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Sohail V.
Experienced laravel Developer
$5 USD / год.
Pakistan (1:07 дп)
На сайті з грудня 22, 2024
$5 USD / год.
Hello! I’m Sohail Vehniwal, a passionate and experienced PHP Laravel developer with expertise in building dynamic, robust, and scalable web applications.
What I Offer
✅ Custom Laravel Web Applications
✅ API Development and Integration
✅ User Authentication & Role-Based Access Control
✅ Dynamic Admin Dashboards
✅ Database Design with Migrations and Seeding
✅ CRUD Operations for Efficient Management
✅ Task Management Systems with Categorization & Filters
✅ Responsive Front-End using Blade Templates
Tools and Technologies
Frameworks: Laravel, Bootstrap
Databases: MySQL, MongoDB
Languages: PHP, HTML, CSS, JavaScript
Version Control: Git
Authentication: Breeze
Why Choose Me?
With over 2 years of dedication to web application development, I have successfully implemented multiple features such as task dashboards, file uploads, and custom notifications in my projects. My work is clean, efficient, and tailored to your needs.