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..."NEOR", і ми маємо відділ маркетингу в середині компанії, але шукаємо дизайнера, який зможе з нами співпрацювати довгостроково на підряді. Задачі по дизайну які ми будемо вам передавати, це наприклад оформлення банерів, дизайн картинок для товарів на сайт, дизайн каталогів, інструкцій до товару, різних картинок і сторісів для соц.мереж, каталоги, дизайн упаковок, і т.п. Бажано володіти Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Corel Draw, Figma або аналогічними програмами, робота з сервісами створення зображень на основі генеративного ШІ. Буде великим плюсом - навики монтажу відео і досвід створення 3Д візуалізацій.
...використання на мобільних і настільних пристроях. Презентація розділів: головна сторінка, послуги, портфоліо, калькулятор вартості (за потреби), контактна інформація. Створення сучасного стилю, що відповідає тематиці 3D друку. Вимоги: Досвід у створенні UX/UI дизайну для вебсайтів (портфоліо обов’язкове). Знання принципів адаптивного дизайну. Досвід роботи з платформами, такими як Figma, Adobe XD або Sketch. Бажано мати досвід роботи з проектами в сфері послуг або технологій. Що ми пропонуємо: Чітке ТЗ та підтримку в процесі роботи. Конкурентну оплату за проєкт (обговорюється залежно від досвіду). Можливість довгострокової співпраці в майбутньому. Як подати заявку: Будь ласка, надішліть: Ваше портфоліо. Короткий опис вашого досвіду. Ваші орієнтовні тер...
..."NEOR", і ми маємо відділ маркетингу в середині компанії, але шукаємо дизайнера, який зможе з нами співпрацювати довгостроково на підряді. Задачі по дизайну які ми будемо вам передавати, це наприклад оформлення банерів, дизайн картинок для товарів на сайт, дизайн каталогів, інструкцій до товару, різних картинок і сторісів для соц.мереж, каталоги, дизайн упаковок, і т.п. Бажано володіти Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Corel Draw, Figma або аналогічними програмами, робота з сервісами створення зображень на основі генеративного ШІ. Буде великим плюсом - навики монтажу відео і досвід створення 3Д візуалізацій.
3D-візуалізація туалетної кімнати, простоте і гармонійне поєднанням текстур. Дерев'яні акценти додають тепла та природності інтер'єру, а продумане освітлення підкреслює сучасний стиль. ? Year: 2024 Visualization: Tetiana Huranych 3ds max 2023| Corona Render 9|Adobe Photoshop Instagram: #visulization #3dmax #disain #3dvisualization #rendering #render #workfromvisualization
I'm looking for someone who knows how to make 3D animations, or something like cartoons, in SFM (not necessary). The action takes place not in the distant future, and Ryan thought: what should I do now?.. where should I go, what job? I can’t do anything.. and out of sadness he decided to go to a bar, where he met his physics teacher Sam Ramsey, who also worked as a bartender: “hmm, that’s how the meeting is.” Ryan told him the whole situation, they had a heart-to-heart chat, but the physicist’s situation turned out to be no better, he works two jobs, and even then he doesn’t always have enough to live on. and they both decided, for fun and out of desperation, to submit an application on a secret website, to a secre...
...інфлюенсерами, ugs маркетинг.. • Відмінне знання всіх популярних соціальних мереж (Tik-Tok, Telegram, Instsgram та ін.). • Вміння аналізувати результати та оптимізувати стратегії просування. • Досвід роботи з API соціальних мереж та аналітичними інструментами. • Естетичне бачення картинки. Плюсом буде: Знати функціонал нейромереж, які допоможуть у роботі. Вміння працювати з програмами Adobe (Photoshop…), Figma. Якщо ви вже працювали зі сферою краси. ОБОВ’ЯЗКИ • Повне ведення соціальних мереж салону (Tik-Tok, Telegram, Instsgram) • Створення якісного та креативного контенту (фото, відео, тексти) • Розробка digital стратегії • Розробка та реалізація SMM-стратегії • Планування та складання...
Детейлинг студии нужно смонтировать несколько коротких видео для Instagram и ток ток. Контент снимать не нужно, только монтировать и добавлять спецэффекты Требования: 1. Опыт работы с программами, такими как Adobe Premiere, After effects, Final Cut или другими аналогичными программами 2. Умение качественно монтировать короткие видео 3. Знание основных принципов монтажа, включая работу с звуком, цветокоррекцией, добавлением эффектов и титров 4. Креативное мышление и способность предложить или добавить оригинальные идеи для создания привлекательного контента 5. Способность соблюдать сроки выполнения задач
Підозра на фішінг, потрібна провесійна перевірка архіву в безпечному просторі для того щоб знати чи потрібно вживати якісь заходи і чи був витік якоїсь інформації. Продукція сайту а саме крякнутий Adobe After Effects.
Вимоги до роботи: - щоб шрифти пiдтримували польську мову (символи: ą ę ł ó ć ż ś) -щоб проект був зроблений в Adobe Ilustrator (з можливістю редагування проекту та тексту в ньому), режим CMYK -запрошення квадратні, розмір в складеному вигляді: 13,5x13,5cm, в роскладеному: 13,5x27cm -шаблон тексту скину потiм (який має бути всередині запрошення) - дві монтажних області, (розкладений перед, розкладений зад) приклад: Приклади потрiбних дизайнiв прикріпляю: 300 за один дизайн (потрібно +-10 варіантів), велику увагу приділити розкладу тексту всередині запрошення(дані до тексту надішлю потім). Для початку роботи прошу прислати мені фото одного прикладного дизайну, щоб я побачив чи ви мені підходете.
У міжнародну анімаційну компанію на постійну роботу потрібні художники-аніматори. Наша студія розробляє проекти для телебачення, а також для платформи YouTube. Вимоги до претендентів: ОБОВ’ЯЗКОВО НАЯВНІСТЬ ПОРТФОЛІО! Хороше знання пакету Adobe (зокрема After Effects) або аналогічного за функціональністю ПЗ. Робота з ліпсинком, знання duik досвід персонажів анімації Від нас: зручний робочий графік (робота віддалено), цікава робота у глобальному проекті, умови для постійного фінансового та професійного зростання.
Привет, я ищу видеоредактор для коротких 4-6-минутных видео для YouTube.
Доброго дня! Мене звуть Поліна, я HR навчального центру CyberBionic Systematics! Ми знаходимося у пошуку викладача по C#/.NET. За посиланням Ви можете дізнатися про умови роботи з нами: Коротко про наші переваги: • дистанційне викладання • гнучкий графік • сертифікація Microsoft Буду вдячна за Вашу відповідь, гарного дня!
...нарезать и/или создавать テロップ для видео на японском языке. Длина видео с среднем от 5 до 15 минут. We offer 2 types of work - cutting the videos and/or adding teroppu (lower thirds) in the Japanese language. The length of the videos varies between 5 to 15 mins. Необходимые навыки - adobe premiere pro - базового уровня достаточно японский язык - продвинутый уровень, способность на слух распознать и правильно записать текст (можно использовать text to speech софт, но нужно быть в состоянии вычитать). Required skills: Adobe Premiere Pro user (basic level+) Japanese language - Upper-Intermediate to Advanced level is a must Мы предоставим готовый premiere pro проэкт и инструкцию (на японском) в качестве примера. We will provide a manual in Japanese and the sample project fil...
Доброго дня! Мене звати Ігор, і я також з України (Івано-Франківськ) Колись займався розробкою сайтів для малого бізнесу на wordpress. Знаю основи HTML/CSS/PHP а також саму CMS WordPress. Також володію програмами Adobe AE/Ph/Pr/Lightroom/Illustrator. Працював сам на себе. Клієнтів мав через "сарафанне радіо". Та пізніше вирішив займатись інтернет мережами. Працював системним адміністратором у інтернет провайдерів. Та зараз - хочу повернутись до вебу. Можливо знайдеться вакансія у вас для мене?
Для сайту розробити графічний макет головної сторінки. Обов’язково зберегти весь наявний текстовий контент та всі функціональні блоки. Підібрати та доповнити зображення, обрати кольорову схему сайту, вибрати шрифти. Для створення макету рекомендовано використовувати: adobe photoshop або figma. Для підбору шрифтів Для вибору кольорової палітри або аналогічні ресурси. Зображення та інфо-графіку слід шукати на подібних ресурсах Натхнення вам: Так собі: Погані приклади:
Доброго дня, мене звати Іван, я є керівником проекту по розробці Shopify теми, можу запропонувати В...Shopify теми, можу запропонувати Вам постійне навантаження хоч і 40 годин на тиждень, залежить від вашої доступності та кваліфікації. Проект веду на Апворк вже більше 2-х років, можемо працювати по трекеру і тут на Фрілансері. Необхідною умовою є стек HTML/CSS/JS/Shopify Liquid/Git Робота в команді, тепер там лід індус, але заміню з радістю, якщо покажете себе. З повагою, Іван ~0176737ba1218657c8
I am a web designer, I work with programs such as the (adobe illustrator, adobe Photoshop) VEP designer has worked 2 years in this area profysional! I offer you a large selection of logos and more! I will be happy if you obyrete my behalf for the project. sorry for my English! Доброго дня, я займаю дизайном уже( 2 )роки і у мене є великий опит у сфері дизайну я можу робить логотипи, фірмовий стиль , дизайн візиток , дизайн листовок , шаблони для сайта , поліграфічиский дизайн , інтерфейси , дизайн кнопок, іконки і усе для сайтів і Т.Д
We need to make online store like: , Without content. Also useful filters for specific product characteristics. need online chat Потрібно зробити інтернет магазин на зразок: Без наповнення. Також потрібні фільтри товару за певними характеристиками, онлайн чат
I'm seeking a talented UI/UX designer to create a new design from scratch for our upcoming mobile app, web application, and desktop application. Your main goal will be enhancing user experience across...Responsibilities: - Design a seamless, intuitive, and engaging user interface for all three platforms - Collaborate with our team at Social Linker to ensure alignment with our brand and vision Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience in UI/UX design, particularly for multi-platform applications - Strong understanding of user-centered design principles - Proficiency in design tools like Sketch, Figma, Adobe XD, etc. - Excellent communication skills for effective collaboration Your innovative, market-ready designs will help us transform ideas into reality and build something remarka...
I'm in search of a white-label online casino platform. The solution should be highly customizable, allowing me to tweak various elements as needed. The ideal platform will come with comprehensive documentation and full ownership. Key Features Required: - Complete and well-documented source code - A variety of casino games: slots, roulette, blackjack, poker, baccarat - Integrated payment gateways for both crypto and fiat - An advanced admin panel for user management, bonuses, and an affiliate system - A fully responsive design for both desktop and mobile - Optionally, support for licensing Preferences: - An open-source or fully customizable solution without provider restrictions - The ability to self-host or use dedicated servers - Advanced security features and regular upda...
I'm launching a new business and in need of a modern style, minimalist logo for a social media company. The design should be a combination mark, incorporating both text and an abstract symbol or image. Ideal Skills: - Graphic design - Brand identity - Proficiency in design software (Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, etc.) From this logo we would like it to be a double job, and have the winning candidate also design the website. So website examples of work are required to see, and proficiency in web design is also required. The website will need to be updateable via a backend such as Wordpress Information the website needs is simply 'About Us' 'Who We Work With' and 'Contact Us' Please provide samples of your previous work that align with this pr...
Role & responsibilities We're looking forB2B Marketi...carry the work with clear logic and present a confidence while handling the on-site communication. Also, we are looking for the ideal candidate who has experience working in air-conditioner manufacturing no matter you were from an engineer background. Perks and benefits With ideal candidate who has good experience working as on-site representative, we can offer flexible working schedule and good bonus on per work assignment. About Company We're a aluminium supplying firm working on the project related with some major clients in India. For the roles we are looking for are someone who had experience working at Air-conditioner manufacturing plant. Ideal candidate please feel free to share your resume and...
*FIRST READ THEN BID* *Website developers and SEO providers STAY AWAY* See these are the details #1—> PRODUCT 1. All-in-one marketing platform. 2. One funnel away challenge ( course to bring sales online) and Online Marketing tools ( like email marketing and funnels) for 3 months. is of 100 dollars 4. Support from the community and coaches. #2—> PAYMENT 1. ILL pay you ₹30,000 for the first project. 2. If you bring 30 sales within a month, then you'll build trust, and I will pay you more for the next projects( which are much more difficult to upsell). 3. I won't pay you if you don't bring sales within the time frame. #3—> MY EFFORTS 1. I won't do any work for these sales 2. I'll only provide you the link to promo...
...looking for a skilled UI/UX designer to create a user-friendly and visually appealing design for my salon booking platform. The website will allow users to book appointments at salons, beauty parlors, and barbershops, and help salon owners manage their business efficiently. Requirements: • Experience in designing modern and intuitive UI/UX for web applications • Proficiency in tools like Figma, Adobe XD, or Sketch • Ability to design mobile-friendly and responsive layouts • Understanding of booking systems and e-commerce UI/UX principles • Strong creativity and attention to detail • Ability to deliver clean, engaging, and user-friendly designs Scope of Work: • Design the homepage, salon listing page, booking page, and user dashboard &b...
? Technical Roadmap: Marketplace Platform Development 1. Overview This document outlines the technical requirements and development roadmap for the marketplace platform transitioning from a Hi-Fi niche to a general marketplace. 2. Technology Stack Frontend (Web & Mobile): • Web: React.js or • Mobile: Flutter (for iOS & Android) or React Native • UI/UX: Designed in Figma or Adobe XD Backend (APIs & Business Logic): • Node.js with or • Python (Django/Flask for AI-based recommendations) • GraphQL or REST API Database & Storage: • PostgreSQL or MySQL for relational data • MongoDB for flexible product listings • Redis for caching search results Authentication & Security: • OAuth 2.0 (Google, Fa...
I need someone to edit my existing logo by trimming the black background to the contour of the logo.I would like the black background to follow the edge of the gold logo wile over hanging slightly. The ideal candidate should be skilled in graphic design and familiar with software like Adobe Illustrator or CorelDRAW. Please note that the new size for the logo has not yet been determined, so the freelancer must be able to work with me to finalize the dimensions. The edited logo will need to be delivered in vector format, so expertise in creating and exporting logos in this format is essential.
Aug 2024 - PresentAug 2024 - Present 1. Find customers who have never ordered 2. Average Price/dish 3. Find the top restaurant in terms of the number of orders for a given month 4. restaurants with monthly sales greater than x for 5. Show all orders with order details for a particular customer in a particular date range 6. Find restaurants with max repeated customers 7. Month over month revenue growth of swiggy 8. Customer - favorite food we get to know about CTE and use of join in various way to get our result
We're seeking a skilled and sensitive ebook writer and designer to create a comprehensive and inclusive guide to women's intimate desires and fantasies. The ideal candidate will have a strong understanding of women's emotional and physical well-being, excellent research and writing skills, and experience with designing engaging ebooks. Proje...readability Key Skills: Excellent writing and research skills Strong understanding of women's emotional and physical well-being Ability to write sensitively and respectfully on a potentially sensitive topic Inclusive and diverse approach to representation and language Experience with designing ebooks, including layout, formatting, and image selection Proficiency in design software such as Canva, Adobe InDesign, or similar...
? Suche: Physiotherapeut/Sporttherapeut für Online-Workouts (Freelancer) ? Projekt: Entwicklung von hochwertigen Video-Workouts für eine Firmenfitness-App ? Wen wir suchen: Wir suchen einen erfahrenen Physiotherapeuten, Sporttherapeuten oder Bewegungscoach, der fachlich fundierte und praxisnahe Übungsvideos für unsere digitale Firmenfitness-Plattform erstellt. Die Workouts sollen auf typische Problemzonen von Arbeitnehmern (z. B. Rücken, Nacken, Schultern, Knie) zugeschnitten sein. ? Deine Aufgaben: ✅ Erstellung & Durchführung von gezielten Übungen für verschiedene Schmerz- & Problemzonen ✅ Aufnahme von hochwertigen Workout-Videos (ggf. mit Unterstützung eines Kamerateams) ✅ Vermittlung der Übungen in einer verständlic...
I'm looking for a designer to create 4-7 floral carpet patterns based on photo samples I have attached. The final files can be delivered in either Adobe Illustrator (AI) or Adobe Photoshop (PSD) format, depending on your preference. Each carpet pattern is 2 x 3 meter in size and the file should be scalable to this required size. Ideal skills for this project include: - Proficiency in Adobe Illustrator and/or Adobe Photoshop - Strong design skills, particularly in pattern creation - Experience in creating design files suitable for carpet production Please quote your price PER pattern. We will proceed 1 file at a time with the first file (first project) starting immediately.
...working: starting, heating, end of heating cycle, cleaning, stand by. These jobs have to be ready to install material, with instruction, a App and service plug-in for notification on my smartphone also with instruction. Money will be sent in 2 steps: - first paiement after working and tested system from user for job 1: amount 50 USD - second paiement after working and tested system from user for job 2: amount 15 USD because software could already exist on Github but i need clear instruction manual to make it work Link to help: - support from user will be provided, but no knowledge of pyhton or any other, but good general computing and technology knowledge. So clear instructions has to be created on top. - check the jobs from other people for job 2:
I am looking for a skilled animator/ video creator to create a short 60 second video as per the briefed storyboard which includes screen capture video. We will need editable Adobe Premiere Pro files. The video is to landscape and in 4K resolution. Key Requirements: - The video should be engaging and tailored to capture the attention of business professionals. - It should effectively convey our marketing message within the 60 second time frame. - The animation style should be clean, professional, and in line with 2D Animation techniques. - Previous experience in creating marketing animation videos is a plus. - The focus of the scenes should be on showcasing how the product works and its functionality. All text to include is provided on the relevant slides in the storyboard. -The v...
I'm looking for a skilled T-shirt designer with a knack for graphic-heavy designs. The theme is nature-inspired, so the design needs to incorporate elements of our beautiful planet. Key Requirements: - Graphic-heavy design style - Nature-inspired theme - Inclusion of plants and landscapes - Creativity and original ideas Ideal Skills: - Proficient in graphic design software (Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, etc.) - Strong understanding of T-shirt design principles - Portfolio showcasing similar design styles - Ability to meet deadlines without compromising quality
I have a 2:37 video shot in 720x1280 in which I need to delete more than 5 people. The video features some beautiful natural scenery, including trees and mountains, wh...which I need to delete more than 5 people. The video features some beautiful natural scenery, including trees and mountains, which need to be kept clear and visible. Key Requirements: - Remove more than 5 people from the video whilst keeping the background intact. - The people to be removed move occasionally throughout the video. Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in video editing software (Adobe Premiere Pro, Final Cut Pro, etc.) - Prior experience with similar video editing tasks. - Attention to detail to ensure the background remains clear and unblemished. Video size is bigger than 25 MB and will be sent by ...
Description: I'm seeking a video translator and editor to assist with creating multilingual versions of gaming YouTube Shorts. The primary task involve...add subtitles for all versions except Japanese. Stretch or trim video clips if necessary to match the duration of the new audio tracks. Project Details: Volume: 15 to 30 videos per month depending on the content schedule. Expected translations per video: English, Portuguese, German, French, Hindi, Japanese (no subtitles for Japanese), Indonesian, and Russian. Requirements: Proficiency in Adobe Premiere Pro. Experience with video translation and subtitle creation. Attention to detail to ensure audio synchronization and subtitle accuracy. Payment: Monthly payment between $150 to $200 depending on the volume of videos t...
The winner of this contest would need Adobe animation skills to produce me a ~1 minute 2D Adobe Animator animation. I have the script for the entire animation, however this contest is to select who I work with. Here is part of the script. For this contest, you’ll need to provide 5 images, visually ‘depicting’ the following dialog: 1. “Let’s say you have a coded strategy in Python” 2. “You’ll need some way to retrieve trading data from providers” 3. “You’ll then need a way to execute trades on exchanges” 4. “Next you’ll need a way to manage your funds” 5. “Finally you’ll want to test and improve your strategy” The final animation (which would be done as part of a...
I am seeking an experienced professional proficient in Adobe Photoshop, Indesign, Illustrator, Corel Draw, and After Effects to assist with: - Graphic Design: Primarily focusing on designing flyers and brochures. - Video Editing: Specializing in creating motion graphics for video. Ideal candidates should have a strong portfolio showcasing their graphic design and motion graphics work. Experience with graphic design for print and digital media is a plus. Please provide examples of your previous work.
I need a video editor to create a highlight reel from my home videos. The final product should capture the essence of our family moments in an engaging way. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in video editing software (e.g., Adobe Premiere Pro, Final Cut Pro) - Creative storytelling skills - Experience with family or home video editing Please include examples of similar work in your bid.
I'm in need of a talented animator who can bring my script to life in a humorous, cartoonish style. So it needs to be engaging, lively and fun. Key Requirements: - Proficient in Adobe Animation or similar software - Able to understand and interpret my script - Skilled in creating cartoonish 2D animations - Humorous and able to add comedic timing to the animation - Experience creating content for children Please provide a portfolio of your previous work, particularly any that has targeted children or has been in a cartoonish style.
...High-quality video editing (smooth transitions, cinematic effects, subtitles, engaging visuals) ✅ Voiceovers & Background Music (if possible) ✅ Stock footage sourcing (if you don’t have original footage) ✅ SEO-friendly video titles, descriptions & thumbnails Ideal Skills & Experience: ? Experience in YouTube video creation & editing ? Passion for travel content & storytelling ?️ Proficiency in Adobe Premiere Pro, Final Cut Pro, or similar software ?️ Voiceover skills (optional but a plus) ? Knowledge of YouTube SEO & audience engagement strategies Project Scope: Videos should be 8-12 minutes long Deliver 2-3 videos per week We provide topics & scripts (but creative input is welcome!) Long-term collaboration possible ? Budget: Open to proposals ...
I need the logo from the attached image converted to vector format. The final deliverables should be in SVG and EPS formats, and the color profile should be RGB. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Expertise in graphic design and logo conversion. - Proficiency in using design software such as Adobe Illustrator. - Attention to detail to ensure the vector logo is free from errors.
I'm seeking a talented designer to create compelling thumbnails for my Instagram posts. Your job will be to design eye-catching thumbnails that will help my content stand out in the busy Instagram feed, attracting viewers and boosting engagement. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in design software (e.g., Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator) - Strong understanding of color theory, typography, and composition - Experience in creating designs specifically for social media Your creativity and keen eye for detail will be crucial in delivering professional and visually appealing designs that help to enhance my brand presence on Instagram. If you're passionate about design and understand what it takes to create engaging social media content, I would love to hear from you.
Job Opportunity: Professional Video Editor for AI News YouTube Channel** **Description:** I'm looking for a talented and creative video editor to join my team and edit weekly YouTube videos on the latest in artificial intelligence. Each wee...videos per week, each 1-2 minutes long. 5 every Sunday morning for the coming week! - Ensure a polished and professional final product - Add animations to make the videos engaging and visually appealing - Stay updated with current trends in AI to keep content relevant **Requirements:** - Proven experience in video editing with a professional portfolio - Proficiency in editing software (e.g., Adobe Premiere Pro, Final Cut Pro) - Strong attention to detail and creativity - Ability to work independently and meet deadlines - Excellent commu...
I'm in need of a professional logo designer who specializes in minimalist designs. We have already a logo in place which needs a round of review. You don't necessarily have to stick to spec...round of review. You don't necessarily have to stick to specific colors, as I have a general color theme rather than exact shades. However, you should have a good understanding of color theory, golden ratio and be able to judge whether the logo is visually appealing and aligns with our theme or needs some addtions. Ideal skills for this job include: - Proficiency in graphic design software (like Adobe Illustrator) - Strong understanding of minimalist design principles - Ability to interpret a general color theme - Experience designing for digital platforms - Creativity and or...
I'm in need of a skilled video editor for my YouTube Vlog channel. The editor will be responsible for polishing raw footage into engaging, quality videos. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in editing software such as Adobe Premiere Pro, Final Cut Pro, or Davinci - Previous experience editing vlogs or similar content - Ability to create engaging content through effective pacing, cuts, and transitions - Experience with sound editing and color correction is a plus Please provide samples of your previous work, especially if you have experience editing vlogs.
I'm in need of a modern, bright and vibrant logo, that incorporates both an icon and text. Ideal Skills: - Graphic Design - Branding - Logo Design - Adobe Illustrator - Creative Thinking Please include relevant samples of your work in your proposal.
I'm looking for a freelancer who is skilled in data entry tasks, specifically copy & paste jobs from online databases to spreadsheet data. Key Responsibilities: - Copying and pasting data from online databases to spreadsheets - Ensuring accuracy and attention to detail Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in data entry - Experience with copying and pasting from online databases - Strong attention to detail - Ability to meet deadlines. Please provide examples of similar work you have done in the past.
I'm seeking a proficient Power BI instructor for live online classes tailored for intermediate users. The classes should cover a comprehensive range of key topics such as: - Data visualization techniques - DAX functions and formulas - Data modeling - BI Service Cloud The ideal candidate should have extensive experience with Power BI and a proven track record of teaching intermediate users. They should be able to explain complex concepts in a clear and engaging way, and provide practical examples and exercises to reinforce learning. Experience with live online teaching is a must. Please provide your teaching methodology and any relevant teaching credentials or experiences in your bid.
1. Project Overview Provide a clear and concise summary of what the project is about. Example: I need a logo design for my new tech startup that specializes in AI-driven healthcare solutions. 2. Objectives & Goals Explain the purpose of the project and what you hope to achieve. ...draft within 5 days and the final version within 10 days. 7. Budget & Payment Terms Specify how much you’re willing to pay and payment terms. Example: Our budget is $200. Payment will be made in two milestones: 50% upfront and 50% upon final delivery. 8. Required Skills & Tools Mention any specific skills or tools the freelancer should use. Example: The designer should be proficient in Adobe Illustrator and have experience in branding. Would you like me to tailor this for a...
...reused for future products. The design should align with our website branding and overall aesthetic. The template should be editable in Adobe InDesign or Adobe Acrobat Pro. (2) AI Virtual Receptionist Brochure Creation: Using the template, design a product brochure for the AI Virtual Receptionist. Content has already been written and will be provided (see attachment to this project) The brochure should include a large, attention-grabbing headline image, followed by well-structured information sections. Requirements ✔ Strong experience in graphic design, specifically in brochure and marketing material creation. ✔ Ability to work with Adobe InDesign or Adobe Acrobat Pro to create an editable template. ✔ Portfolio of previous work showing high-quality brochure...