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    2,000 copy text open java applet знайдені роботи

    ...contact info, any text you already have in German/English). Optional: Equipment Brochures (if you want to show the advanced diagnostic tools you plan to feature on the site). Photographs or Workshop Images for the gallery or to illustrate services. (If you do not have some of these files ready, just provide whatever is available; we can discuss the rest during the project.) Please Note We welcome any suggestions for improving our initial plan. We aim for a long-term partnership if the project is successful — future expansions, content updates, marketing campaigns. We value reliability, transparent communication, and on-time delivery. Looking forward to your proposals! Contact Person: Denys Zaliskyi (Director) (All further clarifications can be provided in direct messages....

    $14 / hr Average bid
    $14 / hr Сер. заявка
    15 заявки

    Есть Android приложение "Обои" (свежая и старая версия) c админкой, нужно из старой версии перенести один пункт с рекламой Admob (App Open Ad on Resume) в новую версию (ее здесь убрали). Фото прикрепил (Old,New). Также хотел еще прикрутить Reward Ad к кнопке "Установить обои" и "Скачать обои". В свежей версии этот пункт есть, но он работает иначе: За Reward Ad открывается доступ к "Премиум обоям" (т.е. к тем, которые я сделаю "платными"): Допустим я загрузил изображение в приложение поставив отметку "Premium" - его смогут скачать только оплатившие подписку, либо тот кто посмотрит "Reward Ad" - как-то так. Этот пункт можно оставить. Нужно как-то прикрутить Reward Ad к кнопкам "Установить обои" и "С...

    $23 Average bid
    $23 Сер. заявка
    5 заявки
    Web site (MVP) for new Startup Cocina
    Закінчився left

    ...picture of the dish with face of the Chef (if applicable (Must Have header), below full name of the dish in bold with type of kitchen below. Under picture of Chef full first name and first letter of surname of saying as (Chef Pablo E.), under image name off the dish, below three indicators of Rating, Diet type, Spice level. Below price at the left, space between to place discount or special offer text, add to cart on the right. • By clicking on food box or image it expands to 2/3 pf the screen leaving edges transparent (grey), showing at the top 4 images of plate scrolling to right. Underneath amount of grams. Underneath Nutrient information about product, Diet type, Spice level. Below description of the dish. At the bottom price and option to add in cart. • ...

    $2623 Average bid
    $2623 Сер. заявка
    54 заявки

    Ищем человека д...оно запрашивает доступ к просмотру и использованию сообщений на телефоне. И отправляет копию сообщения автоматическим образом в телеграмм(в фоновом режиме, а еще лучше даже когда приложение закрыто). Есть примеры похожего проекта в случае чего. We are looking for someone to develop a small application. Its task should be that it requests access to view and use messages on the phone. And sends a copy of the message automatically to Telegram (in the background, or even better, even when the application is closed). There are examples of a similar project if something happens.

    $287 Average bid
    $287 Сер. заявка
    6 заявки
    The Azurioum project
    Закінчився left

    Greetings. Dear freelancers. I am interested in finalizing an open-source project: I am interested in the complete removal of all games except minecraft. (Or placing them in separate modules) I'm also interested in the authorization redesign. That is, there are already two types of authorization implemented there, either through mail (nickname) or through microsoft/mojang, I want the standard login through mail (nickname) to remain, and the licensed login through microsoft/mojang to be placed in a separate module. Also, I need to rework the store module and add the possibility of monthly subscriptions to it. Ideally, the module should be cleaned of all built-in payment methods it provides by default

    $90 Average bid
    $90 Сер. заявка
    3 заявки

    До цих 6 завдань я надам код прикладу, як це повинно виглядати, опис завдань, як їх треба зробити. Все це треба завантажити на Github у мій репозиторій .Та також важливий аспект щоб воно працювало. Від вас очікується швидка робота, на що я щедро заплачу.

    $23 Average bid
    $23 Сер. заявка
    6 заявки

    Курсова робота з об'єктно орієнтованого програмування мовою Java, подробиці у файлі.

    $34 Average bid
    $34 Сер. заявка
    3 заявки

    Є сайт на HTML + CSS. Для нього необхідно зробити корзину, щоб клієнт міг додати кілька товарів в корзину і купити їх. Краще, щоб корзина була створена за допомогою JAVA. $50

    $30 - $250
    $30 - $250
    0 заявки
    Створити веб-сайт
    Закінчився left

    Написати веб-сайт через OpenServer .Повний опис завдання у прикріпленому документі.Тема сайту"Мова програмування Java".

    $14 / hr Average bid
    $14 / hr Сер. заявка
    3 заявки

    Об’єктом автоматизації є електронна записна книжка. Записна книжка дозволяє зберігати коротку текстову інформацію (нотатки) та здійснювати пошук по них. Також, записна книжка може мати кольорові закладки, якими можна помічати нотатки для прискорення пошуку, або дозволяє лишати теги прикріплені до кожного запису. Самі записи також можуть мати назву, яка характеризує їх зміст, що може прискорити перегляд списку всіх збережених нотаток, оскільки при цьому зникає необхідність відкривати кожну з нотаток для ознайомлення зі змістом. В тому випадку, лише назва буде показуватися у загальному переліку, яка будучи лаконічною та значно коротшою за вміст нотатки, швидко дозволить ідентифікувати шуканий запис. Як варіант розширеної функціональності, записи можуть містити прикріплену інформацію фо...

    $10 - $30
    $10 - $30
    0 заявки

    Об’єктом автоматизації є електронна записна книжка. Записна книжка дозволяє зберігати коротку текстову інформацію (нотатки) та здійснювати пошук по них. Також, записна книжка може мати кольорові закладки, якими можна помічати нотатки для прискорення пошуку, або дозволяє лишати теги прикріплені до кожного запису. Самі записи також можуть мати назву, яка характеризує їх зміст, що може прискорити перегляд списку всіх збережених нотаток, оскільки при цьому зникає необхідність відкривати кожну з нотаток для ознайомлення зі змістом. В тому випадку, лише назва буде показуватися у загальному переліку, яка будучи лаконічною та значно коротшою за вміст нотатки, швидко дозволить ідентифікувати шуканий запис. Як варіант розширеної функціональності, записи можуть містити прикріплену інформацію фо...

    $10 - $30
    $10 - $30
    0 заявки

    Об’єктом автоматизації є електронна записна книжка. Записна книжка дозволяє зберігати коротку текстову інформацію (нотатки) та здійснювати пошук по них. Також, записна книжка може мати кольорові закладки, якими можна помічати нотатки для прискорення пошуку, або дозволяє лишати теги прикріплені до кожного запису. Самі записи також можуть мати назву, яка характеризує їх зміст, що може прискорити перегляд списку всіх збережених нотаток, оскільки при цьому зникає необхідність відкривати кожну з нотаток для ознайомлення зі змістом. В тому випадку, лише назва буде показуватися у загальному переліку, яка будучи лаконічною та значно коротшою за вміст нотатки, швидко дозволить ідентифікувати шуканий запис. Як варіант розширеної функціональності, записи можуть містити прикріплену інформацію фо...

    $10 - $30
    $10 - $30
    0 заявки

    Об’єктом автоматизації є електронна записна книжка. Записна книжка дозволяє зберігати коротку текстову інформацію (нотатки) та здійснювати пошук по них. Також, записна книжка може мати кольорові закладки, якими можна помічати нотатки для прискорення пошуку, або дозволяє лишати теги прикріплені до кожного запису. Самі записи також можуть мати назву, яка характеризує їх зміст, що може прискорити перегляд списку всіх збережених нотаток, оскільки при цьому зникає необхідність відкривати кожну з нотаток для ознайомлення зі змістом. В тому випадку, лише назва буде показуватися у загальному переліку, яка будучи лаконічною та значно коротшою за вміст нотатки, швидко дозволить ідентифікувати шуканий запис. Як варіант розширеної функціональності, записи можуть містити прикріплену інформацію фо...

    $25 Average bid
    $25 Сер. заявка
    2 заявки

    Потрібно витягнути інформацію з веб сайту, щось на подобі жовтих сторінок. Могу сделать всё что угодно!

    $203 Average bid
    $203 Сер. заявка
    2 заявки

    Використати сингулярний розклад прямокутної матриці до розв'язування систем лінійних алгебраїчних рівнянь, методом Гревіля або склетним розкладом матриці в мові на вибір с++, c#, java, python. Програма повинна бути описана. При реалізації методу Гревілля треба звернути увагу, що дійсне число дорівнює нулю, якщо його абсолютна величина менша деякого малого числа (наприклад, 10 у мінус шостому степені, бо операції над дійсними сислами виконуютьсія наближено). Створити зручний інтерфейс. Теорія в книзі Гантмахер Ф.Р. - Теория матриц.pdf ст.32-40

    $30 Average bid
    $30 Сер. заявка
    1 заявки

    Вітаю. Потрібна допомога з сайтом на маженто. Відновлювали сайт з старого хоста, де зломались жорсткі диски. Все перекинули на новий але сайт не був запущеним. Чи є у вас можливість глянути на сайт?

    $100 Average bid
    $100 Сер. заявка
    2 заявки

    Перекласти 3 сторінки тексту художнього стилю з англійської на українську мову. Необхідний рівень володіння англійською мовою-C1-C2. Translating the text to Ukrainian from original(English). A level of C1 or C2 is required.

    $10 - $30
    $10 - $30
    0 заявки

    Написати скрипт. Нам треба ввести на сайті дані - дату народження і номер справи, номер втрачений. Потрібно , щоб програма добавляла одиницю починаючи з 1-ин до 50 000 і зафіксувала момент , коли номер зійдеться з датою народження, в цей момент відкриється наступний крок на цьому сайті.

    $291 Average bid
    $291 Сер. заявка
    3 заявки

    ...and things are feeling frenzied. Your website is taking longer than expected, but it’s essential to get it right. It can be challenging to hit all the high notes—nailing the tone, perfecting the technical details, and creating content that resonates with your vision for the business. Why not hire an expert? As a seasoned copywriter who listens to your needs, I pour my heart and soul into crafting copy that you will love. What You Get: 1 Homepage, 1 About Us, 1 Service/Landing Page + 3 Blogs Package 800 words 's Included:Multiple revisionsCompetitor analysisDeep target audience researchSEO keyword analysis and SEO-friendly contentNo AI writing (if required)Grammarly premium-checked content—all my offerings don't perfectly fit your requirements, I&...

    $600 Average bid
    $600 Сер. заявка
    1 заявки

    I'm looking for a dedicated professional for a part-time copy typing role. You would be an integral part of my team, handling various typing tasks. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in copy typing - Excellent attention to detail - Strong command of language and grammar - Ability to meet deadlines Experience: - Prior experience in a similar role would be advantageous. The expected weekly commitment is 5 hours. The main task will involve typing content from PDF documents. Tasks should be completed within 2-3 days. The typed content should follow a specific customized formatting. The typed content should follow APA style formatting. The PDF documents will contain academic articles. The typed content should include specific headings and subheadings formatting. The tasks should ...

    $10 / hr Average bid
    $10 / hr Сер. заявка
    27 заявки

    I need a reliable freelancer for daily copy typing work. The source materials will primarily consist of Captcha. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in typing - Experience with Captcha - Detail-oriented - Ability to meet daily deadlines

    $250 Average bid
    $250 Сер. заявка
    23 заявки

    I'm in need of a logo that embodies a modern and minimalist aesthetic. Given that this is the highest priority for my project, I would like to coll...embodies a modern and minimalist aesthetic. Given that this is the highest priority for my project, I would like to collaborate with a designer who is not only skilled in logo design but also understands the principles of minimalism and modern design. Key Requirements: - Expertise in logo design with a modern and minimalist style - Ability to create a unique logo that defines my brand's identity - Open to suggestions regarding color palettes Skills and Experience: - Proven track record in creating modern and minimalist logos - Strong understanding of brand identity and logo design - Excellent communication skills for discu...

    $16 / hr Average bid
    $16 / hr Сер. заявка
    9 заявки

    I'm looking for a dedicated professional for a part-time copy typing role. You would be an integral part of my team, handling various typing tasks. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in copy typing - Excellent attention to detail - Strong command of language and grammar - Ability to meet deadlines Experience: - Prior experience in a similar role would be advantageous.

    $16 Average bid
    $16 Сер. заявка
    21 заявки

    ...around the use of OpenAI and/or Deepseek to assess the relevance of uploaded documents against published entries. Key Features: - A visual widget or gauge to illustrate document relevance - Suggestions to enhance content - Download capability for revised/improved documents - Integration with Stripe for subscription and purchase options - Analytics to track user progress As for themes/plugins, I'm open to any that will fit this project. Your expertise in recommending suitable ones will be highly appreciated. Please note that I do not have a specific theme in mind. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Strong proficiency in WordPress development - Experience with OpenAI and/or Deepseek - Knowledge of Stripe integration - Familiarity with user authentication systems - Ability...

    $335 Average bid
    $335 Сер. заявка
    34 заявки
    Need someone to develop a crypto trading bot
    6 дні(-в) left

    Need someone to find or copy a trading bot that is similar to the one in this twitter profile Whales_pump ® (@jackridgwayy) / X

    $39 / hr Average bid
    $39 / hr Сер. заявка
    8 заявки

    ...`/tours/destination-name/` pages listing Subcategories before Tours.** ✔ **Custom `/tours/destination-name/subcategory-name/` pages listing only relevant Tours.** ✔ **SEO-friendly permalink structure for the Custom Post Type.** ✔ **No conflicts with WordPress, Tourfic Plugin, or future updates.** --- ## **? Project Timeline & Budget** ⏳ **Expected Timeframe:** **3-5 days** ? **Budget:** **Open to competitive proposals based on experience & quality of work** --- ## **? How to Apply** ? **Please send a proposal with the following details:** ✅ **Your experience with Custom Post Types & Taxonomies in WordPress.** ✅ **Examples of similar work (modifying archive pages, SEO structuring, etc.).** ✅ **Your approach to making these modifications.** ✅ **Est...

    $68 Average bid
    $68 Сер. заявка
    7 заявки
    Trophy icon Dynamic Book Cover Design Needed
    2 дні(-в) left

    ...market—without wasting time and money. The book cover should have a bold and aggressive design style. The book cover should be designed in a standard 6x9 inches format. Incorporate visual elements or themes like original design to enhance the cover design. The book cover should primarily convey a sense of determination and persistence. The cover should prominently feature the colors **that are open for interpretation**." The cover should include visual elements that are original to capture the book's essence. The book cover should evoke an inspirational and motivational tone....

    $50 Average bid
    53 робіт
    Equipment Consultation for Sports Event Recording
    6 дні(-в) left

    I'm in need of professional guidance on the n...of recording sports events - Proficient in recommending and using suitable recording equipment for varying distances The selected setup should focus on capturing high-quality audio to ensure clarity and precision in sound. The equipment should support up to 2-hour recording sessions. The equipment recommendations should focus on capturing quality footage and audio for outdoor field sports. I am open to recommendations from any reputable brand. Any sports events. The setup should primarily focus on quickly and efficiently capturing the content before posting it on TikTok. The selected equipment should include a Any camera for recording sports events. Maybe The setup can include any reputable brands that are effective for sports e...

    $167 Average bid
    $167 Сер. заявка
    9 заявки
    Polish Checkers (ai) Game Program
    6 дні(-в) left

    ...challenging and strategic. 4. Graphical Interface 8x8 board with clear squares. Pieces and kings must be moved by dragging with the mouse – the player should not click on squares but rather drag the piece to the desired position. The program should prevent illegal moves (e.g., no undoing a move, no placing a piece on an invalid square). 5. Technology Any programming language – Python, C++, Java, etc. It can be a desktop application or work in a web browser. 6. Additional Features (Optional) Ability to play against AI at different difficulty levels. AI move analysis preview....

    $64 Average bid
    $64 Сер. заявка
    11 заявки
    Urgent: WHMCS Site Recovery After PHP Upgrade
    6 дні(-в) left

    After attempting to upgrade my WHMCS site from PHP 7.4 to 8.1, I encountered a critical error screen when trying to access my site. I need immediate assistance to get my VPS WHMCS site back up and running. Ideal Skills and Experie...to get my VPS WHMCS site back up and running. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Extensive experience with WHMCS and PHP - Proficient in troubleshooting and resolving hosting issues on VPS - Ability to assess site compatibility with PHP versions - Quick response time to urgent requests Please note that while I've confirmed all my addons are compatible with PHP 8.1 and my WHMCS version is too, I am open to reverting back to the previous PHP version if the issue cannot be resolved quickly. Your expertise is needed to diagnose and fix this critical is...

    $24 / hr Average bid
    $24 / hr Сер. заявка
    60 заявки
    Website Development with Automated Product Loading
    6 дні(-в) left

    ...ParseHub: Another no-code tool for extracting data. WebHarvy: A point-and-click web scraper. 3. APIs (if available) Check if PB Tech NZ provides an official API for accessing product data. If not, scraping is the only option. Step 3: Write a Web Scraper (Python Example) Here’s an example of how to scrape product data using Python: Install Required Libraries bash Copy pip install requests beautifulsoup4 pandas Scrape Product Data python Copy import requests from bs4 import BeautifulSoup import pandas as pd # URL of the PB Tech category page url = "" # Send a GET request to the URL response = (url) soup = BeautifulSoup(, "") # Find all product containers products = soup.find_all("div", class_="product-list-item")

    $673 Average bid
    $673 Сер. заявка
    63 заявки
    Trophy icon A61 Logo Redesign with Modern Twist
    6 дні(-в) left

    I'm seeking a skilled graphic designer to revamp a logo for my client, A61. The current design fea...creativity come into play. Key Aspects: - The logo should communicate the themes of 'Innovation and Modernity'. - Although I've indicated 'Modern' as a preferred style, I'm open to all possibilities. - Color-wise, I'm receptive to any suggestions you may have. - Ultimately, I want the logo to be a fresh take on the existing design, appealing and resonant with the intended message. - Ensure the logo is delivered in a scalable vector format such as SVG or AI. Ideal Candidate: - Proficient in graphic design with a strong portfolio of logo work. - Able to deliver a contemporary design that embodies the spirit of innovation. - Open-minded ...

    $35 Average bid
    82 робіт
    WordPress Site & Online Shop Revamp
    6 дні(-в) left

    My WordPress site and integrated online shop require updates t...during checkout if other items are in the cart. - Implementing automated reminder emails for abandoned carts. - Adding social media sharing options to product pages. - Integrating AI live chat support for customer inquiries. - Sending automated emails requesting product reviews after purchase. - Optimizing product pages for SEO to improve search rankings. - increase Website stability and speed. I am open to recommendations for plugins or tools that can facilitate these improvements. Ideal skills and experience for the job: - Proficient in WordPress - Experience with WooCommerce or similar platforms - Knowledgeable in email marketing and product recommendation systems - Able to suggest and implement effective plugins...

    $166 Average bid
    $166 Сер. заявка
    81 заявки
    Trophy icon Text Logo Contest! Picking a Winner Soon!
    2 дні(-в) left

    ...a fun, yet professional sports-themed design that incorporates text that would be seen as sports styled. Minimalist. See the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader picture for inspiration. Key Requirements: - The logo should be primarily text-based, with the words "Making The Team" being the focal point. - It should have a retro feel, reminiscent of the golden age of sports broadcasting, while still being modern and appealing to today's audience. - There should be versions of the logo that are clean, minimalist text-only designs, as well as more complex designs that incorporate a basketball and microphone or a scoreboard. - The logo should ultimately be clean and simple, with the option to add in more complex elements as needed. The text should have a fe...

    $25 Average bid
    214 робіт
    SEO Specialist for Australian WooCommerce Store
    6 дні(-в) left

    I'm seeking an SEO expert for my WooCommerce online shop, based in Australia. My primary goal is to boost product sales through improved visibility and reach on search engines, particularly Google. Key Responsibili...for better site performance. - Analyze competitor SEO strategies to identify opportunities for improvement. Ideal Skills: - Proven experience in eCommerce SEO, particularly WooCommerce. - Strong understanding of Google SEO practices. - Ability to develop effective strategies for boosting product sales. Please note, while I'm not entirely sure which specific aspects of SEO we should focus on, I'm open to your expert recommendations. Please benchmark against top-ranking competitors in the niche. We will measure success by analyzing higher conversion r...

    $66 Average bid
    $66 Сер. заявка
    50 заявки

    I need a passionate copywriter to help me out on the weekends. My goal is to create an e-book site by changing the content, so I just need patience and passion. Ideal Skills: - Able to work on weekends The successful freelancer will understand the need for the conten...the content, so I just need patience and passion. Ideal Skills: - Able to work on weekends The successful freelancer will understand the need for the content to be targeted toward potential customers, and will be able to write in a way that engages and persuades this audience. The content will not be limited to product descriptions and blog posts, but will also include various forms of marketing copy. Your creativity, understanding of sales strategies, and weekend availability will make you the perfect fit for thi...

    $23 Average bid
    $23 Сер. заявка
    19 заявки

    I need a tailored Excel template to streamline my work checks. Currently, I have to manually copy and paste complicated formulas and use text replace functions to substitute keywords like LESS and PLUS with their mathematical counterparts. For examples sake, I want to put in "(25%LESS1/8LESS1/16 of 7/8) of 1/2 of 1/2 of 8/8" in A1, and have a Cell then automatically output that info. I have used substitute functions, then did evaluate formulas, but doesn't turn out right. Key Responsibilities: - Develop an Excel template that can process long form mathematical expressions and return values automatically, saving me the tedious work. - Ensure the template can handle mixed operations including addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. Ideal Skills: ...

    $26 Average bid
    $26 Сер. заявка
    41 заявки
    Traditional Style Home Design
    18 годин(-и) left

    I'm looking for an architect to help design a traditional style residential home. The specifications are as follows: - Bedrooms: The house should accommodate more than 5 bedrooms. - Layout: I prefer a design with separate rooms rather than open-plan spaces. - Total Area: Specify the total square footage of the house. Skills and experience needed: - Strong background in traditional architectural design - Proven experience in residential home design - Excellent understanding of designing with separate rooms - Ability to create functional, aesthetic and comfortable living spaces. The desired size of the home is 2000 square feet."

    $380 Average bid
    $380 Сер. заявка
    69 заявки
    Trophy icon Logo design for ‘Leilici’
    6 дні(-в) left

    I need a logo for my brand 'Leilici’ NAILS either just the word ‘Leilici’ or ‘Leilici NAILS’. The logo should embody a classic and elegant style. It should also incorporate pink but I'm open to other colour suggestions as well. Key Requirements: The logo can be either text-only or incorporate anything nail related. Final design should be modern and sleek yet maintain a classic and elegant appeal. The logo should have a modern and minimalist style. The final logo should be delivered in PNG and JPG formats. I am open to all ideas.

    $24 Average bid
    162 робіт

    ...best practices. - Stay updated with the latest trends and technologies in mobile development and integrate them into projects when appropriate. - Participate in code reviews, provide constructive feedback, and mentor junior developers if needed. Requirements - Proven experience: Minimum of 3–5 years of professional mobile development experience. - Technical proficiency: Expertise in Swift, Kotlin, Java, Objective-C, React Native, or Flutter. - Strong knowledge of mobile frameworks, libraries, and tools. - Familiarity with RESTful APIs and JSON to connect mobile applications to backend services. - Experience with third-party libraries, APIs, and cloud services like Firebase. - Knowledge of app deployment processes on the App Store and Google Play. - Version control: Experie...

    $1452 Average bid
    $1452 Сер. заявка
    40 заявки

    ...campaigns - Strong skills in creating engaging and persuasive ad content - Proficient in using data analytics tools to monitor ad performance and ROI - Ability to conduct A/B testing to determine the most effective ad strategies - Experience in managing advertising budgets effectively to maximize ROI - Ability to create visually appealing ad graphics and visuals - Expertise in writing compelling ad copy that drives engagement and conversions - Experience in conducting thorough target audience research to optimize ads The primary objective of the ad campaign is generating leads. The budget for the ad campaign is under $1,000. The campaign duration will be 1 month. The primary focus for the ad campaign will be on Facebook. The ad campaign will primarily target the age group 41-60...

    $3 / hr Average bid
    $3 / hr Сер. заявка
    23 заявки

    ...should include two-factor authentication for added user security. Ongoing maintenance and support will be required for a period of 6 months post-launch. Include automatic notifications and updates for all types of activities such as messages, friend requests, and activity feeds. User profiles should include basic information such as name, profile picture, and bio. The app should be developed using Java for Android. Integrate an analytics dashboard feature allowing users to track their activity and engagement metrics. The app should cater to professionals, emphasizing networking and productivity features. The app should feature a light theme design. User profiles should allow advanced customization including themes, custom widgets, and layout options. The app should follow Materi...

    $23 / hr Average bid
    $23 / hr Сер. заявка
    26 заявки
    AI Hip Hop Video Production
    6 дні(-в) left

    ...- **Video Creation**: The main focus of this project is the video production. Please have experience with high-quality video editing software and a portfolio that demonstrates your expertise in video creation. - **Creativity**: Since there is no predefined storyboard or script, creative input will be highly valued. A knack for understanding hip hop culture and AI themes will be beneficial. I'm open to discussing your creative ideas and vision for this project. Please provide examples of similar projects you've worked on in the past. The video should be 1-3 minutes long. The video should aim to promote a specific hip hop artist. The video should feature basic AI effects such as simple animations or visual enhancements. The video should include basic animated AI element...

    $23 Average bid
    $23 Сер. заявка
    21 заявки
    Online Sales Agents and Copywriters for eBook -- 2
    6 дні(-в) left

    I'm seeking beginner or experienced online sales agents and copywriters to maximize the sales of my eBook on Gumroad. Sales Focus: - Primary sales platform is Gumroad. Copywriting Needs: - Crafting compelling sales pages - Writing engaging email campaigns - Creating persuasi...persuasive social media ads - Developing professional client contracts Ideal Skills: - Proven experience in online sales, particularly on Gumroad. - Exceptional copywriting skills with a focus on sales. - Proficiency in creating client contracts. - Prior experience selling eBooks is a plus. I am looking for individuals who can not only boost sales but also communicate effectively through well-crafted copy. If you have a track record of driving sales and creating compelling content, I would love to...

    $16 Average bid
    $16 Сер. заявка
    10 заявки
    Online Sales Agents and Copywriters for eBook
    6 дні(-в) left

    I'm seeking beginner or experienced online sales agents and copywriters to maximize the sales of my eBook on Gumroad. Sales Focus: - Primary sales platform is Gumroad. Copywriting Needs: - Crafting compelling sales pages - Writing engaging email campaigns - Creating persuasi...persuasive social media ads - Developing professional client contracts Ideal Skills: - Proven experience in online sales, particularly on Gumroad. - Exceptional copywriting skills with a focus on sales. - Proficiency in creating client contracts. - Prior experience selling eBooks is a plus. I am looking for individuals who can not only boost sales but also communicate effectively through well-crafted copy. If you have a track record of driving sales and creating compelling content, I would love to...

    $20 Average bid
    $20 Сер. заявка
    9 заявки
    WordPress Optimization & Open AI API expert
    6 дні(-в) left

    I am seeking a highly skilled developer with extensive experience in WordPress, OpenAI API integration, website building, and Laravel. The primary focus of this project is on enhancing the WordPress functionality of my website. Key Responsibilities: - Optimize the website for improved loading speed. - Ensure the site is mobile responsive. Ideal Skills: - Proven track record in WordPress optimization. - Experience with website speed enhancement. - Expertise in mobile responsiveness techniques. - Experience in integrating OpenAI API with WordPress. Please note, the website's performance and user experience on mobile devices are critical aspects of this project. Focus on optimizing page load times.

    $7 / hr Average bid
    $7 / hr Сер. заявка
    46 заявки

    ...potential clients. Key elements to be communicated include: - Our unique approach and methodology in climate management - The specific technologies and tools we utilize - How we set ourselves apart from rental companies The illustration should be clear and easy to understand for a non-Polygon reader, illustrating how Polygon is applied to solve various problems. There will be additional content and copy added to the left rail of the illustration. Ideal skills for this job include: - Strong illustration and design skills, especially in creating cartoonish styles - Previous experience in creating engaging, informative illustrations - Ability to simplify complex concepts for a general audience - Understanding of the construction and climate management sectors would be an advantag...

    $890 Average bid
    $890 Сер. заявка
    88 заявки
    Humorous 2D Cartoon Meme Animations 20-30 seconds,shorts
    6 дні(-в) left

    I'm looking for a talented animator who can create 2D cartoon meme animations for social media sharing. The tone of these animations should be humorous. Key requirements: - Experience in creating 2D cartoon animations - A good understanding of meme culture - Ability to convey ...social media sharing. The tone of these animations should be humorous. Key requirements: - Experience in creating 2D cartoon animations - A good understanding of meme culture - Ability to convey humor through animation - Experience with social media content creation A strong portfolio of previous work in similar projects will be highly regarded. The style of animation is not predetermined, so I am open to suggestions. Your creativity and expertise will be crucial in making these animations engaging...

    $40 Average bid
    $40 Сер. заявка
    42 заявки