yes I agree
I'm already doing some content mill work for another employer, but I'd be happy to add a bit more to my portfolio. here is an article that I wrote for that employer:
19 Foals Were Sentenced To Death. Watch What Happens When They Get A Taste Of Freedom!
Woman Tackles The Dark Side Of The Racing Industry. Find Out How She Does It!
Nurse mare foals are doomed to a terrible fate. Their mothers, nurse mares, are horses that are impregnated so that they will produce milk. This milk is then used to feed ‘more valuable’ babies. The nurse mare foals are taken from their mothers at birth.
They cannot survive without their mothers. To prevent them from suffering, they are euthanized.
In 2008 Victoria Gross decided to do something about it. She founded the Last Chance Corral, a place where she could offer the nurse mare foals some hope. With a lot of love, time, and hands-on care; she succeeded not only in keeping the foals alive and healthy, but happy as well.
This video from 2010 shows 19 happy, adorable foals she has rescued. What do you think about nurse mare foals? Let us know your thoughts in the comments section!