Translator spanish english ukроботи
Ми шукаємо захоплених і досвідчених викладачів, готових поділитися своїм досвідом на нашій платформі. Наразі наша платформа є невеликою, але ми плануємо активно її розвивати у найближчі місяці. Ми успішно працюємо на міжнародному ринку і вже маємо попит на викладачів. Якщо вас зацікавила наша пропозиція, будь ласка, зареєструйтеся на сайті як викладач. У нас є внутрішня команда, яка займається управлінням профілів викладачів та уроків. Нам потрібна лише деяка інформація від вас, наприклад, предмети, сертифікати, опис тощо. Після реєстрації зв'яжіться з нами, щоб ми надіслали вам форму для заповнення. Ваше завдання — організовувати розклад занять зі студентами. Після завершення заняття ми беремо на себе обробку платежів через платформу Ми лише розпочали
...or image it expands to 2/3 pf the screen leaving edges transparent (grey), showing at the top 4 images of plate scrolling to right. Underneath amount of grams. Underneath Nutrient information about product, Diet type, Spice level. Below description of the dish. At the bottom price and option to add in cart. • • Below same scrollable bar with different headers (Local Indian Chefs, Local Spanish Chefs, Local Ukrainian Chefs) • Below space to place additional information, special offers, advertisement • At the bottom of page button (see all), upon pressing shows all options (Chef cards) that are available. Chef Profile • Top left Big face image of Chef (design to easily add MUST TRY sign), on the right three icons: Heart (add to favourites), Tex...
Проект займається трансферами з аеропорту по світу, основні гео: USA, Uk, Australia. Для виконання анкор плану потрібно 15 - 20 штук директорій, щомісячно. За кожу оплата 5 доларів - вона фіксована. Щоб більш детально обговорити, є тех завдання по критеріях (прикріплено). В цілому найзручніший формат роботи, коли Ви просто відправите сайти котри мають посилання з прикладом, котре буде індексуватись і буде просто підходити по трафіку країни (це важливо) з Ahrefs (в ТЗ більш детально), а далі я в автоматизованому режимі перевірю які директорії точно підходять щоб екокомити і ваш с свій час.
Greetings. Dear freelancers. I am interested in finalizing an open-source project: I am interested in the complete removal of all games except minecraft. (Or placing them in separate modules) I'm also interested in the authorization redesign. That is, there are already two types of authorization implemented there, either through mail (nickname) or through microsoft/mojang, I want the standard login through mail (nickname) to remain, and the licensed login through microsoft/mojang to be placed in a separate module. Also, I need to rework the store module and add the possibility of monthly subscriptions to it. Ideally, the module should be cleaned of all built-in payment methods it provides by default
... В GET параметрах потрібно обов'язково передати наступні параметри: clientid - (обов'язкове) ідентифікатор партнера model - (обов'язкове) назва товару articul - (обов'язкове) артикул товару price - (обов'язкове) вартість одиниці (!) товару (крапка, як розділювач для копійок) quantity - (обов'язкове) кількість одиниць товару (за замовчуванням 1, якщо більше 5, то лендінг буде зменшувати до 5 шт.) img - (необов'язкове) лінк на фото товару в повному форматі, з вказанням домену і обов'язково з використанням https://, макс. розмір зображення - 130х130 пікселів. Сторінка створена як responsive, тому буде перебудовуватись залежно від розміру <iframe>, в яку її вставили. Мінімальна ширина - 320 пікселів. Шаблон адреси:
Словом, є декілька текстів, які потрібно переписати іншими словами зі збереженням змісту. Мова - англійська. Звісно, вільне володіння цільовою мовою - головна вимога) Бажано, але не критично - якийсь Legal досвід, бо це будуть публічні сторінки на сайті американської компанії, і було б непогано непонаписувати там чогось, за що потім затягають по американських судах ;)
Ес...скриншоты приложения (на анг языке) для понимание контекста, что очень важно для моего проекта Также даю сам файл, где необходимо записать все переводы (по ключу) Ознакомившись с ТЗ(файл со скриншотами, вы можете прикинуть объем работы) Другие технические нюансы можно найти в ТЗ (файле со скриншотами) Мне необходимы переводы на следующие языки, вы как специалист можете перевести на один из них: - Spanish, - French - Portuguese (Brazil + Portugal), - German, - Italian
... обрати кольорову схему сайту, вибрати шрифти. Для створення макету рекомендовано використовувати: adobe photoshop або figma. Для підбору шрифтів Для вибору кольорової палітри або аналогічні ресурси. Зображення та інфо-графіку слід шукати на подібних ресурсах Натхнення вам: Так собі: Погані приклади: або
Щомісячна оплата перекладачів з англійської мови в Україну Ми шукаємо українських перекладачів для довгострокових відносин. Виплачуватимуться щомісяця. Дякую.
Потрібно створити інтернет-магазин, який ...адаптивний дизайн, швидкість завантаження сторінок, можливість створити посадкові сторінки на основі пересічення категорії та фільтрів і т.д. Тематика - магазин брендового взуття. ТЗ відсутнє. Після запуску магазин має відразу ж піти на просування, тому важливо, щоб всі деталі по оптимізації були реалізовані ще на етапі розробки. Приклад і вимоги до магазину можна побачити тут
Необхідно переклати приблизно 400 слів тексту для блогу. Текст не технічний.
Потрібно розробити імпорт інформацію з csv файлу та створити під неї сторінку телепередачі для сайту Детальне ТЗ в доці Приклад файлу імпорту прикріплений, для імпорту буде такий же, але в форматі csv
Портібно розробити анімацію на сайті для виробника профнастилу 1) є задана фотографія безколірна 2) вибір до двадцяти кольорів 3) користувач нажимає на колір - відповідно змінюється фотографія у вибраний колір приклад як тут показаний будинок
I'm seeking experienced, Spanish-speaking trainers who can teach my team about Python programming basics, machine learning algorithms, and JavaScript frameworks. The primary goal of these training sessions is to prepare my team for an upcoming web development project. Key Requirements: - Proficiency in Python, machine learning, and JavaScript. - Previous experience in web development. - Excellent teaching skills, particularly in a technical context. - Ability to communicate effectively in Spanish. - Prior experience training for project-specific skills desired. Your expertise will help ensure my team's readiness for this project.
I'm seeking US-based, native Spanish speakers for a speech data collection project. This involves reading from scripts. The recordings will be made on our platform, ensuring easy and efficient data capture. Ideal candidates should be: - Fluent in both English and Spanish - Comfortable reading from scripts in Spanish. - Based in the United States Skills and experience that would be beneficial: No Prior experience is needed! Only 40 Phrases are there to be recorded and it is a 10 minute job!
3:files Website Content proofreading and Editing (UK English) Thanks
I'm looking for an experienced web developer and designer who can create a high-converting landing page for lead generation. Key Requirements: - The landing page needs to capture visitor's Name and Email effectively. Please suggest and implement ways to optimize this process. - The design of the landing page should incorporate my brand-specific...SMOOTHLY, BE DYNAMIC ETC. FINAL LINK IS TO MY AIRTIME PROVIDER FOR CLIENT TO PAY. So far, i have a domain and an email address In time i will need a website, maybe 3 pages (home, services, enroll (sign up). We will be targeting the Australian public ONLY for now. Maybe worldwide later (time difference is a factor as i live in cambodia) but probably it will just be Australia, new Zealand and the UK.. my contact details...
I'm a mid-level Project Manager seeking a professional to rewrite my resume in Portuguese from English, with a focus on my project management qualifications. This includes highlighting my leadership, technical and communication skills, as well as my experience in commercial operations, HR and team management. Additionally, I need my resume reformatted on Canva to ensure a clean, professional look and somewhere I can easily edit in the future. I can provide the canva link to where to edit and format into Portuguese below Ideal candidates should be fluent in Portuguese-English, with a deep understanding of Project Management terminology and conventions. Experience with Canva is essential, and prior work in resume writing and career coaching is a plus. The goal is to crea...
I'm seeking a professional who can effectively execute a well-defined digital marketing strategy, enhancing our online visibility and interaction level. SPANISH NATIVE FREELANCER OR HIGH SPANISH LEVEL Key Responsibilities: - Execute our existing digital marketing plan - Manage and update our WordPress website - Launch campaigns with micro-influencers - Create graphic designs for ads - Conduct SEO optimizations - Perform data analysis and analytics More Information: - Our website: - Preferably a Spanish-speaking freelancer for smoother communication - Initial trial period of 3 months with potential for extension, approximately 50 hours - Social media platforms include Instagram, TikTok, and Facebook Budget: €602 Timeline: Ongoing project Ideal Skills and...
I'm looking for a committed SEO expert who can help me reach the first page for specific keywords in Germany, the UK, and France. My budget is $100 per month for SEO, with a focus on: - Increasing sales - Improving visibility on search engines In addition, I need a Google Ads specialist who can handle my campaign for $70. This includes: - Setting up conversion tracking and all necessary components - Managing the campaign on the Search Network My ultimate goal is to drive sales through these efforts, and I'm hoping to find someone for a long-term partnership. Please note: - I'm looking for fast results - Honesty is key; if you require more than the stated budget, please don't reach out The ideal candidate should have: - Proven experience in SEO and Googl...
I need a Web and PWA application that issues reward coupons based on user reviews. This service should allow users to manage and reward the reviews they receive. Key Features: - A straightforward, user...PWA development, preferably with experience in creating similar review management systems. The project needs to be completed as soon as possible. Web and PWA development Simple function review reward coupon issuance service Users can receive a reward system and management for reviews when reviewing Development participation qualifications 1 Those who can communicate using a translator because they do not speak English 2 Those with experience in web and PWA development 3 Those who can quickly complete development and deliver 4 Those who can do it within the range of $100 d...
I have 2 years of experience as a professional translator, translating various types of documents, articles and materials from English to other foreign languages or vice versa. I have worked with clients from a variety of industries, including education, business and government.
...communicate via a translator as English is not spoken Ideal Skills: - Experience in website and PWA development - Prior work with image automatic synthesis AI - Ability to deliver a project within a tight budget and timeframe Please note, I do not have a preferred image synthesis AI service or library. Website and PWA development Image synthesis AI application Image automatic synthesis service When a member accesses a specific site within the app, the image displayed is synthesized with the image saved by the member and shown. Development participation qualifications 1 Development budget is less than $200 2 Experience using image automatic synthesis AI 3 Only developers who can develop right now and complete it in a short period of time 4 Only those who can use a tr...
We are seeking a skilled translator to accurately type in Italian and translate to English a handwritten birth record from Italy, dated 1867. The ideal candidate must have experience with historical documents and be adept at deciphering old Italian handwriting. Attention to detail is crucial, as accuracy is vital for this project. Candidates should provide samples of previous translations of similar documents.
We are looking for an experienced translator to convert text for our kids' app (ages 5-9) from English to Turkish. The translator should have a strong command of both languages, with a good understanding of the target audience. The text to be translated includes instructions, labels, and simple sentences. Attention to detail and the ability to maintain the app's playful and engaging tone are crucial. An iOS or Android device is required for proofreading. The translator will also work closely with our development team to ensure the translated text fits within the app's design and layout. After translation, the candidate will be responsible for reviewing the app with the translated text to ensure accuracy and consistency within the interface. ...
I need a seasoned professional to help raise our brand awareness in the USA, Dubai and UK, specifically targeting technology startups. Key Responsibilities: - Identify and engage potential tech startup clients. - Develop and implement client acquisition strategies. - Enhance our brand visibility in target markets. Ideal Skills: - Proven experience in client acquisition in the technology sector. - Excellent communication and networking skills. - Strategic thinker with a strong understanding of brand promotion.
Dear freelancer, I have written a letter to an important Vatican institution in English. This letter needs to be translated to proper high quality Italian language. This letter is very important since it's meant to initiate an important relationship. The letter consists of 430 words and a little over 1 page in word. I would like to send out the letter before the 27th of December. I'm looking forward to your application.
I'm looking for a Italian language translator. Your service is highly required.
I need a professional to compile English lesson plans for children aged 6-12, following the Boost! curriculum. The plans should be focused on all key skills: Grammar, vocabulary, reading, writing, listening and speaking. Key Requirements: - Proficient in creating Word and PowerPoint formats. - Experience with the Boost! curriculum is preferred. - Ability to incorporate various multimedia resources including audio clips, video clips, and interactive games. - Understanding of the needs and interests of children in the 6-12 age range. Please note that the final product should be engaging and suitable for young learners. The ideal freelancer will be creative, detail-oriented, and able to deliver high-quality, comprehensive lesson plans.
...across the UK. This high-quality product is not just about taste, but also about ethics and sustainability. Sales will need targeted customer visits and maaybe 80% online promoitn and sales. Key Responsibilities: - Targeting confectionery companies specifically - Highlighting product attributes such as high-quality ingredients, sustainability and fair trade, and a unique flavor profile - Executing sales strategy primarily through in-person visits Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven track record in B2B sales, particularly within the confectionery industry - Exceptional interpersonal and communication skills - Passion for sustainability and fair trade - Ability to effectively convey product quality and unique flavor profile - Experience in in-person sales tactics - Knowledge o...
I'm in search of a seasoned cold caller who can connect with potential clients across all industries. The task is to make 100-150 calls daily, targeting prospects for our services in web development, social media marketing, and video animation, primarily in the USA and UK markets. This role is a commission-based, offering a lucrative 10% cut from any sales made by the company. Key Responsibilities: - Make 100 to 150 cold calls per day - Engage potential customers from every industry - Promote our services in web development, social media marketing, and video animation Skills & Experience Required: - Proven experience in cold calling - Exceptional communication skills - Ability to engage and persuade potential clients - Familiarity with web development, social media market...
...and Divi to create a simple website for a Beauty Center. The website already has Wordpress and Divi installed and working; access to the working environment will be provided. Project Requirements: Design: The page should be modern, visually appealing and in line with the theme of a beauty center. Based on Divi templates or modules to optimize time and quality. Languages: The content will be in Spanish. We will review and adjust the texts and photos later, so it is not necessary to perfect those details, but, if include all possible examples and that you want to communicate in each of them. Main pages to include: Home Treatments Brands About us Contact (with integrated Google map and form) Delivery: Project must be completed by 12/31/2024. Urgency: We are looking for someone ...
I am seeking a translator for our corporate brochures into regional French and Portuguese. This is for regular work aimed primarily at our existing clients. Key Requirements: - Proficient in converting corporate language into engaging, comprehensible content for our clients - Native-level understanding of regional French and Portuguese for accurate localization - Experience in corporate brochure translation or similar field - Ability to meet deadlines consistently This project is specifically for @maurod5 and involves translating corporate brochures for our existing clients. The goal is to ensure these translations are not only accurate but also resonate with our clients on a regional level.
...Automate Message Editing • Implement functionality to modify the forwarded messages before they appear in our channel. • Examples of editing: • Remove or replace specific keywords. • Add custom text or tags. • Format the content (e.g., bold, italics). 3. Automate Translation Using ChatGPT API • Integrate ChatGPT API to automatically translate the forwarded messages from English into specified target languages (e.g., Spanish, French, etc.). • Ensure the translated text maintains the original message’s intent and tone. • Provide flexibility to configure multiple target languages if needed. —————————— Required Skills: • Strong experience with Telegram Bot A...
I'm seeking assistance in sourcing new email addresses for a mail merge. The countries of interest include: Germany Austria Switzerland UK USA Key Details: - Industry Focus: The email addresses must be from the Venture Capital und Private Equity sectors. - Contact Level: I'm specifically looking for C-Level contacts, Presidents, and Heads of departments. - Target Job Titles: The email addresses should belong to individuals with the job titles of CEO/President, Head of ...C-Level, Portfolio Manager. Deliverables: 25000 valid email addresses up to date Make sure you are using a bot or can share data from a designated provider To apply: decrie the sources you use and how you make sure the bouncing rate is under 3% what mailtester are you using to make sure each mail is...
Indonesian English Recording Project We have a project, that needs Indonesian speakers, we will give you the text, and you need to record 363 Short English sentences. you just need to download our software, to read our text and record it, it's a very easy job. 1. You will need to record in a quiet place without loud background noise. and without echo. 2. Each person is $5 dollar for 363 sentences sentences record. If you are interested please let me know sure.I will contact u. A Good Opportunity For New Freelancers For taking 5 Star Review after their completion of the project. Thanks :
I'm looking for a Hindi translator to help translate my php files from English to Hindi. I will share the specific files to be translated upon selection.
I'm seeking a translator proficient in English, Adi, Ao, Bhili/Bhilodi, Daman & Diu, Khasi, Konyak, Ladakhi, Nissi/Dafla, Purgi, and Sema to translate various documents.
Fluent Spanish Speaker no Translaters or chat Gpt ..¿Eres un experto en Shopify? Estamos buscando a alguien con experiencia para configurar nuestra tienda en Shopify o programa similar y cumplir con los siguientes requisitos: Descripción del Proyecto: 1. Carga de productos: • Subir 40 productos con sus descripciones, imágenes y precios. • Organizar los productos en categorías claras y funcionales. • Agregar etiquetas (tags) para facilitar la búsqueda y filtrado. 2. Optimización SEO: • Configurar meta descripciones, meta tags, meta keywords y URLs amigables para cada producto y categoría. • Asegurar que toda la tienda esté optimizada para motores de búsqueda. • Incluir palabras clav...
I'm a UK-based health worker seeking guidance for Immigration Consultant with expertise in Canada Permanent Residency (PR) application. My goal is to understand and navigate the PR application process efficiently. Key Aspects of the Project: 1. **PR Consultation**: I need expert advice and guidance on how to apply for PR in Canada. This includes strategic planning and understanding the intricacies of the process. 2. **Document Preparation**: I will need assistance with preparing my PR application. This includes gathering and organizing necessary documents such as educational credentials, work experience letters, and identity proofs. 3. **Eligibility Criteria Understanding**: I have a partial understanding of the eligibility criteria for PR. I will need your expertise to hel...
I'm in need of a seasoned Virtual Assistant (VA) to help manage and expand my e-commerce business aimed at the UK market. The perfect candidate should have a solid background in e-commerce operations and be well-acquainted with platforms such as Shopify, Amazon, TikTok Shop, and eBay. Key Responsibilities: - Overseeing inventory management to ensure stock levels meet demand - Providing top-notch customer service to enhance customer satisfaction and loyalty - Handling order processing efficiently to maintain smooth operations Ideal Skills and Experience: - Extensive experience with e-commerce platforms, particularly Shopify, Amazon, TikTok Shop, and eBay - Proven track record in managing e-commerce operations - Excellent customer service skills - Strong organizational skills f...
I'm in need of a seasoned Virtual Assistant (VA) to help manage and expand my e-commerce business aimed at the UK market. The perfect candidate should have a solid background in e-commerce operations and be well-acquainted with platforms such as Shopify, Amazon, TikTok Shop, and eBay. Key Responsibilities: - Overseeing inventory management to ensure stock levels meet demand - Providing top-notch customer service to enhance customer satisfaction and loyalty - Handling order processing efficiently to maintain smooth operations Ideal Skills and Experience: - Extensive experience with e-commerce platforms, particularly Shopify, Amazon, TikTok Shop, and eBay - Proven track record in managing e-commerce operations - Excellent customer service skills - Strong organization...
I need a LinkedIn profile tailored for a UK-based job search in the Finance sector. The profile should effectively showcase my work experience, skills, endorsements, certifications, and education. Additionally, I require a chronological CV that complements the LinkedIn profile. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in LinkedIn profile optimization - Experienced in CV writing, particularly for the Finance sector - Knowledge of the UK job market - Able to highlight relevant skills and experiences effectively - Familiar with Finance field roles
We are seeking five highly skilled Virtual Assistants fluent in both English and French to join our growing call center agency. This is a full-time opportunity requiring availability from Monday to Friday for at least 8 hours per day. Our goal is to build a dynamic and collaborative team. Successful candidates will undergo a brief team formation process before being assigned individual tasks. We strongly encourage applications from individuals based in Africa and Haiti, as we value their unique expertise and cultural insights. If you have exceptional communication skills, are detail-oriented, and ready to work in a professional and fast-paced environment, we’d love to hear from you. Apply now to be part of an exciting team shaping the future of customer support! A headset,...
I'm seeking a professional who can translate content from Arabic to English and edit videos for social media. High-quality work and attention to detail are paramount. Please showcase your relevant experience in both translation and video editing for social media.
Translate 6 documents from English to Haitian Creole
Freelancer connects professionals globally in this case we need someone that can easily complete series of larg scale spanish translation in general topics depending on where you come from as this will require just few hours on the website.I'm in need of a professional capable of translating a series of large scale marketing materials from English to Spanish. Key Requirements: - Expertise in translating marketing materials with a formal tone. - Ability to deliver in a universal Spanish, as regional variations are not necessary for this project. - Experience in the field to complete the task in a few hours. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in English and Spanish. - Strong understanding of formal marketing language. - Excellent translation and lo...
I'm seeking a proficient translator to assist in translating general engineering documents. The ideal candidate should have substantial experience with document translation, particularly within the engineering sector. Please reach out if you can help.
Hello there, As we discussed. Thanks.