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Аватарка користувача

Hilal Ahmad M.



Writer | Resumes, Articles, Websites, LinkedIn

$15 USD / год.
India (11:18 дп)
На сайті з вересня 11, 2022
$15 USD / год.
I am a writer that focuses on resumes, LinkedIn profiles, cover letters, corporate bios, and various business content (websites, marketing materials) for clients. I also have expertise in job search tactics and strategy and offer clients help via one-on-one coaching services over Skype or phone. My specialty is technology resumes for the US market targeting start ups (Silicon Valley / San Francisco Bay Area and across the US) with many successes at big name companies (Google, Facebook, Apple, Microsoft, Amazon, Tesla, FAANG, et al.). I've also written hundreds of resumes and CVs for global clients from CEO to junior roles across industries including law, marketing, finance, entertainment, and healthcare. My technology clients range from CTO and CIO level, entrepreneurs and founders, product managers, data scientists, software engineers, project managers, infosec, testers, etc. I'm different than most resume writers in that I have 20 years of hiring experience as a recruiter for US startups, so I have deep knowledge of the resume's intended audience. I know how the mind of a recruiter functions - why they stop reading a resume, what gets their interest, etc. - and I leverage that expertise when writing for my clients. I have had many articles on tech career topics (resumes, interviews, markets) published and/or cited by Lifehacker, Fast Company, WSJ Online, American Management Association, Tech Beacon, DZone, et al. My former blog (now inactive) is [login to view URL], and I published a job search ebook Job Tips For Geeks: The Job Search (available on Amazon). I'm 'fecak' on Hacker News and active on Reddit's /r/resumes as 'resumeraidersDOTcom' where I help job seekers with targeted advice on resumes and job search strategy. I'm also a former moderator at /r/cscareerquestions under my own handle 'fecak' Keywords: software engineer, developer, product manager, data analyst, data science, business intelligence, digital marketing, founder, cybersecurity, security, infosec, CISO, embedded, technologist, blockchain, cryptocurrency, mobile, web, project manager, CTO, CMO, SaaS, Internet of Things, IoT, SF, NYC, Austin, Seattle, resume help, CV help, curriculum vitae
Зміни збережено
4.6 · 1 Review
Review for online casino €100 EUR
Ahmad is great worker and make good reviews, however has short patience. but the quality of the work is good. He raised dispute before the work was done. that s why i say that he has no patience.. But i recommend him, and will hire him back for sure.
Moshe A.
2 years ago
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