Hi, i have this problem
The issue you had there was regarding DB and connection to it via sockets thats how the DB was transfering in real time infos, there was a small issue , and based on that the connection was not executed and thats why you received the disconnect and the session was cleared becase a function was using a watch with a timer on it.
91,2023/03/25 04:56:23,EVAL(1.001039 secs): {Main Loop}
92,2023/03/25 04:56:24,[/home/elf/Workspace/5p/4pServer/src/include/NetCommand/NetCommandGenerator.h:30],Deserialize Throw (16)
93,2023/03/25 04:56:24,ERROR: (null)[[login to view URL]]11 CInBinStream::operator >> (unsigned short &UnsignedShort)
94,2023/03/25 04:56:24,[[login to view URL]],[FATAL] OnClose
95,2023/03/25 04:56:24,Erase Socket 11
96,2023/03/25 04:56:24,TCP <0x9347908:11>: connection real-closed.
97,2023/03/25 04:56:24,SOCKET 11: closed.
98,2023/03/25 04:56:24,[[login to view URL]],CNE_G_Disconnected::Execute
99,2023/03/25 04:56:24,[[login to view URL]],World Server ID: 1010 Disconnected! Start to clear login information!
use postgresql
I need you to debug and fix the error in my server to connect correctly to the postgresql realtime database.
or make a solution for this
[login to view URL]
Hello, there.
As a senior C developer, I am interested in your project.
I have been developing desktop applications with C, C#, Qt since 2012.
During that time, I have many projects which is connected to db, especially MySQL, PostgreSQL.
I can fix your project to make connection successful.
Looking forward your message.
Thanks. Viktor.
Hello, I have read your Fix realtime connection DB project requirements and then I am sure I can complete that project. I can help you. please get in touch. Thank you
Gracias por publicar este proyecto.
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Envíenos un mensaje para que podamos discutir en detalle y proporcionarle un presupuesto exacto y comenzar.