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Sachin C.
Full Stack Web Developer || Flutter Developer
$4 USD / год.
India (1:59 дп)
На сайті з лютого 7, 2023
$4 USD / год.
I am a full-stack web developer and Flutter developer with expertise in building innovative and dynamic applications. With 2+ years of experience in the field, I have established a strong reputation for delivering top-quality results that exceed clients' expectations. My passion for excellence and commitment to staying up-to-date with the latest technologies make me a valuable asset to any project.
Note for employers:
All the gigs we take must be here on the platform.
☑️ Frontend development:- React.js, Vue.js, Html, CSS, JavaScript, Bootstrap
☑️ Backend development:- MongoDB, Node.js, ExpressJs
☑️ Mobile app development:- Flutter, Firebase, Dart, Getx, Provider
☑️ Tools:- Github, BitBucket.
Thank You.