Urgent: Flutter App Crashing on Carplay
$10-30 USD
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I have Flutter application which has issue in Carplay. The app is crashing in Carplay. ( you can use Xcode with Carplay simulator in it). Only freelancers who have macbook can solve this issue.
my deadline is 12 hours to solve this issue. please contact only who can start immediately and finish within 12 hours...
ID Проекту: #39055490
Про проект
8 фрілансерів(-и) готові виконати цю роботу у середньому за $20
Hello Saba A., We went through your project description and it seems like our team is a great fit for this job. We are an expert team which have many years of experience on Mobile App Development, iPhone, iPad, Swift Більше
Hello Saba A., I noticed your job posting and was excited to see you’re looking for expertise in Mobile App Development, iPad, Flutter, iPhone and Swift. With a proven track record of delivering top-notch results, I Більше
As an experienced mobile developer with a deep understanding of the Flutter framework, I'm confident in my ability to solve the crash issue with your carplay. My thorough knowledge of Dart will help me dig into your co Більше