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    2,000 php file upload script github знайдені роботи

    ...with Google Analytics for traffic and booking data. User Privileges: Director (full rights) Administrator (manage daily operations) Optional: Additional roles (mechanics, accountants) in the future. 6. Additional Features / Considerations Integration with CRM (optional, but desired if feasible): So we can track repeated customers, provide loyalty programs, and store vehicle service history. File Upload / Gallery: Showcases our equipment, workshop images, or success stories (before/after repairs). Security & Backups: SSL certificate, GDPR compliance, regular data backups. Mobile-Friendliness: Must be thoroughly tested on iOS/Android devices. 7. Marketing & Promotion Content Management: A blog or news section for promotions (seasonal tire changes, new equipment arr...

    $14 / hr Average bid
    $14 / hr Сер. заявка
    19 заявки

    Завдання: Система представляє собою "хаб" API інтеграцій між іншими системами. Необхідно вміння роботи з різноманітним API. Розуміння та вміння налаштовувати CRON задачі. Робота з БД mysqli. Ключові навички: php, mysqli, фреймворк, cron, API, keitaro/tiktok/facebook. (removed by Freelancer.com admin)

    $13 / hr Average bid
    $13 / hr Сер. заявка
    20 заявки

    Треба переписати сайт з html на php, створити вкладку "login" де можно увійти у режим адміну де можна керувати сайтом, та підв'язати до цього всього датабазу

    $21 Average bid
    $21 Сер. заявка
    5 заявки

    До цих 6 завдань я надам код прикладу, як це повинно виглядати, опис завдань, як їх треба зробити. Все це треба завантажити на Github у мій репозиторій .Та також важливий аспект щоб воно працювало. Від вас очікується швидка робота, на що я щедро заплачу.

    $23 Average bid
    $23 Сер. заявка
    6 заявки

    Привіт потрібен будьякий проект на react/vue або angular + бажано flask або джанго. Задеплоїти на сому компі

    $10 - $30
    $10 - $30
    0 заявки
    PHP Full-stack developer
    Закінчився left

    Для нашого онлайн магазину шукаємо PHP розробника фрілансера Маємо два цікаві проекти. Завдання: Шукамо фрілансера для розвитку наших веб-магазинів електронної комерції за допомогою найсучасніших веб-технологій для різних пристроїв (мобільних, планшетів) Профіль: • Хороші знання з програмного забезпечення (об'єктно-орієнтований дизайн, шаблони проектування, тестування) • самостійна робота та вирішення проблем • високий рівень мотивації • Досвід роботи з PHP, Symfony, Laravel або Zend, є перевагою • Вільне володіння німецькою чи англійською мовами • Дуже хороші знання PHP, MySQL та JavaScript • Добре знання HTML (5) та CSS (3)

    $200 Average bid
    $200 Сер. заявка
    1 заявки

    Потрібно поступово (по частинах) переписати застарівший самописний PHP інтернет-магазин з асортиментом декілька тисяч товарів на фреймворк Django, розширюючи його теперішній функціонал. Обов'язково: - попередній досвід веб-розробки на Django; - досвід створення RESTful API; - розуміння PHP. Бажано: - досвід на подібних проектах в ролі Senior; - досвід роботи з Flask; - досвід роботи з Vue.js; - досвід роботи з PostgreSQL.

    $2025 Average bid
    $2025 Сер. заявка
    4 заявки

    needs to be finalized - add btc, payeer, perfect money, yandex money, visa / mastercard, pay pal payment methods. And also to add the calculator of interest calculation concerning the purchased investment packages by the client (so that the client can see the purchased package and accruing on it depending on the elapsed time and for the current period after payment in his own office). Change the site's payment currency to dollars, euros, rubles, pounds. The project budget is 50 Euros, but we can discuss.

    $200 Average bid
    $200 Сер. заявка
    8 заявки

    Рекламна агенція Афіша Прикарпаття шукає PHP-програміста для виправлення технічних помилок на сайті ap.if.ua. Сайт написано за допомогою фреймворку Laravel, попередній програміст пояснить всі технічні деталі. Приблизна вартість всіх виправлень на сайті - 10000 грн. Можливо будуть добавлятись нові пункти, за додаткову оплату. Якщо працювати 5 днів в тиждень то все можна закінчити приблизно за пару тижнів, залежить від ваших навичок. Нам потрібна тільки людина з Івано-Франківська(та області) для того, щоб ми могли зустрічатись в офісі Афіша Прикарпаття, також при необхідності можливе виділення робочого місця.

    $515 Average bid
    $515 Сер. заявка
    7 заявки
    Project for Oleksii B.
    Закінчився left

    Привіт, олексій. Маємо для тебе цікаву інформацію про роботу на парттайм :) Ми плануємо цілий сет інтеграцій першою може бути Visual Studio Code - таку саму штуку тільки для VSCode пізніше ще кілька інтеграцій. вже з іншими системами GitHub crowdin/a. Що скажеш? :)

    $100 - $100
    $100 - $100
    0 заявки
    jQuery plugin needed
    Закінчився left

    Необхідно розробити jquery плагін, що буде дозволяти дінамічну зміну компонентів продукту та їх опис з подальшою пере...net/layout/) або розробка нового. Обговорюється. У разі швидкого успішного виконання можлива постіна співпраця на довготривалому проекті. We need and jquery plugin, that will allow a dynamic changing of pruduct options (look) and its description with sending the result to db (add to cart, separate button). You can update the existing script ([login to view URL]) or write the new one. It's a matter of discuss. It's possible to get a long term deal if this project will be finished well and fast.

    $160 Average bid
    $160 Сер. заявка
    4 заявки
    fetchmail retry script
    Закінчився left

    При роботі з деякими pop3/imap серверами за допомогою fetchmail час від часу виникає помилка, наприклад: fetchmail: Unknown login or authentication error on user@server fetchmail: socket error while fetching from user@server При цьому логін/пароль вірний, так як через декілька спроб запит виконується успішно. Завдання - написати скрипт, котрий буде відстежувати помилки вказані вище, засинати на певну кількість секунд і пробувати знову. На початку скрипту повинні бути налаштування: 1) кількість спроб 2) час очікування між спробами 3) перелік типів помилок, які повинні бути відстежені за текстом помилки для виконання наступних спроб, наприклад %socket error while fetching from% 4) перелік exit codes (вказані в man fetchmail), які повинні бути відстежені за номером коду для виконання на...

    $10 - $30
    $10 - $30
    0 заявки

    Доброго дня. Я партнер міжнародної IT-компанії, яка займається розробкою додатків та сайтів (від звичайних лендінгів до повноцінних адмін-сторінок) для американського ринку. Ми шукаємо працьовитих і готових до навантаження PHP девелоперів. У команді мало людей, тож усі мають достатньо роботи і справді дружні між собою. Майже усі наші працівники з України, тож проблем з комунікацією немає. Більшість контактів будуть здійснюватись через менеджерів компанії та мене, тож безпосередній контакт з клієнтами англійською буде відсутній. Однак володіння англійською хоча б на простому розмовному рівні потрібне, оскільки мій парнер по бізнесу - американець, і комунікація з ним у вас буде. Розпочати роботу ви зможете після кількох етапів відбору (тест на навики та коротка скайп-розмова) та р...

    $15 / hr Average bid
    $15 / hr Сер. заявка
    2 заявки
    Закінчився left

    Необідно знати і любити: - React.js, - HTML5, CSS, - Redux, Flux, Relay, - PHP, - JS, - ENGLISH B1-B2. Не завадять додаткові знання з: - Drupal 7,8, - GraphQL, - Postman, - Facebook workflow for React. Коротко про проект: - 4 місяці безмежно цікавих задач (part-time and full-time). - робота з Drupal сайтом. БУДЬ ЛАСКА, НАДСИЛАЙТЕ ВАШІ ЗАЯВКИ З ПОРТФОЛІО І ПОСИЛАННЯМ НА GITHUB. ДЯКУЮ! З НЕТЕРПІННЯМ ЧЕКАТИМУ ВАШИХ ПРОПОЗИЦІЙ!

    $20 / hr Average bid
    $20 / hr Сер. заявка
    4 заявки

    Я маю довгострокову роботу, яка пов'язана з нашим попереднім проектом 'Change Framework CMS from Shopify to Prestashop - PHP, HTML, CMS, SQL'

    $15 - $15 / hr
    $15 - $15 / hr
    0 заявки
    API Security Certificates Management & Debugging
    6 дні(-в) left

    ...environment, so I can't really take much risk of crashing my App. I have my pfx file, and it works perfectly in Windows outside of my Java App. The pfx file is used to handshake with those servers. With the handshake, I receive two strings of text (a "token" and a "sign") And with that token & sign, I can consume the webservice freely for 12 hours. Meaning: I only use the certificate every 12 hours to obtain a token and a sign. This is managed by an automated procedure, I think the name is Cron, in Linux. (The Windows way, is another way to make "the handshake" outside my server) Every year, when I renew the pfx file with a new certificate I upload it to the server /home/xxx/*.pfx and replace the old one After replacing ...

    $10 - $30
    $10 - $30
    0 заявки
    Versatile Content-Writer Wanted -- ₹10,000/month
    6 дні(-в) left

    ...Familiarity with grammar basics to produce error-free content - Eagerness to develop technical and social media writing skills - Basic editing skills with attention to clarity and coherence - Enthusiasm to learn time management and audience analysis - Openness to multitask and handle multiple assignments - Open to work on any task other than content writing as well. Like social media posting, blog upload on WordPress, etc. If required, we will provide you training as well. Experience: - Relevant experience is a plus - A basic understanding of content creation and the ability to meet deadlines Working Days: - Mon to Sat - 10 am to 7:00 pm ** We always give you 5-star feedback ** We will not create or release milestones in advance. I will make payments on a weekly or monthly bas...

    $68 Average bid
    $68 Сер. заявка
    8 заявки

    I'm looking for a professional who can convert my 36mb IFC file into a Rhino 3DM file. The primary purpose of this conversion is to enable 3D modeling. Key Details: - The Rhino 3DM file does not need to be optimized for any specific rendering engine. - There are no specific requirements regarding layers or materials in the conversion; just the geometry is sufficient.

    $39 Average bid
    $39 Сер. заявка
    4 заявки

    ...allow users to upload a photo of their prescription, and based on the image, the app will: Extract the prescribed medications using image recognition technology. Compare prices for the medications from various local chemist shops. Display a list of the nearest, most affordable chemists along with their contact details and ratings. Enable users to navigate to the chosen chemist or pharmacy. The application will also have an in-built feature for users to set up accounts to track their prescriptions, purchase history, and receive notifications of discounts or promotions. Additionally, we will include ad placements for monetization, so the app will also require ad integration for banner and full-screen ads. Key Features: Prescription Image Upload: A feature allowing users ...

    $134 Average bid
    $134 Сер. заявка
    6 заявки

    Upgrade PHP version 8.2 Upgrade Joomla 5.2 version Make the theme compatible with joomla 5.2

    $180 Average bid
    $180 Сер. заявка
    1 заявки

    I need a C script expert to help me fix a buffer overflow in a C script for a Capture The Flag (CTF) challenge. The overflow needs to allow exploitation via "ret2libc". I've been unable to exploit it due to some stack misplacement issues. Requirements: - Must be highly skilled in C programming. - Proven experience with buffer overflow and "ret2libc" exploitation. - Familiarity with Linux platform. - Ability to provide a comprehensive write-up upon project completion. The project will only be marked as completed after you issue the write-up and we verify it's working. I'm currently facing a segmentation fault. Please let me know if you can help.

    $27 / hr Average bid
    $27 / hr Сер. заявка
    22 заявки
    WordPress Theme Update & PHP Upgrade
    6 дні(-в) left

    I need an experienced WordPress professional to update my Soho Hotel theme and ensure compatibility with PHP 8.4. This task must be done without altering my existing data. I also need a clear explanation of every modification made for future reference. Key requirements: - Update the purchased Soho Hotel theme on my staging site. - Ensure that the theme and relevant plugins are compatible with PHP 8.4. - Provide a step-by-step explanation of every modification done. Skills and experience needed: - Expert in WordPress with extensive experience in theme updates. - Proficient in PHP, specifically version 8.4. - Able to communicate clearly and provide detailed explanations of technical modifications.

    $27 Average bid
    $27 Сер. заявка
    44 заявки

    I'm looking for an expert in Google Sheets and Apps Script to create a standalone project management dashboard. The dashboard is primarily for task tracking and performance metrics. Key Requirements: - Design a user-friendly, efficient Google Sheets dashboard for project management. - Implement task tracking and performance metrics functionalities. - Use of Apps Script for coding to enhance functionality and ease of use. - Create a standalone dashboard without any integrations with other tools. - Create a google sheet that incorporates google forms for order tracking , execution photos, quality and test results, issues during execution and customer feedback Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Google Sheets and Apps Script. - Experience in designing project management...

    $10 / hr Average bid
    $10 / hr Сер. заявка
    12 заявки
    Custom CV Upload and Payment Plugin
    6 дні(-в) left

    I need a seasoned WordPress developer to create a unique plugin for my site. This plugin will allow job seekers to upload their CVs and fill out a basic form with their Full Name, Email Address, and Phone Number. Upon submission, they should be directed to a payment page. Once payment is confirmed, the CV is automatically sent to pre-set email addresses. Key Requirements: - The plugin should be delivered as a standalone file, ready for upload and activation. - It must incorporate the Muyassar payment gateway using provided API codes. - Data Validation: The plugin should enforce specific requirements for form fields: - Full Name: only letters - Email Address: must be a valid email format - Phone Number: must consist of digits only Ideal candidates should have e...

    $31 Average bid
    $31 Сер. заявка
    24 заявки
    VB6 to VB.Net Conversion with Review
    6 дні(-в) left

    I'm looking for a professional to convert my VB6 project to VB.Net. The conversion will not be a s...a detailed review to ensure seamless data handling and connectivity. Ideal candidates should have: - Extensive experience in both VB6 and VB.Net with integration, MSACCESS Database The candidate will develop some parts that i will assign from time to time. I will explain each time the work to do using live video conference. I will work at the project too, so we will work at the same github repository. I am not currently looking to add any new functionalities during the conversion, but I am open to suggestions for enhancements that could improve the overall performance of the application. The pay i'm specifing is low because it will be delivered for each little part of...

    $663 Average bid
    $663 Сер. заявка
    13 заявки
    Hotel Management and Booking App Development
    6 дні(-в) left

    ...ofering an easy check-in option via a secure link. Guests can upload their details anddocuments ahead of time, and in return, receive a QR code for faster check-in at :● Setup in Admin Panel:○ Admins can customize the WhatsApp message template that will be sent toguests ofering easy check-in. This message can include details like check-intime, a link to upload required documents, and additional instructions ifnecessary.● Automated Message Scheduling:○ The system automatically sends a WhatsApp message with an easy check-in linkto the guest 24 to 48 hours before their arrival.○ The link leads to a secure page where the guest can enter their required details(e.g., name, contact info, booking reference) and upload necessary documents(e.g., ID proof, passport, etc.).Tech...

    $1658 Average bid
    $1658 Сер. заявка
    29 заявки

    ...the design. Good luck, and we look forward to seeing your creative designs! Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in landscape and park design. - Previous experience in designing family-oriented theme parks. - Strong understanding of creating 'rustic and natural' themed spaces. - Excellent communication skills to articulate design concepts. *** We had to divide up the PDF into 6 documents so it would upload***...

    $300 Average bid
    Обраний Гарантований
    62 робіт

    I have developed a demonstrative web application from scratch for a retail shop. The application helps manage an item list, including quantities available or measured in kilograms. Customers can directly place orders, and shop owners can receive and fulfill those orders. Here’s the GitHub repository for the project: Key Features: User Authentication: Users can register and log in with validation handled by the Validator package. Authentication is secured with JWT tokens. Customer Management: Users can perform CRUD operations on customer data, including adding, editing, deleting, and searching for customers. Product Management: Users can perform CRUD operations on products, such as adding, editing, or deleting products from the inventory. Bill

    $89 Average bid
    $89 Сер. заявка
    18 заявки
    AI Face Swapping Photo Platform
    6 дні(-в) left

    I am looking for an experienced AI & Web Developer to create an AI-powered image synthesis platform that allows users to upload a face image and replace it with a face in any given image URL. Core Features: ✅ Face Swapping with AI: Users upload their face image & input an image URL, and AI seamlessly replaces the face. ✅ Social Login Integration: Users can sign in using Google, Facebook, or email. ✅ Instant Processing: The AI should generate results in real-time or within a few seconds. ✅ Monetization System: Implement referral-based earnings and a freemium model. ✅ Secure Cloud Storage: Store processed images securely. ✅ Mobile & Web Compatibility: The platform must be responsive and work smoothly on all devices. Tech Stack Preferences (Optional): ? AI Models: ...

    $191 Average bid
    $191 Сер. заявка
    13 заявки

    I'm seeking an experienced screenwriter to adapt a Christian Drama novel into a compelling movie script. The story is deeply rooted in themes of faith and spirituality, family and relationships, and overcoming adversity. Key Responsibilities: - Adapt the existing novel into a screenplay, taking into account the necessary changes for a visual medium. - Capture the essence of the novel while allowing for creative liberties to enhance the story's pacing and dramatic tension. - Retain the crucial elements of faith and spirituality, family and relationships, and overcoming adversity. Ideal Skills: - Proven experience in scriptwriting, particularly for drama. - Deep understanding and appreciation for Christian themes. - Ability to blend staying true to the source material w...

    $468 Average bid
    $468 Сер. заявка
    25 заявки

    I'm looking for a talented screenwriter to craft a compelling crime mafia film script for me. The script should be packed with unexpected plot twists that will keep the audience on the edge of their seats. Key Requirements: - The setting of the script should span multiple international locations, adding depth and intrigue to the storyline. - A strong focus on plot twists, with the ability to surprise and engage the audience. - Experience with writing in the crime and mafia genres is highly desirable. Ideal Skills: - Expertise in screenwriting, with a strong portfolio of previous work. - A deep understanding of the crime and mafia genres. - Exceptional ability to craft unexpected and engaging plot twists. - Experience writing for international settin...

    $970 Average bid
    $970 Сер. заявка
    35 заявки
    CS2 / CSGO Market Sniping of Skins
    6 дні(-в) left

    I need a script or bot for a web-based marketplace that specializes in CS2 skins. The bot should be capable of searching for specific skins and automatically purchasing them when they meet certain criteria. The criteria is: - The skin should have at least a -27% discount. - Once it finds such skin it should buy it as fast as possible. - I would like there to be an option of selecting a price range that the script or bots use. The website specifically is called Skinport (), however if you have some experience with other markets I'm willing to try. You can filter the website by going on new and then pressing live, this will show in real-time skins being listed. The process is quite simple, you need to add the skin to your basket, click checkout, and then press 2 checkb...

    $168 Average bid
    $168 Сер. заявка
    40 заявки
    PineScript Alert Setup Assistance
    6 дні(-в) left

    I need a Pine Script expert to only give me advice to set up alerts triggered by my strategy. Prospective freelancers should have significant experience with Pine Script and a proven track record of setting up such alerts. Please note: - My budget for this is 200Rs only. - Please contact me only if you're interested.

    $49 Average bid
    $49 Сер. заявка
    2 заявки

    We need a write script for purchasing items on website, with out design, just script

    $20 Average bid
    $20 Сер. заявка
    12 заявки
    Gmail Automation: AI Draft Responses
    6 дні(-в) left

    I'm looking for a skilled freelancer to set up an automation in for my Gmail. The task involves using OpenAI to generate draft responses to my emails within the same thread. Key Requirements: - The automation should run for all incoming emails. - I will provide the OpenAI script for the specific tone and content of the responses. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in - Familiarity with OpenAI - Experience with Gmail automation - Ability to understand and implement given scripts This project will save me considerable time in email management. I'm looking for someone who can execute this task promptly and efficiently.

    $5 / hr Average bid
    $5 / hr Сер. заявка
    16 заявки

    Будь ласка, зареєструйтесь або увійдіть в систему для перегляду деталей.

    Терміновий Прихований Угода про нерозголошення
    300 MB .txt File Decoding Expert Needed -$20
    6 дні(-в) left

    I need a professional who can decode a 300 MB .txt file for me. - File Size: 300 MB - File Format: .txt - Content: Unknown Please only apply if you have the necessary skills and experience to decode this file. Previous experience with large text files is a plus.

    $3 / hr Average bid
    $3 / hr Сер. заявка
    11 заявки

    I have already converted the homepage of an HTML template to PHP. Now, I need a developer to: Convert the remaining HTML pages to PHP using the same structure. Copy all content (text, images, etc.) from a reference website and integrate it into the corresponding sections. Maintain the existing CSS files—only use the necessary HTML sections from different pages to complete the website. Requirements: Proficiency in PHP & HTML Experience in template-based conversions Attention to detail while copying content and images Ability to ensure proper structure and maintain consistency Deliverables: Fully converted PHP pages with integrated content Properly structured and organized HTML sections Ensuring all images and content are correctly placed

    $17 Average bid
    $17 Сер. заявка
    8 заявки
    Full-Stack Dev for Dynamic Forum Integration
    6 дні(-в) left

    ...able to post without needing a third-party login—they are already authenticated within our Payload system. We currently have a functional forum implementation, but it requires GitHub login, which needs to be removed in favor of our internal Payload authentication. Whether you modify the existing implementation or create a new one, the final solution must be fully integrated with Payload CMS and our user authentication system. Key Requirements: Develop a dynamic forum system that generates forums for each new product entry in Payload CMS 3.0. Ensure forums integrate smoothly with the existing custom backend. Remove GitHub login requirement and replace it with Payload user authentication. Maintain a seamless user experience where existing logged-in users can post imm...

    $33 Average bid
    $33 Сер. заявка
    18 заявки
    Laravel Programmer for Business Management Tools
    6 дні(-в) left

    I need a young laravel developer to help me continue developing projects i do in laravel I use this framework to build the CRUD functionalities in laravel i have updated this to work on laravel 10 i need a laravel programmer willing to learn how to use this framework (files are in github) VUE knowledge is a must Tailwind as well

    $7 / hr Average bid
    $7 / hr Сер. заявка
    36 заявки

    I need a DWG file of an apartment to be redrawn according to a hand sketch I've provided. The new DWG file should be comprehensive, containing full construction details. It doesn't need to include any specific materials or textures, just the structural details. Ideal skills and experience for the job: - Proficiency in AutoCAD or similar software - Experience in creating detailed architectural plans and construction drawings - Ability to interpret hand sketches and translate them into digital formats - Attention to detail to ensure all structural elements are accurately represented

    $34 Average bid
    $34 Сер. заявка
    32 заявки
    PHP 5 to PHP 8 Upgrade
    6 дні(-в) left

    I need a skilled PHP developer to upgrade my web application scripts from PHP 5.x to PHP 8.x. Key Requirements: - Extensive experience with PHP, especially with transitions from older to newer versions. - Proficient in web application scripting. - Ability to troubleshoot and debug issues that arise during the upgrade process. The script does not use any specific framework or libraries, which may simplify the process. However, a deep understanding of PHP's newer features and best practices is essential. The ultimate goal is to ensure the web application runs smoothly on the latest PHP version, taking advantage of improved performance and security updates.

    $147 Average bid
    $147 Сер. заявка
    90 заявки
    Students Introduction Video Creation
    6 дні(-в) left

    I need male boy who can do a project in which you need to record an introduction video of 20 to 40 seconds on behalf of students. It is only an academic project not for posting on social media. Requirements: Pure English accent Confidence in recording videos Budget: 5 dollars How to apply: Send me your video introduction of little script in your English accent after remembering the lines(you should not be looking like you are reading only say with proper impressions for hiring) My name is Norvin and I'm taking this course because I'm interested in researching sociological issues.

    $5 / hr Average bid
    $5 / hr Сер. заявка
    13 заявки

    I'm seeking a professional video creator to make a brief, sophisticated teaser for my clothing brand. The video will primarily be shared on Instagram, so it needs to be visually enga...for my clothing brand. The video will primarily be shared on Instagram, so it needs to be visually engaging and formatted correctly for the platform. I have made a (bad) sample below :)) Key Requirements: - Create a simple, yet captivating script - Incorporate provided photos in an aesthetically pleasing manner - Capture a sophisticated and elegant feel - Convey a message of luxury and exclusivity Skills and Experience: - Prior experience in video creation for Instagram is a must - Ability to create a sophisticated and elegant tone - Excellent script-writing skills - Previous work with l...

    $29 Average bid
    $29 Сер. заявка
    21 заявки
    Explainer Video Creator: Kinetic Typography & Design
    6 дні(-в) left

    Please find attched Script. I am looking for someone to create an explainer video that showcases my product using its designs. The video should incorporate kinetic typography and feature elements from the product's design, rather than relying on a fully cartoon-based animation. The designs are coded in Figma, and I will provide access for you to use them in the project. The video should be concise, lasting no longer than 3 to 3.5 minutes, and should deliver smooth and informative content. While I can arrange the voiceover separately, if you can provide a professional, non-AI-generated voiceover, please include that option in your proposal. For reference, there are two example videos that highlight the style and pacing I’m aiming for. The first example,

    $126 Average bid
    $126 Сер. заявка
    21 заявки

    ...timeline] Budget: [Specify budget range or payment terms] Location: Remote Application Deadline: [Specify deadline if applicable] How to Apply: Interested candidates should submit the following: A detailed resume or CV highlighting relevant projects and experiences. A brief cover letter outlining your approach to AI application development, particularly in leveraging LLMs and GenAI. Links to your GitHub profile, portfolio, or sample projects that demonstrate your expertise. Additional Information: This project offers an exciting opportunity to work on cutting-edge AI technology that will impact a diverse range of applications. We value innovation, technical excellence, and the ability to communicate complex ideas clearly. If you have a passion for pushing the boundaries of what ...

    $12 Average bid
    $12 Сер. заявка
    4 заявки
    E-Commerce PHP/MySQL Development
    6 дні(-в) left

    I'm looking for a seasoned PHP/MySQL developer to help me build a robust web-based e-commerce application. Core Requirements: - Develop a user-friendly interface - Implement a secure and reliable payment gateway integration. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in PHP and MySQL at raw coding level. - Previous experience in e-commerce site development is a plus. - Expertise in API & Payment Gateway Integration. Please only bid if you can deliver high quality work within a reasonable timeframe. Please don't waste my time if you are not a developer. Thanks

    $495 Average bid
    $495 Сер. заявка
    153 заявки
    CTF Challenge: Fix Buffer Overflow Script
    6 дні(-в) left

    I need a C script expert to help me fix a buffer overflow in a C script for a Capture The Flag (CTF) challenge. The overflow needs to allow exploitation via "ret2libc". I've been unable to exploit it due to some stack misplacement issues. Requirements: - Must be highly skilled in C programming. - Proven experience with buffer overflow and "ret2libc" exploitation. - Familiarity with Linux platform. - Ability to provide a comprehensive write-up upon project completion. The project will only be marked as completed after you issue the write-up and we verify it's working. It is a relatively simple task and it should only take an hour or two if you know what you are doing. I'm currently facing a segmentation fault. Please let me know if you ca...

    $260 Average bid
    $260 Сер. заявка
    5 заявки
    Python Script for Photo Downloading - photos scrapper -- 2
    6 дні(-в) left

    I'm looking for a Python script that can download photos from specific pages on a site similar to Troostwijk Auctions. The script should save the photos as JPEGs. Key Requirements: - The script should be able to navigate to specific pages and extract photos. - It should save the downloaded photos in JPEG format. - and download photos in a specific folder Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Python, with particular experience in web scraping and automation. - Knowledge of handling and processing image files in Python. Please note that the specifics of which pages to extract photos from and the method of executing the script will be clarified after the initial bid selection.

    $25 Average bid
    $25 Сер. заявка
    34 заявки