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Електронну адресу успішно верифіковано.
Deependra S.
Physicist, Writer, Designer, Coder.
$15 USD / год.
India (7:44 дп)
На сайті з січня 6, 2023
$15 USD / год.
I'm a physics undergraduate student wanting to earn some money via freelancing. Among my general skills includes:
1) Expert level proficiency in English Language. Native proficiency in Hindi and elementary level proficiency in German.
2) Years of experience in all types of writing: creative, academic and pop culture.
3) Python Programming. Numpy, Matplotlib, pytorch.
4) Machine Learning.
5) Video Editing skills on Vegas Pro.
6) Experience at creative writing and academic writing.
7) Decent photo editor, digital artist and logo designer.
8) 3D designing on OnShape.
Learnt the techniques for solving Feynman loop integrals- for tadpole, bubble and square loop diagrams. These techniques included: Feynman parameterization, Wick's rotation, Passarino-Veltmann reduction and use of FeynCalc package in Mathematica. Ended the project after finding the large and small mass limit for these diagrams.
Mohali, India
трав., 2023 - лип., 2023
2 months
трав., 2022 - лип., 2022
2 months
IIT Bhilai
трав., 2022 - лип., 2022
2 months
Used classical and statistical mechanics to develop models for explaining the pressure dynamics inside protons. We first used MATLAB to find the best fit for the plot and then used two models namely- 1) the free fermion model and 2) the novel spring model to explain the plot. The effort resulted in a publication titled "Proton Pressure in Terms of Degenerate Quark Distribution" in Proceedings of the DAE Symp. on Nucl. Phys. 67 (2023), where our work was acknowledged.
Bhilai, India
трав., 2022 - лип., 2022
2 months
Master of Science (Physics) (2020-25)
2020 - 2024
4 years
2020 - 2024
4 years
C2 Level Proficiency in English
Secured the highest CEFR level in TOEFL iBT with a score of 116/120.
Reading: 30
Listening: 30
Writing: 29
Speaking: 27
Int. MSc.
Homi Bhabha National Institute
Integrated 5 year master of science degree in Physics (2020-25)
Proton Pressure in Terms of Degenerate Quark Distribution
Proceedings of the DAE Symp. on Nucl. Phys. 67 (2023)
We used classical and statistical mechanics particularly the Fermi-Dirac distribution to explain the pressure dynamics inside proton as a part of our internship. My contribution was acknowledged in the paper.
Retinal Fundus Multi-Disease Image Classification using Hybrid CNN-Transformer-Ensemble Architecture
IHIC-2023 Proceedings will be published by LNEE, Springer
Presented this machine learning paper in IHIC-2023 conference. It will be published in the subsequent Springer journal next year.
In the paper, we develop deep learning models based on CNN, Transformers, Ensemble learning to perform multi-label image classification on 20+ retinal diseases and conditions on limited retinal fundus images achieving a better score compared to the baselines. We further enhance the predictions using SHAP based model explainbility methods.
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