Writing Tips for an Irresistible Profile Summary

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Assume 100 percent of the time that employers who will hire you for the first time will check out your profile page. It’s the equivalent of your CV and portfolio so they definitely won’t be skipping that part.

While it’s necessary to make sure your profile picture, professional headline, reviews, and portfolio present you in the best possible way, one thing you should put some time into is your profile summary -- if you’re serious about being a successful freelancer, don’t ever take that part of your profile page lightly!


If you had a few minutes to introduce yourself to an employer to convince them to hire you, what would you want them to know about you as a professional? The profile summary is where you can briefly provide important details that make you the best suited freelancer for a job.

Guaranteed, employers take the time to read that portion of your profile page. Here are three simple tips to make sure your summary works in your favor, so you can land more projects on Freelancer.com:  

1. Include relevant details about your profession and skills


- Fields of expertise
- Significant professional experience, recognition and awards (perhaps just the most important one)
- Mastered skills
- Trade tools and software you know how to use
- Other information that qualifies you for certain types of jobs

Don’t include:

- Personal information: birthdate, number of children, age, relationship status, etc. -- we don’t discriminate on Freelancer so skip any info that employers don’t need to know.
- Forget adding quotes and lyrics. That’s unnecessary.


2. Check your grammar and spelling

Remember, the goal is to present yourself in the best possible way so don’t overlook your grammar and spelling. Spelling and grammatical mistakes can give potential employers a bit of a tough time understanding your profile summary or worst case, turn them away. You don’t want that to happen. Check that everything is correct before clicking ‘Save’.  

3. Use lists

While you enumerate your skills and expertise, it would be better to jot them down in a list or with bullet points instead of writing in paragraph form. This makes it easier for employers to go through these important details.


It’s not about the length of your profile summary, in fact, being concise and straight to the point can work to your advantage. What’s most important is including all necessary information that define you as a professional.

Make the necessary improvements to your profile summary and increase your chance of getting hired for a job with a winning profile page.

Опубліковано 22 вересня, 2016

Nikki Martinez
Nikki Martinez Співробітники

Communications Team Lead at Freelancer.com

Storyteller, picture taker, avid news reader.

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