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2,000 flash data google docs знайдені роботи

...отриманих даних у Google Sheets. Перелік метрик: Для кожного поста необхідно отримувати та зберігати наступні показники: Посилання Тип контенту(пост/рілс) Дата написання статистики: Перегляди %, Читачі %, не читачі Лайки Коментарі Репости Сек (середній час перегляду) Охопленно аккаунтів Акки взаємодії %, Читачі не читачі,% Функціональні вимоги: 1 Доступ через API Instagram – отримання даних через офіційне API Instagram. 2 OAuth2-авторизація – реалізація входу через OAuth2. 3 Підключення кількох акаунтів – можливість авторизації та збору даних з декількох акаунтів Instagram. 4 Автоматичний збір даних – оновлення метрик кожні 6 годин. 5 Довготривале оновлення – збір даних протягом 1 року з моменту публікац...

$157 Average bid
$157 Сер. заявка
9 заявки

Потрібно зробити щось буде в дуже зручній позиції розрахунки та інформація яка підключається до сайтів Які вказані в назві Веб-программирование - подойдет для создания интерфейса и взаимодействия с API, такими как Binance API и MetaMask. 2000грн - 50$ оплата Тут немає чітких термінів якщо ви студенти хочете для свого портфоліо чи просто навчитися маєте ввічливість і адекватність+ 2. Прикладное программирование - специалисты в этой области смогут разработать основную логику бота и обеспечить выполнение необходимых вычислений.

$115 Average bid
$115 Сер. заявка
6 заявки

Табличка буде використовуватись для аналізу конкурентів ринку. Вона має бути зручною для ведення, зі зрозумілим звітом у вигляді графіків на основному дашборді. Показників в різних категоріях які вона має рахувати більше 30, терміни, фінанси, порівняння, відсотки, категорії, середні значення. Чекаю Ваших пропозицій стосовно вартості

$95 Average bid
$95 Сер. заявка
2 заявки

Рекламная компания google performance max долго не работала и сейчас после запуска выдает странные результаты, нужно проверить все ли настроено, возможно подкоректировать и дать рекомендации

$20 Average bid
$20 Сер. заявка
1 заявки

Ми маємо сайт з торгівлі на форекс біржі, нам треба запустити Адвордс на неї. Потрібна наявність досвіду в цьому

$16 / hr Average bid
$16 / hr Сер. заявка
13 заявки

Потрібно налаштувати рекламні компанії у Google Ads! По продажу ноутбуків та сервісному центрі! Наш сайт Пропонуйте свої пропозиції!

$118 Average bid
$118 Сер. заявка
3 заявки

Потрібно налаштувати рекламні компанії у Google Ads! По продажу ноутбуків та сервісному центрі! Наш сайт Пропонуйте свої пропозиції!

$25 Average bid
$25 Сер. заявка
1 заявки

Потрібна допомога в налаштуванні контекстної реклами. Ми - сервісний центр по ремонту та обслуговуванню комп'ютерів, ноутбуків, телефонів, планшетів у м. Львів. Є недавно створений сайт.

$162 Average bid
$162 Сер. заявка
6 заявки

Потрібно налаштувати та запустити рекламну кампанію двох груп товарів в інтернет магазині

$102 Average bid
$102 Сер. заявка
2 заявки

Фірма займається легалізацією побуту іноземців на території Євросоузу, організовує мовні курси, допомагає студентам вступити до вузів ЄС. Необхідно створити гарний сайт і позиціонувати його в топ-5 чи 10 в Google для отримання великої кількості клієнтів. Розгляну і інші пропозиції щодо пошуку клієнтів.

$118 Average bid
$118 Сер. заявка
11 заявки

...============================= A source library (C++ / C) for using in projects for ESP-8266 ESP-14 is requested to develop. Equipment: 1. ESP-8266 ESP-14 2. Camera OV7670 3. Register 4HC165D Register is used for converting of parallel interface of the camera to serial interface for ESP connection. The library should implement functionality for storing single snapshot from camera to flash memory on ESP. Using of DMA on ESP is expected. ...

$200 Average bid
$200 Сер. заявка
1 заявки
Закінчився left

Шукаю ілюстраторів для дитячих книг на зразок, Чекаю на портфоліо

$131 Average bid
$131 Сер. заявка
8 заявки

Концепція анімації "вибух" Це в 2D а рух має відображати 3D, тобто перша мить білий фон, друга мить чотири кружечка по 1 пікселю по центру, третя мить з них починають розходитись 7ліній та збільшуватись синій круг з логотипом, четверта мить рух ліній з різною швидкістю імітуючи рух в 3D закріплюються в різних місцях з яких починають збільшуватись кружки так як на макеті також з різною швидкістю та імітуючи рух в 3D. пята мить всі кружки одночасно досягають свого розміру як на макеті. це перший етап анімації, далі все залишається на своїх місцях доти доки на будь якого кружка не наводять курсор, після наведення курсора на кружечку появляється обводочка як на логотипі, яка поступово рухається до центру з білого фону до такого місця як на логотипі. після кліку по кружку доки ...

$166 Average bid
$166 Сер. заявка
1 заявки
Google Looker to Power BI Dashboard Migration
6 дні(-в) left

We're seeking a professional to migrate our dashboard from Google Looker to Power BI. Key Requirements: - Migrate all existing functionalities from Looker to Power BI - Ensure the interactive filters, customized visualizations, and automated reports are retained Current Dashboard: - The dashboard primarily visualizes financial data - The data complexity is simple, involving few tables and straightforward relationships Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience with both Google Looker and Power BI - Strong data visualization skills - Ability to replicate complex dashboard functionalities in Power BI

$23 / hr Average bid
$23 / hr Сер. заявка
18 заявки

Estoy buscando un experto en diseño y creación de anuncios publicitarios para redes sociales y Google Ads. Quiero anuncios llamativos y persuasivos como el de la imagen adjunta o incluso mejores. Requisitos: Experiencia demostrable en la creación de anuncios para Facebook, Instagram, Google y TikTok Ads. Conocimiento en estrategias de publicidad digital y copywriting persuasivo. Habilidad para diseñar gráficos atractivos y videos publicitarios llamativos. Conocimientos en segmentación de audiencias y optimización de anuncios para conversión. Lo que necesito: Diseñar imágenes y videos atractivos para mis campañas publicitarias. Crear copies llamativos y persuasivos. Adaptar anuncios según la...

$288 Average bid
$288 Сер. заявка
21 заявки
Google Ads Scraper Development
6 дні(-в) left

...create web scrapers that will comb through Google search results and identify paid ads. The scrapers should be able to accept a specific domain, a list of targeted keywords, and chosen locations (cities, towns, countries). The final output should be a comprehensive table in Google Sheets. Key Requirements: - The scrapers must be capable of producing full search results, not just a basic summary or detailed ad content. - While the primary focus is on Google, the scrapers should also have the capacity to incorporate Google search partners if necessary. - The ability to input specific locations and a targeted domain. Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience in web scraping and Python or similar programming languages. - Proficiency in Google Sheets and da...

$566 Average bid
$566 Сер. заявка
108 заявки
Google ads management
9 дні(-в) left

Google ads management ..........

$120 Average bid
$120 Сер. заявка
1 заявки
Google Play Console Rental for App
6 дні(-в) left

I'm seeking a temporary rental of a Google Play Console to publish my fully developed and tested Matka app. This short-term service is crucial for making my app available to users. If you have access to a Google Play Console, please get in touch.

$504 Average bid
$504 Сер. заявка
5 заявки

I am looking for a certified professional with expertise in multiple Google products. I need assistance with Google Analytics, Google Ads, Google Tag Manager, Campaign Manager, Display Video 360, Search Ads 360, Conversion Optimization, and Creative. Key Responsibilities: - Campaign Management: Overseeing and optimizing ad campaigns across various platforms. - Data Analysis and Reporting: Interpreting data from Google products to inform strategy and improve performance. - Conversion Optimization: Implementing strategies to improve the rate of conversions. The primary objective of these tasks is to enhance the performance of my ads. The ideal candidate would have a strong background in digital marketing and analytics, with a proven track re...

$20 Average bid
1 робіт

I need a professional to convert my Google Docs document into a PDF. The document should keep its original Google Docs formatting, with hyperlinks remaining clickable in the PDF. The PDF file should also have specific permissions set to allow printing and copying. Ideal skills and experience for the job includes: - Proficiency in Google Docs and PDF formatting - Experience in document conversion - Attention to detail to ensure the document keeps its original formatting - Understanding of PDF permission settings

$10 Average bid
$10 Сер. заявка
45 заявки
Google Chrome Setup Assistance
6 дні(-в) left

We are seeking a skilled freelancer to assist with the setup and configuration of Google Chrome. The ideal candidate will ensure optimal browser performance, including the installation of necessary extensions, customization of settings, and troubleshooting any potential issues. A strong understanding of browser security and user privacy settings is essential. If you're passionate about enhancing user experience through effective browser management, we would love to hear from you! Google Chrome to functions as a restricted browser Need users to be restricted from reviling passwords Need users to be restricted from downloading extensions other than the extensions already installed by the admin

$181 Average bid
$181 Сер. заявка
5 заявки
Looking for a 6amMart (React Web App) Configuration Expert
6 дні(-в) left

Project Description: I need someone to install and customize the 6amMart React app in my script. The work must be completed within 3 hours. Requirements: Must have worked with 6amMart before or be able to quickly understand its documentation. Do not ask unnecessary questions: all info is in the docs. Must be reliable and efficient (no bots). Budget: Fixed payment of $50.

$18 / hr Average bid
$18 / hr Сер. заявка
45 заявки
Boost Google Maps Ranking for Retail
6 дні(-в) left

I'm seeking an expert in SEO and specifically Google Maps optimization. My primary goal is to increase local visibility for my retail store, which provides professional services. Please include: - Proven experience with Google Maps SEO - Strategies to enhance local visibility - Techniques to optimize Google Maps ranking for a retail store I'm looking forward to working with a professional who can help drive more local traffic to my store.

$95 Average bid
$95 Сер. заявка
66 заявки

I'm looking for a skilled Google Sheets professional who understands scripting and can help automate data entry tasks. This primarily involves importing data from external sources, specifically from Excel files. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in Google Sheets - Experienced with Google Apps Script - Skilled in data importation from Excel files - Knowledgeable in data automation techniques Please provide examples of similar tasks you've completed.

$116 Average bid
$116 Сер. заявка
38 заявки
Esperto Google Ads + Shopify + Tracking GA4 per Audit Completo
6 дні(-в) left

Sto cercando un esperto Google ADS, Shopify e Tracking delle Conversioni per condurre un Audit Completo delle campagne pubblicitarie attuali, della struttura del sito Shopify e della corretta registrazione delle conversioni su Google Analytics 4 e Google Tag Manager. ? ? Dettagli del lavoro richiesto: ? 1. Analisi delle Campagne Google ADS ✅ Verifica della campagna attuale (Display attiva, possibile espansione su Search e Shopping). ✅ Analisi metriche chiave (CPC medio, CTR, Conversion Rate, Costo per Conversione). ✅ Revisione del pubblico e targeting: il traffico è qualificato? ✅ Controllo parole chiave (se presenti) e qualità degli asset pubblicitari. ✅ Analisi coerenza tra gli annunci e le pagine di destinazione. ✅ Suggerimenti per strategie p...

$168 Average bid
$168 Сер. заявка
19 заявки
menulis artikel
6 дні(-в) left

Proyek Simpel: Jasa Menulis Artikel Pendek (500 Kata) Nama Gig: "Saya akan menulis artikel 500 kata yang menarik dan SEO-friendly" 1. Apa yang Akan ...Pendek (500 Kata) Nama Gig: "Saya akan menulis artikel 500 kata yang menarik dan SEO-friendly" 1. Apa yang Akan Kamu Lakukan? Menulis artikel sepanjang 500 kata sesuai permintaan klien. Bisa berupa artikel blog, deskripsi produk, atau konten media sosial. Menggunakan bahasa yang rapi, menarik, dan mudah dibaca. Bisa menawarkan revisi gratis (misalnya, 1x revisi). 2. Alat yang Dibutuhkan: Google Docs atau Microsoft Word untuk menulis. Grammarly (gratis) untuk cek tata bahasa. Hemingway Editor (opsional) untuk memastikan tulisan mudah dipahami. 3. Cara Memulai di Fiverr: 1. Buat akun di Fiverr ...

$17 / hr Average bid
$17 / hr Сер. заявка
13 заявки

I’m seeking a highly experienced Google Ads expert to setup new campaigns / diagnose and resolve an issue with my current campaigns. Although my ads are recording conversions according to tracking, I'm not seeing any actual results. I am currently running google ads to get telegram channel subscribers. I need someone who can identify the disconnect and implement a strategy that delivers real conversions. Key Requirements: 1. The project will be milestone-based and payment will be released only when genuine conversion results are achieved. 2. If the solution does not generate real conversions, the agreed milestone must be canceled and refunded. 3. I will not grant direct account access. All work must be performed via screen sharing or through scheduled Freelancer...

$4 / hr Average bid
$4 / hr Сер. заявка
24 заявки
SEO Optimization for Improved Google Ranking
6 дні(-в) left

Eaton Worx is looking for an Shopify SEO expert to help enhance our website's search engine ranking, specifically focusing on our product pages and landing pages, whilst also optimising loading times and overall user experience. Key Requirements: - Expertise in SEO with a proven track record of improving Google page rank. - Experience with optimizing product pages for better visibility and increased online sales. - Skills in keyword optimization, internal linking, and backlinking. Currently, we haven't implemented much SEO on my product pages, so its all to play for!. Therefore, we need someone who can strategically optimize these pages to improve our website's search engine ranking and, consequently, boost our online sales. If this suites your niche and you have t...

$14 / hr Average bid
$14 / hr Сер. заявка
122 заявки
Google Tag Setup for Quiz App
6 дні(-в) left

I'm looking for an experienced web developer with a solid understanding of Google Tag Manager. My website, a quiz app, has a couple of buttons that need tracking. Specifically, I need tracking set up for a download button which links to a ZIP archive. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in Google Tag Manager - Web development experience - Understanding of e-commerce tracking - Familiarity with quiz app functionality - Able to set up tracking for specific buttons Your task will be to set up Google Tag on the download button so that I can monitor its usage. This will help me understand user engagement with the download functionality of my site.

$17 Average bid
$17 Сер. заявка
14 заявки

I'm launching a tech education startup in Bangalore, and I need an SEO expert to boost my website's visibility a...The website is modeled after our successful Canadian site () and will be ready in 2-3 weeks. - Primary Goal: The primary objective of the SEO strategy is to generate more leads and sales. - Focus: The primary platform for this initiative is Google, given its dominance over other search engines in India. - Target Audience: The website is aimed at students, so the SEO and marketing strategies should be designed with this demographic in mind. I'm looking for someone who can deliver effective SEO and Google marketing strategies at an affordable price. Experience in the education sector would be an advantage. Timely delivery and measurable results a...

$68 Average bid
$68 Сер. заявка
68 заявки

I need a professional to set up a new Google My Business page for my business. The page should include: - Business hours and contact information - A section for customer reviews and ratings - A photo gallery showcasing my business The ideal freelancer for this project should have experience with Google My Business and know how to maximize its features for visibility and customer engagement.

$37 Average bid
$37 Сер. заявка
28 заявки
$162 Сер. заявка
1 заявки
Google Ads Lead Generation Landing Page
6 дні(-в) left

I'm in need of a dedicated landing page for my Google Ads campaign focused on lead generation, specifically targeting phone calls. Key Features: - Prominent display of my phone number - Effective call-to-action buttons - Engaging client testimonials to build trust and encourage calls Ideal Skills: - Proven experience with Google Ads - Proficient in landing page design - Strong understanding of lead generation strategies - Excellent skills in creating persuasive content and design Please, showcase your relevant expertise and previous work in your bid.

$208 Average bid
$208 Сер. заявка
29 заявки
SEO Analyse OnPage & OffPage, Google Ads Kampagne verbessern
6 дні(-в) left

Hallo, Für eine Job-Plattform für den Bereich Gastronomie suchen wir Unterstützung im SEO Bereich. Eine Analyse was wir verbessern können (Text, Meta-Tags, Technisch) und für die Optimierung einer Goggle Ads Kampagne. Bitte nur bewerben wenn du gut deutsch sprichst.

$317 Average bid
$317 Сер. заявка
81 заявки

I'm seeking a seasoned, certified Google Adwords professional to manage my marketing campaigns aimed at boosting sales of my physical and service products. Key Requirements: - Proven track record as a Google Adwords practitioner - Experience in promoting physical products and services - Strategy development for maximising sales conversion - Account management and optimisation skills Please note that I already have an active Google Adwords account. Your role will primarily involve strategising, executing and managing the campaigns to drive sales.

$127 Average bid
$127 Сер. заявка
44 заявки
Google Ads Expert for Education Sector
6 дні(-в) left

I'm seeking a seasoned Google Ads professional to enhance my campaigns with the primary goal of generating service inquiries for my education business. Key Responsibilities: - Design and implement Google Ads strategies aimed at driving service inquiries. - Analyze campaign performance and optimize for better results. Ideal Skills: - Proven experience in managing Google Ads campaigns, preferably in the education sector. - Strong analytical skills to assess campaign performance and make necessary adjustments. - Excellent understanding of lead generation and sales strategies. Your expertise could significantly contribute to our growth and success.

$53 Average bid
$53 Сер. заявка
40 заявки

My Google Business Profile keeps getting rejected by Google. I'm in need of an expert who can help me troubleshoot the issues and get my profile approved. The specific reason for the rejection is a supposed 'violation of policies'. Skills and Experience Required: - Extensive knowledge of Google Business Profile policies - Proven experience in troubleshooting Google Business Profile issues - Excellent communication skills for clear and concise explanations - Ability to help rectify any potential infractions in my profile.

$110 Average bid
$110 Сер. заявка
57 заявки
$228 Сер. заявка
1 заявки

I'm seeking a professional who can create a Google Ads campaign focused on lead generation for my local business. The primary goals are to attract potential customers and convert them into sales through relevant advertisements. Key Responsibilities: - Set clear objectives for the campaign - Create pertinent search ads that drive conversions - Identify and incorporate negative keywords - Optimize the campaign's performance and budget Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Google Ads - Experience with lead generation campaigns - Ability to create compelling search ads - Competence in campaign optimization - Familiarity with identifying negative keywords Please bid only if you can help me capture prospects and increase my sales locally through search ads.

$124 Average bid
$124 Сер. заявка
42 заявки

I'm looking for a professional to create a targeted Google Ads campaign to generate leads for my business, which offers professional services. The ultimate goal is to increase sales. Key Responsibilities: - Set clear objectives for the campaign - Create relevant ads aimed at converting leads into sales - Establish negative keywords to filter out irrelevant traffic - Optimize performance and budget throughout the campaign Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven track record in managing successful Google Ads campaigns, particularly for professional services - Strong understanding of lead generation and sales conversion strategies - Experience with audience segmentation based on geographical location - Ability to optimize ad performance and budget in real-time

$335 Average bid
$335 Сер. заявка
63 заявки
AutoCAD & Google Earth Integration Expert
6 дні(-в) left

I need assistance in integrating AutoCAD with Google Earth primarily for analyzing geographical data within CAD. Specific details about the CAD designs and geographical data will be shared during the project. The ideal candidate for this project should have: - Extensive experience with AutoCAD and Google Earth. - Strong skills in analyzing geographical data within CAD. - Ability to visualize complex data sets. - Excellent communication skills for understanding project requirements. Please note, the specifics of the CAD designs and geographical data will be discussed in detail after you are selected for the project.

$19 - $158
$19 - $158
20 заявки

Hi Google Tag Manager and Google Analytics 4 Experts, We are looking for an expert to help us track key metrics on our webpage and pass this data to Google Analytics 4 (GA4). Below are the specific requirements: Task: We need to track user registrations and deposits on our deposit confirmation page with the following details: Capture users who have registered and made their first deposit shortly after registration. We need to track both the deposit count and deposit value on the deposit confirmation page and send this data to GA4. Additionally, we want to track all deposits made at any time, not just the first deposit. Reporting Requirements: Once the tracking is set up, we need to generate a campaign-wise report in GA4 that includes: Registration...

$50 Average bid
$50 Сер. заявка
23 заявки

I'm seeking assistance with migrating my domain from Squarespace to Google Workspace. This project requires expertise in: - Understanding of Squarespace domain management - Proficiency in Google Workspace setup and configuration - Experience with domain migration without hosting change The goal is to ensure a smooth transition without any downtime or loss of data.

$137 Average bid
$137 Сер. заявка
23 заявки
Blog site application for Google AdSense
6 дні(-в) left

after several attempts to apply with google, I cannot get google adS to accept my application. This is why I need a specialist to complete the application, taking care of all the aspects that they deem necessary to get advertising on my WordPress site. We specify from this moment that - the milestone release will only take place once the application has been approved by google. - the professional will have to be totally autonomous and will have full autonomy to work - site and details will be clarified in chat

$131 Average bid
$131 Сер. заявка
107 заявки

I'm looking for a seasoned digital marketer to set up a Google Ads campaign aimed at boosting my website's international traffic. Key Objectives: - Primary goal is to increase website traffic, specifically targeting new visitors from across the globe. Ideal Candidate: - Proven experience with Google Ads - Expertise in creating campaigns for international audiences - Strong understanding of driving new visitors to a site - Ability to deliver measurable results in terms of website traffic increase.

$197 Average bid
$197 Сер. заявка
102 заявки
Make.com Automation Scenario Improvment
6 дні(-в) left

I'm in need of an experienced automation specialist Can correct end results of an Scenario. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency with - Extensive experience with Google Sheets, Google Docs, Google Forms - Familiarity with ChatGPT - Excellent understanding of document generation processes - Prior experience in automating report generation is a plus. I look forward to your proposals.

$18 Average bid
$18 Сер. заявка
10 заявки

I need a professional to set up Google Ads conversion tracking for my Shopify store. The specific conversion I want to track are form submissions. Ideal skills for this project include: - Extensive knowledge of Google Ads - Experience with Shopify - Proficiency in tracking and analytics Please note, the specific app or plugin used for forms on my store has not been determined yet. As such, flexibility and adaptability will be key. Previous experience with Shopify's default form builder, third-party apps, and custom code will be beneficial.

$12 Average bid
$12 Сер. заявка
3 заявки

I need to transfer data from Google Maps to ArcGIS. The task primarily revolves around uploading a list of addresses from an Excel file to the ArcGIS platform. Key Requirements: - Data: The data I need to upload consists of street addresses listed in an Excel file. - Skills: Proficiency in ArcGIS and data management is essential. Familiarity with Google Maps and Excel is a big plus. Experience in converting Excel data into compatible formats for ArcGIS would be advantageous. Please let me know your proposed timeline and cost for this task.

$160 Average bid
$160 Сер. заявка
20 заявки
Google PPC Expert for health
5 дні(-в) left

I'm looking for a seasoned Google PPC expert to help drive sales for my health campaign. Need someone who will check and create every advert and ppc campaign they have and make it even better. Health related advertising so creating leads pages and ads The target audience spans both men and women. Key Requirements: - Proven experience in managing Google PPC campaigns - Expertise in targeting diverse demographic groups - Ability to optimize campaigns for maximum ROI The project will primarily aim to increase sales, so a strong focus on conversion is essential. Please provide examples of similar campaigns you've successfully managed in the past.

$175 Average bid
$175 Сер. заявка
121 заявки