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    2,000 sending mail outlook link label event vb net знайдені роботи
    Editing a site on Wordpress
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    When creating an ad, the files uploaded to it are loaded but not displayed in the admin and ad (applies only to adding a new ad in Pending status). Attach the files uploaded to the ad when adding or editing to the admin's email (email sending is already configured). The ad page with Privat status should be displayed to the user who published it, now it redirects to a page with an error that such a page does not exist. Highlight ads on two pages with an orange frame

    $463 Average bid
    $463 Сер. заявка
    4 заявки

    ...в якому будуть докладно описані всі вищезгадані аспекти, включаючи конкретні технічні рішення, рекомендації щодо вибору обладнання та програмного забезпечення, а також опис усіх процесів, необхідних для реалізації інфраструктури SMTP серверів для трансакційних розсилок. Вимоги до кандидата: Досвід роботи з розробкою та впровадженням поштових систем (SMTP серверів). Знання технологій доставки e-mail, захисту доменів (DKIM, SPF, DMARC). Досвід роботи з високонавантаженими системами, що масштабуються. Знання питань безпеки та захисту даних.

    $259 Average bid
    $259 Сер. заявка
    1 заявки
    Web site (MVP) for new Startup Cocina
    Закінчився left

    ...• At the bottom of page button (see all), upon pressing shows all options (Chef cards) that are available. Chef Profile • Top left Big face image of Chef (design to easily add MUST TRY sign), on the right three icons: Heart (add to favourites), Text (Access to direct customer to chef in app chat (available only after placing an order)), Share (Availability to share Chef’s profile (Copy as link, automatically to WhatsApp, Telegram, Instagram, Facebook, X,) • Under row listing all kitchens that Chef is cooking. • Below same line scrolling to the right showing Most Popular Dishes, and then according to each type of dish. (Meat, Vegan, Main, Deserts etc.) Map • Map as in app Too Good To Go. • At top shows your location (taken automatic...

    $2623 Average bid
    $2623 Сер. заявка
    54 заявки

    Мені потрібно створити 3D персонажа з обличчям персонажа з GTA 5 і прив'язати його до Live Link Face в Unreal Engine 5 Фото персонажа з різних сторін надам і всі необхідні файли для цього також Приклад:

    $28 Average bid
    $28 Сер. заявка
    4 заявки

    ...никому, и он должен работать так же. Итак, вы можете предложить мне какой-нибудь лучший способ сделать это. Например мы сможем подключить dll-файл, который отвечает за выполнение скрипта (не знаю, какая dll отвечает). Видео показывает работу скрипта внутри приложения. Например мы бы могли преобразовать код в двоичный, а затем изменить приложение таким образом, чтобы вместо чтения текстового файла VB оно считывало наш двоичный файл или около того.

    $2 / hr Average bid
    $2 / hr Сер. заявка
    1 заявки

    ...парсер, який звертатиметься за xml-файлом розвантаження. Для отримання доступу до вивантаження файлу - підтвердьте IP-адреси вашої мережі, з якої надходять запити. У вкладенні – інструкція щодо формування запитів. У ній є опис наших тегів і три приклади коду на PHP, C# і AJAX (залежно від мови, яка використовується у вашій системі або зручна для програміста). Звертаю увагу, що у запиті вказується e-mail та пароль, які використовуються для входу на наш портал. Адреса сервісу вказана в інструкції, дублюю її тут: Також доступна можливість збільшення представленості та впізнаваності вашого інтернет-магазину в мережі, більш точного таргетування та, як наслідок, збільшення обсягу продажів пропонуємо підключити каталог ваших товарів до

    $189 Average bid
    $189 Сер. заявка
    5 заявки
    The Azurioum project
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    ...am interested in finalizing an open-source project: I am interested in the complete removal of all games except minecraft. (Or placing them in separate modules) I'm also interested in the authorization redesign. That is, there are already two types of authorization implemented there, either through mail (nickname) or through microsoft/mojang, I want the standard login through mail (nickname) to remain, and the licensed login through microsoft/mojang to be placed in a separate module. Also, I need to rework the store module and add the possibility of monthly subscriptions to it. Ideally, the module should be cleaned of all built-in payment methods it provides by default. The project was developed

    $90 Average bid
    $90 Сер. заявка
    3 заявки
    Project for Kateryna Y.
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    Доброго дня! Мене звуть Поліна, я HR навчального центру CyberBionic Systematics! Ми знаходимося у пошуку викладача по C#/.NET. За посиланням Ви можете дізнатися про умови роботи з нами: Коротко про наші переваги: • дистанційне викладання • гнучкий графік • сертифікація Microsoft Буду вдячна за Вашу відповідь, гарного дня!

    $10 / hr Average bid
    $10 / hr Сер. заявка
    1 заявки

    Ви створите генератор коду для Visual Studio, який створює веб-додатки в .NET Core.

    $19 / hr Average bid
    $19 / hr Сер. заявка
    5 заявки

    Потрібно розробити дизайн упаковки індустріального клею-герметику, який продається виключно через В2В. Наш private label: SATIBOND, Приклад чистої упаковки додається. Наше бачення в тому, що упаковка повинна бути схожою з нашим лого. Лого також додається. Якщо шановне панство має свої пропозиції по покарщенню лого, то ми відкриті до ваших пропозицій. Сергій (Removed by Freelancer.com Admin)

    $63 Average bid
    $63 Сер. заявка
    4 заявки
    jQuery plugin needed
    Закінчився left

    ...окремою кнопкою). Можлива доробка існуючого скрипта () або розробка нового. Обговорюється. У разі швидкого успішного виконання можлива постіна співпраця на довготривалому проекті. We need and jquery plugin, that will allow a dynamic changing of pruduct options (look) and its description with sending the result to db (add to cart, separate button). You can update the existing script ([login to view URL]) or write the new one. It's a matter of discuss. It's possible to get a long term deal if this project will be finished well and fast.

    $160 Average bid
    $160 Сер. заявка
    4 заявки

    Необхідно: - первинні основні налаштування порталу; - створення структури компанії; - налаштування поштової системи. Налаштування CRM: - Налаштування довідників CRM; - створення додаткових полів у об'єктах CRM для сегментації бази клієнтів та отримання правильної аналітики; - налаштування етапів об'єктів CRM згідно моделі продажів; - Інтеграція з E-mail; - Створення шаблонів рахунків; - Створення прав доступу та ролей співробітників. Підключення джерел лідогенерації: - підключення форм зворотного зв'язку; - підключення форм 1 лендінга; - налаштування 1 відкритої лінії у соц. мережах; - встановлення віджету чату та зворотного дзвінка; - підключення месенджерів. Навчання співробітників

    $30 - $250
    $30 - $250
    0 заявки

    ...запчастин до авто - структура бази даних - готова структура проекту. Написано на***: - .Net C# MVC - Entity Framework (code first) - Ninject as DI Потірібно доробити: - Юзер акаун - історія ордерів - ґест оредера - комyнікації поштoю - авторизацію для адмінки. - відсилання/перегляд ордерів - фільтрацію стандартнуй набір портеб. *** якшо маєте варіант простішого підходу для досягнення цілі (використання шаблонного магазину для завервення проекту) то я готовий вислухати. маєм 2-4 тижні і <> $250. бюджет не фіксований, усе залезить від вас. презентація того шо є і деталний опис того шо треба - по скайпу. P.S. якщо результат буде задовілним (тілки якщо використовуєм .Net, C# і MVC) то є можливість долучитися до іншого великого проекту.

    $403 Average bid
    $403 Сер. заявка
    10 заявки

    ...звіти та дослідження: огляд банківських ринків, спеціалізовані дослідження продуктів, окремих напрямків банківського сегменту МСБ, щомісячний моніторинг банківських продуктів та послуг. Детальніше див. https://studies.smebanking.club. • Міжнародні конференції та інші заходи для банкірів: детальніше див. https://events.smebanking.club. Нам необхідно підготувати два звіти: 1. CIS SME Banking Outlook 2017 - аналітичний огляд банківського ринку обслуговування клієнтів малого та середнього бізнесу в країнах СНД та Південного Кавказу. Аналіз базується на кількісних показників окремих ринків (деякі цифри - публічні; деякі - прийдеться збирати). 2. Digital Business Banking Study 2017 - глобальне дослідження розвитку цифрового банків, основних трендів та кращих практик цифрової...

    $1344 Average bid
    $1344 Сер. заявка
    2 заявки

    ...адміністратора; • Контекстна реклама Yandex Direct, Google AdWords • знання методів підбору ключових слів • знання методів зменшення ціни ліда • Робота з сайтами прайс-агрегаторами (оптимізація рекламних витрат ) • тестування рекламних кампаній • використання спеціальних технологій, які збільшують конверсію сайту • навики «переслідування» потенційних клієнтів в інтернеті по номеру телефону, e-mail, і т.д.• створення графічних файлів, оптимізація та аналіз рекламних компаній •Таргетована реклама • виявлення ЦА • створення оголошень та спліт тестування • робота із таргетингом та ретаргетингом • web аналітика •Реклама в тизерних мережах: • вибір стратегії та первинне налашту...

    $15 / hr Average bid
    $15 / hr Сер. заявка
    3 заявки
    Project for vsedletskiy
    Закінчився left

    Вітаю, В'ячеславе! Мене звати Світлана. Я представляю компанію Orange Sputnik. Наш клієнт шукає .NET Developer для роботи в Польщі (Rzeszow). Необхідне знання польської та англійської. Якщо Вас цікавить ця позиція, я хотіла б обговорити її з Вами. Могли б вислати свої контакти? Дякую

    $150 Average bid
    $150 Сер. заявка
    1 заявки

    ...ротації відео та аудіо. 5)Організація турів гурту(домовитись про участь у фестивалях),концертах по Україні та Закордоном А)літні фестивалі Б)благодійні коцерти(з осені) В)Закордонні концерти(через діаспору та неурядові/волонтерські організаціі) Г)участь в річницях/урочистостях,концертах пам'яті і тд 6.Комунікація із ЗМІ(запрошення на ТВ програми,ротація на муз.ТВ і радіо,робота з пресою 7.Event management: участь у благодійних вечорах,заходах,активностях 8.Co-promotion: участь гурту в аудіо треках до українських фільмів,серіалів,соц.та комерц.реклами,співпраця із режисерами,акторами,художниками) (Internet) PR А) управлвинні оф.сторінками гурту.Залучення фоловерів і "підтримка пульсу"сторінки через публікаціі:анонси концертів,новини гурту,фотозвіти,прем&#...

    $535 Average bid
    $535 Сер. заявка
    2 заявки
    Global Team-Building Event Concept Development
    6 дні(-в) left

    I'm in need of a creative and experienced event planner to help us devise a concept for making our large-scale event more inclusive and international. With 800 attendees at one location, we want to ensure that all our employees, regardless of their region, can participate in a way that promotes our company culture. Key Responsibilities: - Develop engaging team-building activities for regional events in NAM, SAM, MAI, SEA, Europe and China. - Incorporate essential elements such as collaborative tasks, friendly competitions, and networking opportunities into these activities. - Ensure the event concept is adaptable and appealing for different geographic locations. Ideal Skills: - Proven experience in event planning, particularly for large-scale corporate e...

    $133 Average bid
    $133 Сер. заявка
    8 заявки
    Speed dating apps
    6 дні(-в) left

    ... Instagram, or both. Additionally, I need a feature to enable a speed dating mode, allowing participants to click yes or no on the event night, and enabling me to post events Need a countdown timer for the time to move around & to the next person as can come up with the photo and name of each person Please include an admin panel or dashboard to manage users and events. The app should be available on any platform. The app should have a basic design with minimal branding. Please use the following technology stack: Any. communication Implement basic encryption for user data and interactions. The app should include push notifications for user updates and event reminders. Include a matching algorithm for the speed dating mode. Implement email verification for user accou...

    $13 Average bid
    $13 Сер. заявка
    5 заявки
    Comprehensive Marketing Strategy Development
    6 дні(-в) left

    About Us Our company is a forward-thinking company dedicated to delivering innovative solutions in [industry/sector]. We are looking for an experienced Marketing Manager who can lead the development and execution of a comprehensive marketing strategy across digital, outbound, and event channels. Job Overview The Marketing Manager will own the planning, execution, and measurement of our marketing initiatives. You will manage our digital presence, lead generation efforts, advertising, content marketing, and event participation. This role requires a creative thinker with data-driven insights to drive brand awareness and revenue growth. Key Responsibilities Strategy Development & Execution Design and implement a multi-channel marketing strategy that includes inbound (SEO, ...

    $50 / hr Average bid
    $50 / hr Сер. заявка
    12 заявки
    Equipment Consultation for Sports Event Recording
    6 дні(-в) left

    I'm in need of professional guidance on the necessary equipment for an online job where I plug a radio or phone into a camera for sound. This project involves video recording sports events. Key Requirements: - Expertise in sports event recording - Knowledge of suitable equipment for various distances - Understanding of how to connect audio output from a phone to the camera - Knowledge of wireless audio solutions. - Expertise in managing power supply and battery life for prolonged shooting. - Experience with weather-resistant equipment suitable for outdoor sports events. - Understanding of live streaming setups and requirements. - Proficiency in syncing audio from multiple sources with video. - Knowledge of equipment with night mode and low-light capabilities. - Understanding ...

    $167 Average bid
    $167 Сер. заявка
    9 заявки
    Camera Setup for Event Recording
    6 дні(-в) left

    I'm in need of assistance to set up a camera for recordi...the camera's memory card. - Adjust the frame composition to capture the event effectively. - Adjust the lighting to ensure the subject is well-lit. - Conduct a dry run before the event to troubleshoot potential issues. Skills Needed: - Familiarity with various types of cameras (DSLR, mirrorless, camcorder) - Proficiency in audio equipment and connections (3.5mm jack, XLR input, USB input) - Experience with both wired and wireless connections, including Bluetooth Ideal Candidate: - Able to work with any type of camera or audio input the client has - Comfortable with any type of connection for sound - Able to troubleshoot and adapt to different equipment as necessary The event duration is less than ...

    $14 Average bid
    $14 Сер. заявка
    8 заявки

    I'm looking for a skilled videographer to capture my 18th birthday party and create a highlight reel. Key Requirements: - Experience in creating highlight reels - Ability to capture key moments and interactions - Creativity in editing th...for a skilled videographer to capture my 18th birthday party and create a highlight reel. Key Requirements: - Experience in creating highlight reels - Ability to capture key moments and interactions - Creativity in editing the video While I haven't specified particular parts of the event to be filmed, I expect the videographer to have the intuition to capture guests' interactions and significant activities. Skills and Experience: - Prior work with highlight reels is a must - Excellent understanding of event filming - P...

    $250 - $750
    $250 - $750
    0 заявки

    I am seeking an editor who can enhance our footage for an upcoming campaign by the Rotaract Club of Ramnarain Ruia College, a non-profit organization in Mumbai. The project involves a series of reels aimed at both raising awareness and promoting an event. Editing Style: - A blend of cinematic and documentary editing techniques will be required to create visually compelling and engaging content. Tone: - The reels should convey an inspirational message. The editing should help to uplift the viewer and instill a sense of hope and motivation. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in cinematic and documentary editing - Ability to create quick cuts and transitions - Experience with creating content for non-profit organizations - Understanding of how to convey an inspirational message through e...

    $7 Average bid
    $7 Сер. заявка
    12 заявки
    Connect Mobile/Radio to Camera for Live Sound
    6 дні(-в) left

    ...Proficiency with various camera types - Expertise in audio equipment and connections - Experience with both wired and wireless setups - Knowledge of how to ensure high sound quality for live events - Knowledge of efficient battery solutions for prolonged live event coverage. - Skills in setting up redundant systems to ensure uninterrupted sound capture. - Experience in managing latency issues to ensure synchronized audio-video during live events. - Expertise in using lightweight and portable sound and camera equipment for mobile event coverage. - Ability to manage multiple devices simultaneously, ensuring seamless operation. - Understanding of software solutions that can integrate mobile, radio, and camera inputs. - Experience in setting up robust network solutions to supp...

    $18 Average bid
    $18 Сер. заявка
    4 заявки
    WordPress Site & Online Shop Revamp
    6 дні(-в) left

    ...before their birthdays. - Allowing customers to select their preferred delivery date and time for an additional fee. - Developing a system that suggests alternative items during checkout if other items are in the cart. - Implementing automated reminder emails for abandoned carts. - Adding social media sharing options to product pages. - Integrating AI live chat support for customer inquiries. - Sending automated emails requesting product reviews after purchase. - Optimizing product pages for SEO to improve search rankings. - increase Website stability and speed. I am open to recommendations for plugins or tools that can facilitate these improvements. Ideal skills and experience for the job: - Proficient in WordPress - Experience with WooCommerce or similar platforms - Knowledg...

    $166 Average bid
    $166 Сер. заявка
    81 заявки
    Interactive Digital Contract Development
    6 дні(-в) left

    ...be able to be signed, have necessary fields filled out, and be compatible with both iOS and Android devices, as well as desktop or laptop computers. The contract should have both online and offline functionality. Key Requirements: - The digital contract must include various input fields such as text fields and checkboxes. - It should have a designated area for the signatory and be capable of sending the completed contract to an email upon submission. - The signing method will be a digital signature, so the developer needs to implement this feature. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in PDF and contract digitization - Experience in developing cross-platform applications - Knowledge in implementing various input fields in a digital format - Familiarity with digital signat...

    $27 Average bid
    $27 Сер. заявка
    6 заявки
    Corporate Event Management -- 604
    6 дні(-в) left

    I'm in need of a seasoned professional or team for comprehensive planning and coordination of a corporate event. The venue has been secured already, so the focus will be on ensuring the event runs smoothly from start to finish. This project requires: - Extensive experience in event planning and coordination, particularly for corporate functions. - Exceptional organizational skills to manage various aspects of the event. - A proactive approach to problem-solving and ensuring a seamless event experience. Please, only bid if you have demonstrable experience in similar projects.

    $260 Average bid
    $260 Сер. заявка
    1 заявки
    ZOHO Creator Vendor Management Application
    6 дні(-в) left

    I need a custom-built ZOHO application for efficient vendor management. Key Features: - A shareable link for vendors to fill out their details (Company Name, Vendor Name, Email, Position, Phone, Address) - Automatic email dispatch to both the company and the vendor post form submission. - Contract issuance upon form completion. - Comprehensive vendor profiles with form details plus reminders for contract, insurance, and badge expirations (45 days prior). - An assets list within the app for assigning/unassigning assets, reflecting in both the assets list and vendor profile. - Document upload capability per vendor profile. - A feature for sending project announcement emails to vendors based on their designated "positions". Positions to include: - Various technician...

    $1500 - $3000
    $1500 - $3000
    53 заявки
    Initiate a Project Collaboration Group Chat
    6 дні(-в) left

    ...control settings to define who can join, view, and participate in the chat. - Provide robust search functionality to easily find messages, files, and tasks within the chat. - Enable integration with other project management tools like Trello, Asana, or Jira. - Ensure that all changes and updates are reflected in real-time for seamless collaboration. - Include a feature for scheduling meetings and sending calendar invites directly from the chat. - Ensure the group chat is accessible and fully functional on mobile devices. - Implement security features such as end-to-end encryption to protect sensitive information. The ideal freelancer for this project should be experienced in setting up and managing group chats. Any tools or features that can facilitate collaboration, such as fil...

    $58 Average bid
    $58 Сер. заявка
    10 заявки
    Urgent: SendGrid API Blocked IP Issue
    6 дні(-в) left

    I'm currently facing a critical issue with my email integration through the SendGrid API. My server has blocked the IP address, preventing me from sending emails. - Problem: The IP address has been blocked. - Urgency: I need a professional who can quickly diagnose and fix this issue. - Skills Required: Extensive experience with SendGrid API, server management, and email integration troubleshooting is essential. Promptness and efficiency will be highly appreciated as this issue is affecting my communication.

    $22 Average bid
    $22 Сер. заявка
    6 заявки
    TikTok Ads Manager for Local Event
    6 дні(-в) left

    I'm looking for an experienced TikTok Ads Manager to help promote a series of cultural events I'm hosting. Your main task will be to create and manage targeted ad campaigns on TikTok, focusing on local audiences. Key Responsibilities: - Design engaging ad content to promote the events - Implement targeted ads based on specific demographics (age, interests, etc.) - Optimize campaign performance based on real-time analytics - Provide regular updates on campaign performance and reach Ideal Candidate: - Proven experience managing TikTok ad campaigns - Strong understanding of regional demographics and interests - Excellent communication skills for regular updates - Creative mindset for designing engaging ad content Your expertise will be crucial in raising awareness and driving at...

    $11 / hr Average bid
    $11 / hr Сер. заявка
    15 заявки

    ...after hours phone calls. Key Tasks: - Setting up the AI voice agent to perform specific functionalities - Creating webhooks for seamless connectivity and interaction - Integrating the system with Zapier for enhanced automation and efficiency Desired AI Voice Agent Functions: - Checking calendar availability to manage calls efficiently - Transferring calls to live agents during business hours - Sending caller's information to a live agent's email - Connecting the AI voice agent to a proprietary CRM Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in using the Retell Ai platform - Extensive experience in creating webhooks - Expertise in integrating systems with Zapier - Familiarity with setting up AI voice agents - Ability to connect to proprietary systems - Excellent unders...

    $1137 Average bid
    $1137 Сер. заявка
    59 заявки
    Interactive Tennessee SVG Map Creation
    6 дні(-в) left

    I'm seeking a skilled developer to create a clickable SVG map of Tennessee by counties. The map should be sourced from Google Maps and include labels for county names and major cities. Key Requirements: - The map should be compatible with my current setup on MapSVG. - Each county on the map needs to be clickable, with the functionality to direct to link...solid lines. - Ensure the map is fully responsive and functional on mobile devices. - Make major cities clickable with the ability to add specific links to them as well. - Include a zoom feature to allow users to get a closer view of specific counties. Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience with SVG and interactive map creation. - Familiarity with MapSVG. - Strong attention to detail for accurate label placement and boundary ...

    $139 Average bid
    $139 Сер. заявка
    58 заявки
    Development of a real estate SAAS application
    6 дні(-в) left

    ...build a robust SAAS application. AI-Powered Home Search Portal (SaaS Multi-Tenant) – High-Level Spec Project Overview I am looking for a development team to build an AI-powered real estate search portal with the functionality of or Zillow, enhanced with AI-driven insights and lead generation tools. The platform will be a multi-tenant SaaS system, allowing real estate agents to white-label and resell it under their own branding. It will use IDX and VOW feeds to provide real-time MLS data, including access to sold listings from the past 24 months. Core Features 1. Real Estate Search & Listings - MLS integration via IDX/VOW feeds. - AI-powered personalized home search based on user behavior. - Advanced filters (price, amenities, equity potential, etc.). - Map-based sear...

    $4094 Average bid
    $4094 Сер. заявка
    61 заявки
    Developer for Partner Program and API Build
    6 дні(-в) left

    ...Partner Program, Subscriptions API and event-driven system for our platform. The goal of this project is to enable creators to apply for various tiers of our partner program based on milestones they achieve, such as gaining followers, completing stream hours, and engaging with their audience. As part of the project, you will develop an API that allows users to track their progress, apply for different partner tiers (e.g., 60/40, 70/30, 80/20 revenue splits), and complete a questionnaire that helps filter their application based on eligibility criteria. The system will automatically route applications for review, sending higher-tier applications to agents for final approval and placing others in a review queue. The job will involve creating an event-driven architec...

    $1446 Average bid
    $1446 Сер. заявка
    55 заявки
    Send mail to clients from dbase
    6 дні(-в) left

    I want customers to fill out a form and then it Will be sent to mailadresses i have in a database(mysql). For example 10-20 mailadresses.

    $125 Average bid
    $125 Сер. заявка
    65 заявки

    HI i need 1 email template, modern style email template for website . The template should replace embedded old email type for mail verification, password reset, message, creating listings/promotion. Email Template Requirements: - Header and footer - Call-to-action button - Social media links- body message In addition to the email template, I also need help with page scroll pagination fixation. turn a div into horizontal scrolling. turn around for this job is one day.

    $21 Average bid
    $21 Сер. заявка
    26 заявки

    I'm looking for a supplier of candles and candle holders for an upcoming event. The specifics are: - 40-50 tapered white candles with glass, classic style, clear color holders and hurricane enclosures - 20 pillar candles with similar holders and enclosures - 70 tealight candles & holders, all of which should be glass, classic, and clear. The ideal freelancer for this project would have prior experience in sourcing or producing candles and candle holders. They should have access to quality materials and be able to deliver on time. Please provide samples of your previous work if available.

    $517 - $1034
    $517 - $1034
    0 заявки

    ...reclamos en Angular. ? Estado actual: Backend (.NET Core) y frontend (Angular) funcionando, con base de datos en SQL Server. Documentación disponible en historias de usuario (se entregarán al freelancer). ? Requisitos técnicos: Angular 12+, .NET Core 3.1+, Entity Framework Core. Experiencia con integración de APIs de Microsoft 365 (Power Automate). ? Colaboración: Trabajo en equipo con un desarrollador backend asignado. Reuniones semanales (Zoom) + seguimiento diario (Slack). Lo que ofrecemos: Flexibilidad de plazos (prioridad en avance continuo). Acceso al repositorio de código y esquema de la base de datos. Pago seguro una vez aprobados los hitos. Buscamos: Freelancer con experiencia en sistemas empresariales y man...

    $163 Average bid
    $163 Сер. заявка
    16 заявки
    C# ASP.NET Backend Dependency Troubleshooting
    6 дні(-в) left

    I'm experiencing dependency issues in the backend of my C# ASP.NET project. The problem primarily revolves around missing references. Despite my efforts to resolve the issue by installing the necessary packages, I still encounter persistent errors related to Sy...C# ASP.NET project. The problem primarily revolves around missing references. Despite my efforts to resolve the issue by installing the necessary packages, I still encounter persistent errors related to System.Injections. Key Requirements: - Expertise in C# ASP.NET - Proficient in troubleshooting dependency issues - Experience with - Familiarity with dependency management in .NET I'm open to discussing a price per question answered. Your timely and insightful responses could greatly aid in resolving these issu...

    $33 Average bid
    $33 Сер. заявка
    24 заявки

    I need help with a mail merge project. I have a Word document that needs to be populated with names and from an Excel file. And then I then I also need one for mailing labels or printing on envelopes. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Microsoft Word and Excel - Experience with mail merge - Attention to detail

    $109 Average bid
    $109 Сер. заявка
    75 заявки

    I'm looking for a skilled photo editor who can seamlessly add me into a special event group photo. The background of the original image should remain unchanged, but I need to be inserted into the scene in a way that allows me to blend in naturally with the rest of the group. Key Requirements: - Proficient in Adobe Photoshop - Experience with photo manipulation and retouching - Ability to create realistic edits that are not noticeable - Keen eye for detail to ensure consistency in lighting, shadows, and perspective - Refine the edges of hair to avoid any visible cut-out lines. - Ability to match skin tones to ensure consistency with other group members. The final image should be in standard resolution. The final image should be in web resolution (72 dpi). The client will pro...

    $25 Average bid
    $25 Сер. заявка
    63 заявки

    I need someone to attend the 48th Iraq International Fair in Baghdad from February 1st to 7th, to collect the event catalog. The catalog contains the names of the exhibitors. Your task will be to send the catalog to my address in Morocco. If you are able to arrange to receive the electronic catalog, that would also be fine. Please note that I do not require photos or additional information about the fair or exhibitors, just the catalog.

    $20 Average bid
    $20 Сер. заявка
    3 заявки
    EDI Integration for WordPress E-commerce
    6 дні(-в) left

    Please dont bid and try to negotiate after bidding. I need a seasoned professional to integrate EDI functionalities into my WordPress e-commerce site. The integration will involve sending and receiving Order Acknowledgments, Invoices, and Delivery details. Key Tasks: - Integrate Third-party EDI service into the site - Ensure the EDI data is formatted in XML upon receipt. All necessary XML file format notes from the supplier have been provided. Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience with WordPress E-commerce site development. - Proven track record of EDI integration. - Proficient in working with Third-party EDI services. - Strong understanding of XML data formatting. Please only apply if you have relevant experience and can deliver on this project promptly.

    $172 Average bid
    $172 Сер. заявка
    97 заявки
    Transfer Email Accounts to Wix Business Mail
    6 дні(-в) left

    I need urgent assistance with transferring my email accounts and domain from Godaddy 365 to Wix Business Mail. I have a total of 5 email accounts that need to be transferred. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in Wix, Godaddy 365 and email migration - Expertise in troubleshooting email issues - Experience in transferring email accounts and domains - Excellent communication skills Please bid if you can help me fix this issue promptly. Thank you.

    $14 Average bid
    $14 Сер. заявка
    5 заявки
    Mixed Media Video Ad Creation
    6 дні(-в) left

    ...to produce a 1:30 minute mixed media (both animated and live-action) video ad for me. The video will serve to announce an upcoming event, and should have a tone that is both professional and informative. Key tasks: - Transform raw content and script (provided) into a compelling video - Use of mixed media style to engage viewers - Adhere to the tone of being professional and informative Ideal skills and experience: - Previous work in creating mixed media video ads - Strong understanding of how to convey event details in an engaging way - Excellent video editing and animation skills - Ability to deliver within a set timeframe Please refer to the provided link for a sample of the style I'm looking for: The raw content and script can be found here:

    $68 Average bid
    $68 Сер. заявка
    13 заявки

    I'm looking for a talented and experienced candid photographer for my anniversary. The style should be natural and relaxed, capturing the event as it unfolds without too much interference. Key Focus Areas: - The Ceremony: I want the main event of the day captured in all its glory. - Guest Interactions: Some of the best moments will happen between our guests, so capturing their interactions is key. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in candid photography, especially at similar events. - Ability to work in a natural and relaxed style. - Good interpersonal skills to blend in with guests without being intrusive.

    $17 - $144
    $17 - $144
    0 заявки