Online test demo jsp mysqlроботи
...expand into more advanced diagnostic and repair services, particularly for trucks (including full test lines, brake tests, suspension diagnostics, etc.). We need a modern, fully responsive website that reflects our professionalism, supports online booking, and is optimized for local SEO (primarily in Dessau-Roßlau and surrounding regions). The site should also attract transit (long-haul) drivers who pass through our region on major highways. We want to provide a multilingual platform (German, English, and additional languages such as Polish, Russian, etc.) so that international truck drivers can easily find and book our services in case of unexpected repairs or maintenance needs. Key elements: Online Booking System – Clients (both truck and car owners...
...Распознавание всех известных торговых паттернов (например, "голова и плечи", "двойное дно" и др.). Использование паттернов для принятия решений в стратегиях. Индикаторы: Поддержка широкого набора технических индикаторов, включая RSI, MACD, EMA, SMA, Bollinger Bands и другие. Команды Telegram бота: Запуск и остановка: /start — Запуск бота и начало анализа рынка. /stop — Полная остановка бота. Режимы работы: /demo — Переключение на демо-счет. /real — Переключение на реальный счет. Отчеты и мониторинг: /status — Проверка состояния бота. /history — История сделок. /close_all — Закрытие всех активных позиций. Дополнительные задачи: Динамическая торговля: Автоматическое управление риском на сделку. Динамическое управление те...
...отримуватимуть доступ до керування балансами. • Інтерфейс має бути простим і зручним для поповнення та перегляду залишку на балансі. • Сайт має бути адаптованим під мобільні пристрої і мати сучасний дизайн. Технологічні вимоги: • Front-end: HTML, CSS, JavaScript (з можливістю використання фреймворків, таких як React або Vue.js). • Back-end: PHP або Node.js для серверної частини. • База даних: MySQL або PostgreSQL для зберігання інформації про користувачів і їхні баланси. • Платіжні системи: інтеграція популярних платіжних рішень для поповнення балансу (наприклад, PayPal, Stripe тощо). • Важливо забезпечити високий рівень безпеки даних користувачів, оскільки буде обробка особистих даних і фінансової інформації. Потрібен розробник, який ...
Здравствуйте. Имеется панель по мониторингу нод проекта NKN Язык GO,mysql Так как прошлый исполнитель пропал в неизвестном направлении, требуется доработка А именно. 1.Добавить установку второй ноды(попутно с первой),в коде вижу, что установка реализована, но не до конца 2.Добавить проверку установки нод и замены файлов(все реализовано, кроме проверки 3.Добавить отключение установки скриптов на сервера посредством proxy(соединение к серверам по дефолту стоит через прокси по API) 4.Не очень удачно реализовано в БД отсчет времени запуска скриптов(отложенный старт).Хотелось бы его так же исправить, так как при перезагрузке или каком то секундном сбое главного сервера отсчет времени установки сбрасывается. Возможны доработки при выполнении проекта(дополнительно
Front: Vuejs3 (routing, vuetify) Back-API: flask( SQLAlchemy, flask-restful, uwsgi), jwt, mysql Нужно реализовать SPA. Два типа пользователей (юзер, админ), доступ к SPA только после авторизации (пара логин/пароль). Для юзера: (страница №1) - реализовать поиск по базе данных, поиск по всех полях (отдельно по дате, фио, заказу), предусмотреть последующую фильтрацию результатов пользователем (фильтрация: пользователь вводит текстовую строку и если она может быть включением любой ячейки своей колонки результата поиска то отображается, остальные прячем), предусмотреть пагинацию. (страница №2) - как и страницы №1, но база другая, поля базы совпадают. Для админа: добавление новых юзеров админом, и доступ к функционалу описанному у юзера. База данных: ФИО (текстовое), ДатаРожд...
Для нашого онлайн ...найсучасніших веб-технологій для різних пристроїв (мобільних, планшетів) Профіль: • Хороші знання з програмного забезпечення (об'єктно-орієнтований дизайн, шаблони проектування, тестування) • самостійна робота та вирішення проблем • високий рівень мотивації • Досвід роботи з PHP, Symfony, Laravel або Zend, є перевагою • Вільне володіння німецькою чи англійською мовами • Дуже хороші знання PHP, MySQL та JavaScript • Добре знання HTML (5) та CSS (3)
...приклади, умови та правильні відповіді будуть надані) В подальшому тести будуть викортстовуватися на сайті, тому мають інтегруватися і запускатися в тіло сайту, без додаткових зусиль користувача який буде їх проходити. -------------------- Need to develop several tests. Tests must have three levels of difficulty and a demo version (introduction). The demo version don’t have time to complete the task and shows the correct answer when passing the test stage. At the end of the test, the final result is displayed with the answers and the width percentage of correct answers. I add examples with tests in the video. The developed tests should be as close as possible to the given example (all examples, conditions and correct answers will be provided). In...
Будь ласка, вкажіть 1-3 проекти, де Ви працювали із таксономіями (WordPress) та як Ви їх застосовували, де робили кастомну адмінку PHP+MySQL. Очікую на оцінку вартості та термінів, або уточнювальних запитань. Посилання на ТЗ:
Потрібно розгорнути на віртуальному сервері 1. веб сервер (apache/nginx/ +PHP) 2. СУБД (mysql/postgresql) 3. сам сайт
1) Є портали відкритих даних. наприклад 2) Потрібно розробити засоби завантаження відкритих наборів даних. вимоги: 1) Веб рішення (далі сервіс). на базі наприклад PostgreSQL / MySQL 2) конфігурація процесу завантаження конкретного набору даних: - даємо посилання на набір даних - Сервіс парсить структуру - на підставі парсинга конфігуруємо таблицю БД, куди будемо завантажувати дані - вказуємо періодичність завантаження даних - зберігаємо конфігурацію. 3) Сервіс повинен виконувати завантаження за розкладом. 4) Сервіс веде лог завантаження 5) Перегляд інформації повинен мати: графік та лог завантаження, таблицю з даними, конфігурацію процесу(тобто url, тип файлу)
Мені потрібно внести зміни в існуючий веб-сайт Потрібно зробити 2 копії лендингів. Внести корективи в сайт. Зробити a/b test сайтів.
Потрібно зробити легкі лабораторні роботи, терміново! Файли прикріпив, за потребою скину методичку.
Потрібно розробити макети сторінок сайту. Орієнтовну структуру першої сторінки додаю. Що подобається в плані дизайну ? Зразки: Легкий повітрянний дизайн, мінімум кольорів. Всі кольори в кольорах логотипу Лого додаю. Після виготовлення певинного малюнка - розмова про вартість роботи, терміни, аванс, тощо. Сайт фірми -
Ми плануємо оновити нашу веб сторінку, кардинально змінивши дизайн та дещо доповнивши зміст. Ми вибрали наступний шаблон: Завдання: 1) на базі шаблону зробити сайт у відповідності з нашими вимогами; 2) розробити чи купити адмін панель та прив'язати її до сторінки; 3) завантажити сайт хостеру. Завдання скоріш за все буде вимагати декілька зустрічей в нашому офісі в Києві для обговорення доопрацювання деталей. Після завершення проекту, можливо буде потрібна невеличка технічна підтримка протягом декількох місяців. Вартість та об'єм такої додаткової послуги обговоримо окремо (не входить у цей проект). Очікуємо від Вас пропозиції щодо вартості та строків.
...Checker -SEO Checker -SMM Checker -Site cost 3. Portfolio 4. Partners -Our Partners -Affiliate program 5. Top Site -News -Portals -Hosting -Online Shopping -Ads -Payment Gateway -Web Studio -Music -Video -Services -Hotels -.....i am add next... 6. Downloads -Antivirus Demo -CMS Free or Demo -Books -....Category..... -Themes -....Category..... -Icons -....Category..... -PSD -....Category..... 7. News...
Привіт chnazar, бачив твоє резюме на рахунок пошуку роботи якщо тебі цікавий довготривалий проект (PHP,JS,HTML,CSS,MySQL) можемо обговорити деталі
We need to make online store like: , Without content. Also useful filters for specific product characteristics. need online chat Потрібно зробити інтернет магазин на зразок: Без наповнення. Також потрібні фільтри товару за певними характеристиками, онлайн чат
We are looking for a freelancer to research and identify online shops that meet ALL of the following criteria: ✅ The website has an online shop ✅ The website is available in German language ✅ The company listed in the Impressum is based in Germany, Austria, or Switzerland ✅ The website has more than 50k monthly traffic (according to SimilarWeb) Payment & Rules ? Payment is lead-based: €0.10 per valid domain (non-negotiable). ⚠️ Important: You will be provided with a list of around 3000 domains already in our database. These must be excluded from your research. ⚠️ If a domain is already in our database, you must NOT add the same brand with a different top-level domain (TLD). Example: If we already have , you must NOT add ⚠️ Domain format requirement: ...
I have a restAPI build in .net and I have implemented AWS SES and SNS for some reason i am not able to receive the message. My source code is working, but i think i may not be properly configuring my end. I need someone with aws account and have knowledge in net to be able to help me with this task is pleain simple review the SMS and email API to see how i set it nupa dn test them with their account and that way i am able to tell if my aws setup is the issue and assist me with it Must have a giyhub account Must have an aws account
...activity. Analytics Dashboard: Display key metrics like sales, user engagement, and performance trends. Admin Panel Design Expectations: Clean, user-friendly interface. Visually aligned with the website’s existing branding (colors, fonts, style, etc.). Technical Requirements: Frontend: Convert Figma designs into code using React.js or Vue.js + HTML5/CSS3. Backend: Laravel (PHP). Database: MySQL/PostgreSQL. Payment Gateway: Stripe/PayPal integration. PWA Features: Offline mode, push notifications. What’s Provided: Figma files for the website (including homepage, competition details, user dashboard, winners page, recent draws, etc.). No pre-designed admin panel – the developer must create the UI/UX for it from scratch. Deliverables: 1. Fully...
...on Squarespace: • Follow the Kazmo Genetics LLC Website Implementation Guide to build out the site structure. • Set up the homepage, service pages, FAQ page, and contact page. • Integrate all content, including service descriptions, pricing, and call-to-action buttons. 2. Booking System Integration: • Implement Acuity Scheduling for clients to book DNA tests easily. • Ensure the “Book a DNA Test” button is visible and links to the booking system across relevant pages. 3. Design & Branding: • Design the website according to our brand guidelines, using blue and white tones for a medical, clean, and professional look. • Ensure the website is mobile-responsive, easy to navigate, and fast-loading. 4. Final Testing & Adju...
I am currently facing a deployment issue with my Ethereum smart contract. The problem arises during the compiling stage, and I suspe...causing it to get stuck. Key Requirements: - Expertise in Ethereum smart contracts - Proficient in identifying and fixing deployment issues - Understanding of potential security vulnerabilities - Prior experience with smart contract compilation - Proficiency in Solidity programming language - Strong skills in debugging and troubleshooting smart contract code - Understanding of different Ethereum test networks like Ropsten and Kovan - Experience in conducting security audits for smart contracts - Familiarity with development tools like Truffle and Hardhat - Knowledge of optimizing gas usage in smart contracts - Experience with version control system...
Tender review - 2 - 3 days a week Collate information on pricing and set up a database of our companies pricing that is relevant to the market and our break even costs. Assist in apply for tenders. Construction background required, preferably concrete.
...and other developers to create a polished experience. - Debug, test, and resolve gameplay and server-side issues efficiently. - Deploy and maintain backend infrastructure on cloud platforms (AWS, Google Cloud, or Azure). Requirements: ✅ 3+ years of professional experience in Unity game development (C# & Unity Engine). ✅ Experience in developing and shipping an MMORPG (or other large-scale multiplayer games). ✅ Strong expertise in real-time networking using / WebSockets. ✅ Backend development experience with Node.js (Express, NestJS) or Python (FastAPI, Django, Flask). ✅ Experience with RESTful APIs & WebSockets for multiplayer games. ✅ Familiarity with database management (MongoDB, PostgreSQL, Firebase, MySQL). ✅ Experience with cloud hosting (AWS, Googl...
I'm on the lookout for seasoned sales professionals to market my fitness program tailored specifically for athletes. Rs. 1000/- will be given on each sale. Key Responsibilities: - Utilize online platforms, primarily social media, our website and email marketing to reach potential customers. - Develop creative and engaging content to promote the fitness program. - Implement effective sales strategies to maximise program reach and sales. Ideal Candidate: - Proven experience in online sales, preferably in the fitness industry. - Excellent understanding of the athlete demographic. - Proficient in using social media and email marketing for sales. - Exceptional communication skills and a passion for fitness.
...using Session's secure architecture. Optimize server performance & scalability for high availability. Implement firewall & DDoS protection for security hardening. ? Technical Requirements ✅ Backend & Infrastructure Experience with Oxen Network, Lokinet, and Session Nodes Linux Server Administration (Ubuntu/Debian, Nginx/Apache, Docker, Kubernetes) Experience with database management (PostgreSQL, MySQL, or GRDB) Experience setting up push notification services (APNs, Firebase, WebSockets) Understanding of encryption standards (E2EE, TLS, SSL) ✅ Mobile Development iOS Development (Swift, Xcode, CocoaPods, SPM, GRDB) Android Development (Kotlin, Gradle, Firebase, WebRTC) Experience with Push Notifications (APNs & FCM) Familiarity with App Store & Google Pl...
I'm looking for a freelancer with solid experience in descriptive and inferential statistics. The project involves analyzing demographic data from two locations, Hail and Exeter, and comparing responses to survey questions. Key tasks include: - Analyzing means for demographics and survey responses separately for Hail and Exeter - ...location The final report should be delivered in an Excel file. Please ensure to include: - Demographic information (specifically country) - Means for demographics as done in academic papers - Likely a bar graph for each question comparing means for Hail and Exeter Ideal candidates will possess: - Strong statistical analysis skills - Proficiency in Excel - Experience with independent samples t-test - Ability to present data visually and in an ac...
...Here's an example of one: DAoC Skilla was made for the original game but it is no longer working because the version was built back in the early 2000s and support was not kept. There are source files on that website that you might find useful to copy as well as UI elements that might make this project make more sense. Things you need to know: I expect you to test this tool yourself and provide proof of function before receiving any payment. You will need to download the game and client, create an account, and develop a tutorial on how to install and use the tool. I will pay for any additional quality of life changes made to the tool that I ask for after a working software is made. We will use discord to communicate, please make sure you PM me with your
...PHP-based backend to handle database interactions, user authentication, and product management. Implement secure login and registration systems with validation and protection against SQL injection attacks. Develop an admin panel to manage products, orders, and users, with proper role-based access control. Implement secure checkout process with necessary validations. Database Management: Set up a MySQL database to store user data, product information, orders, and more. Ensure SQL queries are protected against SQL injection by using prepared statements or ORM. Security: Use security best practices to protect the website from common web vulnerabilities. Ensure that sensitive information like passwords is stored securely (e.g., hashed and salted). Implement secure session managemen...
I am seeking a freelancer to help create a unique and rigorous econometrics research model as well as robustness test examining financial inclusion, caste dynamics, and related variables in India. It will be beneficial if RDD experiment. The analysis will utilize the IHDS Dataset from 2011-12 and 2004-05, with the goal of producing a finance paper as soon as possible. No delay in delivering the work. Key Objectives: - Constructing an econometrics model for a research paper. - Identifying the impact of financial inclusion on investment. - Analyzing the role of caste in the model - permutations and combination of a lot of meaningful variables from the dataset mentioned above. Expectations: - well versed with R and STATA - Please include a detailed project proposal in your applica...
I'm in need of an experienced Shopify developer to build and optimize my online store. The store will be selling physical products, so it is crucial to have an understanding of e-commerce best practices. Key Requirements: - Build a modern, user-friendly Shopify store - Implement features including: - Downloadable content management - Subscription management - Customer reviews - Optimize the store for SEO and user experience Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven track record of Shopify store development - Understanding of physical product e-commerce - Experience with implementing the specified features - SEO and UX optimization skills - Ability to deliver a modern design Please include examples of your previous work with Shopify and e-commerce stores in your proposa...
My WordPress site is experiencing design/layout issues. The site has been copied to a test bed as the live WordPress site version is outdated. The test bed site has been upgraded from WordPress 4.9.26 to 6.7.1 and we are finding we are unable to edit pages, with a "Critical error" showing. We believe we have localised the issue down to the plugins WP Bakery and Visual Composer. I need a skilled WordPress developer to diagnose and repair these problems so that my site is once again editable and stable. We use Ninja Forms and have had their support to get their plugin working but requires editing a page available to confirm this. Currently, the site is accessible, both front and back end, but cannot edit pages, when both WP Bakery and Visual Composer are enabled. P...
...specializing in AI-based solutions to help transform my existing platform, , into a fully AI-driven model. Current Website: Paperkeeda is an online test series platform that helps students prepare for exams through mock tests, performance analysis, and study resources. What I Need: ✔️ AI-Driven Personalization – Adaptive learning based on student performance. ✔️ Automated Question Generation – AI-powered question bank creation. ✔️ Real-Time Performance Analytics – AI-based insights and recommendations. ✔️ AI Chatbot Integration – For doubt-solving and student assistance. ✔️ Voice & Speech Recognition – AI-powered verbal test features. ✔️ Advanced Proctoring System – AI-based anti-cheating mechanisms. If you or your team spec...
...on answers. The web must have a form plugin jotform) The job to do: make the landing pages with information of service, add the buy page of service using table price and direct ckeckout (you can use woocommerce); add jotform; integrate the questionnaire of jotform and the answer with AI to create the authomatic report. The questions of jotform and the answer of jotform must be saved inside my mysql database. So it is necessary use a plugin to create the tables and save the answer add a plugin or code to comunicate with an AI the plugin (wpautomator o Ai engine). Finally it is necessary show the report inside a web page and create a pdf. The report must have an excellent design, it must chart and tables create with the information of report of AI. So it is necessary use inside t...
Blockchain Software Demo and Completion
I'm seeking a short-term reputation manager to process online store reviews. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in online reputation management. - Familiarity with online store review platforms. Experience: - Experience with a variety of review platforms. - Experience in creating neutral or positive content to counterbalance negative reviews. Please note, the objective of this project is to maintain a positive public image for my online store.
I'm seeking a Power BI expert to enhance my existing setup for tracking and analyzing online poker players. The current setup is based on a spreadsheet containing player data, with initial work already completed in Power BI. Your primary responsibilities will include: - Ensuring historical aliases remain searchable. - Enhancing search functionality to find players by multiple fields. - Improving filtering and visualization for better usability. - Optimizing relationships and Power Query setup for future scalability. - Modifying the setup for mobile accessibility. - Enabling support for multiple users. - Enhancing security measures. - Ensuring the system automatically updates with new spreadsheet data. The ideal candidate should have: - Extensive experience with Power BI and d...
...(View Graded Cards & NFTs). ✔ Premium Membership for faster grading, discounts, & exclusive auctions. ? Additional Features ✔ Live Chat & AI-powered FAQ bot. ✔ Blog for Pokémon Card Market Trends. ✔ Social Media Integration & Sharing. Preferred Tech Stack (Flexible) ? Frontend: React.js, Vue.js, , Wix Velo, or WordPress ? Backend: Node.js, Express, Firebase, or PHP ? Database: MongoDB, MySQL, or Firestore ? Blockchain: Solidity, , Moralis API, or OpenSea API ? Payment Integration: Stripe, PayPal, Crypto Budget & Timeline ? Budget: Open for discussion, depending on experience and quality. ⏳ Timeline: Preferably 4-6 weeks. Freelancer Requirements: ✅ Proven experience with e-commerce & NFT marketplaces. ✅ Portfolio of previous projects (preferably ...
I'm looking for an experienced Database Administrator (DBA) to help with my Spring Boot application which is utilizing a microservices architecture. The application is using MySQL as its database technology. Key Responsibilities: - Database Optimization: Ensuring the database is running at its optimal performance. - Schema Design: Creating a robust and efficient database schema. - Handling DB Connection: Assisting with connection issues and ensuring smooth communication between services and the database. The DBA will have full admin access to the database. Ideal candidates should be well-versed in MySQL and have significant experience with Spring Boot and microservices. Excellent problem-solving skills and the ability to work under pressure are a must.
I'm in need of a seasoned Spring Boot developer who can help me manage my MySQL database connections. The primary focus of this project is to facilitate the gathering of data from multiple databases into a single application. Key Project Features: - Seamless management of multiple MySQL database connections - Efficient data retrieval and consolidation - Flexible data handling - both merging data into a single dataset and keeping it separate, but accessible based on contextual needs Ideal Skills: - Proven experience with Spring Boot - Extensive knowledge in handling MySQL databases - Proficiency in data management and API integration - Strong understanding of user authentication and data reporting functionalities Your expertise will be invaluable in helping me s... client. Implement communication between the poker data extraction tool and an existing AI decision-making system using the GIP2 protocol. Develop an automation module to execute AI-recommended moves in the poker client. Ensure compliance with data security and anti-detection measures. Optimize data extraction for speed and accuracy. Implement robust error handling and logging mechanisms. Test and debug software for different poker platforms. Requirements Proficiency in Python, C++, or Java (for low-level data extraction). Experience with network traffic analysis (e.g., Wireshark, TCP/IP packet sniffing). Knowledge of screen scraping, OCR (e.g., Tesseract, OpenCV), or API interception. Familiarity with automation frameworks (e.g., Selenium, AutoIt, PyAutoGUI). Ex...
We have tried to make an online form with google but it has not been practical because it did not perform the function we need. We want our customers to fill in the form fields and at the end of the form a pdf is exported and sent to us detailing all their answers. We do not want any type of statistics, only the online form, and that it arrives to us with the client's data. You have to replicate the one attached below. We do not want to use any payment system, it has to be free online. We are open to suggestions. it must be done in 4 languages (it is only in english right now). that can visit 8 locations, only 40 will be visited, that is ok, or if all must be visited then an error message pops up, Or I can increase the number of vehicles. The script should consider only minimum distance travelled by vehicles (cumulative distance for all vehicles being the main driver. Please note, all variables listed above need to work independently of each other during the stress test and should be in a separate config file. Second Stage (optional): Have the script include variables to reduce the first or second journeys (i.e. if 5 stops, minimise the journey to the first stop when fully laden i.e. using more fuel) Third Stage (optional): Include the ability to have 'convoys' to branch out from a certain location to cover each route, i.e. split at t...
Short-Form Video Editing – Test Assignment (1 Clip) Project Overview: A TikTok/Reels-style vertical video is required, approximately 30–40 seconds long, focusing on apparel or footwear brand insights. This task serves as a test to evaluate editing quality, creativity, and adherence to guidelines. If results are satisfactory, an ongoing collaboration (up to 60 videos per month) may be offered. 1. Raw Materials 1. Primary Footage (Talking Head): • A single recorded clip (MP4) featuring a speaker delivering a short script. • The background may need removal or greenscreen-style extraction. 2. Supplementary Footage (Stock/B-Roll): • The editor is responsible for sourcing brief, royalty-free/Creative Commons snippets that illustrate references to f...
I'm looking to transition an online course to the Moodle platform. The site will host a variety of interactive, multimedia content including video tutorials, written content, and quizzes and assignments. We are looking for a consultant to help us develop a user-friendly design and improve the functionality for the interactive elements.
Project Title: Seeking Skilled Developer for Online Casino Slots Business Enhancement Project Overview: I am currently running an online casino slots business through Facebook Messenger, offering games on platforms such as Firekirin, Cash Machine, Orion Stars, Game Vault, Juwa, Panda Master, Game Room, Ultra Panda, and Vblink. I am looking for a highly skilled developer or digital solutions expert to help me optimize, automate, and enhance various aspects of my business. Scope of Work: 1. Automating Player Management • Develop or integrate a player management system to streamline user registration, bonuses, tracking, and support. • Automate daily tasks such as adding credits, managing withdrawals, and player verification. 2. Custom Payment Integration •...
I'm seeking assistance with a test project focused on budget forecasting, specifically expense estimation and cash flow forecasting. The primary data source for these calculations will be my historical financial data. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in budgeting and forecasting within accounting - Strong analytical skills - Experience working with historical financial data - Excellent understanding of expense estimation and cash flow forecasting - Ability to create clear and comprehensive budget forecasts
I'm seeking an online fitness coach with a focus on weight loss. - Expertise in Advanced-Level Fitness: As an advanced fitness enthusiast, I need a coach who can provide challenging and dynamic workouts suited to my level. - Weight Loss Specialist: The primary goal is to shed some pounds, so your experience and methods in weight loss training will be key. - Online Coaching Pro: Since this will be conducted online, your ability to deliver engaging and effective virtual sessions is critical. - Strong Communication Skills: You should be able to provide clear instructions, motivation, and support throughout our sessions. - Provide comprehensive nutrition guidance to support my weight loss goals. - Implement methods for tracking and reporting progress regularly. - ...
? Project Overview We are looking for a Python develo...Required Skills ✔ Python – Strong scripting & automation skills ✔ PDF Processing – pdfplumber, PyMuPDF, pytesseract (for OCR) ✔ Regular Expressions (Regex) – Extracting structured data from raw text ✔ NLP & Text Processing – spaCy, NLTK, transformers (for question categorization) ✔ Web Scraping (Bonus) – BeautifulSoup, Scrapy, Selenium (for CBSE past-year papers) ✔ Data Storage – CSV, JSON, or MySQL/MongoDB integration ? Expected Deliverables ? Python scripts for: 1️⃣ Extracting text from NCERT PDFs 2️⃣ Filtering & structuring extracted questions 3️⃣ Classifying questions into Subject, Chapter, Type, Difficulty 4️⃣ Saving extracted questions as CSV/JSON 5️⃣ (Bonus) Scraping CBSE ...