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    2,000 data scraping tools python знайдені роботи

    Обязательные знания: Python, SQLAclhemy, PostgresSQL, Aiogram, FastApi, HTML, CSS Особенно важны: Aiogram, FastApi, Python, SQL Краткий список работ: 1. Добавление проверки/валидации сдачи отчетов 2. Интеграция Telegram бота с фуд-треккером FatSecret 3. Проверка на оплату 4. Изменение общего визуала сайта и информации, которая отображается 5. Добавить дату добавления админа 6. Трекинг действий куратора 7. Добавить закреп юзера за определенным куратором Подробнее при личном контакте

    $134 Average bid
    $134 Сер. заявка
    18 заявки

    Розробити декілька додатків + звітність! Python, Побудувати алгоритм роботи моделі, візуалізувати та проаналізувати отримані результати, результати дослідження у різних формах – таблиці, графіки, діаграми, схеми тощо. Ілюстративний матеріал має бути зрозумілий «сам по собі», тобто включати всі необхідні позначення.

    $112 Average bid
    $112 Сер. заявка
    4 заявки

    Поиск python разработчика для поддержки чат-бота Студенческая анонимная площадка, где студенты публикуют свои заказы через бот, затем заказы попадают в канал, если есть исполнители которые готовы его выполнить - они откликаются непосредственно на канале или через бот, после согласования всех деталей и оплаты заказа, исполнитель приступает к выполнению Интересует поддержка данного бота, а именно: - Выполнение определенных заданий время от времени ( поправить какой-то баг, изменить название кнопки, дополнить работу бота, перенести на другой сервер ...) Сотрудничать предлагаю в таком ключе: - Собираю часть правок- оцениваем- работаем Если готовы сотрудничать или есть дополнительные вопросы, готов обсуждать Общение будет вестись с предыдущим программистом aiogram...

    $200 Average bid
    $200 Сер. заявка
    2 заявки

    Потрібен парсер який моніторить гаманець через веб-сокет в реальному часі і при переводі SOL на інший гаманець виводить в термінал(сумма, гаманець получателя) . При відсудності переводів виводить таймер в секундах - час від останнього переводу. При новому переводі SOL на будь-який гаманець таймер скидується.

    $19 Average bid
    $19 Сер. заявка
    7 заявки
    Аудит Python коду
    Закінчився left

    Потрібен досвідчений фахівець для перевірки та аудиту програмного коду на Python. Скрипт використовується для роботи в криптосфері, працює з крипто гаманцями, транзакціями, взаємодіє зі смарт контрактами. Для роботи скрипта необхідно вводити приватні ключі від гаманців. Завдання: Уважно перевірити софт на безпеку - чи не йдуть і не передаються приватні ключі. Потрібно виключити витік приватних ключів. Висновок повинен бути приблизно в такому форматі: Файл Приватні ключі беруться з файлу account_data.xlsx. Данні передаються в функцію work. Звітки вже використовуються для отримання аккаунта та підпису транзакцій. Файл utils/ Приватні ключі використовуються для підпису транзакцій та отримання гаманця. Бібліотеки: web3 - бібліотека для роботи з контрактами. Безпечно msoffcrypt...

    $30 - $250
    $30 - $250
    0 заявки
    Python function with pynetdicom
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    Функция обращается к AET, передает c-find запрос с StudyInstanceUID. Возвращает количество изображений в study. Собственно всё.

    $137 Average bid
    $137 Сер. заявка
    7 заявки

    ...проектів компанії. Необхідна кваліфікація: - Досвід реалізації та підтримки баз даних, перевага надається досвіду з Artiable - Розуміння функціональних можливостей Artiable або інших баз данних та можливість адаптації під бізнес процеси. - Хороший досвід системної інженерії або системного адміністрування; - Розуміння архітектури Баз данни; - Досвід адміністрування Баз даних від 1 року; - JavaScript/Python — 2 роки досвіду; - Командний гравець, висока мотивація та здатність працювати у гнучкий графік; - Здатність використовувати широкий спектр технологій та інструментів з відкритим кодом. - Відмінні комунікаційні навички та здатність співпрацювати з різними командами. - Здатність вирішувати проблеми та приймати швидкі рішення в динамічному робочому середовищі.

    $2255 Average bid
    $2255 Сер. заявка
    19 заявки

    Необходимо доработать бота, который написан на яп python, и добавить новые биржи. Бот в автоматическом режиме торгует на криптовалютной бирже по постам из твиттера. Бот открывает сделки: - по ключевым словам; - по картинкам, где есть ключевые слова; - по картинкам, где изображены определённые объекты; Отклики оставляйте только в том случае, если имеете опыт работы с машинным обучением и криптобиржами. О цене договоримся после ознакомления с ТЗ.

    $84999 Average bid
    $84999 Сер. заявка
    2 заявки

    ...функцию голосового взаимодействия с chat gpt через диалог с ботом в телеграмм. Сам ChatGPT предлагает для этого подробную инструкцию, вот основные ее пункты: 1. Получить доступ к GPT API. 2. Создать Telegram-бота с помощью BotFather и получить токен API-интерфейса. 3. Установить Python 3, необходимые библиотеки (python-telegram-bot, SpeechRecognition, PyDub, google-cloud-speech, google-cloud-texttospeech) и выбрать систему ASR/TTS (например, Google Speech-to-Text и Google Text-to-Speech API). 4. Создать файл Python (например, ) и импортировать необходимые библиотеки. 5. Задать ключи API для Telegram и Google Cloud. 6. Настроить функцию для преобразования голосовых сообщений в текст (voice_to_text). 7. Настроить функцию для получения ответа от ChatGPT (get_cha...

    $64 Average bid
    $64 Сер. заявка
    8 заявки
    Програмування в Python
    Закінчився left

    Є сайт ,написаний на пітоні появилась проблема з загрузкою файлів в базу даних ,потрібно розібратись ))

    $8 / hr Average bid
    $8 / hr Сер. заявка
    1 заявки

    Есть телефон (андроид). Нужно отправлять смс, либо какое-то уведомление на другое устройство, когда с этого телефона открывают определённый сайт (parimatch). У сайта нет открытого апи. Это приложение должно работать в фоне. Желательно написать его на python.

    $120 Average bid
    $120 Сер. заявка
    2 заявки
    Люди в команды
    Закінчився left

    Люди в студию Нужны люди в студию, на должности: - Python разработчика - Unity разработчика - Художника игр; - Музыканта игр; Если вас заинтересовало предложение, пройдите тест, и мы поймем, сможете ли вы работать с нами

    $9 / hr Average bid
    $9 / hr Сер. заявка
    2 заявки

    Робота для програміста з досвідом роботи в Python + XML. В додатку є svg файл , що по суті є XML документом. В цьому файлі де-які відрізки є ідентичними за своєю довжиною, розміщенням і координатами і дублюються. Мені треба якось підрахуати скільки разів зустрічається кожен відрізок у файлі та створити новий файл у якому будуть всі відрізки з початкового файлу але без дублікатів + в атрибутах відрізків буде новий атрибут "numba", значення якого дорівнюватиме кільксті дублікатів цього відрізка, що було знайдено в початковому файлі ''" Хочу отримати ipynb файл, який би я міг запустити на виконати його і отримати Перевага виконавцю з України.

    $133 Average bid
    $133 Сер. заявка
    2 заявки

    Потрібно виправити помилки після редизайну (верстка, двіжок), впровадити кілька нових рішень і надалі здійснювати підтримку.

    $8 / hr Average bid
    $8 / hr Сер. заявка
    2 заявки

    Є написаний скріпт на python потрібно зробити аналог

    $300 Average bid
    $300 Сер. заявка
    1 заявки

    Потрібно виправити помилки після редизайну (верстка, двіжок), впровадити кілька нових рішень і надалі здійснювати підтримку.

    $10 / hr Average bid
    $10 / hr Сер. заявка
    4 заявки

    Шукаю Python спеціаліста, який би допоміг у вивчені особливостей мови і програмування з метою підготовки до здачі сертифікації. План, що саме я хочу вивчити є, розписаний по пунктах. Співпрацю планую на 3 місяці.

    $652 Average bid
    $652 Сер. заявка
    2 заявки

    Використати сингулярний розклад прямокутної матриці до розв'язування систем лінійних алгебраїчних рівнянь, методом Гревіля або склетним розкладом матриці в мові на вибір с++, c#, java, python. Програма повинна бути описана. При реалізації методу Гревілля треба звернути увагу, що дійсне число дорівнює нулю, якщо його абсолютна величина менша деякого малого числа (наприклад, 10 у мінус шостому степені, бо операції над дійсними сислами виконуютьсія наближено). Створити зручний інтерфейс. Теорія в книзі Гантмахер Ф.Р. - Теория матриц.pdf ст.32-40

    $30 Average bid
    $30 Сер. заявка
    1 заявки
    Build a Creative Multilangual Website
    Закінчився left

    ...Site Create -Hosting -HDD Hosting -SSD Hosting -Server -HDD Server -SSD Server -Domain -SSL Certificate -Antivirus -CMS License -Programming -SEO -SMM -Reklam (Ads) -Payment Gateway -Tools -PR Checker -ТИЦ Checker -SEO Checker -SMM Checker -Site cost 3. Portfolio 4. Partners -Our Partners -Affiliate program 5. Top Site -News -Portals -Hosting -Online Shopping -Ads -Payment ...

    $243 Average bid
    $243 Сер. заявка
    24 заявки

    Є готовий проект на django 2.5 python, необхідний програміст, котрий візьметься за правки та нововведення у проект.

    $676 Average bid
    $676 Сер. заявка
    7 заявки

    ...sources. Also collect contact info from V.P. of external affairs or Alumni or dean of entrepreneurship or Research. 2) It is not possible to do this job manually. You will have to automate it by writing and running web scraping script or using 3rd party App or platform. 3) Do not use chatGPT’s fake email address and phone numbers it spit out. Those are not correct. I will randomly pick some data and call them to verify the quality of your data collection. 5) No duplicate contact is allowed. Daily update is required. Finding the URL, writing script or using any other form of tools, platform, VPN, are your responsibilities. I will NOT provide anything. 6) Populate the Excel sheet, remove duplicate, clean it up with proper formatting, post link to the popu...

    $23 Average bid
    $23 Сер. заявка
    7 заявки

    I need a skilled 3D product designer to modify an OTF (Out The Front) knife. The primary goal of this modification is to enhance its functionality by integrating a mechanism that dispenses 3 to 4 teeth flossing tools with the push of a button. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in 3D design software - Experience designing consumer products, particularly modifying knives or similar tools - Understanding of mechanical design for functionality - Ability to create designs that are both practical and aesthetically pleasing - Good communication skills for understanding and implementing design modificationsthis needs to be proprietary

    $365 Average bid
    $365 Сер. заявка
    55 заявки

    ...type, such as: - **Data Entry** - **Excel Charts** - **Outsourced Projects** (e.g., Python projects outsourced to another freelancer). - **And More**. 2. **Organize Portfolio by Project Type**: - Create separate portfolio presentations for multiple projects I’ve completed to showcase my talent. - Include client reviews for each task, if available. ### **Criteria for Selecting Projects** - **Length/Quality of the Client Review** (highest priority). - **Earnings from the Project**. (Projects with better reviews or higher earnings should be prioritized.) ### **Requirements** The portfolios should be professionally organized in a Google Drive folder, sorted by project type. ### **Project Types Include**: - D...

    $8 Average bid
    $8 Сер. заявка
    3 заявки
    Stock Trading P&L Analysis
    6 дні(-в) left

    I'm looking for a skilled data analyst to review my stock trading P&L and share meaningful insights. Key areas of focus: - Identifying trading patterns - Assessing profitability - Evaluating risk management - Examining winning and losing days, weeks, and months I need insights on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis. Ideal skills for this job include proficiency in data analysis tools, experience in financial data interpretation, and an understanding of stock trading dynamics. Please share your relevant experience when you apply.

    $15 Average bid
    $15 Сер. заявка
    20 заявки
    Machine Learning Analysis of Developer Survey
    6 дні(-в) left

    ...is a mini project which applies machine leaning techniques to analyse a real- world data set. You are asked to implement several machine learning tasks using the data from "Stack Overflow 2024 Annual Developer Survey". This survey will help you understand the state of software developers, you can read more about the survey here: Stack Overflow Developer Survey 2024. The dataset can be downloaded from the stack overflow CDN and imported into Kaggle: The following tasks are required in the coursework. (1) Implement exploratory data analysis and gain an understanding of the data set and its features. These concepts will be covered as part of the module content.

    $166 Average bid
    $166 Сер. заявка
    56 заявки
    VoIP Expert for International Call Forwarding
    6 дні(-в) left

    I am looking for an expert in telephony and VoIP to set up a call forwarding system that enables: Incoming calls: Redirect calls from a USA number to a French number. Outgoing calls: Ensure calls from France appear as if they are originating from a USA number. Context: I currently use AI-based calling tools connected to Twilio. However, Twilio does not allow the purchase of local French numbers. Therefore, an alternative call forwarding solution is needed. Objectives: Propose a reliable solution compatible with Twilio or an alternative service. Ensure optimal call quality at minimal cost. Required Skills: Expertise in VoIP and telephony integration (Twilio or similar services). Experience with international call forwarding. Knowledge of French and USA phone number specifics. Del...

    $149 Average bid
    $149 Сер. заявка
    15 заявки

    I'm ...sessions and group classes, and will need to include a robust scheduling system for managing individual and group lessons. Ideal skills for this project include: - Proficiency in web development and design - Experience with integrating video conferencing tools - Knowledge of creating interactive, user-focused platforms Key features of the website will include: - A seamless interface for both instructors and students - A reliable scheduling system for lessons - Potential for future integration of student progress tracking and video conferencing tools. Your main goal will be to create a platform that is not only functional, but also engaging and easy to navigate for users of all ages and tech-savviness. A keen understanding of education-focused web design will...

    $455 Average bid
    $455 Сер. заявка
    144 заявки

    I'm seeking a skilled developer to create an AI chatbot with an educational focus. The primary aim of this chatbot is to assist students by providing information and support in their learning journey. Key Responsibilities: - Design the chatbot to retrieve and relay product details, website content and information f...assist students by providing information and support in their learning journey. Key Responsibilities: - Design the chatbot to retrieve and relay product details, website content and information from PDFs, textbooks - Ensure the chatbot is capable of engaging with university-level content and concepts. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in AI and chatbot development. - Experience in creating educational tools or resources. - Familiarity with university-level curricul...

    $266 Average bid
    $266 Сер. заявка
    94 заявки

    I'm seeking an SEO specialist who can help improve my website's search engine ranking, specifically on Google. I've done a little SEO work on the site myself, but it's clear that professional assistance is n...improve my website's search engine ranking, specifically on Google. I've done a little SEO work on the site myself, but it's clear that professional assistance is needed to take it to the next level. Ideal Skills: - Extensive knowledge of SEO strategies and techniques - Proven experience in improving website's Google ranking - Ability to conduct comprehensive SEO audit - Proficient in using SEO tools and software Experience: - Previous work with websites in similar industry preferred - Track record of successful SEO projects - Famil...

    $53 Average bid
    $53 Сер. заявка
    33 заявки

    ...visibility. Collaborate on innovative content ideas and strategic campaigns. Deliver detailed reports showcasing campaign performance, KPIs, and areas of improvement. Skills Required: Proven expertise in digital marketing, including SEO, SEM, and PPC. Hands-on experience in creating and managing video ads for Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube. Strong understanding of lead generation strategies and tools. Proficiency in social media marketing and analytics platforms (Meta Ads Manager, Google Analytics, etc.). Creative mindset with a results-driven approach. Excellent communication and reporting skills. Budget & Timeline: Budget: Negotiable based on experience and deliverables. Timeline: Immediate start, with an initial project duration of 7-10 days (potential for ongoing coll...

    $152 Average bid
    $152 Сер. заявка
    21 заявки

    I'm in need of a freelancer who can help me create and set up my Meta business account. I have some business information, but not everything is ready. Skills & Experience Needed: - Previous experience with setting up Meta business accounts. - Knowledge of Meta business tools and how to set them up. - Excellent organizational skills to help gather the necessary business information. Tasks: - Creating the Meta business account. - Assisting with the setup of necessary business tools. I would appreciate a freelancer who is patient, communicative, and able to work with the information I have while helping me gather the rest.

    $13 Average bid
    $13 Сер. заявка
    5 заявки

    ...database structure in MySQL tailored to a stock trading platform. Develop core database functionalities such as user account management, stock data storage, transaction logs, and portfolio tracking. Integrate front-end components (if applicable) with the database for seamless user experience. Optimize queries and database performance for faster response times. Assist in designing and executing queries for data analysis and reporting. Provide documentation and guidance to ensure project completion and presentation readiness. Requirements: Proficient in MySQL and database design principles. Experience in web development using technologies such as PHP, Python, or Node.js (preferred but optional). Knowledge of stock market concepts and trading mechanisms (preferred but...

    $70 Average bid
    $70 Сер. заявка
    8 заявки

    ...investment planning, financial advisory, and retirement planning. The website is made in the address is Key Features: - Integration of my Python notebooks: The site should have the ability to seamlessly integrate and run my Python notebooks. - Analytical Features: The website needs to include capabilities for data visualization, automated reports, and scenario analysis. - Subscription Model: The site should be designed to charge clients on a subscription basis. Ideal Skills: - Web Development: Strong background in web development with a focus on analytical and data-driven sites. - Python: Proficiency in Python to ensure smooth integration of my notebooks. - Wealth Management Knowledge: Understanding of investment planning, financial adviso...

    $241 Average bid
    $241 Сер. заявка
    26 заявки

    ...audio. - Text-to-AI-video creation. This document outlines the scope, objectives, and requirements for conducting detailed market research on this project. 2. Objectives of Market Research The research aims to: 1. Analyze Market Scope: - Current and projected market scope for AI-driven copyright and social media management software over the next 3-4 years. - Emerging trends in AI-based tools and SaaS platforms. 2. Identify Target Audience: - Who are the primary users (e.g., content creators, marketing agencies, social media managers, brands)? - Geographic focus areas for early adoption and growth (global vs. regional). 3. Assess Development Challenges: - Technical challenges in developing AI algorithms for copyright verification and content creation. - Integration...

    $292 Average bid
    $292 Сер. заявка
    1 заявки

    ...audio. - Text-to-AI-video creation. This document outlines the scope, objectives, and requirements for conducting detailed market research on this project. 2. Objectives of Market Research The research aims to: 1. Analyze Market Scope: - Current and projected market scope for AI-driven copyright and social media management software over the next 3-4 years. - Emerging trends in AI-based tools and SaaS platforms. 2. Identify Target Audience: - Who are the primary users (e.g., content creators, marketing agencies, social media managers, brands)? - Geographic focus areas for early adoption and growth (global vs. regional). 3. Assess Development Challenges: - Technical challenges in developing AI algorithms for copyright verification and content creation. - Integration...

    $63 Average bid
    $63 Сер. заявка
    8 заявки

    ...the following tasks: Data Research: Conduct research to identify ideal prospects for my business, considering criteria such as profile, industry, location, and more. Proficiency with Sales Navigator and other tools is required for effective prospecting. Profile Evaluation: Analyze and assess the profiles of potential prospects to determine their fit, level of interest, and potential need for my business. Strong knowledge of Sales Navigator and other tools is necessary to perform in-depth profile assessments. Data Filtering: Sort and filter collected data based on relevance and priority. You will utilize Sales Navigator and other tools to ensure the data is accurately refined for targeted outreach. Data Organizat...

    $500 Average bid
    $500 Сер. заявка
    1 заявки

    I am seeking a skilled professional with experience in Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) modeling and simulation, particularly for a Francis turbine. The primary objective of...a Francis turbine. The primary objective of this project is to assess the performance of the turbine. Key Responsibilities: - Conduct CFD modeling and simulation to evaluate the performance of the Francis turbine. - Identify possible enhancements to the turbine's efficiency, structural integrity, and vibration reduction capabilities. Requirements: - Proficiency in CFD software and simulation tools. - Prior experience with Francis turbines is highly advantageous. - Ability to deliver a moderate level of detail in the simulation results. If you can help me maximize the performance of my turbine, pleas...

    $313 Average bid
    $313 Сер. заявка
    8 заявки

    ...Radium decentralized exchange. - Proficiency in writing trading bots/scripts for blockchain applications. - Knowledge of interacting with smart contracts and token listings on Solana. - Ability to integrate APIs with Telegram for notifications. - Familiarity with wallet and transaction management on Solana. *Preferred Experience:* - Experience with Rust and other Solana development tools. - Familiarity with market data and token distribution analysis. If you are passionate about blockchain development and have the skills to build a solution like this, we would love to hear from you!...

    $474 Average bid
    $474 Сер. заявка
    41 заявки
    AI Script for creating Videos
    6 дні(-в) left

    I'm seeking a talented professional who can assist in selecting an AI-based video generation script and setting up the necessary server. The primary focus is on creating marketing videos tailored for WhatsApp. Key Requirements: - Selection of an appropriate AI video generation script that can produce high-quality marketing videos. - Setting up a server capable of handling the video generati...marketing needs. - Voice-over generation to enhance the videos. - Text-to-speech conversion for accessibility and engagement. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in video production and AI technology. - Familiarity with marketing video requirements for WhatsApp. - Skills in server setup and maintenance. - Experience with customizable video templates and voice-over generatio...

    $70 Average bid
    $70 Сер. заявка
    11 заявки
    Interactive Game Tutorial Development
    6 дні(-в) left

    **Please carefully read the details and provide an actual offer** I'm looking for a developer who can create a comprehensive tutorial for my browser game. The tutorial should be able to cover the gameplay mechanics and the in-game economy...Ideally, it should be able to remember a player's progress and resume from where they left off when they return to the game. And of course, disappear when user finished tutorial. User should be able to start tutorial again if he wants. Key skills and experience required: - Proficiency in ReactJS and NodeJS - Experience with creating interactive tutorials - Familiarity with or similar tools - Understanding of game mechanics and in-game economies Attached file includes all steps. I also attached two files as a mockup, the character i...

    $135 Average bid
    $135 Сер. заявка
    54 заявки

    I'm looking for a Python expert to create a script that will independently detect "mobs" in Minecraft and collect loot from them. Key Features: - The script should be able to use commands within the game. - It should have the ability to move independently. - If possible, I would like the ability to manage several accounts simultaneously. Detection Method: - The script should use image recognition to detect the mobs. Platform Compatibility: - The script must be compatible with Windows. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Python. - Experience with Minecraft scripting. - Knowledge of image recognition techniques. - Ability to create scripts that can operate across multiple accounts.

    $121 Average bid
    $121 Сер. заявка
    68 заявки
    Trophy icon Email Collection from Informational Websites
    2 дні(-в) left

    I'm looking for a freelancer who can assist in gathering emails from a website: The primary objective for collecting these emails is to build a user database of our existing clients who are listed on this website. Ideal skills and experience for the job include: - Proficiency in web scraping tools - Attention to detail - Experience with data collection and database creation - Understanding of privacy and ethical considerations in email collection Please note, this is a one-time project.

    $25 Average bid
    17 робіт

    I am looking for a Chief Architect to lead the customization of our ERP Next system and build a Software as a Service (SaaS) platform. The customizations will primarily be focused on the Accounting, Inventory Management, and Sales Ord...application - Customize ERP Next to add new functionalities tailored to our business needs. - Train Team to build the app and maintain the same - Integrate advanced analytics capabilities into the ERP system. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Extensive Experience in building Architecture & Leading teams - Extensive experience with ERP Next customization. - Proven track record in SaaS development. - Strong Python & Frappe framework skills - Expertise in designing and implementing advanced analytics systems. - Exceptional leadership and project ...

    $666 Average bid
    $666 Сер. заявка
    22 заявки
    API Deployment&Configuration for .NET MAUI App
    6 дні(-в) left

    I need assistance deploying and configuring an API on an external server so it can be successfully integrated with my .NET MAUI mobile application. Scope of Work: 1. Set up and dep...External server runs on IIS with a SQL Server database configured and hosted externally. - The mobile application needs to access the API from external networks. Requirements: - Expertise in ASP.NET Core, IIS, and .NET MAUI. - Experience with server administration and external API hosting. - Familiarity with CORS configuration, networking, and firewall rules. - Ability to work remotely using tools like TeamViewer or AnyDesk if needed. Please provide your estimated time for completion and a detailed cost proposal. I am looking for someone with relevant experience and a strong track record in similar...

    $26 Average bid
    $26 Сер. заявка
    21 заявки

    ...HTML5, Bootstrap, jQuery, Ajax, JavaScript, TypeScript, CSS, tailwind CSS. • OperaDng System: Windows 98, Windows XP, Ubuntu (Linux) • Development Tools: Visual Studio Code, Sublime Text • Version control: SVN, Git – Bitbucket & GitHub Bug/task tracking: JIRA, Open Project, Slack, Docker • Database: MySQL Your Duties: Working daily in PHP, MySQL, JavaScript, JQuery, WordPress, Laravel. Designing and building web applications using Laravel and other platforms. Converting PSDs into pixel perfect responsive Laravel and custom PHP sites. Resolving cross-browser compatibility issues. Writing clean structured and well-documented code. Integrating data with Sage, Quickbooks, WordPress, Salesforce, APIs, and ERP/stock management systems. Working with...

    $1101 Average bid
    $1101 Сер. заявка
    40 заявки

    I'm in need of a talented mobile app developer to create a custom mobile application for my business. The app should be compatible with both iOS and Android platforms. Key Requirements: - Strong experience in mobile app development, specifically for iOS and Android - Proficiency in cross-platform development tools - Ability to design a user-friendly interface - Knowledge of the latest mobile app trends and technologies - Excellent problem-solving skills - Strong communication skills for effective collaboration Please note that the specific purpose of the app and its functionalities will be discussed in detail with the selected freelancer.

    $236 Average bid
    $236 Сер. заявка
    66 заявки
    Trading View Order Execution Platform
    6 дні(-в) left

    I'm looking for a developer to build a platform that can execute orders from Trading View or any other charting tool that uses webhooks. The platform will serve as a bridge between these webhook signals and my broker, Interactive Brokers, using their API. Key Features: - Integrate with Interactive Brokers API for order execution - Process signals from Trading View and other charting tools - Use webhooks as the primary means of communication The ideal candidate should have: - Experience with creating trading platforms - In-depth knowledge of Interactive Brokers API - Proficiency in working with webhooks and Trading View - Understanding of various types of market orders Please note, I have not yet decided on the types of orders the platform will need to support nor how to hand...

    $318 Average bid
    $318 Сер. заявка
    23 заявки
    Client Social Media Manager with Music Industry Experience
    6 дні(-в) left

    ...and tricks with the team Optimize and evolve strategies to keep clients ahead of the curve What You Bring: - 2+ years in social media management (music industry experience preferred) - An eye for detail and the ability to handle a fast-paced, multi-account flow - An obsession for all things social media and digital marketing - A solid design eye - A knack for problem-solving Familiar with these tools: - Asana for project flow - Slack to keep team chats organized - Dropbox to handle files - Capcut for video editing - Canva for design work - Metricool for analytics and insights - Notion for client management - ManyChat for DM automations - Solid know-how of social media best practices, from scheduling to analytics - Strong communication skills and the ability to work solo and sel...

    $11 / hr Average bid
    $11 / hr Сер. заявка
    36 заявки
    Life Pharmacy website
    6 дні(-в) left

    ...for a healthcare pharmacy with optimization Keyword Research (Free Tools) Free Tools: Use free tools like Google Keyword Planner or Ubersuggest to perform basic keyword research. These tools will help you identify keywords with search intent and incorporate them into your content. How to Apply: Include targeted keywords naturally in your content, titles, headings, and meta descriptions. 2. Optimize Page Titles and Meta Descriptions Free & Easy: Writing unique, keyword-rich titles and meta descriptions is completely free. How to Apply: Customize your title and meta description tags for each page to accurately reflect the content and encourage clicks. Ensure they align with user search intent. Tools: You can use browser-base...

    $167 Average bid
    $167 Сер. заявка
    188 заявки

    I'm looking for an expert web designer to create a bespoke tailoring website that allows users to customize their orders online. The website should have the following key features: - A user-friendly interface where customers can select their ...interactive tool where users can input their measurements and see their customizations reflect on a mannequin. - A 'Save for Later' option, so customers can save their customizations and return to them at a later time. - Integrated Live Chat Support to assist customers in real-time. The ideal candidate will have experience in e-commerce website design, particularly with interactive customization tools. A creative approach to user interface design and a knack for creating seamless online shopping experiences will be key to the...

    $22 / hr Average bid
    $22 / hr Сер. заявка
    160 заявки