Color full pageроботи
Project Overview We are launching a truck and car service center in Dessau-Roßlau (Germany), with a focus on tire services (mounting, balancing, sales) and oil changes for both heavy-duty trucks and regular cars. In the future, we aim to expand into more advanced diagnostic and repair services, particularly for trucks (including full test lines, brake tests, suspension diagnostics, etc.). We need a modern, fully responsive website that reflects our professionalism, supports online booking, and is optimized for local SEO (primarily in Dessau-Roßlau and surrounding regions). The site should also attract transit (long-haul) drivers who pass through our region on major highways. We want to provide a multilingual platform (German, English, and additional languages such as Po...
Редизайн хоме пейдж 3 варіанти та 3 варіанти логотипу
I need to make a page like the example (attached video), where there will be a button with a suggestion to switch to another browser. When clicked, call a dialog box (system window) and redirect the user to the selected browser. If possible, make it so that only chrome was from the options. Target audience - Android, iPhone is not considered now We want to place a link to the page in tiktok, but need to redirect the user to a third-party browser and do it with a dialog box, other methods as far as I know do not work I found a ready-made solution builder that has such a built-in function. We need to make a similar one only for our site. Tiktok account for testing links is available. If you need I can give a link to this ready-made solution (you can see it on the video).
Доброго дня! Шукаю в команду професійного Full Stack Node.js розробника з досвідом розгортання та роботи AWS Сервісів. Так, цікавить безпосередньо розробник, а не IT-агентство. Для нас важливим є як професійні навички по розробці NodeJS сайтів, досвід з розгортанням AWS сервісів (вказані нижче в Стеку технологій) а також комунікація із вами. Тобто в своїй команді ми бачимо відповідальну, достатньо комунікабельну та професійну людину, яка захоплюється тим що робить. Любить складні та цікаві проєкти, та може запропонувати оптимальні рішення для реалізації складних задач. Наша команда: У нас зараз невелика команда, з досить широким досвідом розробки та аналітики даних. Саме над цим проєктом у нас є Дизайнери, Розробник картографії на MapBox, Архітектор БД, Javascript-програмісти. Що...
1. Landing page 2. Чіткість фото 3. seo landing page 4. Check seo основне 5 Підписка основний сайт
Hello, you need a program to generate a mosaic from a photo The program should perform the following functions: 1. Transfer the photo to b / w mode 2. With b / w in a pixel of a certain size and quantity 3. 4-5 colors 4. Subtract how many pixels of a given color. For example - Black 700 pcs. White 500 pcs. etc. Other details by interested parties Доброго дня, потребую програму до генерування мозаїки з фото Програма має виконувати функції: 1. Переведення фото в ч/б режим 2. З ч/б в пікселі певного розміру та кількості 3. 4-5 кольорів 4. Вираховування скільки пікселів даного кольору.Наприклад - Чорний 700 шт. Білий 500 шт. ітд. Інші деталі зацікавленим особам
Мій перший лендінг: Ціна 1 Landing Page-2000 грн / 5000 руб. Проходила тренінги від Restart Academy 50% - передоплата
У зв’язку з розширенням проекту шукаємо у свою команду Full staсk developer (React,node.js) На довгостроковий проект full time або part time ( віддалена робота) Проект схожий на hotline, парсимо 10 сайтів 24/7 в нашу базу даних та показуємо найдешевші ціни клієнту. Skills: Практичний досвід роботи з: React Redux Node.js Express MongoDB Надійна особа, яка дотримується узгоджених термінів і серйозно ставиться до якості коду Досвід з парсерами вітається.
Для нашого онлайн магазину шукаємо PHP розробника фрілансера Маємо два цікаві проекти. Завдання: Шукамо фрілансера для розвитку наших веб-магазинів електронної комерції за допомогою найсучасніших веб-технологій для різних пристроїв (мобільних, планшетів) Профіль: • Хороші знання з програмного забезпечення (об'єктно-орієнтований дизайн, шаблони проектування, тестування) • самостійна робота та вирішення проблем • високий рівень мотивації • Досвід роботи з PHP, Symfony, Laravel або Zend, є перевагою • Вільне володіння німецькою чи англійською мовами • Дуже хороші знання PHP, MySQL та JavaScript • Добре знання HTML (5) та CSS (3)
Компанія займається реалізацією масок від коронавірусу. Необхідно створити лендінг
...розробити графічний макет головної сторінки. Обов’язково зберегти весь наявний текстовий контент та всі функціональні блоки. Підібрати та доповнити зображення, обрати кольорову схему сайту, вибрати шрифти. Для створення макету рекомендовано використовувати: adobe photoshop або figma. Для підбору шрифтів Для вибору кольорової палітри або аналогічні ресурси. Зображення та інфо-графіку слід шукати на подібних ресурсах Натхнення вам: Так собі: Погані приклади: https://censor
My name is Mariya. I take care of the decor and the floristry of weddings and other holidays. we want to do rebranding. Here is a link to our page in the instagram In the title you want something modern in short you can use the studio of decor, studio floristry, design groups, in the design can use geometric shapes and sharp corners, the color of gold, white , purple maybe silver, glossy.
Необхідно зробити декілька landing page на різну тематику. Чекаю пропозицій
Сайт повинен складатися з landing page свореного за допомогою fullpage.js. Приклад сайту: Потрібна тільки оболонка без заповнення, дизайн вже готовий
Ми - компанія, яка займається продажем та безпосереднім встановленням камінів. Потрібно створити landing page з декількома call to action, головною метою яких буде взяти контактні дані користувача з метою подальшої обробки у вигляді живої розмови. Сайт повинен містити: - Чітко сформовану структуру; - Текст який буде позитивно впливати на заповнення форми; - Оригінальний дизайн - Адаптивність до всіх пристроїв - Можливість завантажити прайс лист в обмін на заповнення форми - Присутність google аналітики - UTM - мітки Приклади робіт, які допоможуть зрозуміти, що повинно вийти у результаті:
...Network (CNN) model (like ResNet) for feature extraction before passing the images to the transformer. - Implement self-attention mechanisms in ViT to capture global contextual information. - Detect if the copied region has gone through transformations such as scaling, rotation, and flipping using feature matching techniques. - Identify additional post-processing transformations including blurring, color adjustments, and noise additions. Skills & Experience: - Proficient in machine learning, specifically in computer vision and image processing. - Extensive experience with CNNs and Vision Transformers. - Familiarity with feature matching techniques. - Previous work on image forgery detection is a plus. - Ability to work with publicly available datasets. Please note that I ...
I'm in need of an elegant business card for my plywood manufacturing company. The card should be designed with a spot UV finish to highlight our logo. Key Requirements: - Incorporate the provided logo - Include essential information: Company name, Address, Email, My Name, and Contact Number - Use of spot UV to accentuate the logo Design Preferences: - The style of the card should be elegant - A color scheme of neutral tones Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in graphic design, particularly in creating business cards - Experience with designing for spot UV printing - Ability to work with vector graphics - Strong attention to detail and understanding of elegant design The final deliverable should be in vector format, ready for print.
I'm looking for an expert in Facebook page monetization. I haven't yet identified a primary objective for monetizing my page, nor have I specified the type of content I post. I also haven't tried any monetization methods yet. Your responsibilities will include: - Helping me define the primary objectives for monetization - Analyzing and determining the best type of content for my page - Guiding me through various monetization methods and implementing them Ideal skills and experience for the job: - Proven track record in social media monetization - Strong understanding of Facebook's monetization tools - Excellent content strategy skills - Experience in identifying and setting social media goals
I'm in need of a skilled logo designer to create a modern logo for my brand. The logo should incorporate both text and an icon or symbol. Key Requirements: - The logo should be in a modern style. - It should include both text and an icon/symbol. - The color scheme should be cool colors. Think blues, greens, purples. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in graphic design software. - Strong understanding of modern design aesthetics. - Experience in logo design. Please submit your portfolio showcasing similar projects.
Professional Logo Design 1 concept with different color variations
I'm seeking a unique, cartoonish-style monkey design, similar to the provid...should be holding a light bulb. The monkey should embody a 'curious' expression or mood, adding an engaging element to the design. Key Requirements: - The monkey design needs to be in a 'bright and vibrant' color scheme, making it visually appealing and eye-catching. - A strong understanding of cartoonish design is crucial, as the style should be distinctly cartoon-like. - Ability to create a design that communicates curiosity through the monkey's expression and posture. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in character design, particularly in a cartoonish style. - Strong use of color theory to create a 'bright and vibrant' design. - Experience in des...
Create a design for a teamwear landing page and develop it based on this document and flow:
I'm looking for a talented logo designer who can create a modern, minimalist logo for my ne...create a modern, minimalist logo for my new fashion brand. Key Requirements: - Design a new style fashion logo - Minimalist, modern approach - Potential for design application across various brand materials Ideal Skills: - Graphic Design - Fashion Brand Experience - Modern Design Expertise I have not yet settled on a specific color scheme or any particular elements or symbols to include. Therefore, I'm open to your creative suggestions and expertise in color theory and branding. Please provide a portfolio showcasing your experience with similar projects. Something similar to hellstar/gallery dept/warren lotus. I want Hebrew writing saying BRINGIER CLOTHING. with a be...
I am looking for a logo that represents the work as a therapeutic counsellor. The ideal design should incorporate soft and calming colors, as well as elements of nature, given the therapeutic and healing aspect of the prac...incorporate soft and calming colors, as well as elements of nature, given the therapeutic and healing aspect of the practice. The logo needs to be completely unique. The logo words should be "Maureen Cunningham Therapeutic Counsellor" Key Requirements: - Strong background in logo design - Experience in creating designs for mental health or therapeutic services - Ability to use soft and calming color schemes - Creativity in incorporating nature elements into the design Please provide a portfolio of previous work that demonstrates your ability to meet...
Position: Full Stack Software Engineer with React Native Development Experience: 5-8 Years Location: Remote Employment Type: Contract Shift: General IST Looking for a thoughtful, adaptive individual with a growth mindset to join our team as a Full Stack Software Engineer with React Native Development. In this role, you will work closely with multiple product teams to create web and mobile client applications to serve customers with an engaging, dynamic user experience. We have seen people thrive in this role from a variety of backgrounds, but we work mostly in Ruby on Rails and React Native. This role is focused more on client development, so React Native experience is a requirement. Responsibilities include solving problems independently and with peers, researching ...
I'm seeking a professional photo editor to enhance my wedding pictures. I'm looking for a classic and timeless style to be applied to all images. Key Focus Areas: - Color correction: Ensure consistent tones and hues across all images. - Background enhancement: Improve the overall aesthetic of the backgrounds. - Fixing imperfections of decor on arbor. Remove any distracting elements or blemishes and add white drape if possible. Total Number of Photos: Less than 20. Ideal Candidate: Should have experience in wedding photo editing and can deliver high quality, professionally edited images.
I'm seeking a skilled graphic designer to create a modern style logo for my brand. The logo should incorporate a combination of both typography and a symbol/icon. Key Requirements: - Proficiency in graphic design software - Proven experience in logo design - Strong understanding of modern design aesthetics - Ability to creatively combine typography with symbols/icons The color scheme for the logo is blue and white. It should be visually appealing and represent my brand effectively. Ideal Skills: - Graphic Design - Logo Design - Modern Design Aesthetics - Typography - Symbol/Icon Design
...designer to create a bold, professional, and vinyl-compatible logo for our business, CH-Plastic Welding LLC. The logo must be designed to be cut on a vinyl machine, with some elements printable if necessary. The final design should be simple, clean, and effective for branding on various surfaces. Logo Requirements Business Name: CH-Plastic Welding LLC Font Style: Sofachrome Italic Color: Yellow Texture: Honeycomb pattern Additional Detail: Flowing honey effect (subtle and professional) Swiss Flag: A small Swiss flag must be incorporated into the design. Design Style: Simple & clean (Avoid excessive forms and shapes) Vinyl-cut friendly (Avoid complex gradients or excessive details) Some parts can be printed vinyl...
...designer to help bring my vision for a basketball-themed streetwear brand to life. The collection will include items such as basketball shorts, oversized boxy t-shirts, oversized boxy hoodies, track pants, and socks, all aimed at a young, sporty demographic. Key Requirements: - Design expertise in creating appealing, comfortable, and stylish sportswear - Experience working with bold and vibrant color schemes aswell as being able to keep provide simple options aswell - Understanding of current streetwear trends and styles - Ability to design for a wide range of sizes, including kids Ideal Candidate: - A sportswear-focused designer with a knack for streetwear - A creative mind that can think outside the box - A passion for basketball and street culture The goal is to create a c...
Are you looking for a unique , modern and eye catching logo for your business ?You are on the right track .I am here to create modern logo for your business .Why you will choose me for create your business logo ?Cause I am very experience with this sector . I am confident That I will...will choose me for create your business logo ?Cause I am very experience with this sector . I am confident That I will fulfil all requirement very sincerely . I believe that I will give you a perfect logo for your business .I believe in deeds not 's Start !!!To get started, the seller needs:Give some information like asLogo titleBusiness slogan (optional)Color preferences Favorite logo exampleWhat's included: Multiple color schemes 3D mockup Favicon High resolution...
...startup focused on autonomous outreach, helping businesses acquire more customers while saving time. We’re seeking a Full Stack Developer to join our team temporarily, as a freelancer, and help build scalable, innovative product. What You'll Do: As a Full-Stack Developer in our AI startup, your collaboration will be key in the design of our solution. As we expand our operations, we need help to streamline processes, to architect a robust system of workflows and to refine AI model interactions, while we enhance the experience of our clients. We will work closely with you, discussing solutions to potential challenges and ideas to be implemented. What We're Looking For: Experience as a Full-Stack developer Strong understanding of system architecture and...
I'm looking for an experienced WooCommerce full-stack developer to create a lightweight custom theme for my online store. The theme should be efficient, quick-loading, and user-friendly. Key Responsibilities: - Develop a custom, lightweight WooCommerce theme. - Ensure the theme is SEO-optimized to enhance visibility and boost traffic. - Apply best practices in both on-page and technical SEO. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in WooCommerce and full-stack development. - Proven experience in creating custom, minimalist themes. - Strong understanding and practical experience in SEO. - Ability to create advanced product filters and custom product pages. Please note, design style and specific features have not been predetermined, but a minimalist approach is...
Hi Alex, we need a screendesign for another astro portal. We only need the design for the desktop version and only the home page. - The header should have a sun with eruptions and energetically flowing ring around the sun (drawing from customer) - The rays of the sun should shine out - Background color of the home page in a bright yellow - Font of the logo flowing in capital letters, cursive script (serif) - The site should have a bright appearance - Customer likes
I'm in need of a graphic designer to create a modern-style logo for my brand. The logo should be designed using neutral tones. Ideal skills and experience: - Proven graphic design experience, particularly in logo design - Strong portfolio showcasing modern logo designs - Proficient in color theory, with an ability to work within a specified color scheme - Excellent communication skills to understand the brand's vision
I am seeking a talented designer to create a sleek, modern backdrop for a darts-themed event stand. The backdrop should exude a contemporary aesthetic while being sporty and engaging. Key Requirements: - Under...seeking a talented designer to create a sleek, modern backdrop for a darts-themed event stand. The backdrop should exude a contemporary aesthetic while being sporty and engaging. Key Requirements: - Understands a modern, sleek design style - Able to incorporate a fire/dart board theme - Can work with provided images and concepts Dimensions: - Full Width: 4.35m - Each Section Width: 85cm - Height Section Width: 208cm - Back to Ochre: 375.5cm Color Palette: - Predominantly Fire/Dart board inspired Please note, I will provide several images and design ideas that yo...
...fluidity of this dance style. The costume should incorporate classic lyrical elements with a touch of contemporary design. Key Features: - Flowy skirts: The costume should have a beautifully draping, flowy skirt that moves with the dancer, enhancing the choreography. - Sequin Accents: Subtle sequin details are desired, adding a touch of shimmer and sparkle without overwhelming the overall design. Color Scheme: - Pastel Shades: The entire costume should be designed in soft, pastel shades. Think gentle pinks, baby blues, mint greens, and lilacs. Would like a blue colour (not dark) that embodies a dance about the sky - but not bright blue. Ideal Skills and Experience: - A strong background in dance costume design is crucial. - Experience with making costumes that are both visual...
I'm in need of a packaging design for my company's dry fruit and pulses. The design should embody a traditional and classic style, using bold and rich colors. Key Requirements: - The packaging must prominently feature my company logo and name. - The design should be suitable for a pr...colors. Key Requirements: - The packaging must prominently feature my company logo and name. - The design should be suitable for a premium product, appealing to consumers who appreciate quality and tradition. - Understanding of packaging design is crucial, with a portfolio that reflects a blend of traditional aesthetics and contemporary design principles. - Knowledge of color theory will be valuable, as the chosen color scheme is bold and rich, contrasting with the typical neutral...
I'm seeking a modern logo for my Cars and Motors channel. The logo should predominantly feature a sleek combination of black, grey, and red. Key Requirements: - Expertise in modern design aesthetics - Proficiency in creating minimalistic yet impactful designs - Strong understanding of color theory and balance Ideal Skills: - Graphic Design - Logo Design - Branding
I'm in search of a creative designer who can develop a modern, vibrant logo for my company. The logo should be innovative and incorporate abstract shapes and typography. The use of bright and vibrant colors is key, as opposed to monochrome or pastel shades. Ideal skills and experience for the job: - Proficient in graphic ...modern, vibrant logo for my company. The logo should be innovative and incorporate abstract shapes and typography. The use of bright and vibrant colors is key, as opposed to monochrome or pastel shades. Ideal skills and experience for the job: - Proficient in graphic design software - Experience in modern logo design - Creative with abstract shapes and typography - Understanding of color theory and vibrant color application - Portfolio showcasing ...
I'm looking for a highly skilled and creative logo designer to create a unique and memorable logo for my company. The logo should embody a modern and sleek style. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in logo design - A portfolio that demonstrates modern and sleek designs - Excellent understanding of cont...memorable logo for my company. The logo should embody a modern and sleek style. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in logo design - A portfolio that demonstrates modern and sleek designs - Excellent understanding of contemporary design trends - Ability to translate brand values into visual elements Please note, I have not yet decided on color schemes, so a flexible and creative approach is a must. Your input on suitable color palettes will ...
Visual Identity Design for a Professional Organization We are seeking a talented designer or agency to develop a comprehensive visual identity for our professional organization. The scope of work includes, but is not limited to: Logo design (primary and secondary versions) Brand guidelines (color palette, typography, usage rules, etc.) Business cards Official stationery (letterheads, envelopes, invoices, etc.) Employee ID cards Membership cards (for subscribed members) Digital assets (social media templates, email signatures, presentation templates, etc.) Any other necessary branding materials We require a cohesive, modern, and professional visual identity that reflects our organizations expertise and credibility. Requirements: Proven experience in corporate branding Strong portf...
I'm looking for a skilled Elementor WordPress designer/developer to help me copy-paste a business template in order to create additional pages for my site. Requirements: - Create 6-10 service pages based on an existing template. - Ensure the pages are consistent with the template's design and functionality. - Ensure right images are placed at all the places - The content needs to be picked up from chatgpt and put in the relevant sections Ideal Skills: - Proficient in WordPress and Elementor. - Previous experience in designing business websites. - Attention to detail to maintain design consistency across all pages.
I'm seeking a seasoned branding expert to elevate my logo and visual identity. The project will revolve around the following key elements: - Logo Design: Keep the face and only enhance the logo look and feel - Color Scheme: Develop a contemporary color palette that aligns with the brand's vision, you can keep the green - Typography: Select a modern typeface that enhances the brand's communication. - Patterns: Create unique patterns that can be integrated into the brand's visual identity.
I'm seeking a soft, pastel-colored, minimalistic yet visually appealing logo for my video editi... pastel-colored, minimalistic yet visually appealing logo for my video editing firm, Vighnaharta Vision. My business focuses primarily on wedding and prewedding video editing, so the logo needs to exude elegance, creativity, and storytelling. Key Requirements: - An elegant design that embodies professionalism - A minimalistic style that is still visually engaging - Use of a soft and pastel color palette The ideal freelancer for this project should have a strong portfolio of similar work, with a keen understanding of branding for the video editing industry. Their creativity and minimalistic approach will help to craft a logo that stands out while still being suited for a profes...
laravel & flutter full stack dev needed at affordable price
I need a talented photo editor to work on a batch of over 51 event photos. The primary editing tasks will be color correction and skin retouching. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in photo editing software (e.g., Adobe Photoshop, Lightroom) - Experienced in editing event photos - Great eye for detail on skin retouching and color consistency
I'm seeking a soft, pastel-colored, minimalistic yet visually appealing logo for my video ...soft, pastel-colored, minimalistic yet visually appealing logo for my video editing firm, Vighnaharta Vision. My business focuses primarily on wedding and prewedding video editing, so the logo needs to exude elegance, creativity, and storytelling. Key Requirements: - An elegant design that embodies professionalism - A minimalistic style that is still visually engaging - Use of a soft and pastel color palette The ideal freelancer for this project should have a strong portfolio of similar work, with a keen understanding of branding for the video editing industry. Their creativity and minimalistic approach will help to craft a logo that stands out while still being suited for a profes...
I'm in need of a designer who can create vibrant, floral graphic patterns for me. The ideal freelancer would have a strong portfolio in graphic design, particularly with creating floral patterns. Skills and experience needed: - Proficiency in graphic design - Experience in creating floral patterns - Ability to work with vibrant color schemes - Strong portfolio of graphic pattern design
...brand's identity and vision. - Expertise in creating unique, memorable, and versatile logos. - Proficient in various styles, including minimalist, vintage, modern, and more. - High-quality vector-based designs that ensure scalability. - Collaborative approach to ensure client satisfaction and brand alignment. **Photo Editing:** - Professional photo retouching to enhance quality and aesthetics. - Color correction, background removal, and image manipulation. - Image restoration and enhancement for both digital and print media. - Expertise in working with portraits, product photos, and landscapes. - Creative touch-ups to give photos a polished, professional look. **Copywriting:** - Crafting engaging and persuasive copy for websites, blogs, and marketing materials. - In-depth ...
I'm looking for a modern-style logo and a corresponding website for my plumbing business. The logo shouldn't include any tools, but it should still communicate the plumbing theme in a clever way. I'm open to a variety of attractive color schemes, but I want to avoid anything too bland or typical. Ideal skills and experience for the job: - Graphic design, particularly logo creation - Web design and development - Understanding of modern design aesthetics - Experience with creating business-focused websites - Ability to create visually appealing and engaging designs