analytics Specialist to assist in developing spreadsheet-driven forecasting, demand planning, inventory tracking, social media performance tracking, and financial analysis tools for our e-commerce business. The ideal candidate should be proficient in Google Sheets, (formerly Integromat), API integrations, and e-commerce data analysis (Shopify, Stripe, etc.). You will work on a case-by-case basis to build tools that help us make data-driven decisions regarding inventory, financials, fulfillment, social media marketing, and customer analytics. This role will also include supporting tasks currently handled by our Virtual Assistant, ensuring seamless integration of data man...
I need assistance troubleshooting the verifying of my personal domain on Google Workspace via Squarespace. Ideal Skills: - Experience with Google Workspace - Proficient in Squarespace - Knowledgeable in domain verification processes - Excellent problem-solving skills - Attention to detail
I need a developer to create a Google Marketplace Internal App for my organization. The app should allow users to directly access the website with a simple click from the Google Workspace toolbar. Logo is located here Key Requirements: - The primary function of this app is direct website redirection. Users should be able to click the app and be redirected to the specified site without any hassle. - Experience with Google Workspace and Google Marketplace app development is crucial. - The app should be seamlessly integrated into the Google Workspace toolbar for easy access. Ideal Skills: - Google Workspace app development - Knowledge of Google Marketplace - UI/UX design for simple navigation I'm looking for a professional who
...accessed only by authorized users. Ensure the build meets Google’s Core Web Vitals (LCP, FID, and CLS) with optimizations for fast loading, minimal blocking, and stable layouts. 2. WordPress Data Migration: Extract data (posts, pages, user data, media) from the WordPress MySQL database. Transform and migrate data to fit the new platform. Migrate media files and ensure proper linking. Map WordPress user roles to the new authentication system. Test migrated data for integrity and consistency. Current Project Structure: Frontend (React + TypeScript): Pages: Manga details, chapters, user dashboard, admin panel, community features. Components: Reusable UI components like MangaCard, Comments, etc. Hooks: Custom hooks for manga actions, reading history, etc. Backend ( ...
39,000 google map citations + 50 google map backlinks + 15 Driving Directions+ 60 Miles Radius Cover.
...autocomplete API integration) - Delivery address (with autocomplete API integration) - Move date (calendar picker) - Property type (e.g., house, flat, plus dropdown menu of Total flight of floors or total stair count) 2. APIs for Address Autocomplete: - Google Places API - Photon API - Mapbox Places API Interface 2: Item Selection and Route Summary 1. Features: - Dynamic table of predefined items for users to select and specify quantities. - Summary section displaying: - The route between source and destination (visualized using a map service such as Google Maps or Mapbox). - A list of selected items from the table. (available upon request) Interface 3: Price Quotation 1. Fields: - Email address input for receiving the quotation. - Dynamic price table based on ...
I need a Google Document application that enables candidates to take qualification tests remotely. The tests will consist of multiple choice questions and questions that require selecting the correct answer. Key Features: - 10-minute time limit per test - Automatic timeout at 10 minutes - Reporting of completed tests to FrameUpNow (FUN) - Marking of unanswered questions as incorrect when the test times out Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in Google Docs - Experience in creating online testing systems - Familiarity with FrameUpNow (FUN) reporting system - Ability to implement automatic timeouts and scoring systems Please include user authentication to ensure the identity of candidates. Include basic login authentication to verify candidate identities.