Crowdsourcing web design angularjs css bootstrap cloudроботи
Обязательные знания: Python, SQLAclhemy, PostgresSQL, Aiogram, FastApi, HTML, CSS Особенно важны: Aiogram, FastApi, Python, SQL Краткий список работ: 1. Добавление проверки/валидации сдачи отчетов 2. Интеграция Telegram бота с фуд-треккером FatSecret 3. Проверка на оплату 4. Изменение общего визуала сайта и информации, которая отображается 5. Добавить дату добавления админа 6. Трекинг действий куратора 7. Добавить закреп юзера за определенным куратором Подробнее при личном контакте
...сайті повинна бути система власного балансу користувача: • Користувачі зможуть поповнювати баланс через різні платіжні системи. • Адміністратори отримуватимуть доступ до керування балансами. • Інтерфейс має бути простим і зручним для поповнення та перегляду залишку на балансі. • Сайт має бути адаптованим під мобільні пристрої і мати сучасний дизайн. Технологічні вимоги: • Front-end: HTML, CSS, JavaScript (з можливістю використання фреймворків, таких як React або Vue.js). • Back-end: PHP або Node.js для серверної частини. • База даних: MySQL або PostgreSQL для зберігання інформації про користувачів і їхні баланси. • Платіжні системи: інтеграція популярних платіжних рішень для поповнення балансу (наприклад, PayPal, Stripe тощо). &b...
Greetings. Dear freelancers. I am interested in finalizing an open-source project: I am interested in the complete removal of all games except minecraft. (Or placing them in separate modules) I'm also interested in the authorization redesign. That is, there are already two types of authorization implemented there, either through ...login through mail (nickname) to remain, and the licensed login through microsoft/mojang to be placed in a separate module. Also, I need to rework the store module and add the possibility of monthly subscriptions to it. Ideally, the module should be cleaned of all built-in payment methods it provides by default. The project was developed in Laravel using BootStrap 5.
Доброго времени суток Я занимаюсь 3д сканированием, и ищу человека который может мне сделать на основе облака точек ( point cloud ) - 3д модель ТЗ: 1. создание NMT (численной модели рельефа) с разрешением не менее 5 см/пикс ( .obj .ply ) 2. создание NMPT (численной модели почвенно-растительного покрова) с разрешением не менее 5 см/пикс ( .obj .ply ) 3. создание текстурированной 3D TIN-модели 4. создание ортофотоплана с разрешением не менее 3 см/пикс Объект: Frankenstein Castle Адрес: Krzywa, 57-200 Ząbkowice Śląskie Каждый пункт можем оценить отдельно, так что не обязательно выполнять каждый из них, эту работу могут сделать несколько человек
...этого подробную инструкцию, вот основные ее пункты: 1. Получить доступ к GPT API. 2. Создать Telegram-бота с помощью BotFather и получить токен API-интерфейса. 3. Установить Python 3, необходимые библиотеки (python-telegram-bot, SpeechRecognition, PyDub, google-cloud-speech, google-cloud-texttospeech) и выбрать систему ASR/TTS (например, Google Speech-to-Text и Google Text-to-Speech API). 4. Создать файл Python (например, ) и импортировать необходимые библиотеки. 5. Задать ключи API для Telegram и Google Cloud. 6. Настроить функцию для преобразования голосовых сообщений в текст (voice_to_text). 7. Настроить функцию для получения ответа от ChatGPT (get_chatgpt_response) и подключиться к OpenAI API или другому методу доступа к ChatGPT. 8. Настроить функцию для...
Треба виправити верстку на сайті деяких елементів, детальніше в прикріпленому файлі. Десктопна і мобільна версія Рівень складности - низький/середній Необхідні знання html, css, js
деталі та дизайн в прикріпленому файлі
Добрий день! У нас є сайт на опенкарт і ми використовуємо на ньому модуль мультиселлера. Але ми не цілком задоволені виглядом панелі, і хочемо деяких змін у CSS. Чи могли б ви допомогти?
...информация, обо мне, о проекте, о нашей совместной работе. Короткое описание задания: Сделать функциональной страничку в веб проекте. Стандартные CRUD операции, валидация, несколько модальных окон, отображение элементов при использовании готовых компонентов. Необходимо знание JS, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, jQuery Как происходит совместная работа? Оплата происходит по выполнению ТЗ. Процесс таков. Делю проект на "таски". В основном Одно ТЗ - одна полноценная страница. - Я описываю подробно задание. Чтоб ты понимал о чём речь и что ты делаешь. - Делаю приблизительный mockup (насколько это возможно). - Делаю скриншоты с темы, компоненты которые я хочу видеть на страничке. - Описываю flow и поведение
Необхідно доробити JavaScript/CSS на сайті WordPress детальне ТЗ тут
Доброго дня! Мене звати Ігор, і я також з України (Івано-Франківськ) Колись займався розробкою сайтів для малого бізнесу на wordpress. Знаю основи HTML/CSS/PHP а також саму CMS WordPress. Також володію програмами Adobe AE/Ph/Pr/Lightroom/Illustrator. Працював сам на себе. Клієнтів мав через "сарафанне радіо". Та пізніше вирішив займатись інтернет мережами. Працював системним адміністратором у інтернет провайдерів. Та зараз - хочу повернутись до вебу. Можливо знайдеться вакансія у вас для мене?
Для нашого онлайн магазину шукаємо PHP розробника фрілансера Маємо два цікаві проекти. Завда...пристроїв (мобільних, планшетів) Профіль: • Хороші знання з програмного забезпечення (об'єктно-орієнтований дизайн, шаблони проектування, тестування) • самостійна робота та вирішення проблем • високий рівень мотивації • Досвід роботи з PHP, Symfony, Laravel або Zend, є перевагою • Вільне володіння німецькою чи англійською мовами • Дуже хороші знання PHP, MySQL та JavaScript • Добре знання HTML (5) та CSS (3)
Потрібно оновити дизайн людині на Там уже років 20 нічого не оновлювали. Людина здає в Канаді будиночок біля озера (теперішній сайт має два будиночки, але там уже тільки один) і хоче, щоб клієнти мали добру ідею про те, де вони будуть проживати, і у якій території країни він розташований, Щось простеньке, можна на bootstrap. Контент можна використати +- той, що вже є на сайті. Сервер-сайд елементів немає - все тільки статика.
Доброго дня, мене звати Іван, я є керівником проекту по розробці Shopify теми, можу запропонувати Вам постійне навантаження хоч і 40 годин на тиждень, залежить від вашої доступності та кваліфікації. Проект веду на Апворк вже більше 2-х років, можемо працювати по трекеру і тут на Фрілансері. Необхідною умовою є стек HTML/CSS/JS/Shopify Liquid/Git Робота в команді, тепер там лід індус, але заміню з радістю, якщо покажете себе. З повагою, Іван ~0176737ba1218657c8
ФронтендxФронтенд Доповнення в HTML / CSS
Для реалізації клієнтської частини сайту повинна використовуватися мова розмітки HTML5 та каскадні таблиці стилів (CSS). Для реалізації інтерактивних елементів клієнтської частини повинна використовуватися мова JavaScript. При розробці клієнтської частини може використовуватися фреймворм Vue або ReactJS. Серверна частина сайту повинна бути написана мовою високого рівня Рубі з використанням фреймворку RubyOnRails 5.1
Є сайт на HTML + CSS. Для нього необхідно зробити корзину, щоб клієнт міг додати кілька товарів в корзину і купити їх. Краще, щоб корзина була створена за допомогою JAVA. $50
Для доробки проекту одного з проектів потрібен Ruby on Rails Developer. Приблизний об’єм робіт 20-40 годин. Робота віддалена, оплата погодинна. Вимоги: 1+ досвіду роботи, як Ruby on Rails Developer Досвід роботи з HTML, CSS, JavaScript Досвід розробки сайтів на Ruby on Rails Просимо до резюме додати приклади реалізованих сайтів та рейт $/год
Мені потрібен новий веб-сайт. Розробити дизайн та створити сайт Персональний веб-сайт We are good it-specialists. We know english and html, js, css and a little php.
Необідно знати і любити: - React.js, - HTML5, CSS, - Redux, Flux, Relay, - PHP, - JS, - ENGLISH B1-B2. Не завадять додаткові знання з: - Drupal 7,8, - GraphQL, - Postman, - Facebook workflow for React. Коротко про проект: - 4 місяці безмежно цікавих задач (part-time and full-time). - робота з Drupal сайтом. БУДЬ ЛАСКА, НАДСИЛАЙТЕ ВАШІ ЗАЯВКИ З ПОРТФОЛІО І ПОСИЛАННЯМ НА GITHUB. ДЯКУЮ! З НЕТЕРПІННЯМ ЧЕКАТИМУ ВАШИХ ПРОПОЗИЦІЙ!
ШУКАЄМО JUNIOR/MIDDLE JAVASCRIPT DEVELOPER! НЕОБХІДНІ НАВИЧКИ: - NodeJS; - AngularJS; - English level В1-В2. БУДЕ БЛЮСОМ ЗНАННЯ У: - знання Grunt; - знання Bower; - знання сервера Heroku (for deploy). УМОВИ: погодинна оплата; фултайм проект; приблизна тривалість проекту: 2-3 місяці. ЦЕ ВАШ ШАНС РОЗВИНУТИ СВОЇ ВМІННЯ І НАВИЧКИ ТА ОТРИМАТИ ХОРОШИЙ ДОСВІД!
bootstrap верстка с PSD макетов. Натягування шаблонів на CMS
Привіт chnazar, бачив твоє резюме на рахунок пошуку роботи якщо тебі цікавий довготривалий проект (PHP,JS,HTML,CSS,MySQL) можемо обговорити деталі
I'm looking for a professional who can implement a new cloud-based PBX system for my company. The system should cater to both customer service and internal communications. Key Features: - Call Routing: I need a reliable call routing system to manage incoming and outgoing calls efficiently. - Voicemail: The PBX system should include a robust voicemail feature to ensure no message goes unheard. Preferred Provider: The implementation of this system should be on Rackbank. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Extensive knowledge and experience with cloud-based PBX systems. - Proven track record of implementing PBX systems on Rackbank. - Exceptional understanding of call routing and voicemail features. - Previous experience with both internal communication and customer service P...
Hi I'm looking for an experienced website developer for a food service. I have the name, domain, logo, favicon, brand guidelines but i need some time to work o...experienced website developer for a food service. I have the name, domain, logo, favicon, brand guidelines but i need some time to work on the textual contents (you can use placeholders, meanwhile) I want the website to be developed in pure html, js and css (no wordpress) it needs to be great on mobile, reach a pagespeed score of 80 mobile and 100 desktop, have dark mode and be seo friendly. It will be of max 5 'pages' but I'd prefer it to be a single page website (with lazy loading of the images, i suppose). You will have to design it and implement it. Max 600 euros. Please bid only if yo...
Overview The ideal candidate will possess expertise in developing seamless web applications, turning Figma mockups into reality, and maintaining scalable, secure, and efficient systems. Job Description Key Responsibilities: Develop and maintain web applications using PHP and the Laravel framework. Design responsive and visually appealing interfaces using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Tailwind CSS. Implement and customize content management solutions with Statamic CMS. Translate design mockups from Figma into functional and pixel-perfect front-end components. Manage and deploy applications using Docker for containerized environments. Utilize GitHub for version control and collaboration within a team. Optimize code for performance and scalabil... building an iOS and web app backed by an evolving humanities database and seeks a new front end development lead to enable the team to meet schedule objectives. The position is part-time (50% LOE) with an anticipated period of performance (PoP) of ten months. The project has a launch date of June 2025, if the launch is successful the position PoP would extend indefinitely. This would be remote work as our engineering team is spread out internationally. The anticipated start date is ASAP. Project website: Job responsibilities: • iOS development • User Interface • Vercel Web App • Back-end DB • Custom DB Management Frontend • Code documentation Experience Requirements/ non-negotiables: • Perl • Swift • NodeJS • React ...
I'm looking for a skilled frontend developer to assist with a web application project. The ideal candidate should be proficient in Reactjs, Bootstrap, Redux, and CSS. Tasks will be assigned on a project basis rather than hourly. Skills and Experience: - Strong expertise in Reactjs for building user interfaces - Proficient in Bootstrap for responsive design - Experienced with Redux for state management - Skilled in CSS for styling and layout - Previous work on web application projects is a plus - Ability to work on a task basis Please note, I am not currently asking for detailed project proposals or specific past work, but I would appreciate a brief overview of your experience and skills relevant to this project.
We seek a talented and motivated MERN Stack Developer to join our team in building a dynamic web application. This project will involve developing a full-stack solution focusing on user authentication and secure data handling. If you’re passionate about creating modern web applications and enjoy working with cutting-edge technologies, we want to hear from you! Responsibilities: Design and develop a responsive web application using the MERN stack (MongoDB, , React, Node.js). Implement secure user authentication using JWT (JSON Web Tokens) or OAuth. Build and manage RESTful APIs for seamless communication between the frontend and the backend. Integrate user registration, login, and password recovery features. Ensure the app is scalable, efficient, a...
I'm seeking a skilled frontend developer to create a minimalistic design for my website. This site will cater to both users and students, featuring a dashboard in the user section. Key Requirements: - Design and implement a clean, minimalistic frontend - Develop a user dashboard - Connect the site to a database - Deploy the site onto a cloud platform Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in frontend development (HTML, CSS, JavaScript, etc.) - Experience with minimalistic UI design - Familiarity with cloud deployment - Database connection skills Freelancers with a keen eye for minimalistic design and strong technical skills will be preferred.
...a vocabulary learning app that uses audio to enhance the learning experience. The primary goal of this project is to design a lightweight and cost-effective app that allows users to learn English vocabulary through audio cues. The app will feature audio files for each vocabulary word, and we aim to store and manage the media efficiently while keeping the project within a reasonable budget. Key Objectives: • Vocabulary Learning: Users will learn English vocabulary through audio-based cues. • Optimized Media: The audio files need to be compressed and optimized for performance (smaller file sizes without compromising quality). • Cloud Storage: Audio will be stored on a cloud service (e.g., Firebase or AWS) with a focus on cost efficiency and scalabil...
Будь ласка, зареєструйтесь або увійдіть в систему для перегляду деталей.
...Extensive knowledge of various electronics, cameras, clothing styles, brands, and categories. 3. Proficiency in creating compelling and SEO-friendly content for online platforms. 4. Familiarity with eBay and Poshmark listing requirements and marketplace dynamics. 5. Ability to work independently and efficiently, with a keen eye for detail and accuracy. 6. Experience using Google Drive or similar cloud-based storage platforms. 7. Strong organizational skills and the ability to manage multiple tasks and deadlines effectively. **Preferred Qualifications:** 1. Previous experience in fashion retail, e-commerce, or online marketplace selling. 2. Knowledge of SEO principles and techniques for optimizing online content. 3. Experience with photography or visual merchandising concepts. 4....
My Squarespace site has undergone an audit and it's been flagged with numerous errors impacting my Google ranking. It's crucial to address both the site issues and improve my site's visibility on Google. Scope of Work: - Review and correct all CSS in the backend - Fix all HTTP images leading to Mixed Content Errors - Identify and remove dodgy backlinks that have a high toxic score Ideal Candidate: - Master in Squarespace - Experienced with CSS - Knowledgeable in SEO - Able to troubleshoot and fix Mixed Content Errors - Skillful in identifying and managing backlinks Your bid will be prioritised if you can demonstrate your ability to both fix my site and improve my Google ranking.
I'm seeking a compre...the MENA and GCC region over the past two years. This project particularly emphasizes the Healthy Food Industry, Meal Plan Companies, and Cloud Kitchens. Key Research Areas: - Number of M&A transactions within the specified timeframe - Detailed information about funding and investors involved - Current market trends and growth statistics - Key players in the market and their market share Target Countries: - United Arab Emirates - Saudi Arabia - Kuwait - Qatar Ideal Skills and Experience: - Strong background in market research with a focus on M&A and funding - Specific experience in the F&B industry, particularly with healthy food, meal planning, and cloud kitchens - Familiarity with the MENA and GCC region - Ability to present comple...
I have an existing CAP Java application SAP BTP Cloud Foundry and I would like to go through the code together, study it, review it, debug it, enhance it. This is a long-term ongoing contract until I get comfortable with CAP JAVA. Our sessions will run over live calls and screenshares. I will share the source code and I will walk you through the application once we meet up online.
I need a professional to set up an Odoo Enterprise installation in cloud hosting (specifically on Ubuntu in Cloudpepper). This setup should cater to the retail industry and encompass all relevant modules and applications. Specific Requirements: - Installation of Odoo Enterprise on Cloudpepper - Configuration of all Odoo apps, focusing on Sales, Inventory, and Accounting - Pre-configuration with retail industry templates Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in Odoo Enterprise installation and configuration - Familiar with cloud hosting, specifically Cloudpepper - Previous experience in setting up Odoo for the retail industry - Strong understanding of Odoo modules (Sales, Inventory, Accounting)
... Ideally, this project will utilize the now-ui-kit-master for the design framework. Key Requirements: - Full duplication of current website layout and functionality - Integration of Now UI Kit for design - Custom HTML/CSS coding Website Purpose: - The primary goal of the site is to showcase our services, so an eye for clean, professional presentation is crucial. Functionality: - The site should include a service listing section, clearly detailing the services we provide. - A contact form is also necessary for inquiries. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in Custom HTML/CSS - Experience with Now UI Kit - Previous work replicating websites - Web design skills, particularly for service-oriented sites - Ability to create functional serv...
...internally. Our backend is built with Node.js, and we need a skilled React.js developer to handle the frontend. What Needs to Be Done? The React.js developer will be responsible for: Frontend Development Build responsive UI using React.js & Tailwind CSS Develop core features: Patient Management Dashboard Appointment Scheduling Interface Real-Time Chat UI ( Integration) Doctor & Staff Role-Based Access Ensure smooth API integration (provided by our Node.js backend) Performance Optimization & UI Enhancements Implement a Progressive Web App (PWA) for offline access Optimize frontend for fast loading and responsiveness Write reusable components and follow best practices State Management & API Integration Use React Query or Redux for efficient state managem...
I'm seeking a skilled web developer with expertise in HTML, CSS, JavaScript & PHP. The project involves creating a small secure paywall website that only displays content to subscribers. Please note, I do not want this to be built on WordPress or similar platforms. Key Features: - Subscription Model: The paywall should facilitate both One-Time and Recurring payments. - User Login: Users should be able to log in using their Email and password, with an added layer of security through Two-factor authentication. - Content: The site will primarily display web pages with text & images. Ideal candidates will be proficient in the required programming languages, have experience building secure websites, and be able to implement a variety of subscription and login...
I am seeking a skilled web developer to create an engaging, professional, and corporate-styled website for my company, targeting the U.S. market. We are an AI startup based in Japan and are expanding our business to the US. Key Requirements: - The primary purpose of this site is informational. It should effectively convey our company details, services, and use cases. - The website should include the following sections: About Us, Services, Contact Information, Use Case, and Member. - The design must be professional and corporate, mirroring a modern and sleek aesthetic while steering clear of overly creative or colorful elements. - We want to be able to make simple edits ourselves, such as taglines/phrasing and profile changes. -Want to launch the website in Feb 2025 - SEO o...
We are seeking an experienced WordPress developer with skills in 3D modeling and web development to rebuild our website. The project will involve creating a dynamic and user-friendly platform that showcases our innovative products and provides enhanced functionality for our customers. Scope of Work: 1. Website Redesign: - Develop a modern and visually appealing WordPress website using a new template. - Ensure mobile responsiveness and cross-browser compatibility. - Optimize for SEO and performance. 2. 3D Product Views: - Create interactive 3D models for our products. - Implement 3D viewing features directly on the website for enhanced product presentation. - Ensure smooth and user-friendly navigation for the 3D models. 3. Calculators: - Build custom calculators based on provide...
Pay attention : maximum budget is 500CAD$ and not more. DONT OFFER A PRICE AND THEN DURING NEGOTIOATION INCREASE IT This is fixed cost project and not Pay by hour I'm looking for a skilled web developer with expertise in the MERN stack to design a comprehensive investment website. The primary focus of this platform will be on crafting and managing diverse investment plans. Key Features: - Portfolio Management: This is an essential feature of the website. The portfolio management section should be intuitive and user-friendly, catering to both novice and seasoned investors. 1. Functional Requirements (FRs) Functional requirements define the specific behaviors and functionalities that the system must provide. 1.1 User Dashboard (Client Panel) User Authentication: Users m...
I'm looking for a professional to help finalize and deploy my nearly-complete Solana token purchasing bot script. The bot is intended to run on a cloud server, specifically utilizing Alchemy and Digital Ocean. Key Tasks: - Review and complete the existing bot script - Deploy the script on the mentioned cloud providers - Ensure the bot operates smoothly without issues post-deployment Ideal Skills: - Proficient in bot development and deployment - Experienced with Solana and token purchasing processes - Familiar with Alchemy and Digital Ocean - Strong debugging skills to troubleshoot any issues I'm looking for a professional who can take this project over the finish line and ensure a successful deployment.
I'm seeking an AWS Certified Engineer to help optimize our cloud infrastructure for cost efficiency. We need to: - Disestablish our current Web Server - Remove the Active Directory server - Set up an OpenSSL account Our primary goal is to reduce our AWS expenditure. While we have some documentation and architecture diagrams available, it's worth noting that it's incomplete. Therefore, the ability to assess and adapt without comprehensive guides is crucial. Ideal skills and experience: - AWS Certified - Proficient in cost-effective cloud infrastructure management - Experience with OpenSSL - Able to work with incomplete documentation - Strong problem-solving skills - Experience with optimizing EC2 instances innovation platform that seamlessly integrates business ideas and talent discovery into a unified ecosystem. The platform will have both mobile and web versions and will include features such as video-first idea submissions, AI-powered matchmaking, sponsorship/investment transactions, and robust IP protection. We need a senior software architect to design a scalable, secure, and modular architecture that supports microservices, real-time data analytics, and seamless third-party integrations. Key Responsibilities: Develop a comprehensive, high-level system architecture that covers both mobile (iOS/Android) and web platforms. Design a modular microservices-based backend to support multiple user roles (innovators, investors, collaborators, ment...
...e-commerce website. The goal is to create a modern, clean, and visually appealing design that enhances the user experience while maintaining fast loading times and smooth responsiveness across all devices. Scope of Work: - Revamp the front-end design for the following pages: • Home • Store • Cart • Product Page • Checkout • My Account • Thank You/Order Receipt Key Requirements: - Technologies: Provide the design using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. No implementation is needed, just the code. - Animations: Integrate scroll animations (e.g., fade-in, slide-in, zoom-in) to improve user interaction. - Effects: Apply parallax effects for a more dynamic and immersive experience. - Aesthetic:...
We are seeking a skilled developer to create an API that monitors NFT markets across multiple exchanges on the Binance Smart Chain (B...code that interacts with all specified exchanges. 2. Documentation: Detailed setup instructions, code documentation, and guidelines for how to use the API. 3. Testing: Demonstration or test results showing how the API detects arbitrage opportunities. 4. Deployment: A guide or support for deploying the API on a server or cloud service of choice. Requirements: • Proven experience with Binance Smart Chain (BSC) and DeFi/NFT protocols. • Strong understanding of APIs, web scraping, and blockchain interactions. • Experience working with third-party nodes and decentralized exchanges. • Ability to deliver clean, maintainab...
...user-friendly, and conversion-optimized design. ✅ Speed & Performance – Fast loading times, optimized images, and smooth navigation. ✅ Mobile-Responsive – The site should work flawlessly on mobile and desktop. ✅ SEO-Ready – Proper SEO structures for product pages, collections, and site-wide optimization. ✅ App Integrations – Help integrate necessary Shopify apps (payment processing, reviews, marketing tools, etc.). ✅ Secure Checkout – A seamless, trustworthy checkout experience. ✅ Basic Automation – Set up order processing and email flows (welcome emails, abandoned cart recovery, etc.). Ideal Candidate: ? Proven experience building scalable Shopify stores ? Strong portfolio of Shopify sites (please include examples) ? Familiarity with Shop...
...Identify when users are on shopping or food delivery sites. ✅ Smart Nudges & Reminders – Pop-ups suggesting alternatives like eating at home. ✅ Lightweight & Non-Intrusi ve – Simple, effective, and easy to use. Required Skills ? Chrome Extension Development – Experience with JavaScript, HTML, CSS, and Chrome Extensions API (Manifest v3). ? Website Interaction – Ability to use Content Scripts & Web Requests to detect purchases. ? Local Storage & Data Handling – Storing user preferences and history. ? UI/UX Design – Creating a clean, user-friendly interface. Budget & Timeline ? Budget: $600-800 (depending on experience) ? Timeline: 2–3 weeks How to Apply Please include: 1️⃣ Examples of Chrome extensions ...