Convert jpg vector eps illustrator 100роботи
Опис замовлення: Потрібен оригінальний малюнок яблука у вигляді карикатури, де зображені два обличчя. Обличчя повинні бути контрастними за емоціями: одне - усміхнене та доброзичливе, інше - сумне або хитре. Вимоги: Стиль: карикатура (яскраво, з гумором). Кольори: насичені, основний колір яблука – зелений або червоний. Формат: .png або .jpg, роздільна здатність не менше 3000х3000 пікселів. Термін виконання: до [вкажіть дату]. Буду вдячний(-а) за портфоліо чи приклади робіт у схожому стилі.
...маємо відділ маркетингу в середині компанії, але шукаємо дизайнера, який зможе з нами співпрацювати довгостроково на підряді. Задачі по дизайну які ми будемо вам передавати, це наприклад оформлення банерів, дизайн картинок для товарів на сайт, дизайн каталогів, інструкцій до товару, різних картинок і сторісів для соц.мереж, каталоги, дизайн упаковок, і т.п. Бажано володіти Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Corel Draw, Figma або аналогічними програмами, робота з сервісами створення зображень на основі генеративного ШІ. Буде великим плюсом - навики монтажу відео і досвід створення 3Д візуалізацій.
To launch a new product, there is a need to develop a hot water boiler with a capacity of 100, 200, 300 kW. The boiler should run on solid fuel (firewood, coal) and be able to install a burner. Для запуску в виробництво, нового продукту, є потреба розробки водогрійного котла, з потужністю 100, 200, 300 кВт.. Робота котла на твердому паливі (дрова, вугілля) та можливість встановлення пальника.
Потрібна обкладинка для стрімінгів, формату 3000x3000 JPG. Ідея: хлопець та дівчина тримаються за руки, дивляться на зірки. Але видно тільки їх силуети, хлопця - чіткий, а дівчини - розмитий, тобто наче вона є, а наче і нема. Тобто, як привид. Надпис: "Коли ти поруч" на зоряному небі. На роботу 3-4 дні, можна використовувати інші картинки, не обов'язково малювати з нуля. Прикрипляю приблизні референси. Ще не певен, на скільки крупний план повинен бути. Відкритий до ідей від дизайнера.
...ніж 30 дистриб'юторських платформах - стоках та магазинчиках графіки. Наразі відкриваємо напрямок фотографії, що потім буде використовуватися у поєднанні із векторними концептами з іконок. Шукаємо фотографа для створення партії фотографій по технічному завданню нижче: Кількість фото: 42 шт Формат: jpg, 300dpi Студія та моделі: з вашого боку 1 фото - 70 грн Вартість послуг може обговорюватися. Перевагу надаємо спеціалістам, що мають досвід роботи із стоковою фотографією і розуміються на вимогах стоків відносно трейдмарок, технічних характеристик, тощо. Якщо результат буде влаштовувати обидві сторони, в перспективі розглядаємо довгострокове співробітництво. Місце проживання не має значення.
Формат журналу: а4, термобіндер К-ть сторінок: 76-88 Виходи: 6 разів на рік (кожні 2 місяці) Видається: з вересня 1994 року Для роботи є все необхідне: попередні верстки, файли indd, indb, шрифти, лінки логотипів, реклами (eps, tiff), package. Від Вас: час, відповідальність, акуратність, дотримання графіку. Робота: дистанційна е-поштою, Вайбером, моб зв'язком, Google doc. Package номеру передається через зручний файлообмінник по завершенню верстки та оплати. Оплата: за номер в день отримання print файлу pdf верстки та зменшеного pdf файлу для сайту.
Доброго дня! Мене звати Ігор, і я також з України (Івано-Франківськ) Колись займався розробкою сайтів для малого бізнесу на wordpress. Знаю основи HTML/CSS/PHP а також саму CMS WordPress. Також володію програмами Adobe AE/Ph/Pr/Lightroom/Illustrator. Працював сам на себе. Клієнтів мав через "сарафанне радіо". Та пізніше вирішив займатись інтернет мережами. Працював системним адміністратором у інтернет провайдерів. Та зараз - хочу повернутись до вебу. Можливо знайдеться вакансія у вас для мене?
Розробити 30 фотографій PNG/JPG реалістичний рендеринг квартири з меллями, беручи розміри з плану (планіметрії) та з намальованих від руки екскізів. (маштаб плану 1: 200)
Hi, I need php script for Convert large svg (drawing) file to pdf-file For printing on A4 pages and a Tile sheet of paper with repeated pages. php script must split my svg (drawing) to A4 pages and give me printable pdf file You can use my svg file here and will see the result I need the same. You have a remember about the scale, if you have a ruler you can look at squares, each square must be 10x10mm, in the example, you can find nine pages. For testing, I attached svg file and result in PDF file.
Написати сценарій для відео-ролика присвяченого 100-ттю 2-ї редакції балету «Весна священна»
Що це має бути: блокнот-щоденник, на подарунок. Кількість сторінок - запланувала 400, але розумію, що потрібно менше, може навіть до 200 або до 100 знизити, тому готова підігнати під ваші пропозиції. ФОРМАТ: А5 (розмір підгоню під вимоги додрукарської подготовки). ОБКЛАДИНКА: плотна, кольорова, друкована, як на книжку або шкільну він’єтку. НАПОВНЕННЯ: чорно-білий друк, сторінки по різним макетам: календар, трекер, сторінки на кожен день, листочки для записів. Чекаю на ваші пропозиції. Ціну також роздивляюся різну.
C# win forms Написати застосунок для роботи з оцінками студентів навчального закладу. Студенти коледжу оцінюються за 11 шкалою. Студенти університету – за 100 бальною шкалою. Розробити ієрархію класів (1 базовий, 2 похідних). В одному з похідних класів реалізувати оцінки коледжу, в другому – студентів. wi Атрибути сутності Оцінки студента університету ПІБ студента Група Назва дисципліни Оцінка з дисципліни (у балах від 1 до 100) Атрибути сутності Оцінки студента коледжу ПІБ студента Група Дисципліна Оцінка з дисципліни (у балах від 1 до 11) Вхідні дані зберігаються у файлі. Реалізувати функції: 1. Введення даних з файлу у колекцію 2. Реалізація запитів і перегляд результатів запитів 3. Введення і редагування оцінок у вікні форми 4. Видаленн...
I am a web designer, I work with programs such as the (adobe illustrator, adobe Photoshop) VEP designer has worked 2 years in this area profysional! I offer you a large selection of logos and more! I will be happy if you obyrete my behalf for the project. sorry for my English! Доброго дня, я займаю дизайном уже( 2 )роки і у мене є великий опит у сфері дизайну я можу робить логотипи, фірмовий стиль , дизайн візиток , дизайн листовок , шаблони для сайта , поліграфічиский дизайн , інтерфейси , дизайн кнопок, іконки і усе для сайтів і Т.Д
Ми плануємо оновити нашу веб сторінку, кардинально змінивши дизайн та дещо доповнивши зміст. Ми вибрали наступний шаблон: Завдання: 1) на базі шаблону зробити сайт у відповідності з нашими вимогами; 2) розробити чи купити адмін панель та прив'язати її до сторінки; 3) завантажити сайт хостеру. Завдання скоріш за все буде вимагати декілька зустрічей в нашому офісі в Києві для обговорення доопрацювання деталей. Після завершення проекту, можливо буде потрібна невеличка технічна підтримка протягом декількох місяців. Вартість та об'єм такої додаткової послуги обговоримо окремо (не входить у цей проект). Очікуємо від Вас пропозиції щодо вартості та строків.
I'm looking for a modern-styled logo for my company, BuyBack Direct. The logo should incorporate the company name, as text elements play a crucial role in the design. Key Requirements: - The logo must be predominantly in white and the design. Key Requirements: - The logo must be predominantly in white and green. - A minimalist yet modern approach to the design is preferred. - Strong typographical skills to creatively incorporate the text into the logo. - Ability to deliver a high-quality, scalable design suitable for various platforms. Ideal Skills: - Graphic Design - Logo Design - Branding - Typography - Adobe Illustrator or similar software BuyBack should be the main title and the word direct can go under it. Please do not use logo generators and waste my ...
...excitement, luxury, and trust Design Guidelines: - Color Palette: Blues (#032B44, #007bff), Purples (#6c5ce7), Magentas (#FF33CC) - Typography: Custom, modern sans-serif fonts - Logo Variations: Horizontal, stacked, icon-only, and reversed/white versions Inspiration: - Luxury brands - Modern gaming and entertainment logos - Sophisticated typography and color schemes Deliverables: - Vector files (AI, EPS, SVG) - Raster files (JPEG, PNG) - Color palette with hex codes - Design concept explanation Timeline: - Initial design concepts: 3-5 business days - Revisions and feedback: 2-3 business days - Final delivery: 5-7 business days Agreement: By participating in this project, you acknowledge agreement with our terms, including ownership transfer and non-disclosure. P...
I'm seeking a professional translator to convert my website content into Spanish. The website is currently under development, so the translation needs to be completed in a timely manner to keep the project on schedule. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in English and Spanish, with a strong understanding of both languages' grammar, syntax, and cultural nuances. - Experience in translating website content. - Ability to work under tight deadlines. - Understanding of SEO and web content optimization in Spanish is a plus.
I need someone to convert my content into Kindle and print-ready files for Amazon. Please provide your own guidance on formatting and layout.
I'm seeking a skilled graphic designer proficient in Adobe Illustrator to create a mockup drawing for a festival map. The design must adhere to a specific guideline that I will provide, and it should be a line drawing with perspective. Key Elements to Include: - Stages and performance areas - Food and beverage stalls - Entrance - Art works display - Workshop - Restrooms and first aid stations Ideal Candidate: - Proficient in Adobe Illustrator - Experienced in creating venue mockups and festival maps - Able to follow detailed design guidelines - Skilled in line drawing with perspective - Understands the importance of visually representing key festival elements
I'm looking for a skilled illustrator who can create both digital and traditional illustrations for a children's book. The style should be realistic OR cartoon. Here is a description of the project: Philly’s Fast Brain! This book covers the story of Philly, an gender-neutral 3rd grade student, with orange hair. Philly has a “fast brain,” otherwise known as giftedness. This book goes over the child’s struggles, and difficulties. This picture book is intended for gifted children, and their parents, to learn more about giftedness, and self-accommodation. If you win the contest, you will be making 28 illustrations for the book. Please note that, I will reject your entry, if you do not have experience illustrating children’s books. I also req...
I'm looking for a skilled WordPress developer to create a minimalistic and clean business website for me. Key Features: -Convert an existing Website to WordPress platform - Contact Form: The site should have a functional contact form for customer inquiries. - Service Showcase: A dedicated section to showcase our services is essential. - Online Payment & Scheduling Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in WordPress - Web development experience - Understanding of minimalistic and clean design principles Please include examples of previous similar work in your bid.
...Space-themed designs incorporating elements like planets, stars, and spaceships, with a particular focus on astronauts and space. - Psychedelic designs featuring abstract patterns, bright colors, and optical illusions. - Sci-fi inspired designs that appeal to EDM enthusiasts. - DJ Deck/Headphones/Boombox designs Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in graphic design software like Adobe Illustrator or Photoshop. - Previous experience designing t-shirts, particularly within the EDM, space, psychedelic, or sci-fi themes. - Strong understanding of using bright colors and abstract patterns. - Able to create visually striking and unique designs that will stand out. I have provided examples of what I am looking for. If you have a portfolio that showcases your work in these ar...
We need a creative and professional logo for our SaaS business, Gosuite. About Gosuite: Gosuite is an all-in-one marketing and sales software that simplifies business operati...operations by integrating multiple tools into one platform for an affordable price. Instead of juggling multiple subscriptions, Gosuite provides everything in one place. Requirements: The logo should reflect innovation, simplicity, and affordability. It must align with the SaaS industry and communicate the idea of integration and value. Final files should include high-resolution vector formats (AI, EPS, PNG, and JPG). We are leaving this open to your creativity! Bring your best ideas to life, and let’s see how you envision Gosuite as a brand. We’re excited to see yo...
I have user database with 6400 small portrait pictures (about 80 x 100 pixels) in jpg format. I would like to double their size to about (about 160 x 200 pixels) and use AI to avoid the quality issues from zooming in. The resulting jpg pictures should have a compression quality parameter of about 40% so that the pictures each have a size of less than 10 kB. I would send the 6400 pictures in a zip folder so you can send me the results.
I'm launching a new business and I need a creative professional to design a unique and appealing logo for me. Key Requirements: - Design an innovative combination logo incorporating both text and symbol. - Use a color palette of teal, purple, and gold jewel...- Design an innovative combination logo incorporating both text and symbol. - Use a color palette of teal, purple, and gold jewel tones. - Although specific styles were not requested, a modern, minimalist, or vintage approach could be appreciated. My logo should incorporate St Brigids Cross as a principal part of the design. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in graphic design tools (e.g., Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop). - Strong understanding of color theory and typography. - Previous experience in logo design, especially com...
We are seeking a talented graphic designer to recreate a logo based on a provided reference. The project involves creating two variations of the logo in line with the shared inputs. Upon completion, the deliverables will include the editable source files and font files in Adobe Illustrator format. This is a great opportunity to showcase your creativity and expertise in logo design. If you have a strong portfolio reflecting your skills and experience, we would be delighted to hear from you! Please note: The budget for this project is fixed and non-negotiable.
I'm looking for a modern-style logo for my auditing consulting company named "Your Tax Zone". The logo should primarily use blue and white colors, with a touch of abstract shapes. Key Requirements: - Modern design aesthetic - Proficient in using blue and white color scheme - Ability to creatively incorporate abstract shapes Ideal Skills: - Graphic Design - Logo Des...modern-style logo for my auditing consulting company named "Your Tax Zone". The logo should primarily use blue and white colors, with a touch of abstract shapes. Key Requirements: - Modern design aesthetic - Proficient in using blue and white color scheme - Ability to creatively incorporate abstract shapes Ideal Skills: - Graphic Design - Logo Design - Branding Expertise - Proficient in Adobe ...
...(including cursive for emphasis where needed) and a style that aligns with our brand's sophisticated and engaging tone. Ensure the text is easy to read, while maintaining a balanced and aesthetically pleasing design. Deliver the images in a format suitable for website use (JPG, PNG, or other web-friendly formats). Please also deliver the PSD Files Skills Required: Strong experience in graphic design, particularly for digital marketing (web banners, carousel images, etc.). Proficiency with design tools such as Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, or similar. Ability to create elegant, modern designs that will grab attention and enhance user engagement. Understanding of typography and layout to ensure readability and visual appeal. Deliverables: 5 carousel images, each with...
I need two SVG files generated from a PDF for product packaging labels. The design files are ready. Requirements: - Convert provided PDF into two SVG files suitable for label printing - Ensure all product packaging information is accurately represented Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in PDF to SVG conversion - Experience with product packaging label creation - Attention to detail to ensure all information is correctly displayed
I have 49 slides template ppt and I need to redesign according to Branding guide There is no content; this is just a PowerPoint template with slide masters. I want a new design similar to what I attached jpg images the two examples but it needs to have the same color scheme as the current brand. Please use Segoe UI for all fonts. Here are our brand guidelines for reference. I want primarily white pages, with some all-blue pages. Write "Master" in your bid
I'm looking for a skilled front-end developer who can convert the attached PDF mobile screens (I'll provide Figma Access) into HTML+CSS. This project is strictly front-end; a back-end developer will handle server-side integration. Requirements: - Use of Flexbox for layout structure. - Implementation of specified components: Buttons and Form fields. - No need for interactivity; just clean, well-structured HTML+CSS. - Main colour to be a CSS variable as we need to easily replace the main colour as showed in the workflow Please specify in your proposal what library you plan to use. While Bootstrap is preferred, I am open to alternatives if justified. Include your proposed price, delivery time, and examples of previous front-end projects you have completed.
I'm looking for a talented illustrator to create a captivating cover for my youth genre book. The cover should be illustrative in style, appealing to young readers and their parents alike. Key elements to incorporate: - A sense of adventure: The book is filled with exciting escapades, so the cover should hint at the thrilling journeys within its pages. - Themes of friendship: At the heart of the story is a strong bond between the main characters, so a representation of this camaraderie would be wonderful. - Touches of magic: The book includes fantastical elements, so a sprinkle of whimsy and wonder would be fitting. Ideal Skills: - Strong illustration portfolio, particularly in the youth genre - Experience with creating book covers - Ability to convey complex themes simply a...
I'm looking for a professional logo for my website. The logo should be modern in style, using bright and vibrant colors. It should incorporate an icon with the text, rather than being text-only or relying solely on abstract shapes. Ideal Skills: - Graphic Design - Logo Design - Brand Identity - Adobe Illustrator or Photoshop Proficiency - Creativity and Originality
I'm looking to convert my basement into a comfortable, traditional-style finished living space. The project will encompass the following areas: - A cozy bedroom: This should be a peaceful retreat, with sufficient space for a bed, storage and a small seating area. - A functional bathroom: This should be a full bathroom, including a shower, toilet and sink. - A productive home office: This should be a quiet, well-planned space conducive for work, with enough room for a desk, bookshelves, and office supplies. Ideal skills for this project include: - Home renovation and construction - Interior design with a focus on traditional styles - Plumbing and electrical work for bathroom and home office setup Experience in transforming basements into livable spaces is a plus. I'm loo...
...maintenance, and repairs (small or large jobs). Include clear calls-to-action (e.g., "Book a local electrician today!" or "Contact us for a free quote!"). 4. Branding and Licensing: Ensure my electrical contracting license number (EC15506) is included in every ad. Designs must comply with Facebook's advertising guidelines. Deliverables: 10 high-quality ad designs optimized for Facebook (JPG/PNG formats). Original editable files (e.g., PSD/AI). Clear, attention-grabbing headlines and captions to accompany each design. Additional Notes: The ads should reflect a professional, clean, and modern aesthetic to resonate with residential homeowners and small business owners. Prioritize clarity and simplicity in messaging. Avoid cluttered designs;...
I'm looking for someone to convert my Excel project data into an MS Project Gantt chart. The Excel sheet contains both tasks and resources, and I want the Gantt chart to reflect a mix of high-level milestones and detailed tasks. Key requirements: - Understanding of both Excel and MS Project - Ability to accurately represent tasks and resources - Skill in creating a Gantt chart with a blend of detailed tasks and overall milestones - Knowledge of incorporating task dependencies, resource allocation, and critical path identification into the Gantt chart Ideal candidates for this project will have experience in project management and a strong proficiency in MS Project. Please include examples of similar projects you've completed in your application.
I need assistance to convert data from 11 Word documents into a Microsoft Excel or CSV file. The data in the Word documents primarily consists of text. The converted data does not require any specific text formatting to be preserved; plain text is fine. I would like the text to be organized in the Excel or CSV file with one paragraph per row. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in Microsoft Excel - Experienced in data conversion tasks - Attention to detail for accurate data entry - Able to handle multiple documents efficiently.
I need a C# developer to add a simple function to my Illustrator plugin. The task is to incorporate the "Send to Winplot" feature as per the attached PDF file. All other functions have already been implemented. Key Requirements: - The plugin should open Winplot with the file loaded. - The file should not be saved in a specific location before opening in Winplot, it should just open directly. - There are no special conditions or checks needed before sending the file to Winplot. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in C#. - Experienced in developing Illustrator plugins. - Familiar with Winplot software. I look forward to seeing your bids.
We are Techlink. A professional graphic design agency. We're lookout for a seasoned Technical Sales Representative with a strong background in B2C sales. Your experie...graphic design agency. We're lookout for a seasoned Technical Sales Representative with a strong background in B2C sales. Your experience should ideally encompass the sales of software, hardware, and engineering services. Key Responsibilities: - Engage with potential customers, explaining our technical products and services in a clear and compelling way. - Utilize your B2C sales expertise to convert leads into customers. Ideal Skills: - Experience in selling technical products. - Proven B2C sales track record. Please provide examples of your previous sales successes and how you could apply this experi...
I'm looking for a skilled designer to create a minimalist style T-shirt design for me. The design should incorporate text, as I want the design to be simple yet impactful. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in graphic design software, specifically Adobe Illustrator or Photoshop. - Strong understanding of minimalist design principles. - Experience with T-shirt design. Requirements: - Incorporate text into a minimalist design. - Ensure the design is suitable for screen printing. - Provide the final design in a print-ready format.
We are looking for a fresh and modern logo design for our webshop, Our webshop specializes in selling vitamins, superfood supplements, and explore other creative and fresh designs that align with our brand identity. Future Scope: While this contest is focused on the logo, we are planning to develop a full brand style guide, including business cards, banners, and other branding materials. The winning designer may have the opportunity to work with us on these future projects. Deliverables: • A high-resolution logo in vector format (e.g., AI, EPS, or SVG). • Variants of the logo for light and dark backgrounds. • A brief explanation of the design concept and how it aligns with our brand. We look forward to seeing your creative designs and ...
I'm seeking a talented graphic designer to create bold and colorful social media graphics specifically for my Instagram account. Key Requirements: - Strong portfolio of social media graphics - Experience with Instagram's graphic specifications - Ability to create eye-cat...designer to create bold and colorful social media graphics specifically for my Instagram account. Key Requirements: - Strong portfolio of social media graphics - Experience with Instagram's graphic specifications - Ability to create eye-catching, vibrant designs that stand out - Understanding of current Instagram trends and aesthetics Ideal Skills: - Proficient in graphic design software (Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, etc.) - Creative and out-of-the-box thinker - Strong attention to detail and ...
I'm seeking a talented illustrator who can bring my children's book manuscripts to life with vivid, colorful, illustrations. The books prominently feature human children with whimsical animals in a variety of nature settings. Key responsibilities will include: - Creating engaging, cartoon likillustrations that appeal to young readers. - Designing illustrations that depict human children as the main characters. - Illustrating various nature settings, including gardens, rivers, farms and picturesque towns, in a vibrant, eye-catching way. Ideal candidates should have a strong portfolio of children's book illustrations and experience with colorful cartoonlike but realistic artwork. Understanding of nature and ability to represent it in a way that's appealing to chi...
I need a freelancer who can convert a 27-page PDF document into an editable Word docx with exact formatting. This includes an exact replication of fonts, margins, and spacing. The document is in English and all content should be copied over with no spelling mistakes. Key Requirements: - Exact replication of the original formatting - English proficiency for error-free content - Attention to detail to ensure no formatting is missed - Ability to remove specific stamps from the document Remove the stamp that says "Doc # , Book #, page #" from the top of each page. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Microsoft Word - Experience with PDF to Word conversions - Strong attention to detail - Good understanding of English Please ensure you can meet these requirements before bidding.
I'm in need of a Digital Advertising and Marketing Manager to enhance my brand's online presence and boost sales through targeted efforts on social media, specifically Facebook. Key Responsibilities: - Develop and implement digital marketing and advertising strategies focused on driving conversions into sales. - Use Facebook's advertising platform to reach target customers and convert them into sales.
I'm in search of a talented logo designer who can create a sleek, minimalist logo for my website. This logo should leverage bold colors for maximum impact, steering clear of the monochrome or pastel palettes. Key Requirements: - Proven experience in minimalist design - Expertise in bold color application - Strong portfolio of website-oriented designs Skills: - Graphic Design - Adobe Illustrator - Color Theory - Web Design
I'm seeking a proficient translator who can convert a Word document from Chinese to English. The content may vary, so the ideal candidate should be skilled in dealing with diverse subject matter.
I'm seeking a seasoned graphic designer to assist in refreshing my company's logo. The new design should convey trust and should convey trust and reliability, and be consistent with a blue and white color scheme. Ultimately, I would like a contemporary and professional logo that aligns with my company's values and vision. Key Requirements: - Proven track record of logo design and rebranding. - Strong portfolio showcasing previous logo work. - Proficient in delivering logos in various formats such as AI, PNG, JPG, and SVG. Budget: Please propose your price based on your level of experience and the scope of work. How to Apply: Kindly share your portfolio along with a brief explanation of your design approach. I am looking forward to collaborating ...