## BIO
**Peter Scheffler**
I've been working in the software industry since 1989. I have extensive experience working on many, major software projects for small and large companies alike.
I currently work as the Director of Professional Services for an E-mail Marketing Software company in Toronto Canada.
In previous positions, I have been Product Manager for GIS, database and E-mail products.
I have published papers on database technology and have extensive experience in many aspects of software development and database design.
## Area of Expertise
I have developed in
**C++, Visual Basic, Active Server Pages (VBScript)** and in many proprietary languages.
I have been a Database Administrator on **mySQL**, **Oracle** (6 through 8i) and **SQL/Server** 4 through 10 as well as developed applications on each of these and **DB/2 Universal Server**.
Code was commented very well. Easy to follow.
Unfortunatly does not respond to emails. Does not understand the concept of a deadline Never completed project .
This man is neither reliable nor responsible for his words.
It seems to me a great risk to entrust him with the project further. It would simply mean a loss of time and money.
In case you want to entrust him, don't pay in advance under any circumstances. Pls. pay him only upon receipt of outcomes afterwards.
The outcomes will never come out, I bet, though.
Now, I am going to bring a complaint against this person for his fraud.