.....attempt no. 34098........"Dear Reader, your indecision, feet-dragging and general vagueness often make for the most beautiful of creative outcomes.
No, you are not going to hell! I consider you a heaven-sent!"
(Sarcasm is my business attire.)
....Let me start over from scratch and introduce myself:
My name is Linda, I'm approaching 30 at way too fast a pace, and I'll be damned if I let younger competitors steal my thunder. Do you even have any inkling as to how long it took for me to catch some?
Lightning in a bottle is one thing... try catching a sound from in between the dark, grey clouds while the heavens crack and break.
Stealing from the Gods, while you're ascending into hell.
If you're interested in more, I believe you already found me.
Words don't come cheap. And they shouldn't either.
They are precious.
Like one single burst of light in a grey-rain downpour as you are about to open a jar...
Looking forward to your work proposals.