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  • flash interface formatted thru xml
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2,000 flash interface formatted thru xml знайдені роботи

З приводу обмінів залишків API. Ми надаємо дані у вигляді xml-файлів, які з вашого боку підхоплюються скриптом і впроваджуються в CMS (це повинні зробити програмісти на вашій стороні). Плюс програмістам з вашого боку потрібно буде налаштувати та поставити в крон парсер, який звертатиметься за xml-файлом розвантаження. Для отримання доступу до вивантаження файлу - підтвердьте IP-адреси вашої мережі, з якої надходять запити. У вкладенні – інструкція щодо формування запитів. У ній є опис наших тегів і три приклади коду на PHP, C# і AJAX (залежно від мови, яка використовується у вашій системі або зручна для програміста). Звертаю увагу, що у запиті вказується e-mail та пароль, які використовуються для входу на наш портал. Адреса сервісу вказана в інструкції, дублюю її тут:...

$189 Average bid
$189 Сер. заявка
5 заявки

Потрібно налаштувати вже робочу синхронізацію прайсу між сайтом та Prom ua Сайт віддає прайс у форматі xml, який формується за допомогою плагіну у виді як на скріншоті. 1)Необхідно налаштувати двомовність фіду, зараз тільки одна мова 2)Правильне визначення категорію товару промом - "Категорія на маркетплейсі" 3)Налаштування переміщення товарів із свого розділу на сайті до аналогічного розділу на промі (категорії збігаються)

$159 Average bid
$159 Сер. заявка
10 заявки

Потрібний спеціаліст для редагування 4 XML фідів на платформі Mergado.com. Внесення змін у доставку, зміна цін, заокруглення, зміна параметрів товарів а тд. Або потрібне інше рішення яке дозволить автоматизувати створення XML фідів на основі таких правил Працюємо до коректного відображення всіх змін на вихідному фіді.

$172 Average bid
$172 Сер. заявка
12 заявки

Нужен скрипт для загрузки товаров на сайт из фидов форматов xml/yml/api. Товары от разных поставщиков нужно обьеденить согласно категорий и подкатегорий сайта. CMS Wordpress. Также скрипт должен автоматически обновлять информацию о товарах (наличие и цена) 1-2 раза в день.

$323 Average bid
$323 Сер. заявка
3 заявки

Робота для програміста з досвідом роботи в Python + XML. В додатку є svg файл , що по суті є XML документом. В цьому файлі де-які відрізки є ідентичними за своєю довжиною, розміщенням і координатами і дублюються. Мені треба якось підрахуати скільки разів зустрічається кожен відрізок у файлі та створити новий файл у якому будуть всі відрізки з початкового файлу але без дублікатів + в атрибутах відрізків буде новий атрибут "numba", значення якого дорівнюватиме кільксті дублікатів цього відрізка, що було знайдено в початковому файлі ''" Хочу отримати ipynb файл, який би я міг запустити на виконати його і отримати Перевага виконавцю з України.

$133 Average bid
$133 Сер. заявка
2 заявки

...прямокутник має змінювати оформлення батьківського елементу (hover effect). Реалізувати за допомогою оброблення mouse enter/mouse leave - це дасть змогу одночасно кастамізувати ефект. Графік має масштабуватися - параметр який відповідає за масштаб з можливістю зміни масштабу динамічно. Графік має бути responsive. Може розміщуватися декілька екземплярів графіків на одній сторінці. Вхідні данні: interface Item { title: string; xValue: number; yValue: number; xValueShow: string | number; yValueShow: string | number; extra: any; children: Item[]; }; Вхідні данні - масив екземплярів типу Item. Приклад: Дивись файл Приклад рендеру: // Рендер

$545 Average bid
$545 Сер. заявка
6 заявки

Необхідно створити бібліотеку сорців (С++ / С) для викорстання в проектах прошивок для ESP-8266 ESP-14. Наявне обладнання: 1. ESP-8266 ESP-14 2. Камера OV7670 3. Реґістр 4HC165D Реґістр потрібен для перетво...кадру з камери в флеш пам'ять ESP. Необхідно використати DMA контролер ESP. ============================= A source library (C++ / C) for using in projects for ESP-8266 ESP-14 is requested to develop. Equipment: 1. ESP-8266 ESP-14 2. Camera OV7670 3. Register 4HC165D Register is used for converting of parallel interface of the camera to serial interface for ESP connection. The library should implement functionality for storing single snapshot from camera to flash memory on ESP. Using of DMA on ESP is expected.

$200 Average bid
$200 Сер. заявка
1 заявки

Концепція анімації "вибух" Це в 2D а рух має відображати 3D, тобто перша мить білий фон, друга мить чотири кружечка по 1 пікселю по центру, третя мить з них починають розходитись 7ліній та збільшуватись синій круг з логотипом, четверта мить рух ліній з різною швидкістю імітуючи рух в 3D закріплюються в різних місцях з яких починають збільшуватись кружки так як на макеті також з різною швидкістю та імітуючи рух в 3D. пята мить всі кружки одночасно досягають свого розміру як на макеті. це перший етап анімації, далі все залишається на своїх місцях доти доки на будь якого кружка не наводять курсор, після наведення курсора на кружечку появляється обводочка як на логотипі, яка поступово рухається до центру з білого фону до такого місця як на логотипі. після кліку по кружку доки ...

$166 Average bid
$166 Сер. заявка
1 заявки

I'm looking for a skilled developer to create a responsive and user-friendly e-commerce website built with React.js. The site must function seamlessly on both mobile and desktop devices, enabling customers to search, browse, and purchase products with ease. Key Features: - Modern design coupled with efficient functionality - Cross-platform compatibility (Mobile and Desktop) - User-friendly interface for seamless navigation Skills Required: - Proficiency in HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript (ES6+) - Expertise in Responsive Web Design - Extensive experience with React.js - Knowledge of various Back-end Development technologies (Node.js or PHP) - Exceptional skills in MySQL database management - Proven track record in API Integration (Payment gateways, product APIs, shipping APIs) Pl...

$113 Average bid
$113 Сер. заявка
32 заявки
Mobile App UX Design
6 дні(-в) left

I'm in need of a UX designer who can create an engaging and user-friendly interface for a mobile app aimed at the general public. Your primary role will be to design the user experience of the app, ensuring it's intuitive and accessible for a wide range of users. Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience in UX design, particularly for mobile applications. - Strong understanding of user-centric design principles. - Ability to create designs that cater to the general public, rather than niche or specialized groups. Experience: - A portfolio showcasing previous UX design work for mobile apps. - Proven track record of creating successful, user-friendly designs.

$258 Average bid
$258 Сер. заявка
32 заявки

... Key Features: - For Job Seekers: The portal should enable resume creation and submission, job search and alerts, as well as application tracking. - For Employers: A user-friendly interface to post job openings, track applications, and manage their company profile. - For Administrators: Tools to monitor the platform, manage users, and maintain quality control. - For HR Agencies & Recruiters: Special features to assist in their recruitment processes. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in web development and design. - Experience in creating job portals or similar web applications. - Strong understanding of user interface and user experience principles. - Ability to implement security measures to protect user data. Your bid should reflect your understanding of the project and ...

$324 Average bid
$324 Сер. заявка
33 заявки
Facebook Page Data Scraper Tool
6 дні(-в) left

I'm looking for a Facebook pa...including: -Page name -URL -Number of followers and likes -Contact details (Email, phone number, WhatsApp number, Others social media account if linked & website url) -Address, city, state, ZIP code -Category -Service details The collected data should be compiled into a .xlsx Excel file report with properly labeled columns for each detail. Additional Requirements: -GUI Version (PyQt6): --A graphical interface where I can configure all settings. -Ability to start and monitor data collection visually. -Real-time progress tracking. -Easy data management and export options. -Ideal Skills and Experience: Proficient in data scraping and programming languages like Python or JavaScript. Ability to create a user-friendly GUI (PyQt6) for easy configu...

$23 Average bid
$23 Сер. заявка
11 заявки

I'm in need of a talented UI/UX designer to help with the design of a custom HRMS (Human Resource Management System) website. Key Responsibilities: - Design a user-friendly interface for an HRMS website that is both functional and visually appealing. - Incorporate all necessary modules including Employee Management, Payroll Processing, and Attendance Tracking into the design. - Ensure the design follows best practices in UI/UX, providing an intuitive and seamless user experience. Ideal Candidate: - Proven experience in UI/UX design, particularly for websites. - Prior experience designing for HRMS or similar platforms would be a significant advantage. - Strong understanding of UI/UX principles and best practices. - Excellent communication skills, able to understand and incorp...

$97 Average bid
$97 Сер. заявка
19 заявки
Shopify Data Upload & Formatting Expert
6 дні(-в) left

I'm looking for a Shopify expert proficient in working with Matrixify. The task involves uploading a pre-formatted spreadsheet into Shopify, followed by formatting and importing additional files. Key Responsibilities: 1. Upload Pre-Formatted Spreadsheet: - Import the provided spreadsheet into Shopify. - Ensure all Meta Fields display correctly. 2. Format & Import Additional Files: - Standardize column structures in the provided Excel files. - Map and assign Meta Fields properly. - Upload formatted data to Shopify using Matrixify. - Verify accuracy after import. Deliverables: - Successfully imported product data with correct Meta Fields. - Properly formatted additional files for consistency. - Validation to ensure correct mapping an...

$30 Average bid
$30 Сер. заявка
31 заявки

I'm looking for a talented mobile app developer to create an Android e-commerce app. Key Features: - User-friendly interface for seamless shopping experience - Secure payment gateway integration - Efficient product categorization and search functionality - Robust backend for inventory and order management Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Android app development - Prior experience in creating e-commerce apps - Strong understanding of UI/UX principles - Knowledge of secure payment integration - Ability to create a robust, scalable backend

$18 / hr Average bid
$18 / hr Сер. заявка
132 заявки

I am looki...should allow for detailed tracking and management of all employees. - Attendance Tracking: I need a specific functionality for keeping tabs on employee attendance. This should be integrated within the employee management system. - Manual Attendance Recording: The attendance should be recorded manually by the employees themselves. This will require the creation of an intuitive and easy-to-use interface for inputting attendance data. Ideal Skills: - Proven experience in web development with a strong portfolio of previous work. - Expertise in creating secure login systems and comprehensive management systems. - Excellent understanding of employee management systems and attendance tracking functionalities. Please provide examples of similar projects you have completed in...

$260 Average bid
$260 Сер. заявка
34 заявки

...Administrative Support – Organizing, maintaining records, and preparing reports. Time Management – Ability to meet deadlines and work efficiently under pressure. Confidentiality & Security – Ensuring sensitive data is handled securel Work Experience Freelance Data Entry Specialist Freelancer.com | Entered and managed large datasets with high accuracy for multiple clients. Created, maintained, and formatted spreadsheets for financial and business data. Processed invoices, customer records, and reports in various software applications. Performed data validation and cleanup to improve data quality. Assisted with administrative tasks such as email handling and document management. Data Entry Clerk Inputted customer information into company databases...

$152 Average bid
$152 Сер. заявка
26 заявки
LambadaCloud DeepSeek Server Setup
6 дні(-в) left

I need a simple configuration of my LambadaCloud server to run DeepSeek. The server should process text commands from a basic, simple text input field interface. Key tasks: - Configure the server to run DeepSeek - Set up a simple text input field interface - Ensure the server outputs results in plain text The interface does not need authentication and should be open access. I am looking for someone who can start immediately and finish today. Please let me know if you can accommodate this timeline.

$19 / hr Average bid
$19 / hr Сер. заявка
5 заявки

I'm looking to create an AI agent for real estate investing. This AI will scan websites like Zillow, Redfin, Trulia, and even Facebook, sea...specifically foreclosures and properties that have been on the market for a long time. - Extraction of important data points including price history, property details, and seller contact information. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in AI and machine learning. - Experience with real estate data analysis. - Familiarity with web scraping tools and techniques. - Ability to create a user-friendly interface for the AI agent. The goal is to have an AI agent that can provide valuable insights into the real estate market and help find lucrative investment opportunities. The Agents should be capable of contacting the sellers. Through ...

$23 / hr Average bid
$23 / hr Сер. заявка
76 заявки
VIX Expert Required for Website Optimization
6 дні(-в) left

I'm seeking a skilled VIX developer to fully optimize my website, The project involves addressing several key areas: - **Website Optimization**: The primary focus will be on enhancing the loading speed, improving the user interface design, and boosting the SEO performance of the site. - **Issue Resolution**: The website currently has some issues that need to be fixed. These include broken links, visual glitches, and slow load times. This job requires a comprehensive understanding of VIX, as well as experience in web development and troubleshooting. I'm looking for a professional who can deliver a seamless, high-performance website.

$21 / hr Average bid
$21 / hr Сер. заявка
101 заявки
Corporate UI/UX Design for Bespoke Apps
6 дні(-в) left

I'm seeking a seasoned UI/UX designer to create the user interface and experience for my bespoke web and mobile applications. The design should embody a corporate and professional style. Key Responsibilities: - Design the UI and UX for bespoke web and mobile applications. - Implement a corporate and professional design style throughout the applications. Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience in UI/UX design for both web and mobile. - Strong understanding of corporate and professional design principles. - Proficiency in design tools and software. Location: - Preference for designers based in Noida.

$3 / hr Average bid
$3 / hr Сер. заявка
21 заявки

I'm seeking a proficient web developer to create a modern-styled website for my architect business. The primary objective of the site is to generate leads. Key Requirements: - Design and develop a sleek, modern, and professional-looking homepage. - Implement effective lead generation strategies on the site. Ideal Skills: - Expertise in modern web design principles. - Proven tra...architect business. The primary objective of the site is to generate leads. Key Requirements: - Design and develop a sleek, modern, and professional-looking homepage. - Implement effective lead generation strategies on the site. Ideal Skills: - Expertise in modern web design principles. - Proven track record in developing lead-generating websites. - Excellent understanding of user experience and interf...

$115 Average bid
$115 Сер. заявка
56 заявки

I'm seeking a qualified Quality Assurance (QA) professional from Bangladesh to test our mobile application. The app is Android-based and I require thorough testing on several key areas. The ideal candidate would have a solid understanding of mobile app testing and a keen attention to detail. Key Responsibilities: - Test the User Interface (UI): Ensure the app is visually appealing, intuitive, and user-friendly. - Evaluate Functionality: Check for any bugs or glitches that may hinder the app's performance. - Assess Performance: Monitor how the app behaves under various conditions, including low network scenarios, heavy usage, etc. Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in mobile app testing, particularly with Android platforms. - Strong understanding of UI/UX principl...

$286 Average bid
$286 Сер. заявка
14 заявки
Stack Assistance for Plan Formatting
6 дні(-в) left

I'm in need of a seasoned freelancer skilled in Stack. I will supply a plan that requires your expertise to transform it into a correctly formatted document with the specific details I need. Key Responsibilities: - Utilize Stack to format a provided plan. - Include specific information as per my needs. - Pay meticulous attention to detail and adhere to formatting protocols. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Stack - Exceptional attention to detail - Ability to transform plans into structured documents Join me in optimizing this task and boosting our productivity!

$16 / hr Average bid
$16 / hr Сер. заявка
17 заявки

...professional resume builder that allows users to sign up and create resumes using built-in templates. The platform should be user-friendly, responsive, and feature-rich to provide a seamless experience for job seekers. Key Features Required: ✔️ User Registration/Login System (Email, Google, etc.) ✔️ Resume Templates (Multiple modern, professional designs) ✔️ Drag-and-Drop Editing (Easy-to-use interface for customization) ✔️ Live Preview (Users can see changes in real-time) ✔️ Download Options (PDF, Word format) ✔️ ATS Optimization (Ensuring resumes are job-application friendly) ✔️ Customization Features (Fonts, colors, layout options) ✔️ Mobile-Friendly & Responsive Design ✔️ Admin Panel (To manage users and templates) Requirements: ? Strong experience in web development (F...

$380 Average bid
$380 Сер. заявка
39 заявки
Full-Stack Developer Needed for One-Page App
6 дні(-в) left

I need an experienced full-stack developer to finish and improve a one-page app within 8 hours. The ideal candidate must have strong skills in the following areas: - Front-End Development: Proficiency in React.js is necessary for enhancing the app's user interface and user experience. - Back-End Integration: Node.js expertise is required for seamless server communication and data handling. - Web Scraping and Automation: Strong experience with Puppeteer is essential for automating tasks and gathering data efficiently. - Complex Scraping Tasks: Proficiency in Scrapy is needed for tackling intricate web scraping assignments. Key Requirements: - Strong problem-solving skills and attention to detail - Ability to work efficiently and deliver high-quality results within tight deadli...

$36 Average bid
$36 Сер. заявка
25 заявки

I'm in need of a skilled C# developer to help build a windows form app. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in C# with proven experience in windows from application development. - Excellent understanding of user-friendly interface design. Please provide examples of similar projects you’ve completed in your bid.

$72 Average bid
$72 Сер. заявка
9 заявки

I'm looking for a proficient app developer who has experience in bubble ( no code apps) to create a comprehensive application for both iOS and Android platforms. The app should include the following core features: - one hour dental material delivery -bulk order placement -dental specialist booking - dental technician freemium model wher...Catalog - Secure and seamless Payment Gateway Integration - A section for User Reviews to foster interaction and trust Ideal candidates should have extensive experience in developing E-commerce applications, with a strong portfolio to prove it. Skills in UX/UI design would be an added advantage to ensure the app is not only functional but also visually appealing and easy to navigate. the app interface should be like the following images whic...

$330 Average bid
$330 Сер. заявка
34 заявки

I'm launching an online education platform that serves school students through both an Android app and a web interface. To make this vision a reality, I need a skilled freelancer who can handle the following: - Develop a user-friendly interface appropriate for school students - Create engaging and educational content that aligns with school curricula - Recruit qualified educators to deliver online lessons and support - Integrate interactive features to facilitate live teaching, quizzes, and assignments - Ensure the platform is scalable, secure, and compliant with educational standards The ideal candidate will have experience in educational technology, a strong understanding of the needs of school-aged learners, and a proven track record in developing similar platforms....

$19 / hr Average bid
$19 / hr Сер. заявка
158 заявки

My website's login and register page has stopped functioning properly. After hitting the 'submit' button, the page appears to hang with a constantly rotating blue circle. I haven't made any recent changes to the code or settings, so I'm unsure what could be causing this issue. Ideal skills and experience for the job include: - Proficiency in website tr...'submit' button, the page appears to hang with a constantly rotating blue circle. I haven't made any recent changes to the code or settings, so I'm unsure what could be causing this issue. Ideal skills and experience for the job include: - Proficiency in website troubleshooting - Experience with login and registration page coding - Ability to identify and rectify code issues - Knowledge of u...

$69 Average bid
$69 Сер. заявка
46 заявки

...components such as skylights, pipe jacks, and vents. - A key requirement is a feature that generates a printable report, detailing an accurate diagram of the roof and breaking down the individual components. -This will include a diagram of the roof, materials, and company branding -Will need to have a waste calculator built into the report -We can provide examples from a .xml for this - The app will need to be cloud reliant Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in developing cross-platform mobile applications. - Prior work in creating measurement or utility apps will be highly regarded. - Strong understanding of UX/UI design, particularly for field-based applications. - Experience with generating PDF or printable reports from an app is a...

$50 / hr Average bid
$50 / hr Сер. заявка
83 заявки
Linux/CLI & AWS EC2 Management Expert
6 дні(-в) left

I'm in need of a seasoned Linux/CLI specialist to assist with my AWS EC2 instances. The project involves managing these instances and automating certain tasks using command line interface. Key Responsibilities: - Managing AWS EC2 instances: This includes monitoring performance, updating software, and setting up necessary security measures. - Automating tasks: Primarily, this will involve scheduling backups and orchestrating scripted deployments. Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience with Linux and Command Line Interface (CLI). - Prior experience with AWS EC2 instances is crucial. - Familiarity with WordPress and MySQL is necessary. - iOS Terminal experience is a plus. Delivery Mode: - All sessions will be conducted via Zoom. - The freelancer should be able to communica...

$26 / hr Average bid
$26 / hr Сер. заявка
57 заявки
PHP Program Customization for Clinic and other one laboratory
6 дні(-в) left

...for my clinic. The project involves modifying several components, including: - Data analysis tools: Enhance existing tools to better suit our clinic's needs. - Patient management system: Tailor the system to improve patient tracking and management. - Reporting features: Customize reports to provide insights relevant to our operations. - Template: Create or modify templates for various uses. - Interface between software and devices: Ensure seamless connectivity and interaction between our software and medical devices. - Mobile application: Make necessary changes to our mobile application for better usability and functionality. - Modify the contents: Adjust the software's content to fit our clinic's specific requirements. The ideal candidate for this project should...

$28 Average bid
$28 Сер. заявка
22 заявки
E-commerce Site Development in CodeIgniter
6 дні(-в) left

...CodeIgniter to create a customized e-commerce site for me. The site will primarily deal with physical products and needs to have a sleek, user-friendly interface. Key Features: - Shopping Cart & Checkout: The site should have a seamless and secure shopping cart and checkout process. -SMS notification service - Customized shopping user experience. - User Reviews & Ratings: I want my customers to be able to leave reviews and ratings on products, so a reliable implementation of this feature is crucial. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in PHP and CodeIgniter framework. - Previous experience in developing e-commerce sites. - Strong understanding of user interface and user experience design principles. - Knowledge of implementing review and rating systems. We attached requi...

$2172 Average bid
$2172 Сер. заявка
171 заявки

I'm looking for a proficient app developer to create a comprehensive application for both iOS and Android platforms. The app should include the following core features: - one hour dental material delivery -bulk order placement -dental specialist booking - dental technician freemium model where dentists call directly through a number -...Catalog - Secure and seamless Payment Gateway Integration - A section for User Reviews to foster interaction and trust Ideal candidates should have extensive experience in developing E-commerce applications, with a strong portfolio to prove it. Skills in UX/UI design would be an added advantage to ensure the app is not only functional but also visually appealing and easy to navigate. the app interface should be like the following images whic...

$1519 Average bid
$1519 Сер. заявка
44 заявки
Google Merchant Specialist for Digital Products
6 дні(-в) left

I need a seasoned Google Merchant professional to manage and optimize my Google Merchant Center account, specifically for digital products. Your primary responsibilities will include managing product listings, ensuring accurate data feeds, troubleshooting issues, and enhancing the overall performance of my online product ads. Key Responsibilities: - Create and optimize product feeds (XML, CSV, or API-based) to ensure accurate listings of my digital products - Ensure all product data adheres to Google Merchant policies and guidelines - Troubleshoot and resolve feed errors, disapproved products, and policy violations - Analyze performance metrics and provide actionable recommendations for improvements Essential Skills: - Extensive knowledge of Google Merchant Center and Google Shopp...

$70 Average bid
$70 Сер. заявка
10 заявки
Retool + Database setups
9 дні(-в) left

In this project, I will help you set up a Retool interface, which will contain all the components you listed. Also, it will be connected to the database (to be created & designed) and be interactive with the latest update of the data.

$2500 Average bid
$2500 Сер. заявка
1 заявки

...It has integrated authentication, real-time database, and file storage. Database You'll need a database to store user information, listings, messages, and transactions. Some popular choices are: MongoDB (NoSQL) PostgreSQL (SQL) Payment Integration Stripe or PayPal for secure transactions. Cloud Storage Amazon S3 or Google Cloud Storage for storing images. 3. Design & User Interface (UI/UX) A user-friendly interface is key to the success of your app. Consider the following: Home Screen: A clean, well-organized homepage showing featured products, categories, and popular gadgets. Listing Process: Ensure the listing process is smooth and intuitive (with clear fields for title, description, price, etc.). Search Bar: Make sure the search bar is easily accessible...

$397 Average bid
$397 Сер. заявка
41 заявки

I'm launching an online education platform that serves school students through both an Android app and a web interface. To make this vision a reality, I need a skilled freelancer who can handle the following: - Develop a user-friendly interface appropriate for school students - Create engaging and educational content that aligns with school curricula - Recruit qualified educators to deliver online lessons and support - Integrate interactive features to facilitate live teaching, quizzes, and assignments - Ensure the platform is scalable, secure, and compliant with educational standards The ideal candidate will have experience in educational technology, a strong understanding of the needs of school-aged learners, and a proven track record in developing similar platforms....

$209 Average bid
$209 Сер. заявка
34 заявки

I'm seeking a seasoned developer to create an Android mobile application that displays Excel dashboards. The app should allow basic interactivity with the data, like filtering, while maintaining a user-friendly and engaging interface. Key Responsibilities: - Develop an Android app that can accurately display Excel data, including charts and tables. - Ensure the app allows basic interactions with the data. - Design an intuitive and interactive user interface. Requirements: - Proven experience in mobile application development, specifically for Android. - Expertise in data integration and visualization. - Strong understanding of Excel and its functionalities. - Ability to design user-friendly interfaces. The app will require users to manually update the Excel data. Ther...

$307 Average bid
$307 Сер. заявка
29 заявки
Online Matka5501
6 дні(-в) left

I am seeking a website developer to create an online matka platform. The ideal candidate will have experience in website development and be able to provide a user-friendly interface. Key Requirements: - Website development expertise in online matka - Ability to create a user-friendly interface - Knowledge of secure payment gateway integration Additional Information: - The client is open to suggestions regarding the website design - Essential features for the website include a user-friendly interface, secure payment gateway, and interactive media and graphics. - The client is specifically interested in the Satta matka variant. Please provide examples of previous work and any relevant experience in online matka development.

$11 / hr Average bid
$11 / hr Сер. заявка
19 заявки
Real-Time Nifty50 & BankNifty Data Integration
6 дні(-в) left

I'm looking for a professional with experience in using Upstox or Kite API to deliver real-time Nifty50 and BankNifty data. Key Requirements: - Data Format: The data should be delivered in JSON format. - Update Frequency: The data needs to be updated every second. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in APIs, specifically Upstox or Kite. - S...professional with experience in using Upstox or Kite API to deliver real-time Nifty50 and BankNifty data. Key Requirements: - Data Format: The data should be delivered in JSON format. - Update Frequency: The data needs to be updated every second. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in APIs, specifically Upstox or Kite. - Strong understanding of Nifty50 and BankNifty. - Experience in handling JSON formatted data. Please bid only if you can meet thes...

$296 Average bid
$296 Сер. заявка
26 заявки
Shopify E-commerce Website Rebuild & Product Upload
6 дні(-в) left

I'm seeking a skilled web developer with experience in Shopify, to rebuild my E-commerce website and upload about 20 products onto it. There will also be a need for the creation of product feature banners, which will be incorporated into the site content. Key Responsibilities: - Rebuild a user-friendly, visually appealing E-commerce website on Shopify. - Upload approximately 20...Shopify and E-commerce website development. - Ability to adhere to existing branding guidelines and style guide. - Proficiency in banner design. Ideal skills and experience for the job include: - Shopify development and e-commerce website creation. - Product uploading and e-commerce inventory management. - Banner design with a keen eye for brand consistency. - Understanding of user experience and interf...

$467 Average bid
$467 Сер. заявка
268 заявки
Google Drive Book Cataloguing Web App
6 дні(-в) left

...button" to override the whole cache and rescan Google Drive and their covers. There is also an individual override cache button for each book. So the cache has to be stored individually for each book. --Updating Cover Image: Users can update the cover images of individual books. This involves searching for a new cover image using the Google Search API and caching it. --User Interface: The application has a user-friendly interface. Users can easily view books, update cover images, and clear the cache. --Lazy Loading: The application uses lazy loading to load only the cover images that are close to the screen. This allows the page to load faster. --Book Rating: Users can rate the books. Some improvements to be made: 1- Cleaner code. 2- Commented explanations for funct...

$35 Average bid
$35 Сер. заявка
18 заявки

...is an example of a video done years ago. Please send me examples of past CGI over landscapes/sea etc or something bigger at greater distance. Key aspects to highlight in the video: - Software features - Realistic flight simulation - User interface - Rendered hardware on the aircraft Ideal skills for this project include: - Proficiency in aircraft CGI or VPX - Experience in creating product videos - Ability to simulate realistic flight patterns - Understanding of software features and user interface Your previous work should ideally include similar marketing-focused product videos, with a track record of successful social media engagement....

$4185 Average bid
$4185 Сер. заявка
19 заявки

I am looking for an experienced UI/UX designer to retouch the User Interface of my raw PHP app. The main areas that need improvement include: - Layout and structure: The app's layout needs to be reorganized for improved usability and visual appeal. - Responsive design: The app needs to be accessible and user-friendly across a range of devices. - Consistency: Ensuring uniformity across all pages is crucial. - Navigation: The menu structure needs to be rethought for easier and more intuitive navigation. Its a logistics site so I need something catchy and also the tracking looking very good In terms of aesthetics, I'm aiming for a bright and vibrant color scheme. The ideal candidate for this project will have extensive experience in PHP, UI/UX design and responsive design.

$153 Average bid
$153 Сер. заявка
54 заявки
Wix Expert for 5-Page E-commerce Development
6 дні(-в) left

Proficient Wix Designer Needed for 5-Page E-Commerce Website (Remote Work) Description: I am looking for a skilled Wix designer to create a 5-page e-commerce website. This is a remote project with a max budget of $170 and an hourly-based setup. The deadline is 4 days. Key Features: User Authentication: A secure and reliable login and registration system. Booking System: A seamless interface for recurring appointments or service bookings. Checkout Process: A safe and intuitive checkout process, primarily accepting payments via Square. Pages Included: Home Our Story Services Shop Order +1 additional page to complete the structure This project is intended for live deployment, and a successful collaboration could lead to further opportunities on larger and more complex projects for the...

$10 / hr Average bid
$10 / hr Сер. заявка
54 заявки

I'm looking for a skilled Dotnet Core with MVC developer to help revamp the User Interface of my application. The goal is to give the UI a modern design update. Key Responsibilities: - Revamp the User Interface to reflect a modern design. - Ensure the new design is responsive and user-friendly. Ideal Skills: - Deep knowledge and experience with Dotnet Core and MVC. - Strong UI/UX design skills. - Experience with modern design principles and frameworks.

$268 Average bid
$268 Сер. заявка
4 заявки
Product Extraction & CSV Creation from YoungCountry.Store
6 дні(-в) left

I need assistance with extracting and formatting product data from into a new CSV file. Your tasks will include: - Comparing a pre-existing CSV file of products with the ones listed on YoungCountry.Store. - Extracting only the available products. - Creating a new, properly formatted CSV for easy import. Key aspects of the project: - The original CSV contains products that are not available on the site. You'll need to manually compare and ensure only the correct products are included. - The final CSV should maintain proper formatting for easy import. The final CSV will need to include: - Only the product name, as that is the most crucial piece of information. - Stock levels. - Categories. Ideal skills for this project include: - Data entry & validation - CSV file manag...

$140 Average bid
$140 Сер. заявка
48 заявки

I am seeking a skilled web designer to create a dynamic e-commerce website for selling physical goods. The primary focus will be on an intuitive, user-friendly interface that caters to a diverse range of customers. Key Requirements: - Design a site that supports the sale of physical products. This includes creating product pages, a shopping cart, and a checkout process. - Integrate a reliable payment gateway to ensure secure and hassle-free transactions. Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience in designing e-commerce websites. - Proficient in integrating payment gateways. - Strong understanding of UX/UI principles.

$166 Average bid
$166 Сер. заявка
29 заявки