Integrate paypal website payments pro net web siteроботи
When creating an ad, the files uploaded to it are loaded but not displayed in the admin and ad (applies only to adding a new ad in Pending status). Attach the files uploaded to the ad when adding or editing to the admin's email (email sending is already configured). The ad page with Privat status should be displayed to the user who published it, now it redirects to a page with an error that such a page does not exist. Highlight ads on two pages with an orange frame
Потрібно налаштувати адаптацію фільтру FilterVier зі Slasoft Seo Pro на OpenCart для магазину господарських товарів Наразі фільтри індексуються в Google тільки українською мовою (основною). Для російської мови сторінки фільтрів видають прихований редирект На самому сайті редиректу не видно, сторінки відкриваються двома мовами. Проте сторонні сервіси бачать цей редирект. У зв'язку з цим виникає проблема - Гугл не індексує фільтри російською мовою. Звертались до спеціалістів з цим питанням - проблема в плагіні фільтрів, потрібно налаштувати адаптацію зі Slasoft Seo Pro. Тому стоїть задача - прибрати редирект з фільтрів російською мовою на українську. Запропонуйте, будь ласка, ціну роботи та терміни
...пристрої і мати сучасний дизайн. Технологічні вимоги: • Front-end: HTML, CSS, JavaScript (з можливістю використання фреймворків, таких як React або Vue.js). • Back-end: PHP або Node.js для серверної частини. • База даних: MySQL або PostgreSQL для зберігання інформації про користувачів і їхні баланси. • Платіжні системи: інтеграція популярних платіжних рішень для поповнення балансу (наприклад, PayPal, Stripe тощо). • Важливо забезпечити високий рівень безпеки даних користувачів, оскільки буде обробка особистих даних і фінансової інформації. Потрібен розробник, який має досвід в подібних проектах і може забезпечити безпеку даних та стабільну роботу сайту.
Hi, we simply need to integrate AppsFlyer now and connect appsflyer actions to webview url, Also we need to deploy this app into our apple-dev-account as an update. Our budget for this particular task is between $50 and $100 . In the future if you are interested we may ask you to create whole app from scratch with $200 budget for each application. People who make such applications usually make 1-3 apps per day.
...(delivery details) as piece of map with option to click and chose your location on map, or type in address manually) • Below (sending to someone else ?) button, by pressing let’s customer leave name and phone number of recipient. • Below Payment method, by pressing icon customer can chose to pay with (Apple Pay, Android, Pay, Google Pay(depending on platform), Add new card, Cocina Balance, (Paypal if necessary) • At the bottom (Summary), with sum up of full price - showing price of Products, Delivery, Service Fee and TOTAL. • By pressing (Confirm) specific animation and sound should play. • By placing order at the bottom of view appears field that allows you to track status of order. Frontend: ReactJS (or alternatives) Backend: Lav...
I need to make a page like the example (attached video), where there will be a button with a suggestion to switch to another browser. When clicked, call a dialog box (system win...make it so that only chrome was from the options. Target audience - Android, iPhone is not considered now We want to place a link to the page in tiktok, but need to redirect the user to a third-party browser and do it with a dialog box, other methods as far as I know do not work I found a ready-made solution builder that has such a built-in function. We need to make a similar one only for our site. Tiktok account for testing links is available. If you need I can give a link to this ready-made solution (you can see it on the video).
...природного денного світла з акцентом на світлодіодних лініях. (light led ) Управління сценою: Візуалізуйте всі основні сцени, які вже збережені у файлі SketchUp. Важливо використовувати стандартні матеріали V-Ray, щоб дозволити мені здійснювати невеликі пост-візуалізаційні корективи, такі як зміна кольору плитки або матеріалу. Моє програмне забезпечення: V-Ray 6.00.03 для SketchUp SketchUp Pro 2023 Додаткові інструкції: Цілісність сцени: Не змінюйте існуючі сцени. Створюйте дублікати для будь-яких необхідних змін, оскільки все вже пов'язано з SketchUp Layout. Зовнішні елементи: Не видаляйте жодних зовнішніх елементів за межами квартирного простору, оскільки вони включають сцени меблів та копії кімнат для SketchUp Layout. Специфіка шару: Бажаний шар освітлення - 'li...
Шукаємо досвідченого розробника FileMaker, який має досвід роботи з усіма версіями FileMaker Pro. Проект вимагає проектування та розробки баз даних та CMS, написання сценаріїв та автоматизації, а також інтеграції з іншими системами. Ідеальний кандидат повинен добре розуміти розширені можливості FileMaker Pro та вміти пропонувати креативні рішення. Віддалена робота. Можлива як фудлл-тайм так і погодинна оплата. Вільна англійська мова. Тільки для кандидатів з України.
Шукаю фрилансера для перекладу мовного файлу з англійської на українську за допомогою Poedit Pro. Буде надано мовний файл у форматі POT для перекладу
Привет, я ищу видеоредактор для коротких 4-6-минутных видео для YouTube.
Доброго дня! Мене звуть Поліна, я HR навчального центру CyberBionic Systematics! Ми знаходимося у пошуку викладача по C#/.NET. За посиланням Ви можете дізнатися про умови роботи з нами: Коротко про наші переваги: • дистанційне викладання • гнучкий графік • сертифікація Microsoft Буду вдячна за Вашу відповідь, гарного дня!
...от 5 до 15 минут. We offer 2 types of work - cutting the videos and/or adding teroppu (lower thirds) in the Japanese language. The length of the videos varies between 5 to 15 mins. Необходимые навыки - adobe premiere pro - базового уровня достаточно японский язык - продвинутый уровень, способность на слух распознать и правильно записать текст (можно использовать text to speech софт, но нужно быть в состоянии вычитать). Required skills: Adobe Premiere Pro user (basic level+) Japanese language - Upper-Intermediate to Advanced level is a must Мы предоставим готовый premiere pro проэкт и инструкцию (на японском) в качестве примера. We will provide a manual in Japanese and the sample project file for reference. Видео будут предоставляться на постоянной основе. Оплата...
...when passing the test stage. At the end of the test, the final result is displayed with the answers and the width percentage of correct answers. I add examples with tests in the video. The developed tests should be as close as possible to the given example (all examples, conditions and correct answers will be provided). In the future, the tests will be used on the site, so it must be integrated and run into the body of the site, without additional effort of the user who will pass them....
Ви створите генератор коду для Visual Studio, який створює веб-додатки в .NET Core.
Шукаємо розробника / команду розробників яка має реальний досвід в розробці dating-сайтів. Хочемо зробити новий сайт з нуля. Базовий функціонал: - мульті-чат; - можлівисть листування; - відео та аудіо дзвінки; - реєстрація / профіль користувача; - пошук; - billing-система; - адмін-панелі; - статистика. Проект реальний, якщо MVP буде зроблено якісно та у запланований термін, то можливо продовжити співпрацю та переглянути вашу мотивацію в +2-3 рази.
Write a blog in English with 3500 characters without spaces.
Настроить тему bigcommerce под наши нужды. Добавить свои методы оплаты и доставки. Інтеграція с 1С, АМО, Бітрікс24 Set up the bigcommerce theme to fit our needs. Аdd customize payment and shipping methods. Integration with 1C, AMO, Bitrix24 Ми вже маємо аккаунт на bigcommerce і придбали тему. Нам потрібна швидка допомога з налаштуванням цієї теми та внесення деяких змін, якщо це можливо. У нас вже є бачення того, як це має виглядати. Крім того, ми шукаємо когось з досвідом підключення методів оплати і доставки, які не доступні на bigcommerce. Для цього потрібні навички кодування та знання платформи bigcommerce. Інтеграції, які нас цікавлять: 1. Методи оплати: - Privat24 - Payoneer - Transferwise - Western Union - payment by card (Mastercard, Visa) 2. Доставка: - Novaposhta - Ukrpo...
We need a specialist who can rewrite the payment module I need to integrate Westernband with the BigCommerce platform. Westernbid is an intermediary for getting payments through PayPal Westernbed provides data specification.
...запчастин до авто - структура бази даних - готова структура проекту. Написано на***: - .Net C# MVC - Entity Framework (code first) - Ninject as DI Потірібно доробити: - Юзер акаун - історія ордерів - ґест оредера - комyнікації поштoю - авторизацію для адмінки. - відсилання/перегляд ордерів - фільтрацію стандартнуй набір портеб. *** якшо маєте варіант простішого підходу для досягнення цілі (використання шаблонного магазину для завервення проекту) то я готовий вислухати. маєм 2-4 тижні і <> $250. бюджет не фіксований, усе залезить від вас. презентація того шо є і деталний опис того шо треба - по скайпу. P.S. якщо результат буде задовілним (тілки якщо використовуєм .Net, C# і MVC) то є можливість долучитися до іншого великого проекту.
Вітання. Розшукується виконавець з України. Є структура доволі простого сайту-візитівки. Є бажання переробити його на Wordpress для можливості додавання нових розділів (блог) та статей. Сайт передбачається із підтримкою кількох мов. Планується взяти за основу яку-небудь безплатну тему. Прошу надати ваші пропозиції по термінах та вартості. P.S. For guys from outside Ukraine: please do not waste your time and bids.
Нашій компанії необхідно розробити веб дизайн та створення головної сторінки в Україні. Наша компанія є представником австрійської Dinkhauser. Що необхідно: Розробити адаптивний односторінковий сайт, зі зразковим вмістом сторінки: - Перелік продукції - Переваги роботи з компанією - Опис технологій - Реалізовані проекти - Команда - Перехід на сторінку головної компанії Dinkhauser - Контакти Ось за таким зразком або щось подібне:
Вітаю, В'ячеславе! Мене звати Світлана. Я представляю компанію Orange Sputnik. Наш клієнт шукає .NET Developer для роботи в Польщі (Rzeszow). Необхідне знання польської та англійської. Якщо Вас цікавить ця позиція, я хотіла б обговорити її з Вами. Могли б вислати свої контакти? Дякую
I'm seeking a skilled Flutter developer to create an application for both iOS and Android. This app will integrate ChatGPT and OCR technology to process images of books. Key Features: - Full integration of both text and voice-based ChatGPT interactions. - Robust OCR functionality to extract text from images and translate the extracted text. Ideal skills and experience for this job: - Extensive experience in Flutter application development for both iOS and Android platforms. - Proven track record of integrating AI (specifically ChatGPT) into mobile applications. - Proficiency in implementing OCR technology in apps. - Experience in developing interactive, user-friendly interfaces. - Strong understanding of text and voice-based chat functionalities.
...• Backend: Firebase or another lightweight cloud-based solution. • Database: Pre-loaded with Bible texts, saint writings, and Church teachings. • Voice Features: Google Text-to-Speech or an alternative AI-driven TTS. Ideal Developer Skills: • Experience building AI chatbots with conversational flow. • Familiarity with Christian or Catholic content (bonus but not required). • Ability to integrate structured text databases (e.g., Bible APIs). • Strong UI/UX skills to create a prayerful and serene experience. Project Scope & Timeline: • Phase 1: MVP (Minimum Viable Product) – Basic chatbot with scripture-based responses. (~4–6 weeks) • Phase 2: Add voice support, user history, and guided reflection features. &bu...
I'm seeking an experienced developer to integrate the Vahan API into my website. This integration will specifically focus on fetching Vehicle Registration Details. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in working with REST APIs - Previous experience with Vahan API is a plus - Strong web development skills - Knowledge of vehicle registration systems beneficial
...screens based on Figma/Miro wireframes, ensuring a modern UI/UX, smooth animations, and seamless API integration. Key Requirements: Develop screens using Flutter (must use your own Flutter account). UI in Spanish (Chile), following the provided design and color palette. Implement smooth animations for transitions and interactions. Optimize performance (fast loading times & smooth experience). Integrate API calls (provided via Postman). Deliver fully functional, tested, and optimized screens. What’s NOT required: No database development. No backend API development. No cloud service configuration. Timeline: Prototype Development: 5 days Testing & Debugging: 10 days Final Deployment: 14 days (max). Payment milestones & evaluation criteria are detailed in the a...
I'm looking for an experienced Figma designer to create a user-friendly interface for my hotel booking website. The project entails designing the Home page, Booking page, and Contact page. I have a specific color scheme and branding guidelines that need to be adhered to. Key Aspects: - Prioritize creating a highly intuitive and user-friendly interface - Implement designs that will integrate high-quality images seamlessly - Ensure designs are responsive and adaptable to various devices Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Figma - Strong graphic design skills - Experience in designing for e-commerce or booking websites - Ability to work with provided branding guidelines - Understanding of responsive design principles.
I aim to integrate an AI chatbot using Langchain and a hugging face model into my Magento e-commerce site. The primary task of this chatbot will be to provide product recommendations based on similar users' preferences. Ideal skills for this job include: - Proficiency in AI and chatbot development - Experience with Langchain and hugging face models - Magento e-commerce platform expertise - Knowledge in implementing product recommendation systems
I am in need of a web designer to create a modern and sleek web page for a mutual fund investment site. The primary goal of the page is to attract new investors. It should have a professional yet contemporary look to it, with a design style that is both modern and sleek. Key Areas of Focus: - The page should be designed to appeal to potential investors, with an emphasis on clear, attractive presentations of investment opportunities. - The design should be user-friendly, making it easy for visitors to understand the site and the investment plans. - The site should have a 'Dashboard' page, which is designed to provide a clear overview of investments and potential returns. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in web design, with a strong portfolio...
I'm in need of a seasoned web developer with a solid background in YITH WooCommerce Request a Quote Premium. My goal is to upgrade my website to a more professional, easily navigable, and user-friendly platform. Key Areas of Improvement: - Overall look and feel: The site needs a complete facelift to align with a modern and sleek aesthetic. - User Experience: The website should prioritize ease of use, making it accessible to a wide range of users. Ideal Skills & Experience: - Proven experience with YITH WooCommerce Request a Quote Premium - Strong background in web development and UI/UX design - Ability to deliver a modern, sleek website - Excellent understanding of user experience principles, particularly in enhancing ease of use.
I'm looking for a freelancer who can help me change the backgrounds of several 10-second videos. The current background is white and I need it replaced with a custom MP4 video. It's crucial that the quality and content of the original videos remain unaffected after the background change. Ideal Skills: - Video Editing - Proficiency in software like Adobe Premiere Pro or Final Cut Pro Please note, the new background needs to be applied as a static backdrop. If you have experience with this type of project, I'd love to see your portfolio.
I'm in need of a professional web developer to create a compelling e-commerce site dedicated to selling authorial books. Key Features: - A user-friendly interface showcasing a variety of books. - Integration with PayPal as the primary payment gateway. Ideal Skills: - E-commerce web development - PayPal integration experience - Understanding of user-friendly design principles. Please submit your proposal if you have the requisite skills and experience.
...built on the Solana blockchain. Our website needs to be user-friendly, dynamic, and visually appealing. The project aims to provide a humorous yet valuable asset in the decentralized finance world, while also engaging users with an entertaining and interactive experience. The Web Designer will be responsible for creating a site that aligns with this vision. Responsibilities: Design and develop the RCT Coin website from scratch. Create and implement the overall design direction and user experience (UX/UI). Ensure the website is responsive and mobile-friendly. Integrate the game and reward system to boost user engagement. Ensure the website operates smoothly and securely. Regularly update content to inform and engage users. Apply best SEO...
I need a custom module for WHMCS that integrates with an API. After first payment, use an API to generate a serial number for the client. After second and subsequent payments, use an API to update the serial number with a new expiry date.
**Job Post Title:** Web App Development: Lucky Wheel Game with Deposit, Withdrawal, and Login Systems **Description:** I am looking for a talented and experienced web developer to create a web app for a **Lucky Wheel Game** with the following features: ### Key Features: 1. **Lucky Wheel Game**: - A spin-the-wheel game where users can win prizes or rewards. - Visual wheel with different prize options, and a spinning animation. - The ability to configure different odds for winning or losing. 2. **Deposit and Withdrawal System**: - **Deposit**: Users should be able to deposit money into their accounts using multiple payment methods (e.g., credit/debit cards, PayPal, etc.). - **Withdrawal**: Users can withdraw their funds to a payment method of th...
...high-quality short-form videos (like Reels and Stories) using Adobe After Effects and other relevant tools. - Collaborate with our marketing team to align visuals with campaign goals. - Ensure timely delivery of projects while maintaining brand consistency. Requirements: - Proven experience as a graphic designer and video editor. - Strong skills in Adobe After Effects, Photoshop, Illustrator, and Premiere Pro. - A portfolio showcasing work specifically for Instagram and Pinterest. - An understanding of current social media trends, formats, and best practices. - Ability to manage multiple projects with attention to detail. Your role will be pivotal in enhancing our social media presence. If you're passionate about design and video editing, and understand the intricacies of...
I'm looking for an experienced WordPress developer to create a portfolio website for me. The main purpose of the site is to showcase my professional journey and accomplishments. Key Features: - The website should be able to showcase results and testimonials, primarily in video format. - A clean, professional layout that enhances the presentation of the content is essential. - The site should be easy to navigate and mobile-friendly. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in WordPress with a strong portfolio of similar projects. - Excellent understanding of video integration on websites. - Strong design sense for creating a clean, professional layout. - SEO knowledge is a plus for future visibility of the site.
I need an experienced developer to integrate Twilio SMS functionality into my WordPress website. The key requirements for this project include: - Sending and receiving SMS through Twilio - Seamless integration with my existing WordPress site Ideal candidates for this project should have prior experience with Twilio and WordPress. Knowledge of PHP is also beneficial as it's the underlying language of WordPress. Please provide examples of similar projects you've completed.
I'm in need of an experienced Moodle developer who can help customize my Moodle platform and integrate it with an xAPI Learning Record Store (LRS). The main aim of this project is to enhance data integration with other systems. **Responsibilities** - Customizing and optimizing my Moodle platform. - Implementing xAPI integration to send statements to the LRS. - Debugging and fixing xAPI statement issues (actor, verb, object). - Testing and verifying that xAPI statements are properly received by the LRS. - Providing technical documentation for the integration. The ideal candidate for this project should have: - A strong background in Moodle administration and development. - Extensive experience with xAPI implementation. - Skills in debugging and problem-solving. - Ability to p...
I’m running a real estate development business and looking to integrate for managing both our Sales & CRM and Project Management tasks. I need a expert who can help me set up systems tailored to our specific needs. Sales & CRM Requirements: - Sales tracking: We need a system that can help us monitor our sales pipeline and analyze our sales performance. - Customer communication: An integral part of our business is maintaining strong communication with our customers. I need a solution within that can streamline and track our customer interactions. Project Management Requirements: - Task assignment and tracking: We need a way to efficiently assign tasks to team members and track their progress. - Team collaboration: A key aspect of our projects is teamwork. I
I'm seeking a proficient Solidity developer to fork and modify existing memecoin smart contracts for quick deployment on both Ethereum and Binance Smart Chain (BSC). Key Responsibilities: - Replicate trending memecoin contracts and integrate a fixed buy/sell tax of 5% - Implement anti-sniper protection and automate liquidity injection - Deliver swift deployment on both specified platforms Ideal Candidate: - Strong expertise in Solidity, Web3, and Hardhat/Foundry - Previous experience with ERC-20, BEP-20, or meme token development - Proven ability to work swiftly and efficiently under tight deadlines
...Engineer – Travel Website Development Remote | Freelance / Contract-Based Competitive Project-Based Compensation About the Project We are looking for a highly skilled Freelance Software Engineer to develop a fully functional and dynamic travel company website using a pre-purchased Bootstrap 5 theme. The ideal candidate should have expertise in frontend and backend development and experience integrating travel industry APIs like Amadeus API, HotelBeds API, and other travel-related APIs. ________________________________________ Key Responsibilities ✅ Convert the purchased Bootstrap 5 theme into a fully functional and dynamic travel booking website. ✅ Implement frontend & backend functionality for flight search, hotel booking, activities, transfers, visa, and...
...clean Shopify website for me and set up a Google Merchant Account. The project will be considered complete only when my Google Merchant Account has been approved. Key tasks: - Extract products from my current website, , and load them onto the new site. You'll have access to this site. - Ensure each product on the new website has the same product categories as found on The Shopify website will host a vast array of products across multiple categories, so experience with e-commerce and product categorization is essential. A keen eye for creating a modern, clean design is a must. Ideal skills and experience: - Shopify website development - Google Merchant Account setup and management - E-commerce product loading and ca...
...consideration for residential properties - Verification: All leads must have their mobile numbers verified by Truecaller and provide documented evidence showing their genuine interest in real estate investment. This could include inquiries about properties, records of past investments, or proof of participation in real estate events. Required Information for Each Lead: - Full Name - Profession - Net Worth - Verified Mobile Number - Residential Address Important Note: - Payment will only be released upon provision of documented evidence that the individuals have expressed a real interest in real estate investment. - All leads must be thoroughly verified and authentic. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in lead generation, specifically in the real estate sector, is...
...text overlays, smooth transitions, and eye-catching animations. - Sync with upbeat, royalty-free music (we can suggest tracks). - Ensure branding consistency (fonts, colors, logo placement). Video Style Reference: - Fast-paced, high-energy, with a clean & professional aesthetic. - Similar to tech & AI product ads on YouTube. Requirements: ✅ Experienced in video editing (Adobe Premiere Pro, Final Cut Pro, or similar). ✅ Knowledge of ad formats (YouTube, Google Ads, social media). ✅ Creative & detail-oriented – ability to make engaging, high-converting videos. ✅ Portfolio required – Show us similar short ad projects you've done! How to Apply: - Send us your portfolio (links to past ad projects). - Briefly explain your approach to making short...
I would like to develop a net monitor and drive test tool application for 5G/4G/3G/2G network. It allows monitoring and logging of mobile network serving and neighbor cells information without using specialized equipment. It’s a tool and it’s a toy. It can be used by professionals to get better insight on the network or by radio enthusiasts to learn more about wireless networks.
I'm in need of a professional web developer with a strong background in e-commerce website creation, specifically on the Dubizzle platform. The primary purpose of the website is to facilitate a seamless and user-friendly online shopping experience. Key Requirements: - Development of a comprehensive product catalog: This should be structured in a way that allows for easy navigation and searchability. - Implementation of user reviews and ratings: I want to build a community around my e-commerce site, and user feedback is crucial for this. - Price Comparison feature: This is a unique selling point for my website. The developer must be able to integrate a reliable and efficient price comparison tool. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experi...
I'm looking for a CodeIgniter 3 expert who can integrate Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) into my project to send daily transactional notifications to over 50,000 users. Key Requirements: - Proficient in CodeIgniter 3 and Firebase integration. - Experience in handling large-scale notifications. - Understanding of transactional notifications. - Ability to implement a daily notification schedule. Please note, these notifications won't be segmented. All users will receive the same message every day. If you have a track record of successfully managing similar projects, I would love to hear from you.
I'm looking for a talented logo designer who can create a striking 3D logo for my brand. Key Requirements: - Proficient in 3D design - Experience with creating minimalist designs - Skilled in incorporating text, shapes, and icons into a cohesive design - Able to work with warm color schemes The logo should seamlessly integrate text, shapes, and icons within a 3D context. Warm colors such as reds, oranges, and yellows will dominate the palette. I appreciate a designer who can bring a touch of warmth and vibrancy to the design, reflecting the personality of the brand. Please provide examples of your previous work in your bid.
**Job Description:** We are seeking an experienced **Android Developer** to join our team on a freelance basis. The ideal candidate will have a strong background in Android application development, a keen eye for detail, and the ability to deliver high-quality, maintainable code. **Responsibilities:** - Develop and maintain Android applications. - Collaborate with the design and backend teams to integrate app features. - Write clean, efficient, and reusable code. - Conduct code reviews and ensure the app runs smoothly on different Android devices and versions. - Troubleshoot and debug issues in a timely manner. - Optimize the performance and speed of applications. - Stay up to date with the latest Android development trends and technologies. **Requirements:** - Proven experience a...