Sql 2005 import xml file web pageроботи
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Обязательные знания: Python, SQLAclhemy, PostgresSQL, Aiogram, FastApi, HTML, CSS Особенно важны: Aiogram, FastApi, Python, SQL Краткий список работ: 1. Добавление проверки/валидации сдачи отчетов 2. Интеграция Telegram бота с фуд-треккером FatSecret 3. Проверка на оплату 4. Изменение общего визуала сайта и информации, которая отображается 5. Добавить дату добавления админа 6. Трекинг действий куратора 7. Добавить закреп юзера за определенным куратором Подробнее при личном контакте
...демо-счете. Ожидаемый результат: Бот должен быть полностью автоматизирован, учитывать динамические параметры (риск, тейк-профит, стоп-лосс), работать только на бирже Bybit и обеспечивать максимальную прибыльность при соблюдении разумных рисков. Вот основы для написания кода: import ccxt import pandas as pd import numpy as np from telegram import Update, Bot from import ApplicationBuilder, CommandHandler, ContextTypes from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression import time import logging import asyncio import talib # Логирование (level=, format="%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s") logger = (__name__) # Настройки API и токенов API_KEY = 'YOUR_BYBIT_API_KEY' SECRET_KEY = 'YOUR_...
Редизайн хоме пейдж 3 варіанти та 3 варіанти логотипу
З приводу обмінів залишків API. Ми надаємо дані у вигляді xml-файлів, які з вашого боку підхоплюються скриптом і впроваджуються в CMS (це повинні зробити програмісти на вашій стороні). Плюс програмістам з вашого боку потрібно буде налаштувати та поставити в крон парсер, який звертатиметься за xml-файлом розвантаження. Для отримання доступу до вивантаження файлу - підтвердьте IP-адреси вашої мережі, з якої надходять запити. У вкладенні – інструкція щодо формування запитів. У ній є опис наших тегів і три приклади коду на PHP, C# і AJAX (залежно від мови, яка використовується у вашій системі або зручна для програміста). Звертаю увагу, що у запиті вказується e-mail та пароль, які використовуються для входу на наш портал. Адреса сервісу вказана в інструкції, дублюю її тут:...
I need to make a page like the example (attached video), where there will be a button with a suggestion to switch to another browser. When clicked, call a dialog box (system window) and redirect the user to the selected browser. If possible, make it so that only chrome was from the options. Target audience - Android, iPhone is not considered now We want to place a link to the page in tiktok, but need to redirect the user to a third-party browser and do it with a dialog box, other methods as far as I know do not work I found a ready-made solution builder that has such a built-in function. We need to make a similar one only for our site. Tiktok account for testing links is available. If you need I can give a link to this ready-made solution (you can see it on the video).
Потрібно налаштувати вже робочу синхронізацію прайсу між сайтом та Prom ua Сайт віддає прайс у форматі xml, який формується за допомогою плагіну у виді як на скріншоті. 1)Необхідно налаштувати двомовність фіду, зараз тільки одна мова 2)Правильне визначення категорію товару промом - "Категорія на маркетплейсі" 3)Налаштування переміщення товарів із свого розділу на сайті до аналогічного розділу на промі (категорії збігаються)
Потрібний спеціаліст для редагування 4 XML фідів на платформі Mergado.com. Внесення змін у доставку, зміна цін, заокруглення, зміна параметрів товарів а тд. Або потрібне інше рішення яке дозволить автоматизувати створення XML фідів на основі таких правил Працюємо до коректного відображення всіх змін на вихідному фіді.
Доброго дня! Шукаю фрілансера, хто міг би допомогти час від часу писати коди SQL запитів для SAP B1.
...Супроводження процесу впровадження. Вимоги: • Досвід роботи – від 2-х років. • C++11, STL, GCC/CLang, GDB/LLDB, GNU Make, CMake, Bash. • Знання STL — контейнерів та алгоритмів. • Знання файлового вводу/виводу у стандарті POSIX. • Знання POSIX Threads —нитки, м’ютекси, умовні змінні. • Вміння користуватися системою контроля версій Git. • Вміння користуватися командним рядком Linux. • Реляциійні БД, SQL. • Основи функціонування комп’ютерних мереж, протоколи TCP и HTTP. Знання HTTP/1.1. Знанння архитектури REST. • Багатопоточність. Буде плюсом: • C++14, 17, 20. • Qt. • Boost. • Засоби статичного і и динамічного анализа коду (cppcheck, clang-tidy, clazy, valgrind, gprof, &helli...
1. Landing page 2. Чіткість фото 3. seo landing page 4. Check seo основне 5 Підписка основний сайт
Нужен скрипт для загрузки товаров на сайт из фидов форматов xml/yml/api. Товары от разных поставщиков нужно обьеденить согласно категорий и подкатегорий сайта. CMS Wordpress. Также скрипт должен автоматически обновлять информацию о товарах (наличие и цена) 1-2 раза в день.
Мій перший лендінг: Ціна 1 Landing Page-2000 грн / 5000 руб. Проходила тренінги від Restart Academy 50% - передоплата
... Шукає Unity розробника для створення багатокористувацької браузерної 3D гри, Unity за допомогою WebGL. Обов'язкові навички: Вміння працювати в Unity і знання мови C#. Плюсом буде додаткові знання: JS, HTML 5. І back end розробника для написання серверної частини на ASP.NET Core. Обов'язкові навички: ASP.NET Core Entity framework core SQL С кидайте свої резьуме на: business@ або проджект менеджеру проекту: viktorstor@ KICKOOS GAMES - це молода outsourc GameDev компанія, що з недавна почала розробляти і внутрішні проекти. Друзі компанія зараз розширюється і влітку планує відкрити офіс в Україні, тому долучайтеся до нашої спільноти у телеграмі, де публікуются відкриті вакансії на різні позиції.
Робота для програміста з досвідом роботи в Python + XML. В додатку є svg файл , що по суті є XML документом. В цьому файлі де-які відрізки є ідентичними за своєю довжиною, розміщенням і координатами і дублюються. Мені треба якось підрахуати скільки разів зустрічається кожен відрізок у файлі та створити новий файл у якому будуть всі відрізки з початкового файлу але без дублікатів + в атрибутах відрізків буде новий атрибут "numba", значення якого дорівнюватиме кільксті дублікатів цього відрізка, що було знайдено в початковому файлі ''" Хочу отримати ipynb файл, який би я міг запустити на виконати його і отримати Перевага виконавцю з України.
Компанія займається реалізацією масок від коронавірусу. Необхідно створити лендінг
Необхідно зробити декілька landing page на різну тематику. Чекаю пропозицій
Сайт повинен складатися з landing page свореного за допомогою fullpage.js. Приклад сайту: http://bossar.agency. Потрібна тільки оболонка без заповнення, дизайн вже готовий
Потрібно зробити легкі лабораторні роботи, терміново! Файли прикріпив, за потребою скину методичку.
Ми - компанія, яка займається продажем та безпосереднім встановленням камінів. Потрібно створити landing page з декількома call to action, головною метою яких буде взяти контактні дані користувача з метою подальшої обробки у вигляді живої розмови. Сайт повинен містити: - Чітко сформовану структуру; - Текст який буде позитивно впливати на заповнення форми; - Оригінальний дизайн - Адаптивність до всіх пристроїв - Можливість завантажити прайс лист в обмін на заповнення форми - Присутність google аналітики - UTM - мітки Приклади робіт, які допоможуть зрозуміти, що повинно вийти у результаті:
Я маю довгострокову роботу, яка пов'язана з нашим попереднім проектом 'Change Framework CMS from Shopify to Prestashop - PHP, HTML, CMS, SQL'
I have a project in P6 EPPM xer and ms project format that needs a clear and well formatted Gantt chart. The Gantt chart should be detailed with task descriptions, while resource allocation details are not necessary. I would like the milestones to be highlighted with a different color.
...and payment gateway integration, Note 99.9% website has to be managed through Dashboard, like editing pricing, bulk import,export,bulk move with-in pages, bulk edit, bulk delete, Hide category, in page pages or multiple pages, Edit in one page or multiple pages, though coded the website has to act plug and play Ecommerce Website USP - We give return gifts to customers based on Invoice size- hence the designs is detailed accordingly You need to first ensure that Gift cards with 16 digit or 12 digit secure login with pin code (as an example shown in myntra), • Coupons creation in admin panel with expiry date and with a condition which will be discussed later • Gift page which works on multiple conditions but basically works based on cart value &b...
We are seeking a detail-oriented Data Analyst to join our team. The ideal candidate will have strong SQL skills and a robust understanding of data management, interpretation, and reporting. While proficiency in tools like Tableau, Power BI, Python, and is a plus, the primary requirement is a solid foundation in SQL and data analysis. This role is flexible, available on a part-time or full-time basis, and involves working on a variety of data-driven projects to support business decision-making. Key Responsibilities: Data Analysis & Reporting: Write and optimize SQL queries to extract, manipulate, and analyze data from various databases. Develop regular and ad-hoc reports to support business insights and decision-making. Dashboard & Visualization Development: ...
Project Overview: We are seeking a skilled web developer to take over maintenance, support, and further development of an existing website built using modern web technologies. The site is already live and functional, with a solid user base, but requires ongoing updates. For the first task, we will be providing a Figma file so the current design of an existing page can be updated. Technology Stack: Frontend: The website uses React with for server-side rendering, which helps in optimizing load times and SEO. Experience with JavaScript, TypeScript, and modern CSS frameworks like Tailwind CSS or styled-components is essential. Backend: While primarily frontend-focused, some backend knowledge would be beneficial. Although specifics aren't provided, familiarit...
...accurately, reduce stock shortages, and prevent overstocking. Project Requirements:We need a data-driven forecasting solution that includes: 1. Data Analysis & Preprocessing: Conduct Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) to identify trends and seasonality. Handle missing values, outliers, and categorical data. Feature engineering (e.g., time-based features, rolling averages, holiday effects). Use SQL to extract and analyze sales data. 2. Machine Learning Model Development: Implement and compare different models like: Statistical models (ARIMA, SARIMA, Exponential Smoothing) Machine Learning models (XGBoost, Random Forest, Gradient Boosting) Deep Learning models (LSTMs, Facebook Prophet) Optimize model performance using techniques like cross-validation and hyperparameter...
I need a website homepage design. The page shows mobile app screens, briefly describes the features - how the app works. The design should be made using the logo color, MODERN AND PLEASANT - CATCHY TO THE EYE RESPONSIVE. Unfortunately, I only have 5 days for the order.
I'm seeking a skilled web developer who can assist me in creating a multi-page WordPress website using the content from my pitch deck. The deck contains all the necessary information and graphics. Key Details: - The website will have 6 to 10 pages. - It will need a modern and clean design style. - Important sections include: About Us, Services, Contact Information, and Process. - Minor design adjustments will be required, but the majority of elements will come from the pitch deck. - I don't have a specific WordPress theme in mind, so I will rely on your expertise for recommendations. - We currently have a parent company website under construction. It is simply a landing page with links to 3 other companies. The parent company is - I have attached a logo t...
I'm in need of a proficient sof...(vertical and horizontal), circles and rectangles (fiiled and outline only) - An xml file needs to be created for every label. - Every object that is added to the label will also be saved in the xml file with its attributes - The image will be saved as a monochrome bitmap of 300dpi resolution This will be a Windows Desktop application, to be written in Visual Studio IDE and C# (.net). The code will need to be well commented to allow for further development. Ideal candidates for this project should have extensive experience in software development, particularly for Windows, and should be able to demonstrate a strong understanding of user interface design principles. Knowledge of barcode generation and handling of XML...
This document provides a comprehensive guide to developing a Solana front-run Telegram bot with subscription plans. The bot will monitor target wallets, front-run their transactions, and allow users to customize trading settings. Key Features 1. Wallet Monitoring & Front-Running • The bot will track a target wallet’s transactions on...Wallets – $10/month • 10 Wallets – $20/month • Lifetime Plan – $150 (one-time) • Payment via Solana (SOL) or USDC with auto-renewal. 4. Security & Performance • Uses low-latency RPC nodes for faster transaction processing. • Implements transaction priority fees to front-run target wallets. • Ensures rate limits & API security to prevent abuse. And that all options related to wal...
I'm seeking a developer to develop the custom CMS I have for my website. At the moment it currently creates new single pages but I need it to allows me to easily update text and images on my home page and main landing pages. Key features I need include: - Simple interface for updating landing pages - SEO-friendly features like keyword fields and meta descriptions - Single admin user access control Ideal skills for this project include web development, CMS expertise, and a solid understanding of SEO requirements. Please include examples of your previous work with CMS development and your approach to creating user-friendly interfaces. Thank you.
Project Overview: We are seeking a creative web designer/developer to craft a responsive landing page for an innovative game website. The site’s theme is inspired by the Star Trek Orville series, centering on “Kaylon”—an AI character who begins with no memory but evolves by mastering the knowledge of the world through user interaction. Key Requirements: • Responsive Design: The website must be fully responsive across devices (desktop, tablet, and mobile). • Story Integration: Incorporate the narrative of Kaylon’s journey: • Begins with no memory. • Gains wisdom through interactive engagement with users. • The design should subtly reference the futuristic and exploratory themes of the Star Trek Orville series without...
...looking for a freelancer who can design a landing page for my website. The primary goal of this page will be to generate leads. The target audience for this page is the general public, so the design needs to be accessible and appealing to a wide range of people. Key Requirements: - Modern, minimalistic design style: The landing page should have a clean, uncluttered look, making it easy for visitors to focus on the key messages and call to actions. - Lead Generation Focus: The design should incorporate effective lead generation strategies, such as persuasive copy, strong calls to action, and intuitive navigation. - General Public Appeal: The design should be simple, yet engaging enough to capture the interest of a diverse audience. Ideal Skills: - Web...
Project Overview: We are seeking a skilled web developer to take over maintenance, support, and further development of an existing website built using modern web technologies. The site is already live and functional, with a solid user base, but requires ongoing updates. For the first task, we will be providing a Figma file so the current design of an existing page can be updated. Technology Stack: Frontend: The website uses React with for server-side rendering, which helps in optimizing load times and SEO. Experience with JavaScript, TypeScript, and modern CSS frameworks like Tailwind CSS or styled-components is essential. Backend: While primarily frontend-focused, some backend knowledge would be beneficial. Although specifics aren't provided, familiarit...
...to create a small but complex web application using .NET (MVC) and SQL Server. The primary purpose of this application is to manage patient data. Key features will include: - User authentication: This will ensure only authorized personnel can access the application and the data within it. - Data import/export: The application should support the ability to import and export data seamlessly. Access to data is controlled by roles. - Reporting tools: It should come equipped with tools that can generate comprehensive reports on the data being managed, and large datasets for download. - Data gathering: The application should be capable of collecting data for analysis. -Language Management: the application must be able to handle multiple languages, so display the...
... ✅ Data Cleaning & Preprocessing ✅ Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) with Visualizations ✅ Feature Engineering & Selection ✅ Model Selection (Logistic Regression, Decision Trees, Random Forest, etc.) ✅ Model Evaluation (Confusion Matrix, Accuracy, Precision, Recall, F1-Score) ✅ Deployment (Optional but preferred) Skills Required: Python (Pandas, NumPy, Scikit-learn, Matplotlib, Seaborn) SQL (for data extraction and preprocessing) Machine Learning (Classification Models) Data Visualization Deliverables: Cleaned dataset with documentation EDA report with insights Trained ML model with performance metrics Jupyter Notebook/Python script for reproducibility Budget & Timeline: Timeline: 7-10 days If you have experience in similar projects, please b...
I'm seeking a skilled professional to trace an EPS file in Corel Draw, specifically for CNC router cutting of a decorative panel. The design will primarily consist of abstract shapes, with the potential inclusion of random floral elements. Your expertise will be key in bringing this design to life. Ideal skills and experience for the job: - Proficiency in Corel Draw - Experience with CNC router cutting - Ability to design and trace intricate patterns - Familiarity with abstract shapes and random floral designs.
I need all files from transferred to tuitionmadam.in. The transfer should be executed without excluding any files or directories. The website content should be transferred as is, with no updates or changes needed during the transfer. Ideal skills and experience for the job: - Proficiency in server management and file transfer protocols - Previous experience with direct server-to-server file transfers - Knowledge of web hosting control panels - Attention to detail to ensure all files are accurately transferred - Ability to adhere to specified instructions without deviation
I want to create a C# .NET Core 8 code for a WCF SOAP service. I need it to match these outputs exactly. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <wsdl:definitions xmlns:intf="" xmlns:apachesoap="" xmlns:wsdlsoap="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:impl="" targetNamespace="" xmlns:wsdl=""> <wsdl:types> <xsd:schema xmlns="" elementFormDefault="qualified" targetNamespace=""> <xsd:element name="ypPayment"> <xsd:complexType> <xsd:sequence> <xsd:element name="str" type="xsd:string"
I'm seeking an expert to craft my resume, emphasizing my two years of experience in Data Analytics. Key Aspects: - Highlight my proficiency in Excel, SQL, Tableau, and Machine Learning - Showcase my journey as a Business Analyst - Emphasize my skills and tools proficiency, as well as my projects and achievements Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in resume writing, particularly for data analytics and business analyst roles - Strong understanding of data analytics tools and the business analyst role - Excellent writing skills with a knack for marketing oneself on paper My goal is a resume that stands out and gets shortlisted in almost every company.
I need a simple STL file made for 3D printing. The object is essentially a rectangle with a slight curve on one side. It should take an experienced CAD professional about 10-15 minutes to create. The ideal candidate will have: - Proficiency in AutoCAD - Prior experience in designing for 3D printing - Ability to tweak designs for application compatibility I will provide rough measurements and I need someone who can work with us in real time to ensure it fits our needs. The final STL file must be of high quality.
...only include edible products from recognized U.S. brands. 2. Compliance with California Laws: The freelancer must ensure that the database is copyright-free and complies with all applicable laws and regulations in California regarding the collection and distribution of data. 3. Database Format and Structure: The database should be organized and easily integrable with our website. Ideally in CSV, SQL, or any other commonly compatible format. 4. Authenticity and Accuracy: All data should be accurate, relevant, and up to date. Experience with databases for e-commerce is highly valued. 5. Licensing and Usage Rights: All provided data must be completely free of copyright or have the appropriate licenses for use on a commercial website. Required Skills: • Experience in datab...
WordPress Elementor Expert for Custom 9-Page Website (Figma Design Provided) Description: We're looking for a skilled WordPress developer with Elementor experience to build a custom 9-page website based on our Figma design. The site should be fully responsive, fast-loading, and optimized for SEO. Requirements: Expertise in WordPress and Elementor (Pro preferred) Ability to accurately translate Figma designs into a pixel-perfect WordPress site Experience with custom styling, animations, and interactive elements Strong understanding of performance optimization and SEO best practices Familiarity with custom post types, ACF (Advanced Custom Fields), and integrations Ability to implement a user-friendly backend for easy content updates Nice to Have: Experience with WooComm...
hello, as per our discussion i will do your work, please accept project and create milestone so i can start work thanks
...need an experienced Adobe Illustrator professional to help me update a 50-page PDF catalog. The task involves replacing the existing car list with new data from an Excel spreadsheet. The structure, layout, and design of the catalog must remain consistent. Key Responsibilities: - Efficiently import and update data from the Excel file while maintaining the original formatting, alignment, and design. - Deliver the final updated PDF and AI file with all changes accurately reflected. Skills and Experience Required: - Proficiency in Adobe Illustrator and experience working with text tables. - Prior experience working with large catalogs is preferred. - Must be able to work with a specific Illustrator script for data import. - Automation skills in Illustr...
I'm looking for an expert web developer to create a 15-page WordPress site with a modern and minimalist design aesthetic. The site will include a homepage, an about us page, a product page template, and a contact us page along with social media links in the footer. Key Requirements: - Implement a pink and grey theme based on my branding - Design with a modern and minimalist approach - Include customer reviews and ratings on the product page template All images and content will be provided. The ideal candidate for this project should have extensive experience with WordPress development, a strong understanding of modern minimalist design principles, and the ability to implement specific brand color schemes. Excellent attention to detail and t...
...cutting-edge digital platform. You will play a key role in optimizing organic search performance, improving technical SEO, and driving sustainable growth for an early-stage web/mobile product. Your expertise in Google Search, Google Search Console (GSC), and advanced SEO tools will help us refine our strategy and maximize visibility. Key Responsibilities: Collaborate to define SEO strategy to help drive organic traffic to the platform Conduct technical SEO audits to identify and resolve crawlability, indexing, and performance issues. Perform keyword research and competitive analysis to identify high-impact opportunities. Optimize on-page content (metadata, headings, internal linking) for target keywords and user intent. Monitor and interpret data from GSC, Ahrefs, SEMrush...
Zlecę dodanie produktów z pliku CSV do woocomerce: nazwy przedmiotu zdjecia opis Wszystko w pliku z hurtowni, kwestia dodania wraz z utworzeniem odpowiednich kategorii
I'm looking for a skilled DIVI professional to enhance my one-page website's responsiveness. The site is optimized for large desktops and mobile and needs to be further optimized for tablet, small desktop and mobile breakpoints. The key areas of focus include: - Image Scaling: Ensuring all images resize appropriately across different devices - Layout Structure: Maintaining a coherent and visually appealing layout on all breakpoints. Guidelines to follow are the current desktop and mobile versions. Ideal candidates should have: - Extensive experience with DIVI - A solid understanding of responsive web design principles - An eye for detail and design Please provide examples of previous DIVI projects you have worked on, particularly those involving responsive des...
I need help with data entry for employee information into an Excel spreadsheet. I have a specific template that needs to be followed. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in Excel - Attention to detail - Prior experience in data entry
... Ensure Mobile Responsiveness: Ensure all designs are optimized for desktop, tablet, and mobile devices. Create Engaging User Flows: Design clear navigation paths for users to explore products, communicate with exporters, track shipments, and complete purchases. Design Interactive Elements: Include filters, search options (with voice and image search), product carousels, and intuitive group import options. Create Consistent Visual Style: Maintain consistency in design by using our branding (colors, fonts, styles) across the platform to keep the design cohesive and engaging. Build User-Centric Interfaces: Focus on delivering an optimal user experience (UX) by designing intuitive controls and ensuring a smooth, easy-to-follow user journey. Collaboration: Work closely with our...