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Щось пішло не так. Будь ласка, оновіть сторінку та повторіть спробу.
Електронну адресу успішно верифіковано.
Marcos F.
PHP Developer - Diseño de sitio web Developer - Programación en C# Developer
$12 USD / год.
Argentina (11:11 пп)
На сайті з листопада 20, 2013
$12 USD / год.
I would be greatly pleased to join your project for the post of .NET Developer as I posses the required skills and experience in this arena. I have many years of experience working as a .NET Developer and I also have continual experience in Programación en C# over the past few years. I have individual experience in working with Codeigniter and can work under any work pressure or rigid deadlines. I also have great experience in Comercio electrónico and Magento. I look forward to being hired by you. I request that the dispute be reviewed.
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El proyecto fue aceptado para terminarlo en 15 dias fecha de aceptacion del trabajo y han pasado 60 dias sin entregar, no se puede esperar mas tiempo. se pide el reintegro del 100% del dinero
The developer did not saw the project and accepted it. Then further he wasted my time. Please always see before giving project to him. Please do not hire him.