Woocommerce finish shipping project
$30-70 USD
Оплачується при отриманні
WooCommerce / custom php code
Finish a Project
1. Tax round issue
- during the checkout process a tax rate with a real value 10,7% is displayed as 11%
- the rounding of the value need to be fixed / no hard coded rates
// check image "[url removed, login to view]"
2. variable products frontend
- need tax/shipping information even when variation is chosen
// check image "[url removed, login to view]"
3. free shipping conditions
- We use WooCommerce Table Rate Shipping - a Plugin by Erica Dion
- our "normal" shipping conditions with this plugin must be overwrite when users order a defined quantity of items with weight 125g or 450g or cross order value
- we have two user groups (normal users, resellers) with different free shipping conditions (both groups can: cross quantity x / cross order value x)
- The "free shipping" conditions are already coded and users get a message how many items they need to have for "free shipping"
- What we miss here, is replace/overwrite the "normal" shipping costs to zero when user fulfill our additional "free shipping" conditions
// check file "[url removed, login to view]" carefully this are the additional conditions for free shipping
already started this project with a freelancer, but the response time for finishing the last steps was too long.
Your job is to finish the last steps and make it work.
- check files to have look what is done / what we need
- no hard coded rates allowed / only 0 for free shipping
- maybe you can use the existing "free shipping" condition of the plugin?
- you work on a shop copy / when you finish your work, I need the single files to replace them in original shop.
- comment the code part that you have changed, that i´m able to replace the code when there are WC updates
- You will get FTP Access of the shop-copy, Project as zip file for local developing, WP-backend access
- Shop and WooCommerce backend lang. is german - engl. not available
Payment only on success. one final milestone.
Project duration max two days.
ID Проекту: #6055664
Про проект
16 фрілансерів(-и) готові виконати цю роботу у середньому за $83
Dear Sir, We claim to get it done perfectly for you EXACTLY in the way you want it - Kindly give we a chance and we will prove myself - Ready to prove our words, let's get it done right away and I mean RIGHT AWAY !! Більше
Hi...I have already done woocommerece customization on several websites. Please check my reveiws for the same. Thanks
Hello There, Thanks for sharing your requirements with us. We are very much interested in doing the project as we are very much experienced in website design and development. We are expert in every HTML5,CMS/fr Більше
We are IT company offering dynamic IT solutions. Our team of professionals include software engineers, designers and QA engineers. Experience software engineers are skillfull in following languages: HTML, CSS, PHP, Більше