Joomla css ie6 bug fixроботи
Обязательные знания: Python, SQLAclhemy, PostgresSQL, Aiogram, FastApi, HTML, CSS Особенно важны: Aiogram, FastApi, Python, SQL Краткий список работ: 1. Добавление проверки/валидации сдачи отчетов 2. Интеграция Telegram бота с фуд-треккером FatSecret 3. Проверка на оплату 4. Изменение общего визуала сайта и информации, которая отображается 5. Добавить дату добавления админа 6. Трекинг действий куратора 7. Добавить закреп юзера за определенным куратором Подробнее при личном контакте
...сайті повинна бути система власного балансу користувача: • Користувачі зможуть поповнювати баланс через різні платіжні системи. • Адміністратори отримуватимуть доступ до керування балансами. • Інтерфейс має бути простим і зручним для поповнення та перегляду залишку на балансі. • Сайт має бути адаптованим під мобільні пристрої і мати сучасний дизайн. Технологічні вимоги: • Front-end: HTML, CSS, JavaScript (з можливістю використання фреймворків, таких як React або Vue.js). • Back-end: PHP або Node.js для серверної частини. • База даних: MySQL або PostgreSQL для зберігання інформації про користувачів і їхні баланси. • Платіжні системи: інтеграція популярних платіжних рішень для поповнення балансу (наприклад, PayPal, Stripe тощо). &b...
Треба виправити верстку на сайті деяких елементів, детальніше в прикріпленому файлі. Десктопна і мобільна версія Рівень складности - низький/середній Необхідні знання html, css, js
деталі та дизайн в прикріпленому файлі
Добрий день! У нас є сайт на опенкарт і ми використовуємо на ньому модуль мультиселлера. Але ми не цілком задоволені виглядом панелі, і хочемо деяких змін у CSS. Чи могли б ви допомогти?
...информация, обо мне, о проекте, о нашей совместной работе. Короткое описание задания: Сделать функциональной страничку в веб проекте. Стандартные CRUD операции, валидация, несколько модальных окон, отображение элементов при использовании готовых компонентов. Необходимо знание JS, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, jQuery Как происходит совместная работа? Оплата происходит по выполнению ТЗ. Процесс таков. Делю проект на "таски". В основном Одно ТЗ - одна полноценная страница. - Я описываю подробно задание. Чтоб ты понимал о чём речь и что ты делаешь. - Делаю приблизительный mockup (насколько это возможно). - Делаю скриншоты с темы, компоненты которые я хочу видеть на страничке. - Описываю flow
Необхідно доробити JavaScript/CSS на сайті WordPress детальне ТЗ тут
1) Перенесення сайту на Joomla до актуальної версії. 2) Підбір адаптивного шаблону 4) Оптимізація структури сайту. 5) Оптимізація статей сайту для SEO. 7) Максимально зберегти структури URL-адрес для всіх типів сторінок. 8) Оплата на ФОП чи ТОВ
Доброго дня! Мене звати Ігор, і я також з України (Івано-Франківськ) Колись займався розробкою сайтів для малого бізнесу на wordpress. Знаю основи HTML/CSS/PHP а також саму CMS WordPress. Також володію програмами Adobe AE/Ph/Pr/Lightroom/Illustrator. Працював сам на себе. Клієнтів мав через "сарафанне радіо". Та пізніше вирішив займатись інтернет мережами. Працював системним адміністратором у інтернет провайдерів. Та зараз - хочу повернутись до вебу. Можливо знайдеться вакансія у вас для мене?
Для нашого онлайн магазину шукаємо PHP розробника фрілансера Маємо два цікаві проекти. Завда...пристроїв (мобільних, планшетів) Профіль: • Хороші знання з програмного забезпечення (об'єктно-орієнтований дизайн, шаблони проектування, тестування) • самостійна робота та вирішення проблем • високий рівень мотивації • Досвід роботи з PHP, Symfony, Laravel або Zend, є перевагою • Вільне володіння німецькою чи англійською мовами • Дуже хороші знання PHP, MySQL та JavaScript • Добре знання HTML (5) та CSS (3)
Доброго дня, мене звати Іван, я є керівником проекту по розробці Shopify теми, можу запропонувати Вам постійне навантаження хоч і 40 годин на тиждень, залежить від вашої доступності та кваліфікації. Проект веду на Апворк вже більше 2-х років, можемо працювати по трекеру і тут на Фрілансері. Необхідною умовою є стек HTML/CSS/JS/Shopify Liquid/Git Робота в команді, тепер там лід індус, але заміню з радістю, якщо покажете себе. З повагою, Іван ~0176737ba1218657c8
ФронтендxФронтенд Доповнення в HTML / CSS
Для реалізації клієнтської частини сайту повинна використовуватися мова розмітки HTML5 та каскадні таблиці стилів (CSS). Для реалізації інтерактивних елементів клієнтської частини повинна використовуватися мова JavaScript. При розробці клієнтської частини може використовуватися фреймворм Vue або ReactJS. Серверна частина сайту повинна бути написана мовою високого рівня Рубі з використанням фреймворку RubyOnRails 5.1
Є сайт на HTML + CSS. Для нього необхідно зробити корзину, щоб клієнт міг додати кілька товарів в корзину і купити їх. Краще, щоб корзина була створена за допомогою JAVA. $50
Для доробки проекту одного з проектів потрібен Ruby on Rails Developer. Приблизний об’єм робіт 20-40 годин. Робота віддалена, оплата погодинна. Вимоги: 1+ досвіду роботи, як Ruby on Rails Developer Досвід роботи з HTML, CSS, JavaScript Досвід розробки сайтів на Ruby on Rails Просимо до резюме додати приклади реалізованих сайтів та рейт $/год
при створенн акту з рахунку – проблеми 1-не пдтягуться послуги з разунку у акт 2-при створенн акту помилка на екран Прошу вдразу вказувати орентовну цну так час виконання Дякую
Мені потрібен новий веб-сайт. Розробити дизайн та створити сайт Персональний веб-сайт We are good it-specialists. We know english and html, js, css and a little php.
Необідно знати і любити: - React.js, - HTML5, CSS, - Redux, Flux, Relay, - PHP, - JS, - ENGLISH B1-B2. Не завадять додаткові знання з: - Drupal 7,8, - GraphQL, - Postman, - Facebook workflow for React. Коротко про проект: - 4 місяці безмежно цікавих задач (part-time and full-time). - робота з Drupal сайтом. БУДЬ ЛАСКА, НАДСИЛАЙТЕ ВАШІ ЗАЯВКИ З ПОРТФОЛІО І ПОСИЛАННЯМ НА GITHUB. ДЯКУЮ! З НЕТЕРПІННЯМ ЧЕКАТИМУ ВАШИХ ПРОПОЗИЦІЙ!
Я маю довгострокову роботу, яка пов'язана з нашим попереднім проектом 'exterior fix house'
Розробити сайт із суміжним функціоналам фрілансової платформи: можна за приклад брати або Висилайте свої пропозиції. В ціні можна буде домовитись. Бажано fix ставку.
Привіт chnazar, бачив твоє резюме на рахунок пошуку роботи якщо тебі цікавий довготривалий проект (PHP,JS,HTML,CSS,MySQL) можемо обговорити деталі
Hello everyone, I'm trying to set up Google OAuth 2.0 in my Google Cloud project to read Google Analytics data from Excel, but I keep encountering the following error when attempting to sign in: "Access blocked: authorization error – Error 400: invalid_request." I've set the project to "External", created client credentials, and followed the standard setup process. However, the sign-in keeps failing with the same authorization error. I'm looking for someone who can connect to my PC via AnyDesk and help me configure OAuth 2.0 correctly. If you have experience with this and can assist, please let me know. Thank you in advance!
I am seeking a proficient Full Stack Engineer with a strong focus on frontend development, particularly in and React.js. The ideal candidate should be well-versed in CSS and Tailwind CSS, with Node.js and Express as a bonus. Familiarity with MongoDB is also required. Key Requirements: - Expertise in and React.js for frontend development - Strong skills in CSS and Tailwind CSS - Knowledgeable in Node.js and Express (bonus) - Proficient in MongoDB If you have substantial experience in this field, I invite you to bid. Please note that I will disregard bot-generated proposals, so if you're genuinely interested in collaborating with me, kindly start your proposal with "GOOD SMART".
...Wordpress WooCommerce. ?️ Test Task Details: Fixed Price: $9 (3-hour test at $3/hour) If successful, we will offer long-term work at $3/hour Step-by-step training provided - Easy process to follow Great for freelancers looking for stable work! ? What You'll Do: ✔️ Download and duplicate a Shopify store's pages un ✔️ Organize the site structure (folders & files) ✔️ Upload pages to Wordpress ✔️ Fix URL paths to ensure links point to the new domain ✔️ Create Woocommerce products ? Who Are We Looking For: ✅ Experience with Wordpress ✅ Basic HTML & file management skills ✅ Attention to detail ✅ Fast learner and reliable ? How to Apply: ?????? Answer this question in your application: "How would you change a broken URL inside an HTML file?" ?????? Use &q...
I have a list of tasks and changes on a php laravel platform and need some developers which have strong knowledges in this to finish and fix it.
I'm looking for a skilled developer to modify my Flutter and Laravel scripts. The main tasks involve introducing a new login system differentiating retail and wholesale users, along with various functionality updates. Key Requirements: - Modify existing scripts to incorporate a user authentication system - Implement an admi...incorporate a user authentication system - Implement an admin approval process to verify if a user is a retailer or wholesaler - Update the functionality of the scripts as needed Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in Flutter and Laravel - Prior experience with implementing user authentication systems - Familiarity with creating admin approval processes in scripts - Ability to troubleshoot and fix any bugs or issues that may arise during the modif...
Job Title: Android Developer Needed to Fix Zego Cloud SDK Call Issues & Payment Logic Job Description: We are looking for an experienced Android developer to fix issues related to Zego Cloud SDK integration in our social networking app. The app includes audio and video calling functionality, but we are encountering the following problems: API Issues – Calls are not connecting properly or facing interruptions. Timing Accuracy – Need to ensure correct call duration tracking. Payment Logic – Coins should be deducted from male users correctly. Earnings should be credited to female users accurately. Requirements: Strong experience in Android Native Development (Java/Kotlin) Hands-on experience with Zego Cloud SDK for audio/video calls Understanding of real-...
I'm looking for an experienced web developer who specializes in front-end and back-end development to help me build a custom E-commerce solution on the WooCommerce platform. Your expertise in HTML, CSS, and UI/UX design will be crucial in creating a responsive and user-friendly website. Key Responsibilities: - Develop a custom e-commerce website using WooCommerce - Implement website optimization and performance tuning techniques - Ensure a seamless user experience through innovative solutions and meticulous attention to UI/UX design Ideal Skills: - Proficient in HTML, CSS - Skilled in front-end and back-end development - Experience with WooCommerce and e-commerce site development - Expertise in UI/UX design - Knowledge in website optimization and performance tuning P...
Seeking a skilled developer to enhance and update my existing mobile application. The project encompasses bug fixes, implementing new features, enhancing UI/UX, and optimizing app performance. Must have expertise in mobile development and a keen eye for detail. Timely delivery is crucial. Please include your portfolio and relevant experience in your proposal.
I'm encountering dependency issues related to module dependencies in my Android Studio App project. These issues are preventing me from successfully building an APK. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in Android Studio - Experience with Gradle build system - Strong understanding of module dependencies - Familiarity with build variants in Android projects - Problem-solving skills and attention to detail
My WooCommerce site has a critical issue - I can't change product prices on WordPress. This problem surfaced after I updated some plugins and themes. Ideal skills for this job: - Proficient in WooCommerce and WordPress - Experience in diagnosing and fixing e-commerce site issues - Knowledgeable in WooCommerce plugins and themes - Capable of ensuring site security during repairs
Bug fixing and upgrading a website as discussed.
My Wordpress website needs a series of improvements to enhance user experience and performance. I am looking for a professional with proven expertise in Wordpress and a deep understanding of optimizing website speed, enhancing search functionality, and fine-tuning mobile responsiveness. Check attached PDF with 3 requests. FIX BUDGET 30$ + TAXES for this job. It's something easy.
...extensions (plugins) from Joomla 3 to Joomla 5. ATTENTION: this job concerns the search for a programmer and NOT A WEB DESIGNER. You don't have to update the website, but our extension which must be compatible on any site in Joomla 5. Key Project Points: 1. Joomla 5 code dependencies have changed such as JFactory calls and you need to update classes, api, functions, and core dependencies. For example same call like Jfactory are deprecated for Joomla 5, so we need to update code, api call, db call. 2. Our Extensions Package includes a Component, Modules, and Plugins. 3. There is no need to add new features, but to make sure that everything works correctly for Joomla 5 in backend and frontend. Skills and Experience Required: - Real exp...
I'm looking for a Tampermonkey script for the game () The script should refresh the animal selection page every time i press the R key. Key Requirements: - The script should continuously refresh the selection of animals until any rare animal is found. (All Rare Animals: :Rare_Animals) Examples of rare animals are: Golde... without stopping after a certain number of attempts, and only stop when it founds a rare or when i press the R key again. - The script should stop when a rare animal is found. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Expert level in JavaScript and extensive experience with Tampermonkey. - Prior experience writing game scripts, particularly for browser games. - Ability to deliver a clean, efficient, and bug-free script.
I'm seeking an HTML, CSS, and JS developer to help me build a professional portfolio website. Key Requirements: - Design and develop a sleek, responsive, and user-friendly portfolio site - Implement an interactive 'Project Showcase' section to effectively display my work - Incorporate a well-structured 'About Me' section - Set up a functional 'Contact Form' Ideal Skills: - Proficient in HTML, CSS, and JS - Experienced in website development, particularly portfolio sites - Strong UI/UX design skills - Good understanding of responsive design principles - Previous experience implementing contact forms If you have a keen eye for design, can create intuitive user interfaces, and have a track record of delivering high-quality web development ...
...Responsibilities: - Develop and integrate the following capabilities into the frontend: - Reservation system - Menu management - Order tracking - Chatbot - Employee management - Implement an Analytics dashboard - Refine the code to make it production-ready - Conduct User Acceptance Testing (UAT) Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in frontend technologies (Node JS, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, etc.) - Experience with restaurant management systems is a plus - Strong problem-solving skills - Excellent attention to detail - Ability to conduct UAT and refine the application based on feedback If you're excited about this project and you meet the qualifications, don't hesitate to reach out! I'm looking forward to collaborating with a talented devel...
I'm seeking a skilled HTML, CSS, and JS developer to create a sleek, professional portfolio website for me. Key Requirements: - Design and development of a user-friendly, responsive website - Implementation of a contact form - Knowledge of best practices in UI/UX design Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript - Experience in developing portfolio websites - Strong understanding of responsive design principles - UI/UX design skills Please provide examples of your previous work in your bid.
I'm seeking an expert web designer to create a lead-generation-focused landing page. The primary goal of this page is to collect potential leads' information. Key Requir...potential leads' information. Key Requirements: - The landing page should be designed to capture visitors' Name and Email as well as their Phone Number. - Since the design style hasn't been pre-determined, I am open to suggestions. However, it should be both user-friendly and visually appealing to encourage sign-ups. - SEO and mobile responsiveness is a plus. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and other relevant web development languages. - Experience with lead-generation page design. - Understanding of SEO principles and mobile responsiveness. - A creative approach ...
I'm seeking a skilled Flutter developer for UI enhancements and Firebase logic refinement in my app. Key Responsibilities: - Enhance the visual design and layout of the app - Fix existing bugs - Improve the UI and database logic Ideal Skills: - Proficient in Flutter - Experience with Firebase - Strong UI/UX design skills - Bug fixing experience
I'm working on a project and I need a freelancer to add a realistic light source to my sun and fix its position regardless of scene rotation. The light source should emit intense, bright light beams as shown in the attached image. Key Requirements: - Create a realistic light source for the sun in - Implement the light beams according to the attached image Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in - Experience in 3D modeling and animation - Ability to understand and implement visual effects from reference images This is a very simple project with only a few lines of code needed, <bold>$50 is the payout!</bold>. Only bid if you understand.
I have a list of tasks and changes on a php laravel platform and need some developers which have strong knowledges in this to finish and fix it.
...Forms with HubSpot via Zapier (our existing workflow). ✅ Minimal Bloat – No unnecessary plugins or bloated code. The site must be lightweight, optimized for speed, and built with best coding practices. ✅ Dynamic Listings Module – The website should include a styled and fully coded module to display land lots and house & land packages. The developer only needs to create the frontend structure (HTML, CSS, and necessary WordPress hooks), ensuring it is styled according to the design. API integration is not required—I will handle data population separately. ✅ Cross-Browser Compatible – Must work flawlessly on all modern browsers (Chrome, Safari, Edge, Firefox). No IE11 support required. ✅ SEO & Performance Optimized – Includes image compression, ...
I'm looking for an experienced Joomla developer to assist with upgrading my website from Joomla 3 to Joomla 5. The key focus of this project will be to migrate my extensions, which encompass components, modules, and plugins. Key Project Requirements: - Upgrade Joomla from version 3 to version 5. - Migrate all standard extensions (components, modules, plugins) to the new version. - Ensure the upgraded site maintains its original functionality and performance. Ideal Skills & Experience: - Extensive experience with Joomla upgrades and migrations. - Proficient in working with Joomla extensions. - Strong understanding of Joomla's architecture and functionality. Please note, all my extensions are standard and do not have any custom modif...
I have a Flutter web app with an integrated payment system through a web-view. My issue is that once the payment is completed or fails, the web-view gets stuck. I need a developer who can modify the app so that the web-view closes and the relevant transaction status is displayed on the Flutter page. Key Requirements: - Modify the web-view behavior so that it closes after a payment attempt (successful or failed) and opens the Flutter page. - Ensure the Flutter page displays both the transaction status and transaction details post-payment. Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience with Flutter, particularly with web app implementation. - Previous work with payment getaway integrations in Flutter web apps. - Knowledge of modifying web-view behavior in Flutter apps. - Ability to troubleshoot and ...
I'm looking for a professional Laravel developer who can assist in the creation of a project tha...mixture of text and images, forms and tables, and possibly some graphs and charts. - The data for the PDFs can come from various sources, including user input through forms, database records, and possibly API data. - The formatting of the PDFs may range from basic text formatting to custom styling with CSS and creating a branded document layout. Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience with Laravel framework. - Strong knowledge in PDF generation libraries compatible with Laravel. - Proficiency in CSS and designing branded layouts. - Experience handling various data input sources. Please note, the specific details will be discussed further, and flexibility and creativity will ...
I need to modify the colors of my Formidable Pro form to align with my landing page. The adjustments should be made using the Primary, Secondary, and Accent colors from the landing page. This includes changing the color and size of the confirm button. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in HTML and CSS - Experience with Formidable Pro - Understanding of UI/UX principles Key Tasks: - Color change of the Formidable Pro form to match the landing page - Adjusting the confirm button's color and size - Ensuring modifications are compatible with the ifso plugin
Looking for a full stack d...using AG Agrid as a frame for displaying data. There is a list of small amendments/improvements that are needed. 1.3. New tables have to be created and interlinked together with existing ones both at UI and back end level. 1.4. Some amendments are needed to the user groups to make it functional, where admin is able to create accessess per need to know basis per user/user group 1.5. We need to fix and make HTTPS active 2. Python scrapper 2.1. We have a small scrapper that needs upgrading to extract more data from the source. This data is to be stored in SQL and processed as per requirements. There are other tasks involved, but we start with the above. Immediate availability is required. I am looking for a full stack developer that can work on this ...
Hi, I have one landing page design (AI) and want to convert that into pixel-perfect responsive HTML/CSS using the Bootstrap framework. It’s a small page, and I have a max $20 budget. I need this done today in the next few hours. To apply, you must send me 2 of your previous project links along with the original design files. Without that, I will count your proposal as spam and immediately delete it. Thanks.
...and Google AI - Full stack coding expertise - Prior experience in product development and business ventures You will be accountable to develop the following as shown in this process flowchart: A popular online platform for coding, collaboration, and learning. Here's a high-level overview of the technologies and features involved: Technology Stack: Frontend: Plan to use a combination of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, with a focus on React and Redux for building the user interface. Backend: The backend plan is Node.js, , and a PostgreSQL database. Database: PostgreSQL database or similliar will store user data, projects, and other relevant information. Authentication: Plan to use OAuth 2.0 for authentication, allowing users to log in with their Google, GitHub, or Facebook...