Зображення профілю keithlancer
На сайті з 9 березня 2022 р.
0 Рекомендацій(-ії)


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I am an illustrator and a comic artist with years of experience in making 2d artworks with a style inspired by anime and manga. I have worked and published web comics online in different platform. I have written stories and plots, create character design and choreographs action packed fight scenes with focus on storytelling and entertainment value. I also make 2d hand drawn frame by frame animation in a anime styled fashion that brings energy to the scene specially in a shot that requires action and movement like fight scenes. My animation workflow includes script writing, story boarding, animating frame by frame and compositing. I am using Clip Studio Paint EX on most of my work.
$10 USD/hr
2 відгуки(ів)
  • 100%Завершені роботи
  • 100%В рамках бюджету
  • 100%Вчасно
  • N/AПовторний найм

Елементи портфоліо

Нові відгуки

  • зображення Daymien C. COMIC PANEL FOR SOCIAL MEDIA POST $160.00 AUD

    “Great to work with, looking forward to doing more work with him.”

  • зображення Tramaine T. Vector files $10.00 USD

    “It was good”


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