Open relay linuxроботи
Есть Android приложение "Обои" (свежая и старая версия) c админкой, нужно из старой версии перенести один пункт с рекламой Admob (App Open Ad on Resume) в новую версию (ее здесь убрали). Фото прикрепил (Old,New). Также хотел еще прикрутить Reward Ad к кнопке "Установить обои" и "Скачать обои". В свежей версии этот пункт есть, но он работает иначе: За Reward Ad открывается доступ к "Премиум обоям" (т.е. к тем, которые я сделаю "платными"): Допустим я загрузил изображение в приложение поставив отметку "Premium" - его смогут скачать только оплатившие подписку, либо тот кто посмотрит "Reward Ad" - как-то так. Этот пункт можно оставить. Нужно как-то прикрутить Reward Ad к кнопкам "Установить обои" и "С...
Greetings. Dear freelancers. I am interested in finalizing an open-source project: I am interested in the complete removal of all games except minecraft. (Or placing them in separate modules) I'm also interested in the authorization redesign. That is, there are already two types of authorization implemented there, either through mail (nickname) or through microsoft/mojang, I want the standard login through mail (nickname) to remain, and the licensed login through microsoft/mojang to be placed in a separate module. Also, I need to rework the store module and add the possibility of monthly subscriptions to it. Ideally, the module should be cleaned of all built-in payment methods it provides by default
Install graphics XRDP Add 4 users Install Google Chrome, Viber, Telegram, WhatsApp Price: $30 -- $50
...тестування ПЗ. • Супроводження процесу впровадження. Вимоги: • Досвід роботи – від 2-х років. • C++11, STL, GCC/CLang, GDB/LLDB, GNU Make, CMake, Bash. • Знання STL — контейнерів та алгоритмів. • Знання файлового вводу/виводу у стандарті POSIX. • Знання POSIX Threads —нитки, м’ютекси, умовні змінні. • Вміння користуватися системою контроля версій Git. • Вміння користуватися командним рядком Linux. • Реляциійні БД, SQL. • Основи функціонування комп’ютерних мереж, протоколи TCP и HTTP. Знання HTTP/1.1. Знанння архитектури REST. • Багатопоточність. Буде плюсом: • C++14, 17, 20. • Qt. • Boost. • Засоби статичного і и динамічного анализа коду (cppcheck, clang-tidy, clazy, v...
Привіт Андрій, шукаю програміста який напише програму на Linux з задіянням плати Arduino для купюроприймача та монетоприймача. Основне завдання програми це відображення та друк файлів doc, pdf, jpeg з флеш накопичувача, сканування та копіювання з задіянням сканера. Програма потрібна для терміналу самообслуговування (аналог програми: ). Повне ТЗ в мене на руках. Дизайн програми ще розробляю.
Є виділений сервер Hetzner з одним інтерфейсом та 3 додаткові IP адреси. На сервері встановлено Proxmox з віртуальними машинами. На одній віртуальній машині встановлено pfSense (Virtual Machines), який виступає в якості шлюзу. Через нього проходить трафік до інших віртуальних машин. Дві віртуальні машини (на Linux Container) використовують виділені IP, інші користуються IP адресою машини, на якій встановлено pfSense. Необхідно запропонувати найбільш продуктивну схему роботи мережі та налаштувати її. Зараз на сервері Proxmox налаштовано vmbr0 (із зовнішнім IP) на enp4s0 та vmbr1 (локальна мережа ). В результаті повинно бути: 1) дві віртуальні машини використовували власну IP (для вихідного та вхідного трафіку). Це веб-сервери, на яких розміщуються сайти; 2) інші віртуальні машини
Об’єктом автоматизації є електронна записна книжка. Записна книжка дозволяє зберігати коротку текстову інформацію (нотатки) та здійснювати пошук по них. Також, записна книжка може мати кольорові закладки, якими можна помічати нотатки для прискорення пошуку, або дозволяє лишати теги прикріплені до кожного запису. Самі записи також можуть мати назву, яка характеризує їх зміст, що може прискорити перегляд списку всіх збережених нотаток, оскільки при цьому зникає необхідність відкривати кожну з нотаток для ознайомлення зі змістом. В тому випадку, лише назва буде показуватися у загальному переліку, яка будучи лаконічною та значно коротшою за вміст нотатки, швидко дозволить ідентифікувати шуканий запис. Як варіант розширеної функціональності, записи можуть містити прикріплену інформацію фо...
Об’єктом автоматизації є електронна записна книжка. Записна книжка дозволяє зберігати коротку текстову інформацію (нотатки) та здійснювати пошук по них. Також, записна книжка може мати кольорові закладки, якими можна помічати нотатки для прискорення пошуку, або дозволяє лишати теги прикріплені до кожного запису. Самі записи також можуть мати назву, яка характеризує їх зміст, що може прискорити перегляд списку всіх збережених нотаток, оскільки при цьому зникає необхідність відкривати кожну з нотаток для ознайомлення зі змістом. В тому випадку, лише назва буде показуватися у загальному переліку, яка будучи лаконічною та значно коротшою за вміст нотатки, швидко дозволить ідентифікувати шуканий запис. Як варіант розширеної функціональності, записи можуть містити прикріплену інформацію фо...
Об’єктом автоматизації є електронна записна книжка. Записна книжка дозволяє зберігати коротку текстову інформацію (нотатки) та здійснювати пошук по них. Також, записна книжка може мати кольорові закладки, якими можна помічати нотатки для прискорення пошуку, або дозволяє лишати теги прикріплені до кожного запису. Самі записи також можуть мати назву, яка характеризує їх зміст, що може прискорити перегляд списку всіх збережених нотаток, оскільки при цьому зникає необхідність відкривати кожну з нотаток для ознайомлення зі змістом. В тому випадку, лише назва буде показуватися у загальному переліку, яка будучи лаконічною та значно коротшою за вміст нотатки, швидко дозволить ідентифікувати шуканий запис. Як варіант розширеної функціональності, записи можуть містити прикріплену інформацію фо...
Об’єктом автоматизації є електронна записна книжка. Записна книжка дозволяє зберігати коротку текстову інформацію (нотатки) та здійснювати пошук по них. Також, записна книжка може мати кольорові закладки, якими можна помічати нотатки для прискорення пошуку, або дозволяє лишати теги прикріплені до кожного запису. Самі записи також можуть мати назву, яка характеризує їх зміст, що може прискорити перегляд списку всіх збережених нотаток, оскільки при цьому зникає необхідність відкривати кожну з нотаток для ознайомлення зі змістом. В тому випадку, лише назва буде показуватися у загальному переліку, яка будучи лаконічною та значно коротшою за вміст нотатки, швидко дозволить ідентифікувати шуканий запис. Як варіант розширеної функціональності, записи можуть містити прикріплену інформацію фо...
Потрібно витягнути інформацію з веб сайту, щось на подобі жовтих сторінок. Могу сделать всё что угодно!
Потрібна допомога у розробці простого драйвера під Linux (Ubuntu/Mint) Функціонал драйвера - простий Призначення - продемонструвати роботу драйвера на захисті курсової роботи
Потрібна допомога у створенні просто драйвера під Linux (курсовий проект)
Необідно знати і любити: - React.js, - HTML5, CSS, - Redux, Flux, Relay, - PHP, - JS, - ENGLISH B1-B2. Не завадять додаткові знання з: - Drupal 7,8, - GraphQL, - Postman, - Facebook workflow for React. Коротко про проект: - 4 місяці безмежно цікавих задач (part-time and full-time). - робота з Drupal сайтом. БУДЬ ЛАСКА, НАДСИЛАЙТЕ ВАШІ ЗАЯВКИ З ПОРТФОЛІО І ПОСИЛАННЯМ НА GITHUB. ДЯКУЮ! З НЕТЕРПІННЯМ ЧЕКАТИМУ ВАШИХ ПРОПОЗИЦІЙ!
Вітаю. Потрібна допомога з сайтом на маженто. Відновлювали сайт з старого хоста, де зломались жорсткі диски. Все перекинули на новий але сайт не був запущеним. Чи є у вас можливість глянути на сайт?
Написати скрипт. Нам треба ввести на сайті дані - дату народження і номер справи, номер втрачений. Потрібно , щоб програма добавляла одиницю починаючи з 1-ин до 50 000 і зафіксувала момент , коли номер зійдеться з датою народження, в цей момент відкриється наступний крок на цьому сайті.
Hi there, I'm seeking assistance in locating information concerning the descendants of a person born in the 1920s in Vietnam. I have some verbal information and names of known relatives, but...names of known relatives, but need help piecing together the family tree, as well as tracking down contact details and current locations of descendants. Ideal skills and experience: - Proficiency in genealogical research - Ability to track down contact information - Experience in piecing together family trees - Fluency in Vietnamese is preferred - Excellent communication skills to interpret and relay verbal information Tôi cần giúp đỡ để tìm kiếm thông tin về con cháu của một người sinh năm 192x tại Việt Nam, sau này có thể đã chuyển...
...are seeking a talented and experienced industrial designer to create the design for a new, premium evaporative desk cooler. This product should embody a minimalist aesthetic, be completely spill-proof, and function as reliably as a standard household appliance. The design should be reminiscent of being elegant, intuitive, and focused on user experience. Design Requirements: Form Factor: We are open to suggestions, but initial concept should be a cube. The design should be compact and suitable for desktop use. Aesthetics: Minimalist, seamless unibody design with no visible screws or seams (if possible). The product should look like a premium, well-crafted object. User Interface: Simple and intuitive. Refilling: Easy and intuitive refilling mechanism. Evaporative Element: The des...
...Compatible with all USDT networks (TRC20 , ERC20 , BEP20 , BEP2 , SOLANA , POLYGON) 4) I want the sending screen to be easy and to show the message easily. 5) VPN and TOR options included with the proxy Blockchain server option 100% confirmed transaction The transaction fee is max, priority for quick confirmation Cannot cancel a transaction with the bitcoin server It works with all wallets I am open for discussions and We can discuss about more in chat I want good work to be done without problems NO UPFRONT IN OTHER PLATFORMS BEFORE DELIVERY!!...
I'm seeking a professional graphic designer to create a distincti...graphic designer to create a distinctive logo for my business, 'Funnel Buildr'. This company specializes in optimizing sales funnels. Key Requirements: - The logo should incorporate a funnel and an arrow coming out of the top. - The designer should provide two versions of the logo: one with the name and one without. - Although I've skipped questions regarding specific styles, colors, and fonts, I am open to modern and minimalistic designs. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in graphic design software (Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, etc.) - Strong portfolio of logo designs - Excellent understanding of modern design principles - Ability to interpret and implement design concepts I have attached an exampl...
I'm looking for an architect/designer with experience in modern residential design. The house should be a 5-bedroom, featuring an open floor plan and large windows to maximize natural lighting. Key requirements: - Expertise in modern architectural design - Proven track record in designing spacious, open floor plans - Ability to incorporate large windows in a stylish, functional way - Experience with designing 5-bedroom homes Please provide examples of your previous work that align with these specifications. Also, please check the attached plan and improve this as per your best experience. Thank you.
Our team is seeking a qualified professional to work on optimizing our multimedia player. The application runs on Raspberry Pi under Linux and is designed to play videos, display images, and provide real-time information. Current Challenges: - Animation lags: Animations slow down significantly, especially when multiple iframes are in use. - Video playback issues: Noticeable delays, particularly when playing 4K resolution videos. - System overloads: Application becomes unstable under increased load and during multitasking. What Needs to Be Done: - Conduct an in-depth analysis of the existing codebase to identify and document performance bottlenecks. - Optimize video playback and animations. - Reduce system load and eliminate performance degradation caused by multiple iframes. - Imp...
...consistent application across future projects. Must-Have Skills: - Proficiency in software such as Adobe Photoshop, After Effects, or similar digital tools. - Experience in digital art, motion graphics, or visual effects with a focus on high-quality outputs. - A strong eye for detail and the ability to create effects that align with the sophistication of a luxury brand. Payment Terms: - Open to either hourly or flat-rate payment for the project, depending on the agreement. Application Requirements: - Provide a brief introduction explaining your approach to achieving this effect. - Include portfolio samples that demonstrate relevant work or showcase your expertise in creating high-quality, luxurious visuals. If you have the skills, creativity, and precisio...
I am in need of a specialist who can help me set up a dedicated storage server that is DMCA ignored. The specifics of the use case and operating system have not been determined yet, so I am looking for someone who can provi...determined yet, so I am looking for someone who can provide guidance on these points. Additionally, I would like to discuss potential security features for the server, such as encryption, firewall, and access control. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Expertise in setting up dedicated storage servers - Familiarity with DMCA ignored services - Proficient in multiple operating systems, particularly Linux, Windows, and FreeBSD - Knowledge of security features and best practices for server protection - Excellent communication skills for providing guidance and recomm...
...because you don't understand the ask, please let me know before submitting your bid to avoid pain later // Project Description: I am seeking a skilled and experienced developer to build a Chrome browser extension with the following features: Core Features: Facebook Group Monitoring: Allow users to configure a list of Facebook Groups by name or by keeping a browser tab open for each monitored FB group. Monitor new posts within the groups for specific keywords or key phrases configured by the user. Real-Time Notifications: Notify the user via a browser notification (sound and visual - configurable) when a new post matches the configured keywords. Clicking the notification should take the user directly to the releva...
I have got this. Want need is Do Full setup and installation which includes server setup, apps setup, branding and publishing to stores android and IOS
Project Overview I am looking for a professional to design and develop a complete mobile application (for iOS and Android) that connects users with local businesses (restaurants, bars, gyms, etc.). The app will provide real-time data about how busy these...Technical Details Must be built using modern frameworks (React Native, Flutter, or similar). Backend must support real-time data updates. Scalable architecture for future updates. Deliverables Fully functional app for iOS and Android. Admin dashboard for managing business profiles and analytics. Source code and documentation. Additional Notes Please provide examples of similar apps you’ve built. I am open to suggestions for features or technical implementation. For confidentiality, full details will be shared after the proje...
I'm currently working on a pressing machine learning task involving a binary classification problem with a clinical trial dataset. The specific outcome to predict is the trial status, determining whether the trial is completed or not completed. - Dataset: The dataset is publicly...whether the trial is completed or not completed. - Dataset: The dataset is publicly available and has already undergone preliminary data cleaning. - Urgency: This is an urgent task and timely delivery will be appreciated. Ideal candidates for this project would be those with strong skills in machine learning, particularly in binary classification, and experience with clinical trial datasets. I am open to suggestions on further preprocessing steps or methodologies, but the initial data cleaning has ...
...Troubleshoot and resolve technical issues during and after deployment. • Ensure proper data migration, backup, and system testing. • Collaborate with the team and clients virtually for successful project completion. Requirements: • Proven experience with Odoo development and deployment. • Proficiency in Python, PostgreSQL, and XML. • Experience deploying Odoo on various environments, including Linux, Docker, or cloud servers. • Familiarity with remote troubleshooting tools and processes. • Strong communication skills and ability to work independently. Preferred Skills: • Knowledge of and its deployment. • Familiarity with web servers (Nginx or Apache). • Experience with Git for version control. • Ability to inte...
I require an expert to convert a 3D DWG file into an Inventor Assembly, specifically for manufacturing purposes. Key Requirements: - The assembly must be tailored for manufacturing. This means all components should be designed with manufacturability in mind. - Specific mater...(like steel and aluminum), plastics (such as ABS and PVC), and composites (including carbon fiber and fiberglass). Ideal Skills: - Proficient in Autodesk Inventor and DWG files - Experience in manufacturing-focused design - Knowledgeable in material properties and selection - Able to work with a range of materials - Detail-oriented and able to ensure all components fit together correctly. I'm open to discussing which specific materials would be best for this project and would appreciate your expertis...
...and Cold DMs Landing Page/Website Management: Update and manage landing pages or websites using HubSpot or integrated APIs. 4. Metrics Configuration and CRM Management Configure and manage a CRM system (e.g., Zoho CRM). Set up tracking for key performance metrics across campaigns. Provide regular reports on performance, including social media metrics, email open rates, ad performance, and lead conversions. Requirements Proven experience in digital marketing, social media management, and content creation. Familiarity with tools like HubSpot, Mailchimp, Instantly etc Zoho CRM, and APIs for automation. Ability to create visually appealing graphics, engaging video content, and compelling written copy. Str...
...understanding of classic and elegant styles to create a logo for our soon to launch boutique, luxury accommodation: "Fleurieu House". Key Requirements: - The logo should incorporate both text and an icon or symbol, so a good sense for typography and symbolism will be crucial. - The design should be in a classic and elegant style, reflecting the nature of the accommodation. - The color scheme is open for suggestions, but the resulting logo must work as a black & white as well. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in graphic design software. - Prior experience in creating luxury brand logos. - Strong understanding of classic and elegant design principles. Reference Material: - Provided is a photo from the house entrance that can be used to inspire the icon. - Also uploaded...
I need a logo that's bright and vibrant in color. The specific style of the logo has not been determined yet, so I am open to your creative input. Ideal skills and experience for the job include: - Graphic Design - Brand Development - Creativity and Originality - Experience with Color Theory
I need a seasoned professional with robust experience in integrating equipment with LIMS systems. The task is to develop an intermediate desktop application on CentOS that interfaces with Analyzer C. Key Tasks: - Create a Python application to read data from Analyzer C i...Analyzer C. Key Tasks: - Create a Python application to read data from Analyzer C in CLI format. - Implement functionality to post data to the web via REST API. The data from the Chemistry Analyzer will be output in JSON format, so proficiency in handling JSON data is crucial. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven history of similar integration projects. - Expertise in Python and developing Linux desktop applications. - Extensive experience with REST API. - Strong capability to work with and process data in JS...
I'm seeking a digital marketing expert with a solid strategy to drive real TikTok traffic from the USA and UK to my spiritual-themed website. This project primarily revolves around promoting my consultation services through TikTok. While I haven't finalized the exact content strategy to attract TikTok users, I'm open to creative and engaging approaches that align with the spiritual theme of my website. Key Requirements: - Proven experience in driving traffic from TikTok to websites - Understanding of the spiritual niche is a plus - Ability to create engaging content strategies Your main goal will be to convert TikTok users into clients for my consultation services. A successful project will see increased traffic to my site, more inquiries about my services, and ult...
I'm seeking an experienced game developer to create an engaging, adventure-style game akin to Tocaboca World. The game should be designed for both iOS and Android platforms with the following key features: - Open World Exploration: The game should provide players with the freedom to explore a vast, interactive game world. Ideal skills and experience for the job include: - Proficiency in game development for both iOS and Android, - Deep understanding and experience in creating adventure genre games, - Ability to design intricate open-world environments, - Strong portfolio with similar game designs. Please only bid if you can provide evidence of past work on similar projects. Create a game similar to Tocaboca world but starting with 1-2 worlds first and then building...
...playback. *Cast Features: 1. Virtual Remote Controller Search/Switch channels from STB on Mobile Phone for Box(TV) and touch board. 2. Cast the local Video/Picture/Music from Mobile Phone to Box(TV) 3. Cast the internet website's Video/Picture/Music from Mobile to Box(TV) 4. Support Watching Channels from STB by mobile device with this APP, live stream to Mobile Phone by IP data 5. Support DLNA relay, to show your phone's pictures, videos and audio to big TV Screen. 6. Support History and Bookmarker 7. Support Mirror Screen on iPhone/Android Mobile 8. Other functions for STB assistant 9. Edit Channels from STB, including Move, Rename, Delete, Lock,set favorite,sort. 10. STB intelligently prompts the user, the mobile phone has a call coming SatFinder, APP shows the sig...
I'm in need of a skilled programmer to develop code for my M5StickC. The device should connect to an Android phone via Bluetooth, wake the phone from sleep, and open specific apps on command. Key Requirements: - Establish Bluetooth connectivity between M5StickC and Android phone - Wake the phone from sleep - Open the Messaging and Social Media apps - Execute a specific swipe or tap after opening the app Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in programming M5StickC - Deep understanding of Android's Bluetooth interface - Experience with automating app interactions on Android - Good troubleshooting skills for wireless connections - Creative problem solver Looking forward to your proposals.
Job Title: Adobe InDesign Expert files for print and digital formats. Requirements: Proven experience with Adobe InDesign (portfolio required). Strong graphic design skills with an eye for detail and typography. Ability to meet deadlines and work collaboratively. Experience with magazine or publication design preferred. Timeline: The project will start immediately upon hiring and must be completed within 3 weeks. Budget: Open to negotiation based on experience and portfolio. How to Apply: Please include the following in your application: Portfolio of previous work (specifically magazines or publications, if available). Brief overview of your experience. Your proposed timeline and budget. We look forward to collaborating with a talented designer who can bring our magazin...
I am in need of a heatmap design. The specifics of the project are not yet fully defined, as I have left some questions unanswered. However, I am open to discussing and refining the project with the right professional. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in data visualization techniques - Experienced in designing user-friendly heatmaps - Good communication skills for project discussion and refinement
Будь ласка, зареєструйтесь або увійдіть в систему для перегляду деталей.
I'm in need of an automation professional experienced with the Keepa API and Telegram API. The speci...notifications, stock availability alerts, and custom data reports. Key Skills: - Proficient in using Keepa API - Skilled in Telegram API integration - Experience with automation scripts - Ability to create custom data reports Your task will involve setting up and running these automations on a suitable platform, which can be discussed and determined based on your preference and expertise. I am open to Windows, Linux or MacOS. I would prefer the automated notifications to be triggered based on user-defined conditions, but real-time and periodic notifications may also be necessary at times. If you have a strong background in these areas, I would love to hear from y...
I'm looking for an experienced HTML, CSS, and JavaScript developer to create a simple, text-bas... The game should be simplistic to begin with, with minimal to moderate detail. The primary focus is on creating an engaging gameplay experience. Basic 2D art skills would be a plus, but are not a requirement. The budget for this project is limited, reflecting both current financial constraints and the game's simplicity. However, should the game garner a successful player base and revenue, I am open to financing further development, in milestones, with the same developer. Freelancers with a proven track record in game development, particularly using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, are encouraged to bid. Successful completion of this project may lead to future opportunities for wo...
I'm looking for an experienced system administrator to set up a new CentOS Linux server from Hetzner and migrate data from two old servers. The server needs to operate on a free of charge interface like webmin and should run PHP 7.8 or 8.0 Key Tasks: - Setting up a new server with CentOS - Migrate databases and files/directories from two old servers to the new one Ideal Skills: - Proficient in Linux, specifically CentOS - Experienced in server setup and data migration - Database management skills are a strong plus I estimate the total of to migrated data at about 100 GB
...Background in customer service or the travel industry is preferred. Skills: Strong communication abilities (written and verbal), proficiency in CRM tools and travel platforms, and excellent customer service. Organization: Capable of multitasking and prioritizing tasks efficiently in a remote setting. Problem-Solving: Skilled in addressing client concerns and finding resolutions swiftly. Flexibility: Open to working varied hours, including evenings and weekends, to accommodate clients. Education: High school diploma or equivalent; travel and tourism certifications are a plus. Benefits: Remote Work: Work from home with a supportive team. Professional Development: Access to training and growth opportunities in the travel industry. Travel Perks: Discounts on personal travel and fami...
...Developer) ? ...need a set 10 UoW (10 half/day, a week), when/where like; UoW - Unit of Work, 4 hours/each, on our need; ...choice when work or useful for the work goal; your home, in slippers, without taking a tram or wearing a tie, ...just enough smart neurons available, with us (sometimes) !!! ...set 10 UoW in each month (<30€), we start with a month, we can think 4 months, future is open; ...need your hosting & test; make a draft web HomePage by this guide $$$_NFT_TEST/ ; ...plz, if yes, send us your URL (with contents/draft on our guide or your "with similar contents"); ...the links inside guide give you many references to the project, current status and above all to examples of LandingPage (all very similar, with 3
As I embark on my journey in the event industry with a focus on wedding planning, I find myself in need of a logo that captures the elegance and sophistication that I aim to communicate through my services. The logo should be a blend of minimalist and playful design, incorporating symbols or icons, typography-based design, and my initials. I have a preference for pastel colors, but I am open to other color schemes and patterns. The logo should be versatile enough for long-term use and adaptable across various event planning contexts, from birthdays to corporate gatherings. it has to be a good logo that stays in people's minds. it can be playful, but it still has to be professional!!! Mein Name ist Sabrina Goop , aber ich habe noch mehr Ideen für Namen: Glücksmoment...
I'm looking for a creative professional to craft a collage of 5-10 images featuring various popular pstars in diverse, flexible and wild poses. - **Image Style**: The collage should blend both cartoonish and realistic representations of women. Your ability to seamlessly fuse these two styles will be key in delivering a captivating piece. - **Background**: I'm open to any background design, so feel free to let your creativity shine. A plain color or an abstract design could work, but there are no specific preferences from my side. If you deliver an engaging and enjoyable piece, there's a high chance of me returning for more projects in the future.
...automate certain aspects of my home tuition business. Currently, I track student progress manually, and it's becoming increasingly time-consuming. Key Aspects to Automate: - Student Progress Tracking: I want to automate monitoring attendance records as well as generating feedback and reports on a student's progress. - Scheduling: At the moment, I manage my appointments manually with a calendar. I'm open to implementing a more streamlined, efficient scheduling system. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Automation Software: Proficiency in automation software and tools is a must. - Scheduling Software: Experience with scheduling software is preferred. - Data Tracking: Ability to set up systems for tracking student progress effectively. - Report Generation: Skills in cr...
I have a photo where my eyes are closed and would like to have them open. I have some brief photoshop knowledge, and I have been trying to use generative fill to make my eyes open, but nothing is looking natural.