Clarisse assistance

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I am looking for someone to assist and teach me some basis of clarisse software (camera movement, lightning, import of a maya scene with Maya bridge tool, environment creation).

The scenes are composed of heavy Faro and Artec scans. That would help if the person is familiar with these type of constraints / workflow.

I am also looking for someone to help me in the sending and the follow-up of the scenes at the farm of rendering

3D-анімація 3D Scanning Maya 3D-рендеринг Анімація CGI

ID Проекту: #34815550

Про проект

3 заявок(-ки) Дистанційний проект Остання активність 2 роки(ів) тому

3 фрілансерів(-и) готові виконати цю роботу у середньому за €22/годину


Hello, i am ready exited to work you as i read your job description The scenes are composed of heavy Faro and Artec scans. That would help if the person is familiar with these type of constraints / workflow. I am also Більше

€15 EUR / година
(89 відгуків(и))

Hi there! I have read what you exactly need, however I would like to ask you a few questions. I do have good experience with 3D Rendering, Maya, CGI, 3D Animation, Animation and 3D Scanning. Please feel free to ping me Більше

€30 EUR / година
(0 відгуків(и))