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Статус роботи
2,000 css divs different heights знайдені роботи

Обязательные знания: Python, SQLAclhemy, PostgresSQL, Aiogram, FastApi, HTML, CSS Особенно важны: Aiogram, FastApi, Python, SQL Краткий список работ: 1. Добавление проверки/валидации сдачи отчетов 2. Интеграция Telegram бота с фуд-треккером FatSecret 3. Проверка на оплату 4. Изменение общего визуала сайта и информации, которая отображается 5. Добавить дату добавления админа 6. Трекинг действий куратора 7. Добавить закреп юзера за определенным куратором Подробнее при личном контакте

$136 Average bid
$136 Сер. заявка
16 заявки

...сайті повинна бути система власного балансу користувача: • Користувачі зможуть поповнювати баланс через різні платіжні системи. • Адміністратори отримуватимуть доступ до керування балансами. • Інтерфейс має бути простим і зручним для поповнення та перегляду залишку на балансі. • Сайт має бути адаптованим під мобільні пристрої і мати сучасний дизайн. Технологічні вимоги: • Front-end: HTML, CSS, JavaScript (з можливістю використання фреймворків, таких як React або Vue.js). • Back-end: PHP або Node.js для серверної частини. • База даних: MySQL або PostgreSQL для зберігання інформації про користувачів і їхні баланси. • Платіжні системи: інтеграція популярних платіжних рішень для поповнення балансу (наприклад, PayPal, Stripe тощо). &b...

$180 Average bid
$180 Сер. заявка
9 заявки

Треба виправити верстку на сайті деяких елементів, детальніше в прикріпленому файлі. Десктопна і мобільна версія Рівень складности - низький/середній Необхідні знання html, css, js

$12 / hr Average bid
$12 / hr Сер. заявка
15 заявки

деталі та дизайн в прикріпленому файлі

$1105 Average bid
$1105 Сер. заявка
18 заявки
Project for Olena K.
Закінчився left

Добрий день! У нас є сайт на опенкарт і ми використовуємо на ньому модуль мультиселлера. Але ми не цілком задоволені виглядом панелі, і хочемо деяких змін у CSS. Чи могли б ви допомогти?

$15 / hr Average bid
$15 / hr Сер. заявка
1 заявки

...информация, обо мне, о проекте, о нашей совместной работе. Короткое описание задания: Сделать функциональной страничку в веб проекте. Стандартные CRUD операции, валидация, несколько модальных окон, отображение элементов при использовании готовых компонентов. Необходимо знание JS, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, jQuery Как происходит совместная работа? Оплата происходит по выполнению ТЗ. Процесс таков. Делю проект на "таски". В основном Одно ТЗ - одна полноценная страница. - Я описываю подробно задание. Чтоб ты понимал о чём речь и что ты делаешь. - Делаю приблизительный mockup (насколько это возможно). - Делаю скриншоты с темы, компоненты которые я хочу видеть на страничке. - Описываю flow

$113 Average bid
$113 Сер. заявка
5 заявки

Необхідно доробити JavaScript/CSS на сайті WordPress детальне ТЗ тут

$10 - $30
$10 - $30
0 заявки
Project for webcapitan
Закінчився left

Доброго дня! Мене звати Ігор, і я також з України (Івано-Франківськ) Колись займався розробкою сайтів для малого бізнесу на wordpress. Знаю основи HTML/CSS/PHP а також саму CMS WordPress. Також володію програмами Adobe AE/Ph/Pr/Lightroom/Illustrator. Працював сам на себе. Клієнтів мав через "сарафанне радіо". Та пізніше вирішив займатись інтернет мережами. Працював системним адміністратором у інтернет провайдерів. Та зараз - хочу повернутись до вебу. Можливо знайдеться вакансія у вас для мене?

$700 Average bid
$700 Сер. заявка
1 заявки
PHP Full-stack developer
Закінчився left

Для нашого онлайн магазину шукаємо PHP розробника фрілансера Маємо два цікаві проекти. Завда...пристроїв (мобільних, планшетів) Профіль: • Хороші знання з програмного забезпечення (об'єктно-орієнтований дизайн, шаблони проектування, тестування) • самостійна робота та вирішення проблем • високий рівень мотивації • Досвід роботи з PHP, Symfony, Laravel або Zend, є перевагою • Вільне володіння німецькою чи англійською мовами • Дуже хороші знання PHP, MySQL та JavaScript • Добре знання HTML (5) та CSS (3)

$200 Average bid
$200 Сер. заявка
1 заявки
Project for Eduard L.
Закінчився left

Доброго дня, мене звати Іван, я є керівником проекту по розробці Shopify теми, можу запропонувати Вам постійне навантаження хоч і 40 годин на тиждень, залежить від вашої доступності та кваліфікації. Проект веду на Апворк вже більше 2-х років, можемо працювати по трекеру і тут на Фрілансері. Необхідною умовою є стек HTML/CSS/JS/Shopify Liquid/Git Робота в команді, тепер там лід індус, але заміню з радістю, якщо покажете себе. З повагою, Іван ~0176737ba1218657c8

$14 - $14 / hr
$14 - $14 / hr
0 заявки

ФронтендxФронтенд Доповнення в HTML / CSS

$438 Average bid
$438 Сер. заявка
5 заявки
Програмування Ruby
Закінчився left

Для реалізації клієнтської частини сайту повинна використовуватися мова розмітки HTML5 та каскадні таблиці стилів (CSS). Для реалізації інтерактивних елементів клієнтської частини повинна використовуватися мова JavaScript. При розробці клієнтської частини може використовуватися фреймворм Vue або ReactJS. Серверна частина сайту повинна бути написана мовою високого рівня Рубі з використанням фреймворку RubyOnRails 5.1

$3518 Average bid
$3518 Сер. заявка
6 заявки

Є сайт на HTML + CSS. Для нього необхідно зробити корзину, щоб клієнт міг додати кілька товарів в корзину і купити їх. Краще, щоб корзина була створена за допомогою JAVA. $50

$30 - $250
$30 - $250
0 заявки
Доробка сайту
Закінчився left

Для доробки проекту одного з проектів потрібен Ruby on Rails Developer. Приблизний об’єм робіт 20-40 годин. Робота віддалена, оплата погодинна. Вимоги: 1+ досвіду роботи, як Ruby on Rails Developer Досвід роботи з HTML, CSS, JavaScript Досвід розробки сайтів на Ruby on Rails Просимо до резюме додати приклади реалізованих сайтів та рейт $/год

$25 - $50 / hr
$25 - $50 / hr
0 заявки
Web development
Закінчився left

Мені потрібен новий веб-сайт. Розробити дизайн та створити сайт Персональний веб-сайт We are good it-specialists. We know english and html, js, css and a little php.

$479 Average bid
$479 Сер. заявка
71 заявки
Закінчився left

Необідно знати і любити: - React.js, - HTML5, CSS, - Redux, Flux, Relay, - PHP, - JS, - ENGLISH B1-B2. Не завадять додаткові знання з: - Drupal 7,8, - GraphQL, - Postman, - Facebook workflow for React. Коротко про проект: - 4 місяці безмежно цікавих задач (part-time and full-time). - робота з Drupal сайтом. БУДЬ ЛАСКА, НАДСИЛАЙТЕ ВАШІ ЗАЯВКИ З ПОРТФОЛІО І ПОСИЛАННЯМ НА GITHUB. ДЯКУЮ! З НЕТЕРПІННЯМ ЧЕКАТИМУ ВАШИХ ПРОПОЗИЦІЙ!

$20 / hr Average bid
$20 / hr Сер. заявка
4 заявки
Project for chnazar
Закінчився left

Привіт chnazar, бачив твоє резюме на рахунок пошуку роботи якщо тебі цікавий довготривалий проект (PHP,JS,HTML,CSS,MySQL) можемо обговорити деталі

$10 Average bid
$10 Сер. заявка
1 заявки
Fix 404 Errors on Custom Site
6 дні(-в) left

I'm facing an issue with my custom-built HTML/CSS website. Google has been picking up 404 Not Found errors across the site. I can provide all of the urls with that error, and need a professional who can quickly rectify the problem. The ideal freelancer for this project should have: - Strong understanding of SEO and Google indexing. - Proven track record in troubleshooting and resolving 404 Not Found errors. - Ability to work swiftly and efficiently. I'll review applicants within 24hrs and look to begin immediately after, if available. Thanks!

$118 Average bid
$118 Сер. заявка
35 заявки
Comprehensive Social Media Management
6 дні(-в) left

I'm in need of a seasoned Social Media Manager to enhance my brand's online presence across several platforms. Platform Engagement: - The focus will be on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, YouTube, LinkedIn, and Pinterest. - I need an experienced professional who can utilize new AI driven software to post multiple times per day per platform. The AI platform I built does most of the w...considered. Skills and Experience: - Proven track record in social media management and lead generation. - Proficient in content creation across various formats. - Able to analyze engagement metrics and adjust strategies accordingly. - Familiarity with SEO and digital marketing strategies will be a plus. I look forward to collaborating with a professional who can help propel my brand to...

$8 / hr Average bid
$8 / hr Сер. заявка
23 заявки
Add Custom Font to Shopify Site
6 дні(-в) left

I need assistance integrating a font I purchased from myfonts into my Shopify site. The font should be applied to headings and body text throughout the site. - Integration: I have no specific preference for how the font is integrated. It can be done through Custom CSS, the Shopify theme editor, or a Shopify app/plugin. - Access: I do have access to the custom CSS files of my Shopify theme. Ideal candidates for this project should have experience with Shopify, CSS, and font integration. A keen eye for detail and an understanding of typography will be beneficial.

$98 Average bid
$98 Сер. заявка
38 заявки
WordPress Multivendor Marketplace Enhancement
6 дні(-в) left

...two bespoke plugins. Key Responsibilities: - Adding New Features: Primarily focusing on integrating new functionalities to improve user experience and site interactivity. - Fixes and Maintenance: Regular site checks to troubleshoot issues, implement fixes and ensure smooth operation of the website. Essential Skills: - Advanced knowledge of WordPress and WooCommerce - Proficiency in PHP, HTML, CSS, JavaScript - Experience with developing and maintaining WordPress plugins - Strong problem-solving skills for troubleshooting and site maintenance - Excellent coding skills for adding new features Please note, a key area of focus will be the custom vendor dashboards, which may need updates to include elements such as sales analytics and reports, inventory management, and order proc...

$15 / hr Average bid
$15 / hr Сер. заявка
13 заявки

I'm seeking a seasoned programmer with in-depth experience in PHP Laravel and MySQL to enhance my mobile application's backend. My app is powered by the Flutter framework and requires a skilled backend developer to assist...Security: Your expertise will be crucial in implementing secure authentication processes and safeguarding the system against potential threats. This project does not require any integration with third-party services or APIs, allowing you to focus solely on fortifying our backend system. Ideal candidates should possess a solid understanding of the following programming languages: Dart, PHP, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Blade. Proficiency in Laravel and MySQL is a must. Your ability to ensure high levels of performance and responsiveness is key to the succ...

$179 Average bid
$179 Сер. заявка
29 заявки
Full Stack Developer for MyExpertify Team
6 дні(-в) left

We are looking for a talented Full Stack Developer proficient in Java and Angular to join the MyExpert...best practices for software development ✅ Participate in code reviews and provide feedback for team improvements Requirements: ✔ Strong experience in Java (Spring Boot) for building robust back-end services ✔ Solid experience with Angular for building interactive front-end applications ✔ Experience with RESTful APIs, SQL, and working with databases ✔ Familiarity with front-end technologies (HTML, CSS, JavaScript) ✔ Knowledge of version control (Git) ✔ Ability to deliver high-quality solutions in Agile environments ✔ Excellent communication skills and the ability to work independently ✔ Previous experience working on a freelancer platform or consultancy platform is a plus

$31 / hr Average bid
$31 / hr Сер. заявка
12 заявки

WORDPRESS CUSTOMIZATION AGREEMENT: Theme modifications and custom styling Plugin installation and configuration Custom coding (PHP, CSS, JavaScript) Page layout adjustments using Elementor Performance optimization and caching setup Security enhancements and malware removal WooCommerce customization and setup API integration and third-party services Mobile responsiveness improvements Custom post types and taxonomy setup This Agreement is made between Karllin Brooks and MD. Masud Rana for customizing Scope of Work: The Developer will perform theme modifications, plugin installation, custom coding, layout adjustments, performance optimization, and security enhancements. Timeline & Payment: Work is monthly, with reviews every 15 days (Advanced payment).

$50 Average bid
$50 Сер. заявка
1 заявки

...managing mail features directly from FOSSbilling. Design and implement both front-end and back-end components for seamless user interaction and API communication. Ensure the module adheres to best practices in security and usability. Requirements: Proven experience with FOSSbilling and HestiaCP. Strong proficiency in JavaScript, PHP, and API integration. Experience with front-end technologies (HTML, CSS, JavaScript frameworks). Ability to design intuitive and user-friendly interfaces. Familiarity with version control systems like Git. Preferred Qualifications: Previous contributions to FOSSbilling or similar open-source projects. Experience with SSL, DNS, and mail management in a hosting environment. Strong problem-solving skills and attention to detail. Additional Information...

$2950 Average bid
Угода про нерозголошення
$2950 Сер. заявка
4 заявки

I have a web-based POS software, built using the MERN stack, , and Tailwind CSS, which currently requires an additional feature. This feature should enable customers to order food and beverages using a QR code placed on their table. Key Requirements: - The QR code will redirect customers to an ordering website upon being scanned. - Customers should be able to order food, make payments, and have the corresponding docket printed in the kitchen or cafe. - The invoice should also be printed through the POS printer. - All orders should be logged in the order history of the POS application. Payment Integration: - The only payment method to be integrated is Credit/Debit Card via Stripe. QR Code Specifications: - Each table will have a specific QR code to track orders accurately. Order

$475 Average bid
$475 Сер. заявка
10 заявки

...intuitive UX based on Figma wireframes Use Tailwind CSS for styling Optimize for performance and SEO Backend: Build a scalable API using Spring Boot Implement a PostgreSQL database for storing user & rental data Secure user authentication using Firebase Auth / Auth0 Integrate Stripe / Razorpay for payment processing Implement a messaging system for communication between renters & lenders Develop an admin dashboard for dispute resolution & moderation Additional Features: User profile & verification system- using Govt ID or Company employee ID Rental request & approval workflow Geo-location-based item discovery Reviews & rating system AI-based fraud detection (optional) Tech Stack: Frontend: React.js (), Tailwind CSS Backend: Spring ...

$164 Average bid
$164 Сер. заявка
5 заявки
Cost-Effective Read-Only Company Website -- 2
6 дні(-в) left

...an overview of our company, its history, mission, and values. - Services: A detailed description of the services we offer. - Contact Us: This section will provide our contact information and possibly a simple contact form. Note: All written content and images will be provided. Ideal skills and experience for this job include: - Proficiency in web development languages such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. - Experience in creating cost-effective, read-only websites. - Strong understanding of UX/UI principles to ensure the site is easy to navigate and visually appealing. - Ability to understand and convey complex company information in a clear, concise manner. Copy/paste responses will not be considered. My name is Chris. Please address me as such when bidding for th...

$141 Average bid
$141 Сер. заявка
52 заявки

I'm looking for a skilled web developer to create a color prediction game site. The site should be built using Custom HTML/CSS/JS, not WordPress or React. Key Features: - User Login and Registration: The site should allow users to create an account and log in to play. - Dashboard with Game Statistics: Each user should have a personalized dashboard displaying their game statistics. - Betting Feature: Users should be able to place bets during the game. - Color Prediction: Users should be able to enter a color code to make their predictions. Ideal Candidates: - Proficiency in Custom HTML/CSS/JS is a must. - Previous experience developing interactive game websites will be highly regarded. - A deep understanding of user interface design and user experience principles. - Ab...

$419 Average bid
$419 Сер. заявка
18 заявки
Performance-Optimierung der Website
6 дні(-в) left

...Index unter 3s reduzieren TTFB (Time to First Byte) auf unter 300ms senken ⚠ Wichtig: Die bestehende Schriftart und Typografie dürfen nicht verändert werden! ? Technische Details der Seite: ✔ Hosting: AWS Lightsail (Bitnami WordPress Stack) ✔ Theme: Avada ✔ Caching Plugins: WP Rocket ✔ CDN: Cloudflare oder AWS CloudFront möglich ? Aufgaben des Freelancers: ✅ Render-Blocking Resourcen optimieren (CSS/JS minifizieren & kombinieren) ✅ Lazy Loading für Bilder & Videos verbessern ✅ Google Fonts lokal hosten & Preload aktivieren (ohne Änderung der Schriftart) ✅ Redis Object Cache korrekt konfigurieren ✅ WordPress-Datenbank optimieren ✅ Server-seitige Optimierung (Apache, Gzip, Brotli, Redis, MariaDB Tuning) ✅ LCP-Problem analysieren und beheben (...

$150 Average bid
$150 Сер. заявка
22 заявки

...endpoints to allow external systems to retrieve data from the BB: Forums Topic Groups Topics List Topic Details (by ID) 9. Block reading data if user is not registered Skills Required: ✅ PHP & PostgreSQL ✅ Experience with Bulletin PHP Board (BB) platforms (phpBB, MyBB, Flarum, Vanilla Forums, etc.) ✅ API Development (RESTful APIs) ✅ Cron Jobs & Background Processing ✅ Frontend Customization (HTML, CSS, JavaScript) ✅ Security Best Practices Deliverables: Modified PHP BB system with all requested features connected to PostgreSQL API Documentation for POST & GET requests. Instructions for deployment (including database migrations). Testing & Debugging to ensure functionality. Timeline & Budget: Estimated Completion: [Specify your expected timeline] Budget: [Spe...

$162 Average bid
$162 Сер. заявка
24 заявки

project is based on a music system.

$236 Average bid
$236 Сер. заявка
14 заявки
Skilled Developer for SEO Static Website
6 дні(-в) left

...Strong proficiency in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and modern frameworks (React, , Astro, Hugo, or Jekyll). ✅ Experience with static site generation (SSG) and headless CMSs (if applicable). ✅ Familiarity with Linux server environments & Nginx/Apache for deployment. ✅ Understanding of Cloudflare configuration, caching, security settings, and Workers for edge computing. ✅ Experience implementing geolocation-based customization using: - Cloudflare Workers - IP Geolocation APIs (MaxMind, IPinfo, GeoJS, etc.) - Client-side geolocation (Navigator API) ✅ Knowledge of SEO best practices and performance optimization. ✅ Experience with Git & version control. ✅ Ability to work independently and deliver a polished product. Nice-to-Have Skills ➕ Experience with Tailwind CSS for ra...

$140 Average bid
$140 Сер. заявка
18 заявки
Full-Stack Developer for Bootstrap Theme Customization
6 дні(-в) left

...Customization (Frontend + Backend) Project Overview: I am looking for an experienced full-stack developer or web designer/developer to customize and enhance a ready-made Bootstrap theme for my website. The theme is already purchased, but I need help editing it to meet my specific requirements. The project involves both frontend and backend work. Key Responsibilities: Frontend Tasks: Customize the HTML , CSS , and JavaScript of the Bootstrap theme to match my desired design. Update text content, images, colors, fonts, and layouts as per my instructions. Ensure the website is fully responsive and works seamlessly across all devices (desktop, tablet, mobile). Optimize the website for fast loading speeds and smooth user experience. Add any additional features or components (e.g., sl...

$586 Average bid
$586 Сер. заявка
95 заявки
Box Usage Tracking & Data Visualization Website -- 2
6 дні(-в) left

...backend technology. * Database: MySQL (or propose alternative, cost-effective solutions if you have expertise). * Data Visualization: JavaScript charting library (e.g., , D3.js). * API Development: Experience building RESTful APIs or similar. Clear documentation for the API is essential. * Responsive Design: Experience with responsive frameworks (e.g., Bootstrap, Materialize) or CSS media queries. Deliverables: * Complete and functional website source code. * Database schema. * Comprehensive documentation on setup, deployment, and API usage. Budget: (Specify your budget range) Proposal Requirements: * Please provide examples of previous work related to data visualization, web development, and API development. * Outline your proposed approach to the project, including...

$294 Average bid
$294 Сер. заявка
17 заявки
E commerce for our brick and mortar
6 дні(-в) left

...how to use the website and backend. - Post-launch support (optional). --- ### **5. Timeline** We aim to complete the project within a few weeks, depending on complexity --- ### **6. Skills and Experience Required** - Proven experience in e-commerce website development. - Knowledge of cannabis industry regulations and compliance. - Expertise in frontend and backend development (HTML, CSS, JavaScript, CMS platforms like Shopify, WooCommerce, or custom solutions). - Strong understanding of SEO and website security. - Portfolio of previous e-commerce projects (preferably in the cannabis industry). --- We’re excited to find the right partner to bring **"The Green Monster"** vibe to life online! **Sincerely,** Andrew Ramsey Owner **The Gree...

$470 Average bid
$470 Сер. заявка
72 заявки

I'm in need of a seasoned content creator with a strong writing background and web development experience. The project involves creating engaging and informative webpage content. Ideal candidates should have: - Excellent writing and content creation skills - Proficiency in web development languages such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript - Previous experience in creating webpage content - Ability to understand and incorporate SEO strategies - Creative thinking and ability to generate unique content ideas

$12 / hr Average bid
$12 / hr Сер. заявка
29 заявки

...HTML5 Canvas, and Tailwind CSS. It follows a modular structure with separate systems for assets, effects, levels, and UI. Technologies Used: Language: TypeScript/JavaScript Frontend Framework: React Rendering Engine: HTML5 Canvas API State Management: React Hooks & Custom State Styling: Tailwind CSS Development Tools: Vite, ESLint, TypeScript Requirements & Features to Implement: New Playable Characters (4 New Characters) Implement four new characters with unique abilities. Ensure smooth animations and proper ability integration. Balance mechanics and test interactions in combat. New "Pet System" Area Add a new area where players can manage pets (e.g., dragons). Implement training mechanics with a time-based system. Allow players to assign pets with ...

$45 Average bid
$45 Сер. заявка
7 заявки

I'm looking for an experienced WordPress designer to develop an E-commerce website that reflects my existing brand guide. Key Requirements: - Expertise in WordPress design and development - Experience in creating responsive, mobile-friendly websites - Proficiency with custom themes and plugins - Strong understanding of web design principles, including UI/UX - Ability to work with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript for customizations - Knowledge of SEO best practices for WordPress - Excellent communication skills and ability to meet deadlines The primary goal of this project is to design a WordPress website that can cater to my business's e-commerce needs. The site should include: - A product catalog - A search function Please note, I already have a comprehensive brand guide to ...

$160 Average bid
$160 Сер. заявка
59 заявки

Task for those who are very good in CSS, TYPESCRIPT. I'm looking for a skilled Angular developer who can create an Angular UI page modeled after a specific ReactJS screen. The project entails implementing interactive forms and data visualization charts from the ReactJS example. Key Requirements: - Proficient in Angular and Angular Material - Experience with developing interactive forms and data visualization charts - Familiarity with creating UI pages based on ReactJS components Please note, this project does not require any integration with APIs or backend services, making it a purely UI-focused task. I provide React code. you need to port into working Angular example my using material components and fuse them.

$27 Average bid
$27 Сер. заявка
9 заявки
Box Usage Tracking & Data Visualization Website
6 дні(-в) left

...backend technology. * Database: MySQL (or propose alternative, cost-effective solutions if you have expertise). * Data Visualization: JavaScript charting library (e.g., , D3.js). * API Development: Experience building RESTful APIs or similar. Clear documentation for the API is essential. * Responsive Design: Experience with responsive frameworks (e.g., Bootstrap, Materialize) or CSS media queries. Deliverables: * Complete and functional website source code. * Database schema. * Comprehensive documentation on setup, deployment, and API usage. Budget: (Specify your budget range) Proposal Requirements: * Please provide examples of previous work related to data visualization, web development, and API development. * Outline your proposed approach to the project, including...

$20 Average bid
$20 Сер. заявка
5 заявки

Description: We...is activated ? Code Integration Areas: ? Modify to add sample profiles and updates ? Update & ? Shortcode should fetch all stored data dynamically ? Ensure profiles are responsive & visually optimized Technical Requirements: ✅ Expert in WordPress Plugin Development ✅ Experience with PHP, WP Shortcodes, Meta Fields & CPTs ✅ HTML, CSS, JavaScript for Frontend Enhancements ✅ Familiar with Custom WordPress Hooks & Actions Deadline & Budget: ? Urgent Delivery: 24-48 Hours ? Competitive budget based on speed & expertise How to Apply: ? Submit your proposal with: ✔️ Availability & Estimated Timeframe ✔️ Relevant Experience & Past Plugin Work ✔️ Confirmation That You Can Deliver Within 48 Hours

$21 / hr Average bid
$21 / hr Сер. заявка
22 заявки

...templates (HTML & mobile-friendly). Use , , or any drag-and-drop builder to create templates. Upload templates to Sendy and test across major email clients (Gmail, Outlook, Apple Mail). ? Requirements: ✔️ Experience with Sendy installation & Mailgun integration. ✔️ Strong VPS/server administration skills (Ubuntu/Linux). ✔️ Ability to design responsive email templates (HTML & CSS). ✔️ Knowledge of email deliverability best practices. ✔️ Prior experience in email marketing is a plus. ? Budget & Timeline: ? Budget: $80 – $150 (based on experience). ⏳ Expected Timeframe: 1–2 days (should be a quick setup for an expert). ? How to Apply: Please include: ? A brief description of your experience with Sendy & Mailgun. ? Examples of email templates you hav...

$147 Average bid
$147 Сер. заявка
10 заявки

I'm looking for an experienced WordPress developer to fix the sidebar color filter on my site. The specific issue is that the color filter is not updating. This has always been an issue since I started using the site. It's not related to any specific plugin or theme as I'm not currently using any that could be linked...This has always been an issue since I started using the site. It's not related to any specific plugin or theme as I'm not currently using any that could be linked to the color filter. Ideal skills and experience for the job include: - Strong expertise in WordPress development - Proficient in troubleshooting and fixing WordPress issues - Experience with modifying and debugging themes - Knowledge of CSS for color filter adjustments - Good commu...

$6 / hr Average bid
$6 / hr Сер. заявка
10 заявки

...with web design, and a good understanding of front-end technologies. Develop a 25-page website using PHP, MySQL, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Collaborate with designers to implement responsive and interactive web pages. Write clean, well-documented, and efficient code. Troubleshoot and resolve issues with the website, ensuring optimal performance. Integrate third-party services, APIs, and plugins as required. Ensure cross-browser compatibility and mobile responsiveness. Implement SEO best practices to improve website visibility. Maintain and update the website after launch for improvements and new features. Required Skills and Qualifications: Proficiency in PHP, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and MySQL. Experience with frameworks such as Laravel or CodeIgniter is a plus. Familia...

$159 Average bid
$159 Сер. заявка
14 заявки

...integration of chatbot UI using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and PHP. 8 - Documentation & Guidance: Provide feedback and documentation on changes made and recommendations for future improvements. Requirements: 1 - Experience with Chatbot Development: Prior experience in building, reviewing, or optimizing chatbots. 2 - Proficiency in Relevant Technologies: Backend: Python, OpenAI, LLaMA, RAG, LangChain, LangGraph Frontend: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP 3 - Strong Understanding of AI/NLP: Ability to fine-tune LLaMA and optimize OpenAI API responses. 4 - Debugging & Performance Optimization Skills: Ability to analyze logs, identify bottlenecks, and optimize chatbot response times. 5 - End-to-End Testing Experience: Hands-on experience in testing chatbots for differ...

$17 / hr Average bid
$17 / hr Сер. заявка
12 заявки

...integration of chatbot UI using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and PHP. 8 - Documentation & Guidance: Provide feedback and documentation on changes made and recommendations for future improvements. Requirements: 1 - Experience with Chatbot Development: Prior experience in building, reviewing, or optimizing chatbots. 2 - Proficiency in Relevant Technologies: Backend: Python, OpenAI, LLaMA, RAG, LangChain, LangGraph Frontend: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP 3 - Strong Understanding of AI/NLP: Ability to fine-tune LLaMA and optimize OpenAI API responses. 4 - Debugging & Performance Optimization Skills: Ability to analyze logs, identify bottlenecks, and optimize chatbot response times. 5 - End-to-End Testing Experience: Hands-on experience in testing chatbots for differ...

$7 / hr Average bid
$7 / hr Сер. заявка
21 заявки
Full Stack Developer for Website Projects
6 дні(-в) left

We are looking for a skilled Full Stack Developer capable of handling both front-end and back-end development for our websit...customization for e-learning modules. Implement and optimize e-commerce functionalities. Conduct thorough testing to ensure smooth functionality. Handle both front-end and back-end development efficiently. Required Skills & Expertise: WordPress (customization, theme & plugin development) Learndash (LMS setup and customization) E-commerce (WooCommerce or other platforms) Front-end Development (HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React or similar frameworks) Back-end Development (PHP, MySQL, API integrations) Testing & Debugging (functional, usability, and performance testing) If you are proficient in these areas and eager to work on real-time projects, we&rsqu...

$137 Average bid
$137 Сер. заявка
27 заявки

I'm in need of a skilled web developer with expertise in HTML and CSS to create e-commerce web pages for product promotion. These pages should be engaging, user-friendly, and optimized for conversion. Key elements to include: - A product promotion landing page featuring customer testimonials. - The testimonials should be integrated in a way that enhances the credibility of the product and encourages potential customers to make a purchase. The ideal freelancer for this project should have a strong portfolio of e-commerce web pages, excellent HTML and CSS skills, and a good understanding of web design principles. Experience with creating landing pages for product promotion is a plus.

$12 / hr Average bid
$12 / hr Сер. заявка
27 заявки

Description: We...is activated ? Code Integration Areas: ? Modify to add sample profiles and updates ? Update & ? Shortcode should fetch all stored data dynamically ? Ensure profiles are responsive & visually optimized Technical Requirements: ✅ Expert in WordPress Plugin Development ✅ Experience with PHP, WP Shortcodes, Meta Fields & CPTs ✅ HTML, CSS, JavaScript for Frontend Enhancements ✅ Familiar with Custom WordPress Hooks & Actions Deadline & Budget: ? Urgent Delivery: 24-48 Hours ? Competitive budget based on speed & expertise How to Apply: ? Submit your proposal with: ✔️ Availability & Estimated Timeframe ✔️ Relevant Experience & Past Plugin Work ✔️ Confirmation That You Can Deliver Within 48 Hours

$20 / hr Average bid
$20 / hr Сер. заявка
34 заявки