Simple wordpress plugin customer rewards programроботи


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2,000 simple wordpress plugin customer rewards program знайдені роботи for business location, opening hours, phone number. Inclusion in Google Maps / Google My Business. Targeted keywords: “LKW Service Dessau,” “Truck Repair Germany,” “Reifenservice in Dessau,” etc. 5. Admin Panel / Dashboard Real-Time Booking Management: Calendar view, list view, ability to change the status of each booking (pending, confirmed, completed). User Data Management: Easy access to customer info (name, vehicle type, requested service, contact details). Reports & Analytics: Basic analytics or integration with Google Analytics for traffic and booking data. User Privileges: Director (full rights) Administrator (manage daily operations) Optional: Additional roles (mechanics, accountants) in the future. 6. Additional Features / C...

$15 / hr Average bid
$15 / hr Сер. заявка
20 заявки
Web site (MVP) for new Startup Cocina
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...Local Spanish Chefs, Local Ukrainian Chefs) • Below space to place additional information, special offers, advertisement • At the bottom of page button (see all), upon pressing shows all options (Chef cards) that are available. Chef Profile • Top left Big face image of Chef (design to easily add MUST TRY sign), on the right three icons: Heart (add to favourites), Text (Access to direct customer to chef in app chat (available only after placing an order)), Share (Availability to share Chef’s profile (Copy as link, automatically to WhatsApp, Telegram, Instagram, Facebook, X,) • Under row listing all kitchens that Chef is cooking. • Below same line scrolling to the right showing Most Popular Dishes, and then according to each type of dish....

$2623 Average bid
$2623 Сер. заявка
54 заявки
The Azurioum project
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Greetings. Dear freelancers. I am interested in finalizing an open-source project: I am interested in the complete removal of all games except minecraft. (Or placing them in sepa...That is, there are already two types of authorization implemented there, either through mail (nickname) or through microsoft/mojang, I want the standard login through mail (nickname) to remain, and the licensed login through microsoft/mojang to be placed in a separate module. Also, I need to rework the store module and add the possibility of monthly subscriptions to it. Ideally, the module should be cleaned of all built-in payment methods it provides by default. The project was developed in Laravel using BootStrap 5.

$90 Average bid
$90 Сер. заявка
3 заявки

Нужно доработать существующий сайт следующими пунктами: 1. В поиск на странице там где все объявления в поля индекс, город нужно будет загрузить список индексов и городов Германии, чтобы при введении индекса выпадал город и добавить поле поиска в радиусе скольких то км. На данный момент поля поиска индекс и город на сайте созданы, но вводить данные нужно вручную и поле поиска в радиусе стольких-то км нет. 2. В самом низу страницы исполнителя, где высвечиваются все объявления заказчиков, нужно,чтобы были объявления за последнюю неделю и внизу ссылка для того,чтобы открылись все объявления,которые больше недели на сайте. В данный момент настроено так,что в этой части сайта высвечивается все созданные объявления. 3. У заказчика должна быть возможность редактировать свое объявление и админист...

$183 Average bid
$183 Сер. заявка
9 заявки
Wordpress & Co.
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Слава Україні! Шо там наш залізобетонний? Стоїть и ще й навалює? Я ищу фриленсера для периодических заданий в рамках клиентского сайта на WP.

$50 Average bid
$50 Сер. заявка
1 заявки

Я розробник плагіну Issues tracker для CMS Wordpress. Сторінка плагіну - Шукаю людину на часткову зайнятість, яка б могла доналаштувати рекламну кампанію в Google Adwords (підібрати ключові слова, вибрати регіон, і т.п). Наразі, рекламна кампанія є, але вона залучає неякісний трафік (дуже мала конверсія) Важливо: плагін (також лендінг, рекламна кампанія та Email розсилка) англійською, тому я шукаю людину з рівнем хоча б Intermediate. Ціль - для початку отримувати 5-10 установок в день, аби на малій аудиторії протестувати плагін, далі бюджет буде збільшуватись, аби отримувати більше установок і конвертацій в платних користувачів. Тобто початкова ціль - зібрати трохи народу, аби отримати зворотній зв'язок.

$12 / hr Average bid
$12 / hr Сер. заявка
1 заявки

Вебсайт для готелю, де повинні відображатися фотографії, ціни, контактна інформація, загальний опис та можливість залишати відгуки. Також, необхідно створити на сайті календар, в якому відвідувачі зможуть бачити вільні/заброньовані дати, а адміністрація зможе редагувати цей календар. Попередні шаблони власного дизайну наявні.

$269 Average bid
$269 Сер. заявка
14 заявки
Program to generate mosaic photos
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Hello, you need a program to generate a mosaic from a photo The program should perform the following functions: 1. Transfer the photo to b / w mode 2. With b / w in a pixel of a certain size and quantity 3. 4-5 colors 4. Subtract how many pixels of a given color. For example - Black 700 pcs. White 500 pcs. etc. Other details by interested parties Доброго дня, потребую програму до генерування мозаїки з фото Програма має виконувати функції: 1. Переведення фото в ч/б режим 2. З ч/б в пікселі певного розміру та кількості 3. 4-5 кольорів 4. Вираховування скільки пікселів даного кольору.Наприклад - Чорний 700 шт. Білий 500 шт. ітд. Інші деталі зацікавленим особам

$570 Average bid
$570 Сер. заявка
3 заявки

Потрібно промігрувати сайт на DigitalOcean хостинг

$65 Average bid
$65 Сер. заявка
1 заявки
Project for Oleksii B.
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Привіт, олексій. Маємо для тебе цікаву інформацію про роботу на парттайм :) Ми плануємо цілий сет інтеграцій першою може бути Visual Studio Code - таку саму штуку тільки для VSCode пізніше ще кілька інтеграцій. вже з іншими системами GitHub crowdin/a. Що скажеш? :)

$100 - $100
$100 - $100
0 заявки
jQuery plugin needed
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Необхідно розробити jquery плагін, що буде дозволяти дінамічну зміну компонентів продукту та їх опис з подальшою передачею результату в базу даних (до кошику, окремою кнопкою). Можлива доробка існуючого скрипта () або розробка нового. Обговорюється. У разі швидкого успішного виконання можлива постіна співпраця на довготривалому проекті. We need and jquery plugin, that will allow a dynamic changing of pruduct options (look) and its description with sending the result to db (add to cart, separate button). You can update the existing script ([login to view URL]) or write the new one. It's a matter of discuss. It's possible to get a long term deal if this project will be finished well

$160 Average bid
$160 Сер. заявка
4 заявки

Редизайн сайту : 1. макс ідей беремо з 2. підбір корпоративних зображень для слайдерів, новин, основних сторінок сайту, іконок 3. створення нових макетів всіх сторінок та іх погодження 4. верстка та тестування нових сторінок 5. оптимізація сайту

$494 Average bid
$494 Сер. заявка
27 заявки
Create a Wordpress Template
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- переробити головну сторінку - зробити новий розділ - вибрати та налаштувати сервіс емейл розсилки - вибрати налаштувати та вмонтувати в сайт сервіс проведення вебінарів - може ще якісь дрібниці.

$176 Average bid
$176 Сер. заявка
23 заявки

Потрібен готовий шаблон для вордпресс. Щось схоже на шаблон Avada або Jupiter.

$6 / hr Average bid
$6 / hr Сер. заявка
7 заявки

На основі нового купленого шаблону сайту потрібно зробити модифікацію, щоб він візуальними елементами був схожий на старий сайт: використання біло-зеленої гамми кольорів, візуальні елементи - смайлики, Україна зі смайликів. Новий сайт - (на шаблоні Wordpress Eco Nature) Старий сайт - Застереження: новий сайт не має бути схожим на !

$174 Average bid
$174 Сер. заявка
14 заявки

тема оформлення для сайту пошуку вакансій

$181 Average bid
$181 Сер. заявка
9 заявки

Потрібно створити сайт для майбутньої туристичної організації. Подобається сайт На цьому сайті присутні всі елементи які б я хотів бачити на своєму, +ситема оплати онлайн Раy Раl. Прошу писати свою ціну та час виконання такого проекту. Задавайте питання - буду відповідати завжди в другій половині дня. Чекаю на пропозиції та запитяння.

$578 Average bid
$578 Сер. заявка
9 заявки
WordPress Site Upgrade for Children's Book
6 дні(-в) left

I'm looking for a web developer with experience in WordPress to enhance my website, "Journey Through The Clouds." The goal is to make it more effective in promoting and selling the children's book of the same name. Key Features: - Establish an e-store on the site. - Incorporate interactive digital mini-games, specifically puzzle games and memory games, to engage young visitors. - Implement interactive reading guides, designed to complement the physical book, enriching the user experience for children and parents alike. -- Use HTML5 game templates and modify instead of building from scratch. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in WordPress. - Experience in e-commerce website development. - Ability to create and integrate engaging digital content. - Understanding...

$957 Average bid
$957 Сер. заявка
77 заявки

I am seeking a skilled WordPress developer. The design of the main page needs to be extended to the other pages of the site.

$62 Average bid
$62 Сер. заявка
37 заявки

We want...Presence – AI logo generation, website builder, social media planner. 6. Investor Matching – AI-matched investors, pitch deck generator, and funding tracker. 7. Government Schemes – Eligibility checks, direct application to schemes, and notifications. 8. Virtual AI Advisor – 24/7 chatbot for legal, financial, and operational queries. 9. Startup Journey Map – Gamified progress tracker with rewards at key milestones. ⸻ Tech Requirements (Suggested): • Frontend: React Native • Backend: Node.js with MongoDB & MySQL • AI Services: TensorFlow Lite, Azure Cognitive Services • Hosting: AWS or Google Cloud • Integrations: MCA, GSTN, MSME, Startup India APIs • Payments: Razorpay or Stripe • Security: S...

$795 Average bid
$795 Сер. заявка
16 заявки

I need a professional to set up a new Google My Business page for my business. The page should include: - Business hours and contact information - A section for customer reviews and ratings - A photo gallery showcasing my business The ideal freelancer for this project should have experience with Google My Business and know how to maximize its features for visibility and customer engagement.

$39 Average bid
$39 Сер. заявка
20 заявки
Simple Traditional Floor Plan Design
6 дні(-в) left

I'm in need of a very simple floor plan for an interior architecture student. The design should embody common elements typically employed by architects, interior designers, and engineers. The floor plan will be created on AutoCAD based on a fixed core plan. Key Requirements: - Inclusion of a study area and a dining room in the floor plan. - The overall style of the floor plan should be traditional. - Use of brick as a specified material; the plan should represent this appropriately. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in AutoCAD is a must. - Previous experience with interior architecture is preferred. - A deep understanding of traditional design elements will be beneficial. - Ability to create simple, non-professional designs suitable for a student.

$27 Average bid
$27 Сер. заявка
15 заявки

...Descriptions: The website needs to feature our product line with high-quality images and detailed descriptions to captivate our visitors. - Customer Testimonials and Reviews: Incorporating a section dedicated to customer feedback will help instill trust and credibility in our brand. Design: - The overall design style of the website should be 'Luxury and Elegant'. It should reflect the high-end nature of our products, with careful attention to detail, aesthetics and user experience. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in web development and e-commerce. - A strong portfolio showcasing modern and elegant design aesthetics. - Experience with integrating customer reviews and testimonials into a website. - Ability to create a brand-focused website...

$196 Average bid
$196 Сер. заявка
95 заявки

...Descriptions: The website needs to feature our product line with high-quality images and detailed descriptions to captivate our visitors. - Customer Testimonials and Reviews: Incorporating a section dedicated to customer feedback will help instill trust and credibility in our brand. Design: - The overall design style of the website should be 'Luxury and Elegant'. It should reflect the high-end nature of our products, with careful attention to detail, aesthetics and user experience. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in web development and e-commerce. - A strong portfolio showcasing modern and elegant design aesthetics. - Experience with integrating customer reviews and testimonials into a website. - Ability to create a brand-focused website...

$172 Average bid
$172 Сер. заявка
59 заявки

My website needs fresh job listings content aimed at mid-level professionals. This project involves utilizing a provided template page to import information sourced from a specific set of keywords. i ONLY NEED 25 POSTS CREATED. Copy and paste information from template. Please message for distinct job search keywords and examples Key tasks: - Searching for relevant job listings information using designated keywords - Importing and formatting this information onto a template page in bullet point format - Correctly assigning schema with our RM Pro plugin - Creating appropriate titles and meta descriptions Ideal candidates for this project should have: - Experience in content creation and SEO - Familiarity with using schema and RMP plugin - Ability to follow a set te...

$26 Average bid
$26 Сер. заявка
35 заявки

I'm seeking a designer to create a playful, vibrant single-page website for my dog waste bag business...waste bag business. The site should appeal to pet owners and incorporate bright, eye-catching colors and design elements. Key Elements: - A whimsical, yet functional design that encapsulates the spirit of pet ownership. - An easy-to-navigate, single-page layout filled with engaging visuals. - An integrated online store feature to facilitate direct purchases of our products. - A contact form for customer inquiries. Ideal Candidate: - Proven experience in designing visually appealing and user-friendly websites. - A portfolio that showcases playful, vibrant designs, preferably pet-related. - Strong eCommerce website design experience, with an understanding of essential online ...

$97 Average bid
$97 Сер. заявка
37 заявки
WordPress Plugin Development for FlatPay
6 дні(-в) left

I need a skilled WordPress developer to create a custom plugin for integrating the FlatPay payment gateway into my site. The plugin should support recurring payments, refund processing, and transaction history tracking. Key Requirements: - Full integration of the FlatPay payment gateway into a WordPress site - Support for recurring payments - Capability for refund processing - Functionality for transaction history tracking I have full documentation for the API and integration process, so the developer will not need to source this information. Ideal candidates will have: - Previous experience with WordPress plugin development - Familiarity with the FlatPay payment gateway would be a plus - Strong understanding of implementing and managing payment ...

$149 Average bid
$149 Сер. заявка
113 заявки

...on and I'm looking for a web developer to create a simple business website for me. The website should showcase my services, display a gallery of my past projects, and provide my contact details via a contact form. Content: - I have some content prepared, but I will need help with the rest. - The developer will need to have experience with content creation and web development. Ideally, they should be able to provide valuable input on how to best present my services and past projects. Key Skills: - Proficiency in web development, particularly on the Wix platform. - Experience in content creation and digital marketing. - Ability to design an engaging and user-friendly interface. The goal of this project is to create a simple, yet effective website that accurately ...

$186 Average bid
$186 Сер. заявка
92 заявки

...installation at supermarket self-checkouts using QR CODE and TURNSTILES, which will execute to control customer exits once they have successfully completed their payment at the self-checkouts as follows: A turnstile system that will control supermarket exits using QR codes from receipts issued after payment. A mini PC or Arduino that will locally run the application, read the QR codes via USB, and control the turnstile through dry contacts. The application will run locally at each supermarket, where one or more turnstile exit gates will be available. This application will communicate with the central invoicing system, which will send a QR code that must be active for a specific period, allowing the customer to pass through the turnstile. The initial QR code (which will...

$505 Average bid
$505 Сер. заявка
34 заявки
Company & Flagship Products PDF Creation
6 дні(-в) left

I'm looking for a professional to create a comprehensive PDF that outlines our company overview alongside our flagship products. This document will serve as marketing material aimed at potential customers. Key Requirements: - Include a detailed company overview - Highlight our flagship products with product details - Use engaging content and appealing design suitable for marketi...This document will serve as marketing material aimed at potential customers. Key Requirements: - Include a detailed company overview - Highlight our flagship products with product details - Use engaging content and appealing design suitable for marketing material Ideal Skills: - Excellent writing and communication skills - Graphic design experience - Understanding of marketing strategies and customer...

$12 Average bid
$12 Сер. заявка
18 заявки
Real-time GHL Integration with REST APIs
6 дні(-в) left

I'm looking for a seasoned developer who can implement a real-time synchronization of customer data and booking information between GHL and another unspecified software using RESTful APIs and Webhooks. Key Responsibilities: - Utilize REST APIs and Webhooks for seamless synchronization of contact information and booking details. - Implement this in real-time to ensure up-to-date information across platforms. Ideal Skills: - Proven expertise in Python, Node.js, or PHP. - Familiarity with OAuth2, API Keys, and security best practices. - Previous experience with CRM automation, preferably with GHL or similar platforms like HubSpot or Zoho CRM. Please note, the specific software for synchronization has not been confirmed yet, so flexibility and adaptability will be key.

$11 / hr Average bid
$11 / hr Сер. заявка
50 заявки
GHL and PMS Integration Expert Needed
6 дні(-в) left

I'm seeking a skilled professional to establish a seamless connection between my GHL platform and a third-party Property Management System (PMS). Key Tasks: - Implement the integration using RESTful APIs & Webhooks. - Synchronize customer data and booking information between GHL and the PMS. Essential Qualifications: - Proven experience with REST APIs & Webhooks. - Expertise in Python, Node.js, or PHP. - Familiar with OAuth2, API Keys, & security best practices. - Previous experience with CRM automation (GHL, HubSpot, or similar). Please note that the specific third-party PMS has yet to be determined. Your flexibility and expertise in working with various systems will be crucial.

$98 Average bid
$98 Сер. заявка
46 заявки

...trend analysis for our product. The ideal candidate will have experience in: - Sales: The primary goal of the tele-calling project is to generate sales. You should be persuasive and have a proven track record of closing deals over the phone. - Product Analysis: You will be conducting product analysis with a focus on market trends. Experience in market research and data analysis will be a plus. - Customer Handling: You will be primarily targeting new prospects. Excellent communication skills and a friendly disposition will be key to your success in handling potential customers. Your ability to analyze market trends and translate them into sales opportunities will be crucial for this project. Please provide a detailed proposal of how you would approach this task and any relevant ...

$12 Average bid
$12 Сер. заявка
3 заявки
Transform Demo to MVP
6 дні(-в) left

...high-quality technical solutions that meet business requirements. Effective Communication: Communicate effectively within the team, adapting your style to meet the needs of diverse audiences. Uphold Standards: Maintain and enhance software quality standards, challenging existing technologies and processes for improved team delivery. Creative Problem-Solving: Devise creative solutions to meet product and customer requirements, enabling the team to produce high-quality software efficiently. Documentation: Maintain comprehensive documentation to ensure seamless onboarding of new team members. Best Practices: Implement best practices in web development, focusing on usability, accessibility, performance, and scalability. Troubleshooting: Troubleshoot and debug user-reported issues ...

$20 / hr Average bid
$20 / hr Сер. заявка
89 заявки
Website Development
6 дні(-в) left

...content, and call-to-action sections. About Us: Storytelling page narrating the brand’s heritage, craftsmanship process, and sustainable ethos. Product Pages: Around 100 products to be uploaded with detailed descriptions, high-resolution images, pricing, and variants (size, color, etc.). Zoom-in feature, image carousel, and video snippets showcasing the products in use. Social proof elements (customer reviews, testimonials, etc.). Collection Pages: Dedicated pages for different collections with immersive visuals and storytelling elements. Blog & Journal: Section to share articles, craft stories, styling tips, and sustainability practices. Contact Us: Interactive form, Google Maps integration, and social media links. E-commerce Functionality: Secure shopping ca...

$239 Average bid
$239 Сер. заявка
10 заявки
Live/Video Chat Representative -- 3
6 дні(-в) left

...worldwide who are looking for friendly conversations, and we want dedicated hosts to help create a welcoming space. Why Join Us? ✔ Work directly with us – A reliable and professional company ✔ Flexible Earnings – Earn through calls ($6 or $12 per minute) and gifts from users ✔ Easy Payouts – Minimum payout threshold: $100, we pay every Monday (CET). ✔ Supportive Team & Secure Platform – Unique rewards and features to maximize your experience Your Role: ? Engage users in friendly, meaningful conversations ? Talk about a variety of topics like: ✅ Sports ✅ Health & wellness ✅ Career advice ✅ Daily check-ins ✅ Politics ✅ Relationships & friendships ✅ Travel & culture ✅ Hobbies & personal growth keeping intera...

$10 / hr Average bid
$10 / hr Сер. заявка
20 заявки

I am seeking an experienced copywriter to craft engaging and persuasive content tailored specifically for my brand's social media platforms — Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. The social media captions should embody a professional tone, reflecting the brand's voice while driving customer engagement and conversions. This project will primarily focus on: - Writing compelling social media captions that resonate with our audience and promote interaction. The ideal candidate should have a robust portfolio demonstrating their copywriting prowess, particularly in a professional tone for social media. Excellent grammar skills, a deep understanding of SEO, and the ability to deliver high-quality content on time are crucial for this role.

$15 / hr Average bid
$15 / hr Сер. заявка
55 заявки
6 дні(-в) left

I need a fix of my retirement home and property website. It has several design and layout issues that need addressing, as well as additional sections to the navigation menu - Fixing broken links or buttons in the navigation menu - Migrating the website to a new hosting server for two sites with separate domains - Making the site responsive for mobile - Installing an SEO plugin, Wordfence, and WPML multi langauge in English/Thai/Chinese - Fixing the property detail page - Ensuring the website passes a speed test of 90% Ideal candidates should have substantial experience in web design and development, particularly with WordPress. Understanding of SEO, security measures and multilingual plugin (WPML) is a plus. The goal is to create a fully functional, fast, an...

$149 Average bid
$149 Сер. заявка
134 заявки
Highly Experienced Shopify Developer Required
6 дні(-в) left

This is my website which is currently made on WordPress: I want to convert this website to Shopify with the same or better designing. And that must be mobile responsive design as 99% customers comes to your website using mobile so for me, the mobile designing part is more important than the laptop designing part. Shopify customisation isn't an easy task, most people want to use paid plugin for every small thing and I don't want to use paid plugins for every small thing so if you are new to this industry having 2-3 years of experience, you aren't the correct person for this task. I want someone who is having more than 6 years of experience in Shopify website and have made more than 100 websites minimum. You should also watch this video to understand my requir...

$298 Average bid
$298 Сер. заявка
69 заявки

I need two, 1 minute and 30 seconds long, video clips edited. The primary purpose of these videos is entertainment. Editing Requirements: - Cutting and trimming - Adding text or subtitles - Color correction I don't have a specific style or theme in mind, so you will have creative freedom in that regard. Ideal candidate should have: - Proficiency in video editing software - Experience in creating engaging entertainment content - Ability to add subtitles and text seamlessly - Skills in color correction to enhance visual appeal.

$6 / hr Average bid
$6 / hr Сер. заявка
35 заявки
Simple, Clean WordPress Landing Page Creation
6 дні(-в) left

I'm looking for a WordPress expert to create a simple, minimalistic and clean landing page for promoting an adult service. The landing page will primarily share information with a couple of images- all content will be provided. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in WordPress with a strong portfolio of landing page creations. - Excellent understanding of minimalistic and clean design principles. - Experience in embedding and optimizing images and for web - SEO knowledge to ensure the landing page is easily discoverable. - Good communication skills to understand and implement my vision.

$96 Average bid
$96 Сер. заявка
167 заявки
Modern Sleek Adult Content WordPress Site
6 дні(-в) left

I am looking for a skilled WordPress developer with prior experience in creating adult content websites. The site will be modern and sleek, comprising 3-4 pages primarily for content viewing, specifically images. NOTE : You should be capable to handle content , images, and good UI & UX . Key Project Requirements: - Development of a 3-4 page WordPress site - A design that aligns with a modern and sleek aesthetic - Implementation of a layout suitable for content viewing - Prior experience in creating adult content sites is a must - Expertise in WordPress development - Ability to design for primarily image content Please provide examples of similar projects you have completed in your proposal.

$90 Average bid
$90 Сер. заявка
49 заявки

I'm looking for an expert to create a profe...this page is to promote my business. Key Features Needed: - Product Showcase: The page should be able to prominently display our products in an attractive and easy-to-navigate manner. - Customer Reviews: A section for customer reviews is vital. It should be set up to encourage and display genuine customer feedback. - Contact Information: The page must have clear and accessible contact information, enabling customers to reach out with ease. Ideal candidates should have prior experience in setting up Facebook pages for businesses, particularly in the E-commerce sector. Skills in social media marketing, customer engagement strategies, and understanding of Facebook's e-commerce tools will be highly beneficial...

$3 / hr Average bid
$3 / hr Сер. заявка
17 заявки
Premiere Pro Plugin Licensing & User Management -- 2
6 дні(-в) left

I need a backend system for my Premiere Pro plugin, which requires user logins with an email and password for access. The system should allow me to approve users, delete them when necessary, and monitor their activity. All user data will be stored locally on a server. Key Requirements: - Create a secure backend for user management - Implement email and password authentication - Features to delete users, approve users, and view user activity - All user data stored locally on a server Ideal Skills: - Experience with backend development - Familiarity with Premiere Pro plugin architecture - Knowledge of secure data storage practices - Ability to create user-friendly interfaces for managing user activity

$288 Average bid
$288 Сер. заявка
114 заявки

...whatsapp/App notification message to selected users /Group (in background ) or all users in group With message preview (First try sending application messaging if not installed then WA message , if both are not installed then failed n summary report at the end. 4> Pending payment amount:- User should be able to send custom message having list of contacts/number with pending amount from respective customer (editable field amount /Item default value coming from database value ) also filter on pending amount value and then option to send scanner request to receive payment of predefined/filled amount via gpay or similar UPI payment gateway and first save then send the message/link for all selected phone numbers in single screen. 5> User to see his current location (pinned...

$12 Average bid
$12 Сер. заявка
4 заявки
Virtual Assistant (Freelance) – Long-Term Opportunity
6 дні(-в) left

...trustworthy and proactive Virtual Assistant to support our daily operations and engage with professionals across multiple digital platforms. This long-term role involves a variety of tasks including engaging on LinkedIn, managing customer queries on our website, updating Google Tasks and calendars, conducting online research, and emailing professionals. Key Responsibilities: Professional Engagement: Communicate and discuss with professionals on LinkedIn using the company’s profile. Send emails to professionals on behalf of the company. Customer Interaction: Respond to customer queries received on the company website. Administrative Support: Update Google Tasks and calendars. Coordinate and attend scheduled meetings. Research: Conduct research on the Interne...

$2 / hr Average bid
$2 / hr Сер. заявка
68 заявки

I'm looking for a proficient web developer who can create a fully functional e-commerce website for my clothing store, which caters to both men and women. Key Features: - Shopping cart: The heart of any e-commerce site. - Customer reviews: I want to build trust and engagement with my customers. - Designs: I need a visually appealing site with a keen focus on design. Payment Integration: - The website should support Credit/Debit Card transactions. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in e-commerce platform development. - Strong understanding of UI/UX design principles. - Experience with secure payment gateway integration. - Knowledge of SEO best practices would be a plus. I'm looking for someone who can not only deliver a fully functional site, but also one that i...

$217 Average bid
$217 Сер. заявка
130 заявки

I am in need of an experienced designer to assist with enhancing my WordPress website. Homepage- Carousels are coming from a short code, and each has different content and different width, I think it is causing spacing issues. I want to make the middle spacing uniform or adjust the left and right spacing for all (Upcoming Events and Deals, Special Offers, Select Tour Destination, Select Package Destination, Things to do). This i just explained you some points about homepage which i know and other works you have to do as said in videos. I have made video about some pages which i know, there are other pages in backend also, you need to check that also have any issue or no. Complete website should be compactable and optimized in all devices. Check the speed of website before st...

$97 Average bid
$97 Сер. заявка
51 заявки

I'm seeking a seasoned coder passionate about programming and the potential of AI...development and comprehensive business automation. I want to make you the backbone of this process. We aren't hiring, we are looking for diamonds. Key Responsibilities: - Automate Customer Service: Streamline responses to inquiries, manage tickets, and handle follow-up communications with minimal human intervention. - Enhance Marketing Processes: Automate content creation, email dispatch, landing page development, and website updates. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in WordPress and coding. - Experience in AI application and business automation. Think Cursor, Cline, etc. and beyond. - Strong understanding of customer service and marketing processes. - Exceptional skills in conte...

$1622 Average bid
$1622 Сер. заявка
77 заявки