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Editing a site on Wordpress
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When creating an ad, the files uploaded to it are loaded but not displayed in the admin and ad (applies only to adding a new ad in Pending status). Attach the files uploaded to the ad when adding or editing to the admin's email (email sending is already configured). The ad page with Privat status should be displayed to the user who published it, now it redirects to a page with an error that such a page does not exist. Highlight ads on two pages with an orange frame

$463 Average bid
$463 Сер. заявка
4 заявки
Tomcat 9 SSL Configuration Help
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I have a VPS server with Tomcat 9 where I host some files. I need to secure the connection for these items when accessed via a link. I already have an SSL certificate for the IP, so I only require assistance in connecting it to the server. У мене є сервер VPS із Tomcat 9, де я розміщую деякі файли. Мені потрібно захистити з’єднання для цих елементів під час доступу через посилання. У мене вже є сертифікат SSL для IP-адреси, тому мені потрібна лише допомога в підключенні його до сервера. Key Points: - Utilizing Tomcat 9 - Setting up SSL for file access on the server - Manual management of SSL certificates - No need for generating a new SSL certificate

$21 Average bid
$21 Сер. заявка
5 заявки

Task: Develop a thermometer module based on the TMP36 temperature sensor. Provide operation in three modes: temperature measurement in degrees Celsius, degrees Fahrenheit and Kelvin (change of mode using the button). Use the display (4-digit 7-segment indicator and 74HC595 shift register) to display all necessary data. Use the button and LEDs to set the operating mode and display the current mode. Additional materials: TMP36 documentation: Documentation for 74HC595: Using a 7-segment indicator: Example of implementation:

$55 Average bid
$55 Сер. заявка
7 заявки

...в том что оно запрашивает доступ к просмотру и использованию сообщений на телефоне. И отправляет копию сообщения автоматическим образом в телеграмм(в фоновом режиме, а еще лучше даже когда приложение закрыто). Есть примеры похожего проекта в случае чего. We are looking for someone to develop a small application. Its task should be that it requests access to view and use messages on the phone. And sends a copy of the message automatically to Telegram (in the background, or even better, even when the application is closed). There are examples of a similar project if something happens.

$287 Average bid
$287 Сер. заявка
6 заявки

I need to make a page like the example (attached video), where there will be a button with a suggestion to switch to another browser. When clicked, call a dialog box (system window) and redirect the user to the selected browser. If possible, make it so that only chrome was from the options. Target audience - Android, iPhone is not considered now We want to place a link to the page in tiktok, but need to redirect the user to a third-party browser and do it with a dialog box, other methods as far as I know do not work I found a ready-made solution builder that has such a built-in function. We need to make a similar one only for our site. Tiktok account for testing links is available. If you need I can give a link to this...

$219 Average bid
$219 Сер. заявка
9 заявки
3D TIN модель замка
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Доброго времени суток Я занимаюсь 3д сканированием, и ищу человека который может мне сделать на основе облака точек ( point cloud ) - 3д модель ТЗ: 1. создание NMT (численной модели рельефа) с разрешением не менее 5 см/пикс ( .obj .ply ) 2. создание NMPT (численной модели почвенно-растительного покрова) с разрешением не менее 5 см/пикс ( .obj .ply ) 3. создание текстурированной 3D TIN-модели 4. создание ортофотоплана с разрешением не менее 3 см/пикс Объект: Frankenstein Castle Адрес: Krzywa, 57-200 Ząbkowice Śląskie Каждый пункт можем оценить отдельно, так что не обязательно выполнять каждый из них, эту работу могут сделать несколько человек

$904 Average bid
$904 Сер. заявка
13 заявки

...этого подробную инструкцию, вот основные ее пункты: 1. Получить доступ к GPT API. 2. Создать Telegram-бота с помощью BotFather и получить токен API-интерфейса. 3. Установить Python 3, необходимые библиотеки (python-telegram-bot, SpeechRecognition, PyDub, google-cloud-speech, google-cloud-texttospeech) и выбрать систему ASR/TTS (например, Google Speech-to-Text и Google Text-to-Speech API). 4. Создать файл Python (например, ) и импортировать необходимые библиотеки. 5. Задать ключи API для Telegram и Google Cloud. 6. Настроить функцию для преобразования голосовых сообщений в текст (voice_to_text). 7. Настроить функцию для получения ответа от ChatGPT (get_chatgpt_response) и подключиться к OpenAI API или другому методу доступа к ChatGPT. 8. Настрои...

$64 Average bid
$64 Сер. заявка
8 заявки

До цих 6 завдань я надам код прикладу, як це повинно виглядати, опис завдань, як їх треба зробити. Все це треба завантажити на Github у мій репозиторій .Та також важливий аспект щоб воно працювало. Від вас очікується швидка робота, на що я щедро заплачу.

$23 Average bid
$23 Сер. заявка
6 заявки

Вітаємо, Samiullah K.! Я звернув увагу на ваш профіль і хотів би запропонувати вам свій проект. Ми можемо обговорити деталі в чаті.

$45 Average bid
$45 Сер. заявка
1 заявки

Need to change the "Shipping City" field widget from a List to a Text field, under the field, display Help text. After writing the name of the city, compare the name and display the corresponding list of departments in the "delivery offices" field.

$250 Average bid
$250 Сер. заявка
1 заявки

Курсова робота з об'єктно орієнтованого програмування мовою Java, подробиці у файлі.

$34 Average bid
$34 Сер. заявка
3 заявки

...varies between 5 to 15 mins. Необходимые навыки - adobe premiere pro - базового уровня достаточно японский язык - продвинутый уровень, способность на слух распознать и правильно записать текст (можно использовать text to speech софт, но нужно быть в состоянии вычитать). Required skills: Adobe Premiere Pro user (basic level+) Japanese language - Upper-Intermediate to Advanced level is a must Мы предоставим готовый premiere pro проэкт и инструкцию (на японском) в качестве примера. We will provide a manual in Japanese and the sample project file for reference. Видео будут предоставляться на постоянной основе. Оплата по инвойсу в конце следующего месяца. Например - с 1 по 31 августа было отредактировано 10 видео. Оплата за все 10 будет в конце сентября. Videos will...

$30 Average bid
$30 Сер. заявка
1 заявки

Робимо апгрейд цього проєкту: Проєкт на Ruby on Rails готовий на 70%. Необхідно: - інтегрувати платіжну систему (Liqpay); - доробити бізнес-логіку (додати момент обов'язкової реєстрації, платежу); - виправити дрібні помилки (правильна логіка для логіну/реєстрації користувача, збереження документів, скачування документів та інше). У випадку якісної роботи розглядаємо можливості постійної співпраці та підтримки проєкту.

$30 - $250
$30 - $250
0 заявки
web application
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Створити веб застосування, backend якого здатний коректно обслуговувати трудомісткі запити користувачів. Прикладами таких запитів можуть бути задачі...(+бали)) ---------------------------------------- Найважливіша частина завдання --------------------------------------------- 5) Веб застосування повинне забезпечувати т.з. балансування навантаження як мінімум для 2-ох серверів. (для цього повинен бути застосований так званий load balancer, в його ролі може виступати і сам веб сервер, а задачі виконуватись на кількох серверах застосувань (application server)).

$250 Average bid
$250 Сер. заявка
1 заявки

Настроить тему bigcommerce под наши нужды. Добавить свои методы оплаты и доставки. Інтеграція с 1С, АМО, Бітрікс24 Set up the bigcommerce theme to fit our needs. Аdd customize payment and shipping methods. Integration with 1C, AMO, Bitrix24 Ми вже маємо аккаунт на bigcommerce і придбали тему. Нам потрібна швидка допомога з налаштуванням цієї теми та внесення деяких змін, якщо це можливо. У нас вже є бачення того, як це має виглядати. Крім того, ми шукаємо когось з досвідом підключення методів оплати і доставки, які не доступні на bigcommerce. Для цього потрібні навички кодування та знання платформи bigcommerce. Інтеграції, які нас цікавлять: 1. Методи оплати: - Privat24 - Payoneer - Transferwise - Western Union - payment by card (Mastercard, Visa) 2. Доставка: - Novaposhta ...

$700 Average bid
$700 Сер. заявка
4 заявки

Є сайт на HTML + CSS. Для нього необхідно зробити корзину, щоб клієнт міг додати кілька товарів в корзину і купити їх. Краще, щоб корзина була створена за допомогою JAVA. $50

$30 - $250
$30 - $250
0 заявки
Створити веб-сайт
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Написати веб-сайт через OpenServer .Повний опис завдання у прикріпленому документі.Тема сайту"Мова програмування Java".

$14 / hr Average bid
$14 / hr Сер. заявка
3 заявки

Використати сингулярний розклад прямокутної матриці до розв'язування систем лінійних алгебраїчних рівнянь, методом Гревіля або склетним розкладом матриці в мові на вибір с++, c#, java, python. Програма повинна бути описана. При реалізації методу Гревілля треба звернути увагу, що дійсне число дорівнює нулю, якщо його абсолютна величина менша деякого малого числа (наприклад, 10 у мінус шостому степені, бо операції над дійсними сислами виконуютьсія наближено). Створити зручний інтерфейс. Теорія в книзі Гантмахер Ф.Р. - Теория матриц.pdf ст.32-40

$30 Average bid
$30 Сер. заявка
1 заявки

Im looking ukrainian developer. Вимоги: Android and IOS Developer. Уміння виконати поставлене завдання ідеально, без зайвих питань. Тільки люди з впевненістю, що зможуть розробляти програми самостійно і приступити до розробки в найближчому майбутньому. Умови роботи: Віддалена робота на молоду компанію з США. Обов’язки: Покірність, чесність, виконання роботи в терміни.

$202 Average bid
$202 Сер. заявка
7 заявки

Pay attention : maximum budget is 500CAD$ and not more. DONT OFFER A PRICE AND THEN DURING NEGOTIOATION INCREASE IT This is fixed cost project and not Pay by hour I'm looking for a skilled web developer with expertise in the MERN stack to design a comprehensive investment website. The primary focus of this platform will be on crafting and managing diverse investment plans. Key Features: - Portfolio Management: This is an essential feature of the website. The portfolio management section should be intuitive and user-friendly, catering to both novice and seasoned investors. 1. Functional Requirements (FRs) Functional requirements define the specific behaviors and functionalities that the system must provide. 1.1 User Dashboard (Client Panel) User Authentica...

$296 Average bid
$296 Сер. заявка
32 заявки

I'm looking for a professional to help finalize and deploy my nearly-complete Solana token purchasing bot script. The bot is intended to run on a cloud server, specifically utilizing Alchemy and Digital Ocean. Key Tasks: - Review and complete the existing bot script - Deploy the script on the mentioned cloud providers - Ensure the bot operates smoothly without issues post-deployment Ideal Skills: - Proficient in bot development and deployment - Experienced with Solana and token purchasing processes - Familiar with Alchemy and Digital Ocean - Strong debugging skills to troubleshoot any issues I'm looking for a professional who can take this project over the finish line and ensure a successful deployment.

$140 Average bid
$140 Сер. заявка
1 заявки

...seeking a skilled developer to build a comprehensive web application for streamlining day-to-day and match-day operations at a sports facility. This tool will not only enhance operational efficiency but also provide insightful data analytics. Key Features: - Automation of daily and match-day tasks. - Generation of detailed event reports and statistics. Specific Reports and Stats Required: - Attendance reports - Performance statistics - Readiness reports - Handover and hand back reports - Additional ad-hoc reports as necessary - Maintenance reports to monitor facility upkeep and schedule repairs. - Staff performance reports to evaluate productivity and efficiency. - Event impact analysis to assess the outcomes of specific events. - Inven...

$3907 Average bid
$3907 Сер. заявка
13 заявки
Windows CE OTP Application Development
6 дні(-в) left

I'm in need of a developer with experience in creating applications for Windows CE, to develop a One-Time Password (OTP) application to run on Siemens Comfort HMI (supports VB scripts).

$184 Average bid
$184 Сер. заявка
10 заявки

I have a comprehensive video course that I need help selling. This course is hosted on my own website, - Skills in digital marketing or SEO will be a plus to help promote the course. Key requirements: - Experience in seling services - Knowledge of marketing strategies Knowledge of the challenges authors are facing - Great customer service - Being persuasive - active listening Objective handling ads and campaign Social selling Discovery

$182 Average bid
$182 Сер. заявка
12 заявки
Grant Application Expert Needed
23 годин(-и) left

I'm seeking a professional grant writer to assist our organization in applying for a private foundation grant in Germany. The purpose of this grant is to purchase the building we're currently using for our educational project with children in Sao Paulo, Brazil. Key Responsibilities: - Research and propose suitable private foundations in Germany. - Craft compelling grant applications aimed at securing funds for our initiative. - Clearly articulate our project's focus on education and its impact on social inclusion in the application. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven track record in grant writing with private foundations. - Excellent research skills to identify potential funding sources. - Strong communication skills to c...

$1500 - $3000
Обраний Терміновий Прихований
$1500 - $3000
20 заявки

I'm seeking an AWS Certified Engineer to help optimize our cloud infrastructure for cost efficiency. We need to: - Disestablish our current Web Server - Remove the Active Directory server - Set up an OpenSSL account Our primary goal is to reduce our AWS expenditure. While we have some documentation and architecture diagrams available, it's worth noting that it's incomplete. Therefore, the ability to assess and adapt without comprehensive guides is crucial. Ideal skills and experience: - AWS Certified - Proficient in cost-effective cloud infrastructure management - Experience with OpenSSL - Able to work with incomplete documentation - Strong problem-solving skills - Experience with optimizing EC2 instances

$24 / hr Average bid
$24 / hr Сер. заявка
10 заявки

...Development environment: Android Studio Hedgehog | 2023.1.1 Patch 2 * developed by JAVA * App usage environment: Android version 10 or higher * App purpose: Always display a small watermark on the screen (Always stay on top). And get data from the server every minute and display it on the screen. (Using postDelayed()) I am currently having the following issues and would like to fix them. Issue: * There is no problem when the screen is on. * However, when returning from sleep / deep sleep mode, the watermark disappears and the process is terminated. (This varies depending on the mobile device, but the problem occurs when using it for about 10 minutes to 4 hours.) Request 1. The watermark should continue to be dis...

$407 Average bid
$407 Сер. заявка
2 заявки

...platform that seamlessly integrates business ideas and talent discovery into a unified ecosystem. The platform will have both mobile and web versions and will include features such as video-first idea submissions, AI-powered matchmaking, sponsorship/investment transactions, and robust IP protection. We need a senior software architect to design a scalable, secure, and modular architecture that supports microservices, real-time data analytics, and seamless third-party integrations. Key Responsibilities: Develop a comprehensive, high-level system architecture that covers both mobile (iOS/Android) and web platforms. Design a modular microservices-based backend to support multiple user roles (innovators, investors, collaborators, mentors/advisors, talents, gene...

$32376 Average bid
$32376 Сер. заявка
23 заявки

I'm looking for a skilled professional to install Zimbra 10 on my Ubuntu VPS. The installation requires custom domain settings. I will take care of the DNS setup myself, but I need the Zimbra expert to properly configure the mail server for my domains. Ideal skills for this job include: - Extensive knowledge of Zimbra 10 - Experience in setting up custom domain settings in Zimbra - Experience with AnySycript automatic SSL certificate installation and configuration in Zimbra - Understanding of email deliverability best practices, including SPF, DKIM, and DMARC - Proficiency in setting up regular backups and recovery processes for Zimbra - Knowledge of performing version upgrades of Zimbra without downtime Budget for this project is only $20, with excellent feedbac...

$27 Average bid
$27 Сер. заявка
6 заявки

I need my business website deployed on Hostinger. The site is built using and JavaScript, and does not require any database. Key Requirements: - Experience with deploying business websites on Hostinger - Proficient in and JavaScript - Able to handle sites with animations and slideshows - No specific optimizations are required for this project. Please ensure you have the necessary skills and experience before bidding.

$195 Average bid
$195 Сер. заявка
18 заявки
Install & Configure Postal + MailWizz on Ubuntu VPS
6 дні(-в) left

Looking for an experienced freelancer to install and configure Postal (email delivery system) and MailWizz (email marketing platform) on an Ubuntu VPS. Tasks include setting up all necessary dependencies, configuring DNS, SSL, and ensuring both systems run smoothly. Must have prior experience with these platforms and Linux server administration.

$71 Average bid
$71 Сер. заявка
4 заявки
Project on Text and Image analysis
6 дні(-в) left

I'm looking for a professional with significant experience in both text and image data analysis. The main task will be to design a model for classifying this data. Algoin with identification of keywords. Key Responsibilities: - Thoroughly analyze the provided data - Design a robust classification model - Deliver the model alongside performance metrics and error analysis Ideal Skills and Experience: - Prior experience with text and image data analysis - Proficiency in statistical analysis and deep learning - Ability to deliver comprehensive performance metrics and error analysis

$22 Average bid
$22 Сер. заявка
13 заявки
API to Monitor NFT Arbitrage Opportunities on BSC Network
6 дні(-в) left

We are seeking a skilled developer to create an API that monitors NFT markets across multiple exchanges on the Binance Smart Chain (BSC) network and detects NFT arbitrage opportunities. The goal of the API is to help us identify price differences for NFTs across the following platforms: 1. PancakeSwap 2. BakerySwap 3. TreasureLand 4. MayanSwap 5. PancakeSwap’s NFT Marketplace 6. NFTKey The API should use third-party nodes to fetch data and should be designed to monitor real-time listings and transactions to identify potential arbitrage opportunities (price discrepancies between exchanges). Key Requirements: • The API should be able to interact with each of the listed platforms, extracting relevant information about NFT li...

$115 Average bid
$115 Сер. заявка
7 заявки

I'm looking for a comparative study on obstacle avoidance algorithms utilizing the Robot Operating System (ROS). The focus of this project will be on reactive and hybrid algorithms, specifically applied to wheeled robots. Key Aspects of the Project: - Evaluation of Accuracy: The primary performance metric to be assessed is the accuracy of the obstacle avoidance. - Utilization of ROS/Gazebo: The study will strictly employ the Robot Operating System (ROS) for the simulation (Gazebo) and testing of the algorithms. - Focus on Wheeled Robots: All evaluations and comparisons will be conducted using wheeled robots. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Extensive knowledge and experience in robot programming, specifically with ROS. - Proficient understanding of ...

$180 Average bid
$180 Сер. заявка
6 заявки

I'm developing a prototype for an outdoor pole assembly, similar to a beach or patio umbrella pole, and I need expert advice on suitable materials. The pole will consist of four segments connected to form an 8ft structure, designed to support a maximum load of 5lbs. I have looked into aluminum, carbon fiber, and fiberglass as options but I am stumped with the amount of grades, finishes, etc. Key Project Details: - I'm leaning towards using Carbon Fiber for its lightweight and strength properties. - The pole's material needs to be aluminum or composite, with an emphasis on corrosion resistance, weight, and cost. - The pole will be subjected to direct sunlight and marine conditions, thus requiring a material that can withstan...

$90 Average bid
$90 Сер. заявка
18 заявки

I'm seeking expert assistance for installing Revit 2025 on my MacBook Pro. Currently, I don't have a Windows environment set up, but I'm open to creating one for this purpose. Key Requirements: - Installation of Revit 2025 on MacBook Pro - Setting up a Windows environment (Boot Camp/Parallels) - Ensuring seamless functionality of Revit post-installation Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient with Revit and MacBook systems - Experience in setting up Windows on Mac - IT support background preferred Please note, I'm looking for a professional who can ensure a smooth and successful installation process. Preference for Boot Camp for the Windows environment setup.

$80 Average bid
$80 Сер. заявка
1 заявки

I want someone to protect my company's application and my website

$501 Average bid
$501 Сер. заявка
8 заявки

I am looking to develop an MVP of a conversational video web app designed to simulate technical and behavioral mock interviews. The app will use AI-powered video replicas for users to engage in interviews, providing real-time feedback. The goal is to offer a scalable, user-friendly MVP that can later be expanded with additional features based on user feedback. The MVP will focus on the core functionality for technical and behavioral interviews with AI replicas. I would prefer to integrate pre-built solutions / API for the video replicas and language models, and Tavus seems like a good fit for this. However, I am open to exploring other similar platforms that provide the conversational video AI and NLP capabilities required for...

$7398 Average bid
$7398 Сер. заявка
25 заявки
E-commerce Site Development on WIX
6 дні(-в) left

...experienced WIX developer to create an e-commerce site for selling physical products. The site should be user-friendly, engaging, and capable of handling a variety of customer needs. Key Features: - Payment Gateway Integration: The site must support secure and versatile payment options to cater to a wide customer base. - Inventory Management: A seamless inventory management system is essential to keep track of stock levels and product availability. - Customer Reviews: Incorporating a customer review section will be important for building trust and encouraging customer interaction. - Mobile Responsiveness: The site must be fully responsive to ensure a seamless experience across all devices, including smartphones and tablets. - SEO Optimization: Incorpo...

$2057 Average bid
$2057 Сер. заявка
87 заявки

I have a dataset ready for analysis and I'm looking for an expert in SPSS to help me with a repeated measures MANOVA analysis. Key requirements: - The data is purely numerical. - The primary goal of the analysis is to determine relationships between the variables. - Ensure that all assumptions of MANOVA, such as normality, homogeneity of variance-covariance matrices, and absence of multicollinearity, are met. Ideal skills and experience: - Proficient in using SPSS for statistical analysis. - Deep understanding and experience in conducting MANOVA analyses. - Strong capacity to interpret complex data and provide clear insights.

$90 Average bid
$90 Сер. заявка
13 заявки
Streamyard Webinar Integration on Website
6 дні(-в) left

We're seeking a skilled web developer to create a clean and user-friendly landing page on our website for streaming webinars via Streamyard (). This page will be publicly accessible (no login required) and designed for optimal viewer engagement. Project Scope: Develop a minimalist and intuitive webpage featuring integrated streaming from Streamyard, along with the following interactive elements: Live Chat: Real-time chat functionality for audience interaction. Q&A Section: A dedicated space for viewers to submit questions and for presenters to respond. Polls & Surveys: Integration of polling/survey tools to gather audience feedback and encourage participation. Required Skills & Experience: Proven web development expertis...

$6 / hr Average bid
$6 / hr Сер. заявка
18 заявки
AI Agent for Automated YouTube Video Creation
6 дні(-в) left

We are seeking a skilled developer or automation expert to replicate the automation process demonstrated in this video: The goal is to design and implement an AI agent capable of producing high-quality faceless YouTube videos with a no-code or minimal-code workflow. The system should run on environment and integrate API connectivity between tools like: DeepSeekAI: Content creation and script generation ElevenLabs: AI voice synthesis for audio OpenAI: Scriptwriting and content suggestions Flux: Workflow automation Google Cloud: Video processing and storage Deliverables: A fully automated workflow for generating YouTube-ready faceless videos. The ability to customize inputs such as topics, styles, and target audiences. Documentation for

$146 Average bid
$146 Сер. заявка
5 заявки

...expert to help enhance the engagement of my YouTube channel, specifically aiming at increasing my watch time. My channel primarily features educational content. Key Responsibilities: - Strategize and execute effective promotion and marketing techniques to boost watch time and channel engagement. - Collaborate with me on potential content improvements to align with viewer preferences and trends. - Provide insights and recommendations based on data and market research. Ideal Skills: - Proven experience in YouTube channel promotion and marketing. - Strong understanding of educational content and its audience. - Excellent communication skills for collaboration and updates. Experience with Facebook promotion is a plus as it's my current platform fo...

$39 Average bid
$39 Сер. заявка
5 заявки

Dear Alfredo, I hope you're doing well. I wanted to inform you that the requested updates on your tax services website have been successfully completed. The changes include: ✅ Contact details updated in the top bar ✅ "Book an Appointment" button fixed ✅ Navbar adjustments for better alignment and functionality ✅ Fixed broken parts of the website ✅ Adjusted contact info icon size in the top bar Please review the updates at your convenience and let me know if you need any further refinements. Looking forward to your feedback! Best regards, Hamza Dawood

$90 Average bid
$90 Сер. заявка
1 заявки
UTM Tracking Implementation on Calendly
6 дні(-в) left

Hello, I need to track UTM parameters in Calendly. Need it to track from Meta and Google. And please also show me how it's done. Thanks, Phillip

$14 Average bid
$14 Сер. заявка
1 заявки
Finalizing Crypto Payment System on Telegram Bot
6 дні(-в) left

...script generating a wallet address (with QR code) per user or a global wallet address. ✅ The ability to select the payment method (Bitcoin, LTC, ETH, USDT). However, the payment system is not fully completed. The missing parts include: Real-time payment detection and validation. An anti-fraud system to prevent fake transactions. Webhooks or another reliable payment notification system. Fee optimization strategy, especially if using per-user addresses. Mass payouts management, similar to Cryptomus. ? Responsibilities: Deploy and configure blockchain nodes (Bitcoin/Lightning, Ethereum, Monero, etc.). Implement an accurate payment tracking system for each user. Optimize transaction fees based on the chosen model (single wallet vs multiple addresses). Integrate a...

$544 Average bid
$544 Сер. заявка
46 заявки

As a sole proprietorship, I need someone to file my GST returns for the past 6 months. The returns that need to be filed include both GSTR-1 and GSTR-3B or any other GSTR. Also, Respond with a genuine price..if you can work with this amount. Ideal skills and experience for the job include: - Expertise in GST return filing - Experience working with sole proprietorships - Knowledge of the composition scheme - Familiarity with GSTR-1 and GSTR-3B - Excellent attention to detail - Strong communication skills to explain GST-related concepts - Proficiency in Tally ERP software for GST return preparation and filing - Understanding of GST audits and annual return filing - Familiarity with GSTR-4 which is relevant for composition scheme taxpayers - Knowledge of e-invoic...

$12 / hr Average bid
$12 / hr Сер. заявка
2 заявки

Project Overview: PLEASE BID ONLY THAT PRICE WHICH YOU CAN DO IN (NO NEGOTIATION) We are seeking a skilled and experienced freelance web developer to build a fully functional domain reseller platform from scratch. This project requires expertise in developing custom solutions, not relying on pre-built plugins or website builders. The core functionality will revolve around seamless integration with our chosen domain registrar's API. The ideal candidate will have a proven track record of creating robust, scalable, and user-friendly web applications, specifically within the domain reselling industry. Responsibilities: * Custom Development: Develop the entire domain reseller platform from the ground up, including front-end design and back-end logic. This is...

$158 Average bid
$158 Сер. заявка
27 заявки

I'm looking for a social media marketing expert, specifically for Facebook. My primary goal is to enhance customer engagement through this platform. Key Responsibilities: - Develop and implement engaging content to stimulate customer interaction - Monitor and respond to customer comments and messages to foster a sense of community - Analyze engagement metrics to refine strategies and improve interaction rates - Plan and schedule regular posts to maintain a consistent online presence Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in social media marketing, particularly on Facebook - Excellent communication skills for customer interaction - Proficient in content creation and social media analytics

$17 / hr Average bid
$17 / hr Сер. заявка
28 заявки
WordPress Installation on AWS EC2 and github
6 дні(-в) left

I'm looking for a skilled developer who can install the latest stable version of WordPress from a GitHub repository onto my existing AWS EC2 instanc...looking for a skilled developer who can install the latest stable version of WordPress from a GitHub repository onto my existing AWS EC2 instance. The current application hosted on this instance must remain operational during this process. and the wordpress would use the same domain as the existing application Key Requirements: - Install WordPress without disrupting the current application - Pull the latest stable version from a GitHub repo - Expertise in AWS EC2 Ideal candidates should have experience with domain linking and managing WordPress. Skills Needed: - AWS EC2 - WordPress Installation - GitHub -...

$20 Average bid
$20 Сер. заявка
10 заявки