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    2,000 essay letter 200 words знайдені роботи

    Hi, we simply need to integrate AppsFlyer now and connect appsflyer actions to webview url, Also we need to deploy this app into our apple-dev-account as an update. Our budget for this particular task is between $50 and $100 . In the future if you are interested we may ask you to create whole app from scratch with $200 budget for each application. People who make such applications usually make 1-3 apps per day.

    $201 Average bid
    $201 Сер. заявка
    8 заявки
    Web site (MVP) for new Startup Cocina
    Закінчився left

    ...Dairy Free), Filter to choose type of dish Soup, Fish, Meat, Chicken, Salads, Mains, Deserts, Pastry, Sides, etc.). • Below First row Header (Popular Local Chefs) Scrolling to the right each profile clear picture of the dish with face of the Chef (if applicable (Must Have header), below full name of the dish in bold with type of kitchen below. Under picture of Chef full first name and first letter of surname of saying as (Chef Pablo E.), under image name off the dish, below three indicators of Rating, Diet type, Spice level. Below price at the left, space between to place discount or special offer text, add to cart on the right. • By clicking on food box or image it expands to 2/3 pf the screen leaving edges transparent (grey), showing at the top 4 images of p...

    $2623 Average bid
    $2623 Сер. заявка
    54 заявки

    To launch a new product, there is a need to develop a hot water boiler with a capacity of 100, 200, 300 kW. The boiler should run on solid fuel (firewood, coal) and be able to install a burner. Для запуску в виробництво, нового продукту, є потреба розробки водогрійного котла, з потужністю 100, 200, 300 кВт.. Робота котла на твердому паливі (дрова, вугілля) та можливість встановлення пальника.

    $1975 Average bid
    $1975 Сер. заявка
    6 заявки
    3D TIN модель замка
    Закінчився left

    ...облака точек ( point cloud ) - 3д модель ТЗ: 1. создание NMT (численной модели рельефа) с разрешением не менее 5 см/пикс ( .obj .ply ) 2. создание NMPT (численной модели почвенно-растительного покрова) с разрешением не менее 5 см/пикс ( .obj .ply ) 3. создание текстурированной 3D TIN-модели 4. создание ортофотоплана с разрешением не менее 3 см/пикс Объект: Frankenstein Castle Адрес: Krzywa, 57-200 Ząbkowice Śląskie Каждый пункт можем оценить отдельно, так что не обязательно выполнять каждый из них, эту работу могут сделать несколько человек

    $904 Average bid
    $904 Сер. заявка
    13 заявки
    Сайт Shopify
    Закінчився left

    Доброго дня. Мені потрібно повністю переробити сайт на Shopify починаючи з фото (біля 200 шт), оптимізацію SEO та всіх потрібних налаштувань та інтеграцій на інші Marketplaces. Фото продукції хотівби зробити на різних фонах екстерєру (паркани деревяні, камяні, вхід в будинок, біля камінів, бесідки ітд) та інтерєру ( стіни в жилих будинках, офісах, ресторанах, на арках ітд).Стиль фото має бути ближче до Американсього. Ось сайт Дякую наперед

    $718 Average bid
    $718 Сер. заявка
    22 заявки

    Доброго дня. Є 54 різних видів продукції настінного декору. На кожен виріб має бути по 4 фото- одне фото на білому фоні, одне на фоні екстерєру (паркани деревяні, камяні, вхід в будинок, біля камінів, бесідки ітд), два фото на фоні інтерєру ( стіни в жилих будинках, офісах, ресторанах, на арках ітд). Приблизно 200 фото на сайт розміром 2048X2048 пікселів. Фонів я не маю. Стиль фото має бути ближче до Американсього. Додаю декілька фото. Хотів би побачити декілька зразків. Дякую наперед

    $254 Average bid
    $254 Сер. заявка
    14 заявки

    Пропонуйте власну ціну за наступну роботу: - Написати 25 постів в Facebook та продублювати їх на Instagram - До постів також розробити візуал відносно стилю проекту - Налаштувати рекламу для генерації лідів на сторінки (ціль - 100-200 підписників). Бюджет на рекламу не включайте в ціну своїх послуг, обговоримо окремо. Про проект: освітній проект для батьків в напрямку сексуальної просвіти. Є розуміння ЦА, попереднє бачення контент плану. Розроблений візуал проекту. Наразі на сторінці в Facebook 12 підписників. Про співпрацю: повна автономія роботи, узгодимо контент план і обговоримо рекламу.

    $170 Average bid
    $170 Сер. заявка
    10 заявки

    Добрый день, Нужен специалист по настройке, запуску и оптимизации PPC кампаний. Целевое ГЕО: USA Важно: опыт работы с серыми нишами, умение проходить модерацию и обходить возможные баны от Google. Ниша: essay. Если есть опыт/наработки в данной нише :fire: Таргетинг: десктоп(>80%), только US, аудиторию определяете вы Канал: текстовые поисковые объявления в Google С нашей стороны: можем предоставить небольшой ресерч по конкурентам (ключи, тексты объявлений). Запускаем тестовую кампанию на 5 дней. Готовы масштабироваться, если стоимость привлечения пользователя будет в рамках целевых показателей. С вашей стороны: опыт работы с серыми нишами, умение проходить модерацию и обходить возможные баны от Google. + экспертность, вовлечение в нишу и ее нюансы, отчеты и рекомендации по лен...

    $6125 Average bid
    $6125 Сер. заявка
    4 заявки

    В наличии есть 20 сайтов, за регистрацию каждого плачу от 200 до 500 грн. За дополнительной информацией пишите в [Removed by Freelancer.com Admin for offsiting - please see Section 13 of our Terms and Conditions]

    $136 Average bid
    $136 Сер. заявка
    2 заявки

    Розробити 30 фотографій PNG/JPG реалістичний рендеринг квартири з меллями, беручи розміри з плану (планіметрії) та з намальованих від руки екскізів. (маштаб плану 1: 200)

    $230 Average bid
    $230 Сер. заявка
    6 заявки
    Project for webcapitan
    Закінчився left

    ...на перших етапах, та окремі платні дозамовлення якщо потрібно буде щось переробити на сайті чи доробити. Деталізовані вимоги сторінок, структури в файлі проект.xlsx Посилання на АПІ https://посилання на список каналів тарифних планів телебачення скину чат План Майлстоунів 1.1.Інсталяція теми + налаштування головної сторінки 200 USD _ 1.2. Налаштування наступних 6 сторінок 350 USD _ 1.2.1 Новини та Акції 1.2.2 Типова сторінка новини чи акції 1.2.3 Інтернет (тарифи) 1.2.4 Телебачення 1.2.5 Інші Послуги _ 1.3. Налаштування наступних 400 USD 1.3.1 Оплата послуг 1.3.2 Публічна інформація (документи) 1.3.3 Контакти 1.3.4 Особистий кабінет 1.3.5 Вспливаючий інформаційний-банер 1.3.6 Сторінка подачі заявки _ 1.4. Підключення

    $200 Average bid
    $200 Сер. заявка
    1 заявки
    Робота на дому
    Закінчився left

    Робота на дому, для студентів, 200-400 грн в день, за деталями писати у вайбер [Removed by Freelancer.com Admin]

    $26 Average bid
    $26 Сер. заявка
    3 заявки
    Надрукувати блокнот
    Закінчився left

    Що це має бути: блокнот-щоденник, на подарунок. Кількість сторінок - запланувала 400, але розумію, що потрібно менше, може навіть до 200 або до 100 знизити, тому готова підігнати під ваші пропозиції. ФОРМАТ: А5 (розмір підгоню під вимоги додрукарської подготовки). ОБКЛАДИНКА: плотна, кольорова, друкована, як на книжку або шкільну він’єтку. НАПОВНЕННЯ: чорно-білий друк, сторінки по різним макетам: календар, трекер, сторінки на кожен день, листочки для записів. Чекаю на ваші пропозиції. Ціну також роздивляюся різну.

    $55 Average bid
    $55 Сер. заявка
    1 заявки

    Необхідно переклати приблизно 400 слів тексту для блогу. Текст не технічний.

    $5 / hr Average bid
    $5 / hr Сер. заявка
    11 заявки

    ...СНД та Південного Кавказу. Аналіз базується на кількісних показників окремих ринків (деякі цифри - публічні; деякі - прийдеться збирати). 2. Digital Business Banking Study 2017 - глобальне дослідження розвитку цифрового банків, основних трендів та кращих практик цифрової трансформації, інновацій та впровадження цифрових технологій в банківському сегменті. Звіт базується на онлайн-опитуванні (до 200) та телефонному опитуванні керівників підрозділів МСБ (до 50) зі всього світу. Окрім того звіт має містити кейси. Обсяг сторінок кожного звіту: 50. Виконавець має підготувати концепцію, зібрати дані та необхідну інформацію, обробити її та підготувати аналітичні таблиці та висновки (все англійською мовою). SME Banking Club забезпечуватиме підтримку в частині зв'язків із ...

    $1344 Average bid
    $1344 Сер. заявка
    2 заявки

    Потрібно написати 5 статтей про бізнес, а саме про початок першого успішного бізнесу,про Історії успіху людей з США та Європи. Вимоги написання: 1.Англійською мовою. 2.Історії мають бути реальні і сучасні 2010-2016 рік. 3.Про середній та малий бізнес. 4.Не менше 1200 слів у статті з висновком. 5.У кінці кожної статті має бути висновок не менше 200 слів. 6.У статі має бути описано про то що мотивувало людину до початку бізнесу. -з якого разу бізнес став успішним. -які труднощі було пройдено.

    $30 - $250
    $30 - $250
    0 заявки

    Потрібне вдосконалення та редизайн саморобного логотипу, вдосконалити його з професійної точки зору! На більш серйозніший, бо цей трохи виглядає як "дитячий" мій бюджет 200 грн. Хто зможе допомогти, буду дуже вдячний. 093 476 31 79,096 115 33 06 - Іван

    $11 Average bid
    $11 Сер. заявка
    9 заявки

    Розробка логотипу медичної практики лікаря - отоларинголога. Дизайн аскетичний. юджет обмежений 200 - 300 грн. Час - пару днів (не спішу).

    $22 Average bid
    $22 Сер. заявка
    10 заявки

    I'm looking for a developer to create a web application designed for desktop use. The app should help kids learn to write the alphabet by drawing over a displayed letter "A". Key Features: - Step 1: Display an alphabet letter - Step 2: Allow kids to draw over it - Step 3: Capability to handle any language or symbol The application doesn't need to support any specific language or script at this point, but it should have the broader plan to accommodate any language or symbol in the future. The letters could be designed manually, possibly using SVG or a similar tool if necessary. Before starting, please share your plan on how you intend to implement this. Ideal skills and experience for the job include: - Proficiency in web development, particularly for d...

    $81 Average bid
    $81 Сер. заявка
    17 заявки
    Structural Engineer for Brise Soleil Projects
    6 дні(-в) left

    I'm looking for a qualified Structural Engineer who can provide structural calculations for various types of Brise Soleil structures, including all types of louvre screening. The calculations will be needed for commercial bu...types of louvre screening. The calculations will be needed for commercial buildings, residential structures, and public infrastructure. Key Requirements: - Must have UK recognized qualifications - Proven experience in designing and calculating for Brise Soleil systems - Professional Indemnity insurance - Quick turnaround times on a project-by-project basis - CV with references Typical rates are £200-300 for small projects, and higher for larger ones. Ideal candidates will have a strong background in working with aluminum structures, as this is our...

    $311 - $933
    $311 - $933
    0 заявки
    Flutter & Firebase Real-Time Matching Fix
    6 дні(-в) left

    I need an experienced Flutter & Firebase developer to perfect the flow of m...experienced Flutter & Firebase developer to perfect the flow of my app like Omegle. My app has three main screens: 1. The Matching Screen - Users click to find a partner. 2. The Intermediate Screen - Here, I find a match for the user. Once matched, the user navigates to the chat screen. 3. The ChatScreen - Matched users can chat (text only), skip each other, or exit the chat. I've written around 200 lines of code, but I'm having issues with data synchronization on the Intermediate Screen. Ideal freelancer should: - Improve real-time matching efficiency and flow. - Optimize Firestore read/writes. - Perfectly handle user skipping and exiting the chat. This is a short-duration project, ...

    $11 Average bid
    $11 Сер. заявка
    9 заявки
    Trophy icon Logo Adjustment and Stationery Design
    19 годин(-и) left

    I'm looking for a talented designer to help me adjust an existing logo for my restaurant consulting company. After we finalize the logo, we will need the following items designed: Letter Head, Header and Footer, and a Business Card. I want to see different options for color adjustments, font changes, and graphic tweaks to the logo. Please note that the design style for the stationery should be modern and minimalist. The ideal freelancer for this project should have a strong background in graphic design, particularly in logo adjustment and corporate stationery design. A portfolio showcasing minimalist and modern designs will be highly regarded. The logo name is (The Chefs Studio) the design of logo should give us the room to use (The Chefs Studio) as one word or (Studio) to ...

    $100 Average bid
    Терміновий Гарантований
    616 робіт
    Virtual Asiistant Photo Cropping for Electronics
    6 дні(-в) left

    I'm in need of a virtual assistant who can help me with cropping photos for my e-commerce listing. The photos are of electronics and should emphasize the overall appearance of the products. Ideal skills for this job include: - Basic photo editing skills - Understanding of e-commerce photo requirements - Attention to detail ...include: - Basic photo editing skills - Understanding of e-commerce photo requirements - Attention to detail - Ability to follow specific instructions Experience in handling e-commerce listings or working with electronics photos would be a plus. The goal is to enhance the visual appeal of the products and attract more potential buyers. The virtual assistant will be required to crop between 50 to 200 photos. The cropped photos should have a 1:1 (Square...

    $4 / hr Average bid
    $4 / hr Сер. заявка
    66 заявки

    More details: What is the main goal you want to achieve with your Google Ads campaign? Generate leads Which services are a priority for you to promote? Residential roofing, Commercial roofing, Roof repair Which geographic locations do you want to target with your ads? Local area

    $187 Average bid
    $187 Сер. заявка
    20 заявки
    DC-DC Transformator
    6 дні(-в) left

    A transformer is required which transforms from 1000 V DC down to 48 V DC. Minimum requirements - Transform 1000 V DC to 48 V DC. - 7 kW output in the 48 V DC network (approx. 146 amps) - Fluctuations in the 48 V DC network: 45 to 55 volts - Designed for 300 days of use per year and 12 hours of use per day. - Efficiency > 90 % - Lighter 3 kg - Smaller than 300 x 300 x 150 mm - Communicat...Communication and discussion with the client as to why something smaller, lighter and better is not possible - Circuit diagram - Parts list and component order list - Estimated price Desired requirements - Efficiency > 97 % - Fluctuations in the 48 V DC grid: 47 to 51 volts - Lighter than 2 kg - Smaller than 180 x 180 x 100 mm - XT90 plug connection - 10 kW output in the 48 V DC grid (approx. ...

    $1154 Average bid
    $1154 Сер. заявка
    29 заявки
    Global SEO for Translation Services Website
    19 годин(-и) left

    ...detailed descriptions of our translation services. Our website is already advanced in technical SEO optimization. Prioritize SEO efforts to attract legal services businesses. Our existing backlink profile needs improvement, and efforts should be made to enhance it. The project will operate on a fixed budget, ensuring cost predictability and focused allocation of resources. The project budget is under $200 per month. All SEO reports and communications will be conducted in English....

    $30 - $250
    Обраний Терміновий Прихований Угода про нерозголошення
    $30 - $250
    27 заявки

    Freelance Lead Generation Specialist (University Admissions) We are seeking a highly motivated and results-oriented freelance lead generation specialist to drive student inquiries and applications for our university...HubSpot) is a plus. 7. Self-motivated and results-driven, with a strong work ethic. 8. Ability to work independently and manage time effectively. 9. Fluency in [mention relevant languages, e.g., English, Hindi, etc.]. Compensation: 10. Specify compensation structure - e.g., per lead, per hour, per project, etc. Be clear about payment terms. To Apply: Please submit your resume and a brief cover letter outlining your relevant experience and your proposed approach to lead generation for our university. Include examples of your previous success in lead generation, if...

    $10 / hr Average bid
    $10 / hr Сер. заявка
    15 заявки

    ...to a hidden mechanism that could explain the locked room. The Confession: One guest, Lila, confesses to a minor crime but denies involvement in the murder, further complicating the case. Part 5: The Resolution The Trap: Clara sets a trap to lure the killer into revealing themselves, using the hidden mechanisms of the vault room. The Final Clue: A hidden compartment in the vault room reveals a letter from Grayson, implicating the killer. The Confrontation: Clara confronts the killer, who turns out to be Victor, Grayson’s business rival. Victor used his knowledge of the vault’s design to stage the murder. The Motive: Victor reveals that Grayson had ruined his life through blackmail and manipulation, leaving him no choice but to kill. The Aftermath: Clara closes the cas...

    $137 Average bid
    Угода про нерозголошення
    $137 Сер. заявка
    11 заявки

    As with previous work, a red-line edit of each, then a final, clean copy once you're happy. Any requested amendments included in the price

    $62 Average bid
    $62 Сер. заявка
    1 заявки
    $90 Сер. заявка
    24 заявки
    Trophy icon Minimalist Self-Help Non-Fiction Book Cover
    6 дні(-в) left

    I need a book cover designed for my non-fiction self-help book. The style should be minimalist, reflecting simplicity and clarity which is often associated with self-help literature. Key Requirements: - Design of the front cover and the inside of the book for a total of 200 pages - Understanding of minimalist design principles - Experience in designing non-fiction and self-help book covers - Ability to create a cover that stands out in the self-help genre while adhering to minimalist aesthetic. Please provide a portfolio of relevant past work. Thank you!

    $33 Average bid
    48 робіт

    I'm seeking a modern-styled logo and letterhead for my brand "wattedge". The preferred color palette is cool colors, specifically shades of blue and green. Ideal Skills & Experience: - Graphic Design - Branding - Proficiency in design software (e.g., Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop) - Experience with modern design trends Our company in into maintenance and servicing of electrical transformers. I'm particularly interested in a design that incorporates abstract shapes. Please only apply if you can provide a portfolio demonstrating your ability to create similar designs.

    $15 Average bid
    $15 Сер. заявка
    37 заявки
    Modern Paint Can Design
    6 дні(-в) left

    I'm the owner of a paint company and I'm in need of a designer to craft a modern, eye-catching design for our paint cans. Key Tasks: - The design should be suitable for a range of can sizes, from 200 grams to 20 liters. - It should incorporate bright and bold colors, standing out on the shelf. - The design needs to prominently feature our company logo, product name, and usage instructions. Ideal candidates will have a strong portfolio in packaging design. Experience with modern design aesthetics and a knack for using bright, bold colors will be highly advantageous. Please Contact - 9990955884 for details.

    $2 / hr Average bid
    $2 / hr Сер. заявка
    11 заявки

    I'm looking for a university student, preferably from India, to assist me with writing tasks. The project involves completing 7 narrative essays focused on personal storytelling. This task will require 3 hours of your time, during which you'll need to screenshare and complete the tasks with me. Key Project Details: - Tasks involve writing essays (200-300 words each) - Focus on narrative essays with a personal storytelling aspect - 3 hours of screensharing and task completion Ideal Skills and Experience: - No need for exceptional writing or language skills, but basic competence is necessary - University student preferred - Familiarity with narrative essays and personal storytelling an advantage The essays will be written on predefined topics provided to the freel...

    $2 / hr Average bid
    $2 / hr Сер. заявка
    42 заявки
    Ecommerce Product Photo Editing
    6 дні(-в) left

    I'm seeking a ski...by following the instructions given by our Art Director. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in photo editing softwares. - Prior experience in eCommerce product photo editing. - Excellent understanding of image composition. - Strong attention to detail. - Strong English communication skills is required to understand and implement the exact instructions. Please submit a relevant cover letter and attach 1-5 samples of any Image composition that you have done in the past. Send it as Before & After image so its easier to evaluate your skills. All those cover letters which doesn't include samples of image composition will be rejected automatically. Its an ongoing requirement, so kindly mention how many hours per day can you work on this proje...

    $70 Average bid
    $70 Сер. заявка
    74 заявки

    I would like to request you to do my second phase of branding including: - Business Card - Email Signature - Letter Head and Envelope

    $100 Average bid
    $100 Сер. заявка
    1 заявки
    E-commerce Virtual Assistant for Ongoing Basis - 2 -- 2
    6 дні(-в) left

    ...extra mile - Freshers can also apply Job Responsibility: - Data Entry & basic admin tasks - Do some research jobs related to products and purchase - Online search for suppliers/ whole sellers/ manufacturer who can give quality products at a very competitive price If you are interested, then Please carefully review the provided information and add the word "Rainbow" at the beginning of your cover letter. Also, share your response to the below questions. 1) What commitments do you have right now? Are you employed? Student? Freelancer? 2) If shortlisted, how many hours per day can you contribute during the weekdays? 3) If shortlisted, what would be the lowest hourly rate that you can work for? 4) Your current age & country 5) In which languages are you proficient...

    $4 / hr Average bid
    $4 / hr Сер. заявка
    72 заявки

    Procuro fornecedores de serviços de TI experientes. Tenho um fluxo de 20 reuniões com leads por semana em espanhol, inglês e português, procuro fechar vendas. Somos uma empresa com 21 anos de experiência e clientes na Índia, EUA, Espanha, Bra...experiência em serviços de TI. - Experiência em vendas de plataformas web e Apps. - Facilidade de interação com clientes em diferentes países e fusos horários. - Excelentes habilidades de resolução de problemas e capacidade de solucionar problemas técnicos. - Capacidade de comunicação em espanhol, inglês e/ou português. Estimamos que com nossos leads eles possam ter em média 20 entrevistas por mês (US$ ...

    $500 Average bid
    $500 Сер. заявка
    3 заявки

    I'm looking for a freelancer who can manually research and find me 200 YouTube video shorts that have over 100,000,000 views about products. See attached Document template to enter the research onto. I also need the Channel name. You must be an Expert YouTube Researcher. The results must be United States Based searches on YouTube. See attached word document the must be used to save the research results. The links must be active links in the document. I need you to send me the first 10 research results so I can make sure you are doing the research correctly. And wait for me to verify it is correct before proceeding with the research. I need the name of the video, the link to the video, how many views it has, what the product it promotes or if it promotes more than one product...

    $75 - $100
    Прихований Угода про нерозголошення
    $75 - $100
    9 заявки

    ...flyer for my business. I sell wrought iron, laser cut, and stain glass door inserts and need to showcase the different designs I have on this flyer. Key project details: - Flyer Style: The flyer should adhere to a minimalist design, which means it should be simple yet effective, focusing on the essential elements without unnecessary clutter. - Flyer Size: The flyer needs to be designed for a Letter size (8.5 x 11 inches), which is standard for mass mail advertisements. - Content: I want to include product photos of my glass door inserts have about 10 pictures installs I have done, alongside some graphic illustrations. The aim is to visually engage potential customers and highlight the unique details of my products. - Ideal skills and experience for the job include: - Proficie...

    $59 Average bid
    $59 Сер. заявка
    88 заявки
    Medical Demand Letter Creation
    6 дні(-в) left

    ...professional who can craft a compelling demand letter for a medical issue. The letter will address a medical-related dispute. Ideal Skills: - Legal Writing: Experience in writing demand letters is essential. - Medical Knowledge: Familiarity with medical terminology and issues will be beneficial. - Negotiation Skills: The letter should be assertive yet reasonable to facilitate a resolution. Please note, the specific details of the dispute will be shared privately. Discretion and professionalism are paramount. The demand letter should seek financial compensation as a resolution. The tone of the demand letter should be diplomatic. The demand letter should be 1-2 pages long. The demand letter will be addressed to the healthcare provider. ...

    $250 - $750
    Прихований Угода про нерозголошення
    $250 - $750
    50 заявки

    I'm looking for a graphic designer to create a horizontal flyer for promoting a product. The flyer should be tailored for potential customers and have a clear call to action to 'Learn more'. It should be designed with the intention that it wil...paste it as an image into an email. Key Requirements: - Experience in creating promotional materials - Proficiency in graphic design software - Ability to create engaging, clear, and visually appealing designs - Understanding of designing for digital platforms Please include samples of similar work in your bid. The flyer will promote a technology product. The flyer should be designed in US Letter Size. color scheme: • Dark Green (#002626): • Midnight Green (#0e4749): • Yellow Green (#95c623): • Persimmo...

    $75 Average bid
    $75 Сер. заявка
    159 заявки

    I'm seeking an experienced professional to write a letter of complaint and demand for out of pocket costs. The issue arises from an unfulfilled contract, and it needs to be addressed to the CEO or higher management of the company. I would like the letter to have a lawyers header, so it is coming from a lawyer. Key aspects of the project include: - Articulating the complaint about an unfulfilled contract in a clear, concise and impactful manner. - Demanding a refund and compensation for out of pocket costs. - Writing in a professional tone suitable for a letter to a high-ranking company official. Ideal skills for the job include: - Excellent command of English language and writing skills. - Experience in corporate communication or legal writing. - Understanding ...

    $80 Average bid
    $80 Сер. заявка
    48 заявки

    ...collaborate with clients and Kara. Skills Required: Expertise in WordPress (themes/plugins), SEO, UX/UI, responsive design. Adobe Suite proficiency; GoDaddy management; excellent communication. Preferred Skills: CRM/lead capture integration; Trello/project tools; solar industry knowledge. Collaboration: Trello will be used for task management and tracking. To Apply: Submit a brief cover letter (emphasize immediate availability), portfolio links (WordPress/SEO/design work),...

    $30 Average bid
    $30 Сер. заявка
    1 заявки
    Logo and Letterhead Update
    6 дні(-в) left

    I'm looking for a designer to updated an existing logo design and letter head. The logo is to be updated to have the text "Performance Solutions" instead of "Consulting Building Surveyors. The front and colors are all to be the same. I would then like this to be updated on the letter head to have the new logo and also the text at the bottom to be changed to Performance Solutions from Consulting Building Surveyors. Please provide a portfolio of similar projects you have completed.

    $52 Average bid
    $52 Сер. заявка
    108 заявки

    ...Provide creative input to make the app visually appealing and easy to navigate. Publishing Expertise: The app will be published on Apple App Store and Google Play Store. Developer must have knowledge and experience with the publishing process, including meeting platform requirements and resolving submission issues. Budget and Terms: We are operating on a tight budget, so the work is capped at 200 total hours at a $15/hour rate. This includes the audit, implementation, testing, and publishing phases. Please ensure you’re comfortable working within this budget and timeframe. Communication Requirements: Constant communication is key to the success of this project. I will require: Frequent updates with screenshots and progress reports to populate our website and marketing m...

    $15 / hr Average bid
    $15 / hr Сер. заявка
    93 заявки

    I'm seeking a logo design that is a composition of the letters d, r, and G (lowercase d, lowercase r, uppercase G). The style should be classic, yet the color scheme is strictly monochromatic. The logo should convey a professional tone, without leaning towards being overly serious or austere. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in graphic design software - Experience in creating classic st...G). The style should be classic, yet the color scheme is strictly monochromatic. The logo should convey a professional tone, without leaning towards being overly serious or austere. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in graphic design software - Experience in creating classic style, monochromatic logos - Ability to create professional yet approachable designs - Strong understanding of typography and letter...

    $26 Average bid
    $26 Сер. заявка
    96 заявки

    I'm a university student planning a unique, horror-themed photoshoot in Birmingham and need 2 models (one male and one female) who can convincingly embody vampires. This is a University pro...possess features typical of vampires, such as pale skin and dark-colored hair. - Age range: 20 to 28 years old. Ideal Skills: - Modeling experience - Understanding of poses and facial expressions - Comfortable working in a studio setting with various props and lighting. **Important Note**: As I am a university student, the budget for this project is flexible within the range of £100 - £200. I genuinely want the models to enjoy their time during this project. They will have full usage rights to any photos they want for their portfolio! Thank you very much for cons...

    $155 Average bid
    $155 Сер. заявка
    24 заявки

    ...bring clients (especially from the US, UK, and Australia). - Target: Medium-sized businesses seeking IT and Digital Marketing services. - Marketing Strategy: Predominantly cold calling, so experience with this method is crucial. - Services: Both IT services and Digital Marketing. - Target: Medium-sized businesses with annual revenue between $5 million and $50 million. - Target: Companies with 50-200 employees. - Target: Businesses located in metropolitan areas of the US, UK, and Australia. - Target: Businesses prepared to invest between $10,000 and $100,000 in IT and Digital Marketing services annually. - Target: Businesses where decision makers are easily accessible, such as CEOs, CIOs, or Marketing Directors. Ideal candidates should have a proven track record in client acquis...

    $491 Average bid
    $491 Сер. заявка
    6 заявки
    Parole Support Letter for Texas Inmate
    6 дні(-в) left

    I'm seeking a professional writer to help me draft a compelling support letter for a friend's parole in Texas. - Main Goal: The letter is intended to express my support for the inmate's parole. - Relationship: I am a friend of the inmate. - Character Emphasis: I want to highlight the inmate's rehabilitated behavior. The ideal freelancer for this task should possess exceptional writing skills, have a deep understanding of the parole system, and be able to effectively communicate the inmate's journey towards rehabilitation. Your ability to craft a persuasive letter that conveys my support and emphasizes the inmate's readiness for reintegration into society will be crucial.

    $103 Average bid
    $103 Сер. заявка
    79 заявки