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Написати скрипт на Phyton щоб була можливість витягувати STL файл з HTML. Нижче посилання на YouTube приклад.
Я шукаю відеоредактора для монтажу True Crime Story для YouTube каналу. - Ідеальний кандидат має значний досвід в відеомонтажу в кінематографічному стилі і детальне розуміння сфери True Crime. - Вимоги до успішного виконання проекту включають складання нескінченних матеріалів в суцільну, захоплюючу інформативну історію, нарізку відео, редагування звуку і, можливо, деякі елементи анімації. - Проект планується завершити протягом тижня, отже, швидкість виконання є важливою. - Важливо знати англійську мові хоча б на мінімальному рівні. ( Можна користуватися перекладачем ) Уважний до деталей, орієнтований на якість відеоредактор, який вміє підбирати фонові кадри, буде ідеальним для цього проекту. Є можливість для довгострокової роботи
1) На місяць буде близько 14 shorts 2) Викладаються на канал через день 3) Буде детальне ТЗ для кожного відео За кожну роботу плата 20$. Можу оплачувати в trc20, або на карту) Потрібна відповідальна людина, яка робитиме все у заплановані терміни. Приклади: 1) (подабаються усi shorts на цьому каналi) 2) Потрiбно будет зробити тестове вiдео. Якщо все підійде, оплачую повну вартість і починаємо працювати) На початку повідомлення прохання надіслати посилання на ваші роботи, 1-2 буде достатньо) Гарного дня ДУЖЕ ВАЖЛИВО! Якщо розумієте, що не впораєтеся, не витрачайте, будь ласка, наш час. Якщо не зможете зробити, як у прикладах, прохання не писати.
Вітаю Шукаємо людину,яка зможе зробити обробку грязного звуку у відео,наближеного максимально до студійного. Прибрати звуки кімнати у відео Відео 8,тому Ви допоможете і нам,і собі:) Для звʼязку tg : danyliukvm
Вітаю! Ми створюємо канал на YouTube на тему Reddit. Нам потрібен монтажер. Суть: Відео (за попереднім, але ще не визначеному на 100% планом) будуть виходити 2 рази на тиждень. Кожне відео займатиме приблизно до 10 хвилин. Монтажер має: 1. Вставляти напочатку готове інтро, яке вже має перехід. 2. Вставляти у відео скріни коментарів, які Вам надсилатиму (вони будуть уже з перекладом). 3. Підставляти записаний голос диктора. Текст має з'являтися відповідно щодо того, коли диктор починає читати речення (або якщо речення досить довге, то текст з'являється з якоїсь коми і до крапки). Тобто, коли диктор починає читати початок речення, то воно повністю відображається читачеві. І так з кожним наступним реченням. Коли скрін закінчується, "анімуєте" його відхід або вго...
...з нами ✔Crypto/Forex ✔Full Time ✔remote (віддалено) Очікуємо від тебе: ✔Ти маєш досвiд iз Crypto не менш нiж 1 рік (наразі ми не розглядаємо кандидатiв рiвня Junior) ✔Ти працюєш з кожним етапом воронки: вiд генерацiї зв’язок та тестування кампанiй до комплексного аналiзу заливiв та масштабування ✔Ти впевнено працюєш з велиими бюджетами ✔В прiоритетi — досвiд iз Facebook/Twitter/Google/Youtube, проте готовi розглянути й iншi джерела, у яких ти маєш досвід. Чому варто працювати з нами? У нас безлімітні бюджети, свої дизайнери ( по крео/ і по лендам для створення воронок) та власний технічний відділ; Ти маєш свободу дій для того, щоб проявити себе та вийти на результат; Наші баєри мають гарний % від профіту, тому немає меж для заробітку; Наші тімліди —...
Мне нужен трафик на платформу по бинарных аукционах с: Контекстный таргетинг на основе геолокации - Социальные сети, такие как Facebook, Instagram, Tiktok, Youtube - Группы в мессенджерах, таких как WhatsApp или Telegram - Веб-сайты, такие как блоги или целевые страницы. Нестандартные идеи ГЕО: УКРАИНА, КАЗАХСТАН, ИНДИЯ, ТУРЦИЯ, БРАЗИЛИЯ Оплата за регистрацию от 0.7$ так же после пополнение первого баланса на аккаунт вам выплачивается дополнительные от 7$ цены зависят от качества трафика, чем лучше трафик чем больше выплат и бонусов. Так же если трафик активно после регистрации используют аккаунт вам идут бонусы. Мне важно не количество, а качество трафика!!!! За плохой трафик выплаты не будет!!!! Готово сотрудничать долго. Дополнительную информацию напишу в ЛС. ТГ [Removed by...
У міжнародну анімаційну компанію на постійну роботу потрібні художники-аніматори. Наша студія розробляє проекти для телебачення, а також для платформи YouTube. Вимоги до претендентів: ОБОВ’ЯЗКОВО НАЯВНІСТЬ ПОРТФОЛІО! Хороше знання пакету Adobe (зокрема After Effects) або аналогічного за функціональністю ПЗ. Робота з ліпсинком, знання duik досвід персонажів анімації Від нас: зручний робочий графік (робота віддалено), цікава робота у глобальному проекті, умови для постійного фінансового та професійного зростання.
Привет, я ищу видеоредактор для коротких 4-6-минутных видео для YouTube.
Потрібен монтажер для обробки дитячого відео (2-6 хв) на постійній основі (3-4 відео в тиждень). Основні вимоги: - складання (нарізка) відео за сюжетом - додавання музики на background + короткі звукові ефекти в потрібних моментах відео (самостійний пошук звуків, найпопулярніші вже маємо, ліцензійні звуки та музика з обговоренням) - додавання футажів (в наявності маємо деякі + ваш пошук при потребі) - баланс білого, налаштування яскравості відео - фантазія, відчуття "дитячого" погляду - вкладатись в терміни, відповідальне ставлення
Шукаємо в команду інтернет-маркетолога. Людину яка може своїми руками, або руками підрядників комплексно налаштувати та підтримувати рекламу в adWords, FacebookInstagram, Youtube. Покращити позиції сайту у результатах органічного пошуку. Шарить у Google Analytics. Вміє та любить працювати із цифрами, не боїться живого спілкування із людьми, командний гравець, любить сам процес, а ще більше результат ; ) Великим плюсом буде любов до рок-музики. Робота може бути віддалена, може бути в офісі, може бути часткова зайнятість, короче кажучи можна по різному, головне, щоб було ефективно.
Шукаю фрілансера-дизайнера для створення обложок на відео в YouTube каналі
Для реклами в соц мережах (YouTube Facebook) потрібно розробити видеоролик - інфографіку. До 30 сек. Презентація продукту - програмне забезпечення. Зразок стилю - за ссилкою. дивитися на 34 сек. Запропонуйте свій бюджет та терміни виконання. Налаштовані на довготривалу співпрацю
нужен конвертер для ютуба в mp3 файлы need a converter for youtube in mp3 files
Створити серію якісних відеороликів на youtube та соцмережі магазину та одягу IMPERIAL
...участь у благодійних вечорах,заходах,активностях 8.Co-promotion: участь гурту в аудіо треках до українських фільмів,серіалів,соц.та комерц.реклами,співпраця із режисерами,акторами,художниками) (Internet) PR А) управлвинні оф.сторінками гурту.Залучення фоловерів і "підтримка пульсу"сторінки через публікаціі:анонси концертів,новини гурту,фотозвіти,прем'єри кліпів та інші інфо-приводи Youtube оф. канал(публікація відеокліпів) Твітер Блогосфера
...who can create a custom YouTube banner and icons for my channel. The designs should be top quality, modern and minimalist, and adaptable for both desktop and mobile viewing. Key Requirements: - Expertise in creating YouTube Banners and Icons - Understanding of modern and minimalist design - You must be Willingness to edit until I am satisfied The project will involve creating a consistent formatting and color scheme for my channel, using techniques borrowed from top YouTubers. You should be able to apply all techniques used by leading YouTubers in your designs. Please note, I am not looking to emulate a specific YouTuber's style, but rather a combination of top YouTubers. I will need the full source files you used to make the Banner and Icons. I will need...
I'm in need of a skilled professional to aid me with updating Chrome through Visual Studio Code. The focus of this project involves creating browser automation scripts. Key Tasks: - Writing and implementing browser automation scripts for Chrome - Updating Chrome with the necessary scripts Potential Future Work: - Development of a custom Chrome extension that provides a custom theme - This may include elements such as the toolbar, tabs, and background Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Visual Studio Code - Experience with Chrome and browser automation - Knowledge of Chrome extension development - Familiarity with creating custom themes I look forward to your bids and to collaborating with an expert in the field.
I'm looking for a unique, hand-crafted logo for my YouTube channel, Technosip. The channel focuses on technology in a friendly, approachable manner. The logo should reflect this modern, sleek style while still being friendly and approachable. Key Requirements: - The logo should integrate the name 'Technosip' in a creative way, shaping the letters with technology and tea symbols. - I prefer a script or handwritten font style for the logo text. - Use of my favorite colors: Turquoise Green and Turquoise Blue, but feel free to use your discretion for the overall color balance. - The final logo should not be a separated vector but a cohesive design. -logo must not be separated with name.i want make logo with shaping name's word's and some signs for technology (n...
I'm talented in YouTube content creator who specializes in producing Social Issues Related content aimed at Teens and Adults. The specific topics are not predetermined, so creativity and a deep understanding of appealing to this age group will be crucial. The ultimate goal is to generate revenue from the channel. Ideal Skills: - Strong understanding of Social Issues content creation - Extensive experience with YouTube content curation and channel management - Proven track record of generating revenue from YouTube - Excellent understanding of soft skills and motivational content - Native or fluent Hindi speaker Experience: - Previous work in similar projects - Demonstrated success in engaging on YouTube Key Responsibilities: - Curate and suggest relevan...
I'm looking for an expert who can find an open-source version of the Pac-Man game for Android, make a simple modification to it and deliver it to me. The modification involves changing the graphics while keeping the original game theme. The ideal candidate for this project should have: - Proven experience in Android game development - Proficiency in working with open-source software - Strong graphic design skills - Ability to maintain the integrity of the original game theme while altering the graphics. Please note that the specific graphics to be changed have not yet been determined, so creativity and flexibility will be key.
want a DLL injection code for dwagent software which once i connect remotly i inject the code in shell command so the program will be still running but all the files and folder related to dwagent will be uninstalled but still it should run and should not show in taskmanager nor in installed programs. More details: What is the main purpose of the DLL injection? Bypass certain restrictions What operating system is the target running? Windows What should happen to the files and folders related to dwagent after the injection? Delete completely
I'm looking for a unique, hand-crafted logo for my YouTube channel, Technosip. The channel focuses on technology in a friendly, approachable manner. The logo should reflect this modern, sleek style while still being friendly and approachable. Key Requirements: - The logo should integrate the name 'Technosip' in a creative way, shaping the letters with technology and tea symbols. - I prefer a script or handwritten font style for the logo text. - Use of my favorite colors: Turquoise Green and Turquoise Blue, but feel free to use your discretion for the overall color balance. - The final logo should not be a separated vector but a cohesive design. -logo must not be separated with name.i want make logo with shaping name's word's and some signs for technology (n...
... My goal is to enhance my business's promotional strategy through cutting-edge video content that effectively communicates our brand message and engages our target audience. - **Core Objectives:** - Develop and produce high-quality promotional videos. - Utilize Chat GPT to generate creative and engaging scripts or concepts. - Optimize content for various platforms (social media, website, YouTube, etc.) - **Key Responsibilities:** - Collaborate with me to understand the brand voice and marketing goals. - Translate these goals into video concepts that resonate with our audience. - Manage the end-to-end process from pre-production to post-production, including editing and distribution. - **Ideal Skills and Experience:** - Proven experience in vide...
Hey! I’m starting a YouTube channel with fitness, motorcycles, and design projects and would love to work with you again. Planning 1-2 videos a week (5-10 min each). Just keep the key parts, add music where needed, and cut the boring stuff. Offering $15 per video + $10 bonus for great work. Here’s the iCloud link: Let me know if you’re down! ?????
I am in need of a professional who can run an ad campaign on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube to promote my meat products. The primary goal of this campaign is to convert sales. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in social media marketing - Experience with Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube ads - Strong understanding of sales conversion strategies - Knowledgeable about promoting physical products Please provide examples of similar campaigns you've successfully executed in the past.
I am looking for a graphic designer to create a bold and colorful YouTube thumbnail for a podcast. The thumbnail should include a catchy phrase related to the main theme of the podcast. Skills and experience required for this project: Graphic design expertise, with a strong understanding of color theory and composition Ability to create eye-catching and visually appealing designs Experience in creating thumbnails for YouTube or other social media platforms Understanding of the real estate and business industry to accurately represent the podcast theme The ideal candidate should be able to create a thumbnail that grabs attention, communicates the podcast's theme, and entices viewers to click and listen. The name of the podcast is "The Growth Lab" You CAN us...
I'm looking for a skilled individual to handle the filming, editing, and social media management of my content. This involves shooting interviews once a month, producing high-quality videos, and managing posts across Meta and YouTube Shorts. Key Responsibilities: - Filming: Capture enough content in one shoot day per month to post every other day on social media - Editing: Produce engaging, high-quality videos for social platforms - Social Media Management: Schedule and manage posts across TikTok, Meta (Facebook & Instagram), and YouTube Shorts - Basic Video Editing: Edit and add captions to up to 10 simple videos per month that we send from our phones (could be less, never more) Ideal candidates should have: - Proficient filming and video editing skills - Previou...
I'm looking for a professional video editor for my YouTube content. Please note that the specifics of the video are still to be determined, and I will need guidance on the nature of the video and its appropriate length. I am open to various types of content, including tutorials, vlogs, and product reviews. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in video editing software - Experience with YouTube content - Creative input and guidance on video type - Ability to enhance video with special effects if needed - Understanding of YouTube's algorithm and audience engagement strategies
I'm in need of a serious and professional 3D animation intro for my YouTube news channel. The intro should include my logo animation, seamlessly integrating it into the narrative of the piece. Key Requirements: - Expertise in 3D animation - Ability to create a serious and professional tone - Experience with logo animation Ideal candidates will have a portfolio demonstrating similar work. The goal is to set the right tone for my channel and engage viewers from the very start. I will tell the story of intro for my YouTube news channel
I'm seeking a talented Social Media Marketer and Content Creator to help scale my dropshipping business. The focus will be on enhancing our online presence and driving sales across the US, Europe, Canada, and the UK. Key Responsibilities: - Primarily engage with Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube. - Create compelling, shareable content, with a focus on viral videos and memes. Ideal Candidate: - Proven experience in e-commerce and social media marketing. - Exceptional skills in content creation and understanding of viral trends. - Ability to drive sales and conversions through effective social media strategies.
I'm in search of a talented video editor for my YouTube channel, Techpreneur: Creating Future. This channel is focused on tech trends, startup insights, and financial discussions. Your role will be critical in helping the channel grow. Key Responsibilities: - Editing 2 long-form videos (5-8 mins) and 4 shorts (30-60 secs) weekly. - Crafting engaging, high-quality YouTube videos with smooth transitions, motion graphics, and branded elements. - Designing custom thumbnails and optimizing SEO. - Ensuring all videos are visually appealing and meet weekly deadlines. What I Provide: - All necessary video clips, voiceovers, and screen recordings. - Detailed instructions and branding guidelines. Ideal Candidate: - Proficient in Final Cut Pro. - Able to create videos in an ...
...that builds, scales, and operates YouTube channels across diverse niches. We're focused on creating highly scalable content and growing our channels at an accelerated pace, all while offering a performance-based compensation structure that puts our team’s success at the forefront. Position: Script Writer We are looking for an innovative and highly creative script writer to join our team. This position offers the chance to create unique, engaging, and entertaining scripts for a variety of YouTube channels. In this role, you'll have the opportunity to experiment with cutting-edge AI tools and automated workflows developed by our team to streamline production while maintaining top-tier quality. Key Responsibilities: Write compelling, original scripts for ...
...our websites and booking platforms with a focus on a user-friendly, appealing and responsive design. - Graphic design: Creating visually appealing designs for our print and digital channels (e.g. brochures, flyers, banners, online ads). - Content Creation: Development and implementation of creative and relevant content for our social media channels (Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, Pinterest etc.) as well as for our website and newsletter. - Social media management: maintaining and interacting on our channels and analyzing performance - Photo and video editing: editing image and video material for our marketing campaigns, from travel photos to small promotional films. - Trend monitoring: monitoring current design and social media trends to develop fresh and contemporary cont...
About: Complete flutter app features. You must be proficient with: - Flutter. Node,js. GraphQL. Firebase. AWS, especially Lambda and Amplify. Push notifications using Firebase and AWS cloud function. Task 1: Fix current issues: - Post Ranking based on likes: posts show in feed 1, are ranked in feed 2 based on number of likes received in feed 1. Problem: stop likes added in feed 1 from changing the ranking in feed 2. Feed 2: must show the current weeks posts only. Now it shows all the posts made since the start before moving to current week. - Comment: when you add a comment it does not show from first time (it can skip comments). Make sure it does. - Badge: a badge is supposed to change its color instantly when you leave 2 likes. Now you have to refresh the page to see it updating. - Prof...
Need C# Windows application for the Mantra MFS500 that handles fingerprint enrollment Using Razor Source Code Key Features: - A user interface for fingerprint scanning - Data encryption for stored fingerprints Also, this application needs to integrate with a specific database. Experience with C#, Windows application development, fingerprint scanning technology and database integration is critical for this project. Error handling for failed scans will need to be managed seamlessly within the user interface to guarantee a smooth user experience.
I have a website that was created in PHP some years ago I’m looking to migrate to Node JS & Angular or REACT The current site runs on PHP 7.x Laveral Deliverables: Up-to-date code, fully tested Resolve any snags update any security issues prevent pages from caching make some minor changes to the functionality More details will be provided to candidates who can show relevant expertise in this area. *all code will be the ownership of the client on completion.
I'm seeking assistance with a YouTube livestream for a conference that spans from New York to Toronto. The freelancer needed has to be based in Toronto. Key Aspects: - The primary aim of the livestream is to effectively engage a remote audience. Your expertise in this field can help in making the stream interactive and captivating. - The content of the livestream will predominantly consist of panel discussions. Experience in managing and streaming similar content is highly preferred. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in YouTube livestreaming - Previous experience with engaging, interactive content - Knowledge of managing panel discussion streams.
Se trata de realizar un video coorporativo de una reparacion de entre 1.30 a 2 minutos. A partir de videos creados con movil, se aprovecharan los mejores fragmentos de estos para crear el video final. Debe llevar musica de fondo y una resolucion para youtube. The idea is to make a corporate video of a repair lasting between 1.30 and 2 minutes. From videos created with a mobile phone, the best fragments of these will be used to create the final video. It must have background music and a resolution for YouTube. Dejo otro video de ejemplo / I leave another example video: Archivos para nuevo video / Files for new video:
I'm talented in YouTube content creator who specializes in producing Social Issues Related content aimed at Teens and Adults. The specific topics are not predetermined, so creativity and a deep understanding of appealing to this age group will be crucial. The ultimate goal is to generate revenue from the channel. Ideal Skills: - Strong understanding of Social Issues content creation - Extensive experience with YouTube content curation and channel management - Proven track record of generating revenue from YouTube - Excellent understanding of soft skills and motivational content - Native or fluent Hindi speaker Experience: - Previous work in similar projects - Demonstrated success in engaging on YouTube Key Responsibilities: - Curate and suggest relevan...
I'm seeking a talented animator who can create small length 2D animation similar to the comedic sketches found on the 'Not Your Type' YouTube channel. Ideal Candidates Should: - Have extensive experience in 2D animation - Possess a strong sense of comedic timing and delivery - Be able to replicate the unique visual style of the referenced channel Key Requirements: - Craft engaging and humorous animations - Deliver high-quality, polished final products - Communicate effectively and meet agreed deadlines.
I'm looking for a talented Tamil-speaking video editor who can edit and post my vlog footage across YouTube, Instagram, and TikTok. The job will involve working with both provided and sourced footage, so creativity and resourcefulness are key. Key Responsibilities: - Editing both long videos and Shorts - Creating engaging thumbnails - Posting across various platforms Editing Requirements: - Intermediate-level editing with effects and filters - Basic cuts and transitions The ideal candidate will have experience in video editing, particularly for spiritual videos and a good understanding of the aesthetics and algorithms of YouTube, Instagram, and TikTok.
I'm looking for an expert in Python to inspect my backend service code. The main goal of this inspection is to identify bugs. Ideal Skills: - Expertise in Python - Experience with backend service code inspection - Proficiency in bug detection Please provide examples of similar projects you have completed.
1. History & Evolution of V8 Engines The origins of the V8 engine: Who invented it and why? How the V8 became a symbol of American muscle cars. Evolution from carbureted V8s to modern turbocharged and hybrid-assisted versions. 2. Legendary V8 Engines & Cars Classic American Muscle: Chevy 350 Small Block, Ford 302 Windsor, Mopar 426 HEMI. European V8s: Ferrari 458’s naturally aspirated V8, AMG’s 6.2L V8, McLaren’s twin-turbo V8. Modern Icons: Dodge Hellcat 6.2L Supercharged, Ford Coyote 5.0, Chevy LT4/LT5. 3. Technical Deep Dives How a V8 engine works (with simple mnemonics for your audience). Pushrod vs. DOHC V8 engines – which is better? Turbocharged vs. Supercharged V8s – pros & cons. Why some V8s sound better than others (flat-plan...
...• 2+ years in SEO optimization • 2+ years in e-commerce product listing • Proven track record in social media management • Experience with property listings • Portfolio must demonstrate above experience Your team will work on five websites currently under development. These websites serve as portfolio showcases for the agency: 1. Internet Marketing Website 2. Investment Website 3. Real Estate Website 4. E-commerce Website 5. Community Website Task Guidelines and Requirements 1. Articles (215 Articles × 1500 words) Content must be according to the given topics with 1500 words or more. It should be well-researched with tools, keyword-based, and solution-oriented. The content should have valuable and latest information...
I'm looking for a designer to create two vibrant, colorful thumbnails for my YouTube videos. They should be eye-catching and designed to draw viewers in. Key Requirements: - Thumbnails should combine both the video title and an image or character in a visually appealing way. - Use of text and graphics relevant to the video content is essential. Ideal Skills: - Graphic design experience, particularly with YouTube thumbnails. - Ability to create bright and colorful designs. - Understanding of how to combine text and images effectively.
My entertainment-focused YouTube channel is growing but not yet monetized. I'm seeking a professional who can help with: - Increasing Subscribers: Implement strategies to attract a larger audience. - Improving Watch Time: Develop engaging content and effective techniques to keep viewers watching. - Ad Placements and Sponsorships: Optimize current ad placements and secure potential sponsorships. Ideal candidates should have a proven track record with YouTube monetization, particularly in the entertainment sector. A deep understanding of audience engagement techniques and ad optimization strategies is crucial.
...unique video clips and documentaries. 4. Use AI tools to enhance videos with unique, compelling visuals. 5. Ensure that videos are optimized for YouTube and social media engagement. 6. Maintain high-quality production standards for all video content. 7. Adapt content to align with our startup's vision and tone. Requirements: 1. In depth knowledge for USA business for writing and creating video. 2. If you watching Shark Tank USA will be preferred. 3. Strong video editing skills with knowledge of tools like Adobe Premiere, Final Cut Pro, or similar. 4. Ability to create engaging, high-quality long-form and short-form video content. 5. Knowledge of YouTube video guidelines for copyright and strike. 6. Creative mindset with an eye for detail and storytelling. 7. Ab...
...a fun and playful YouTube vlogging channel (BEROJYAA) starting in Jaipur. I need a designer to create a banner and logo for the channel and an Instagram profile that aligns with this vision. - YouTube Banner: This should incorporate travel-related icons, bright colors and patterns, as well as pictures of Jaipur. The design should be engaging and playful, reflecting the theme of my channel. - Logo: The logo should also embody a fun and playful style. It needs to be simple yet catchy, easy to recognize and remember. - Instagram Profile: This should be a colorful and vibrant design, mirroring the energy and enthusiasm of the channel. Ideal skills and experience for this project include: - Graphic design, particularly for digital platforms. - Experience with creating YouT...
I'm in search of a highly experienced and efficient Video SEO specialist to optimize my YouTube videos. My primary goals include: - Increasing video views - Improving search ranking - Boosting channel subscribers - Reaching the right target audience The type of videos I primarily create are awareness-focused content. Ideal candidates should have: - Proven track record of successful YouTube SEO strategies - Ability to target specific demographics effectively - Deep understanding of YouTube's algorithm and ranking factors - Experience in optimizing awareness-focused videos.