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Juan Fidel A.
Professional 3D artist
$26 USD / год.
Mexico (6:33 дп)
На сайті з липня 29, 2020
$26 USD / год.
Hi there! My name is Juan. I am a professional 3D designer who is an important part of my life, so I work hard to produce the highest quality, most effective and timeless designs that my clients love. The services we offer include 3D animation, 3D modeling, 3D rendering
To make our employers 100% satisfied, we are more than happy to offer a free review of each project.
What can I create for you?
I will gladly help you create the best explanatory video for your application using the best 3D models according to the aesthetics that you request.
Contact me so that together we plan and achieve the best job for your company.
It was a great pleasure to work with Juan, he has a vast knowledge about Unreal Engine and Metahumans, he is very kind and a friendly person. I am so lucky to found him. Definitely i will work with him again soon.