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2,000 simple php ajax upload script знайдені роботи

...with Google Analytics for traffic and booking data. User Privileges: Director (full rights) Administrator (manage daily operations) Optional: Additional roles (mechanics, accountants) in the future. 6. Additional Features / Considerations Integration with CRM (optional, but desired if feasible): So we can track repeated customers, provide loyalty programs, and store vehicle service history. File Upload / Gallery: Showcases our equipment, workshop images, or success stories (before/after repairs). Security & Backups: SSL certificate, GDPR compliance, regular data backups. Mobile-Friendliness: Must be thoroughly tested on iOS/Android devices. 7. Marketing & Promotion Content Management: A blog or news section for promotions (seasonal tire changes, new equipment arrivals)....

$15 / hr Average bid
$15 / hr Сер. заявка
20 заявки

Завдання: Система представляє собою "хаб" API інтеграцій між іншими системами. Необхідно вміння роботи з різноманітним API. Розуміння та вміння налаштовувати CRON задачі. Робота з БД mysqli. Ключові навички: php, mysqli, фреймворк, cron, API, keitaro/tiktok/facebook. (removed by Freelancer.com admin)

$13 / hr Average bid
$13 / hr Сер. заявка
20 заявки

Треба переписати сайт з html на php, створити вкладку "login" де можно увійти у режим адміну де можна керувати сайтом, та підв'язати до цього всього датабазу

$21 Average bid
$21 Сер. заявка
5 заявки

...CMS (це повинні зробити програмісти на вашій стороні). Плюс програмістам з вашого боку потрібно буде налаштувати та поставити в крон парсер, який звертатиметься за xml-файлом розвантаження. Для отримання доступу до вивантаження файлу - підтвердьте IP-адреси вашої мережі, з якої надходять запити. У вкладенні – інструкція щодо формування запитів. У ній є опис наших тегів і три приклади коду на PHP, C# і AJAX (залежно від мови, яка використовується у вашій системі або зручна для програміста). Звертаю увагу, що у запиті вказується e-mail та пароль, які використовуються для входу на наш портал. Адреса сервісу вказана в інструкції, дублюю її тут: Також доступна можливість збільшення представленості та впізнаваності вашого інтернет-магазину

$189 Average bid
$189 Сер. заявка
5 заявки

...изображение, краткое описание и возможность перехода чтобы увидеть полное описание. 3.Реализовать возможность просмотра полной информации о товаре при переходе на его страницу. Фильтр поиска: 1.Реализовать фильтр для удобного поиска товаров по различным атрибутам, таким как категория, цена, бренд и т.д. 2.Обеспечить мгновенное обновление результатов поиска без перезагрузки страницы с использованием AJAX или подобных технологий. Корзина: 1.Реализовать функционал корзины, позволяющий пользователям добавлять товары в корзину и управлять содержимым. 2.Предоставить возможность изменения количества товаров, удаления товаров из корзины и оформления заказа. Поиск: 1.Реализовать поисковую функцию, позволяющую пользователям искать товары по ключевым словам или фразам. 2.Обеспечить релеван...

$609 Average bid
$609 Сер. заявка
21 заявки
PHP Full-stack developer
Закінчився left

Для нашого онлайн магазину шукаємо PHP розробника фрілансера Маємо два цікаві проекти. Завдання: Шукамо фрілансера для розвитку наших веб-магазинів електронної комерції за допомогою найсучасніших веб-технологій для різних пристроїв (мобільних, планшетів) Профіль: • Хороші знання з програмного забезпечення (об'єктно-орієнтований дизайн, шаблони проектування, тестування) • самостійна робота та вирішення проблем • високий рівень мотивації • Досвід роботи з PHP, Symfony, Laravel або Zend, є перевагою • Вільне володіння німецькою чи англійською мовами • Дуже хороші знання PHP, MySQL та JavaScript • Добре знання HTML (5) та CSS (3)

$200 Average bid
$200 Сер. заявка
1 заявки

Потрібно поступово (по частинах) переписати застарівший самописний PHP інтернет-магазин з асортиментом декілька тисяч товарів на фреймворк Django, розширюючи його теперішній функціонал. Обов'язково: - попередній досвід веб-розробки на Django; - досвід створення RESTful API; - розуміння PHP. Бажано: - досвід на подібних проектах в ролі Senior; - досвід роботи з Flask; - досвід роботи з Vue.js; - досвід роботи з PostgreSQL.

$2025 Average bid
$2025 Сер. заявка
4 заявки

needs to be finalized - add btc, payeer, perfect money, yandex money, visa / mastercard, pay pal payment methods. And also to add the calculator of interest calculation concerning the purchased investment packages by the client (so that the client can see the purchased package and accruing on it depending on the elapsed time and for the current period after payment in his own office). Change the site's payment currency to dollars, euros, rubles, pounds. The project budget is 50 Euros, but we can discuss.

$200 Average bid
$200 Сер. заявка
8 заявки

Рекламна агенція Афіша Прикарпаття шукає PHP-програміста для виправлення технічних помилок на сайті ap.if.ua. Сайт написано за допомогою фреймворку Laravel, попередній програміст пояснить всі технічні деталі. Приблизна вартість всіх виправлень на сайті - 10000 грн. Можливо будуть добавлятись нові пункти, за додаткову оплату. Якщо працювати 5 днів в тиждень то все можна закінчити приблизно за пару тижнів, залежить від ваших навичок. Нам потрібна тільки людина з Івано-Франківська(та області) для того, щоб ми могли зустрічатись в офісі Афіша Прикарпаття, також при необхідності можливе виділення робочого місця.

$515 Average bid
$515 Сер. заявка
7 заявки
jQuery plugin needed
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Необхідно розробити jquery плагін, що буде дозволяти дінамічну зміну компонентів продукту та їх опис з подальшою пере...net/layout/) або розробка нового. Обговорюється. У разі швидкого успішного виконання можлива постіна співпраця на довготривалому проекті. We need and jquery plugin, that will allow a dynamic changing of pruduct options (look) and its description with sending the result to db (add to cart, separate button). You can update the existing script ([login to view URL]) or write the new one. It's a matter of discuss. It's possible to get a long term deal if this project will be finished well and fast.

$160 Average bid
$160 Сер. заявка
4 заявки
fetchmail retry script
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При роботі з деякими pop3/imap серверами за допомогою fetchmail час від часу виникає помилка, наприклад: fetchmail: Unknown login or authentication error on user@server fetchmail: socket error while fetching from user@server При цьому логін/пароль вірний, так як через декілька спроб запит виконується успішно. Завдання - написати скрипт, котрий буде відстежувати помилки вказані вище, засинати на певну кількість секунд і пробувати знову. На початку скрипту повинні бути налаштування: 1) кількість спроб 2) час очікування між спробами 3) перелік типів помилок, які повинні бути відстежені за текстом помилки для виконання наступних спроб, наприклад %socket error while fetching from% 4) перелік exit codes (вказані в man fetchmail), які повинні бути відстежені за номером коду для виконання на...

$10 - $30
$10 - $30
0 заявки

Доброго дня. Я партнер міжнародної IT-компанії, яка займається розробкою додатків та сайтів (від звичайних лендінгів до повноцінних адмін-сторінок) для американського ринку. Ми шукаємо працьовитих і готових до навантаження PHP девелоперів. У команді мало людей, тож усі мають достатньо роботи і справді дружні між собою. Майже усі наші працівники з України, тож проблем з комунікацією немає. Більшість контактів будуть здійснюватись через менеджерів компанії та мене, тож безпосередній контакт з клієнтами англійською буде відсутній. Однак володіння англійською хоча б на простому розмовному рівні потрібне, оскільки мій парнер по бізнесу - американець, і комунікація з ним у вас буде. Розпочати роботу ви зможете після кількох етапів відбору (тест на навики та коротка скайп-розмова) та р...

$15 / hr Average bid
$15 / hr Сер. заявка
2 заявки

Я маю довгострокову роботу, яка пов'язана з нашим попереднім проектом 'Change Framework CMS from Shopify to Prestashop - PHP, HTML, CMS, SQL'

$15 - $15 / hr
$15 - $15 / hr
0 заявки
CarZone App Development
6 дні(-в) left

...Overview: Users can view and edit their own listings and track their past leasing requests. 2. Vehicle Listing: • Create a Listing: • Sellers can list their vehicles with all relevant details such as make, model, year, mileage, price, condition of the vehicle, and images. • Costs: The first listing costs 1 CHF, and each additional listing costs 9.95 CHF per month. • Document Upload: Sellers do not need to upload the vehicle registration certificate (vehicle ownership document). • Leasing Option: Sellers can add the option to offer the vehicle for leasing. 3. Search and Filter Function: • Search Function: Users can search for vehicles and filter them by various criteria (price, make, model, mileage, year, condition). • Advanced Fi...

$8576 Average bid
$8576 Сер. заявка
17 заявки
Make a php web application responsive for mobile devices
6 дні(-в) left

I would like to make a web application responsive. The web application is implemented using PHP, HTML, MySQL, and CSS and is designed to serve as a tournament manager for a tennis club. The goal is to ensure that all content within the web application (tables, input fields, tabs, etc.) is fully compatible with and user-friendly on all mobile devices. Additionally, the implementation should be designed in such a way that ongoing development and new features can be easily integrated into the existing design.

$473 Average bid
$473 Сер. заявка
172 заявки

...and pouches. Ideal Skills: - Experience in food and beverage packaging design - Proficiency in designing for plastic materials - Understanding of the requirements for bags and pouches packaging *I have already have the logo and required literature that needs to be on the packaging, just need to be reformatted to use for our pouch ordering for (pouch size 8x12"). It's for 3 different SKUs will upload information for the last two once we pick the initial design. *I like the currant template colors (attached PDF proof), that sort of represents the land, water and sky, would welcome something either exactly the same or similar in concept. Would welcome any layout suggestions as well for the information on the back of the package making it more appealing. Your task wil...

$74 Average bid
$74 Сер. заявка
97 заявки
Full-Stack Dev: PHP Overhaul & E-commerce Integration
23 годин(-и) left

Urgent Job Posting: Senior Full-Stack Developer (PHP + WIX/Shopify Integration) Project Type: Overhaul, documentation, and integration of a legacy PHP ticketing system into modern platforms (WIX/Shopify).
Budget: Hourly/daily rate (negotiable for proven expertise).
Urgency: Immediate start, full-time commitment until completion. Core Requirements - Expertise in Legacy PHP Systems - Ability to reverse-engineer, debug, and refactor undocumented, complex PHP code (custom-built ticketing system). - Experience modernizing spaghetti code into modular, scalable architecture. - Knowledge of PHP frameworks (Laravel, Symfony) to restructure code if needed. Integration with WIX & Shopify - Build secure, seamless connections between the PHP ticketing s...

$26 / hr Average bid
$26 / hr Сер. заявка
81 заявки
Searching for a TradingView programmer & Pine Script expert
6 дні(-в) left

I am searching for a TradingView programmer & Pine Script expert, who is able to support me in the next hours of coding.

$21 / hr Average bid
$21 / hr Сер. заявка
9 заявки
Simple Traditional Floor Plan Design
6 дні(-в) left

I'm in need of a very simple floor plan for an interior architecture student. The design should embody common elements typically employed by architects, interior designers, and engineers. The floor plan will be created on AutoCAD based on a fixed core plan. Key Requirements: - Inclusion of a study area and a dining room in the floor plan. - The overall style of the floor plan should be traditional. - Use of brick as a specified material; the plan should represent this appropriately. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in AutoCAD is a must. - Previous experience with interior architecture is preferred. - A deep understanding of traditional design elements will be beneficial. - Ability to create simple, non-professional designs suitable for a student.

$30 Average bid
$30 Сер. заявка
18 заявки
python script to scrape a company website
6 дні(-в) left

I need a freelancer who can create a python script to scrape a company website and store the contact details in a standard Excel format. The ideal candidate should have experience in data scraping and should be proficient in using Excel. The job involves: - Scraping contact details from a company website - Storing the data in a standard Excel format The freelancer should be able to work independently, deliver project asap, and maintain a high level of data accuracy.

$121 Average bid
$121 Сер. заявка
78 заявки
Custom Health & Safety Website & CRM
6 дні(-в) left

...that project is shown. OTS currently has similar feature. • Instant Audit Report Generation – Auto-compiles findings upon audit completion. #converts content of form to pdf to share. 7. Safety Equipment & PPE Inventory Management • Stock Tracking – Monitor PPE & safety equipment levels across projects. • Automated Reorder Alerts – Notify procurement when stock is low. #An inventory management script, u can add this to the side navigation, name it "PPE inventory" 8. Safety Officer Management & Performance Tracking • Maintain a database of safety officers (qualifications, certifications, on-the-job performance, disciplinary records, and awards). #The OTS system already has it, but we might need to rename it. 9. Co...

$238 Average bid
$238 Сер. заявка
59 заявки

...developer who can write a script to convert an XLS file into a CSV file with a specific layout. Key Requirements: - The script should keep specific columns only from the XLS file, which will be defined by me. - It should flip all rows to columns and vice versa, effectively transposing the entire dataset. - The developer should be proficient in Python and have experience working with data manipulation libraries like pandas or openpyxl. - It would also be beneficial if the developer has a good understanding of Excel and CSV file formats. Please note, the specific columns to be included in the CSV file are not the first 5 columns, nor are they all columns, but rather columns with specific names. I will provide these names once the project begins. Ultimately, I need a ...

$615 Average bid
$615 Сер. заявка
70 заявки

I'm looking for a talented scriptwriter to create a professional, engaging script for a marketing video aimed at boosting our brand awareness. Key Requirements: - Proven experience in writing scripts for marketing videos - Ability to convey brand message in a clear, compelling way - Excellent understanding of pacing, tone and audience engagement - Ability to write in a professional tone while still being engaging Skills: - Scriptwriting - Marketing Knowledge - Brand Communication - Audience Engagement Please share your relevant experience and any previous samples you have in your proposal.

$10 / hr Average bid
$10 / hr Сер. заявка
16 заявки

We have developed a multi door controller system to manage room access using MCU from Microchip type PIC24FJ256DA210 We have already developed firmware locally Problem is the hardware setup to upload the firmware has been unsuccessful ,although we have already used pickit3. We have verified the connections to the microcontroller and the correct configuration pins for the device in the mplab x ide. Upon uploading the firmware it says that, “Invalid Target Device ID”, please check connections to target device. My team checked the connections to the target device with the same bad results. We have installed all necessary packages required for the microcontroller. My engineer will share configuration settings and mplab x ide setup. Requirement need a firmware develope...

$105 Average bid
$105 Сер. заявка
12 заявки

...on and I'm looking for a web developer to create a simple business website for me. The website should showcase my services, display a gallery of my past projects, and provide my contact details via a contact form. Content: - I have some content prepared, but I will need help with the rest. - The developer will need to have experience with content creation and web development. Ideally, they should be able to provide valuable input on how to best present my services and past projects. Key Skills: - Proficiency in web development, particularly on the Wix platform. - Experience in content creation and digital marketing. - Ability to design an engaging and user-friendly interface. The goal of this project is to create a simple, yet effective website that accurately ...

$186 Average bid
$186 Сер. заявка
92 заявки

...Progress Tracking & Analytics: Show training consistency & improvement over time
✅ Video-Based Skill Analysis (AI-Powered): * Players upload videos of passing, shooting, or footwork * AI provides feedback & error detection (e.g., incorrect shooting technique)
✅ Messaging System: Direct communication between coaches, players, and parents
✅ Game Day Planner: Coaches set match lineups, formations, and strategies ? Additional Requirements: ? Experience in AI & Computer Vision (for video skill tracking)
? Strong background in sports/fitness apps (preferred)
? Ability to integrate payment systems for future premium features
? UI/UX skills to ensure a clean & simple design
? Experience with Firebase or AWS for backend & real-time updates ? Project Timeli...

$520 Average bid
$520 Сер. заявка
91 заявки
AI-Enhanced PDF Conversion Site Clone
6 дні(-в) left

...and fully responsive (mobile & desktop). Improve Design: Modernize and improve the current design (cleaner UI/UX, better visuals, etc.). Add AI Features: Integrate AI-powered services not present in the original site (e.g., AI-powered PDF summarization, OCR, or document translation). API Integrations: Integrate PDF conversion APIs (e.g., ILovePDF, , or Smallpdf). Ensure seamless file upload, conversion, and download functionality. Hosting & Deployment: Deploy the site on a reliable hosting platform (your recommendation). Key Notes for Freelancers: Do NOT bid if: You lack experience in replicating complex websites. You cannot deliver within 7 days. You cannot work within a low budget. Quote ONLY if: You have read and fully understood the requirements. You h...

$227 Average bid
$227 Сер. заявка
48 заявки
Core PHP Website Runtime Error Fix
6 дні(-в) left

I'm facing some runtime errors on my Core PHP website, primarily on the homepage. These issues are causing minor disruptions in the code and affecting the overall user experience. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in Core PHP - Experience with debugging runtime errors - Familiar with troubleshooting website issues I'm looking for a professional who can quickly diagnose and resolve these issues, ensuring that my website functions smoothly.

$15 Average bid
$15 Сер. заявка
29 заявки

I need a skilled freelancer to help me upload a Wikipedia article about my company from Mongolian to English. The article should primarily focus on the details of our products and services, highlighting key features and benefits. The ideal candidate should have a good understanding of Wikipedia's guidelines, and previous experience with Wikipedia article writing and translation is highly preferred. It's essential that the freelancer is capable of accurately conveying the unique aspects of our products and services for an English-speaking audience.

$3 / hr Average bid
$3 / hr Сер. заявка
5 заявки
Website Development
6 дні(-в) left

...Integration with payment gateways (Stripe, PayPal, etc.). International shipping support with dynamic shipping rates. Inventory management and product availability indicators. Wishlist and save-for-later features. Interactive Elements: Hover effects, micro-interactions, and subtle animations. Short, autoplaying video content on the homepage. Scroll-triggered storytelling sections. Content & SEO: Upload and format pre-prepared content (product descriptions, brand story, blog articles). On-page SEO optimization (meta tags, image alt texts, keyword optimization). Blog and content management system (CMS) for easy content updates. Reference Websites for Inspiration: Bella Vita Luxury - Navigation Menu Home Artisan - Product Pages Redwood Empire Whiskey - User Intera...

$239 Average bid
$239 Сер. заявка
10 заявки

I need assistance with an in-built Lua script. The script is interacting with software that can only be accessed FROM MY LAPTOP hence the project can be solved using screen share. The script processes string and numeric data and I need to extract specific subsets from this data. The ideal freelancer for this task should: - Be proficient in Lua programming - Be able to solve the project on the go while I share my screen for testing

$15 Average bid
$15 Сер. заявка
1 заявки

I'm encountering error messages in my JavaScript console that are affecting a specific function call. I need a knowledgeable JavaScript professional who can help me debug my script and resolve these issues. - Type of project: Script debugging - Specific issue: Error messages in the console - When they appear: During a specific function call Your expertise in JavaScript is crucial to help me fix these issues so my script can run smoothly.

$10 / hr Average bid
$10 / hr Сер. заявка
24 заявки

I need an expert to set up my CentOS VPS server. The tasks include installing Apache, PHP 8.2, setting up Let’s Encrypt SSL, configuring an SMTP server, and scheduling a cron job. Key Requirements: - Proficient with Linux, specifically CentOS. - Extensive experience with Apache and PHP installations. - Familiar with Let’s Encrypt SSL setup. - SMTP server configuration expertise. - Cron job scheduling knowledge. Please ensure to provide your relevant experience when bidding.

$16 Average bid
$16 Сер. заявка
16 заявки
Filezilla Server
6 дні(-в) left

I use Filezilla Server so that users can upload their files to my server. I would like to know if there is a way to create a program to see or graph how many users I have during the 24 hours of the day, to know in which time range I have the greatest load. Is this possible? Thanks.

$54 Average bid
$54 Сер. заявка
13 заявки

We need a starter website designed, developed, and deployed asap! 1. Homepage We want the background to be the same as in the attachment. We want the logo to be the feature on top of the background We want a fillable form with the following fields under the title Get Invited: (1) Name, (2) Organization, (3) Title, (4) Email, (5) Sta...We want a fillable form with the following fields under the title Get Invited: (1) Name, (2) Organization, (3) Title, (4) Email, (5) State We want a LinkedIn Logo on the bottom right of the page under a message that says follow us on Linkedin. 2. About Us Page: We want an about us link to take visitors to a webpage containing all of the content in the attached capabilities statement. Please upload samples of page 1 and page 2 of the website to be c...

$50 Average bid
25 робіт
Professional 2D Product Explainer Video
6 дні(-в) left

I'm seeking a talented animator who can create a 2D explainer video to promote a new product. The video should be in a Professional/Corporate style, aimed at Industry Experts. Key Aspects: - The primary aim of the video is to promote a new product. - The animation style should be...audience for the video is Industry Experts, so the content will need to be suitably detailed and sophisticated. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Strong portfolio of professional 2D animations. - Previous experience creating product explainer videos. - Understanding of how to tailor content for Industry Experts. - Excellent communication skills for understanding and implementing my vision. I have the script attached with this project description. Please review it and provide an estimate for time an...

$126 Average bid
$126 Сер. заявка
59 заявки

...the size of the pack in your video. If NO, why are you not purchasing anything? Before you end your video, please show the entire chocolate section/aisle on video. We must see/hear this in your video for it to be rewarded. Once you have responded to the questions above you may end your video. You must answer all of the questions above for your video to be rewarded. If you face any upload issues, kindly upload your video on YouTube, set the privacy settings to "unlisted" and share the video link with us via the Support section of the ProductTube App along with the Project ID and category within 24 hours of the final submission date. Please be aware that we won't be able to accept your video after the specified time....

$14 Average bid
$14 Сер. заявка
3 заявки

upload story everyday content creation once a week develop strategy part time WFA

$98 Average bid
$98 Сер. заявка
59 заявки

I'm seeking assistance to help upload data onto my website. The task involves researching and finding every run club in major cities including Sydney, Melbourne, Los Angeles, New York, and London. Key Responsibilities: - Look for both well-known and smaller run clubs in the specified cities. - Complete a submission request for each run club with all required information: run club name, description, city, suburb/neighborhood, exact meeting point, run type, time and day of the week, website and Instagram. - Save the list of found run clubs into an Excel spreadsheet, with each piece of information in a separate column. - Provide a brief overview of each run club in the submission. - Ensure high accuracy in all fields. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in data entry and ...

$267 Average bid
$267 Сер. заявка
26 заявки
6 дні(-в) left

I need a fix of my retirement home and property website. It has several design and layout issues that need addressing, as well as additional tasks that will improve the overall quality and usability of the site. Need to add multi language. It need to fix everything on one theme then copy and put in two domain. Need to upload and migrate site to another hosting company. Key tasks include: - Updating the color scheme - Redesigning the homepage layout - Improving the navigation menu layout and design - Adding new sections to the navigation menu - Fixing broken links or buttons in the navigation menu - Migrating the website to a new hosting server for two sites with separate domains - Making the site responsive for mobile - Installing an SEO plugin, Wordfence, and WPML multi langauge...

$158 Average bid
$158 Сер. заявка
136 заявки
Grasshopper Script for Road Alignment
6 дні(-в) left

I have a project requiring a custom Grasshopper script to align a longitudinal section with a road's curve. Details: - I have a DWG file of a road's longitudinal section and curve alignment. - The script needs to align the longitudinal section with the curve so that the road's surface matches. - Longitudinal section is provided at 0 coordinates, and the curve is in correct coordinates. - The script must also make necessary adjustments to XYZ data. Ideal candidates should be well-versed with Grasshopper 2.0 and have experience working with DWG files. A strong understanding of road geometry and elevation adjustments is crucial for this project.

$153 Average bid
$153 Сер. заявка
10 заявки

I need a vibrant and engaging story told over 19 paragraphs, with each paragraph made up of four lines. The protagonist should be a 19-year-old, navigating the ups and ...friendship during school years. - Develop classic cartoon-style illustrations that are relevant to each part of the story and can capture the mood and essence of the narrative. - Ensure the illustrations are of high quality, reflecting the aesthetics of classic cartoons. - The story should be divided into 19 paragraphs, each consisting of four lines. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in storytelling and script writing for children. - Experience in creating classic cartoon-style illustrations. - Understanding of the themes of friendship and school life. - Ability to maintain a happy and light-hearted tone throughout the ...

$20 / hr Average bid
$20 / hr Сер. заявка
26 заявки

I need two, 1 minute and 30 seconds long, video clips edited. The primary purpose of these videos is entertainment. Editing Requirements: - Cutting and trimming - Adding text or subtitles - Color correction I don't have a specific style or theme in mind, so you will have creative freedom in that regard. Ideal candidate should have: - Proficiency in video editing software - Experience in creating engaging entertainment content - Ability to add subtitles and text seamlessly - Skills in color correction to enhance visual appeal.

$6 / hr Average bid
$6 / hr Сер. заявка
35 заявки
Simple, Clean WordPress Landing Page Creation
6 дні(-в) left

I'm looking for a WordPress expert to create a simple, minimalistic and clean landing page for promoting an adult service. The landing page will primarily share information with a couple of images- all content will be provided. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in WordPress with a strong portfolio of landing page creations. - Excellent understanding of minimalistic and clean design principles. - Experience in embedding and optimizing images and for web - SEO knowledge to ensure the landing page is easily discoverable. - Good communication skills to understand and implement my vision.

$96 Average bid
$96 Сер. заявка
169 заявки

I'm looking for a skilled developer to create a medical store app using Android's Jetpack Compose. The app should offer the following core functionalities: - Online Ordering: Users can browse and order medicines online. - Prescription Upload: Users should be able to upload their prescriptions for medicines. - Medicine Information: The app should provide detailed information about different medicines. For user authentication, I prefer a simple Email and Password system. No complicated social media logins or phone verifications. The app will not require any payment gateways as all transactions will be free for now. Ideal skills for this job include: - Proficiency in Android development with Jetpack Compose - Experience in creating e-commerce or medical apps -...

$84 Average bid
$84 Сер. заявка
11 заявки
Integrate My HTML Design into PHP Smarty
6 дні(-в) left

I'm seeking an experienced PHP Smarty developer who can seamlessly integrate my fully responsive HTML design into a PHP Smarty template. *SITE IS NSFW* Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in PHP and Smarty - Strong skills in HTML/CSS - Experience with responsive web design

$464 Average bid
$464 Сер. заявка
169 заявки

I'm looking for a skilled animator to bring my concept to life in a fun, engaging cartoon-style 2D animation for YouTube. The purpose of this video is purely for entertainment. - Concept Development: While I have a basic concept, I will need your expertise and creativity to help flesh this out into a full script and storyline. - Animation: The animation needs to be high-quality, suitable for a wide audience and following typical cartoon style conventions. - Timing and Pacing: The video should be well-paced to keep viewers engaged throughout. Ideal candidates will have a strong portfolio in cartoon-style animation, as well as experience in creating content for YouTube. Creativity and the ability to contribute to the storyline development will be key to the success of this pro...

$16 Average bid
$16 Сер. заявка
8 заявки

I'm looking for a skilled video editor to create 5 engaging Instagram reels (30-60 seconds each) from the raw materials I provide. Key Requirements: - Expertly edit the provided pictures and videos to create compelling narratives aligning to the script (provided) - Incorporate animated text overlays at designated points, enhancing the message without overwhelming the visuals. - Include a high-quality, professional voiceover in US English that matches the motivational tone of the brand. Ideal Skills & Experience: - Proven experience in creating Instagram reels or similar content for brand awareness. - Excellent video editing skills, with a keen eye for pacing and visual storytelling. - Ability to align content with a specified pictures and videos. I need the completed r...

$837 Average bid
$837 Сер. заявка
22 заявки
Develop Automated IT Dropshipping Store on Shopify
6 дні(-в) left

...dropshipping eCommerce store, offering IT products and services to the Australian market. The store must be launch-ready, requiring no extra development post-handover. Task Scope: Responsive design with clear categories (e.g., Networking, PCs, Storage). Advanced search with category-wise filters. ? Dropshipping Integration Automate product imports, stock updates, and order fulfillment. ? Products Upload 100 SEO-optimized IT products with specs, features, images, and pricing. Optional service add-ons (installation). Product bundles and promotional deals. ? Payments Set up PayPal, Stripe, Zip Pay, and Afterpay (AUD). Display trust badges and “Buy Now, Pay Later” options. ? Shipping & Tax Australian shipping (flat rates, free shipping thresholds). Configure GS...

$91 Average bid
$91 Сер. заявка
54 заявки

I need a freelancer to install a PHP E-commerce script from Code Canyon on my Linux-based VPS server with HPanel. The database is already set up, so no assistance is needed for that. Key requirements: - Expertise in PHP and script installations - Experience with Code Canyon E-commerce scripts - Proficiency with Linux-based VPS servers - Knowledge of HPanel Additionally, I need assistance in setting up an app in Flutter. Ideal Skills: - Flutter development experience - Prior experience with e-commerce app setups in Flutter Please note: No customizations are required for the E-commerce script, just a straightforward installation.

$23 Average bid
$23 Сер. заявка
22 заявки