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2,000 why am i seeing ads on amazon prime video знайдені роботи

Робота з мультитабними браузерами: Використання браузерів, що підтримують багатозадачність та роботу з декількома вкладками одночасно. Перемикання між вкладками та організація роботи з ними для підвищення ефективності. Налаштування ADS або Dolphin профілів: Конфігурація профілів для автоматизації та налаштування веб-перегляду. Використання різних профілів для роботи з різними задачами або обліковими записами. Підтримка пулу віртуальних профілів (100-150 штук): Управління та підтримка великої кількості віртуальних профілів для забезпечення стабільної роботи. Моніторинг стану профілів та оперативне вирішення проблем. Пошук та придбання нових проксі-провайдерів: Пошук надійних проксі-провайдерів для забезпечення безперебійного доступу до ресурсів. Оцінка якості та вартості п...

$500 Average bid
$500 Сер. заявка
1 заявки

Project Overview We are launching a truck and car service center in Dessau-Roßlau (Germany), with a focus on tire services (mounting, balancing, sales) and oil changes for both heavy-duty trucks and regular cars. In the future, we aim to expand into more advanced diagnostic and repair services, particularly for trucks (including full test lines, brake tests, suspension diagnostics, etc.). We need a modern, fully responsive website that reflects our professionalism, supports online booking, and is optimized for local SEO (primarily in Dessau-Roßlau and surrounding regions). The site should also attract transit (long-haul) drivers who pass through our region on major highways. We want to provide a multilingual platform (German, English, and additional languages suc...

$15 / hr Average bid
$15 / hr Сер. заявка
20 заявки

Створення 2 автоматизацій передачі лідів з Google ads та Facebook meta до pipedrive

$20 / hr Average bid
$20 / hr Сер. заявка
1 заявки
Editing a site on Wordpress
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When creating an ad, the files uploaded to it are loaded but not displayed in the admin and ad (applies only to adding a new ad in Pending status). Attach the files uploaded to the ad when adding or editing to the admin's email (email sending is already configured). The ad page with Privat status should be displayed to the user who published it, now it redirec...uploaded to it are loaded but not displayed in the admin and ad (applies only to adding a new ad in Pending status). Attach the files uploaded to the ad when adding or editing to the admin's email (email sending is already configured). The ad page with Privat status should be displayed to the user who published it, now it redirects to a page with an error that such a page does not exist. Highlight ads on two...

$463 Average bid
$463 Сер. заявка
4 заявки

Є інтернет магазин Shopify з товаром. Потрібно створити рекламне оголошення Фото або Відео для просування товару. Потрібно створити Рекламний кабінет в TikTok або Facebook ads Правильно визначити цільову аудиторію, і налаштувати Таргет Денний бюджет на Таргет не перевищує 20-30$ Потрібно щоб були покупки, тоді завдання буде Виконане.

$108 Average bid
$108 Сер. заявка
1 заявки

Шукаю до себе у маленьку команду людину на довго строкову роботу яка розуміється добре у налаштуванні Shopify магазинів та Google або Meta реклами. 100% Віддалена робота. Обовʼязкові вимоги: - Створення Shopify магазина із нуля (без кодування) - Базове розуміння у Google ads або Meta Ads (краще обидва) - Хороші навики комунікації через чат, та зум дзвінки. Не обовʼязково, але бажано: - Запуск та продажі по системі дропшиппінг. (Тобто ви самостійно запустились та зробили продажі) В чому полягає робота: - Курувати учнями які у нас на програмі та допомога із налаштуванням Shopify магазина та також підключеннями всіх інтеграцій. (У тому числі і рекламних платформ.) - Все буде відбуватись згідно із нашими процесами, тобто вам нічого не прийдеться здогадуватись як робити. ...

$18 / hr Average bid
$18 / hr Сер. заявка
11 заявки

Task: Develop a thermometer module based on the TMP36 temperature sensor. Provide operation in three modes: temperature measurement in degrees Celsius, degrees Fahrenheit and Kelvin (change of mode using the button). Use the display (4-digit 7-segment indicator and 74HC595 shift register) to display all necessary data. Use the button and LEDs to set the operating mode and display the current mode. Additional materials: TMP36 documentation: Documentation for 74HC595: Using a 7-segment indicator: Example of implementation:

$55 Average bid
$55 Сер. заявка
7 заявки
project: delorean
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...many ways, worked in different positions and so on, but everything was not for him... he gave up, and that’s why he leads such a lifestyle. but at one point, fate gave him a “surprise” and he was expelled from college. and Ryan thought: what should I do now?.. where should I go, what job? I can’t do anything.. and out of sadness he decided to go to a bar, where he met his physics teacher Sam Ramsey, who also worked as a bartender: “hmm, that’s how the meeting is.” Ryan told him the whole situation, they had a heart-to-heart chat, but the physicist’s situation turned out to be no better, he works two jobs, and even then he doesn’t always have enough to live on. and they both decided, for ...

$18 / hr Average bid
$18 / hr Сер. заявка
3 заявки

I need to make a page like the example (attached video), where there will be a button with a suggestion to switch to another browser. When clicked, call a dialog box (system window) and redirect the user to the selected browser. If possible, make it so that only chrome was from the options. Target audience - Android, iPhone is not considered now We want to place a link to the page in tiktok, but need to redirect the user to a third-party browser and do it with a dialog box, other methods as far as I know do not work I found a ready-made solution builder that has such a built-in function. We need to make a similar one only for our site. Tiktok account for testing links is available. If you need I can give a link to this ready-made solution (you can see i...

$219 Average bid
$219 Сер. заявка
9 заявки

A game store website, something like Steam, Epic Games, Origin, but there is a certain look that I really like and want the site to look exactly like the picture.

$195 Average bid
$195 Сер. заявка
16 заявки

Прошу внимательно читать тербования. Нужен таргетолог с опытом работы ведения рекламы facebook Ads (вериткаль крипта) Реклама Telegram канала по продаже VIP сигналов. Гео: ввесь мир Мужничны 20-45 лет Автоплейсменты Вертикаль: Крипта ( трейдинг) продажа VIP сигналов. Что я предоставляю: - Полностью готовый линк на лендинг для продвижения в Facebook Ads . (Пиксель уже настроен.) - Крео - Гео и таргет указан выше - аккаунты по желанию Что требуется от таргетолога: - Качественная настройка детального таргетинга (интересов) под мою тематику. - анализ и усовершенствование настроек интересов в зависимости от результата теста. - глубокий анализ рк и улучшение путем ретаргетинга и других настроек. Писать только людям с опытом работы в нише кри...

$118 Average bid
$118 Сер. заявка
4 заявки

Вітаємо, Samiullah K.! Я звернув увагу на ваш профіль і хотів би запропонувати вам свій проект. Ми можемо обговорити деталі в чаті.

$45 Average bid
$45 Сер. заявка
1 заявки

Need to change the "Shipping City" field widget from a List to a Text field, under the field, display Help text. After writing the name of the city, compare the name and display the corresponding list of departments in the "delivery offices" field.

$250 Average bid
$250 Сер. заявка
1 заявки

...проектів досвід роботи з ID банкінгом досвід роботи з АРІ досвід роботи з liqpay та govpay24 верста+бекенд Частина інформації в документ, буде вводитись через ID банкінг користувача, частина через внесення даних руками В кінці процесу користувач отримує готовий документ у форматі pdf + ворд з можливістю відправки на пошту чи завантаження + перегляду в браузері Сайт буде просуватись через google ads та SEO тому бажано сайт на WP Укр+рос мови Цільова аудиторія проекту жінки 25-45, рідше чоловіки Потрібна інтеграція з CRM salesdrive Опис проекту. Дазайн по запиту

$1065 Average bid
$1065 Сер. заявка
7 заявки

...проектів досвід роботи з ID банкінгом досвід роботи з АРІ досвід роботи з liqpay та govpay24 верста+бекенд Частина інформації в документ, буде вводитись через ID банкінг користувача, частина через внесення даних руками В кінці процесу користувач отримує готовий документ у форматі pdf + ворд з можливістю відправки на пошту чи завантаження + перегляду в браузері Сайт буде просуватись через google ads та SEO тому бажано сайт на WP Укр+рос мови Цільова аудиторія проекту жінки 25-45, рідше чоловіки Потрібна інтеграція з CRM salesdrive Опис проекту. Дазайн по запиту

$1030 Average bid
$1030 Сер. заявка
21 заявки

...reference. Видео будут предоставляться на постоянной основе. Оплата по инвойсу в конце следующего месяца. Например - с 1 по 31 августа было отредактировано 10 видео. Оплата за все 10 будет в конце сентября. Videos will be provided on a regular basis. The payment will be done at the end of the next month (if you finished 10 videos during August, you'll get paid for all 10 videos on the last week of September). Оплата начинается с базовой ставки за 1 видео и может возрастать в зависимости от качества и скорости работы. The fares start with basic and may increase based on your skills and work speed.

$30 Average bid
$30 Сер. заявка
1 заявки

3 creatives of 1080x1080 size for advertising on Facebook for a business that writes essays to students and takes their exams. Creatives are focused on the Western market, so they must be in English, engage the audience from the first seconds and be dynamic. Length 15 seconds. Please, do not place the bid of more than $30 per video, therefore, $90 for the project is the price I am ready to pay.

$123 Average bid
$123 Сер. заявка
14 заявки

Робимо апгрейд цього проєкту: Проєкт на Ruby on Rails готовий на 70%. Необхідно: - інтегрувати платіжну систему (Liqpay); - доробити бізнес-логіку (додати момент обов'язкової реєстрації, платежу); - виправити дрібні помилки (правильна логіка для логіну/реєстрації користувача, збереження документів, скачування документів та інше). У випадку якісної роботи розглядаємо можливості постійної співпраці та підтримки проєкту.

$30 - $250
$30 - $250
0 заявки

Привіт! Треба твоя допомога по ІТ проєкту

$10 Average bid
$10 Сер. заявка
1 заявки

Настроить тему bigcommerce под наши нужды. Добавить свои методы оплаты и доставки. Інтеграція с 1С, АМО, Бітрікс24 Set up the bigcommerce theme to fit our needs. Аdd customize payment and shipping methods. Integration with 1C, AMO, Bitrix24 Ми вже маємо аккаунт на bigcommerce і придбали тему. Нам потрібна швидка допомога з налаштуванням цієї теми та внесення деяких змін, якщо це можливо. У нас вже є бачення того, як це має виглядати. Крім того, ми шукаємо когось з досвідом підключення методів оплати і доставки, які не доступні на bigcommerce. Для цього потрібні навички кодування та знання платформи bigcommerce. Інтеграції, які нас цікавлять: 1. Методи оплати: - Privat24 - Payoneer - Transferwise - Western Union - payment by card (Mastercard, Visa) 2. Доставка: - Novaposhta - Ukrpo...

$700 Average bid
$700 Сер. заявка
4 заявки

Потрібно налаштувати рекламні компанії у Google Ads! По продажу ноутбуків та сервісному центрі! Наш сайт Пропонуйте свої пропозиції!

$118 Average bid
$118 Сер. заявка
3 заявки

Потрібно налаштувати рекламні компанії у Google Ads! По продажу ноутбуків та сервісному центрі! Наш сайт Пропонуйте свої пропозиції!

$25 Average bid
$25 Сер. заявка
1 заявки
Make a Video
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Потрібні відеооператори (Ів-Фр. область) та монтажери (з досвідом) у мою дружню розвиваючу команду. Усі питання у приват.

$155 Average bid
$155 Сер. заявка
2 заявки

1-2 години в день, нерегулярна робота на постійній основі з пошуку та обробки зображень товарів для інтернет-магазину. За одне зображення - 3 грн. Кількість зображень для одного товару: від 2 до 15 шт. Проста і механічна робота, яку під силу виконувати практично кожному. Я надаю посилання на товари, фото яких мені потрібні. З відкритих джерел (китайські Aliexpress, американський Amazon, пошук гугл зображення) ви знаходите якісні зображення цього товару на білому фоні. Зображення товару мають свої вимоги: - Хороша якість, відсутність водяних знаків - Фіксований розмір картинок (600 на 600 пікселів) - Білий фон - 2-15 зображень для одного товару Надаються приклади вже готових зображень для ознайомлення і більшої наглядності.

$253 Average bid
$253 Сер. заявка
2 заявки
Build a Creative Multilangual Website
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... -Antivirus -CMS License -Programming -SEO -SMM -Reklam (Ads) -Payment Gateway -Tools -PR Checker -ТИЦ Checker -SEO Checker -SMM Checker -Site cost 3. Portfolio 4. Partners -Our Partners -Affiliate program 5. Top Site -News -Portals -Hosting -Online Shopping -Ads -Payment Gateway -Web Studio -Music -Video -Services -Hotels -.....i am add next... 6. Downloads -Antivirus Demo -CMS Free or De...

$243 Average bid
$243 Сер. заявка
24 заявки
Tally Prime Video Course Creation
6 дні(-в) left

...Exclusive Video Lectures on Tally Prime Project Overview: We are looking for a professional Hindi-speaking trainer to create and record exclusive video lectures on Tally Prime, covering topics from Accounting Basics to Final Accounts. The course should be structured in chapters and professionally recorded with high-quality video, clear audio, and live Tally software demonstrations. Course Structure: (Expected Topics) 1. Introduction to Accounting & Tally Prime Basics of Accounting (Concepts, Principles, Double Entry System) Accounting Terms (Assets, Liabilities, Capital, Income, Expenses, etc.) Types of Accounts (Personal, Real & Nominal) Introduction to Tally Prime Installation & Activation of Tally ...

$143 Average bid
$143 Сер. заявка
1 заявки

More details: What kind of reports are you looking to make on the Discord account? Scam Are you looking for a detailed report format or a simple one? Simple Do you already have evidence for the scam activities? Yes, I have evidence links here

$287 Average bid
$287 Сер. заявка
3 заявки

We are a music company and we distribute artists' works on all music platforms By paying once and for all

$26 Average bid
$26 Сер. заявка
3 заявки
Sales Lead Management System Web Application Development
6 дні(-в) left

...type, client budget, quoted fee, ) 2. **Lead Listing** (Hide/Collapse for wollowup & Form popup for Editing, Duplicate lead Count, Search/Arrange leads, Lead Scoring Parameters based on Client response, Lead Profile) 3. **Lead Follow-up & Lead Status** 4. **Dashboard for Daily Tasks** 5. *Statistics* - Count-Conversion-Visits- Lead Sources-Conversion Rates-Visit Rate, Agent performance 6. *Login* 7. Round-Robin *Lead distribution* to agents * Color Coding pf leads. Lead Stage. Lead Status Show in listing, Chat Templates * 1-click dialer (mobile view lead to dial directly without entering number by seeing in laptop) Inventory Management; * Building Name * Room number * Bed Number * Automated Scheduling of New Year and Diwali Wishes, HBD wishes via Whatsapp...

$195 Average bid
$195 Сер. заявка
17 заявки

...solutions. You will be working on cutting-edge applications that leverage GraphQL, Semantic Web technologies, graph databases such as Amazon Neptune and modern web development. The ideal candidate should have experience coding in Python, with a strong understanding of building APIs and working with structured data models. This role will provide opportunities to work on machine learning and graph technologies, making it an excellent opportunity for someone looking to grow in these areas. Key Responsibilities • Develop and maintain scalable front-end and back-end applications. • Design and implement GraphQL APIs for efficient data retrieval and manipulation. • Work with Semantic Web technologies such as RDF, ...

$641 Average bid
$641 Сер. заявка
34 заявки
FOOH/CGI Video for Hair Care Brand
6 дні(-в) left

I'm looking for a skilled professional to create a high-quality FOOH/CGI video for my hair care brand. The primary goal of this video is to boost brand awareness on social media platforms. Key Requirements: - The video must be of a realistic style. - Prior experience in creating CGI/FOOH videos is highly desirable. - A strong understanding of social media trends and brand promotion strategies is essential. The ideal freelancer for this project will be able to deliver a visually stunning and engaging video that will capture the attention of potential customers and enhance the visibility of my brand.

$110 Average bid
$110 Сер. заявка
31 заявки

Update assetgeo iOS apps on apple store

$15 Average bid
$15 Сер. заявка
1 заявки

I'm looking for a 3D rendered video of a metal bed frame that rises vertically on all four legs. The bed's elevation should be controlled by a wireless remote. Key Requirements: - The level of detail in the video should be a basic outline with movement. - The video should showcase multiple angles of the bed frame. - The functionalities of the remote to be highlighted are: basic up and down movement and custom height settings. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in 3D modeling and animation software. - Previous experience creating 3D render videos. - Understanding of product animation for showcasing functionality. - Ability to deliver a video with a clear, simple, and engaging outline of movement.

$104 Average bid
$104 Сер. заявка
29 заявки

I am looking to create a simple static website using Word Press for the launch of my children’s book. It needs to be easy to update. It will consist of 5-6 pages. • Home Page • About • Events • Social – Instagram feed – use plugin to show Instagram posts from the book account… • Press • Contact All branding work has been done. I can provide you with branding document. I have logos, fonts, colours, all defined. Texts have been written and layouts created. Images are ready. I have the domain and the hosting. I just need someone to make sure pages are created correctly, optimised for SEO and buttons, collect email addresses and work with my mailchimp account and redirect people to Amazon...

$244 Average bid
$244 Сер. заявка
1 заявки
Technical Paper on GNN-based Cryptocurrency Recommender
6 дні(-в) left

I'm seeking a technical paper focused on the architecture of a Recommender Engine for Cryptocurrency, employing GNN-based models such as LightGCN and GraphSage, along with a hybrid of both. Key Components: - A good in-depth literature review to be performed along with a detailed architectural diagram and detailed proposed architecture. - The primary aim of this paper is to elucidate the intricacies of the model architecture and bring out their results. - A thorough explanation of the detailed algorithmic steps alongside relevant mathematical derivations is essential. - The paper should utilize Ethereum scanner data along with CoinGecko API data for model explanation and performance illustration. Ideal Skills: - Profound understanding of GNN-based models and recommender syst...

$85 Average bid
$85 Сер. заявка
12 заявки

use auto captions and fix captions. That’s all 300 videos a month. 50 videos a week to complete. Each video is only 1-2 min. MUST HAVE CAPCUT PRO if this goes well, we can do for a long-term monthly payment.

$1163 Average bid
$1163 Сер. заявка
30 заявки

Buenas tardes, Actualmente, estoy montando mi propio e-commerce de mascotas, enfocado en productos para perros y gatos, y me gustaría saber si podríais ayudarme a crear un par de vídeos. Os enviaría el producto junto con un pequeño guion, que podríais ajustar si fuese necesario. Es imprescindible tener o poder acceder a una mascota, tanto perro como gato, aunque me interesa especialmente un gato, ya que serían dos vídeos con un gato y uno con un perro. ¡Quedo atento a vuestras respuestas! REQUISITO IMPRESCINDIBLES : Residir en España para poder enviar el producto Tener un Gato Tener un Perro Muchas gracias y un saludo.

$99 Average bid
$99 Сер. заявка
15 заявки
Simple Login & Protected Pages on MS Azure
22 годин(-и) left

I have some data on MS Azure. I need a straightforward user login system using only a Username and Password. The project involves creating several protected pages, including a Dashboard, Users List, Device List, User Details, and Device Details. Ideal skills and experience for this job include: - Proficiency in .NET for frontend development - Experience with MS Azure - Knowledge in creating secure login systems - Ability to design and implement various protected web pages Please note, the login system does not require Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) or Single Sign-On (SSO). It's a simple, username and password login.

$305 Average bid
$305 Сер. заявка
58 заявки

...and java-algs4 will classpath in , which contains Java classes for I/O and all of the algorithms in the textbook. To access a class in , you need an import statement, such as the ones below: import ; import ; import ; Note that your code must be in the default package; if you use a package statement, the autograder will reject your submission. Percolation. Given a composite systems comprised of randomly distributed insulating and metallic materials: what fraction of the materials need to be metallic so that the composite system is an electrical conductor? Given a porous landscape with water on the surface (or oil below), under what conditions will the water be able to

$120 Average bid
$120 Сер. заявка
19 заявки

Are you highly organized, marketing-savvy, and AI-driven? Do you thrive in fast-paced environments and love working on brand launches? We’re looking for a proactive Virtual Assistant to help us execute our go-to-market strategy for our wellness brand. This role is not a simple administrative position—we need someone who can think critically, leverage AI for efficiency, and execute growth-driven strategies. You will work directly with the Founder/CEO and collaborate with our creative and digital teams to ensure a seamless product launch and marketing rollout. ⸻ Key Responsibilities E-Commerce & Amazon Expansion • Lead the Amazon launch process, including product listings, PPC optimization, and A+ Content. • Research DTC and retail expansi...

$8 - $15 / hr
$8 - $15 / hr
24 заявки
Collaborative Whiteboard Video Conferencing and Chatting Tool
6 дні(-в) left

I'm seeking a developer to create a video conferencing and online teaching tool, with a primary focus on facilitating collaborative whiteboard sessions. Key Requirements: - The tool must be compatible with desktop, laptop, tablet, and smartphone. - Essential features for the whiteboard include: - Drawing and annotation capabilities - File sharing and uploading - Real-time collaboration Ideal skills for this project include, but are not limited to: expertise in developing video conferencing software, experience with interactive whiteboard systems, and a strong understanding of cross-device compatibility.

$96 Average bid
$96 Сер. заявка
3 заявки
Meta Ads Expert for E-commerce Clothing Store
6 дні(-в) left

I'm seeking a seasoned professional to manage my Meta ad campaigns for my e-commerce clothing store targeting India. My objective is to maximize R...campaigns for my e-commerce clothing store targeting India. My objective is to maximize ROAS while minimizing ad spend. Key Responsibilities: - Strategize and execute cost-effective ad campaigns on Meta. - Leverage ongoing promotional offers to drive sales: - Buy 2 Get 1 Free - Buy 3 Get 2 Free - Buy 4 Get 3 Free - Buy 5 Get 5 Free Ideal Skills: - Proven experience with Meta advertising, specifically for e-commerce. - Strong understanding of the Indian market. - Ability to optimize campaigns for low ad spend and high ROAS. Please note that I primarily sell clothing, but the focus is on maximizing sales thr...

$18 Average bid
$18 Сер. заявка
3 заявки
Research on UK Stock
6 дні(-в) left

I am seeking a seasoned researcher with access to historical Bloomberg Chat data and other proprietary financial sources. The brief is to conduct a thorough investigation into public information, particularly any potential leaks, market rumours and speculation, concerning an M&A transaction that took place in relation to a specific UK listed stock that was listed on the London Stock Exchange. Research Focus: - Identify whether there were any market rumours, leaks or speculation regarding a particular M&A transaction before it closed in 2023. - Time period: the years 2021, 2022 and 2023. Deliverables: - Details of findings and the sources checked - Copies of source references Ideal Skills and Experience: - Strong research skills - Access to and f...

$954 Average bid
$954 Сер. заявка
10 заявки
Meta Ads Copywriter for Indian Audience
6 дні(-в) left

I'm looking for a talented copywriter from India, who understands the nuances of Indian consumer thinking, to generate compelling Meta ads copy for my eCommerce store. Your copy should include various promotional offers such as 'buy 2 get 1 free', 'buy 3 get 2 free', 'buy 4 get 3 free', and 'buy 5 get 5 free'. Your job will be to: - Craft engaging ad copy that resonates with the Indian audience - Strategically incorporate the promotional offers into the copy - Help drive my primary goal of increasing sales through this campaign Understanding of the Indian market and consumer behavior is crucial for this role. Ideally, you should have experience with eCommerce and Meta advertising.

$11 Average bid
$11 Сер. заявка
4 заявки

I'm looking for a professional video creator who can help me produce an ad video for the Aviator game. The goal of this video is to attract more players to join our virtual community. Key Requirements: - Proven experience in creating engaging ad videos - Understanding of game promotion strategies - Ability to showcase the features of the game in an appealing way - Familiar with creating content for virtual platforms The ideal candidate should be able to merge creativity with strategic marketing to increase downloads and build brand awareness. Experience in the gaming industry is a plus. Your video should appeal to gamers and entice them to join our community and experience the Aviator game.

$12 Average bid
$12 Сер. заявка
4 заявки
Youtube Video Editor Required
6 дні(-в) left

I'm looking for a skilled video editor to edit my educational content. Key Responsibilities: - Edit a minimum of 5-minute videos based on provided audio scripts. - Find relevant clips, elements, and information to support the video's topic. - Incorporate text overlays, animations, and charts/graphs and meme clips also. Expectations: - Editing style should closely resemble this channel: @BeyondBoundsYT/videos - Punctuality is crucial. All deadlines must be met without delays. - No time wastage. Ideal Candidate: - Experience with AI content is a plus. - Only Indian - Ability to follow the provided editing style. - Strong understanding of how to effectively use text overlays, animations, and charts/graphs to enhance the video. - Reliable and committed to meeting...

$20 / hr Average bid
$20 / hr Сер. заявка
18 заявки

I'm looking for a professional with extensive experience in Shopify and Amazon to set up my e-commerce website and Amazon storefront. Key requirements include: - Developing an efficient product management system for the Shopify store. - Ensuring the store is user-friendly, intuitive, and optimized for a seamless shopping experience. Ideal freelancers should have a proven track record in: - E-commerce website development, particularly on the Shopify platform. - Setting up and managing Amazon storefronts. - Implementing product management systems. Your bid should reflect your capabilities and previous work examples.

$150 Average bid
$150 Сер. заявка
112 заявки
Dronuas: A Heroic Fantasy Character
6 дні(-в) left

...Details: - Dronuas resembles Conan the Barbarian. - He wears FPV Goggles on his head. The goggles look through seeing his eyes like a F35 Raptor helmet with a glowing green visor. - In one hand, he holds a sword Like the Ukrainan sword - In the other, a Drone flight controller. Scene Details: - Dronuas appears to be leading a charge, with various types of drones in tow. Illustration Requirements: - The style must be detailed, vibrant, and immersive fantasy art. - The mood is 'heroic and inspiring'. Skills and Experience Needed: - Proficiency in creating digital illustrations. - Previous work in fantasy art. - Ability to convey a specific mood or atmosphere in illustrations. Please do your research on similar characters and themes....

$343 Average bid
$343 Сер. заявка
88 заявки
Father-Son Sports Video Production
6 дні(-в) left

I'm in need of a skilled video editor who can produce a compelling sizzle reel/movie trailer focused on the father-son relationship through sports. The video should highlight how a father's involvement shapes a child's development, all set against the backdrop of American sports - specifically Basketball, Football, and Baseball. Your responsibilities will include: - Collaborating with me to incorporate a mix of my footage and professionally sourced clips. - Showcasing the importance of the father-son bond and the impact of sports on a child's growth. - Integrating elements of American sports and entertainment film and music in a captivating way. Ideal skills and experience for this job include: - Proficiency in video editing softwar...

$93 Average bid
$93 Сер. заявка
65 заявки

We are looking for a talented and committed video editor and motion graphics designer to own the entire video production process, ensuring consistency in branding, quality, and engagement of our new faceless YouTube channel. If you have a passion for visual storytelling, video editing, YouTube SEO, and high-impact animations, this role is for you! Key Responsibilities: ✅ Edit and produce high-quality faceless YouTube videos (8-10min long) using stock footage, motion graphics, and engaging visuals. ✅ Create eye-catching animations, kinetic typography, and infographic-style visuals to explain financial concepts in an engaging way. ✅ Research and implement YouTube SEO best practices (thumbnails, metadata, engagement strategies) to maximize video reach. ✅ Ensure a...

$32 / hr Average bid
$32 / hr Сер. заявка
40 заявки