How to find a grant writer for the performing artsроботи


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2,000 how to find a grant writer for the performing arts знайдені роботи

Project Overview We are launching a truck and car service center in Dessau-Roßlau (Germany), with a focus on tire services (mounting, balancing, sales) and oil changes for both heavy-duty trucks and regular cars. In the future, we aim to expand into more advanced diagnostic and repair services, particularly for trucks (including full test lines, brake tests, suspension diagnostics, etc.). We need a modern, fully responsive website that reflects our professionalism, supports online booking, and is optimized for local SEO (primarily in Dessau-Roßlau and surrounding regions). The site should also attract transit (long-haul) drivers who pass through our region on major highways. We want to provide a multi...

$15 / hr Average bid
$15 / hr Сер. заявка
20 заявки

Task: Develop a thermometer module based on the TMP36 temperature sensor. Provide operation in three modes: temperature measurement in degrees Celsius, degrees Fahrenheit and Kelvin (change of mode using the button). Use the display (4-digit 7-segment indicator and 74HC595 shift register) to display all necessary data. Use the button and LEDs to set the operating mode and display the current mode. Additional materials: TMP36 documentation: Documentation for 74HC595: Using a 7-segment indicator: Example of implementation:

$55 Average bid
$55 Сер. заявка
7 заявки
Python function with pynetdicom
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Функция обращается к AET, передает c-find запрос с StudyInstanceUID. Возвращает количество изображений в study. Собственно всё.

$137 Average bid
$137 Сер. заявка
7 заявки
The Azurioum project
Закінчився left

Greetings. Dear fr... I am interested in the complete removal of all games except minecraft. (Or placing them in separate modules) I'm also interested in the authorization redesign. That is, there are already two types of authorization implemented there, either through mail (nickname) or through microsoft/mojang, I want the standard login through mail (nickname) to remain, and the licensed login through microsoft/mojang to be placed in a separate module. Also, I need to rework the store module and add the possibility of monthly subscriptions to it. Ideally, the module should be cleaned of all built-in payment methods it provides by default. The project was developed in Laravel using BootStra...

$90 Average bid
$90 Сер. заявка
3 заявки

Необхідно розробити веб-застосунок та описати його роботу. Опис має бути в форматі одного розділу бакалаврської дипломної роботи. Більш детальний опис наведений в закріплених файлах.

$200 Average bid
$200 Сер. заявка
1 заявки
Good writer
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#копірайтер Шукаю роботу копірайтером, текстовим редактором. мови: ✔️ англійська; ✔️ українська; ✔️ російська. азартні ігри, індустрія краси, медицина, психологія та інші. Хто може порадити на яких ще ресурсах можна шукати роботу. Дякуємо за будь-яку допомогу.

$333 Average bid
$333 Сер. заявка
3 заявки

Вітаємо, Samiullah K.! Я звернув увагу на ваш профіль і хотів би запропонувати вам свій проект. Ми можемо обговорити деталі в чаті.

$45 Average bid
$45 Сер. заявка
1 заявки

Need to change the "Shipping City" field widget from a List to a Text field, under the field, display Help text. After writing the name of the city, compare the name and display the corresponding list of departments in the "delivery offices" field.

$250 Average bid
$250 Сер. заявка
1 заявки
New brand character for the website
Закінчився left

Привіт! Потрібен брендовий персонаж на сайт. Я обрав собаку, тому що так сайт називається (Trust - довіра), ну і собака часто асоціюється з довірою. Собака має бути милою та симпатичною, а головне має запам'ятовуватися. За прикладами звертайтесь у приватні повідомлення. Новий персонаж має вписуватись в стилістику сайту. Порода будь-яка, але не дуже смішна. Наразі все, гарного дня! Чекаю на питання чи пропозиції!

$20 Average bid
$20 Сер. заявка
1 заявки

Всім привіт, Ми шукаємо розробників для платформи оптових продажів. Ми зупинились на рішенні Woocomerce b2b (можливо щось інше) Самописні решення не розглядаємо, але можлива кастомізація так як в нас є деякі нестандартні вимоги до функціоналу. Що до теми, нам подобається такий стиль. Детальний опис функціоналу у прікріпленні. Це має бути 3 сайти на різних доменах, із одним спільним B2B портал з загальною базою товарів. Інтеграція із 1с. Чекаю на ваші пропозиції. Для перевірки прочитаного почніть своє повідомлення із слова Алілуя, ви знайшли розробників. Дякую

$2375 Average bid
$2375 Сер. заявка
2 заявки

Настроить тему bigcommerce под наши нужды. Добавить свои методы оплаты и доставки. Інтеграція с 1С, АМО, Бітрікс24 Set up the bigcommerce theme to fit our needs. Аdd customize payment and shipping methods. Integration with 1C, AMO, Bitrix24 Ми вже маємо аккаунт на bigcommerce і придбали тему. Нам потрібна швидка допомога з налаштуванням цієї теми та внесення деяких змін, якщо це можливо. У нас вже є бачення того, як це має виглядати. Крім того, ми шукаємо когось з досвідом підключення методів оплати і доставки, які не доступні на bigcommerce. Для цього потрібні навички кодування та знання платформи bigcommerce. Інтеграції, які нас цікавлять: 1. Методи оплати: - Privat24 - Payoneer - Transferwise - Western Union - payment by card (Mastercard, Visa) 2. Доставка: - Nova...

$700 Average bid
$700 Сер. заявка
4 заявки

Я шукаю безкомпромісно-афігєнних графічних дизайнерів (талановитих/шарящих/працьовитих) хто може присвятити себе створенню найкрутіших ТРЕВЕЛ-КАРТ в світі для бренду Travelization. Критерії: - бути, бляха, класною людиною - мати за спиною вражаючі ґрафік-дизайн роботи (бажано в InDesign) - божевільна увага до деталей і готовність відточувати роботу до ідеалу (я перфекціоніст) - вміння працювати дуже швидко та ефективно Якщо робота піде дуже добре, будуть нові схожі проекти. Будь ласка, пишіть в приват або поділіться з дизайнерами які проходить по критеріях. :) Я скину всі деталі. Вдячний до безмежності! ❤ #MadeInUkraine

$273 Average bid
$273 Сер. заявка
10 заявки
Find me some Leads
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I want to get the contact phone no. or website or email of this Ukrainian company. ТОВ "ЕКСІМ ТРЕЙД СЕРВІС" Address: 61052,м.Харків,провулок Мало-Панасівський,буд.4/7

$59 Average bid
$59 Сер. заявка
6 заявки
Find me some Leads
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Хай, гайз! В команду потрібен біддер (bidder) для роботи з біржами та іншими ресурсами для генерації лідів. Продавати не потрібно, цим буде займатись сейлз менеджер. Вимоги: вільна англ., бажано мін. досвід в ІТ. Працювати можна із одного з 2 офісів в Києві, у Вроцлаві (якщо хочете релокейтнутись) або з дому. Вакансія термінова, "горяща" :) Пишіть в особисті повідомлення.

$211 Average bid
$211 Сер. заявка
1 заявки
Modern Minimalist Etsy Gift Shop Setup
6 дні(-в) left

I'm looking for a professional to set up an Etsy store for me. This store will primarily sell arts and crafts, along with various craft supplies. The ideal candidate for this project should have prior experience with Etsy store creation and a knack for presenting products in an appealing and organized manner. Key Responsibilities: - Create a modern and minimalist themed Etsy store - Strategically display and categorize arts and crafts and craft supplies - Ensure the store is visually appealing and easy to navigate The perfect candidate will have a good understanding of modern and minimalist design principles, and experience with e-commerce platforms, particularly Etsy. A ...

$18 Average bid
$18 Сер. заявка
16 заявки

Hi, I already have a Groovy code that can read JSON data and save in variable from an API endpoint I have figured all other fields how to read/iterate it. I need to figure out how to read Nested Custom Fields into an variable. What should be the format. Please find the attached JSON and Groovy Code. I just need a format in Groovy on how to read it into a variable for the Nested Custom Fields. Others are working as shown in the code. For example if I want to save "field_id: 5" value "TIM-01" from JSON. What should be the format. Please see the question marks line in Groovy File that's where I need the assistance. Just n...

$114 Average bid
$114 Сер. заявка
39 заявки
Trophy icon Vintage T-Shirt Design for The Bridge
5 дні(-в) left

I'm looking for a creative designer who can help me create a vintage and retro styled t-shirt design for our young adults ministry, The Bridge. Key elements to incorporate: - A combination of text and graphics -A bridge - The specific text: "Bridging the gap between where you are and where God is taking you" "Ephesians 4;15-16" "SCFA" Ideal Skills: - Graphic Design - T-shirt Design - Understanding of Vintage and Retro Aesthetic I've provided an example of something we kind of like but are completely open to other ideas. Please provide examples of previous similar work in your proposal.

$30 Average bid
21 робіт
Urgent Complaint Letter Regarding Building Maintenance
6 дні(-в) left

I'm in need of a skilled writer with experience in drafting formal complaint letters. The letter should reflect an urgent and demanding tone as it's addressing serious maintenance issues in my building. Key Issues: - Plumbing problems - Unresolved fire incident in the building - Over three months without cleaning. - Elevator out of service for 30 days Ideal candidates should have: - Excellent command of English - Previous experience in writing formal complaint letters - Ability to articulate the urgency and seriousness of the matter in a professional manner.

$90 Average bid
$90 Сер. заявка
59 заявки

More detail of the document in the .PDF file will be include. As discuss via chat we will choose hourly and you will complete the project within the hourly rate.

$45 / hr Average bid
$45 / hr Сер. заявка
1 заявки
Skilled PNG Designer Needed for Image Recreation
6 дні(-в) left

I'm in need of a talented PNG designer who can either recreate a specific image with a different watermark or remove the watermark from the original image, all while keeping the same background effect. Key Responsibilities: 1. Recreate the image with a different watermark, maintaining the same background effect. 2. Alternatively, remove the watermark from the original image without compromising the visual integrity. *Please Note:* Your goal is to produce an exact replica of the image, with every detail, effect, and element identical to the original. I'm open to whichever task you find easier. Please provide bids only if you have the necessary sk...

$13 Average bid
$13 Сер. заявка
18 заявки

I'm looking for a talented writer to produce monthly blogs for my company. The primary purpose of these blogs will be promotional/marketing, aimed at industry professionals. Key Requirements: - The blogs should primarily include industry news/updates, must be about the catering industry. - The content should be engaging and relevant to capture the attention of industry professionals. - The writing should be persuasive to promote our brand and services. Ideal Skills: - Excellent writing and research skills. - Understanding of the industry and ability to distill complex news into accessible content. - Experience in promotional writing. Experience with MailChimp. Please provide e...

$454 Average bid
$454 Сер. заявка
45 заявки
Informative Analysis Articles Writer
6 дні(-в) left

I am in need of a skilled writer who can craft detailed informative analysis articles. The primary focus of these articles will be to provide thorough and insightful analyses on various topics. Ideal skills and experience for the job: - Strong research skills - Excellent writing and analytical skills - Ability to simplify complex topics for the general public - Experience in writing informative articles Please note that specific topics have not been decided yet and may include a range of subjects. Your ability to adapt and research different topics will be crucial.

$4 / hr Average bid
$4 / hr Сер. заявка
16 заявки
Healthcare Startup Seeking Grants for Growth
6 дні(-в) left

I'm seeking assistance to secure grant funding for my healthcare startup, which is currently in its growth stage. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Extensive network and experience in obtaining grants specifically for healthcare startups - Proven track record of successful fund-raising - Deep understanding of the healthcare industry - Excellent communication and proposal writing skills - Ability to strategize and present compelling cases to potential grant providers

$51 Average bid
$51 Сер. заявка
1 заявки

I am looking for a certified professional with expertise in multiple Google products. I need assistance with Google Analytics, Google Ads, Google Tag Manager, Campaign Manager, Display Video 360, Search Ads 360, Conversion Optimization, and Creative. Key Responsibilities: - Campaign Management: Overseeing and optimizing ad campaigns across various platforms. - Data Analysis and Reporting: Interpreting data from Google products to inform strategy and improve performance. - Conversion Optimization: Implementing strategies to improve the rate of conversions. The primary objective of these tasks is to enhance the performance of my ads. The ideal candidate would have a strong background in digital marketing and analytics, w...

$20 Average bid
1 робіт

We are seeking a Senior Technical Writer to lead the creation of a robust user guide for a developing service software application. This role combines hands-on documentation work with mentorship responsibilities, including training a junior technical writer. The ideal candidate will bring expertise in single-source documentation, information architecture, and software documentation practices.

$7954 Average bid
$7954 Сер. заявка
11 заявки
B2B Tech Content Specialist Needed
6 дні(-в) left

Content Writer We are looking for B2B content writers to help us write content for our Website Blogs, LinkedIn company handles, website content, social media posts, and more. Must have 5+ years of experience writing B2B content for Tech startups or established Tech businesses. Must have experience writing different types of content, including blog posts, social media content, webpage copywriting, and more, especially in Technical and IT domains. Experience in writing for AI-related companies is highly preferred. Please submit your response by answering the following questions: Q1. Do you have experience in Blog Writing? If so, please share samples of articles published under your name. Q2. Do you have experience writing linkedin posts an...

$466 Average bid
$466 Сер. заявка
15 заявки
Crypto Writer Needed for Blog
6 дні(-в) left

I'm looking for a skilled crypto writer for my blog. The content should primarily consist of tutorials and guides about the latest cryptocurrency trends, with a heavy focus on Bitcoin, Ethereum, and emerging cryptocurrencies.

$5 / hr Average bid
$5 / hr Сер. заявка
26 заявки
WP, Divi Theme, Website Fixes/Errors
6 дні(-в) left

...yourself with it/us and test looking up a Rescue/Shelter or any of our Professional Pet Service Professionals. You will immediately note the Google Maps is incorrectly not performing; the results are 1,000's of miles from the zip code you entered ~ useless to the visitor looking for Pet Professional Services/Rescues/Shelters. We are looking for help created by someone who we hired, claimed he was a WP web Dev expert, and he actually messed up our website. Should be some easy fixes to get us 'right again' and on track again as a Dog & Cat Search Directory. Here is what we have discovered is in need of correcting: --Save A Rescue web Challenges: FYI: Our listings resu...

$238 Average bid
$238 Сер. заявка
25 заявки

I'm looking for a skilled and creative webtoon artist and writer to collaborate with on a captivating romance series. The target audience for this series is primarily young adults and adults, so the themes and storytelling will need to resonate with this demographic. Key Requirements: - Expertise in crafting engaging, relatable, and heartfelt romance narratives. - Proficiency in the Anime/Manga art style, with a portfolio demonstrating this. - Understanding of the webtoon format and ability to create visually appealing and well-paced episodes. - Experience with creating content for young adults and adults, with the ability to handle mature themes sensitively and appropriate...

$19 / hr Average bid
$19 / hr Сер. заявка
26 заявки

...corporate email domains, with a total of 646 accounts, from the paid service to a suitable free alternative. Options include Zimbra, Postfix + Dovecot, Mailcow, or iRedMail. Key Tasks: - Recommend and set up the optimal free email server - Configure email records (MX, SPF, DKIM, DMARC) for each domain - Ensure stable sending/receiving of new emails post-migration - Test the email functionality after the move - If possible, transfer old emails (not necessary, but ideal) You will have access to all required domains and existing server. I am open to suggestions for the server and configurations. The sooner this can be done, the better. The ideal candidate should have experience with ...

$170 Average bid
$170 Сер. заявка
8 заявки

I'm looking for a skilled technical writer to craft a comprehensive technical report for an internal project overview. The ideal candidate should be proficient in technical writing, with a keen understanding of how to convey complex information simply and clearly. Key Responsibilities: - Writing a clear and concise technical report on a project overview - Tailoring the document to meet the needs of our internal team Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in technical writing, particularly with project overviews - Excellent written communication skills - Ability to simplify complex information for easy understanding - Experience writing for an i...

$51 / hr Average bid
$51 / hr Сер. заявка
18 заявки

We are looking for a skilled and creative freelancer to help us produce engaging ads for both in-app and desktop placements. The project involves developing the storyline, creating appealing animations, and providing voiceover for the final content. About Rabatta - Who We Are: Rabatta offers a browser extension that automatically finds and tests discount codes when you shop online. - Our Reach: We are proud to have over 1.8 million users worldwide. - Where We Operate: We are active in Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Netherlands and Great Brittan. - Translations: We need the final ad translated into Danish, Swedish, Norwegian, Dutch and english. The first version of the project should be made in en...

$1984 Average bid
$1984 Сер. заявка
44 заявки
Revision to the 3D model
9 дні(-в) left

Changes to be made in 3D model as per the specifications.

$300 Average bid
$300 Сер. заявка
1 заявки
RESTful API Technical Writer Needed
6 дні(-в) left

About the Role We are looking for skilled Product Requirements Document (PRD) API Writers with expertise in technical writing and API documentation to define and document RESTful APIs for complex systems. Responsibilities Develop detailed API specifications, including architecture, data modeling, and validation rules. Utilize OpenAPI/Swagger, JSON Schema, and Markdown to create structured API documentation. Translate business requirements into clear, precise API definitions. Define error handling, validation logic, and cross-resource dependencies. Work closely with engineering and product teams to ensure accuracy and consistency. Requirements Strong experience in API architecture and technical documentation. Proficiency in RESTful API design princ...

$13 / hr Average bid
$13 / hr Сер. заявка
16 заявки
The Forgotten Lands
6 дні(-в) left

$499 Average bid
$499 Сер. заявка
40 заявки

I am seeking a skilled technical writer with expertise in the technology industry to craft detailed technical reports focusing on product analysis. Key Requirements: - Proven experience in writing technical reports - Deep understanding of the technology sector - Ability to analyze and interpret product data - Strong attention to detail and ability to convey complex information clearly

$224 Average bid
$224 Сер. заявка
11 заявки

I'm in search of a talented and creative writer to craft a short fiction story book for adults. The book should be a compelling, engaging narrative that blends elements of fantasy. The story will revolve around unique characters, intriguing settings, and gripping plots that captivate readers from beginning to end. Key Requirements: - Creative and engaging writing with strong character development - Ability to build a vivid, immersive world or setting - Compelling conflict and plot twists that captivate the reader - Ability to incorporate clear themes and messages Ideal Skills and Experience: - Previous experience writing fantasy fiction for adults - Strong understanding of character dev...

$11 / hr Average bid
$11 / hr Сер. заявка
8 заявки
CEO Name & Email Search
6 дні(-в) left

I need a professional to find the CEO's name and email for a list of 1000 companies. Complete details will be provided to right person only. Specifics: - Only valid emails, no spam emails - Additional contact details required, but not specified yet Ideal Skills: - Data Research - Email Verification - High accuracy Experience: - Previous experience with similar tasks essential - Proven track record of delivering accurate information

$3 / hr Average bid
$3 / hr Сер. заявка
30 заявки

More details: Which type of document format is the doctor's note in? JPEG image Do you need any specific changes apart from the dates? Yes, change some text details Which specific text details need to be changed? Visit date/time Change the dates to March 5th and adjust the time a little.

$16 Average bid
$16 Сер. заявка
23 заявки

We are looking for an expert in artificial intelligence and digital platforms to provide consulting services for the feasibility and structuring of an AI-powered system designed to support real estate renovation projects and tenant profile analysis. ? Note: This phase is strictly consulting only. No development is required at this stage. The AI model should be capable of performing two key functions: 1️⃣ Automated Reports for Real Estate Renovation Projects: The AI should generate detailed reports with essential insights for decision-making, including: ✅ Project overview ✅ Feasibility analysis (technical, financial, and operational) ✅ Financial assessment ✅ Market demand analysis ✅ Render generation (optional but desi...

$1571 Average bid
$1571 Сер. заявка
20 заявки

...looking for a talented writer to help me pen a book that intricately weaves my management principles with my personal biography. The book is primarily targeted at business professionals and should be written in an inspirational and motivational tone. A bit about me: I'm a ceo of a large mobile operator. I'm undergoing a market consolidation and leading a massive merger of two large companies. I want to capture my experience in a book that can be a referral for any companies that may be going through a similar merger process. Key Aspects of the Project: - The book should blend management principles with my personal experiences and insights. ...

$1500 - $3000
$1500 - $3000
21 заявки

I'm looking for an experienced chemist who can help me find a formula for a food preservation powder. The primary focus is on preserving dairy products. The preservation agent should be in powder form. Key requirements: - Expertise in chemistry with a focus on food preservation - Experience in developing preservation agents for dairy products - Ability to formulate a powder suitable for food preservation Please provide your relevant experience and examples of similar projects you have completed.

$119 Average bid
$119 Сер. заявка
8 заявки
Professional Product Description Writing
6 дні(-в) left

I'm seeking a skilled writer who can craft a compelling, professional, and formal product description aimed at boosting sales. The ideal freelancer should have experience in persuasive writing, product promotion, and understanding of SEO principles. Key Requirements: - Expertise in writing product descriptions - Proven track record in increasing sales through copy - Understanding of SEO principles - Ability to write in a formal, professional tone Your task will be to create a product description that not only informs but also persuades the customer to make a purchase.

$373 Average bid
$373 Сер. заявка
79 заявки
Web scraping and updating inventory Excel Sheets
6 дні(-в) left

I am looking for an experienced web scraper to update the inventory Excel sheets from my vendor's site. Tasks will involve Step: 1 1. Scraping the vendor website and downloading information about available inventory. 2. Updating an MS Excel file - My Vendor Inventory Template 3. Indicate "items to remove" from eBay due non-availability and new "item to add" 3. Copying images, product information from the vendor site - for new Items 4. Sharing the Excel file with me so I can do the pricing - using Google Drive Performing the above steps every two weeks for 3 vendors Skills Required Web Scraping Excel Web Scraping Image Processing

$14 Average bid
$14 Сер. заявка
28 заявки

Hi everyone, I'm trying to set up a WebSocket server behind Nginx on port 80 (HTTP) to support both ws:// and wss:// connections. However, while the WebSocket works in Postman, it fails when trying to connect via wss:// in a browser. The console error is: WebSocket connection to 'wss://' failed: WebSocket Error: Event { isTrusted: true, type: "error", target: WebSocket, ... } Nginx configuration (simplified): location /websocket_endpoint { proxy_pass http://internal-server-ip:port/websocket_path; proxy_http_version 1.1; proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade; proxy_set_header Connection "Upgrade"; proxy_set_header Host $host; proxy_cache_bypass $htt...

$26 Average bid
$26 Сер. заявка
14 заявки

I’m looking for a talented graphic designer to create a minimalist logo for my iOS developers website, along with proficient Spanish writers who can help craft technical documentation. Please note: - The logo should align with a minimalist aesthetic. - The Spanish writers should be capable of producing high-quality technical content. - Understanding of iOS development terminology would be a plus.

$120 Average bid
$120 Сер. заявка
49 заявки
Technical Product Catalog Creation
6 дні(-в) left

...are looking for an experienced freelancer to design a technical product catalog. The catalog should have a modern, minimalist, and professional look. Project Scope: - 1 Page Company Introduction - 1 Page Product Description (advantages, product feature etc.) - 11 Pages of Product Details (inserting of existing drawings and tables) -- please find example in attachement - 7 Product Renderings (3D Model will be provided) Materials Provided: • Ready to use content • Ready-to-use catalog drawings in the appropriate format • Tables with technical details for each product page • 3D models for rendering Design Requirements: • The catalog and renderings should follow the RAL 50...

$123 Average bid
$123 Сер. заявка
61 заявки
$34 Сер. заявка
1 заявки
HR POOL Consultancy Website Creation
6 дні(-в) left

HR POOL Website Development - Project Name: HR POOL – The Best HR Consultancy Website in Bangladesh. - Objective: To build a modern, interactive, and user-friendly website that allows job seekers and employers to interact seamlessly without the need for a call center. WEBSITE OVERVIEW & PURPOSE HR POOL’s website should act as an automated HR consultancy platform, reducing dependency on manual communication. The website will serve two key groups: 1. Job Seekers – To find job opportunities, apply easily, upskill, and get CV-building services. 2. Employers – To submit job requisitions and request other HR services through interactive forms. Key Goals: 1. Automate HR Processes &ndas...

$564 Average bid
$564 Сер. заявка
55 заявки