List of oil and gas companies in ukроботи
Project Overview We are launching a truck and car service center in Dessau-Roßlau (Germany), with a focus on tire services (mounting, balancing, sales) and oil changes for both heavy-duty trucks and regular cars. In the future, we aim to expand into more advanced diagnostic and repair services, particularly for trucks (including full test lines, brake tests, suspension diagnostics, etc.). We need a modern, fully responsive website that reflects our professionalism, supports online booking, and is optimized for local SEO (primarily in Dessau-Roßlau and surrounding regions). The site should also attract transit (long-haul) drivers who pass through our region on major highways. We want to provide a multilingual...
Ми шукаємо захоплених і досвідчених викладачів, готових поділитися своїм досвідом на нашій платформі. Наразі наша платформа є невеликою, але ми плануємо активно її розвивати у найближчі місяці. Ми успішно працюємо на міжнародному ринку і вже маємо попит на викладачів. Якщо вас зацікавила наша пропозиція, будь ласка, зареєструйтеся на сайті як викладач. У нас є внутрішня команда, яка займається управлінням профілів викладачів та уроків. Нам потрібна лише деяка інформація від вас, наприклад, предмети, сертифікати, опис тощо. Після реєстрації зв'яжіться з нами, щоб ми надіслали вам форму для заповнення. Ваше завдання — організовувати розклад занять зі студентами. Після завершення заняття ми беремо на себе обробку платежів через платформу Ми лише розпочали
Проект займається трансферами з аеропорту по світу, основні гео: USA, Uk, Australia. Для виконання анкор плану потрібно 15 - 20 штук директорій, щомісячно. За кожу оплата 5 доларів - вона фіксована. Щоб більш детально обговорити, є тех завдання по критеріях (прикріплено). В цілому найзручніший формат роботи, коли Ви просто відправите сайти котри мають посилання з прикладом, котре буде індексуватись і буде просто підходити по трафіку країни (це важливо) з Ahrefs (в ТЗ більш детально), а далі я в автоматизованому режимі перевірю які директорії точно підходять щоб екокомити і ваш с свій час.
...interested in finalizing an open-source project: I am interested in the complete removal of all games except minecraft. (Or placing them in separate modules) I'm also interested in the authorization redesign. That is, there are already two types of authorization implemented there, either through mail (nickname) or through microsoft/mojang, I want the standard login through mail (nickname) to remain, and the licensed login through microsoft/mojang to be placed in a separate module. Also, I need to rework the store module and add the possibility of monthly subscriptions to it. Ideally, the module should be cleaned of all built-in payment methods it provides by default. The project was developed ...
Мета: Професійне візуалізування квартири площею 71 квадратний метр із двома кімнатами, збільшення реалізму та якості порівняно з існуючою моєю роботою. Поточний стан: Одна кімната вже була візуалізована з матеріалами та освітленням. Однак, бажається більш реалістичне та високоякісне оформлення. Для довідки надано зразок цієї кімнати (мій зразок дитячої кімнати1 та мій зразок дитячої кімнати2) Додаткові довідкові матеріали включають фотографію іншої кімнати (бажаний рівень якості) та фактичну кімнату і основний файл ( та Sketchup+Vray+5+Interior+) Оригінальний файл SketchUp (квартира) буде доступний під час співбесіди. Вимоги: Коригування матеріалів: Детально налаштувати всі матеріали. Наразі я використовую V-Ray 6. Скріншоти всіхваших налаштувань V-Ray потрібно надати. Налаштування осв...
To launch a new product, there is a need to develop a hot water boiler with a capacity of 100, 200, 300 kW. The boiler should run on solid fuel (firewood, coal) and be able to install a burner. Для запуску в виробництво, нового продукту, є потреба розробки водогрійного котла, з потужністю 100, 200, 300 кВт.. Робота котла на твердому паливі (дрова, вугілля) та можливість встановлення пальника.
... В GET параметрах потрібно обов'язково передати наступні параметри: clientid - (обов'язкове) ідентифікатор партнера model - (обов'язкове) назва товару articul - (обов'язкове) артикул товару price - (обов'язкове) вартість одиниці (!) товару (крапка, як розділювач для копійок) quantity - (обов'язкове) кількість одиниць товару (за замовчуванням 1, якщо більше 5, то лендінг буде зменшувати до 5 шт.) img - (необов'язкове) лінк на фото товару в повному форматі, з вказанням домену і обов'язково з використанням https://, макс. розмір зображення - 130х130 пікселів. Сторінка створена як responsive, тому буде перебудовуватись залежно від розміру <iframe>, в яку її вставили. Мінімальна ширина - 320 пікселів. Шаблон адреси:
Словом, є декілька текстів, які потрібно переписати іншими словами зі збереженням змісту. Мова - англійська. Звісно, вільне володіння цільовою мовою - головна вимога) Бажано, але не критично - якийсь Legal досвід, бо це будуть публічні сторінки на сайті американської компанії, і було б непогано непонаписувати там чогось, за що потім затягають по американських судах ;)
Вітаємо, Samiullah K.! Я звернув увагу на ваш профіль і хотів би запропонувати вам свій проект. Ми можемо обговорити деталі в чаті.
Need to change the "Shipping City" field widget from a List to a Text field, under the field, display Help text. After writing the name of the city, compare the name and display the corresponding list of departments in the "delivery offices" field.
Доброго дня! Мене звати Анастасія. Я рекрутер компанії Онсео. На даному етапі знаходжусь в пошуках сильного Андроїд розробника. Готові розглядати кандидатів на фріланс основі, оскільки робота проектна. Що собою представляє проект: Circle Gas - проект, який забезпечує бідні верстви населення країн Африки та Азії необхідним обладнанням для безпечного приготування їжі. Чи розглядаєте ви зараз нові проекти/можливості?
Доброго дня! Мене звати Анастасія. Я рекрутер компанії Онсео. На даному етапі знаходжусь в пошуках сильного Андроїд розробника. Готові розглядати кандидатів на фріланс основі, оскільки робота проектна. Що собою представляє проект: Circle Gas - проект, який забезпечує бідні верстви населення країн Африки та Азії необхідним обладнанням для безпечного приготування їжі. Чи розглядаєте ви зараз нові проекти/можливості?
... обрати кольорову схему сайту, вибрати шрифти. Для створення макету рекомендовано використовувати: adobe photoshop або figma. Для підбору шрифтів Для вибору кольорової палітри або аналогічні ресурси. Зображення та інфо-графіку слід шукати на подібних ресурсах Натхнення вам: Так собі: Погані приклади: або
Потрібно створити інтернет-магазин, який ...адаптивний дизайн, швидкість завантаження сторінок, можливість створити посадкові сторінки на основі пересічення категорії та фільтрів і т.д. Тематика - магазин брендового взуття. ТЗ відсутнє. Після запуску магазин має відразу ж піти на просування, тому важливо, щоб всі деталі по оптимізації були реалізовані ще на етапі розробки. Приклад і вимоги до магазину можна побачити тут
I need to create a database of Ukrainian: - real estate agencies offering foreign property, - investment / financial firms offering foreign investment property. Database must be devided in two parts: 1. Company from Kyjev 2. Company form other parts of Ukaraine. Database scope: Name of company, Town, Email address, Web site ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Мені потрібно створити базу даних української мови: - агентства нерухомості, що пропонують іноземну власність, - інвестиційні / фінансові фірми, що пропонують іноземну інвестиційну нерухомість. База даних повинна бути розділена на дві частини: 1. Компанія з Києва 2. Фірма утворює інші частини Укарайна. Обсяг бази даних: Назва компанії, місто, адреса елек...
Потрібно розробити імпорт інформацію з csv файлу та створити під неї сторінку телепередачі для сайту Детальне ТЗ в доці Приклад файлу імпорту прикріплений, для імпорту буде такий же, але в форматі csv
Перекласти 3 сторінки тексту художнього стилю з англійської на українську мову. Необхідний рівень володіння англійською мовою-C1-C2. Translating the text to Ukrainian from original(English). A level of C1 or C2 is required.
We need to make online store like: , Without content. Also useful filters for specific product characteristics. need online chat Потрібно зробити інтернет магазин на зразок: Без наповнення. Також потрібні фільтри товару за певними характеристиками, онлайн чат
Портібно розробити анімацію на сайті для виробника профнастилу 1) є задана фотографія безколірна 2) вибір до двадцяти кольорів 3) користувач нажимає на колір - відповідно змінюється фотографія у вибраний колір приклад як тут показаний будинок
Overview: We're seeking an experienced Vietnamese draftsperson with in-depth knowledge of Australian building codes to prepare construction drawings that meet private certifier requirements. This role is for a long-term partnership, with initial work on 2-3 projects, where each project's details will be negotiated individually. Requirements: • Proven expertise in drafting construction drawings with tools like AutoCAD • Thorough understanding of Australian building standards and private certification processes • Willingness to refine and adjust drawings until all requirements are met • Cost-effective compared to local Australian companies • Ability to work on a per-project basis for an initial 2-3 projects,...
? Cold Calling Needs: UK-Based Cold Callers (native or fluent English speakers). Commission-Based Structure (paid per closed client, not per lead). Experience in B2B Sales, preferably in marketing/advertising services. Strong Closing Skills or ability to book qualified appointments. Ability to Pitch AI-Powered Marketing Solutions effectively. Must handle cold outreach (calls, possibly LinkedIn) with high-volume dialing. Use of a UK phone number for authenticity (free/low-cost options acceptable). Must follow a proven sales script (provided) and adapt based on client responses. ? Performance Expectations: Minimum of 100 calls per day. Target: 5-10 booked calls or 2-3 closed clients weekly. Track and report daily outreach & results....
I need 50 words proofread in German Ideal candidates will have the following skills: - Native or fluent in German - Exceptional proofreading skills - Attention to detail - Familiarity with both formal and informal text
I'm looking for someone to create a PowerPoint presentation for me. The target audience is students, so the content should be tailored to engage and educate this demographic. Key Requirements: - Develop a cohesive and visually engaging PowerPoint presentation based on the topic of education. - Tailor the content specifically for students. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in creating educational presentations. - Strong understanding of effective design principles for student engagement. - Ability to deliver a high-quality and professional presentation.
...professional bookkeeper and accountant to manage my financial records from May 2025 to the present for a services-based company. Approximately 500 transactions (till Feb 2025) need to be accounted for, with the end goal of producing a balance sheet and income statements for the year ending December 2024. Key Tasks: - Manage and categorize about 500 transactions - Prepare a balance sheet and income statements - Create a cash flow statement I currently use Excel for my accounting and I am open to your professional suggestions for templates and formats for the balance sheet and income statements. Ideal Skills & Experience: - Proven experience in bookkeeping and accounting, particularly for service-based compa...
I need 50 words proofread in French Ideal candidates will have the following skills: - Native or fluent in French - Exceptional proofreading skills - Attention to detail - Familiarity with both formal and informal text
I'm seeking an experienced professional who can provide me with contact information of individual owners of multi-family properties (16+ units) in Houston, Texas. The leads should specifically be sourced from Costar. Please deliver the information in an Excel spreadsheet. Ideal skills for this project include: - Proficiency in using Costar for lead generation - Data entry and Excel skills - Knowledge of real estate market in Houston - Experience in sourcing property owner contacts Please note, I'm specifically interested in leads of individual property owners, not real estate companies or entities.
am seeking an experienced developer or AI specialis...experienced developer or AI specialist to help me integrate DeepSeek R1 AI on the cloud with a user-friendly interface. Key Requirements: Cloud-based deployment of DeepSeek R1 AI (no local hosting). Performance: Delivers 65B-level performance Cost Efficiency: , inference and fine-tuning costs must be much low. Accuracy: Excellent performance for complex academic research, reasoning, Fully open-weight and supported by platforms like Hugging Face, Together AI, and RunPod at low costs. Interface Development of a clean, intuitive, and responsive user interface for easy interaction with the AI. Fully functional cloud deployment of DeepSeek R1 AI. A seamless web-based interface for intera...
...tailored Excel spreadsheet for my stock list. The document should include fields for Design number, Design photo, quantity and remarks. Key Requirements: - Customized Layout: The Excel spreadsheet should not follow a standard table format. It needs to have a unique, customized layout that is easy to understand and use. - Design Photos: All design photos need to be embedded within the cells of the spreadsheet, not linked to external files or placed on a separate sheet. This is to ensure that all necessary information is contained within one document. - Quantity and Remarks: There should be designated fields for quantity and remarks for each design. Ideal Skills: - Expertise in Excel: A deep understanding of Excel, including how to...
I need 50 words proofread in French, German, and Dutch. Ideal candidates will have the following skills: - Native or fluent in French, German, and Dutch - Exceptional proofreading skills - Attention to detail - Familiarity with both formal and informal text
I'm seeking a Google Ads expert who can assist me in generating leads. Please note that I'm only considering individual freelancers for this project, not companies. My needs include: - Designing and implementing a new Google Ads campaign from scratch. - Targeting both the Search and Display Networks. Ideal skills for this job would include: - Extensive knowledge and experience with Google Ads, particularly in lead generation. - Ability to create engaging ads targeting the Search and Display Networks. - Proven track record of increasing leads through effective ad campaigns. Please provide examples of past work that demonstrates your expertise and success in lead generation through Google Ads. Thank ...
...presence on Instagram. The primary goal of this project is to generate leads by following potential clients, interacting with their content, and creating engaging, diverse content. Key Responsibilities: - Identify and follow suitable companies based on their industry, size, and location. - Engage with their content through likes and comments. - Create and manage a variety of content, including images and text posts. - Monitor, analyze, and report on social media performance. Ideal Skills: - Some experience in lead generation via social media. - Strong communication and content creation skills. - Proficiency in social media management tools. - Familiarity with the latest social media trends an...
...arbitrage bot that can detect and execute profitable trades across decentralized exchanges (DEXs) on multiple blockchains. The system should include: 1. An API to determine arbitrage opportunities. 2. A smart contract to execute buy and sell orders across different chains. Bonus: Utilization of flash loans for capital efficiency is a significant advantage. Requirements & Deliverables: 1. API for Arbitrage Detection • Fetch real-time price data from multiple DEXs on different chains. • Calculate arbitrage opportunities based on fees, slippage, and gas costs. • Identify profitable trade routes between DEXs and chains. • Provide API endpoints to expose detected opportunities in a structured format (e.g., JSO...
I'm looking for a professional and corporate style website with the following features: - A platform for companies to advertise their products and post job vacancies. - A registration portal for job seekers where they can view and apply for job positions. - A section for companies to click and pay for my service. - A designated area for Banner ads. The site should be able to handle transactions and I prefer companies to pay via Bank transfer. Experience in creating similar corporate websites is a plus. Ultimately, I need a simple yet clean, modern interface that is user-friendly for both companies and job seekers. The name given : JobLink & Marketing PNG, and a TV with a basic wiring schematic. The final design must be construction-ready, with all necessary details for contractor use. The design must include all necessary details for the HOA Architectural Review (setback distances, dimensions, impervious surface calculations, materials, and structure drawings Design Requirements: ✅ Standalone Covered Pergola – Slightly overlaps the house roofline but remains structurally independent ✅ Gutter System – Provides proper water drainage ✅ Electrical Plan – Basic wiring schematic for lights, ceiling fan, and TV ✅ Blueprints & Construction Drawings – Permit-ready PDF plans ✅ Impervious Surface Calculation – Estimate added impervious square footage and recommend drainage solutio...
Do not copy/paste or use AI - I will not read it. I am a teacher on Outschool and I am looking for someone who lives in US, UK, AUS, SK, CA who has many parents who would love to try a free $20 worth of classes on Outschool. I can hire more than one influencer for this project. Please just write to me here if you are interested. The link below includes all of the instructions to be successful in recruiting parents.
...tailored for a hardware store, handling both online and internal operations. It features an Online Store (OS) where customers can browse products, make purchases, and track orders, alongside robust Administrative Modules to oversee inventory, suppliers, customers, finances, and reporting. Key functionalities include multilingual support, multi-currency pricing, configurable payment gateways (defaulting to PayPal), and a tiered customer loyalty program. Additional highlights are WhatsApp notifications with QR code tracking, geolocation-based delivery costs, and integrations for social media, shipping logistics, and analytics. The system ensures security with role-based access, daily backups, and protection against code injection, making it...
I need a professional who is skilled in using ProCAST and ABAQUS to simulate the Direct Chill Casting of both round and rectangular aluminum alloy ingots. The simulation should comprehensively cover: - Thermal Analysis: Understanding heat transfer throughout the casting process. - Mechanical Deformation: Assessing the physical changes and stresses on the ingots. - Microstructural Evolution: Predicting how the internal structure of the alloy changes during casting. The ideal candidate should have a robust background in using ProCAST for similar simulations, with a keen understanding of thermal dynamics, mechanical processes and material science. Experience with the casting of aluminum alloys would be highly beneficial.
...(user information) register list all withdraw doposit list recharge list account edit,block,unblock,delete,user trade ban tranjaction history,delete and add account balance add,debit,notice 8. users oder informations 9. user invite members list 10. user bonus history data,login,time,ip addres,active time recive bouns bank informations list and update refrel link update option withdraw,approve,cancel,type region option (Agent option) red envelope report,recharge,withdraw trade,bonus (control option) result Green,red,violet,number, total amount green total amount red total amount violet total amount which number and control panel Auto result option
...following key pages: • Landing Page: An engaging homepage that features active proposals and drives user engagement. • Proposals Page: A dynamic area where users can submit proposals (for example, suggesting companies use extra cash to buy bitcoin) and vote yes/no. It should also support ranking proposals and include filtering features, along with automated scrapes of the most popular proposals for the landing page. • User Profile: Personalized accounts for each community member. • Account Registration: A secure and user-friendly registration process. Additional Features: • Advanced Data Analytics: The system should identify companies that have low management equity ownership, high retail investor ownership, ...
Please flatten the head of the last version of the ice cream scoop: 1) Reduce the vertical distance D between the lower blue dot and the two upper blue dots by 15%. 2) Note: Point A is 1/3 from the peak to the start of the blue strip. Point B is at the valley. Remove a strip that has a width of 3.7 mm from A to B, and tapers towards both ends.
Create a letter-based logo where the letters “AMG” form the shape of a voluptuous woman lying seductively on her side. The design should blend luxury automotive aesthetics with a sleek, sensual appeal. 1. Typography Integration • The letters “A,” “M,” and “G” should structurally form the curves of the woman’s body in a fluid and natural way. • The “A” can serve as a supporting element, such as the shoulder or hip. • The “M” can form the torso and upper curves. • The “G” can complete the form, possibly shaping the legs or defining the silhouette. 2. Overall Shape & Pose • The woman should appear reclined, lying on her side in...
...tasks left, which involve implementing a new feature and optimizing performance. I'm looking for someone who can write clean, inventive code, rather than hardcoded solutions or copy-pasting from AI. Key Tasks: - Implementing an Analytics Dashboard: This is the new feature that needs to be added, and it should include real-time data visualization and user activity tracking. - Optimizing Performance: This is a crucial part of the tasks at hand. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in C#: The project is primarily written in C#, so a deep understanding of this language is essential. - Problem Solver: I need someone who can contribute creatively to the project. - Clean Code Writer: I value quality code over quantity. I'm not looking for o...
Seeking assistance to compile a list of charter bus companies in Greater Boston. Please provide the following information in a Google Sheet: - Company Name - Contact Name - Email Address - Website URL The data should be organized alphabetically by company name. Ideal skills for this job include data research, proficiency in Google Sheets, and attention to detail.
I'm seeking an Amazon Seller Central expert focused on the UK market, specifically for fragrances. As a professional, your primary responsibilities will include: - Optimising my product listings to improve their appeal and conversion rates. - Managing and strategising my Amazon PPC campaigns to enhance product visibility. - Provide product analysis on best sellers Skills and Experience Required: - Proven expertise in Amazon Seller Central, with a strong focus on listing optimisation . - Extensive experience managing Amazon PPC campaigns, with a demonstrated ability to boost product visibility. - Prior experience with fragrance listings is a plus. - Please provide CV with all experience and achievements. for me in the English language. The store will focus on selling a wide variety of new books in the UK (only.) I will require ongoing support. Key Requirements: - Extensive knowledge and verifiable experience with Amazon's seller platform - Ability to set up a store that can accommodate multiple products - Familiarity with the book selling market on Amazon, as a preference but with the physical product market as a requirement. Essential Store Functionalities: - The ability to support multiple payment options. The ideal candidate should be able to deliver a user-friendly, efficient and fully functional Amazon store to cater to a wide audience of book lovers. Add the word "Hayes" to the first line of your p...
...experienced developer to create an MVP version of a scalable API designed to scrape public LinkedIn data in real-time, such as names, job titles, companies, locations, and LinkedIn URLs. The system must be efficient, scalable, and incorporate robust measures to handle LinkedIn's anti-scraping mechanisms. Key responsibilities include implementing anti-bot protections (e.g., proxies, headless browsers, user-agent rotation), designing an efficient architecture for scalability, and providing a simple storage solution for the extracted data. The API should take a LinkedIn URL as input and return structured profile data. Strong experience in web scraping, overcoming bot detection systems, and building scalable APIs is require...
I'm looking for a dedicated virtual assistant to support me with various administrative tasks. me with various administrative tasks. The ideal candidate will have excellent organizational skills, a good telephone manner, and experience with email management and scheduling. Key Responsibilities: - Finding suitable candidates for various roles - Compiling lists of companies - Making phone calls on my behalf - General secretarial duties Skills and Experience: - Prior experience as a Virtual Assistant or in a similar administrative role - Excellent communication skills - Strong organizational skills - Proficiency in email management and scheduling This project is an excellent opportunity for a proactive individual wh...
...admin panel for our website and an accompanying iOS and Android app for purchasing car insurance plans. The goal is to have a user-friendly app where users can register, login, or browse as a guest. They should be able to search for insurance plans by various categories or by the issuing company. Key Features: - Admin Panel: Manage car insurance companies, user accounts, and company plans/offers. - User App: Register, search for insurance plans by categories, filter by company, purchase using a specific API, and access their plans as PDFs. Payment is limited to specific banks, and plans vary in duration. A critical aspect of this project is the deadline; we need this completed within a 4-week timeframe. Ideal Skills: - Profici...
The delivered files will be: - 3D model for each part (4 part in total) in SLDPRT Format. -3D model of assembly in SLDASM Format. -all files will be checked to be conform the drawings provide by the client and also checked to be good fit in the assembly. - all the files will be checked to be designed for 3d printing.