How to Successfully Develop a Visual Brand Online

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Image credit: McLac2000 via Pixabay

It’s not enough for your business to be well known in your locale, if no one knows it online. The population of internet users, which is unrestricted by geographical boundaries, is far higher than the population of people in your local area. For that reason, you need to successfully develop a visual brand online. The brand needs to be instantly recognizable to your target market audience, no matter where they are in the world.

So, how should you go about developing a visual brand online? What steps should you take?


1.     Determine Your Audience

Who makes up your online audience? What is your target market?

Take time to learn about the kind of customers you aim to market to. What are their likes? What are their dislikes? What do they love to buy? When do they do most of their shopping and why?

If you have no idea of who makes up your target audience, spy a little. Investigate the kind of customers your competitors have. Check out the people they engage with on platforms like social media.

Understanding your audience is very important. It enables you to define your branding strategies and make them effective.

Image credit: Geralt via Pixabay

2.     Decide On Your Brand Representation

Your second order of business is to decide on your brand representation. It needs to be simple yet relevant, catchy and memorable. When you see a tick sign, what comes to mind? Nike, right? Your brand should be just as recognizable.

Whatever you decide on, be it a logo, catch phrase or both, you need to ensure that your brand representation can translate well both online and offline. Consistency is key when it comes to effective branding, so choose with care.

3.     Choose Your Online Platform

Choose an online platform based on the kind of target audience you want to aim for. However, it’s important for you to have your own business website.

Your business website will act as your online home. That’s where you will provide most of the information regarding your products, your company and how you can be contacted for business purposes.

Once your official website is done, it’s time to inhabit other online platforms where your target audience can be found. Social media platforms like Facebook are great for engagement. Tweeter is great for short commentaries or announcements. Instagram is a great platform for visual content related to your business.

Also consider video platforms like YouTube. Videos are very popular and can greatly help boost your branding efforts.

4.     Use Excellent Content to Disseminate Your Business Brand Name

Image credit: kaboompics via Pixabay

Branding your business is a process. But it starts with building excellent content. You can use infographics, lists, how-to manuals, and videos to produce informative, entertaining and sharable content.

Blatant brand ads are a big no-no for people online. Most people do not like them. So, in order for your brand to have an effect, it should first provide value for internet users. You can incorporate your brand within high quality content in a subtle manner and its impact will still be felt.

Whatever you do, ensure that your brand representation is consistent across the board.

5.     Engage your audience

Engaging your audience is also an aspect of brand building. When people respond to your content, take time to engage and build a relationship with them. Doing so will help spread your brand further through customer referrals.

Be patient as you continue to enhance your brand. You will need to use multiple channels and approaches to get things done and this takes time. Your business goal will be achieved when people start to associate your brand symbol with your business content, products, or services.

Опубліковано 23 грудня, 2015


Content Marketing Writer

I have been a freelance writer since 2011 and writing is my passion. I take pride in creating informative yet clear content that readers will appreciate and learn from. My work always speaks for itself. I have written SEO and general content articles by the hundreds. Some of the articles that I have written about revolve around topics such as budgeting, saving, investments, freelancing, SEO, aff...

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